
Faculty of Medicine

Bachelor Degree of medicine and surgery

Study plan qualifying to obtain Bachelor Degree in Medicine and Surgery

The Faculty of medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology (FMJUST) award the. degree Becholar of Medicine and Surgery to enrolled students who successfully complete a minimum of 257 required credit hours set by the University and distributed as shown in Table (1)

as well as fulfilling the provisions stated in the University regulations concerning awarding Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University.

This study plan here is to be applied on students who are admitted to the medical school beginning of academic year 2009/2010.

Table 1

This table shows the distribution of courses and credit hours for graduation and awarding the degree M.B.B.Ch.

|Requirement |Compulsory hours | Elective hours |Total |

|University requirements |16 |9 |25 |

|Basic Sciences requirements |16 |- |16 |

|College requirements |216 |- |216 |

|Total |248 |9 |257 |

I. The University requirements: The total of (25) credit hours that include:

1. Compulsory requirements: given to all the university students making up (16) credit hours distributed as in table (2).

Table 2

|Course code | Course name | |Number of weekly |Pre-requisite |

| | | |contact hours | |

| | |Cr.hrs. | | |

| | | |Lectures |Practical | |

|Arab 101 |Arabic Language |3 |3 |- | |

|HSS 100 |Culture and University Behavior |1 |1 |- | |

|Engl 111 |English Language 1 |3 |3 |- | |

|Engl 112 |English Language 2 |3 |3 |- |Eng. 111 |

|CS 100 |Introduction to Computer Science |3 |3 |- | |

|*MS 100 |*Military Sciences |3 |3 |- | |

| |Total Credits |16 | | |

Note: Foreign student whose native (mother) language is not Arabic register Arab 101A instead of Arab 101

* Military sciences course is mandatory course for Jordanians only, and the result of this course is based on pass/fail grading. Graduates of the Military Colleges Sergeant schools, and equivalent institutes are exempted from this course. The non-Jordanian students who decided not to study this course are required to take another elective university requirements selected from courses listed in table (3). In that case, the student’s grade in that course will be a percentile grade and will be incorporated in calculating the student’s yearly average.

A. Elective requirements : All medical students are required to complete successfully (9) elective credit hours, selected from following courses listed below in table (3):

Table (3)

|Code # |Course |Cr.hrs. |

|Hum 112a |Hadeeth Al-Shareef |3 |

|Hum 113a |AL-Aqeedah |3 |

|Hum 114a |AL-Fiqih |3 |

|Hum 115a |Islam and Contemporary Issues |3 |

|Hum 116a |Economical System in Islam |3 |

|Hum 121a |Principles of Sociology |3 |

|Hum 122a |Introduction to Anthropology |3 |

|Hum 123a |Introduction to Education |3 |

|Hum 124a |Education System in Jordan |3 |

|Hum 125a |Introduction to Philosophy |3 |

|Hum 126a |Principles of Psychology |3 |

|Hum 131a |Islamic Civilization |3 |

|Hum 161a |Contemporary Problems |3 |

|Hum 231a |History of Arab Sciences |3 |

|PH 103 |Environmental Protection (for Students other than Medicine and Nursing) |3 |

|PH 104 |Human Nutrition & Health (for Students other than Medicine and Nursing) |3 |

|PH 200 |First Aid & Emergency Procedures (for Students other than Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy) |3 |

|Ph 104 |Drug-Use & Side Effects (for Students other than Medicine and Pharmacy) |3 |

|Hum 141a |Principles of Economics |3 |

|Hum 151a |Principles of Administrative Sciences |3 |

|Agri 200 |Landscape & Gardening (for Students other than Agriculture) |3 |

|Agri 201 |Honey keeping |3 |

|Vet 211 |Animal Health (for Students other than Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine) |3 |

|ME 211 |Fundamentals of Automobile Engineering (for Students other than Engineering) |3 |

|Hum 127a |Education Technology |3 |

Table( 4): Students from the FMJUST are not allowed to take any of these university elective courses:

