
Reading Comprehension Questions: The Book Thief (Please write on a separate sheet of paper. You will receive NO CREDIT if you write on this paper.)Prologue:In “Death and Chocolate,” Death says he sees what before the humans?What/who is Death referring to when he says it is the “leftover humans?”How many times does Death say that he saw the book thief? Who stands beside the railway line?Why does Death linger at the railway line? Where does Death FIRST see the book thief?Where does Death SECOND see the book thief? What is she doing and who is with her? Where does Death see the book thief a THIRD time? What is she doing? At the end of this section, Death says that he carries certain stories around with him to prove to him that humans are what? In the first four sections, Death introduces himself and discusses the importance of colors. What are the 4 colors mentioned in these first four sections (in order)? Part 1: On the train, Liesel has a dream, what is her dream of? Why is this significant? Who dies in the first section?What does Liesel find and take at the burial site?Why does Death attend the burial?Who are the Hubermanns? Where do they live?Give a description of Hans Hubermann. What are some hobbies he enjoys? Give a description of Rosa Hubermann. What does she do for work? What does Rosa call Liesel? Why do you think she calls her this name?Compare/Contrast the relationship between Hans and Liesel and Rosa and Liesel.Why is dangerous that Liesel has brown eyes? How does Hans comfort Liesel when she starts having nightmares about her brother? What did they discover about Liesel in “The Woman with the Iron Fist?” When Liesel turns 10 she is forced to join the _________________________. Describe Rudy Steiner. What is Frau Diller’s “one golden rule?” What is the “road of yellow stars?” Who does Rudy imitate that enrages his father so? Why is his father angry with him?After Liesel wets the bed, what is Hans reaction? What does he find in her mattress? Who teaches Liesel to read and write? What is the “smell” Liesel refers to as the “smell of friendship?”When forced to read in front of her class, what does Liesel do instead? Part 2:What is the name of the second book Liesel steals? In the Prologue, Death tells readers Liesel will steal her first book from ice and her second book from fire. What is meant here? Who is “Werner?” What does Liesel mean she says, “There were not many people who could say that their education had been paid for with cigarettes?” Who does Liesel want to write a letter to? Be specific. What is Liesel’s birthday present to herself? Who comes to the Huberman’s house the day of the celebration for Hitler’s birthday? How is the relationship between Hans and his son? How is their relationship a parallel to Germany and its people at that time?Why does Hans slap Liesel? What do they do after the hit? Does anyone see Liesel pull the book from the fire? Part 3:What is Hans reaction to Lielsel’s second thievery? Why does Hans go to the Nazi Party office and ask about his application and then purchase a copy of Mein Kampf? Who does Liesel think saw her take the second book from the fire? What does the mayor’s wife show Liesel and what is her reaction?What does it say about the mayor’s wife (who leads the town) that she aligns herself with Liesel, the girl she saw stealing books? What does Death reveal to us at the beginning of “Enter the Struggle?”Who is Johann Hermann? What has happened to him and how do we know? Rudy joins Liesel in her thievery but this time they are what kind of stealers? What did they steal and who from first? Rudy and Liesel share a happy moment in Nazi Germany, reminding us of the blend between lightness and darkness, what is this happy moment?What does Walter Kugler do for Max? What are some things he gives him? Why? Was Max German?Max says Mein Kampf “saves” him- how so? How is this ironic? How do we know Liesel has a sense of right and wrong and morality?Who is Arthur Berg?How do we know Liesel and Max will soon meet one another? Who is the “struggler?” Where does Max arrive at the end of Part 3?Part 4: Who teaches Hans how to play the accordion?Who saves Hans life and how does he save his life? How does Hans come into the possession of his accordion? What does he promise in return? Does Hans want to join the Nazi party? Why does he apply to join? Why is Hans denied entry into the Nazi party (meaning put on a waiting list)? How is Hans life again saved by Erik via his accordion? (even after Erick’s death)Why does Max arrive in the kitchen of the Hubermans’? What does Hans mean when he tells Max not to worry because Liesel is a “good girl”? Max loved nothing