
Lecture Signature:Grade: 10Subject: Mathematical Literacy Time: 40minSchool: High School Andrew RabieWeek: (6)Date: 7 September 2015Lesson Topic: VolumeResources: PowerPoint, Chalkboard, Summary notes, CAPS prescribed time: 3 weeksCAPS Topic: Context focusing on Measurement (Perimeter, area and volume)Term: 3Lesson Outcomes:By the end of this lesson the learners will be able to:Define the concept VolumeExplain what is meant by three dimensional Calculate the volume of a rectangular prism, cylinder Give the correct formula for each shapeDistinguish between length, breadth and heightLesson Plan:Lesson PhaseTeacher ActivitiesLearner ActivitiesAssessment StrategiesResources TimeIntroduction/ OrientationIntroduction/ OrientationTeacher will start of lesson with real life examples.Draw on learners’ prior knowledge through baseline assessment (See annexure A and B)Identify learning outcomesIntroduce new concept and give overview of the lesson.Teacher will hand out notes.The learners will listen attentively and observe the demonstration of the real life examples.Learners will answer questions and ask questions related to the introduction of the new topic.Learners will listen attentively.The learners will receive the notes.Question and answeringOral feedbackAsses learners answers and observe their reactionPowerPointSummary notesBrick and Glass as example 10 minExposition Give full definition of each concept (see annexure C)The teacher will test for understanding of each concept by doing an example of each with the class.Teacher will divide class into groups and hand out objects of which the volume will be calculated in the internalization phase.. Learners will listen when new concepts are explained.Learners will underline/ highlight on their summary sheets.Learners answer questions asked and take part in interaction with the teacherLearners will divide into groups of 4 and receive the objects.PowerPointExtra notesChalkboardPicture Cards10minInternalization Teacher instructs the learners to calculate the volume of each object handed out (See annexure D) (group work)The teacher will walk through the class assisting and guiding the learners to do calculations correctly. Helping them to get to the right answers.The teacher will ask learners to give feedback once activity is finished. (Whole class discussion)The learners will calculate the volume of the objects in groups of four. Must help each other to do the calculations.Learners will listen, ask questions (where needed) and complete the activity in the time provided.The learners will provide the teacher with their answers (if it is required of them) and write down the correct answers provided by the teacher (if they had an incorrect answer)Observation, Question and answeringAsses answers learners give for exercisePicture cardsClass activity 10 minApplication Review content (See annexure F)Teacher will instruct learners to complete activity. Teacher will instruct them to start with the activity and complete it for homework (See annexure E)The learners will answer the teacher’s questions (when it is required of them).The learners will write down there homework and start it in class (if there is still time available) and finish it for homework.Question and answeringAssess whether learners understand homeworkWorksheetPowerPoint10minReflectionI enjoyed preparing this lesson, as I know the content very well. I’ve been teaching this class from the beginning of the year, thus feel comfortable teaching them. Did the learners achieve the outcomes?What could I have done better?How can I improve for next time?Annexure A (PowerPoint)Annexure BWiskundige Geletterdheid (notas)Graad 107 September 2015Begin met voorbeeldeLeeruitkomstes vir die les:Definieer die konsep VolumeDefinieer die konsep driedemensioneel Bereken die volume van ‘n reghoekige voorwerpBereken die volume van ‘n silinderGee die korrekte formule vir elke vormDifferensieer tussen lengte, breedte en hoogte Toets vorige kennis:In die vorige les het ons die Area/Opp bereken van ‘n reghoek, sirkel en driehoek. Definisie van AREA:Area is ‘n twee-dimensionele konsep. Die area van ‘n vorm is die hoeveelheid ruimte wat die vorm beslaan/opneem. Byvoorbeel: Die area wat ‘n stuk hout op die vloer opneem is die grootte van die vloer spasie wat dit oopneem.Ons werk met twee-dimensies wanneer on area bereken – lengte en breedte.Area word altyd gemeet in eenhede? - byvoorbeeld mm?, cm?, m? .FORMULES VIR DIE BEREKENING VAN OPPERVLAKTE/AREA:bArea van ‘n reghoek = lengte x breedtelrArea van ‘n sirkel = π × r?bhArea van ‘n driehoek = ? × basis × hoogte van driehoekAnnexure C:Nuwe Konsepte Definisies:VolumeVolume is ‘n driedimensionele kosep. Die volume van ‘n voorwerp is die grootte van die driedimensionele spasie wat ‘n voorwerp opneem of kan behou.Solide voorwerp?Die hoeveelheid 3D ruimte wat ‘n voorwerp opneem/beslaan. Baksteen Hol voorwerp?Die kapasiteit (inhoudsmaat) wat die voorverp kan behou.Glas met water Wanneer met volume werk, werk mens met 3 dimensies – lengte, breedte en hoogte. Volume word altyd gemeet in eenhede? - bv. mm?, cm?, m?.Die volume van ‘n reghoekige voorwerp = (area van reghoek) × hoogte= (lengte × breedte) × hoogte10668035560= l × b × h39846255715Die volume van ‘n silinder = (area van sirkel) × hoogte = (π × r?) × hoogte = πr? × h Annexure DVerdeel in 4 groepe. Elke groep kry 2 reghoekige voorwerpe en 2 silinders. Ons sal dan die volume bereken van elke voorwerp. Neem mates van gegewe voorwerpe.Die volume van ‘n reghoekige voorwerp = lengte × breedte × hoogte 1.(Bereken antwoorde in mm)-264795173355____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.-264795149860________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Die volume van silinder = πr? × hoogteNB!! Π = 3,143.344805266065 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________4.Bereken antwoord in cm (Tuna blikkie)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Group activity – MEMO)Verdeel in 4 groepe. Elke groep kry 2 reghoekige voorwerpe en 2 silinders. Ons sal dan die volume bereken van elke voorwerp. Vra leerders om die mates te neem van elke voorwerp – doen voorbeelde saam met hul op die bord.-4171955314951.Die volume van ‘n reghoekige voorwerp = lengte × breedte × hoogte (Bereken antwoord in mm) 15mm = l × b × h30mm = 90mm × 30mm ×15mm90mm = 40 500mm32.-43624510541029mm= l × b × h = 60mm × 29mm ×29mm29mm = 50 460mm360mm Die volume van silinder = πr? × hoogteNB!! Π = 3,1425990551092203.1. = πr? × hRadius = 13,5mm60mm = 3,14(13,5)? × 60mm = 34?335,9 ≈ 34 336mm3 27mm 4.Bereken antwoord in cm.h 3,5cm = πr? × h = 3,14(4.25)? × 3,5 = 198,5068… 8,5cm Radius = 4,25cm ≈ 199cm3Annexure EWorksheet 7 September 2015Volume Graad 10Beantwoord die volgende vrae:1. Definieer die konsep Volume________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Wat beteken die konsep drie-dimensioneel?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Annexure F Question and answer Questions asked:Definieer die konsep area/oppDefinieer die konsep volumeGee die korrekte formule om die volume van ‘n reghoekige prisma te berekenGee die korrekte formule om die volume van ‘n silinder te berekenDifferensieer tussen lengte, breedte en hoogte ................

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