| |Course |Code |Cr.hrs. |

|1. |Education system in Jordan |HSS124 |3 |

|2. |Introduction to anthropology |HSS122 |3 |

|3. |Introduction to educational science |HSS123 |3 |

|4. |Introduction to philosophy |HSS125 |3 |

|5. |Human rights basic liberties |HSS134 |3 |

|6. |The law in our life |HSS136 |3 |

|7. |Principles of psychology |HSS221A |3 |

|8. |Health promotion |NUR100 |3 |

|9. |Environment protection |PH103 |3 |

|10. |Community health and nutrition |PH104 |3 |

|11. |First aid |PH200B |3 |

|12. |Drugs & medical plants in Jordan |PHAR104A |3 |

Third: The Faculty of Medicine compulsory requirements from Basic Sciences offered by the College of Science and Arts and College of Computer and Information Technology. The Total of (16) credit hours distributed as below in table (5) and table (6).

Table( 5)

|Course name |Code |Cr.hrs. |Weekly hours |

| | | | Lectures Theory |Lab |

| | | | |practical |

|General Biology |Bio. 103 |3 |3 |- |

|Biology lab. |Biol 107 |1 |- |3 |

|Physics |Phys. 103 |3 |3 |- |

|General chemistry |Chem 103 |3 |3 |- |

|Organic Chemistry |Chem. 217 |3 |3 |- |

|Total | |13 | | |

Table ( 6): Compulsory requirements form the faculty of computing sciences

(3 credit hours)

|Course name |Code |Cr.hrs. |Weekly hours |

| | | | Lectures Theory |Lab |

| | | | |practical |

|Computing programming in different |CS 116 |3 |2 |3 |

|languages | | | | |

|Total | |3 | | |

Fourth: The Faculty of Medicine mandatory requirements from courses offered by different medical school departments making up a total of to (216) credit hours distributed as below:

I. Mandatory courses:

A. Pre-clerkship courses

Table (7)

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Weekly teaching activity |

| | | |Lectures |Practical |

|Med 112 |General Anatomy |3 |2 |3 |

|Med 114 |Cell biology & Tissues |3 |2 |3 |

|Med 132 |General Physiology |3 |3 |- |

|Med 123 |General Biochemistry |3 |3 |- |

|Med 211A |Molecular Genetics |3 |3 |- |

|Med 211b |Molecular Genetics laboratory |1 |- |3 |

|Med 231 |General Pathology |3 |2 |3 |

|Med 232 |Immunology |3 |3 |- |

|Med 251 |General Pharmacology |3 |3 |- |

|Med 265 |General Microbiology |3 |2 |3 |

|Med 252 |Respiratory system |6 |4 |6 |

|Med 262 |Cardio-vascular system |6 |4 |6 |

|Med 272 |Haemopoietic & Lymphatic system |6 |4 |6 |

|*Med 283 |*Introduction to Public Health |3 |3 |- |

|Med 291 |Biostatistics |2 |2 |- |

|Med 311 |Gastro-intestinal system |6 |4 |6 |

|Med 314 |Clinical Psychology |3 |3 |- |

|Med 321 |Endocrine system |6 |5 |3 |

|Med 322 |Neuroscience 1 |4 |3 |3 |

|Med 331 |Musculo-skeletal & Integumentary system |6 |4 |6 |

|Med 332 |Neuroscience 2 | 4 |3 |3 |

|Med 352 |Renal and reproductive system |8 |6 |6 |

|Med 362 |Medical Ethics |1 |1 |- |

|Med 382 |Health Administration |1 |1 |- |

| |Total number of credit hours |90 |- |- |

B. Clerkship Mandatory Courses

|Code |Subject/course |Cr.hrs. |No. of weeks |

| | | | |

|Med 411 |Clinical & Communication skills |9 |4 |

|Med 412 |General Surgery 1 |9 |10 |

|Med 422 |General Medicine 1 |9 |10 |

|Med 423 |Pediatrics 1 |9 |10 |

|Med 433 |Community medicine |9 |8 |

|Med 510 |Obstetrics & Gynecology 1 |9 |8 |

|Med 530 |Family Medicine & Primary Health Care |4.5 |4 |

|Med 540 |Psychiatry |4.5 |4 |

|Med 550 |Ear, Nose & Throat |2.25 |2 |

|Med 551 |Orthopedics |2.25 |2 |

|Med 553 |Emergency Medicine |2.25 |2 |

|Med 554 |Anesthesia |2.25 |2 |

|Med 560 |Ophthalmology |2.25 |2 |

|MED 550 |Neurosciences |2.25 |2 |

|Med 571 |Dermatology |2.25 |2 |

|Med 580 |Diagnostic Radiology |2.25 |2 |

|Med 590 |Forensic Medicine & Toxicology |2.25 |2 |

|Med 610 |General Surgery 2 |9 |8 |

|Med 620 |General Medicine 2 |9 |8 |

|Med 630 |Pediatrics 2 |9 |8 |

|Med 640 |Obstetrics & Gynecology 2 |9 |8 |

| |Total |119.25 | |

* This specific course is taught in Professional English.

