Math- Unit

Math: Unit 11

|UNIT TITLE: Measurement |Grade: K |

|Domain: Measurement and Data |Suggested Pacing |

| |5 days |

| |5/26/15 - 6/1/15 |

|Stage 1 – Desired Result |

|Established Goals/Unit Outcome |

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|Highest Level of Understanding: |

|Solve problems by using the strategy draw a picture. |

|Describe several measurable attributes of a single object. |

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|Average Level of Understanding: |

|Describe several measurable attributes of a single object. |

|Directly compare the lengths of two objects. |

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|Most Essential Level of Understanding: |

|Compare the length, height, and weight of two objects |

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|Common Core Learning Standards: |

|CC.K.MD.1-Describe and compare measurable attributes. |

|Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measureable attributes of a single object |

|CC.K.MD.2- |

|Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/”less of” the attribute, and describe the difference. |

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|Mathematical Practices: |

|MP.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. |

|MP.6: Attend to precision. |

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|Essential Questions: |

|How can comparing objects help you measure them? (OVERALL) |

|How can you compare the lengths of two objects? ( lesson 11.1; CC.K.MD.2) |

|How can you compare the heights of two objects? ( lesson 11.2; CC.K.MD.2) |

|How can you solve problems using the strategy ‘draw a picture’? ( lesson 11.3; CC.K.MD.2) |

|How can you compare weights of two objects? ( lesson 11.4; CC.K.MD.2) |

|How can you describe several ways to measure one object? ( lesson 11.5; CC.K.MD.1) |

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|Content: |Skills: |

|Length |Compare objects by length. Identify which is shorter and which is longer. |

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|Height |Use pictures or models to determine height as being taller or shorter. |

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|Weight | |

| |Use pictures or models to determine the weight of an object as heavier than or lighter than another |

|Capacity |object. |

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|Terms / Vocabulary: |

|Longer (Lesson 11.2, 11.3) |

|Same Length (Lesson 11.1, 11.3) |

|Shorter (Lesson 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.5) |

|Same Height (Lesson 11.2, 11.3) |

|Taller (Lesson 11.2, 11.3, 11.5) |

|Heavier (Lesson 11.4, 11.5) |

|Lighter (Lesson 11.4, 11.5) |

|Same Weight (Lesson 11.4) |

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|Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence |

| |Other Evidence: |

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| |Diagnostic: Show What You Know pg. 462 |

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| |Formative: Lesson Quick Check |

| |Mid-Chapter Checkpoint pg. 476 |

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| |Summative: Chapter Review |

| |Chapter Test AG 135-138 |

|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|Standard |

|Grab-and-Go Differentiated Center Kits |

|Literacy Connections: Readers |Games/Activities: |

|Who Am I? | |

|Shortest and Longest Where I Live |Game: Connecting Cubes Challenge |

|Curious George® and the Mystery Boxes | |

| |Activities: |

| |Activity |

| |Ups and Downs! |

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| |Long and Short |

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| |An Order to Go |

|Go Math Intervention Activities (ELLs, RTI, and SWDs): |

|ELLs |RTI |

|Strategy: |Lesson 11.1: |

|Model Concepts (lesson 11.1: pg. 465B) |Tier 1: Visual/Kinesthetic (Whole Class/ Small Group) |

| |Pg.465B |

|Strategy: |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) |

|Draw (Lesson 11.2: pg. 472B) |Pg. 465B |

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|Strategy: |Lesson 11.2: |

|Define (Lesson 11.3 pg. 473B) |Tier I: Visual/Kinesthetic (Whole Class/ Small Group) |

| |Pg.469B B |

|Strategy: Model Concepts (Lesson 11.4: pg. 477B) |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) |

| |Pg. 469B |

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|Strategy: |Lesson 11.3: |

|Describe (Lesson 11.5: pg. 481B) |Tier 1: Kinesthetic /Visual (Whole Class/ Small Group) |

| |Pg.473B B |

| |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) |

| |Pg. 473B |

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| |Lesson 11.4: |

| |Tier I: Visual/Kinesthetic (Whole Class/ Small Group) |

| |Pg.477B |

| |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) |

| |Pg. 477B |

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| |Lesson 11.5 |

| |Tier 1: Kinesthetic/Visual (Whole Class/ Small Group) |

| |Pg.481B |

| |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) |

| |Pg. 481B |

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|SWDs | |

|Additional Support Strategies: | |

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|Measurement | |

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|Develop a measurement reference sheet for students to use at his/her desk when solving math problems | |

|Review daily those skills, concepts, tasks, etc., which have previously introduced. | |

|Provide the students with enjoyable measurement activities during free time in the classroom (e.g. computer | |

|games, math games, etc.) | |

|Discuss and provide the student with a list of words, phrases, and pictures which are related to measurement. | |

|Have students find objects in the room that are taller than, shorter than, or the same height that they are. | |

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|Problem Solving: | |

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|Provide short and concise one step word problems. | |

|Students simulate situations that relate to word problems. | |

|Have manipulative readily available for students to use to answer problems. | |

|Make a list of key/clue words to look for that indicate mathematical operations. | |

|Have students restate math word problems in his/her own words. | |

|Provide a checklist to follow to break down each problem into specific steps. | |

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• MathBoard

• Two-color counters

• Connecting Cubes

• Connecting Cubes

Games/Activities Key:


Geometry and Measurement



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