
Sink under the table?After analyzing the detached sink under the table, it appears that it was used as a weapon. Blood was found on the faucet side and fingerprints were found all over the “handle”.Pigs?The pigs were obviously dead, but both of them had damaged livers. One of them had small tumors on the brain as well. The other organs, however, were oddly perfect. And, externally, they appeared much younger than they actually were.Box on Ground?The box contained some equipment and chemicals that are commonly used to euthanize animals.Tube in Cubby?The tube in the cubby hole was a recently replaced part that came from the sink at the lab table (#4). When checking the newer part, we found a container attached to the tube. The container had a fluid in it that contained staphylococcus bacteria.On microscope?The microscope was left on in haste. Mr. Schaeffer admittedly used it to confirm his fears that his work had been tampered with. He then immediately called the police.Internal Human Model?The liver was removed. Apparently, the liver is an important organ to Mr. Schaeffer’s work. His work had just one problem – it had negative effects on the liver.The envelopes on the heater?One envelope contained the letter that was awkwardly photographed. The other simply had the following scrawled in purple pen “ABC the symbols for access”Eye cleaner?The eye cleaner was recently used. The bottle was found just inside the door of the storage room. It was analyzed. Pig hair was found in the solution. Instead of saline, the solution was found to be tap water. Traces of mercury were found in the water.Bugs?The bugs both had traces of the cocktail of solutions in the glass bottles. Neither of them were injected however. It seems they either drank the solution of ate something that had the solution in its tissues.Otoscope?It was recently used on human subject(s) to check for ear inflammation.Paper on floor next to vent?It was a pamphlet produced by PETA regarding the proper treatment of ill animals and the importance of immediate professional attention.Scalpel?The scalpel had pig guts on it. The bagged pigs were not cut, however other pigs were dissected and studied after they had been administered a test drug that Mr. Schaeffer was working on.The “plant”?The plant was obviously dead. According to Mr. Schaeffer, the plant was tested with his new drug and it had the opposite effects.3 Beakers?The three beakers are collectively a cocktail of drugs that Mr. Schaeffer has been working on. They are administered one per day over three days. The first opens cell membrane receptor sites, the second adds a triplet codon strand of nucleotides to the ends of each chromosome within the cell, and the third destroy any antibodies that are trying to rid the body of the foreign chemicals.Card on Ground?It was the Ace of Spades. Odd.Suspect #7?Suspect #7 is wanted for questioning of a break-in on Nocturn. The house that he was trying to break into was long thought abandoned, but was actually owned and lived in by a 93 year old widowed male. When he heard noise on the front porch he quickly called the police and the suspect was never seen again.2nd House on Nocturn?The house on 8127 Nocturn Road is a three story, old house positioned roughly in the center of triangle whose points are 256 Haggard, 947 Fritz, and 10957 Fellywick.#3 calls 3584?It’s the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. She was inquiring about various viral or bacterial pathogens that would specifically avoid antibody detection.#5 calls 0003?0003 is the number for Benson and Jurgen’s Head Security Office. He was calling regularly to inquire about odd employee behavior and/or to check inventory in the warehouse.#2 calls #5?Marco was trying to work out a deal with Haggard. Marco wanted to be a test subject for a new topical lotion that claims to restore skin and smooth wrinkles - makes you look clean and young!Danielle McGurck dislikes Mr. Schaeffer?According to Mr. Schaeffer, in less harsh words, Danielle is a spoiled brat who wants to do nothing except create trouble and point fingers at everyone else. Recently, she claimed that Mr. Schaeffer stole a secret “medicine” from her daddy’s company. Danielle threatened many things and made it her daily mission in the first week of school to try and get Mr. Schaeffer into trouble. She even was over by a fellow student that she wanted to steal Mr. Schaeffer’s dog, Lady, from his backyard.John Ferrar oddities?John Ferrar suffers from a long list of mental disorders. He is very intelligent but he is also very mentally unstable. He can seldom stay on topic and often thinks people are out to get him. Him tends to stay to himself and can be found just about anywhere close to the corners that he calls home.Sarah and Mr. Schaeffer hanging out in the same place? Gallivant’s?Gallivant’s is a Greek restaurant. It’s the only one for miles around. When both of them are there at the same time, however, they have been seen socializing, albeit very briefly. Often they have passed an envelope or paper to the other.Poster on floor?The poster on the floor if you look closely there is a single dot on chromosome eight. The dots indicates