Guro Ako

Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONRegion IV – A CALABARZONDivision of LagunaDistrict of Santa CruzSanta Cruz, LagunaThird Quarter/Week 3Day 1Learning objectives Provide evidence to support understandingSubject MatterTopic: Providing Evidence to Support UnderstandingReference: EN5LC III c 2.15 Curriculum guide p. 72 DRP p.126-129Materials: pentel pen, manila paper, copy of the storyProcedureSetting the stageDo you go church every Sunday?Today you will be able to listen to the story and you will provide evidence to support understanding base on the story you have listen to. Explaining the students what to do.Listen to the story.Answer the comprehension check up.Let the pupils provide evidence from their answer to support understanding on the story listened to. Modeling the studentsListen to the story. Answer the question and provide evidence for your answer.The Big, Pink Bundle of Joy Mother has been there for five days, she could hardly wait to bring the big, pink bundle of joy to the children. Mother held the pink bundle lovingly to her bosom while father called a taxi. Where were father and mother?Why were there?Where were they going? Guided PracticeGroup ActivityListen as the teacher read the story. Base from the story listened to, the pupils will create their own question your answer must provide evidence to support understanding.A Bookworm Vicente is a bookworm. He likes to read about almost everything. He likes to read adventure stories, nature stories, fairy tales, and biographies. Whenever he gets hold of a book, nothing could stop him from finishing it. He overworks his eyes by reading. He reads even when the light is dim. What do you think will happen to Vicente? What should Vicente do to save his eyes? Does Vicente know how to take care of his eyes?Independent PracticeListen to the story using tape recorder.Base from the story listened to answer the following question and provide evidence from your answer.The Ferris Wheel Ride Myrna was scared to ride on the ferris wheel. One fiesta day, her cousin asked her to ride on the ferris wheel. When the ferris wheel turned around, Myrna felt dizzy. She couldn’t look down. She felt as if she was falling.What do you think did Mryna wish?Did Myrna enjoy her ride on the ferris wheel?What would Myrna do next time? Closure/AssessmentWhat have you learned from today’s lesson?EvaluationListen as the teacher read the selection and answer the following question.Insects Insects are found anywhere. They are either harmful or beneficial. The butterfly and the bee are beneficial. They help pollinate the flowers. The dragonfly is also a helpful insect. It eats other insects that destroy plants. Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids, termites and mosquitoes are insect pests. They destroy our crops and homes, cause illnesses, and kill our plants. They are harmful to men, animals, and plants. 1. What word that ells where insects can be found? 2 .Write three beneficial insects. 3. Provide evidence that dragonfly is also a helpful insect. 4. Name two things which insects destroy. 5. Copy the letter that tells what insects may cause. a. floodsb. illnessc. raind,tsunami Third Quarter/Week 3 Day 2Learning Objectives Infer the meaning of unfamiliar word based on the given context clues synonyms and antonyms.Subject MatterTopic: Synonyms and AntonymsReference: EN5V IIIc 20.3, 20.4 K to 12 Curriculum Guide in English p. 72 Lesson Guide in Elementary English p.117-121 Lesson Plan in English p.81Materials: copy of the poem, flash card, meta cardProcedure:Setting the stageRead the following pair of wordssmall – tinybeautiful - uglyshiny – sparklingthick – thinAt the end of the lesson you will be able to compare synonyms and antonyms.Explaining the student what to doDistribute each letter to pupils.Arrange the letter and give the meaning of the word. (lovely) LYVELO ___________1. beautiful (elegant) GEELTAN___________2. graceful (adaptable) EAAADPTLB_________3. pliant(fragrant)TRANFRAG__________4. sweet(shining)NIIHGSN____________5. sparklingModeling for StudentsLet the pupils read the poem “ My Native Land” ( Observe proper phrasing) My Native Land How beautiful are her mountains grand The peaceful valleys between Her sparkling sun and cooling rains That bathe the fertile plains-How graceful are her stately plains Her towering emerald trees How pliant her rustling bamboos green Dancing blissfully in the breezeHow pretty her white sampaguitas And fragrant orchids so rare How modest and sweet her daughters Who harvest the golden grain- How I love her rainbow birds Her blue skies and sparkling waves How I love this dear Philippines Home on the troubled earth.Identify the words that have similar meaning as the underlined words.The grand mountains are beautiful.attractive b. marvelous c. elegant d. radiantHow graceful are her stately plains.willowy b. obedient c. delicate d. refinedHow pliant are her rustling bamboos green!wavering b. obedient c. yielding d. looseningHow pretty are her white sampaguitas.lovely b. cheerful c. ample