centertopFirstly, we would like to welcome you to the Divine Canine family and thank you for choosing us to take care of your much-loved dog. In this welcome pack we aim to give you all the information you need about us and how we run daily but if there is any information you feel we have left out please don’t hesitate to ask.Meet the teamMy name is Anna and I am the founder and manager of Divine Canine.My love of dogs started from a very young age, I grew up with the families rescue dog and was forever bringing home waifs and strays. Working with dogs was always what I wanted to do, and this was confirmed even more when I completed my school work experience at a local kennels. Since then I have spent years in college and attending various courses to improve my knowledge and experience in all things canine and finally fulfilled my dream when I opened the daycare in August 2016. As the owner of four dogs, I know how hard it is to balance a busy modern-day life with being a pet owner, I wanted to create a place for people to leave their beloved dogs knowing they would be safe and secure and getting both mental and physical stimulation, not forgetting LOTS and LOTS of cuddles!!!QUALIFICATIONS National Certificate in Animal Care with two awards for outstanding work.Level 2 (credit) and level 3 (distinction) in Dog Grooming.Diploma in Animal Psychology (distinction).‘Career as a Dog Trainer’ and ‘Practical Instructors Course’ completed with the IMDT.Certificate in Dog First Aid.My name is Sharon and I joined the Divine Canine Team in November 2016 as a volunteer.I have grown up with dogs and have always had a love and passion for them. I currently have three dogs of my own.I spent 2 years working as a volunteer for the RSPCA before taking on a paid position as an ACO covering the county of Essex and London borders for a further 3 yrs. During this time, I was awarded 2 commendations for bravery and outstanding workI have also been a part of a second chance rescue dog charity where I took on a lot of roles from admin to dog assessments, vet visits to cuddles and love.QualificationsCertificate in dog first aid.What is Doggy Daycare.Doggy daycare can best be explained as a short-term boarding service for dogs. Usually dogs will stay for a full day or half a day (up to 5 hours), being dropped off in the morning and collected in the evening, although care of just a few hours at a time can also be offered.Divine Canine differs from kennels and boarding facilities in that the focus of the centre is on play. We have both a spacious indoor and outdoor facility, so the dogs can choose where they want to be and providing care for those days when the weather is not so good. Many different things for them to climb and play on and balls galore to keep them entertained both mentally and physically.While your dog is here with us, he/she will also get some one on one time for cuddles and some tlc, maybe a nice pamper by being brushed or a little bit of mental stimulation with some basic training.Reports and photos will be sent home from time to time, so you can see what your fur baby has been getting up to and how much fun they have had.We have a policy that your dog must attend daycare at least once a week to ensure that he/she bonds with the staff and other regulars’ dogs. As all dogs are different this is to ensure your dog feels comfortable whilst in our care and that we get to know your dog’s personality well to make sure it is given the appropriate time and stimulation while at daycare.Opening hours.We are open Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm.If you need to drop off earlier or collect later this could be arranged by prior agreement. Please contact Anna if this is something you would like to discuss; additional fees will apply.How to bookThere are several ways you can contact us to book a place for your dog.By PhoneLandline: 01487 711854Mobile: 07725 985369By EmailDivinecanine89@Via Social MediaFind us on Facebook where we are always updating the page with photos, offers and competitions.Please book as far in advance as you can to secure a space.Payment must be made in advance of arrival.ON ARRIVALWhen dropping your fur baby off with us please park at the side of the building and walk round. Divine Canine have a three-gate system to make sure your dog is as secure as we can make them while in our care. Please ring the doorbell on the gate and someone will be out to meet you. The main gate is locked at all times.AttendanceHere at Divine Canine we do everything we can to ensure that your dog is happy with us and one of the most important aspects of this is that we get to know them well. Gaining their trust is vital and learning about your dog’s personality means we can tell what activities are best suited to them, what things if any they don’t like and if they are under the weather. In order to build the relationship with your dog we ask that they attend daycare at least once a week in order to bond with the staff and the other dogs that come to play.Puppy socialisation sessions.Puppies are not born with the social skills that they require to live with their family, be that a canine family or a human one. The term "socialisation" in simple terms means the learning process that a puppy must undergo to learn key life skills to ensure that it is happy and confident in its environment and can communicate effectively within its social group. We ask a huge amount from our dogs in their role as a companion animal, as not only do they need to understand humans and the human world, they also need to become fluent in the language of dog.Puppy socialisation sessions can help your dogs learn the skills it will need to socialise efficiency with dogs in the future.Playing is how puppies learn basic manners; Socialisation has long been said to be one of the most critical aspects when it comes to raising a well-balanced dog. Perhaps the importance of learning better manners plays a role in the ability of your dog to be able to actively engage in play with others.?These sessions are every Saturday 9.30-10.30am and cost ?5 for an hour and tea and coffee is available. You are responsible for your own dog. You do not need to book these sessions just come along.If you would like a bit more information, please get in