Children need to know:?Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure capacity and volume (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit using measuring vessels.?Compare and order volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and =.?Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm) to the nearest appropriate unit using rulers.?Compare and order lengths and record the results using >, < and =.?Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure mass (kg/g) to the nearest appropriate unit using scales.?Compare and order mass and record the results using >, < and =.This is some of the vocabulary that the children could use to explain their work:measure, size, compare, estimate, guess, roughly, about the same as, exact(ly), measuring scale, length, width, height, depth, long, short,, tall, high, low, wide, narrow, deep, shallow, thick, thin (add –er and –est to all of these), ruler, metre stick, tape measure, metre, centimetre, mass, weigh, balance, heavy, light (add –er and –est to these), kilogram, half-kilogram, gram, scales, capacity, volume, estimate, measure accurately, compare, order, standard unit(s), litre (l), millilitre (ml), half full, quarter full, three quarters full, empty, full, contains, more than, less thanMondayUsing the below, practice reading the scales and recording the measurements. Make sure you use your unit of measure!Tricky:Trickier:Which is the hottest temperature? Which is the coldest?Trickiest: Challenge:TuesdayWhich is the longest animal?Which is the tallest animal?Which is the shortest (height) animal?Which is the heaviest animal?Which is the lightest animal?Which are the three fastest animals?Which animal has the lowest number in 2 separate categories?Tricky:Add to your list:A swimming poolAn egg cupA cereal bowlTrickier:Trickiest:Challenge:Using the pitures of the animals, use < or > to show which card would win.WednesdayPractice using a ruler to measure lengths. Remember to use a unit of measure.What is the length?How can the numbers on the ruler help us?How do you know you have drawn a line that is 5cm long?How can you check?Why is it important to start measuring from 0 on the ruler?When would it be appropriate to use metres?Why is more efficient to use metres instead of centimetresfor longer objects/distances?What equipment would you use to measure longerobjects/distances?See animal measure sheet at the end of the document.Tricky:Record the measurement of the animals on the sheet at the end of the document. Remember your unit of measurement. Trickier:Record the measurement of the animals on the sheet at the end of the document. Remember your unit of measurement. Write 3 statements, one using <, one using > and one using = about the animals.Trickiest:Record the measurement of the animals on the sheet at the end of the document. Remember your unit of measurement. How many ways can you use < > = about the animals measured?Challenge:ThursdayWhich is heavier, one gram or one kilogram?What else do you think we might measure in kilograms?How much do you think that you weigh? Would you measurethis in grams or kilograms? Shall we estimate and then weighourselves?Can you make up some different questions about thesuitcases? What words can you use to compare?Tricky:Trickier:Trickiest:Challenge:FridayWhich is larger, 1 mililitre or 1 litre? How do you know? Would you measure ________ in litres or millilitres? Why? How many litres of water do you drink a day?What unit can we use to measure temperature?What is the scale going up in? How do you know?If the temperature increases what happens to the number on the scale?If the temperature decreases what happens to the number on the scale?Can we compare temperatures using vocabulary such as increased, decreased, warmer, colder and difference?Tricky:Trickier:Trickiest:Challenge: ................

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