Typical weekly teaching activity during clinical rotations includes the following:

|activity |Number of hours daily |Weekly clinical training hours |

|Lectures and seminars |3 |15 |

|Morning report |1 |5 |

|Bed side teaching and rounds |3 |15 |

|Out patient clinic |3 |15 |

|Department activities |1 |5 |

C. Clerkship Elective Courses: The Faculty of Medicine elective requirement from courses offered by the clinical sciences department or courses offered by other teaching hospitals in Jordan or abroad. The students can chose 9 credit hours (8 weeks) from the courses listed in coming table (8).

Table( 8)

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr. hrs. |Weekly Clinical Training |

|*Med 611 |General Surgery |9 |8 |

|Med 650 |Public Health |4.5 |4 |

|Med 651 |Occupational Medicine |4.5 |4 |

|Med 621 |General Medicine |9 |8 |

|Med 631 |Pediatrics |9 |8 |

|Med 652 |Epidemiology |4.5 |4 |

|Med 653 |Research Project |4.5 |4 |

|Med 641 |Obstetrics & Gynecology |9 |8 |

|Med 654 |Family Medicine |4.5 |4 |

|Med 622 |Psychiatry |4.5 |4 |

|Med 612 |Ear, Nose, and Throat |4.5 |4 |

|Med 613 |Orthopedics |4.5 |4 |

|Med 623 |Emergency Medicine |4.5 |4 |

|Med 614 |Anesthesia |4.5 |4 |

|Med 615 |Ophthalmology |4.5 |4 |

|Med 624 |Dermatology |4.5 |4 |

|Med 625 |Diagnostic Radiology |4.5 |4 |

|Med 626 |Forensic Medicine and Toxicology |4.5 |4 |

|Med 616 |Urology |4.5 |4 |

|Med 627 |Pathology & Laboratory Medicine |4.5 |4 |

|Med 691 |Elective Courses |4.5 |4 |

|Med 692 |Elective Courses |4.5 |4 |

Important Remarks:

Dear Student,

1. To know how your year average is calculated, the provisions required for internal transfer from a year level to a higher one and when the student is considered failing in his year you have to go back to the regulations governing the awarding of Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery from JUST.

2. To know the general frame of the exams, marks distributions, and result evaluation, go back to the regulations referred to above.

3. When facing any problem or inquiry during your study consult your advisor in the College of Medicine or the Registrar of the university.

4. Ask for a copy of the regulations above for your own benefit and try to study it very carefully.

5. Keeping a copy of the study plan for the bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery facilitates your choice of courses every year or semester throughout your study.

The study plan for being awarded the Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery from (FMJUST).

Guide Tables to be consulted

First year:

Semester 1

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Theory |Practical |

|Arab 101 |Arabic Language |3 |3 |- |

|Arab 103 |University culture and behavior |1 |- |3 |

|Biol 103 |Biology |3 |3 |- |

|Phys 103 |Physics |3 |3 |- |

|Chem 103 |Chemistry |3 |3 |- |

|Biol 107 |Biology Lab. |1 |- |3 |

| |Total |*14 | | |

Semester 2

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Theory |Practical |

|Chem 217 |Organic Chemistry |3 |3 |- |

|CS 100 |Introduction to Computer Science |3 |3 |- |

|Med 112 |General Anatomy |3 |2 |3 |

|Med 114 |Cell biology & Tissues |3 |2 |3 |

|Med 132 |General Physiology |3 |3 |- |

|**Engl 111 |**English Language (I) |3 |3 |- |

| |Total |18 | | |

|Summer Semester: |

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Theory |Practical |

|Med 123 |General Biochemistry |3 |3 |- |

|MS 100 |Military Sciences |3 |3 |- |

|CS 116 |Computing Programming in Different Languages |3 |3 |- |

| |Total |9 | | |

Important Notes:

* Students who get less than 50% in the English Level Entrance Exam must take an extra 3-credits English Language course (Engl 99) in the first semester making the total of credit hours of that semester 17.

