
 Meeting Minutes 12/6/16CALLED TO ORDER: 7:30 PMProxies: Motion to approve the minutes: Ben Seconded: Alex24-1-0Budgets Web: Active Minds works on mental health, some fun destresser. Cutting some of the pizza. Dance Dhmaka needs money for costumes. Effective Altruism, we approved but cut the tip on the pizza they ordered. Kinetic is sponsoring a mentor program at a local elementary school and we chose to fund that.Victoria: Active minds no longer a CC group?Web: Not sure about registration, but have received 3 requests, they have put work in. Besser: Is there a reason why the event-type programs like Active Minds aren’t going through Ecomm?Web: They’re events but not strictly entertainment.Motion to Approve as Slate: BesserLiz24-1Web: Breakout trips are great spring break opportunities organized alongside adults so they’re very legitimate. Students sometimes contribute their own money toward these. Previously have funded $125 per international, domestically $75 if outside New England. Felt like arbitrary fee. This year funding proportionally at 10%. Doing this, would allocate $9000 -- this isn’t unprecedented. We can definitely shoulder it, can’t increase in future years. Besser: What budget is this coming from?Web: General fund, we’re at $43,000. Michael: Should institutionalize by percentage of general fund or funds available. Allegra: Sustainable without ACE rollover?Web: Yes Allegra: What about other spring break trips (a capella) Web: Maybe looking at two night hotel cap ($60 per) -- discrepancy between break out trips and other types Victoria: How many international trips are there?Web: 4 this year, 2 have cap of 8, 1 has 15. 10 total trips. Victoria: Colin (CLIA) is pushing it. This would not fly in the past. Caitlin: Process for being approved? What are we expected to donut Web: Two years ago, all trips had to present to us and people were doing things economically. It would end up being a lot more if we contributed at regular level of hotel fee. Spencer: Can we do this based on financial need? Web: Can’t be shared because private info? Spencer: Could we talk to Colin to do that?Michelle: Why don’t we fund New England trips?Web: Student contribution there is low. Morgan: Can we work with Financial Aid Office?Web: I like the sentiment, but no one has the right to go on a trip, which makes it probably not of interest to Financial Aid OfficeMichael: Dean of Financial Aid could work with that Morgan: Why do we have to fund this? What happens if we say no?Web: Would happen, would just have to pay more for personal contribution Victoria: We represent supporting student needs, but inappropriate that they keep pushing how many we can afford. Arielle: What role does our budget for fundraising play?Web: Benefits is for external charities. Victoria: Don’t people just go get wasted? We used to not give money at all. Web: Never heard that. Motion to approve the budget as recommended for break out trips: Allegra Second: Alex 24-1-0 Arielle: Destresser event for Class of 2018! Dunkin in the library. Chetan: Can non juniors come? Arielle: Sure. Motion to approve: Ben Second: Allegra 25-0 II. Ice Rink Naming Ziev: Should make sense for years to come. Web: Could be fun to name it every year. Spencer: Rinky McRink Face had the most votes Michael: Trying to make alternatives to drinking Ben: Can be up to future councils to change the name Web: Could be fun tradition to name ice rink every year. Also, let’s be a bastion against populism. Fuck Rinky McRink Face. Chetan: Want the name to stick! Web: Will be refered to at the rink no matter what. Suiyi: Yes, agree, have fun sign. Allegra: Do it as a by-law and future councils can change if they care Michelle: Straw poll: Keep the name the same: 9Change the name each year: 13 Liz: Set the tone now. We should decide Allegra: Can always re-use the name. Tony’s proxy: Is there a sign? Ben: Yes Arielle: Could we have a ribbon cutting?Andres: Will the cutting Motion to approve $78.99 for ribbons and scissors: Allegra Second: Web 18-0-7III. Wellness UpdateMichelle: How to get out info about resources?Michael: I think meme format attracts student population Sam: Toilet doorLizzy: Crisis walk in and lets talk Allegra: Dates for super stress busters, etc. Kevin: Should continue campaign after.Ben: Dog party -- talk to professors, etc. Abel: Run this past risk management? Caitlin: Tried to do dog walk database didn’t work Sam: Advertise reindog parade Michael: Brand as pick-up habits now later IV. Free University Alex: Haven’t fully done budgets yet. Have 10 to 15 courses. Did not get much interest from clubs to do workshops. Michelle: Everyone reach out to one club tonight. Ben: Could be cool to open up to entry’s or something for games. Suiyi: Could have Mission/frosh quad night and revisit Alex: Already signed up: Zambezi, Math, Smash, Student Vets, Williams Catholic, Divest, Vista, Spencer: How does get sent out? Alex: I’ll send it out All people will reach out to groups. V. Art Exhibit Michael: Alex Jen wants us to get involved in an art exhibit he is planning. Allegra: Put on CC snapchat Annie: He may need money for brunch Ben: Event of the week could be coolVI. Circle of 6 Caitlin: Contract comes up for renewal. Sofie: Big push for JAs but didn’t seem like freshmen were doing Spencer: Maybe we can share the cost of it Michelle: Even if a few are using it, worth it. Not quantifiable. Also, as a JA if I saw Circle of 6 notification would react more seriously than seeing a text Alex: Did meg give alternatives?Caitlin: Non right now, but she didn’t have that info.Maria: Numbers on the back of the ID (or pocket)Ben: Number is already on there. But should do more Allegra: How about a big contact download Elizabeth: I know people who have used it and it’s been significantChetan: I don’t really know that many frosh that use it. There has to be a cheaper way Andres: Most CS projects have to do with apps VII. Standing Rock Suiyi: Survey for student opinions. 472 responses -- 91.9% said yes. Sofie: Hasn’t it been decided that they won’t progress?Suiyi: Very helpful clarification. Michael: Is it right for us to take a political stance?Suiyi: Might be premature right now. Other groups are interested, and so act of collecting is important. This affects people nearby as well. Kevin: Tough for college as a whole to take a stand, but should collect more data. Sam: Table until have inaugurated president, etc. Abel: Being scared of political makes us tie our own handsLizzy: it is our job to be political if it represents student bodySpencer: Yes, could be sampled better. Allegra: Suiyi, can you draft a resolution and we vote on that resolution? Ben: Was concerned survey wording was leading. In future, should be cognizant of that. Suiyi: I resist the idea that I should be apolitical -- purpose of this position. Andres: How does this impact people who don’t agree?Suiyi: Financial implications, legal implications. Might table so we can talk at greater length in future. Besser: Poll could be more effective if the question doesn’t feel leading. Motion to extend the meeting by two minutes: Ben Seconded: Alex 23-0-2Morgan: Interesting to see where people stand on it if we get better info from unbiased survey. Suiyi: This may call for a broader survey with DACA etc. It is important that 400 supported Spencer: Email only presents the argument from one side. Doesn’t seem to say its your opinion. Suiyi: I think the email was fair and objective position. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:32:00PM ................

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