Name: __________________________

Date: ___________________________

PD: __________

Total Points: ______/37

Directions: Write the term on the left that goes with the definition on the right.

|The Holocaust |This was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and|

| |murder of approximately 6 million Jews by the Nazi regime. |

|The Rhineland |A region of Germany along the French border. It was to remain free |

| |from Germans after WWI. |

|Ethiopia |This part of Africa was invaded by the Italian military. Ethiopia was |

| |defeated by the Italian army. |

|Sudetenland |A region of Czechoslovakia that Hitler demanded to be released to him.|

|Appeasement |The granting of concessions to a hostile power in order to keep the |

| |peace. |

|Collectivization |Forcibly taking over privately owned land creating a system of |

| |state-owned farms. |

|Neutrality Acts |Congress passed these Acts in 1935. They are stopping the sale of arms|

| |or loans of money to nations at war. |

|Lend-Lease Program |A program in which the United States sent war materials to Allies. |

|Benito Mussolini |He was the dictator of Italy during WWII and created fascism. |

|Nationalism |Having a strong feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward |

| |your own country. |

|Joseph Stalin |Leader of the Soviet Union during WWII. |

|The Munich Agreement |With this agreement Germany gained control of Sudetenland and Hitler |

| |promised not to seek any more territory. |

| | |

|Isolationism/Neutrality |Staying out of other nation’s affairs. |

|Kellogg-Briand Pact |This pact was signed by many nations who pledged not to make war |

| |against each other except in self-defense. |

|Luftwaffe |The German Air Force. |

|Communism |Communist government with complete control over its citizens. |

|Fascism |Italian political movement based on extreme patriotism, nationalism, |

| |and racism. |

|Nazism |German political movement based on extreme patriotism, nationalism, |

| |and racism. |

|Mein Kampf |A two volume book written by Hitler. |

|Pearl Harbor |The Pacific military base that was attacked on December 7, 1941 by the|

| |Japanese. This surprise attack angered Americans and ended American |

| |isolationism. |

|Harry Truman |American president after FDR who ended WWII by dropping 2 atomic bombs|

| |on Japan. |

|V-E Day |May 8, 1945 – Victory in Europe Day. The day World War II ended in |

| |Europe. |

|Yalta Conference |The meeting to end WWII by the “Big Three”—Churchill, FDR, & Stalin—in|

| |Yalta, Russia. They were also planning for the future of Europe. |

|George Patton |He was the American leader responsible for invading Northern Africa. |

|General Tojo |He was a military leader of Japan during WWII. |

|Daniel Inouye |The grandson of a Japanese immigrant, Daniel Inouye performed |

| |heroically in combat in Europe in WWII. After the war, he became the |

| |first Japanese American to serve in both the U.S. House and Senate. |

|Oahu |The Island where Pearl Harbor is located. |

|Emperor Hirohito |The leader of Japan during World War II. |

| | |

|Blackshirts |A group known as fascist supporters. |

|Allied Powers |U.S., England, France, & Russia. These were the Allied Powers in World|

| |War II who fought the Axis Powers from 1939 – 1945. |

|Axis Powers |Germany, Italy, and Japan. These were the Axis powers that opposed the|

| |Allies during World War II. |

|Non-Aggression Pact |An agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union not to declare war |

| |against each other. |

|Poland |Invaded by the Germans in 1939 to start World War II. |

|Neville Chamberlain |Britain’s Prime Minister who invented the policy of appeasement. |

|Winston Churchill |Prime minister of England. Led Great Britain during World War II. |

|Blitzkrieg |Directly translates into “lightning war” and was a new military |

| |strategy meant to overwhelm an opponent by using artillery, tanks, air|

| |force etc. all at the same time. |

|RAF |Britain’s Royal Air Force |

|Mass Rally |Hitler’s most effective political tool as he gained power in Germany. |

|D-Day |June 6, 1944 the day on which the Battle of Normandy began and the |

| |day the Allies entered mainland Europe trying to free it from the |

| |Nazis. |

|Dwight Eisenhower |General of the U.S. Military during World War II and future President |

| |of the U.S. |

|G.I. Bill of Rights |A law that provided educational and economic assistance to veterans. |

|Adolf Hitler |Leader of Germany during World War II. |

|Island Hopping |The U.S. plan to capture an island from the Japanese and then launch |

| |an attack from that liberated island |

|Japanese-American Internment |The decision by the U.S. to set up camps to hold Japanese-Americans |

| |during WWII. |

|Kamikaze |A new kind of Japanese warfare, where pilots would crash their planes |

| |on purpose. |

|Robert Oppenheimer |American scientist who led the effort to construct the first atomic |

| |weapon. |

|FDR/Truman |One of two presidents who led the U.S. during World War II. |

|United Nations |An international committee of countries working towards world peace. |

|V-J Day |Victory over Japan Day; On August 15, 1945 Japan surrendered ending |

| |World War II. |

|Operation Torch |Invasion of North Africa. |

|Hiroshima & Nagasaki |The two cities in Japan that had atomic bombs dropped on them. |

|Battle of the Bulge |It was the largest battle in Western Europe during WWII. Also, the |

| |largest battle ever fought by the U.S. Army. |

|Karl Lueger |The German mayor who inspired Adolf Hitler. |

|Erwin Rommel |The German general who was responsible for taking over most of |

| |Northern Africa. |

|Willard Van Orman Quine |He was an American philosopher during World War II. |

|The Manhattan Project |The top-secret program set up in 1942 to build an atomic bomb. |

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. What are two legacies of World War II?

a. Atomic Weapons

b. The United Nations

2. How did FDR die? (Heart Attack, Stroke…)

3. What were two proposed alternatives to dropping the bombs on Japan?

a. Invade

b. Blockade

4. What two things did the G.I. Bill of Rights provide veterans?

a. Education

b. Economic Assistance

5. In what three areas of the world was World War II fought?

1. Europe

2. Asia

3. Pacific

6. What agreement/contract did Hitler violate time after time?

The Treaty of Versailles

7. In the years leading up to World War II, what country did Great Britain and France consider to more of a threat than Hitler and Germany?


8. What did Hitler call the Holocaust?

The Final Solution

9. How many Jewish lives were lost in the Holocaust?

6 million

10. How many total lives were lost in the Holocaust?

11 million

11. Who was known as the “Angel of Death”?

Joseph Mengele

12. Why did the Japanese attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor?

To destroy the U.S. Pacific Fleet and our resolve for war

13. Why was there no declaration of war from the Japanese before the attack on Pearl


To make sure it was a surprise

14. What were the two names given to describe the Allied invasion of Normandy, France?

D-Day and Operation Overlord

15. What new scientific development led to the creation of a new destructive weapon?

The splitting of atoms led to the atomic bomb


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