4136390-14033500The Dogfather Worcester63 Newtown RoadWorcester WR5 1HHTel: 01905 355183 ? Email: eddy@HOME BOARDING BOOKING FORMMr/Mrs/Miss First Name: Surname: Address:Home Phone: Work Phone:Mobile: Email:Emergency Contact Name (this needs to be an independent person, in case of emergency if you are on holiday or uncontactable)Emergency Contact No:Emergency Contact Address:Emergency Contact Email:BOOKING DETAILSArrival Date: Arrival Time: Pick Up Date: Pick Up Time: DOG INFORMATIONName: Breed: Sex: M/F Microchip No: DOB: Spayed/Neutered: Y/NColour: Size: Specific Markings or features:VETERINARY INFORMATIONName of Vet: Telephone Number: Do you have pet insurance? If so, please provide the name of provider and policy no. Address of Vet Practice:Date of your dog’s last vaccination/booster: Has your dog been vaccinated against Kennel Cough? Date of Kennel Cough vaccination: IMPORTANT: We are unable to board any dogs without current vaccinations (including Kennel Cough vaccination) and who are not up to date with flea and worm treatment. Please provide a copy of your vaccination card with this booking form. If you need to obtain a kennel cough vaccination please allow plenty of time before boarding for the vaccination to take effect (at least 5- 10 days before arrival – please speak to your vet if in doubt).Date of last flea treatment: (If there is evidence of ticks, fleas or lice on any dogs coming into our home, the dog must be treated with an appropriate product authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate. Treatment will be discussed with our vet prior to administration and the cost added to the boarding fee which will be payable on collection of your dog). Are you in agreement? Y/NDate of last worming: Please provide details of any medical or health conditions:Is any medication taken? If so, do you require us to give medication? Please state what medication, the quantity, when and how often?FEEDING – we use scattering feeding once a day as part of our daily routine (i.,e hunting food out) to add enrichment for the dogs. This can take the form of using snuffle mats, Kongs, puzzles or hiding food around the garden and encouraging your dog to find it – all of which is under supervision. Are you in agreement for us to use enrichment whist your dog is with us? Y/NTime(s) usually fed: Quantity of food per meal: Type of food: (owners are asked to please provide enough food for the boarding period)Does your dog have any food intolerances or dislikes:Can your dog be given treats? Is your dog possessive over food: EXERCISE & MENTAL STIMULATIONUsual amount of daily exercise given and how many times a day:Does exercise need to be restricted at all due to a health condition?We use a number of toys to keep the dogs busy and active. These are typically different types of balls (and ball games), tug ropes, soft toys etc. Are you happy for us to use these methods as part of their enrichment/play time?Y/NDoes your dog have any basic obedience training? If so, what commands/words does your dog respond to:Where does your dog usually sleep (kitchen, hall, lounge etc) and do you have a bedtime routine (ie, dog has a treat to settle, is toileted last thing at night etc):Is your dog crate trained? Y/NIf yes, do you consent for your dog to use a suitable crate if this forms part of their usual routine should they wish to? Y/NDoes your dog pull on the lead: Is your dog reactive to other dogs when on a lead: PLEASE NOTE: WE ONLY WALK DOGS ON THE LEAD. BOARDING DOGS WILL ACCOMPANY DOGFATHER WORCESTER ON HIS DAILY WALKING ROUTE WITH OTHER FRIENDLY, SOCIALISED DOGS AND AGAIN SEPERATELY DURING THE EVENING. EACH WALK WILL NOT BE LESS THAN 20 MINUTES (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED TO US). ARE YOU HAPPY FOR YOU DOG TO BE EXERCISED IN THIS MANNER? Y/N FOR ANY DOGS WHO ARE UNABLE TO ACCOMPANY THE DOGFATHER ON HIS DAILY WALKING ROUTE (IN CASES OF EXTREME TEMPERATURE, MEDICAL CONDITION OR AGE), THEN A MINIMUM OF 2 X 20 MINUTE ENRICHMENT SESSIONS EACH DAY WILL BE SCHEDULED (SCENT TRAILS/SNUFFLE MATS/GARDEN ONE TO ONE INTERACTION PLAY TIME WITH TOYS, BALLS, PUZZLES).Do we have your permission to allow your dog to use our outdoor areas in the company of our resident dogs and any other boarder in our home (under full supervision)?Y/NIS YOUR DOG LIKELY TO DO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING (There are no right or wrong answers. This information is very important as it helps us be aware of any potential behaviours and spot anything that is out of character)Please answer EACH question with ALWAYS/SOMETIMES/NEVERJUMP ONTO FURNITURE? JUMP UP AT PEOPLE? BARK? WHINE? CHEW FURNITURE? FIGHT WITH OTHER DOGS? SCRATCH AT CARPETS OR DOORS? DOES YOUR DOG MESS OR URINATE IN THE HOME? DOES YOUR DOG CHEW OTHER THINGS? e.g. Pens, Paper, Small objects IS YOUR DOG POSSESSIVE OR PROTECTIVE OVER FOOD, TOYS, CHEWS, COLLAR etc? Please note your dog will be boarded with our resident dogs. Maximum numbers of dogs in the household are strictly limited. On occasion there may be another dog from another household staying with us under the same terms and conditions. All dogs will be required to attend a familiarisation session with us in advance of the boarding period at no additional cost (unless your are an existing walking client where the dogs have already been socialised).Are you in agreement? Y/N Is there anything else that we should be aware of which would be useful or relevant to making your dog’s stay as stress free as we can?I agree to pay ?24 per 24hr stay (if additional hours are needed, then an additional fee of ?1 per hour per dog is charged).I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of boarding.I am happy for Dogfather Worcester to take video and photos of my dog and post to the Dogfather Worcester’s Business Facebook page in support of the business activities.Signed: ................................................... Date: ............................................................ ................

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