Release and Waiver FormPlease read carefully and initial each section. Photo and Name Release Agreement____I give permission to the Library of Parliament (the Library) and its representatives to take photographs and/or film footage of me during the Teachers Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy (the “Teachers Institute”), to be held in Ottawa from November 2nd -7th, 2014.I understand that the photographs and/or film footage may be edited at the Library’s discretion and/or used in conjunction with other photographs or film footage. I grant the Library permission to use my name, my hometown, my province/territory, my photographs, and/or film footage for promotional or educational purposes. Release of Personal Information____I give the Library permission to retain the information that I have provided on the Teachers Institute application form, excluding any financial/credit card information, and to use it for statistical or promotional purposes. I give the Library permission to contact me in the future about Parliament of Canada products and programs. I understand that my information will not be transferred or sold to other organizations outside of Parliament.Food Allergies and Dietary Requirements ____I have informed the Library of all my known allergies and/or dietary requirements. I understand that the Library will inform the caterers of all known food allergies and dietary requirements and that the caterer will take all reasonable measures to provide me with meal alternatives. I understand that the Library cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions on the part of the caterer. I understand and accept these risks and agree to release the Library and its employees from any and all actions, causes of action, claims, and demands of any kind whatsoever, resulting from or arising out of any loss, injury, or damage to person or property suffered or sustained either directly or indirectly during the Teachers Institute.Program Participation____I understand that all program elements are mandatory and will attend all aspects of the program. I understand that the Library of Parliament will cover the cost of my travel, accommodation and meals on condition of full participation in the program.Restriction on Audio and Video Recording____I understand that I may not audio or video record any of the program elements of the Teachers Institute. I understand that any tweets that I make throughout the week can be used by the Library of Parliament as a promotional tool. Consent I have read this release and waiver form and fully understand its contents. This release shall be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns._______________________Signature_____________________________________________DateParticipant Name (printed) ................

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