d. considerableHow sweet and modest are her daughters who harvest the golden grain!Darling b. pure c. harmonious d. fragrant Identify the antonym of each of the underlined words.How peaceful the valleys between her sparkling sun and cooling rains.violent b. disturbedc. noisyd. troubledHow graceful are her towering emerald trees!brief b. littlec. tinyd. lowHow pretty are her fragrant orchids so rare.Frequent b. repeated c. periodicd. commonHow sweet and modest her daughters are!Unchaste b. boastful c. grand d. excessiveHow I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth.Peaceful b. restful c. dignifiedd. gracious Synonym - are words that are similar in meaning. Antonym - are words that are opposite in meaning.Guided PracticeGroup the class into four groups.Pick out a card that has the same meaning and place it on the correct strand of the web.widefasterlosesincrease There are words given in the pocket chart like: quickerheightensfalls largeraisesswifter more rapidmissesdrops broadgoes up universal Independent Practice Match the word at the left with their antonyms at the right. Then use each word in a sentence. Write the letters of the answer on a piece of paper.dependenta. ordinarystartb. independentunwisec. endspeciald. conservewastee. sensibleClosure/AssessmentWhat have you learned from today’s lesson?EvaluationLook for the meaning of the underlined word from the sentence.Winnie aggravates and annoys everyone.Fredo is so absentminded that he forgets where things are.The twins work steadily without stopping until they finish.Look for the antonym of the underlined word.Manny Pacquiao is a rich man but before he is poor.My mother always want to buy cheap clothes and my father’s like expensive clothes. THIRD QUARTER/Week 3Day 3Learning Objectives Read grade level text with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression. Show tactfulness when communicating with others. Subject MatterTopic: Reading grade level text with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression. Showing tactfulness when communicating with others.Reference: EN5F IIIc-1.3,1.6,1.7 EN5 IIIc-17 K to 12 Curriculum Guide p. 72 Developing Reading Power 5 p.2, 139 Materials: copy of the story, picture, flash cardProcedureSetting the stageToday you are going to read orally about the story of “ The Eyebrow” with accuracy,appropriate and proper expression.Show a picture of an eyebrow.In what part of our body can you see the eyebrow?Explaining the student what to doRead the vocabulary wordsbeautysweatprotectionridLet the pupils read the story.After everybody read the story, divide the class in five groups.Each group will read the story with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression.Answer the comprehension check up.Modeling for studentLet the pupils read another story “ A Visit to the City” A Visit to the City Mang Tibo had not visited the city lately. Everytime he came to the city, he would writehis son to pick him up in the station. Because he wanted to surprise his son, he did not write him about his coming this time. Mang Tibo was surprised to see the many changes in the city. When he got down the bus, he did not know where to go.Answer the following question:What happened to Mang Tibo?He got lost.He enjoyed looking aroundHe took a walk around the placeWhat should Mang Tibo Have done? a. gone to the nearest radio and TV station b. gone back to the province at once c. look for a policeman and asked for help 3. What was Mang Tibo likely to decide? a. Never come to the city again. b. Never leave the province. c. Never come to the city without asking his to meet him. What have you notice while you are reading the story? Is it proper to read the story with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression? In what part of the story you use accuracy, appropriate and proper expression?Guided PracticeLet the pupils read again the story “A Visit to the City” with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression.Independent PracticeThe pupils read a short paragraph written on the meta card with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression. Closure/AssessmentWhat you have learned from today’s lesson?EvaluationRead a short story with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression and answer the following question. Air PollutionToday, in most cities smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger the health and well-being of the people. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-products from gasoline burned in cars and from factories.Air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities. Smog consists of smoke and exhaust fumes mixed with fog.To control air pollution, smoke ordinances have been passed. Smoke-belchingVehicles are checked and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating from them.Choose the letter of the correct answer.Smoke and exhaust fumes are usually abundant in______________.Citiesb. farmsc. townsPollution is not good for our____________.Healthb. mindc. spiritSmoke and exhaust fumes contain much___________.Oxygenb. water vaporc. harmful gasAir pollution can make us __________.Activeb. sleepyc. sickWhen gasoline is burned, by-products are given off such as_________.Oxygen and nitrogenCarbon dioxide and water vaporSmoke and exhaust fumesThird Quarter/Week 3Day 4Objectives Distinguish text types according to features problem solutionSubject MatterTopic: Distinguishing text types according to feature problem solutionReference: EN5RC-III-c 3.25 K to 12 Curriculum Guide in English 5 p.72 Lesson Guide in Elementary English 5 p142-144Material: copy of the story Caps for Sale/ video clip, pentel pen, cartolinaProcedureSetting the stageWhat image have you seen? What is written inside the arrow? ProblemSolution At the end of the lesson you will be able to distinguish text type according to problem and solution by reading the story “Caps for Sale”Show a picture of a peddler who sold the caps.Explaining the students what to doRead the story Caps for Sale.Answer the comprehension check up.Let the pupils pick out the problem encountered by the peddler.Is there a solution about the problem of the peddler?Modeling for StudentsLet the pupils read a short story. Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in Madrid. Whenhis allowance did not come one day, he did not have enough money for food.What problem encountered by Jose Rizal?Is there a possible solution for his problem?What solution can you give. Totoy needs a new school bag. He did not have enough money to buy the bag. Then he heard that their neighbor was looking for a baby –sitter for her little child. She was willing to pay a few pesos to the baby-sitter. What is Totoy’s problem? Do you think Totoy solve his problem? What did Totoy do to solve his problem?Guided PracticeFor each Passage below, write the problem and solution in the correct column.PassageProblemSolution1.Jonh didn’t know what to take to To take to school for Show and tell. He asked his mother for an idea. She suggested to take the ribbon his dog won at the pet parade. 2.Emiily knew she had to get to school on time, but her mother said she couldn’t drive her. Emily decided to leave early and walk to school.3.Mrs. Anderson wanted a fresh pineapple for her cake. The store near her did not have any fresh one, so she went to another store and bought it there.4.Robert was afraid the flooding river would reach his home. His parents were away, and he was watching with his little sister. He saddled his horse, and he and His sister rode to the top of the Hill.Group Activity Each group will pick out one story provided by the teacher. Then do the following:Idependent PracticeRead the following passage.Answer the following questions.Jenny’s family moved to a new city. She felt lonely because she had to leave her friends. She used to love playing soccer in the park with them. She was known as the greatest goalkeeper. At her new school, she overhead some of the girls complaining. They were upset because their soccer team didn’t have a goalkeeper. If they didn’t find one soon, the team wouldn’t be able to complete. Jenny couldn’t believe her ears. She could be the goalkeeper. She found the coach and asked if she could try out for the position. The following Saturday the team won the game. Jenny blocked, won the game, and became the hero. Jenny was no longer lonely; she had many new friends. Problem Solution Problem What problem does the character have? Events: What did Jenny bear? Why was this so important to her? What did Jenny do? Solution How did this solve her problem?Closure/AssessmentWhat have you learned from today’s lesson?EvaluationWrite the problem and solution based on the short story.The young man is kind-hearted. One day, he heard a little boy crying outsidehis window. The young man found out that the child was being teased by the bigger boys. The young man went out.Problem________________________________Solution________________________________Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in Madrid. When his allowance did not come one day, he did not have enough money for food.Problem________________________________Solution________________________________Totoy needs a new school bag. He did not have enough money to buy the bag. Then he heard that their neighbor was looking for a baby-sitter for her little child. She was willing to pay a few pesos to the baby- sitter.Problem_________________________________Solution_________________________________Jun and Jerry started arguing over the new toy. Jun wanted to keep it but Jerrydisagreed since he wanted to keep the toy for himself. Mother came to the scene and advised the boys to share the toy train. But the boys went with the quarrel. Before they knew it, mother was back holding one of the slippers.Problem_________________________________________Solution_________________________________________The dogs were playing wildly in the yard. Father drove them away. However,The dogs ran towards the patch of vegetables where they continued lunging at each other.Problem__________________________________________Solution__________________________________________Third