the location of an allele loci. This loci, known as KS5612-88, is a marker for pseudohepatanecrosis, which translates into false liver death.Camera in the table?The camera was confiscated and analyzed. There was short and grainy footage of a medical explanation of neuroblastomas of the brain and their causes. Strangely enough… following that was an old history documentary regarding Ponce de Leon. And finally, a short interview with a shadowed and voice-altered person. The interview suggested that the speaker was a well-respected doctor that supported the idea of “population prohibition for the progress of all persons”. It was quite scary. The basic message was that humans needed to die to save the human race…Fingerprint locations and questions?Revisit the scene and check who was where. It might be useful, but I cannot answer all these situation singly. Just think about it…General Suitcase?The suitcase was tattered and badly beaten but the lock somehow remained quite intact. It smelled of urine and rats.Clear bag in table?The clear bag in the table had traces of human saliva. DNA was taken from them and tested against every employee in the building and the suspects/victim. Frank W. Fletch, the night custodian was the match. He seemed scared to answer questions, but claimed he knew nothing of the bag or how his saliva got there. He suggested that it might have been a bag that he used to carry supplies in and maybe he accidentally left it in room 241.Paper pictures and interpretation?No pictures were very good, but experts could make out a few words… “Return” “the” “?…dies” “lady” “returned” and “PIECES”.Jerry’s harshness?Jerry is an old man who is very busy and stressed out. His harshness (annoyance) is probably just a reflection of that.“Scamming, “Scoping”, and “Swooping”?These are slang terms for stealing another’s girlfriend.Schaeffer on sub?Mr. Schaeffer admits that he was on his way to Benson and Jurgens and was planning on trying to talk to someone in charge, either in the lab or at the front office.Shelley and Marco?Shelley was talking with Marco because he was a resource in her book.Shelley’s book?Shelley was writing a fiction book based in non-fiction science. It’s basic concept was a story about a person who gave everything up for a chance at being young again, but it backfired miserably and led to a painful and scary spiral into darkness.Haggard and his “supplies”?Haggard had access to pretty much any medical supplies, chemicals, and instruments that you could imagine. He was legally allowed to sell them as long as the buyer provided a written request and fully detailed what the purpose of those supplies were.8-methyl glycolbuterol?This chemical is used to create false cell membrane channels that mimicked real channels, thus not creating a lot of antibodies that would attack the affected cells.Haggard’s conference?Haggard went to a conference where he was the keynote speaker. His speech was about revolutionizing medicine by eliminating the need for medicine. Mr. Schaeffer’s work was referenced several times during the speech.Franko and Frittz?We aren’t really sure who Franko and Frittz are but the best we can tell is that they are two large men (possibly bodyguards) who threatened or scared John. John seems genuinely afraid of them. However, we can’t find out more about them because those are obviously not their real names. John also mumbled something about Frankenstein? Perhaps John is just senile?Mr. Schaeffer thinks maybe Jerry?According to Mr. Schaeffer, Jerry is just a guess. He really doesn’t know for sure, but he believes that Jerry talks a terrible game about Mr. Schaeffer in front of his daughter. Why else would Danielle be such a major pain in the butt?#3 calls 8374?8374 is a phone number to a resort hotel in Mykonos an island near Greece.Joker Cards?The joker cards have a common meaning in a currently popular book, “The Court Jester”. It’s about a sociopath who terrorizes court houses that have a track record supporting violent offenders.The writing on the joker card?The bottom of the two joker cards are signed. They are signed by Jerry McGurck. Writing samples for Jerry McGurck were obtained and the writing is very similar but it will prove nothing in a court of law.Suspect #5 talking with Mr. Schaeffer?According to each, Mr. Schaeffer was buying items used in his research from Harold.Contact between Danielle and Harold?Harold’s wife, Henrietta, has been the nanny of Danielle for a long time. I guess, now, Danielle doesn’t need a nany, but she has stayed on as an employee of the McGurck’s, acting as a caregiver, chef, chauffeur, etc for the family, particularly Danielle. Henrietta doesn’t believe in cell phones, so to get a hold of his wife, Harold must go through Danielle because they are often together.Danielle and Marco?Danielle went to a “show” Marco was “performing” in. She quickly fell in love. The two went on a date. When Marco realized she was just 17 and he was 26, he called it off due to the age differences. But, then, after her persistence, he found out her father was the CEO of one of the largest biomedical testing and engineering firms in the world, he led her along in hopes of being able to gain access to the “not-yet-on-the-market” beauty supplies that Benson & Jurgens could offer.2 lies about victim? Whereabouts/Hangouts?Suspect two is a bit pompous if you can’t tell and would never be seen with the dreadful “riff-raff” of society. Beauty on please! Anyway, he simply doesn’t want anyone to associate him with the victim, even if it is innocent and innocuous enough. Footprint on table?Evidently, the custodian, Frank W. Fletch, needed to change some light bulbs and check the pipes above the lab table. Normally, he is in room 241 in the evenings around 9:00pm after everyone is gone.