




Note to teachers: Remember this is a bank of questions. Many of the questions will overlap.

You must therefore select questions for your question paper and keep the cognitive levels in mind.

FET: 30%-40%-30%

SECTION A (Compulsory)

1. Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the

most correct answer and write only the letter (A-D) next to the question number 1.1-1.10 for example 1.11.D.

1.1.1. A BA degree is an example of a(n):

A. postgraduate degree

B. undergraduate degree

C. honours degree

D. master degree (1)

1.1.2. Life Science is required for a career in:

A. Events Managing

B. Accounting

C. Sport Management

D. Engineering (1)

1.1.3. School subjects that you can take in the services field of learning, include:

A. Consumer Studies; Hospitality Studies; Tourism.

B. Religious Studies; Geography; History.

C. Accounting; Business Studies; Economy.

D. Dance Studies; Consumer Studies, Design; Tourism. (1)

1.1.4. To be eligible to enrol for a university degree, one needs a:

A. National Senior Certificate, Bachelors Pass and perseverance.

B. Vocational Certificate, lots of perseverance and loyalty.

C. Relevant subjects, loyalty and a Certificate.

D. Perseverance, loyalty and a Certificate (1)

1.1.5. Which subjects below are considered to be a compulsory subjects in Grade 10-12?

A. Life Sciences, Accounting and CAT

B. Accounting, CAT and English

C. Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Life Orientation

D. Computer Applications Technology, Physical Science and Life Orientation (1)

1.1.6. Choose the option that completes the following statement best:


A. are not compulsory when applying to university.

B. assess how ready a learner is for tertiary education.

C. are standardised and differ between institutions.

D. stands for National Bachelor’s test. (1)

1.1.7. A program that allows you to earn while you learn by studying the theory at a college or

training centre and practice what you have learnt in a real job.

A. Job shadowing

B. Scholarship

C. College program

D. Learnership (1)

1.1.8. Which one of the following group of subjects are from the elective group?

A. Accounting; Life Orientation; Consumer Studies; Mathematics.

B. First Additional Language; Life Orientation, Mathematics

or Mathematical Literacy.

C. Design; Physical Science; Geography; Languages at Second Additional

Language level.

D. Mathematical Literacy; Music; History; Business Studies. (1)

1.1.9. Which one of the following is the least active method in securing work?

A. Thinking positive thoughts.

B. Networking.

C. Applying for a job advertised online.

D. Posting your CV online. (1)

1.1.10. For a successful job interview, you should do the following:

A. Attach a photo to your CV…

B. Use different fonts and colours to make sure that your CV stands out

C. Dress professionally.

D. Ask the interviewer personal questions. (1)


1.2. Give ONE word/term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the word/term next to the question number (1.3.1–1.3.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.

1.2.1. Financial aid given to a student that is expected to be paid back with interest. (1)

1.2.2. A person's regular work or profession. (1)

1.2.3. Another word for a CV. (1)

1.2.4. The type of listening when you show that you are aware of what the teacher is saying by asking questions is referred to as? (1)

1.2.5. The domain referring to how well you take care of yourself? (1)


1.3. Answer the following questions by writing the answer next to the question number

(1.3.1–1.3.3). Write your answers in full sentences.

1.3.1. Discuss how your career and study choices are influenced by availability of finances as a socio-economic factor. (2)

1.3.2. Explain briefly where bursaries come from. (2)

1.3.3 Define the term Student Loan. (1)



SECTION B (Compulsory)

Question 2

2.1. Read the scenario below on Janice’s career planning and answer the questions that follow.

2.1.1. Give TWO reasons why career planning is important in grade 9. (2x1)(2) .

2.1.2. In what other career field can Thando go into with her possible subject choice? (1)

2.1.3. Suggest THREE things that Thando needs to do about a career before studying. (3x2)(6)

2.1.4. Suggest THREE ways one can begin planning one’s future career. (3x2)(6)


Question 3

Read Angela’s scenario below and then answer the questions.

