NUTRITION & FITNESS 2016April 1, 2016Today’s Agenda (Day 137)Homework Check:Activity: Create Personal Workout RoutineClass ActivityFitness Day: Buddy Workout #2Next Nutrition Class Fitness and Sports Nutrition Review – cont’dBasic Fitness AspectsThe Science of Working MusclesFueling Muscles Before and During ExerciseMuscle Recovery After ExerciseFueling Muscles After ExerciseHOMEWORK:REMINDERS:Test: Physical Fitness Thursday, April 7, 2016 – POSTPONED TO THIS NEW DATEBring gym clothes Mondays & Fridays usually.NUTRITION & FITNESS 2016BUDDY ROUTINESBUDDY EXERCISES #2DIRECTIONS: With a partner, perform each exercise for the recommended number of repetitions/duration.Exercise #1:Reverse Lunge with Chest Pass (25 reps)Face your partner with about. Hold medicine ball at chest height. Step back with your right leg and lower body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Come back to standing position and throw ball to partner. Now, partner performs a rep.Exercise #2:Jump Rope (30 seconds)Exercise #3:Sit up with Medicine Ball Pass (25 reps)Grab a?medicine?ball?and sit on the floor, facing your partner with your feet touching and knees bent. Lie back with the ball against your chest, then sit up, and pass the ball to your partner. He does the same. Record the time it takes to complete a set.Exercise #4:Tandem Mountain Climbers (25 reps)Exercise #5:Cup Push Up (25 reps)Place a cup upside down on the floor and get into push up position above it (your partner does the same). Perform a push up, touching your chest to the cup. As soon as you come back up, your partner goes. Record your time.Exercise #6:Balance Squat with Medicine Ball Raise (25 reps)Each of you hold the medicine ball at arm’s length as you squat, thighs parallel to floor. As you move up to standing position, move ball above your head.Exercise #7: Partner Leg Raise with Pass (25 reps)Lie on the floor facing each other but staggered side to side. Hold a?medicine ball?between your lower legs and perform a straight leg raise. When your legs are perpendicular to the floor, drop the ball to your chest and catch it. Lower your legs, perform a sit up, and pass the ball to your partner. Exercise #8:Resisted Towel Curl (25 reps)Roll up a towel into a tight “snake” and grab the middle of it with both hands. Have your partner get on his knees and grab the ends. Perform curls while he resists.Exercise #9:Medicine Ball Extension to Bounce Pass (25 reps)Stand facing your partner about five yards apart. Hold a?medicine?ball overhead and throw it down and toward your partner so it bounces on the floor and he can catch it on the rebound.Exercise #10:High-Five Push Ups (25 reps) Begin in a push-up position, head-to-head with your partner. Both of you should lower into a push-up and rise back up together. At the top of each rep, raise your right arms to give a sideways high-fiveExercise #11:Single-Leg Lateral Medicine Ball Toss (25 reps for EACH)Both partners stand side by side and face the same direction one to two feet apart, with each person standing on her inside leg. The first person should hold the medicine ball with both hands slightly away from the body with arms slightly bent. She rotates her upper body with the medicine ball completely away from her partner, then swings her arms around and throws the ball to her partner. Continue playing catch on the right leg for 20 seconds, then switch to the left leg. Make sure to keep a slight bend in the standing leg, and rotate through the trunk and shoulders when catching and releasing the ball.Exercise #12:Single-Leg Quick Chest Toss (25 reps)Grab a medium-weight medicine ball (four to six pounds) and stand facing your partner with about three feet between the two of you. Hold the medicine ball with both hands in front of your chest. Shift your weight to one leg as your partner does the same. Keep your abs contracted, stand tall and stay stable. Pass the ball back and forth with a quick-paced basketball chest pass.?Exercise #13:Partner Row (25 reps EACH)Partner A stand facing partner B with feet wider than hips, knees slightly bent, and back straight. Partner B sit on the floor with legs extended. Holding onto each other’s forearms (partner A should use an underhand grip, partner B overhand), Partner A brace abs in tight to spine and help lift partner B into a reverse plank position (partner B's body should make a straight line from heel to head, abs pulled in tight with right knee bent and foot flat on the floor to help support weight). Reverse position.Exercise #14:Partner Plank and Single Leg Hip Raise (25 reps EACH)While partner 1 holds a push up position, partner 2 lies face up and perpendicular on the floor, placing her right calf on partner 1's back, left knee bent toward her chest. Partner 2 raises her hips off the ground, pauses, then lowers for one rep. Do all reps, then switch legs. Switch positions after each set. If either partner can't safely maintain a push up position to support her partner, then start in a tabletop position (on hands and knees).COOL DOWNStretch it OutShe can help you with a seated stretch by holding your arms and gently pulling them forward as you reach toward your toes to increase the flexibility in your hamstrings. Then switch places. Do this for a series of five different stretches.?Do any 5 yoga poses. ................

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