
Pensioners EMails & Feedback from 1st September 2020 :SERIES No 228 & 229 : RBKishore2) I have uploaded in my blog an article "India??? China?? and Corona Virus".?? Kindly go through the same and?inform also your friends.Blog Name ?JayaVijaya (J and V capitals)Blog Id ? ramvijay3539.blogspot.inBy entering the Blog Id in Google Search, you can access the blog JayaVijaya. The titles of all the articles posted will be displayed. Below each Title, you can see the caption CLICK HERE.? If you click on that, the article will be displayed.I have also given in the attached word document, the LINK to the blog. You can also access the blog by opening the document and? KEE[ING? THE Ctrl? PRESS? CLICK? ON? THE? LINK? GIVEN? THERE".???????????????????????????????????????????????? Yours Sincerely,?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? R.RamakrishnanAttachments area3)Dear Sir,Thank you?very much for forwarding the blog of our Respected Sri Ramakrishnan Sir.What a crystal clear analysis and with my limited?knowledge I find that every word in the article reveals the true picture of the current situationRegards---- SViswanathanViswanathan4)WORLD TEACHERS DAY by RBKISHOREi)Hearty congratulations. Well thought-out and Beautiful presentation by your goodself.All should Read and Enjoy.In those?days most of the teachers were from Brahmin community..They also did their Very best in their profession We can be proud of Teachers DayI am forwarding to Ten people?kind RegardsYours sincerely, ----------S Gopalan 9606333318.ii)Thanks Sir for your kind mail on Teachers DayYou are one my Gurus in the LICWhile I pray for your long and healthy life, please shower me with your blessing.-- R Venugopaliii)I respectfully and gratefully remember my revered Guru on this occasion. PranamaRRNair5) Dear Sir, I recently learnt from Mr C Martis that he is not getting the above magazine. Since he is one of our great Seniors, I thought I would request you to kindly appeal to you to Mr Toke for VVaani .A mail I have already sent.--------R Venugopal.ii)1) In fact I was worried why there is no email or any communication from dear friend Sri Martis ,may be for even 2 years. Earlier it was plenty & we used to exchange lot of progressive ideas2)The easiest & best way is both of u click our Website,not Blog, so more responsibility, airiefvision. .No need for User name or PW?Horizontal Left Side, notice Varishtha Vaani,click all Qly Editions esp from 1 /2019 to latest also July 2020, in 2 parts find a placeMuch easier to read than post,tapal & other vagaries in Covid19 period3) I wld request u? both & thro u ,to do a noble service,read this Website contents DAILY once or twice & also tell ur friends to click & browse.I have sweated & toiled & in one glance u will know its RICH, VARIEGATED CONTENTSEvery Subheading contents is a TREASURE.Apart from all pensionary matters,themselves plenty, Court cases, u find? under CATEGORIES lot of general matters useful to all of us, family members, relatives, friends & HOLISTIC ,--Devotional 569 items so far, HealthyLiving 1098, a treat it will be, Humour, 494,nobody smiles or laughs,pokerfaced we are,have fun & frolic,Practical tips for good living,wa, a MUST,558,Quotations,153, please send me more ,Self Development 871, which Today Teachers Day, U, I & Cliffi were doing throout career & I work past midnight affecting my health, as Activists are few,other Disciplines also usefulii)Then COMMON PLATFORM 15 Orgns, what more reqd,iii)Then NEWSPAPERS,Many many English & All Regional ,read for FREE, BE UPTODATE like the Calendariv)Believe me, we insert, 300 to 350 news, views on all topics, tiresome but useful to others,readymade but few develop IQSri GRamamurthy is of immense help to create this & all insertions are from his fertile brain4)Some other House Magazines also find a place5)Horizontal Headings also is a wealth of info for practical use? U can understand the labour of love & sacrifice to create this & to develop this, this much Greetings & warm regards,?? Keep in touch,Cliffi -------RBKishore6)I agree with you. Thanks for your kind and excellent response. ---R Venugopal7)Dear Sri RVenu,1)Your tribute to Teachers & Trainers is well received for the World Teachers Day Greetings I sent to many.I recall when Myself,SKMukerjee,SNarasimhan(late),Mrs Seethakumari were posted to MDC,Noone ever believed that Young,dynamic Officers can also don the role of a FacultyMember.In fact when DRSessions were to start,earlier night Dinner,mixing & mingling, Faculty & all so sociable,next day on dot 930am so disciplined, young DRs when I said I am from Chennai thought I am also a Trainee,& so