
Introduction to Medical TerminologyModel 1: The Anatomy of a Medical TermFigure 1: Prefix, Root, Suffix, Medical TermQUESTIONS:1. Use Figure 1 to determine the meaning of the following terms:a) cardiology:b) bradycardia:c) myocyte:2. Use Figure 1 to build a word for the following definitions:a) The study of diseases-b) An irregular, fast heart rate-3. Along with prefixes, roots and suffixes, medical terms can also include connecting vowels. Referring to Model 1, circle the connecting vowels in the following terms:a) myocyteb) cardiologyc) cardiomyocyte4. Is it possible to have a medical term with multiple roots? If so, give an example.5. Working individually for 60 seconds, try to list three medical professions whose titles contain a medical root term. (The word "cardiologist," for example, contains a root term, but the word "nurse" does not). After 60 seconds, compare your list with the other members of the group. (Key: these answers cannot be generated only by looking at Model 1.) a) cardiology – “cardio” means heart.b) c)d)6. Modern medical terminology is based on two “dead” languages: ancient Greek and Latin. As a group, discuss the following two questions and write a one or two sentence explanation. a) What is a “dead” language?b) Why is “modern” medical terminology based on “dead” languages?EXTENSION QUESTIONS:819155334000If an item or event is named after a person it is called an eponym. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is named after Martin Luther King, Jr. Another example is saxophone, which is named after the Belgian instrument designer and musician, Adolf Sax (see image). In medical terminology, eponyms are slowly being replaced by more descriptive medical terms. For example, the islets of Langerhans, a small island of cells in the pancreas are named after the German pathologist Paul Langerhans, is being replaced with the more descriptive term pancreatic islets. Medical terminology changes slowly, however, and many medical professionals still refer to the pancreatic islets as the islets of Langerhans.7. List two eponyms that are NOT associated with medicine.a) Teddy bear: named after US President Teddy Roosevelt, who was an avid outdoorsmanb)c) 8. As a group, try to list three medical eponyms and, if possible, also identify their locations and/or functions. (One example, but not the location or function, has been given)a) Achilles’s tendon:b)c)9. Without using the Internet, try to determine the meaning of the following terms (Hint: start by circling and defining, all the root terms):a) Electroencephalography b) Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis10. Is it possible to have a medical term without a root? If so, try to think of anexample. (Think for 30 seconds, then discuss with your group) ................

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