Serbia PerryProfessor GermainAnnotated BibConley, Mikaela. "Marjiuana Smoke not as Damaging as tobacco." ABC News. N.p., 10 Jan 2010. Web. 14 Oct 2013. < website contributes to my topic when I start discussion about tobacco and marijuana. I also found some good information about marijuana itself on this website. Along with that, It was a news channel link so the information and research that they conducted is reliable.Brice, Makini. "No, Teen Marijuana Use Doesn’t Cause Brain Damage, But Alcohol Does." Medical Daily. N.p., 21 Dec 2012. Web. 14 Oct 2013. <No, Teen Marijuana Use Doesn’t Cause Brain Damage, But Alcohol Does>.-Though this more discusses teen marijuana usage, this helped me in talking about alcohol usage in teens and how common marijuana smokers are among teenagers. It is more of a one sided argument which helped me see thing through the positive side of marijuana use."20 Legal Medical Marijuana States." Procon. N.p., 16 Sep 2013. Web. 14 Oct 2013. < website helped me in figuring out which states where legal and which states are not legal for marijuana sales in the US. It gave me some statistics and helped me to see somewhat of a negative side to marijuana. The fact that people look down upon the drug.Mifflin, Houghton. Free Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct 2013. <, Jerry. "Marijuana as a treatment for Asthma." . N.p., 16 Aug 2013. Web. 14 Oct 2013. < used this site to show how medical marijuana has its purpose. Leading to prove a positive side of medical marijuana. I gave a few facts on medical marijuana and a few ways that it could help out in asthma patients. "DrugFacts: Marijuana." National Institute on Drug Abuse. N.p., n.d. Web. 27?Oct.?2013. - This website gave me more of a different view to marijuana. It showed me a negative side, and it gave me insight to how harmful marijuana can be if you over use or mis-use it. By reading and introducing this topic, I didn't want to add to much information about it because I wanted to keep the positive side higher, but in the same case, I did want to inform my audience. ................

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