3.1. List THREE things that the interviewer is implying about women in the world of work.


3.2. Discuss THREE socio-economic factors that are influencing Angela change in career. (3x2)(6)

3.3. Recommend THREE ways how stereotyping in careers can be opposed and explain. (3x2)(6)




Answer any TWO questions in this Section.

Question 4

4. Study the following results:

• Define the concept: self-knowledge and explain why it is important when identifying suitable careers (1+2)(3)

• Assess the value or importance of understanding the link between knowing your life domains and choosing a suitable career. (3x2)(6)

• Critically evaluate if the medical field would be most suitable, as a career path for Jonathan’s understanding of his life domains will help him in choosing a suitable career. (3x2)(4)


Question 5

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.

NSFAS approves funding for 300 000 students, rejects 65 000

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has approved funding to more than 300 000 students for the year 2019.

The scheme said that it has completed all assessments of the applications of first-time students.

"Of the 417 000 applications received, more than 300 000 students have been declared approved, pending registration at public institutions for NSFAS funded qualifications," said spokesperson Kagisho Mamabolo.

Mamabolo said that 65 000 applicants had been unsuccessful.

Adapted. Accessed 18 February 2018 from internet.

• Name and explain what type of financial aid NSFAS is. (1+2)(3)

• Describe THREE ways one can go about for financial aid. (3x2)(6)

• Evaluate critically THREE reasons why a students’ application for financial aid would be unsuccessful, think about the following:

➢ Socio-economic factors

➢ subject choices

➢ career field



Question 6

Read the statement below on the NCS and answer the questions that follow.

• Differentiate between skills, talent and strengths. (3x1)(3)

• Critically evaluate how not following the correct decision-making process could

lead to unhappiness in your career. (3x2)(6)

• Advise parents how to guide children in their career choices. (3x2)(6)





1.1.1. B (

1.1.2. D (

1.1.3. A (

1.1.4. B (

1.1.5. C (

1.1.6. B (

1.1.7. D (

1.1.8. C (

1.1.9. A (

1.1.10. C ( (10x1)[10]

1.2 Answers to the missing word/term (s)

1.2.1. Loan (

1.2.2. Occupation (

1.2.3. Résumé (

1.2.4. Active listening (

1.2.5. Being ( (5x1)[5]


1.3.1. Availability of finances can affect ones career because it would motivate you to get a career that will give you financial stability ( and in terms of the study choice it will determine to which college or university you go to where you will have funding available ( (2)

1.3.2. Bursaries comes from different sources, which are the state government (, postsecondary institutions and private organisations.( (2)

1.3.3. Student loans are money you borrow for education, and pay back over-time.( (1)



2.1.1. One mark for each reason

Possible answers:

• Gives them an idea of which path to follow. (

• Helps you to see what options you have in the future. (

• Helps one to set goals that they need to achieve. (

• Help them to focus, in terms of studying. (


2.1.2. Engineering/ Science ( [1]

2.1.3. One mark for each way one can begin planning and one mark for the discussion.

Possible answers:

• Research (: Visit universities or tertiary institutions. Ask them about requirements and criteria.(

• Aptitude test(: See what is suited for you. (

• Self-introspection (: Develop an understanding of yourself, your interests, your strengths, etc.(

(Any relevant answer.) (3x2)[6]

2.1.4. One mark for each point and one mark for the discussion.

Possible answers:

• Financial aid (: Before selecting a career it is good to start thinking about the cost of your studies and how you would be able to pay for it to make the necessary arrangments. (

• Where can you study (: Look at where they offer the course you want to study and consider the housing and criterias one has to take into account. (

• Job availability (: Will there be jobs available so that employment is secured once you are done studying. (

(Any other relevant answers) (3x2)[6]


Question 3


• The interviewer is implying that women cannot do the work better than men.(

• He is implying that women can handle stress and the workload, because they are weaker. (

• He is implying that women cannot stand up against a man and handle comepetition within the working environment. (


3.2 One mark for the socio-economic factor and one mark for the explaination.

• Availability of finance. ( Angela needs the money urgently to make ends meet in her househould.(

