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CP 49-010 Eligibility for Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) CP 49-010.1 Eligibility Requirements CP 49-010.2 CAPI Ineligibility

CP 49-015 Application Process CP 49-015.1 Applicant's Responsibilities CP 49-015.2 County's Responsibilities

CP 49-020

Immigration Status CP 49-020.1 General Immigration Requirements CP 49-020.2 Date of Entry (DOE) Prior to August 22, 1996 CP 49-020.3 Date of Entry (DOE) After August 21, 1996 CP 49-020.4 Date of Entry (DOE) Definition

CP 49-025

Age and Disability CP 49-025.1 Age and Disability CP 49-025.2 Disability Determination CP 49-025.3 Definition of Disability CP 49-025.4 Presumptive Disability (PD)

CP 49-030 Ineligibility for SSI/SSP CP 49-030.1 SSI/SSP Ineligibility Verification CP 49-030.2 SSI/SSP Application Verification

CP 49-035 CP 49-037 CP 49-040

Income CP 49-035.1 CP 49-035.2 CP 49-035.3 CP 49-035.4 CP 49-035.5

Definition of Income Types of Income Earned Income (EI) Unearned Income In-kind Support Maintenance (ISM) & Presumed Maximum Value (PMV)

Sponsor Deeming CP 49-037.1 Sponsor Deeming Rules CP 49-037.2 New Affidavit of Support (I-864) CP 49-037.3 Old Affidavit of Support (I-134) CP 49-037.4 Indigence Exception (IE) CP 49-037.5 Verification of Sponsor Information

Resources CP 49-040.1 Resource Limits CP 49-040.2 Resource Definitions New Affidavit of Support (I-864)

CP 49-040.3 Resource Exclusions CP 49-040.4 Spouse's Resource CP 49-040.5 Countable Resources for Individuals Under the Age of 18

CP 49-040.6 Exclusions to Resource Deeming CP 49-040.7 Deemed Resources


CP 49-045 CP 49-050 CP 49-055

CP 49-060

CP 49-065 CP 49-070

CP 49-040.8 Resource Determinations

Filing for Other Benefits CP 49-045.1 SSI/SSP Application CP 49-045.2 CAPI SSI Advocacy Program (SSIAP) CP 49-045.3 Filing for Other Benefits

Living Arrangements and Benefit Categories CP 49-050.1 CAPI SSI/SSP Payment Amounts CP 49-050.2 Living Arrangements and CAPI Payments

Benefit Determination CP 49-055.1 Benefit Determination Budgeting CP 49-055.2 Retrospective and Prospective Budgeting CP 49-055.3 Computation and Issuance of Payments CP 49-055.4 Effective Date of Aid

Benefit "Suspensions" and Terminations CP 49-060.1 Reasons for "Suspensions" (Temporary Terminations) CP 49-060.2 Effective Date of Restoration CP 49-060.3 Reasons for Terminations CP 49-060.4 Eligibility Restoration

Interim Assist Reimbursement Procedures CP 49-065.1 Interim Assistance Reimbursement (IAR) Procedures CP 49-065.2 Interim Assistance Reimbursement for GR and CAPI

Redeterminations CP 49-070.1 Redeterminations



CP 49-010.1 - Eligibility Requirements

What are the general eligibility requirements for CAPI? CAPI applicants must meet eligibility requirements related to:

? age,

See CP 49-025.1 - Age and Disability - for more information

? blindness,

See CP 49-025.1 - Age and Disability - for more information

? disability,

See CP 49-025.2 - Disability Determination - for more information

? immigration status,

See CP 49-020 - Immigration Status - for more information

? residence,

See CP 49-010.2 - CAPI Ineligibility - for more information

? income,

See CP 49-035 - Income - for more information

? resources,

See CP 49-040 - Resources- for more information

? living arrangements.

See CP 49-050 - Living Arrangements and Benefits Category.- for more information

? Applicants must also apply for other benefits to which they may be eligible (e.g., SSI/SSP, Disability Insurance Benefits [DIB], etc.).

See CP 49-0045 - Filing for Other Benefits- for more information

NOTE: The program's intent is to provide assistance for elderly, blind, or disabled immigrants who are among the most

vulnerable in the State's population. Given the impairments many applicants may have, staff is to assist individuals in establishing their eligibility for CAPI.

EXAMPLE: To document age, a birth or baptismal certificate should be reviewed. However, if neither is available, then a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) document can be used. Also, if the person has ever received SSI or Title II Social Security based on age or they currently receive Medi-Cal based on age, no additional verification is needed.

What other documentation is needed to determine eligibility?

? Social Security Number ? Identification ? Immigration status ? Sponsorship

Social Security Number

Applicants must have or apply for a Social Security Number as a condition of aid for CAPI.

NOTE: VAWA applicants may be aided pending receipt of a Social Security number.


Applicants are required to establish their identity. This can be done by reviewing photo ID. If the applicant does not have a photo ID, an immigration document may be used to establish identity.

Immigration Status

Applicants are required to establish their immigration status by providing original USCIS documentation.

Sponsorship Applicants must produce proof of their sponsorship and their sponsor(s)'s financial status, as required. If needed, the applicant must cooperate with his/her Eligibility Worker (EW) to obtain this information from USCIS.

Does the non-citizen's Date Of Entry (DOE) affect his or her eligibility for CAPI?

Yes, DOE is an important factor in the eligibility determination process. Based on their DOE, legal non-citizens are classified


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