shocked at our sitting on dais for Inauguration,later apoogised & I said it is all in the game,now so-called Professors,we then were titled, could don the role in a befitting & praiseworthy manner earning approbration ?from all quarters & even Chairman & all, as many Chief Guests could watch we Young Professors 37,38 age acquitting so creditably here & in many Wonderful Committees each ?Prof introducing novel measures,Correspondence Committee, Souvenir Committee, Excursion, Canteen, Sports et all.Always I used to play TT with them, as I was myself a TT champion in my own right represented in many LIC tournaments2) U are an all rounder .U nicely wed theory & Practice.We enjoyed ZTC role,as we did thro professional Excellence finest lectures, class Films, worthy Behavioural inputs. allIndia praiseworthy Deptal Rules & Digest,all MDC & other ZTCs & entire CO EDs showering praise for timely Educational tool, 64 pages,solid Makarantham Qly on dot with wide coverage as a Treasure for avid learners & future Leaders of industry.You acquitted creditably ??in your assignment as New Avatar of Teacher & Trainer.Chairman SriMGDiwan (late) wrote in Guest Register that 'if the look of ZTC Jeevan Vidya & surrounding is any indication of its role & performance, I can say that ZTC Chennai has outwitted MDC ', not a small tribute to You all.Because of this & more,ultimately you got a deserving summons to the frontiers of NIA,SURE you would have relished.What an environment of awe & inspiration, the Beauty & Grandeur of NIA with unlimited space & expanding both Left & right brain of all Learners who come for various courses.As a Trainee I have attended NIA,when Dr Ashok Wadikar was there.Many times they invited me for Lectures which I gladly embraced.Many LIC & other Research Fellows used to write tome on many topics & disciplines & I used to respond with respect & admiration.Mr Salunke(late) appointed me as Chairman,Training Committee for Modules & Programmes & post training followup with Line Mangers,ZMs,SDMs & Manager Personnel.When Mr Diwan used to meet me,& I paying repect to him, he acknowledged the MDC publications AAHWAN & ANTARDARSHAN,Mly & Qly,CALLING & INTROSPECTION,as they were rightly meant.Also RMPIR role, 2 yrs in EZ, 1 Year SCZ plus MDC, I radiated 2 big pages Mly ?scoring 100 releases& a class Book of Health.I felt Half the world does not know how the other half lives.3)You all made New look Jeevan Vidya a Seat of Learning inviting a variety of Subjects & Mr Diwan (late) mentioned that ZTC Chennai Booklets on Every Dept, even CO Depts worshipped for its accuracy, illustrations & utility.Team work was wonderful.Can you ever forget the Great,Grand , Inauguration of 5 acre complex ZTC, MEMORABLE ONELook at 3 photographs next email & preserve as a Treasure.RV? as ever young, smiling, an impeccable tie,around big men,see for yourself.Your copious writings then ,later, now also in simple & lucid style with practical examples ,sprinkled with sterling Quotes & Humour,a declining commodity endears them all, reflectinf your pleasing, genial & amiable personality.4)Hearty congrats to you for your workmanship in myriad roles & specially as a Teacher,Trainer, Behavioural Counsellor & amply fulfilling what many people forget ,the heart ?of education & training is indeed only education of the heart, a telling observation,as in private & public life ,this seems to be missing !!5)Somehow I stole time to pen these paras to you after 2 brilliant IPL matches 1sT & 2nd day, 19 & 20 Sep,2nd day ending with razorsharp thriller of Super Over ,DC beating by hairs breadth Kings X1 Punjab.Today with unlucky David Warner pathetically run out with fast strong hit from his own partner hitting stumps at runners end, a 148 % strike rate Giant was benumbed by such incidents which IPL & IPL only can teach allGreetings,Goodluck,Godspeed & warm regards, sure all in ur family must be fine,----RBKISHORE 8)Dear Sir, I am really moved by your abundant love and affection from me, although I was under your kind and able guidance for only one year 1990- 1991 at the ZTC Ambattur Chennai. Hats off to you for your elephantine memories of men and mattersThanks a million Sir for your kind words. --R Venugopal9)Last many weeks a testing period of agony & frustration as health deteriorated & from 2 pores swollen left leg ,it increased to 4 pores wherefrom White fluid slowly gushing out in droplets 2 months? multi dressing with 5/6 types of Bactrigas. Filter, cotton wool,bandages, some prescribed skin ointment, micrpore & rounding off , awful exercise for her God is testing us though she is the most spiritual & religious As if