


Course Syllabus

Class Location/Course and Contact Information

St. James Parish Public School System

Career and Technology Center

1410 Buddy Whitney Street

P O Box 338

Lutcher, LA 70071

Phone : (225) 258-4571


Mrs. Liane St. Martin - email:


Course Description


Allied Health I

This course is the first of two designed to prepare the student with general entry-level skills and knowledge common to many allied health care areas. Instruction in this course includes an overview of careers in health care, health care systems, legal/ ethical issues, body mechanics, standard precautions, legal responsibilities, communication skills, and professionalism. Oral and written skills are reinforced in this course through simulated in-school activities designed to provide opportunities for the student to develop clinical skills and appropriate professional behaviors. Work-based strategies will include field trips to appropriate facilities.

Medical Terminology

This course provides the student with the ability to identify medical terms by analyzing their components. Emphasis is placed on defining medical prefixes, root words, suffixes and abbreviations. The primary focus is on skill development, both oral and written, of the language utilized for communication in the health care professions. The course is designed to study the anatomical structure and physiology of all system in the human body, as well as diseases processes associated with each. Diagnostic procedures and pharmacology are also discussed. Upon completion of this course, the students may earn five hours of credit at the Louisiana Technical College- River Parish Campus by scoring at least an 80% on the written Final Exam.


Textbook and Required Supplies

Medical Terminology: A Living Language

By: Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht


• Binder/ Loose leaf Paper

• 1 Manila Folder

• Pens, Pencils, and Highlighters

• Index Cards with Ziploc Bag

• Flash Drive/ CD-ROM

• School/ Class Planner


Allied Health I and Medical Terminology

Course Requirements and Evaluation

Methods of Evaluation

Daily Assignments/ Homework



Quarter Projects

Quarter Exams

*Assignments and due dates will be given in class and posted on Moodle as soon as they are available.

Grading System

Homework/ Classwork ------ 10%


Tests/ Projects -----------------40%

Quarter Exam-------------------25%

Grading Scale

|Percentage |Grade |Quality Points |

| 100- 90 |A |4 |

| 89 - 80 |B |3 |

|79- 70 |C |2 |

|69- 60 |D |1 |

| 59 - 0 |F |0 |

Graded Assignments

*** Medical Terminology will have at least one quiz and a test for each of the 14 chapters and a comprehensive final exam. Must score at least an 80% on the final exam to receive dual enrollment credit.

*** Allied Health I evaluations may vary. There will quarter projects in Allied Health I which are assigned the first week of every quarter and are due the last week of that quarter. * The exact due date will be given at the time the project is assigned.


Medical Terminology - Course Content/ Objectives

**By the end of each Chapter, the learner should be able to:

• Gain the ability to recognize and pronounce medical terms associated with each chapter.

• Define vocabulary, pathology, diagnostic, and therapeutic medical terms of each system.

• Build medical terms from word parts in each chapter.

• Recognize types of medication associated with each system.

As well as:

1st Quarter

Chapter 1–Intro to Medical Terminology

• Discuss the four parts to medical terms and define word building.

• State the importance of correct spelling of medical terms and the importance of using caution with abbreviations.

• Recognize and identify the most common prefixes, suffixes, word roots and combining forms.

• State the rules for determining singular and plural endings.

• Discuss and recognize the documents found in a medical record and the different types of healthcare settings.

• Understand the importance of confidentiality.

Chapter 2-The Human body in Health and Disease

• Discuss the organization of the body in terms of cells, tissues, organs, and systems.

• Define the four types of tissues.

• List the major organs found in the 12 organ systems.

• Describe the anatomical position, body planes, and directional and positional terms.

• List the body cavities and their contents.

• Locate and describe the nine anatomical divisions and four clinical positions of the abdomen.

Chapter 3-The Integumentary System

• List and describe the three layers of skin and their functions.

• Describe the four purposes of the skin.

• Name and describe the body membranes.

• List and describe the accessory organs of the skin.

Chapter 4-The Musculoskeletal System

• List the major organs of the musculoskeletal system and describe their functions.

• Correctly place bones in either the axial or the appendicular skeleton.

• Recognize the components of a long bone and identify bony projections and depressions.

• Identify the parts of a synovial joint.

• Describe the characteristics of the three types of muscle tissue and distinguish the major muscles of the body.

• Use movement terminology correctly.

Chapter 5-The Cardiovascular System

• List the major organs of the cardiovascular system and their functions.

• Describe the flow of blood through the heart and the body.

• Explain how the electrical conduction system controls the heartbeat.

Chapter 6-Bood and the Lymphatic and Immune Systems

• List the major components, structures, and organs of the blood and lymphatic and immune systems and their functions.

• Discuss the immune response.

• Describe the blood typing systems.

Chapter 7-The Respiratory System

• List the major organs of the respiratory system and their functions.

• Discuss the process of respiration.

• Build respiratory system medical terms from word parts.

Chapter 8-The Digestive System

• List the major organs of the alimentary canal and their functions.

