Lida Nikjoo

Tonantzin Castro

Ruthie Grant, professor

English 103

August 15, 2002

“The Culturally Myth-Led”

At this day in age, though our world is fantastically advanced technologically, we humans lack the fundamental elements of the spirit, which once drove us to make such advances in our society. At one time, our meals were a process of hunting and gathering among grazing animals in nature. Technology and the demon of convenience has whittled (among other things) dinner down to a burger in a box, which can occasionally get the government’s approval to be classified as “mostly” beef. From the pasture, to the processed, we wash it all down with a tall paper cup of colored carbonated sugar syrup, also known as soda. With the family dining room being moved from the room next to the kitchen in our house, to the back seat of the mini-van or SUV, our thoughts and perceptions of the world around us have likewise been reformulated into bite-sized, processed, fat-filled portions to slip into our minds like a grease-saturated chicken nugget slides down our throat. These pre-packaged nuggets of convenience are the illuminati’s higher consciousness vaccine for us, the non-members of the elite.

From the beginning of time, ignorance was regarded as the holy virtue of humbleness, and the pursuit of enlightenment was chastised with eternal condemnation. As far back as when the Holy Bible was written, free thought was castigated. Alice miller states in her book, “I have never understood why God would tolerate the presence of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden only if they remained ignorant and why they were punished so severely for their disobedience. I never felt any yearnings for a paradise where obedience and ignorance are the conditions for beatitude.” She adds, “My conviction is that we can love only if we are allowed to be what we are: no pretense, no disguises, no facades. We can genuinely love only if we do not deny ourselves the knowledge available to us (like the tree of knowledge in the Garden), if, instead of fleeing from it, we have the simple courage to eat the apple.” The reality is as long as we conform to the mainstreams of society, the blind faiths of religion, and have not the courage to “eat the apple” of knowledge, we are guilty of neglect. The form of neglect I speak of is that of the present circumstance society finds itself in today. Therefore, if we make the conscious decision to leave the shiny red apple of knowledge hanging on the tree, we are denying or spirit its desire for satisfaction of the mind through enlightenment.

Carl Marx once theorized, “Religion is the opiate of the people.” He stated this because of the psychological effects social conditioning and blind beliefs have on the human mind, and in turn, on society as a whole. Religion is the drug, and the church is the crack house of mental repression. Science has detached the human body from its spirit, and then a few white men in white robes stepped in and imposed religion and their church as they conquered our people. These institutions have ensured the conqueror’s agenda; the church and its doctrines have our conscience, our spirit, and our mind programmed, even to believe our merciful, loving god was created in their likeness. Basically, organized religion is a means of control; beginning with the manipulation of the mind, then the repression of one’s individual spirit, and eventually leading up to the restraint of our natural intuitions when making even simple decisions in life. In modern-day society, we pay a high price for blind beliefs, social conditioning, and societal myths as we always have throughout history. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these beliefs and social norms do not serve our best interests, and the bottom line is that conformity never serves any good for the individual.

The power of suggestion, blind faith, and charismatic leaders of any one church can make the strongest population into the blindest cult of sheep. The most prevalent manifestation of this appalling manipulation of a mass of minds is, and has almost always been carried out in the name of God. The kingpin Shepard of souls at the dawn of this new millennium is none else but Pope John Paul, the leader of the Catholic Church. Being the largest landowner in the world, and among other things, owners of the “Bank of America,” the church’s worldwide plantation is well stocked with the most “humble” masses of slaves available. It is the poorest, least educated masses in the barrios and third-world countries, which serve as the sacrificial lambs for the Pope’s master plan. This pail-faced oppressor’s agenda is to keep the poor masses perpetually enslaved in poverty by declaring that birth control is against God’s will. I have yet to see Pope John Paul hand a needy mother a check to buy her kids some milk. As William Shakespeare wrote, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Well, up in here, it surely is not a rose, but the repugnant stench of the racist powers at hand. Therefore, allow me to exercise what Mrs. O’meara, my junior-high religion teacher would call lack of virtue, and put a twist on Shakespeare’s words; “A blue-eyed devil in a white hood & crucifix by any other name is still a leader of the Klu-Klux Klan!

