Introductions!!!(Always indent when you begin a P) Attention Grabber: Grabs the reader’s attention. Choose: famous quote, description or definition, or question.Transition Sentence: Unites the attention grabber with the thesis; gives additional information on your topic. May be one sentence but I recommend two.Thesis: Answers question or restates topic-making it a statement. Your thesis must include two-three reasons or points of discussion that will be developed later in the essay.Sample PROMPT: Explain ways in which reality TV can be detrimental to our youths.Famous Quote: Can also be lyrics to a song or something someone that wasn’t/isn’t you said.AG: “You are what you eat,” represents a popular saying that promotes healthy eating habits. TS: The things we put into our bodies reflect in our health; likewise, the things we put into our minds affect our mental health. Jersey Shore, The Housewives of Orange County, The Real World, and Jersey-licious are all examples of reality TV shows that currently plague our television and the minds of our youth.Multi-prong thesis: These [read: REALITY] TV shows are detrimental to our youth because they promote violence, irresponsible sexual relations, and lack of realistic goals.Description: Imagine walking into your child’s bedroom and seeing half naked, intoxicated young adults on her television set. Worst yet, after a night of binge-drinking and reckless sexual behavior, these people go off to work in a t-shirt store on a board walk. These are the role models of our youth today: the “guidos” of a reality television show named, “Jersey Shore.”Definition: Today, our television market is dominated by reality TV. Reality TV is low-budgeted, unscripted television that depicts the lives of people as the plot. *** With a reference*** Merriam-Webster’s English Dictionary defines Reality Television as: low-budgeted, unscripted television that depicts the lives of people as the plot.Question: Have you wondered why teens today have such poor vocabulary?Have you seen teenage girls walking around with a “poof” hairstyle, extreme tans, and tight inappropriate clothing?How about young men on steroids, who are violent and disrespectful?These are the descriptions of the role models of our youth today: the “guidos” of a reality television show named, “Jersey Shore.”******You have 45 minutes to brainstorm, write your essays, AND proof read!!!******8 minutes to brainstorm and proof read. 3 BS. 5 PR. 37 minutes. 5 out 6Brainstorming paper=Step 1: Immediately answer question.Step 2: because then 2-3 reasons.Step 3: 3 points for each reason. ***Reality TV shows currently plague our television and the minds of our youth promoting violence and irresponsible sexual relations.BODY PARAGRAPHS!! Each one should only have one Idea!!!Topic Sentence.FACTS/STATISTICSEXAMPLESANECDOTESREASONSOptions are: FFEER, FFER, FEER, FAR, EAR**Transitions:1st paragraph Initially, Primarily, 2nd & 3rd paragraph Furthermore, Additionally, Moreover, Even more, On the other hand, nevertheless, nonethelessThe first sentence in every body paragraph is a REASON!!!!The last sentence, if not a bold statement, should be a reason as well.Initially, girls may be equally or more qualified than boys to play sports. There are dozens of female athletes that participate in professional and Olympic sports every year in activities performed by males and excel in them. Serena Williams, a professional tennis player, has higher statistics than most male tennis players. Years ago, a female swimmer was determined to swim across the English Channel. At the time, it had only been completed by a man. During her attempt, a terrible storm arose and she was almost swallowed by the waves. However, she came out triumphant and shattered the world record time by two hours. Evidently, when given the chance, females surpass their expectations in sports.CONCLUSION: -Example conclusion for Descriptive Intro above***1. Start your conclusion by restating your topic in opposite words to the intro. NO TRANSITION!!!! In Conclusion= you FAIL my class I.E.: The glass is half full. Opposite is: The glass is half empty.It is evident that our teens are being poisoned by this repugnant television programming. 2. Now provide a description that includes 2-3 of the reasons; do not directly state them:Sex, drugs, violence, crime, and tasteless activities constantly influence the actions taken by our youths today. In fact, students idolize the stars of these TV shows and aim to be them in the future. 3. Clincher: Leave the reader with a thought. What is the purpose of all of this to you/ how do you feel or why does it matter?What can we expect of the Future of the USA, when our role models are people named, “Snooki, The situation, and J-WoWW”? What a waste of society!PERSUASIVE ESSAYS: THE MAJOR DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE INTRODUCTIONS AND CONCLUSIONSIntroductions:1. Attention grabber2. Transition Sentence x 2.3. Ethos/ Credibility: (Who are you? Why does your opinion matter?) 4. ThesisSample PROMPT: Reality TV can be detrimental to our youths but it can be entertaining as well. Write to convince our state legislator that Reality TV should or should not be banned.Example:1. AG: “You are what you eat,” represents a popular saying that promotes healthy eating habits. 2. TS: The things we put into our bodies reflect in our health; likewise, the things we put into our minds affect our mental health. Jersey Shore, The Housewives of Orange County, The Real World, and Jersey-licious are all examples of reality TV shows.3 & 4. Unite Ethos & Thesis: I am a high school student and my friends are being affected by the Reality TV shows that currently plague our television and the minds of our youth promoting violence, irresponsible sexual relations, and lack of realistic goals.3. I am a high school student and my friends are being affected by the Reality TV shows. 4. I believe that our state legislator should ban (must ban) reality TV because it promotes violence, irresponsible sexual relations, and lack of realistic goals.Persuasive Conclusions:1. Start your conclusion with a scenario where the opposite of what you are arguing is taking or has taken place; include the negative effects it has had: Opposite: Reality TV is good and entertaining and must continue!!!! Buahahahaha!Scenario: While reality is entertaining, it is a negative influence on our teens. Currently unbanned reality TV…Reality TV has caused a dramatic increase in pregnancy, alcohol-related aggression, and drug addiction among our teens.Do we really want our teens Jersey turn-piking, punching strangers, banging their head against walls, having a “smush” room; or having the grand life goal of working in a t-shirt store or degrading their personal moral in front of the entire world??2. Call to action: I demand/ We must/ We have to We must see the detrimental effect of these TV shows and stop them from influencing our youth immediately!3. **Clincher: (Leave the reader with a thought. What is the purpose of all of this to you/ how do you feel or why does it matter** Not necessary if you have a good call to action and it feels finished!Let us stop wasting time, sitting on our couches watching other people’s pathetic lives, when we should be thinking on how to improve our own. ................

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