• Describe the function of the accessory organs of the digestive system.

• Identify the shape and function of each type of tooth.

2nd Quarter

Chapter 9-The Urinary System

• List the major organs of the urinary system and their functions.

• Describe the nephron and the mechanisms of urine production.

• Identify the characteristics of urine and a urinalysis.

Chapter 10-The Reproductive System

• List the major organs of the female and male reproductive systems and their functions.

• Use medical terms to describe circumstances relating to pregnancy.

• Identify the symptoms and origin of sexually transmitted diseases.

• Interpret abbreviations associated with the female and male reproductive systems.

Chapter 11-Endocrine System

• List the major glands of the endocrine system.

• List the major hormones secreted by each endocrine gland and discuss their functions.

Chapter 12-The Nervous System

• List the major organs of the nervous system and their functions.

• Describe the components of a nerve.

• Distinguish between the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and autonomic nervous system.

Chapter 13-Special Senses: The Eye and Ear

• List the major organs of the eye and ear and their functions.

• Describe how we see.

• Describe the path of sound vibration.

Chapter 14-Special Topics Discuss pertinent information relating to each special topic covered in this chapter including: Pharmacology, Mental Health, Diagnostic Imaging, Rehabilitation Services, Surgery, and Oncology.


Course Policies and Procedures

Academic Dishonesty Policy

Cheating on any graded activity or test will result in an “F”, not only for the student cheating but also for the student allowing them to cheat.

Attendance/Make-up work

• See Student Handbook for attendance requirements.

• Students must assume full responsibility for any loss time because of absence and are expected to make-up missed assignments to receive a passing grade.

• No graded work will be allowed to be made up for unexcused absences.

• If student is absent on a test day, he/she is responsible for taking the test on the day he/she returns (*if absence is excused).

• For excused absences, the student has the same number of days as he/she missed to complete make-up work. For each day the work is late, one letter grade is deducted.

Incomplete Work

*The following is school and parish policy

• Inadequate/Incomplete work will be given and “I”

• If the student does not remove the “I” by completing the work adequately, the final grade becomes and “F”. Thus, the student will fail the entire course-regardless of other grades.

• A student cannot graduate from high school with and “I” on his/her report card.

Procedure for Continued learning following an Extreme Emergency:

See district/class website for announcements. If no internet, you need to also listen to the radio or the television.


Courses Rules and Regulations

Classroom Behavior and Expectations

• Bring necessary materials to class every day.

• Follow directions when given.

• Remain in assigned seat throughout the class period.

• Refrain from eating candy, food, chewing gum, or having foreign objects (straw) in your mouth.

• Raise hand to be recognized.

• Respect the rights of others. Mind your own business.

• Respect school property- desk, textbooks, lab materials, computers, and calculators.

• Obey all lab safety procedures.

• No Cellphones or i-pods are permitted in the classroom.


• Verbal warning with student conference.

• Punishment assigned by the teacher. Ex: subject-related-other

• Contact parent, additional punishment.

• Office referral-pink slip.


Online Communications Policy

• All electronic communication between the student and teacher shall be limited to the sanctioned sources (i.e. Moodle, Gaggle, etc.) created for students.

• Any electronic communication through non-sanctioned means (i.e., texting, personal cell phones, or facebook ) is prohibited, per the district policy manual.


• ALL homework is expected to be completed and is expected to be complete prior to entering the classroom on the assigned day. Homework is to be submitted when you enter the classroom on the assigned day.

Tardy Policy

• You are expected to be in class as soon as the bus drops you off.

• Any tardy will be recorded.

Getting the Teachers Attention

• Quietly raise your hand and wait for the teacher to recognize you.


Food/Drink in the Classroom

• No Food is allowed in the classroom

• Only Water is permitted in classroom


All students are expected to participate in class discussions and to demonstrate competency in the affective domain by such actions as being prompt, assisting with equipment, assisting each other, and being self-directed.

• Any student sleeping in class will receive an “F” for any work assigned that day!!

Group Work

• The teacher will assign groups.

• You are expected to discuss the lesson when working in groups and provide help to your fellow students.

• You are not allowed to converse with other groups.

• You are expected to remain in your seat until group activity is finished. Visiting other groups will not be permitted.

• Talking within your assigned group is limited to discussion of the assignment given.

Use of Binders

• Each student must have a binder labeled and used only for the Allied Health Course.

• You must bring your binder to class daily.

• Any missed items, notes, or chapters are your responsibility to replace.


***Information in this Course Syllabus is subject to change, in the event of extenuation circumstances. All students and parents will be notified of changes. *Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have about this course syllabus.

Acknowledgement and Signatures

I have read and understand all policies and rules in the Allied Health I- Medical Terminology Course Syllabus.

_______________________________ ____________________________

Student Signature Date

_______________________________ _____________________________

Parents Signature Date

_______________________________ ______________________________

Teachers Signature Date

Parent Contact Information

Parent/Guardian: __________________________________________________

Phone#: ( )______________________________________________________

Cell# :( )________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________


Email Address: _____________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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