Continuing to question the perceptions of God’s intentions the writers of the Bible had in mind when writing the book, Alice Miller asks; “Why did God plant the tree of knowledge right in the middle of the Garden of Eden if he didn’t want the two people he created to eat the fruit? Why did he, the almighty God who created heaven and earth, lead his creatures into temptation and force them into obedience?” She adds, “If he was omniscient, he must have known that in creating humans he had made beings who would be curious by nature, and that he would be forcing them to be untrue to their nature.” She answers her own question, by stating, “I made a simple discovery that put the contradictions in a whole new light. The Bible was written by men. We must assume that those men had been through some unpleasant experiences at the hands of their fathers,” Therefore, as long as men wrote the book, we must get a grip of the fact that those were man’s tales, written, re-written and translated many times, by men. Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge the fact that as with the Holy Bible, the flames sparked by a revolutionary man thousands of years ago have burned irrevocable disasters due to various members of the illuminati taking his principles & followers, and twisting Jesus’ spiritual philosophies into a book which condemns enlightenment, and a church which gives us only two options; conformity, or hell.

It is high time we put down the rosary beads and take a minute to re-discover the spirit-man inside ourselves. We must ask ourselves if what mama told us so many times was true; “God don’t make no junk.” Why then am I labeled a sinner? And is a woman such a rancid vessel, so that every child born from her womb is born into original sin? And if we are so evil, why must we be led by, confess our sins to, and be taught how to live by a fellow sinner, called a priest?

Marvin Harris discusses the fact that Jesus was a bona-fied revolutionary activist for social change. “The Christian gospels fail to expound or even mention Jesus’ relationship to the Jewish liberation struggle. From the gospels alone, you would never know that Jesus spent most of his life in the central theater of one of history’s fiercest guerilla uprisings. Even less apparent to readers of the gospels is the fact that this struggle continued to escalate long after Jesus was executed. You could never guess that in 68 A.D. the Jews went on to stage a full-scale revolution that required the attention of six Roman legions under the command of two future emperors before it was brought under control. And least of all would you ever suspect that Jesus himself died a victim of the Roman attempt to destroy the military-messianic consciousness of the Jewish revolutionaries.” As well, hidden in the last pages of the Holy Bible, in the book of Revelation, Chapter 1, verse 14, Jesus’ appearance is described as, “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.” The only visible skin coloring, as he was dressed in a robe to his ankles, were his feet, which were of color. In addition, if one were to study the characteristics of the indigenous men of Africa, one would definitely conclude that Jesus was African. Africans have wool-textured hair, and the whites of their eyes are actually red, like a blazing fire!

Alice Miller states in her book, “The Truth Will Set You Free,” “I was told not to take the Bible so literally, that it was symbolic. Symbolic of what? I asked, but got no answer. Or I was reminded that the Bible contains much that is fine and true, something that I had never denied; but I did not see why I had to accept the things I found illogical.” As a product of the Catholic School system, I can attest to many times when being forced to act humble turned inside to humiliation because my spirit was not allowed to think, feel, and experience life freely. Why should one accept the little Jesus hanging dead on the metal crucifix at the end of the rosary chain? Is that the symbol of my savior? The answer is NO! As was Jesus’ resilient spirit in life, though the hands of many men maimed him, he resurrected for my salvation. And would such a divinely noble man of substance like Jesus, who dedicated his life to a world-changing revolution, want to be remembered for all eternity in the most sorrowful hour of his life? Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and killed by another man, but I refuse to be reminded of the success of the oppressor, by hanging an autopsy photo of him in my house. Whose idea was it to glorify suffering, anyway? The glory of suffering got cold by the time the idea reached the pristine marble-paved, gold-trimmed palaces of the Vatican in Rome. And I have yet to meet a Catholic priest who exudes Jesus’ glory in the desolate poverty so many devout Catholic women and children suffer, in just about every over-populated third-world nation today.