this is not suffcient,rashes started appearing all over the body.So irritating, paining, but tendency to scratch has to be avoided.So Online consultation with Dermatologist Apollo Clinic , then again 2nd time, not much improvement ,so someone suggested another Dermo who receives Email with photos& Reply of remedy by email That also tested but pain was excruciating & unbearable so we fixed up Appointment with renowned Vascular Surgeon Dr NSekar & also Dermo of Kauvery Hospital 4 hrs spending , gosh Tens of patients pathetic to see human race deteriorating in health & real Master Cure Physician I am yet to seeSo many emails I had to send Doctors warned me to retire to bed 1030/11pm & every 2 hrs stop Computer or iPhone & do leg lifting 10/15 minutes bending the feet up down several times for blood flow tostart reverse from feet to heart & brain Today I have violated .I must obey Sorry to bore u with our worries ---RBKishore10)i) ** Respected Shri Kishore Sahab,Feeling bad about knowing the pain you are suffering from. We are aware of your ongoing treatment as well as your continuous work for the entire pensioners' fraternity. But, now things are different. Its my humble request to you not to tax yourself and follow doctors advice?strictly. I pray Almighty for your good health.?With respected regards,----------M P Agnihotri??ii)Thank you so much ,Hobsons choice for me I have to obey Expert ?Doctors advice & loving friends exhortation?Sri MPA please ensure nobody shd fall into the trap of Prospective PU which will be callous & repugnant to Constitutional RightsAlso no truncated Orders but twin benefits must come from 1/8/97 & from when anamolies or discrimination emergedSr Counsel must impress these & Govt may force LIC with half baked halfhearted solutions & even if later Retirees may compel to accept,as it is against cardinal principles of law & natural justice, we shd not be befooled Regards? ----RBKishoreiii) Respected Sir RB Kishore Saheb.I am worried to read about your agony and pain and deteriorated health.I have observed from sickness of my late wife Nalini similar sickness that at times medicens instead? of bringing relief,creates more complications.Whithin two years she was hospitalised for more than four times,at last the minor problem of lungs and heart brought? death on 19/12/2018.?Sir your method of regular treatment and YOUR faith in Smt.Sheets and God Rama will definetly bring you out from present? agony and pain.I pray Almighty for your immediate good health.Yours Sincerely,----------BP BUCH ( Rajkot).iv) Thank you so much for ur soothing words ,so much solace for the heart?---RBKv)Hello RBKPlease do not exert yourself on retirees problem. You have done enough for the cause of retirees.High time please take care of your health and follow doctor's advice sincerely. We pray for your health and peace.-------------PABalasubramaniam9) R.B.KISHORE : I was constantly fup with SZO PCELL to ensure services by LIC OS PC to late Mr KPNarasimhan,Former Chairman LIC,noblest of persons,so amiable & genial,practical & pragmatic in all respects,family in settling Family Pension to Mrs KPNarasimhan.ZOPC was keeping in touch with them.They were told that in few days time, Death Certificate will be received & she will complete FP Form sent to her with requirements.She will inform ZOPC moment DC is receivedLook at the pathetic amount & differrence in Regular Pension,which itself ,for the Highest Functionary of LIC,the many-splendoured & glittering Service & Financial Instn getting such pittance of amount,& MOF aware but stone-hearted to spontaneously reward Employees & PensionersRP:BP Rs3987 + DA Rs 29,842.17 = Rs33,829.17 : FP : BP Rs1200 +DR Rs13,949.40 =Rs15149.40DOR :31/10/1992 Last drawn Basic Pay Rs8,00010) Dear Sirs, I am happy to inform that Shri Anand Tyagi ji is doing yeoman services to the pensioners’ fraternity. Shri Tyagi ji has taken up another important initiative of submitting memorandum, on our pension related grievances, to Hon’ble Finance Minister. Working together with his close associates Shri Bharat Desai and Shri Punit Bhatt of Vadodara, Shri Tyagi submitted our memorandum dated 07/09/2020 to the Finance Minister through Smt. Ranjan Ben Bhatt, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Vadodara. It is learnt that day before yesterday, Smt. Ranjan Ben Bhatt had a meeting with the Finance Minister on the pension related grievances of retired LIC employees. Officers from Department of Financial Services were also present in the meeting. Hon’ble Finance Minister discussed the issues raised in the representation and directed the officials to examine the