more than what? Why did the urge to fight “leave” Max and Walter at the age of 17?On the Night of Broken Glass, who shows up at Max’s door? Why? How are Liesel and Max alike? How do Liesel and Max first “officially” meet? Where does Max move to live?What book is Max reading? Why does Max feel “guilty?” What book has Liesel started reading in “The Swapping of Nightmares” and where does she obtain this book? Why do the Huberman’s start having Max sleep upstairs instead of in the basement? What does this say about them? Liesel says Max’s hair is like what? What do Liesel and Max have in common? What does Liesel receive on her 12th birthday? At the beginning of “Pages from the Basement,” why do the Hubermans keep Liesel out of the basement?What is the “Standover Man?” Why this title? What is the significance? Part 5:What will happen to Rudy? How do we know and what is Death’s reaction? What does Max ask the Hubermans to do for him? Who ends up doing it? Find a simile on page 251. Describe it. Max daydreams about boxing. Who does he daydream about boxing with? Why this person? The Hubermans, Liesel and Max work on painting the rest of the pages from Mein Kampf os they can make another book called what? In “The Gamblers ( a seven-sided die),” Death compares hiding a Jew to gambling, rolling a dice, which is made up of 7 sides, he then uses this metaphor to describe the seven main events in this chapter. What is the last main event that causes Liesel to fear Rosa Huberman when she returns home? What is Liesel’s reaction to this news? Why do Rudy and Tommy have to run laps after the marching at the Hitler Youth? Who is Victor Chemmel? How is he different from Arthur? How do Liesel and Rudy feel about Victor? How do we know? Why does Liesel choose the mayor’s house to steal from?What does Liesel steal and what does Liesel leave behind? What are the three acts of stupidity by Rudy Steiner? What act of kindness does Rudy do for Liesel at the end of this part? Why?Part 6:In “Death’s Diary,” we get Death’s views on war. What are his thoughts on war (whose fault?) and what metaphor does he employ toward the end of this section?What does Liesel bring down to Max on Christmas Eve? What happens to Max in “The Snowman?” Why does Liesel find “gifts” for Max? What is the first “gift” she finds?Liesel wants to give Max a cloud and she asks, “How do you give someone a piece of sky?” Hans suggests she memorize it and write it down. What theme is seen here? How do you know? What is Liesel doing here, “It didn’t stop her from pulling a lump of salt water from her eye and feeding it to Max’s face.” What is the next book Liesel steals from the mayor’s house? Does the mayor’s wife know Liesel is stealing books? How do you know this? Why does Rosa come to Liesel’s school? Why does she act angry with her? At the beginning of “Death’s Diary: Cologne,” what is complaining about? Why do the Nazis come looking in people’s basement? What are they looking for?Why does Liesel act like she hurts herself playing soccer? What does Death mean that “the sky was the color of Jews?” What is Death’s reaction to death? How do you know? Offer at least one quote for support. Part 7: Why was Hans painting business gaining so much new business?Liesel tastes what for the first time? Why does she say she will never drink this again? At the Hitler Youth Carnvial, Rudy wins 3 of his 4 races and later admits to Liesel that he lost his 4th one on purpose. Why?What is the name of the next book that Liesel steals from the Mayor’s house? (This time without Rudy)When Liesel and Rudy return to the Mayor’s house the next time, together, what do they notice sitting in the window this time? Does the Mayor’s wife know Liesel is stealing books? How do you know? There is a letter in one of the books she takes from the window- who is the letter from and what does it say? What is Liesel’s reaction? What is going on in this scene, “Night watched. Some people watched it back, trying to find the tin-can planes as they drove across the sky.” What literary devices are employed here?What does Max do for the first time in 22 months? Why do they say Liesel’s books are her “accordion?” Who is the “sky stealer?” Why this name?Why does Frau Holtzapfel come to the Huberman’s house? Where are the Jews going in the “parade of Jews?” What does Hans do at the parade of Jews that gets him whipped? What does this say about Hans? Why does Max leave Himmel Street? Where is he going and why?What is the “arrangement” made? Hans returns from the Amper river with a note- what is this note and who is it from? Guilt plays a major role in this section, especially toward the end. What are