** Students who get less than 80% in the English Level Entrance Exam must take this course (Engl 111). Those students who get 80% or more in that exam are exempted from this course making the total credit hours of the second semester 15.

Second year:

Semester 1:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Theory |Practical |

|Med 211 A |Molecular Genetics |3 |- |3 |

|Med 211 B |Molecular genetics laboratory |1 |- |3 |

|Med 231 |General Pathology |3 |2 |3 |

|Med 251 |General Pharmacology |3 |3 |- |

|Med 265 |General Microbiology |3 |2 |3 |

|Med 291 |Biostatistics |2 |2 |- |

|Engl 112 |English Language (2) |3 |3 |- |

| |Total |18 | | |

Semester 2:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Theory |Practical |

|Med 252 |Respiratory system |6 |4 |6 |

|Med 262 |Cardio-vascular system |6 |4 |6 |

|Med 272 |Haemopoietic & Lymphatic system |6 |4 |6 |

| |Total |18 | | |

Summer Semester:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Theory |Practical |

|Med 232 |Immunology |3 |3 |- |

|Med 283 |Introduction to Public Health |3 |3 |- |

| |Elective course |3 |3 |- |

| |Total |9 | | |

Third year:

Semester 1:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Theory |Practical |

|Med 311 |Gastro-intestinal system |6 |4 |6 |

|Med 321 |Endocrine system |6 |5 |3 |

|Med 331 |Musculo-skeletal system |6 |4 |6 |

| |Total |18 | | |

Semester 2:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Theory |Practical |

|Med 322 |Neuroscience 1 |4 |3 |3 |

|Med 332 |Neuroscience 2 |4 |3 |3 |

|Med 352 |Renal and reproductive systems |8 |6 |6 |

|Med 362 |Medical Ethics |1 |1 |- |

|Med 382 |Health Administration |1 |1 |- |

| |Total |18 | | |

Summer Semester:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Theory |Practical |

|Med 314 |Clinical Psychology |3 |3 |- |

| |Elective course |3 |3 |- |

| |Elective course |3 |2 |3 |

| |Total |9 | | |

Fourth year:

Semester 1:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |No. of weeks |

|Med 411 |Clinical & Communication skills |9 |4 |

|Med 412 |General Surgery 1 |9 |10 |

Semester 2:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |No. of weeks |

|Med 422 |General Medicine 1 |9 |10 |

|Med 423 |Pediatrics |9 |10 |

| |Total |36 |34 |

Summer Semester:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |No. of weeks |

|Med 433 |Public Health |9 |8 |

| |Total |9 |8 |

Fifth year:

First Semester

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |No. of weeks |

|Med 510 |Obstetrics & Gynecology 1 |9 |8 |

|Med 530 |Family Medicine & Primary Health Care |4.5 |4 |

|Med 540 |Psychiatry |4.5 |4 |

Second Semester:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |No. of weeks |

|Med 550 |Ear, Nose & Throat |2.25 |2 |

|Med 551 |Orthopedics |2.25 |2 |

|Med 555 |Neurosciences |2.25 |2 |

|Med 554 |Anesthesia |2.25 |2 |

|Med 560 |Ophthalmology |2.25 |2 |

|Med 571 |Dermatology |2.25 |2 |

|Med 580 |Diagnostic Radiology |2.25 |2 |

|Med 590 |Forensic Medicine & Toxicology |2.25 |2 |

| |Total |36 | |

Sixth Year:

Summer Semester:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Subject/Course |

|Med 610 |General Surgery 2 |9 |8 |

First Semester

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Subject/Course |

|Med 620 |General Medicine 3 |9 |8 |

|Med 630 |Pediatrics 2 |9 |8 |

Second Semester:

|Code |Subject/Course |Cr.hrs. |Subject/Course |

|Med 640 |Obstetrics & Gynecology 2 |9 |8 |

| |Elective courses |9 |8 |

| |Total |45 | |


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