Navigating Your Leave of Absence | SSM Health

Navigating Your Leave of Absence

Everything you need to know about your Leave of Absence

What you will find inside:

? Executive Summary ? Important Contact Information ? Identifying the Need for a Leave of Absence ? SSM Health Leave Policies ? Leave Process/Checklist ? Family and Medical Leave Act ? Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Act ? Short-Term Disability ? Parental Leave ? Military Leave ? Non-FMLA Leave Policies/Corporate Leaves ? Benefit Coverage During a Leave of Absence or Military

Leave: Medical/Vision/Dental

Executive Summary

SSM Health recognizes employees may require a leave of absence for various reasons. The Leave of Absence policy was designed to meet your needs in a manner that is beneficial to you, your family and SSM Health. The purpose of this guide is to help you navigate through the leave of absence process. Please be aware that more than one leave policy or program may apply to a specific situation. SSM Health's policies are referenced throughout this guide; however, this guide is a summary only. For all policy details, please review Leave of Absence policies available in Workday > Benefits > Benefit Information > Leave of Absence or by calling People Services at 844-776-6947. For policy details, please review the Leave of Absence policy, click here. Please note, this guide does not cover the procedures for reporting a work-related injury or illness. All work-related injury/illness events should be reported via the employee portal on the SSM Health intranet page by clicking on the Report an Event icon > Employee Injuries, located toward the end of the page.

Navigating Your Leave of Absence

Updated: September 19, 2022

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Important Contact Information


New York Life Group Benefit


SSM Health

SSM Health partners with Sedgwick to administer leave of absence and disability management. Employees with questions about a current active leave, short-term disability claim or how to file a claim, can contact Sedgwick - see information below: Online: ssmhealth Phone: 855-253-0820 Customer service: M-F, 7 am-7 pm CST; Leave/Claim Intake: 24/7/365

SSM Health partners with New York Life Group Benefit Solutions to administer long-term disability. Employees with questions about a long-term disability claim, can contact New York Life Group Benefit Solutions ? see information below: Online: Phone: 888-842-4462

SSM Health Leave of Absence Team members can be contacted to assist with questions/concerns regarding a current or upcoming Leave of Absence. See contact information below: AskHR: Workday > AskHR People Services: 844-776-6947

Navigating Your Leave of Absence

Updated: September 19, 2022

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Identifying the Need for a Leave of Absence

Employees are required to request a Leave of Absence if they are absent or knows they will be absent from work for more than three calendar days due to one of the following:

To care for own health condition (including pregnancy)

To care for your newborn child

The placement of your adopted or foster child

To provide care for a qualifying family member with a serious health condition

For qualifying military exigency, take a leave to prepare for or to address issues that arise as a result of a family member being called to service in the military

To care for a covered service member

For an impending call to active duty or Reserve Military Training

Other personal situations

Notice Requirement:

Employees must provide 30 days advance notice of the need to take a leave of absence, when the need is foreseeable. Additionally, employees are required to report new leaves within seven calendar days of their first missed scheduled workday. Missed absences that are more than seven days prior to the employee providing the appropriate notification may not be approved under FMLA and may be subject to the requirements in the attendance policy. Late reported leaves with an associated Short-Term Disability claim will result in your report date being your first elimination period date for your disability claim.

Navigating Your Leave of Absence

Updated: September 19, 2022

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SSM Health Leave Policies

SSM Health offers paid and unpaid leave options. Some paid leave options may run concurrently with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or any applicable state Family Medical Leave(s) (FML). When more than one protection is applicable, the protection most beneficial to the employee will be applied.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Job Protection

This Act provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid protected leave, in a rolling 12-month period measured backwards from the first date of absence, for an FMLA qualifying event. FMLA is federal law and provides continuous, reduced or intermittent leave for the following events:

? Employee's own serious health condition

? Caring for a newborn child, a new child adoption or

foster care

? Caring for a family member with a serious health


? Qualifying exigencies when a covered family member is

on active duty or notified of an impending call to active duty

Short-Term Disability (STD) Benefit-Eligible Employees

Short-Term Disability provides time off work due to disability when an employee is unable to perform the essential functions of his/her job as a result of sickness, non-workrelated injury or pregnancy. Short-term Disability benefits also provide income replacement. Unlike FMLA, Short-Term Disability does not provide job protection.

Wisconsin Family Leave Act (WFMLA) State Job Protection

Like FMLA, Wisconsin FMLA provides unpaid job protection for the following:

? Up to six (6) weeks leave in a calendar year for the birth or

adoption of the employee's child, providing the leave begins within sixteen (16) weeks of the birth or placement of that child

? Up to two (2) weeks of leave in a calendar year for the care

of a child, spouse, domestic partner or parent or a parent of a domestic partner with a serious health condition

? Up to two (2) weeks leave in a calendar year for the

employee's own serious health condition

? WFMLA leaves will be granted based on a calendar year

Military Leave

A military leave of absence will be provided to regular and benefit-eligible employees in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and applicable Wisconsin laws that protect individuals with military commitments from detrimental employment decisions based on those commitments. A military leave of absence is an unpaid leave, unless the employee elects to use available PTO.

Non-FMLA Leave

SSM Health provides the following Leaves of Absence for time off not covered by FMLA or applicable state leave laws, due to ineligibility or exhaustion: ? Bonding Leave ? Employee Health Medical Leave ? Family Member Leave ? Personal Leave of Absence

- The full Leave of Absence policy can be viewed here.

Navigating Your Leave of Absence

Updated: September 19, 2022

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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