matter and provide relief to the pensioners who are Senior Citizen. Shri Anand Tyagi ji has played the pivotal role in the entire exercise and followed up the matter at every stage. He has been also taking up our issues with DFS and it is learnt that now the matter will be expedited in DFS. Friends, as you are aware, we are making all out efforts to get our grievances redressed promptly and reasonably. We have submitted our joint representation to the MoS on 23/08/2020 and to our Chairman on 31/8/2020. As a follow up with the Authorities of DFS, with whom our joint delegation met on 19/02/2020, we have submitted our letter to the Joint Secretary on 27/08/2020, who acknowledged the letter and assured to look into the matter. ??We have also held a virtual meeting of LSG on 13/9/2020 to discuss some recent judgments upholding some favourable tenets (SC Judgement dated 26/08/2020 V Sukumaran Vs Kerala State; Nagpur Bench judgment dated 20/8/2020 Naini Gopal Vs. UOI & Ors; DHC Judgment dated 8/11/2019 Kamal Kumar Kalia Vs. UPOI) and prepared briefs to be given to our advocates and take up the matter of income tax liability on encashment of PL on retirement.We are making the best possible efforts for amicable and prompt solutions to our grievances and hope for positive results.We are passing through a difficult time. Being aged persons, our position is more vulnerable. Every day, we are getting disturbing news. Under the circumstances, we are trying to get our grievances resolved and making the efforts, whatever are possible at our level.We pray for success in our efforts and safety of entire pensioner fraternity.With Greetings,------------M P Agnihotri11) C N VENUGOPALAN Former Director, (GOI Nominee) e-State Bank of Travancore & Ex-Manager, Union Bank of India e-mail: ceeyenvee@ “Nandanam”, Kesari Junction, N Paravur, Kerala-683513 Mobile - 9447747994 No.2020/110 24th September, 2020 Dr. Manmohan Singh, Former Prime Minister & Member of Parliament (RS), 3 Motilal Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110 011 Most Venerable Manmohan Singh Ji, I profusely thank you for taking up the matter of updating the pension of retired bank employees with the Hon’ble Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs vide your letter No.FPM/33/2020 dated 18.01.2020. The letter DO.No.12/1/49/2016-IR dated No. 04th March, 2020 of Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman, Minister turning down your recommendation is projecting her as ignorant of the labyrinth of the matter as she was misguided by mischievous people at Indian Banks’ Association and the people manning IR Section of her Ministry. The Hon’ble Minister, in her reply, is admitting that pension is a Funded Scheme introduced in lieu of CPF Scheme and Banks’ Boards framed Employees’ Pension Regulations, which were notified under the provisions of the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Acts of 1970 and 1980. Her next statement that pension in banks is payable as per the agreement arrived at between bank unions/associations and the banks runs paradoxical to it as pension is payable in terms of the Pension Regulations, which became statutory, when notified in the gazette with the nod of both the Houses of the Parliament. The reply of the Hon’ble Minister is hence fallacious. The Minister appears to be unaware that the Pension Funds of all banks cloak more that Rs.2,40,000 Crores and the annual growth of the corpus of various banks itself can foot two to four times the present pension to all their pensioners without touching the corpus. Truth remains that neither banks nor the government has any cost for paying pension including updated pension to the bank employees as it is a Funded Scheme operated with the money of the employees themselves. Regulation 35 (1) of the Bank Employees’ Pension Regulations, 1995 lays down that “Basic Pension and additional pension, wherever applicable, shall be updated…..” and regulation 56 makes it explicit that the pension scheme in banks is exactly similar to Central Civil Pension Scheme, making it mandatory that pension in banks is updated automatically with the revision in pay scales arising out of each bipartite settlement just in the same 2 ptoway central civil pension is updated with the implementation of each Pay Commission. Non-revision of pension in banks is therefore is in gross neglect of the law embodied in the Pension Regulations. The Hon’ble Supreme Court has laid down on 01.07.2015 in State of Rajasthan & Another Vs. Mahendranath Sharma & Others ( Civil Appeal No.1123 of 2015) that pension shall not be lower than 50 percent of the running pay bands