
|[pic] |LISTA SEMANAL DE TAREAS |Week: February 17th – February 21st, 2020. |





|Thursday February 20th, 2020|TITLE: BBC NEWS CHILDREN |

|Reading |Activity 1: Read and understand the BBC article below. |

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| |Children who spend lots of time sitting still are more likely to develop depression by the age of 18, a study suggests. Researchers at |

| |University College London looked at the activity levels of 4,257 12- to 16-year-olds. Those who did an additional hour of light activity |

| |each day, such as walking or chores, had fewer depressive symptoms when they reached adulthood. |

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| |The study suggests people of all ages should be encouraged to move more. The participants, from the University of Bristol's Children of |

| |the 90s cohort study, wore accelerometers for at least 10 hours on at least three consecutive days (except when they were washing or doing|

| |water sports) at the ages of 12, 14 and 16. Helping teenagers beat the blues Parents 'not wholly to blame for child weight' Regular |

| |exercise 'best for mental health' Children 'less active over the primary years' These devices showed whether they were sitting still, |

| |engaging in light activity - such as walking or engaging in moderate to vigorous activity - such as running or cycling. |

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| |The children also filled out a questionnaire that measured depressive symptoms such as low mood, loss of pleasure and poor concentration. |

| |Between the ages of 12 and 16, physical activity declined, while sedentary behaviour increased, the study says. |

| |Researchers found the average time per day spent on: |

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| |sitting still rose from about seven hours to eight and a half |

| |light activity decreased from about five and a half hours to four |

| |moderate to vigorous activity "remained stable" |

| |They found for every additional hour a day spent sitting still at the ages of 12, 14 and 16, the participants' depression score rose by |

| |11.1%, 8% and 10.7%, respectively. |

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| |While with light activity, their depression score fell by 9.6%, 7.8% and 11.1%, respectively. |

| |By the age of 18, the questionnaire scores suggested there were 747 possible cases of depression. |

| |'Sit less' |

| |Lead author and UCL psychiatry PhD student Aaron Kandola said: "We found that it's not just more intense forms of activity that are good |

| |for our mental health but any degree of physical activity that can reduce the time we spend sitting down is likely to be beneficial. |

| |"We should be encouraging people of all ages to move more, and to sit less, as it's good for both our physical and mental health. |

| |"Worryingly, the amount of time that young people spend inactive has been steadily rising for years but there has been a surprising lack |

| |of high-quality research into how this could affect mental health. |

| |"The number of young people with depression also appears to be growing and our study suggests that these two trends may be linked." |

| |Activity 2: Copy the questions below inside your English notebook answer each questions using your personal opinion. Your answers need to|

| |be based on the information from the article. Make sure your answers are in complete sentences. |

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| |Questions: |

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| |1. Why is it important for children of age between 12-16 years old need to have some kind of physical activity? |

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| |2. What causes children of all ages to have depression symptoms? |

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| |3. In the article says children who sat “still” during the experiment from University of Bristol of the 1990’s, their depression symptoms |

| |increased. Why do you think that happened? |

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| |4. Based on the article, spending one additional hour on physical activity helped children? |

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| |5. How many cases of depression the study showed? What age? |

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| |6. What is your opinion about the article? |

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| |In the mind map below, write 5 activities you recommend children from ages 12-16 years old should to fight depression? Be ready to share |

| |them in class. |

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|Thursday February 20th |TITLE: Conference Topics. |

| |Instruction: |

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| |I - Discuss with your conference partner and select three possible topics for conferences. |

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| |II - Rank the topics good, better, best giving a General Description* of each. |

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| |III - From those three topics, select two and write two opinion paragraphs (OREO) explaining all the reasons |

| |why you want to research those topics. |

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| |I M P O R T A N T : |

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| |-This homework must be written on a WHITE SHEET OF PAPER. |

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| |-This homework must be presented in a folder. |

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| |-Make sure your result is FIVE paragraphs (General description: Good, Better, Best; Why to Research 1, Why to |

| |Research 2). |

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| |-The choice of those 3 topics is together with your conference partner; however, this homework is done |

| |INDIVIDUALLY, since I need your personal opinions. |

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| |-Check spelling and punctuation. |






My ideas to kick depression out!




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