Quarter/ Week 3Day 5Learning ObjectivesUse a particular kind of sentence for specific purpose and audience asking permission, making request.Subject MatterTopic: Modal Auxiliaries – Can, May , Could you, Would you Asking Permission And Making RequestReference: EN5G IIIa 1.8.3 K to 12 Curriculum Guide p. 72 Lesson Guides in Elementary English p. 70-73Materials: chart, pictureProcedureSetting the StageLet the pupils read the following sentences.Can I ask question please?May I borrow your book?At the end of the lesson you will be able to use can and may as modal auxiliaries in asking permission and making request.Explaining the students what to doUse a picture clue dialog.Answer the comprehension check up orally.Modeling the studentsRead the following sentences.ABCan I ask a question ?Could you take a message ?Could I ask a question ?Would you carry this for me?May I ask question?Can you take the message?What is the use of can? Could? May?We use can, could, and may to ask permission to do something.How about the use of could you? Would you? We use could you and would you as a polite ways of telling or asking someone to do something or request Guided PracticePresent another sets of sentences and use the correct modal to complete the sentence. ( provided by the teacher)Group ActivityGroup 1 and 2 will write sentences using can and may.Group 3 and 4 will write sentences using could you and would you.MAY & CANMAYCANAsking PermissionAsking PermissionAsking PermissionAsking PermissionAsking PermissionAsking Permission COULD YOU & WOULD YOU COULD YOUWOULD YOURequestRequestRequestRequestRequestRequestIndependent PracticeThese are the activities a child in grade five may do at home. Make your own sentence. Play IMay Watch tv. We Read booksClosure/AssessmentWhat have you learn from today’s lesson?EvaluationAnswer each question carefully.What can you do for mother today?What may you do on rainy days?Who can always help us?Who can give me a pet?Who may play basketball?Teacher’s Guide in English V3rd QuarterWeek 4Day 1Learning ObjectivesInfer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose.Link comments to the remarks of other.Observe politeness at all time.Subject MatterTopic: Mood of speaker tone and purposeReference: EN5 LC –IIId 2.8.1/2.82/2.8.3 EN5 OL- IIId 2.8 Lesson Guide in Elementary English 5 p. 18-20Materials: copy of the poem, chart, picturesProcedureSetting the stage Read “Mood Poem” Poem I love my friend He went away from me. There’s nothing more to say. The poem ends Soft as it began I love my friend. At the end of the lesson you will be able to infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose.Explaining the student what to doRead Antonio’s story to the pupils.Answer the comprehension check up.Modeling for student Read Antonio’s Diary ( See Lesson Guides in Elementary English 5 p.18-19 ) Ask the pupils the following questions:Who is Antonio’s friend? FranciscaIs she blind like Antonio? NoWhen do they meet? every Saturday afternoonWhere do they meet? at the parkWhat would Francisca do whenever she sees Antonio coming? Shouts in her high voice ( write the answer on the board )What would she say? “ Hello, Antonio! Let’s go!” ( write the answer on the board )What emotion or mood do the words and action of Francisca indicate?Excitement, eagerness ( write the answer on the board ) What would they do in the park?walk around the park and Francisca would describe everything shesees to AntonioHow would they walk around the park?Hold hands and talk about things Francisca see ( write the answer onthe board)What emotion do these actions indicate? Friendliness ( write the answer on the board )Which action of Antonio tells us that sometimes he feels sad about being blind? When he criesWhat does Francisca do when she sees him crying? Hold him tight and tell him that her eyes are big enough for the two of them.What is Francisca’s mood feeling as she holds his hand and tells him about her eyes? ( compassion )Could you say that Antonio and Francisca are close? Why/ Why not?Yes, they are close because they like to spend time together, talk aboutthings and console each other when one is lonely What helped us in guessing Antonio’s and Francisca’s mood? ( their actions and what they say ) So how can we tell the mood of a person or a character in a story? ( through his /her actions and utterances/ statement )Guided Practice a. Infer the mood of the person presented in each situation. Tina saw the thin ragged beggar and gave him/her last peso.Clara groped in the dark. She touch something slimy and hairy. She shrieked and could not move.Ana felt like walking on air, and that everybody loved her trophy from the judges.Tony was going to the city for the first time. He couldn’t sit tight. He pointed at the new things he saw.Aling Pinang looked at her colorful garden. Her plants were all flowering and it was a sight to see. b. Group Activity Divide the pupils into 4 groups. Distribute to each group, strips of cartolina with a mood written on each strip. ( Have a list of suggested