REMOTE/DISTANCE LEARNING – April 20-24, 2020Dear Parents/Guardians,Hello to all for another week. Much of the info in this week’s letter is the same as last week’s, but we feel it is important information. NEW INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOWIn this letter we will review:Communications Zoom lesson plans LOOK AT POWER POINT! Edgenuity and i-Ready CHANGES!!! Team Rooms and finding New Assignments IMPORTANTYouTube book readings Ongoing projects NEW PROJECTS Attendance PolicyAttachments on this parent letterAttached you will find an itemized and specific plan for learning for next MUNICATION:WebsiteWe will continue to post a daily briefing/lesson plan on Ms. Wood’s webpage on the South Miami Middle School website Daily. This briefing/lesson plan will contain announcements, lesson plans, photos, and any documents that your child might need. Microsoft TeamsWe are also heavily communicating with your children through their Microsoft Team room. YOUR CHILD’S ASSIGNMENTS, QUIZZES, PROJECTS, AND TESTS ARE NOW POSTED HERE. YOUR CHILD MUST BE ABLE TO GET INTO THE TEAM ROOM.PowerPoint Slide Show!!! This contains so much great info.Within the Team Room, you can also find an ongoing PowerPoint Presentation. This can be found under the files tab and in the class materials folder. It contains everything we have discussed in the Zoom classes and general expectations.ZOOM CLASSES:We are meeting twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays for zoom classroom lessons. These classes are very valuable and NOT OPTIONAL. Please make sure your child attends.Invites to the zoom class lessons will be found In the Team Room. This will include the session ID and password. We will no longer be assigning classes in advance. This causes too many issues. Please look for invitation about 30 minutes prior to meeting time.Children can either access the Zoom lesson by clicking the website address in the team room notification or by entering the zoom application (found in Office 365) via their portal and typing in the session ID and password. When all else fails, use the App.Students will continue to receive a .25 weighted grade for participating in a zoom class.ZOOM SESSIONS – EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY BLOCK ONE – Periods 1/2 - 8:45-9:25 BLOCK TWO – Periods 3/4 – 10:00-10:40 BLOCK THREE – Periods 5/6 – 11:15-11:55ONLINE RESOURCES and LEARNING PLATFORMS:Microsoft Teams – UPDATED INFORMATION BELOWAssignments are posted here.Look at menu bar and find ASSIGNMENTS.Find the assignment you need to complete.Many have attachments for directions and even rubrics.Some have special instructions.IMPORTANT – projects can be resubmitted on teacher requests. Other assignments, once you submit, you cannot change your answers.Edgenuity and i-Ready - NEW INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND BELOWBLOCK ONE – Periods 1/2 – are completing TWO sessions of i-Ready per week. They must pass at 70% or higher. We are no longer requiring Edgenuity for first block. This is due on Friday @ 5:00 PM.BLOCKS 2 and 3 – Periods 3/4 and 5/6 – are completing ONE Edgenuity per week. This is from introduction thru the quiz. We are no longer requiring i-Ready for 2nd and 3rd blocks. This is due on Friday @ 5:00 PM.BOTH BLOCKS – On the plans at a glance, you will see I have the online platforms listed on multiple days. The children may complete any day of the week based on their needs and time schedules. This is due on Friday @ 5:00 PM.READING THE CLASS NOVELS:In language arts, we are returning to reading the novels we were reading in class. (BLOCK 1 = Guns for General Washington) (BLOCKS 2 and 3 = Chains) Students may choose to read and mark up the book on their own or they may watch me on my YouTube channel reading and orally marking up the book. Search for “Alison Grinan” on YouTube. The readings are titled by novel name and chapters being read. Examples: “GfGW – Chapters 17-18” or “Chains – Chapters 38-39”The children do not have to go to the YouTube channel, this is student preference, but the chapters do need to be marked up.NEW – NEW – NEW Zoom classes will be discussions of the previous day’s readings. The children will then be expected to complete a quiz (10 multiple choice questions) or activity via Microsoft Teams Assignments by 5:00 PM that day. This will be a graded assignment. I will review the questions and assignments in the Zoom class.Please tell your children the images are in a LABELED word document on the home page rather than the photo album. This is MUCH faster for me.PROJECTS: (NOTE: To allow for student revisions, the final upload due date for Famous African Americans or Famous American Woman Project will be on Monday, April 20, 2020.)Think and Act Like a Social Scientist Project – We are beginning a new project called “Think and Act Like a Social Scientist” this