Testimonial Dinner IHO Former CGPAs and Army Stakeholders ...


Testimonial Dinner IHO Former CGPAs and Army Stakeholders 22 March 2018 | OCLUB, HPA, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig, Metro Manila

Appropriate amenities...

The poem "Soldier" by George Skypeck opens with these powerful lines: (and I quote)

I was that, which others did not want to be, I went where others feared to go, And did what others failed to do. I asked nothing from those who gave nothing And reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness...

...Should I fail... I have seen the face of terror Felt the sting of cold fear And enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love...(Unquote)

It is truly an honor to be in the company of living heroes. As proud Filipino Soldiers, it is our second nature to always aim for excellence in everything that we do. As protectors of our people, we have sworn to dedicate our talents and even our very lives to defend the sanctity of freedom. Failure is never an option.

Tonight, I am bestowed with the rare privilege to be speaking on behalf of undoubtedly the finest gentlemen who have ever donned the uniform. We, who have tendered more than half of our lives in the service of our motherland, can truly say that we have been blessed to experience all the best that the Army has to offer.

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From the time of the Ejercito en la Republica de las Islas Filipinas under CAPTAIN GENERAL ARTEMIO RICARTE, to our present day modernizing Philippine Army steered by LTGEN ROLANDO JOSELITO BAUTISTA, fifty-nine (59) Commanding Generals have honorably led our proud Army and passed on the baton of leadership.

Yes, we had our ups and downs through the years. We became scathed, bloodied, but never unbowed! Being true to our sacred oath, we have always emerged victorious from all our challenges and have proven time and again that our Philippine Army is a league of extraordinary gentlemen.

Starting from our quest for independence from foreign rule, to our exploits during World War II, until our Hukbalahap, SPSG, and CNN Campaigns, up to our Modern Day Exploits like the infamous Zamboanga Siege and Marawi Crisis, we can proudly say that there was never a shortage of heroes and great leaders.

It was in the Battle of Yultong during the Korean War when we again showed to the world that Filipino Forces are indeed a force to reckon with. Under the able leadership of its commander, LTC DIONISIO S OJEDA, 10th BCT slugged it out with foreign enemy forces. Despite being numerically inferior, our forces never faltered and eventually emerged victorious. Of course, this was made possible through the guidance of a strong-willed CGPA, MGEN CALIXTO DUQUE, AFP.

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Sixty-six (66) years later, LTC RAMON FLORES again demonstrated this tradition of superb leadership quality during the Marawi Crisis. Despite being wounded, he audaciously led 63rd IB against the fanatical terrorists. This was also made possible through the tutelage of LTGEN GLORIOSO MIRANDA, AFP, who undoubtedly is one of the finest Philippine Army combat commanders.

These and countless more accounts of valor, heroism, and professionalism are all made possible because of the foundations laidout by our forerunners. Under the dedication and stewardship of fellow former Commanding Generals, the Army has continuously evolved, transformed, and improved. Years of selfless sacrifice and devotion have brought the Army to where it is now.

Let us not forget that the Core Competency of every soldier is warfighting ? either as a frontline warrior or as a reliable support personnel. That is why we are meticulously selected and painstakingly trained. However, we must also always bear in mind that our success will not be possible without the support of our Stakeholders.

You (Addressing Stakeholders) are our source of inspiration and guidance in everything that we do as uniformed personnel. Without your support and cooperation, we will be having a hard time implementing our programs and goals. That is why on behalf of a grateful Philippine

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Army, we offer unto you our highest gratitude and indebtedness. Thank you very much!

In today's current setting, our enemies have certainly evolved. We are now fighting a borderless war against extremists, lawless elements and other enemies of the state. We are now also tasked to take on new and dynamic roles other than warfighting.

The burden is now entrusted unto you, our current Philippine Army Leaders. This may seem a demanding task, but being noble Philippine Army personnel, and with the sturdy foundations laid by your former Commanding Generals and your other predecessors, I am confident that you will deliver outstanding results. Just always be guided by our core values of Honor, Patriotism and Duty, and I am sure that success will come naturally.

Ladies and gentlemen, for many of us in tonight's gathering, our personal flags have been folded and neatly enshrined in our gallery of memories. As aptly described in the continuation of Skypeck's Poem, (and I again quote);

We have cried, pained and hoped, But most of all we have lived times Others would say were best forgotten.

At least someday we will be able to say, That we were proud of what we were... A soldier.

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I am sure of this fact - that all of us former CGPAs will agree on, that if we are given another chance to relive our lives all over again, we will not think twice to choose the life of being a soldier again ? with all the challenges, the color and the memories, it will definitely be the best choice that we will ever make!

And so, to all the distinguished gentlemen who wore the uniform, And to all who are still proudly wearing the sacred uniform, And to all our supportive friends and stakeholders, Let us raise our glass as I offer this moment of salute... ...To those who were once and who will forever be... ...a soldier! Cheers!

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