corresponding to the pre-revised scales of pay. This being the law laid down by Apex Court, which is applicable to the whole nation, the act of the Ministry of Finance in not updating pension in banks is in challenge of this ruling and takes the shape of contempt of Court. It is germane to state that the said ruling was in a scenario where pension is payable with a cost to exchequer. But the revision of pension in banks brings no cost either to banks or to government (as Pension is a Funded Scheme and is payable out of the deferred wages of employees held in trust by banks) especially in the context of the Pension Fund corpus having ample money of the employees and as such, non-revision can meet with strictures of severe kind from Courts. Since Pension Funds are governed by the provisions of the relative Pension Fund Trusts created by banks and the money in them is trust money, non-revision of pension is, beyond any conundrum, a criminal offence in breach of trust by public servant and banker which are cognizable under sections 405 and 409 of the Penal Code. The Bank Employees’ Pension Regulations were put in place sequel to the memorandum of settlement dated 29.10.1993 between Indian Banks’ Association and All India Bank Employees Association entered into under Section 2 (p) and Section 18(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 read with Rule 58 of the Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957. Clause 12 of the settlement agrees that “Provisions will be made by a scheme, to be negotiated and settled between the parties to this Settlement by 31st December, 1993 for applicability, qualifying service, amounts of pension, payment of pension, commutation of pension, family pension, updating and other general conditions, etc. on the lines as are in force in Reserve Bank of India”. The Ministry of Finance having sanctioned updating of pension in Reserve Bank of India in March 2019, non-revision of pension in public sector banks simultaneously is in apparent breach of the settlement dated 29.10.1993 entered into between IBA and bank unions/associations under Industrial Disputes Act. While granting an option afresh for pension to employees of public sector banks, who could not exercise it earlier, on the basis of the Joint Note dated 27.04.2010 between Indian Banks’ Association and bank unions/associations, banks levied to the Pension Funds unlawful contributions to the tune of 2.8 times revised pay for November, 2007 from serving employees and 56 percent of CPF settled at the time of retirement from retired employees in addition to transfer/refund of the CPF amounts. This apart, pension from the date of retirement to 27.11.2009 was denied to retired 3 ptoemployees. The employees who joined service of banks after 31.03.2010 were further excluded from the Pension Scheme by placing them under National Pension Scheme on the basis of the Joint Note. These acts were done without having enabling provisions in the Pension Regulations. They are void under sections 19.1 and 19.4 of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970/1980, which permit only amendments to regulations that are not inconsistent with the Pension Scheme. Bank Boards subsequently framed Bank (Employees’) Pension (Amendment) Regulations, 2017 and notified them in the Gazette of India on different dates with a view to ratifying the wrongs they did on the basis of the Joint Note dated 27.04.2010. The notifications were made with a fallacious and corrupt statement that the Boards of Banks are making the regulations in exercise of powers conferred by the Act when the Act, in fact, prohibits amendments inconsistent with the Pension Scheme. Clause 1 (2) of the Pension Amendment Regulations lays down that the amendment relating to (i) exclusion of employees who joined serviced of banks after 31.03.2010 from Pension Scheme embodied in clause 3 of it, (ii) provisions for contribution to pension fund by serving and retired employees embodied in clause 3 (b) and (iii) provision for paying pension to retired employees from 27.11.2009 in lieu of from the date of retirement, as mandated under regulation 52 (1) of Pension Regulations, embodied in clause 8 (b) of the notification acquire force only from the date of notification. This exposes that banks were guilty in having snatched away a lion share of the pension on the basis of the Joint Note dated 27.04.2010 through a day light robbery. Thus, even assuming the amendments as valid, they can come into force only on the date on which they were notified in the gazette. The amendments cannot evolve into regulations forever as they are inconsistent