week. This project will allow the children to create a primary source documentation of their experiences as they live through the Covid - 19 Pandemic.MEME PORTIONThe first portion of this assignment is a Covid Memes and Their Relevance Project. The directions and guidelines were e-mailed to you last week, are on Ms. Wood’s web page and in the Teams roomOn Ms. Wood’s web page your child can find 125 memes to work with. They do not need to look for their own.The due date for this portion it the project is Wednesday, April 22, 2020. INTERVIEW PORTION – This was all explained in the Zoom class, but we thought you as parents would like to know about it as well. This is a great way for your kids to connect with family during this social distancing time. ????????? ALL NEW INFO ????????????The second portion of this assignment are TWO interviews in which the children learn how the virus, social distancing and various other challenges have impacted others. Your child is to develop a series of 10-15 questions. We have been working on these questions for eight (8) academic days. This should already be done. Your child needs to interview TWO (2) different people. One person can be in the home such as a parent or sibling. The other needs to be someone not living in the child’s home. It can be a family member.If you have someone living in another city or country, this would be best. It will give the classmates a better perspective of the global impacts of the pandemic. (I am interviewing my friend in Spain that not only has Covid -19 but both her son and daughter did as well.)The children may do a Zoom interview, telephone interview, or e-mail style interview.Live interviews are recommended as it allows for a natural and organic flow of conversation.The interview must be transcribed (TYPED) in interview format. Please see the PowerPoint that Ms. Eckert presented in the Zoom class on Thursday. It can be found in the Teams Room under FILES.It is recommended that the interview be recorded so the children can go back and transcribe the words as they were actually spoken.Recording ability on Zoom meetings is a built-in feature. For students doing a phone call, we suggest placing your child on speaker phone and having a second phone recording the conversation.The FINAL due date for total project is forth coming. 1st interview transcript due Monday, April 27, 2020INTERVIEW etiquette ???? ???? MORE NEW INFO ???? ???? Steps before CALLING or E-MAILING someone. This is a possible script for the kids to say to their potential interviewee and a schedule/student’s guided plan of action. Make a call: "Hi (insert name of your interviewee), how are you doing today?"?(listen for the answer)?Say "I am calling to ask if you might help me out with a social project that I am completing for school. The project is called: Think and Act like a Social Scientist. Essentially, we are creating a series of primary source documents to record how our lives have changed by the global pandemic COVID-19. The project has several sections.?So far I have completed a?Memes?portion of the project where?we collected and?explained the relevance of?MEMES related to the Corona virus. Now I am doing the second part of the project which is to interview two people. Could I interview you to get a better perspective on the impacts you have felt during this pandemic??(Wait for an answer yes or a no)?if the answer is no, then tell them that it's ok (it is!) and you will find someone else to interview. Though rare, this may happen. It is ok. People are going through very different realities with regards to this pandemic.?If the answer is a "yes" then you can say: "Great! Would you like me to send you the questions in advance so you can look them over, or would you like to go ahead and start the interview now? (wait for a response)If the person wants to review the questions first, ask them how they would like to receive the questions (email or text)?Set up a meeting time that works for the both of you and PUT IT IN YOUR CALENDAR) say: I will send you the questions within the next (twenty minutes) so you can review them. When would you like me to call you back for the interview?" Write down the time and date.Send your interviewee the questions promptly after you get off the call.?DO NOT miss the call back time! Both of your time is valuable.? ? ** When you do your interview, ask the interviewee if it is OK to record the call so it will be easier to transcribe the information easier later.ATTACHMENT ON THIS LETTER:Attached you will find the Plans at a Glance – Week of April 20-21, 2020 and the Interview Project Guidelines for the students. These attachments can also be found on Ms. Wood’s web page for easy access for the children. Stay safe and until next week,Ms. Wood and Ms. Eckert ................

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