#7555 on suspect 6 call log?555-7555 is a phone number for a bookie in Atlanta Georgia.People with knowledge of/direct connections or interests in my work?Jerry (company creation of products), Marco (reverse aging or slowing aging for a model?), Sarah (studies infectious diseases and their cures), Shelley (like writing fiction based on non-fiction… sounds like science fiction to me!), Harold (deals in all sorts of human products), Danielle (maybe because of daddy?)Sarah an enemy?Sarah is rumored to say that human diseases are a necessity to limit population growth. Imagine what would happen to mankind if human life expectancy jumped by 50 or 100 years?!?Girls in Shelley’s phone call?It was probably Danielle.Shelley talking with Mr. Schaeffer?Shelley was interested in writing her latest book about the work that Mr. Schaeffer was doing. Essentially healthy eternal life? Sounds like a good story in the works.Animal Cell (Grey thing)?The animal cell (marked with a post-it) was placed there as a reminder to Mr. Schaeffer that only one problem remained – a genetic marker in the human cell. The post-it marked the problems with the experiment. The cell model used to be completely covered in notes. They were removed when the problem was solved.Paper on table (folded)?The paper on the table had the following names on it: McGurck (D), McGurck (J), Haggard, Hasim, Shelley. Each name had a check next to it except for Danielle. In place of the check was simply a question mark. Mr. Schaeffer did not give an explanation for the list. 24-8-15 was circled under the names of these people on the list.Mr. Schaeffer’s work?I was working on a treatment that would essentially repair telomeres after cellular division. That means I could keep the chromosome from shortening after replication, thus prolonging life.Correct code??Inside the briefcase we found: an explosive device set to go off when the briefcase was opened. The explosion within would have been enough to destroy the evidence within but definitely not strong enough to kill whoever opened it. Also, there was a couple slips of paper that read “Return the Merchandies or your Lady will be returned in pieces.” It looked like the author practiced writing it a few times. Also, there was a novel written by Shelley Mary – a book about a mad doctor unleashing a virus on all of humanity that rendered about 75% of all women infertile, thus humanely limiting the population. The final thing in the case was a photo of a woman. The woman in the photo appeared to be in her mid-thirties. On the back of the picture were a symbol commonly referred to as the cancer ribbon, 1967, and four letters (JDN-H).Dollar in drawer? Dollar # picture?There is a large amount of money circulating recently in the local economy with the exact same serial number – obviously this was counterfeit money. A stack of these bills were found stashed away in the lab table in Mr. Schaeffer’s room. Jerry and Harold?Jerry is the CEO of the company that Harold works for. Harold is the lead science guy in research and development in the company.Anonymous donor?There is an anonymous donor who financed Mr. Schaeffer’s work expenses – the total amount was close to $5,000,000! So, whoever donated this money has a lot of money!Places frequented?Gallivant’s – a local hole-in-the-wall sports barFogo de Chao – a very fancy and expensive steakhouse that only the rich and wealthy attendGene-O-Dyne – a company that buys and/or develops proven genetic engineering advancement for future use and development.Cinecuizz – a cool movie theatre/dining establishmentSantorini – a beautiful island near GreeceMykonos – a secluded and expensive beach resort near GreeceMarx’s – a hunting and camping grounds – very popular among the athletic and nature lovers!Ferdinand’s – a shady pub on the bad side of townNo times of calls for Jerry?Jerry’s phone has an app that scrambles and deletes all calls made. Evidently he does not want anyone tracing his calls. He claims that it is his business and no one needs to know who he is talking to!Jerry’s presence in the lab?Jerry is telling the truth when he say “I have never actually met the guy” but is a bit exaggerative when he claims to not know Mr. Schaeffer. In fact, he was in the lab recently looking for Mr. Schaeffer. He has admitted to wanting to meet with him regarding his work.Hair under skeleton?The hair by the skeleton was grey, human, and wavy. It had no traces of shampoos or soaps so the guess is that it was very dirty. ................

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