with the Pension Scheme and attract prohibition under sections 19.1 and 19.4 of the Acts to be carried out as amendments to Pension Regulations. The notification of the pension amendment regulations is bouncing back to the makers, projecting their corrupt nature. It is pertinent in this context that vide clause 4 of the Pension (Amendment) Regulations, 2017, it is laid down that employees who ceased to be in service on account of Voluntary Retirement after 29.09.1995 after rendering minimum service of 15 years shall be entitled to join pension fund. Such entitlement has retrospective effect from 29.09.1995 making it explicit that those who exited service through Voluntary Retirement shall be entitled to pension from the date of their retirement and without the contribution to Pension Fund. Clause 8 (a) of the notification amending regulation 52 (1) lays down that employees to whom provisions of either regulation 34 or regulation 46 is inapplicable are entitled to pension from the date following the date on which they retire. But these benefits notified as payable are not paid, bringing shame to the Gazette of India, to the Parliament and to the government of India. Payment of the benefits notified as 4 ptopayable involves refund of the unlawful contributions fraudulently raised to Pension Fund and payment of pension from date of retirement to 27.11.2009 together with interest to those concerned. Commitment to the subjects, self-respect, abidance to law (regulations), respect to the Constitution and to the Parliament which sanctioned the Pension Amendment Regulations when floored in both the Houses make it essential that the Hon’ble Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs give expeditious directions to release the benefits notified as payable through the Pension (Amendment) Regulations. 2017. This alone can retrieve the dignity of the government and of the Parliament and restore the sanctity of the Gazette of India. I have pleasure in informing you that with a view to creating a memorandum of the various corrupt and malicious acts contemplated by unscrupulous Indian Banks’ Association aided and abetted by the Ministry of Finance as a permanent record that can never be effaced, I have compiled and published a book titled “Homicide of Law” – a hand book on anomalies in Pension Scheme of banks. A copy of the said compilation is attached for your kind information and easy comprehension. It is my humble request to you that the matters may kindly be brought to the notice of the Hon’ble Minister of Finance once again as a matter of privilege as the information she gave was wrong and it appears that she is totally unaware of the malicious acts of Indian Banks Association, which is an illegal and unregistered organisation that does not have even contractual capacity. Steps for eliminating IBA from the wage settlement process by appointing a Pay Commission for Banks is all the more necessary in the above circumstances to restore righteousness and to render justice to bankers and retired bankers. Thanks and Regards Yours faithfully, C N VENUGOPALAN Copy to: Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman, Hon’ble Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs, 15 Safdarjung Road, New Delhi-110 01112)Dear All,UIDAI has launched the Order Aadhaar PVC Card Service w.e.f. 25th Sep'2020. Your Aadhaar PVC card is multi colour with multiple security features. You all are requested to avail this service by visiting following link to Order Aadhaar PVC Card. circulate in your WhatsApp groups for your near & dears to avail this service. It’s just ?50 only, that too card will reach at the address by speed post.**13)LIC Retired Class-I officers' Association <licretiredofficers@> We extend our greetings to all readers of Eastern News on the occasion of Durga Puja , Kali Puja & Deepabali festivals. The October'20 EASTERN NEWS is forwarded in attachment of this mail. We are eagerly looking forward to your opinion on the issue for making improvements in the future issues.With Regards,Amar Kumar GoswamiGENERAL SECRETARYLIC RETIRED CLASS-I OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION,KOLKATA?9433669803Attachments area14)Minutes of the virtual ?meeting of the Central Committee of ?Federation of ?All Banks ?Retirees’ ?Associations (Gujarat) ?held on ? 