right9525NEW - Grading Rubric on Page 2!00NEW - Grading Rubric on Page 2!COVID – 19 – MEME Project MDCPS – Division of Academics – Social Sciences4th QUARTER PROJECT - RELATED TO COVID-19 - GRADE BAND: SECONDARY 6-12Introduction and Description:Due to the global pandemic associated withCOVID-19, we are living an unprecedented experience that the vast majority of people alive today have never lived through, so let’s get creative and give our students a chance to THINK AND ACT LIKE A SOCIAL SCIENTISTS and create a record of the experiences that students are having related to dealing with this new, and hopefully, short term reality. Essential Question: How has COVID-19 affected my life? (A personal analysis of the effects of a global pandemic.)One of the best ways to diffuse stressful situations is to use humor. As this global pandemic has moved from country to country, the memes created have kept us entertained and somewhat preoccupied. As part of your “Think and Act Like a Social Scientist” project, I am asking you to research memes centered around the Corona Virus. Because we are creating a primary source document that will be used to document this unique time in our lives, the meme alone will not paint the entire picture. In ten to fifteen years, we might not recall why toilet paper related memes were significant. I know we think we will, but we might not. Therefore, a description for the relevance of each meme is needed.REQUIREMENTS:Title Page – Name, Class Period, Due Date WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020Six- eight memes - Different TopicsExplanations of the relevance of the meme in relationship to Covid-19. This is to be a MINIMUM of two sentences. Please keep in mind my year-long, general expectations of depth and complexity to earn an A. In other words, a meme and two sentences is average work. One way to go above and beyond is to find research or data to help explain the meme. You don’t need to do this on every one of them.THESE MUST BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE. THIS MEANS NO BAD LANGUAGE, AND QUESTIONABLE SUBJECTS ARE TO be AVOIDED. IF YOU PAUSE AND THINK, “HMMMM… I WONDER IF THIS IS Appropriate?” IT PROBABLY ISN’T. DON’T USE IT.POSIBLE TOPICS – DON’T REPEAT TOPICS. You can use other categories too. These are just ideas.414337541275COVID MEME COLLECTIONApproximately 125 memes have been provided for you. Please use these. They are labeled “Covid Meme Collection” and can be copied and pasted into your project.COVID MEME COLLECTIONApproximately 125 memes have been provided for you. Please use these. They are labeled “Covid Meme Collection” and can be copied and pasted into your project.Homeschooling/School ClosuresTV show fads for binge watching Increased screen timeEating/snackingExerciseVideo timeOutdoor timeMajor closures (Disney, malls, restaurants, et.)Toilet Paper – This on deserves its own category.EXAMPLE:MEMEEXPLANATIONRESEARCHAs the Corona Virus began to spread through the various nations, panic set in. The panic caused citizens globally to over purchase a unique item. That item was toilet paper. Every store you went into, everybody was looking for the same precious thing. Toilet paper. It seems that people bought in bulk, and there is very little left. The meme reflects this because it says that toilet paper is more valuable than a $3999 diamond ring. ? FROM: “Flushing out the true cause of the global toilet paper shortage amid coronavirus pandemic” Published on April 7, 2020 and published by the online edition of The Washington Post. Article written by Marc Fisher. “The leading theories are:1. We’re buying too much toilet paper because we’re?panicked there won’t be any?when we need it.2. We’re actually?using way more than usual?at home because most people are sheltering in place rather than using the facilities while at work, school, restaurants or other public places. The third theory is that both of those are right,” said Doug Baker, vice president at the?Food Industry Association, which represents retailers, distributors and producers — the whole chain of businesses from the factory to you.”You do not need to set up your memes like this; it is one option.Grading RubricGrade# of Memes in ProjectExplanations of Memes and Relevance to Covid-19.ResearchNeatness, Grammar, and SpellingA8 or moreWell-developed explanations with depth and complexity and relevance to Covid-19 established.Has at least six of the memes connected to some sort of building beyond research. This means you took a concept in the meme and learned more about it and presented what you found clearly. Project is exemplary, clear and very easy to understand, and has no more than 2 spelling or grammar errors. Has a title page.B6- 8Moderately developed explanations with depth and complexity and relevance to Covid-19 established.Has at least 4 of the memes connected to some sort of building beyond research. This means you took a concept in the meme and learned more about it and presented what you found clearly.Project is neat, easy to read, and no more than 4 spelling or grammar errors.Has a title page.C6-7Adequate explanations with depth and complexity and relevance to Covid-19 established.Has at least 2 of the memes connected to some sort of building beyond research. This means you took a concept in the meme and learned more about it and presented what you found clearly.Project is not clear as it should be. Might be missing labels, title page, hard to read, and contains spelling or grammar errors.D3-5Limited explanations with depth and complexity and relevance to Covid-19 established.Does not make research connections.Project is not clear as it should be. Might be missing labels, title page, hard to read, and contains spelling or grammar errors.F0-2Limited explanations with depth and complexity and relevance to Covid-19 established.Does not make research connections.Project is not clear as it should be. Might be missing labels, title page, hard to read, and contains spelling or grammar errors. ................

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