
Course |Mathematics |Grade |1 | |

|Unit Number |2 |Unit Title |Number Sense |

|Time Frame |40 – 45 days |

|STAGE 1 – Desired Results |

|Unit Description |

|In this unit students will discover ways that numbers can be made from other numbers, broken into parts to describe dot patterns and sets of objects. Students|

|will read, write, and sequence numbers up to 100, find the total of two or more numbers, and compare numbers to find which is larger. Students will use their |

|growing number sense to develop strategies for solving addition and subtraction story problems and find their own way to record their thinking. As students |

|use their growing understanding of number to solve a variety of addition and subtraction story problems, they will learn to recognize and interpret addition |

|and subtractions situations, choose and carry out strategies and record the strategies clearly. |

|Enduring Understandings |Essential Questions |

| | |

|Knowing how things are alike and different is important. |Why do we need numbers? How are they used in our world? |

|There are many ways to “tell about” a number. |How can I tell about how things are different and how they are alike? |

|I can think in numbers. |How can I “tell about” a number in different ways? |

| |Why is it important for me to think in numbers? |

| | |

|Students will know… |Students will be able to… |

|Patterning of numbers through 100 in 1s, 5s, 10s, and 25s. |Construct number meaning and demonstrate that number can be expressed in many|

|Numbers to 100 by reading and writing; |different forms (e.g. standard notation, number words, number lines, |

|Write number words 0 to 19 |geometrical representation) |

|Ordinal numbers through 31st as related to the calendar |Demonstrate number sense and estimation skills |

|Model and read place value in word, standard, and expanded form for numbers through |Read, write, represent, compare, and order using whole numbers in a variety |

|99 |of forms |

|Demonstrate understanding of the of the concept of half with the use of region |Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the meaning of basic arithmetic |

|models |Selecting appropriate operations for a given situation |

|and sets of objects |Apply a knowledge of basic math fact and arithmetic operations to real-life |

|The value of quarters, half-dollar |situations |

|The value of a set of coins up to $1.00 |Construct, use, and explain procedures to compute and estimate with whole |

|Estimation to 20 |numbers |

|The use of a number line or chart to locate, compare, and order whole numbers less |Select and use appropriate computational methods for a given situation |

|than 100 and identify the numbers coming before/after a given number and between 2 |involving whole number |

|given numbers |Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of variables, expressions, equations, |

|Forward and backward counting from a given number between 1 and 100 |and inequalities (use letters or boxes to represent variables, understand =, |

|The basic facts for addition and subtraction(0s, 1s counting on and back 2s doubles,|≠, >, and ................

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