30th August 2020? ? The minutes is e-mail here with.? ? The Minutes was received by us from the State Federation before a couple of days. However, we could not forward it to you because of over pressure of work on our Association for some other more important and urgent work.? ?Yours sincerely,B.G.Raithatha,General Secretary,UBREA HYPERLINK "" 109 Minuts of CC Meeting 30th August 2020.docx15)Please preserve the Booklet,after reading once 2/10/2019RBKishore28+Benefits+for+senior+citizens+Eng_QR+Code.pdf16) COVID-19-One-time relief to pensioners of Bank of MaharashtraCHMahadevanThisis the message sent by the Bank of Maharashtra to its pensioners:“?Dear PensionerOur bank has been performing well in the last five quarters. Being a retiree, your service & commitment for the Bank is highly laudable and commendable. Your efforts taken in past?is also counted for Banks growth. The fruits of today are always Seeds of Yesterday. Apart from that, you have kept all your terminal benefits with our Bank. You have been giving great efforts by cross selling various Bank products among your Family & Friends. You are our BRAND AMBASSADOR of the Bank.? Bank is thanking you for your trust and Patronage. In view of? critical situation arised out of COVID Pandemic, you must have been facing difficulties in day to day life. As a health guard measure, Bank has decided to pay Rs.1000 to all the Staff Pensioners and Rs. 1500 /- to Staff Pensioners of equal and above the age of 70 years for the expenses incurred for purchase of Mask and sanitizer . KEEP LOVING MAHABANK?Stay Safe? Stay Healthy?RegardsGM HRM”My younger brother who is a pensioner of the Bank of Maharashtra got a credit of Rs 1500 today in his bank account.This decision proves the dynamism of the Bank in its interface with employees & pensioners within its discretionary boundaries.------------C H Mahadevan17) Valuable Insertions of ALL relevant day to day news & developments crosses 338 for September 2020 in airiefvision.?Dear Sri GRamamoorthy,1)Hearty congratulations on ur single-handed & single-minded insertion of news & views & critical articles of value to all readers & Pensioners of 338 in September 2020,crossing highest insertion upto April 2017,ie 3yrs & 5 months or 41 months insertion ,a Committed & dedicated Communication Crusade? indeed2)That it is not a flash in the pan, but doggedly,with patience & perseverance you are doing relentlessly month after month speaks high of your worth & determination to keep the flag & banner of RIEA Chennai speaks volumes of your character &consistency to uphold values of service to all groups of pensioners,for which I profusely thank you3)It is a pity that even after we circulated many months before the Certificate of Merit EXCELLENT by itself & with humility APPEALED to ALL AIRIEF &RIEA EC/OB to insert permanently in LAST LINE of their email to CLICK & READ freeWITHOUT any hassles of UserName or Password, to ensure wide circulation, to get Maximum Readers ratings & points,that is not done unfortunately,blunting the ceaselessefforts of Activists who regard this WEBSITE airiefvision. as a BEACONLIGHT? & TREASURE of multi-dimensional coverage of various DIVERSE DISCIPLINES .Hope wisdom dawns on them Keep it up,Congratulations,warm regards,------RBKISHOREii)Respected Sir, I immensely thank you for your appreciation which gives more energy to do better things for welfare of our Pensioners community. In my view, the reading is a virtue which shall enhance one's thinking and it is a form of Yoga. I noticed that you are a voracious reader as well as writer, so inspite of your terrible Health issues you could manage to be a very good thinker and? guide us all. I consider you a Leader par excellence? in the insurance fraternity.?Praying for your wellness always and with respects to Madam,?Sincerely yours,-------G Ramamoorthy.18)Greetings on World Elders Day :Thanx for your mail & your message will create new energy & enthusiasm with me.Thanx again ---- P.Gnanam19)Many would have noticed the banner in AIRIEF WEBSITE ,airiefvision. the Greetings from AIRIEF for WorldElders DayAlso look out for 2 October GandhiJayanthi GreetingsThese materialised due to dogged efforts & contacts with IT experts who made this possible & I have conveyed our profound gratitude & thanx for this involvement, which is yet another FORWARD STEP I initiated some time ago & so glad to see happy fruition of any creative efforts to make Readers & Pensioners enjoy clicking & going thro the valuable contents painstakingly being inserted with gusto for many many months by now : RBKISHORE 20) DA= CPI for Aug.20 is up by two pts to 338 pts. If index remain same for next one month The Additional DA for Nov.2020 will be (+)? 39 slabs for Employees. Hly for pensioners only on 2/2021COLLECTIONS : R.B.KISHORE ,PATRON, AIRIEF : 1/10/2020--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ................

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