5035339317500Mental Health/Mental Illness Informational Pamphlet—Review and InputSession materials: Ground rules, facilitators instructions, session note sheet with discussion questions, 11x17 facilitators note sheet, IP draft with cover memo. Session materials available online: mhmiPurpose of SessionDiscuss the draft of the MH/MI IP, gather input, and encourage others to conduct this workshop. Remind them input needs to be back by 15 May 2019.Session Outline Introduction—Project Background5 minutesLarge group—Read draft aloud, choose volunteers ahead of time25 minutesSmall Group Discussion—5 questions40 minutesReporting Back from Small Groups15 minutesSession Wrap-up5 minutesIntroduction – Project Background5 minutesWSC 2016 approved a motion to create a project plan on an IP specifically about mental illness and recovery for consideration at WSC 2018A mental health pamphlet also received high priority ranking in the 2016 literature surveyThe 2016–2018 conference cycle was used to gather ideas and input about the pamphlet through a survey. Much of the input spoke to the need for such a pamphlet. As “A Serene Heart” from the Basic Text explains, “Mental illness is an outside issue in NA, but how I deal with it in my personal recovery is very much an inside issue.” At the end of his story, that writer says, “I know many people in and out of NA who have killed themselves because of mental illness. I’m not going to be one of them. It’s not an easy path, but I know that I’m alive because NA has blessed me with a clean life. Recovery makes it possible for me to treasure the moments when I have a serene heart, and to be grateful for the miracles, large and small, happening all around me.”This pamphlet would be for members like the author of A Serene Heart in the hopes that it helps them along their path. WSC 2018 approved the project plan that included budget and timeline Workgroup was formed after conference and began reviewing already submitted information and gathering more focused input directly from members with experience on this topicReview draft has been posted at mhmi for input from 1 February to 15 MayThe World Board will offer an approval draft in the CAR for Fellowship-wide distribution and decision at the 2020 WSCLarge Group25 minutesKeep the review and input questions in mind as you are listening to what is being readEveryone answer the first question individually1. My overall impression of the draft is positive (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree)And include any comments you may have.Discuss questions 2–5 2. Are there any thoughts, ideas, or spiritual principles missing or that should be elaborated upon from any section of this pamphlet?3. Are there any ideas or best practices that you believe are inadequately explained? If you discover any, please identify them.4. Is there anything in the pamphlet that should be omitted or deleted?5.This pamphlet is designed to address some specific issues that individual members face. These include sharing in meetings and serving the Fellowship while taking psychotropic medication for a mental health condition. We did our best to touch on these sensitive situations with compassion and understanding, while staying true to our core NA principles. How adequately do you believe we have addressed these issues?Choose volunteers to read a section aloud (7 sections total).Small Group Discussion 40 minutesChoose a facilitator, a recorder, and a reporter. Outline the responsibilities of each. Discuss the questions in relation to the draft. You may not have input for every question. It’s about quality more than quantity. Within the last 10 minutes of your small group discussion, have the group identify the most important input. The top two will be reported back to the large group.Reporting Back from Small Groups15 minutesChoose one group at a time to offer their top two comments or ideas.Session Wrap-Up5 minutesEncourage everyone to conduct this workshop for their Group, Area, Region, and Zone.Session materials available online: mhmiIt’s easiest to collect input online so there is a link on the MH/MI project page for you to provide your input there.You can also send your comments and suggestions directly to worldboard@ ................

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