moods) ( happy, sad, afraid, disappointment, surprise ) Tell each group member to get a strip of cartolina without showing what was written on it to the other group members. Tell each member to act out or make facial expression to describe the mood written on his/her strip of cartolina while the rest of the group members guess what that mood is. Each member will take his turn.Independent PracticeInfer the general mood of the situations that I will read to you. Choose your answer from the following list of words inside the box.angersadnessdisappointmentworry fearhappy“It breaks my heart to see you very ill” said Auring to to her sick daughter.Mang Pedro raised a wooden stick and shouted at the two boys to get outof his garden.Yoly’s brother was playing with other children in the park. After a while shecould not see him everywhere but she could not find him.Lightning flashed followed by a terrible thunder. Sara closed her eyes and covered her ears as she sat on the chair.Ramon had always topped his class since Grade one. Now, mother was expecting another gold medal. Awarding day came but Ramon was not called.Closure/Assessment What have you learned from today’s lesson?Evaluation Infer the mood of the person who said each sentence.“Today is the day I’ve been waiting for”.‘I hate you so much!”“We won! We won! the game!.“Your dress is so pretty.”“I can’t thank you enough for the help you’ve given me.”Week 4Day 2Learning ObjectivesInfer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the given context clues. e.g. compound words.Subject MatterTopic: Compound WordsReference: EN5-IIId 20.3, 20.4 K to 12 Curriculum Guide p. 72 Lesson Guides in Elementary English 5 p.102-104Materials: picture, flash cardProcedureSetting the StageWhat are the following pastries/cakes made of?cupcakesstrawberrypancakesblueberryapplesauceAt the end of the lesson you will be able to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the given context clues compound words.Explaining the students what to doPresent the short story to the pupils.Answer the comprehension check up.Let the pupils pick out the underlined word in the story.Modeling the studentLet the pupils read the story.One Sunday, afternoon, Julian the baker is busy making cupcakes and cooking pancakes. Celano, his helper, is busy packing applesauce and strawberry jam. They will bring these to Chinatown where anybody can buy them anytime. Answer the following question What is the name of the baker?Who is Julian?What is the work of the baker?What does Celano pack?When did the story happen?If you were a baker what bread would you prefer to bake?What are the underlined word in the story? (write the answer on the board)Sunday= sun + dayafternoon =after + nooncupcakes =cup + cakespancakes =pan + cakesapplesauce =apple + saucestrawberry =straw + berryChinatown =china + townanybody =any + bodyanytime =any + timeThese two different words that have been together to form a new word isa called a compound word.Can you draw out the meaning of a compound word? ( you can try to combine the meaning of short word?cupcakes - cakes shaped likes cuppancakes- cake fried on a panapplesauce- sauce made of appleChinatown- town of the Chineseanybody - anyoneanytime - at any momentGuided PracticeWrite the compound word that mean the following:____________bell by the door____________ache or pain at the back of the body____________cake fried on a pan____________room where classes are held____________cloth to coverGroup ActivityEach group will do different activities.Group 1Box the correct compound words:Part of the day between noon and eveningafterglowafternoonAir transportationairportairlinePaper that tells the newsnewscastnewspaperGround or place for playingplaymateplaygroundPaper with a rough surface`sandpapersandstorm Group IIChoose and give the meaning of the compound words.One lazy afternoon , Greggy the young dog was relaxing at the entrance of his doghouse.He was about to daydream when Dave, the Dalmatian came by to invite him for some outdoor games.Greggy accepted it and asked permission from his grandmother,she said it was okey but reminded him not to stay outside after dark. Group IIIWrite the compound word on the blank before its meaning.____________ = a store here books are sold____________ =marker placed between the pages of the book____________ = a set of shelves or cabinet for holding books ____________ = a person who spends much time reading a book _____________ =use to protect the eyes from the sun’s glareIndependent practiceRead each sentence and box the correct compound words.Daylight begins early morningWe put all our toys in the playroom.I got sunburn, when we went to the beach.The teacher told the students to underline the correct answer.We have P.E. in the afternoon.Closure/AssessmentWhat have you learn from today’s lesson?EvaluationGive the meaning of the following:seaweeds________________sandcastle________________fishnet___________________swimsuit _________________fingernails________________ ................

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