• Accessibility(. The new job is in her neighbourhood and thus can she get there fast. (

• Community needs ( This job is what her community needs and thus is there a job availablity where she does not have to wait long for. (



• Awareness ( People must be made aware of what they are doing and that it is wrong. People need to be educated. (

• Conduct interviews with women in so-called mens position to prove that women are just as good as men.( This creates equality when it comes to how positions are viewed. (

• Promote the careers that are stereotyped ( so that more women can follow the career and therefore break the stereotyped.(

Any relevant answer. ( ( (3x2)[6]



Answer any TWO questions

Question 4

Study the following results:

• Define the concept: self-knowledge and explain why it is important when identifying suitable careers (1+2)(3)

Knowing who you are, what your interests are, your abilities and strengths are important to guide you to find the most suitable career for you. (

• Assess the value or importance of understanding the link between knowing your life domains and choosing a suitable career. (3x2)(6)

➢ Jonathan need to know how he is, and if his physical, psychological wellbeing is in the right place( to be able to succeed in his specific career field.(

➢ In terms of becoming he need to be able to see where he still need to grow( to succeed and understand what it will take to get reach his goal (

➢ In terms of community, he need to understand what his community needs (and is he will be able to help the community and decide if it is important to him. (


• Critically evaluate if the medical field would be most suitable, as a career path for Jonathan’s understanding of his life domains will help him in choosing a suitable career. (3x2)(6)

o Subject choice: Jonathan only has business subject which is not the right subject choice for medicine. ( To be accepted into the medical field one need to have Life Science as a subject, which Jonathan does not have. (

o Results: Jonathan currently is not passing matric with a bachelors pass due to the fact that his Afrikaans is below 40% and his physical science is below 30%. ( His results is also showing that the business subject is his strongest which would not benefit him in medicine. (

o Criteria: The Criteria for medicine is to get an aggregate of atleast 75% which Jonathan does not have. ( Jonathan also need to have 75% and above for physical sciences, and life science. (



Question 5

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.

NSFAS approves funding for 300 000 students, rejects 65 000

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has approved funding to more than 300 000 students for the year 2019.

The scheme said that it has completed all assessments of the applications of first-time students.

"Of the 417 000 applications received, more than 300 000 students have been declared approved, pending registration at public institutions for NSFAS funded qualifications," said spokesperson Kagisho Mamabolo.

Mamabolo said that 65 000 applicants had been unsuccessful.

Adapted. Accessed 18 February 2018 from internet.

• Name and explain what type of financial aid NSFAS is. (1+2)(3)

NSFAS is a bursary. (

NSFAS is a bursary funded by the government. ( This means that its non-repayable financial aid that covers tuition fee, registration and provides allowance for books, food, transportation and accommodation. (

• Describe THREE ways one can go about for financial aid. (3x2)(6)

➢ Apply for a bursary (

You could be given a bursary because you do not have the money to pay for your

studies, or because you did well at school. You do not have to pay back a bursary √

➢ You can apply for a student loan(

If you apply for one from a bank, you will have to pay it back with interest. Some

companies and businesses also give student loans which you don’t have to pay

back, but you must work for them once you have finished studying (

➢ You may be awarded a scholarship (

Some companies, businesses, and organisations award scholarships if you have

done well at school in your studies, sport or cultural activities (

➢ A learnership allows you to earn while you learn (

You study theory at a college or a training centre and practice what you have learnt

in a real job (

➢ Part-time work while studying (

This will allow you to earn money to pay for your studies. You will have to ensure that it does not affect your studies in terms of time commitment to your studies (

• Evaluate critically THREE reasons why a students’ application for financial aid would be unsuccessful, think about the following:

➢ Socio-economic factors

It might be that the parents/guardians annual salary fall in the bracket that is too high for the learner to qualify for a government fund.( This mostly happens in middle-class households.( Due to die socio-economic factors students are not aware of the funding available due to the lack of information.