some examples of guilt felt by the characters? How does their guilt affect the progression of the plot? At the end of section 7, two men in coats come to Himmel Street- who do they want to see? Part 8: Who are the “two monsters” Rudy’s youngest sister refers to ? What are they doing?Why have the men come for Rudy? What is the symbolism of the dominos the children are playing at the beginning of Part 8? If Rudy would have gone with the men, how would his fate have been different (according to Death)?Why does a doctor and nurse come to Rudy’s school? What or who do they want and why?What news (that he sees as a punishment) is sent to Hans in the section “Punishment?” What is his reaction? What is his true punishment- which also happens to be the punishment of Alex Steiner as well? We know why Hans was punished, but why was Alex punished? What did he do, or not do? Discuss the figurative language and meaning behind this quote, “His hangover was visible. It heaved itself to his shoulders and sat there like a bag of wet cement.” What does Hans leave behind, and ask Liesel to take care of? Why does Rudy tell Liesel he wants to kill the Fuhrer? What emotions are now showing in Rudy that we have not seen before?What job is Hans given? How is his job similar to Death’s job? Who does Liesel search for among the parade of Jews?In this part, Liesel and Rudy are still stealing but their purpose has changed; how so? What is the difference? During the air raids, what is now Liesel’s “tradition” to keep everyone calm? What has Rosa hidden in the side of the mattress? Who does she give this to and why? What is the Word Shaker? Be thorough on answering this one!What is Liesel’s Christmas present to Rudy?What does Liesel consider doing for the first time (to Rudy)?Part 9: What is left in the mayor’s window? What is the name of the next book Liesel steals from the mayor’s library? What do they find out about the ownership of the library? What is Liesel’s reaction to this realization? Who is Reinhold Zucker? What happens to Frau Holtzapfel’s two sons? What does Liesel decide to return to Frau Hermann? Why? What “accident” does the section entitled “The Accident” refer to? What is the outcome?Hans’ life is saved, again. How is this time similar, and different, to the last time his life was saved by a decision? Why is “a broken leg certainly something to celebrate?” Where is Rudy going with a toolbox, and why? What are his emotions like?What scene in “The Last Human Stranger: One Toolbox, One Bleeder, One Bear,” echoes an earlier scene that Death tells us about in the prologue? Death tells readers that in all the years of Hilter’s reign, no one served him more loyally. What does Death mean here? Why would Death’s heart be a circle, and pump in a circular way? What does he say human hearts are like? What is the symbolism here? Who arrives at Himmel Street at the end of Part 9? What other character did this same thing? Part 10: What does Death tell us will happen to Himmel Street? How do words literally save Liesel’s life? What happens to Michael Holtzapel? In “The War Maker,” what do we learn of Max’s situation? What has happened to him? Who does Liesel see in the third parade of Jews? What does she do and what happens to her? In “Confessions,” why does Liesel stay in bed for 3 months? What does Liesel tell Rudy in this same section? What is his reaction? How have Liesel’s feelings toward Rudy changed?Why does Liesel ask, “what good are words?” What is she doing, what is she thinking, and why does she turn against “words?” Why does Liesel rip out a page from a book? What does she do with that? Why does Ilsa Hermann arrive at Liesel’s door step? What advice does she offer?Why does Liesel creep down to the basement while her parents slept? What does the author mean when he says that Liesel’s “writing fist” grew?How is the set up and structure of THIS book similar to Liesel’s Book Thief book she writes herself? What happens to Himmel Street at the end of Part 10? Who is killed?Who made Death cry?What does Liesel do to Rudy’s lifeless body? Why?What item does Liesel leave behind that is picked up by Death?Epilogue:Explain the metaphor Death presents at the beginning of the Epilogue, “the world is a factory.”What happens to Liesel? After Himmel Street was cleared, what do the people refer to Liesel as? Now that she is orphaned, who takes her in? What doe s Alex Steiner do when he returns to Himmel Street? Who helps him? What happens to Max?What gift does Death give to Liesel? What is Death’s “last note?” What does he mean? Why is this statement ironic? ................

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