The terminal affliction, which Grand-Dragon John Paul, and so many other rosy-cheeked Nazis suffer from, I have simply termed as “White-Ignorance.” Fallacy after fallacy, the white man has yet to be called on the inequities and deceptions he imposes on the world around him. Marvin Harris brings this fact to light in his book “Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches” by stating of Yali, a native leader and sergeant in the Australian Army, “It was not until after the war, while attending a government conference in Port Moresby, the capital of Australian New Guinea, that Yali realized the extent to which the missionaries had been lying to the natives. During the course of the conference Yali was shown a certain book which contained pictures of apes and monkeys becoming progressively more similar to men. At last the truth dawned on him; The missionaries had said that Adam and Eve were man’s ancestors, but the whites really believed their own ancestors were monkeys, dogs, cats, and other animals. These were precisely the beliefs that the natives had possessed until missionaries had tricked them into giving up their totems.” The key word here is “tricked!” We were tricked into thinking the first Thanksgiving was a going-away party for the Pilgrims. We were tricked into believing that when the slave traders landed on the virgin shores of the African coast, they would take our people to a land with gold-paved palaces, and now we are so foolish after all these years, as to believe that we must suffer long, while bowing to yet another cracker-idol dressed in the same get-up as those lynch-mob murderers who hung our grandfathers from trees in the south, only decades ago. We are instructed to pay our tithes, and cheerfully give offerings to the illuminati’s mafia led by the Pope, while we don’t have enough money in our pockets to even rub two nickels together. Keep in mind, the key word here is “tricked.”

Referring to eating the apple from the tree of knowledge, Alice Miller says, “With the best will in the world I could find nothing evil in what Eve did. If God really loved those two he wouldn’t want them to be blind, I thought.” God does not want us to be blind, and God indeed DOES love us. It is the white men, dressed in white cloaks, suffering from white ignorance that don’t. They want us to remain ignorant, in poverty, and slaves to their socio-economic system of oppression. From the unauthorized biography called the Holy Bible, to the distribution of eucharistic crackers by crackers of the cloth, to the fellow sinner we must whisper our sins to in confession, who then must decide our penance, it is the ghost-faced entity of the anti-Christ who has clipped our direct phone line to God with his golden scissors. The plan was detachment from the spirit-man within us, and replacing it with institutions of idolatry. It was replaced with the herding of crowds of humble, economically disadvantaged people into gold-ornamented cathedrals to confess our faults to, and kneel before a priest; a man whose sins are conveniently kept secret by the Bishop, as we have seen with the recent child molestation charges in the Archdiocese. Just as the slave-trader broke the family ties between Africans and their homeland families, and then replaced their kin with a slave-master, to whom they would be totally dependent upon; so to has the oppressor broke our spiritual ties to our creator, and replaced our direct relationship to God with the institutions of a church doctrine, organized religion, and men in elaborate robes, called priests, which we are to be totally dependent upon spiritually. Our private line to god has been intercepted by the anti-Christ, whose feet so many of our mothers would pay their last dollar, peso, or food-stamp to kiss. He, like Adolph Hitler, has kicked spirituality out the window, and is leading an institution of repression, sexism, classism, and racism. Make no mistake, an anti-Christ does not mean against Christ, but rather, he who comes in the name of Christ. Pope John Paul sees the masses suffering, and continues to project the icons of the white oppressor on to our people. It is the fallacy of glorifying the suffering of a god we will never be like; a god created in the likeness of the powers that be, so that we may worship, and bow down to the likeness of him. Where are the masses of skinny white guys suffering in painful agony in Mexico, Guatemala, or the Philippines? By the looks of it, I know it isn’t my Jesus nailed to those crosses in the Catholic Church…perhaps it is Charles Manson.

Throughout history, from Jesus to Martin Luther King Jr., it has been the Black man to teach us with his actions, how to fight ignorance with love. Both of these revolutionary leaders died for the salvation of their people, and their spirits have been resurrected in the struggle for salvation ever since. Therefore, we must be like the real Jesus by rejecting social norms, and lead our people to a revolution of higher consciousness, as he did. We must be like the real Jesus, and speak with words of wisdom, as the book of revelations describes this radical revolutionary spirit of his time, “Out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.” We must refuse the cloak of white ignorance, take a bite of the shiny red apple from the tree of knowledge, get some love in our heart, and a good tan. It is time to be like the real Jesus and get up off the cross to which the oppressor has us nailed. There is no one else but us; it is you and I who must resurrect the spirit being within ourselves for the salvation of our people. We must spit out the fatty nuggets of slop, which the illuminati puts in front of us to swallow, and speak the truth…oh, and Super-Size my cup of wisdom until it runneth over!




Works Cited



Harris, Marvin “Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches”

Vintage Books (a division of Random house) edition, November 1989


Miller, Alice “The Truth Will Set You Free”

Basic Books, 2001


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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