➢ subject choices

The student might not have the right subject choice needed for the career, which would result in not being able to get funding. ( Learner might have chosen the wrong subject which results in poor marks that is to low to apply. (

➢ career field

Learner might not meet the criteria for the chosen career field. ( Bursaries might not be open to the specific career field of choice.




Question 6

Read the statement below on the NCS and answer the questions that follow.

• Differentiate between skills, talent and strengths. (3x1)(3)

Abilities are the skills, the things that you are able to do. ( Talents are the abilities you are born with. ( Strengths is the things you are good at. (

• Critically evaluate how not following the correct decision-making process could

lead to unhappiness in your career. (3x2)(6)

➢ Get as much information about the different career options ( This will ensure that your chances are greater, and you have in depth knowledge what different careers are about.(

➢ Ensure that your personality type matches a certain career field ( and choose the correct subjects accordingly. (

➢ Think carefully about the effects or consequences of each career choice/option, ( choosing

➢ without looking at all the pros and cons might end in not choosing the most suitable career. (

➢ Evaluate your situation( make the necessary changes and decide on the best option. (

o Any relevant answer

• Advise parents how to guide children in their career choices. (3x2)(6)

➢ To visit career information sites and sections (to better understand the range of job options available and what skills employers are looking for. (

➢ Be careful that you don't unintentionally pressure your child( to realise your own unfulfilled ambitions. (

➢ Be realistic about your child's potential, ( and seeking guidance from their school as to find their likely educational achievements will help to identify appropriate routes out there. (

➢ You might also decide to seek professional careers guidance( when subject or career choices need to be made. (

➢ Help them to discover their innate talents and skills( and develop their knowledge of the world of work. (

➢ Teach them decision- making skills (and value gender equity and cultural diversity. (




Thando is in grade 9 and needs to decide on her subject choices and future career. Thando’s mother helps her with all her decisions. Her mother believes the only worthy career choice is to become a doctor. She is demanding that Thando should take physical science, life science and mathematics in order to succeed in this specific career field.

If she becomes a doctor, her salary would be enough to help at home but she knows that she struggles with mathematics and physical science. Thando is a hard worker and she knows she will be able to get the marks she needs to become a doctor.


Angela is a qualified Chartered Accounted but unsure about her choice of career lately. When Angela went for her interview at her previous job she was told that they can take her on, but they will have to let her go if a man needs the job. Her interviewer also told her that he is not sure she would be able to cope with the workload, hours and competition within the company.

She recently was retrenched from her work at an accounting firm and lost her husband when her house burned down. She has four children to look after and is worried about their households’ financial state. She is considering applying for a secretary job at the school in her neighbourhood just to make ends meet.


Jonathan is in grade 12. He is interested in Business studies (BCom) and the medical field. He loves helping people and organising things. At school he is part of the events organising team, first aid team and tutors after school to help the younger grades. He is making the final decisions about his career path.

His most recent June report was as follows:

English Home Language 81%

Afrikaans First Additional Language 21%

Mathematics 55%

Accounting 75%

Business studies 70%

Physical Science 28%

Life Orientation 83%


Unhappiness with your career choice goes to the root of your identity and your sense of authenticity.

People whose careers aren’t the right fit often feel like impostors, even if they are very skilled at their jobs. Another symptom is constant annoyance with the demands being made on them; even though these are reasonable for the business they’re in.


Jonathan is in grade 12. He is interested in Business studies (BCom) and the medical field. He loves helping people and organising things. At school he is part of the events organising team, first aid team and tutors after school to help the younger grades. He is making the final decisions about his career path.

His most recent June report was as follows:

English Home Language 81%

Afrikaans First Additional Language 21%

Mathematics 55%

Accounting 75%

Business studies 70%

Physical Science 28%

Life Orientation 83%


Unhappiness with your career choice goes to the root of your identity and your sense of authenticity.


- íÞϽí©í—ˆwhíVíhDÞw2#hõjÝh*ç5?le whose careers aren’t the right fit often feel like impostors, even if they are very skilled at their jobs. Another symptom is constant annoyance with the demands being made on them, even though these are reasonable for the business they’re in.



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