touch.Stay and play sessionsDogs, like humans, love to play, and do a vast amount of learning through play. Granted, puppies play much more than older dogs, but even older dogs tend to play in one form or another. Play allows your dog to socialise with others and learn about cause and effect. Dogs should be allowed to engage in play with other dogs, objects and people.When dogs meet for the first time there should be some formalities to get out of the way first before beginning to play. Dogs may circle each other, smell the other dog’s rear end (it’s OK- kind of like our hand shake) then possibly engage in some invitations to play. In order for dogs to enjoy playing with one another, the play must be appropriate. Appropriate play is when there is no crying, and the play stops frequently, and both you, and your dog, are comfortable with the play too.At Divine Canine Doggy Daycare we offer 'Stay and play' Sessions for just ?5! Tea, Coffee and biscuits available, you are responsible for your own dog.We can also provide stay and play sessions during the week, booking is required.?· ?Saturday mornings - 10.30-11.30PuppiesHere at Divine Canine we welcome puppies from the time their vaccinations have been completed and the vet is happy for your dog to explore the outside world. We have a separate area indoors for dogs/puppies under the age of 12 months, but we are happy for them to join the main group once a consent has been signed by the owners giving permission for them to integrate. We understand that sometimes the puppies/younger dogs can be a bit nervous of the older ones and so close care is given when they are integrated and if we feel that it is to much for your dog they will be returned to the puppy area in order to ensure they are happy and safe and enjoy their stay here with us.Collecting your dog.We appreciate that sometimes it is not possible for you to collect your dog yourselves and have to ask others to do it on your behalf. We do ask that you notify us if this is the case and a password of your choice will be required before we can hand the dog over. This is purely to ensure the safety of your dog and make sure that they make it home safe and sound.FeedingHere at Divine Canine we are happy to feed your dog as instructed by you. Your dog will be fed in a separate area from the others and allowed as much time as they need. We understand that some dogs may feel nervous about feeding in a different environment, so we will do everything we can to make sure they are comfortable and secure and encourage them to eat as much as they feel able.All food must be provided by you along with a feeding bowl and all items should be labelled with your dog’s name.As part of our daily routine time will be spent with your dog on a one to one basis for sensory time and a bit of basic training. We use treats that are made by ourselves using all-natural ingredients to ensure they are the healthiest option for your dog and have no nasty additives. If you dog is allergic to any foods, please could you let a member of staff and we will adapt the treats accordingly.illnessIf your dog is on medication and needs it administered during their stay with us, please let us know. All medication is stored in a locked cabinet and must be clearly labelled with the dog’s name and dosage required.In the event of your dog falling ill while at daycare you will be notified as soon as possible and will need to make provision for the dog to be collected as soon as you can to prevent any chance of infection to others. If we feel it is an emergency your dog will be taken by us to Cromwell Vets in Ramsey. one to one timeEach day we try to have some one to one time with each dog as we know that although playtime is very important so is mental stimulation. We will be introducing them to some sensory toys/puzzles, doing a bit of basic training and giving them a pamper with a nice brush and plenty of cuddles. Anna is a qualified groomer and so if you would like your dogs given a dry groom this is something we can also provide. We can also clip nails if required. CollarsAll dogs attending daycare MUST wear a collar with a fast release clip. Collars with buckles will not be accepted and will be removed and returned to you on collection of your dog. Divine Canine will supply one if needed, you will be responsible for covering the cost of this.In case of emergencyHere at Divine Canine we do our upmost to ensure that your dog is safe and healthy but sometimes accidents happen. All the staff working at the daycare have undergone and passed a course in Dog first aid so in the event of accident or illness we know how to deal with it quickly and efficiently.We are registered with the Cromwell Vet Group and in the event of an emergency your dog will be taken by us as soon as possible if we feel it is required. You will be notified and kept up to date and alerted if your dog needs to be collected and taken home.Please note according to the Terms and Conditions of your dog attending Divine Canine you the owner will be responsible for any vet bill that occurs whilst you dog is in our care.In the unlikely event of a fire your dogs will be taken to a secure local facility where you will be contacted in order to collect them.HIRING THE DAYCAREHere at Divine Canine we know that your fur baby is part of your family and as such you want to treat them at times. If they have a special doggy occasion they wish to celebrate with their canine friends, a birthday perhaps or maybe they just want to get together for a play session we can accommodate their wishes.You can hire the entire daycare for them and their furry friends for a couple of hours so they can run and play to their hearts content. Please contact Anna or Sharon to discuss prices and availability.Pick up and drop offs.We offer a pick up and drop off service.See diagram below for areas covered:Circle 1 (Ramsey and surrounding areas) - ?3Circle 2 (Middle circle) - ?5 Circle 3 (Outer circle) ?10These prices include pick up and drop off, please ask for 1-way prices. Does not include daycare price. Pick up and drop off times may vary and are subject to availability.Price List.As of 1st January 2019, our prices are as follows:Divine Canine Doggy Daycare is open Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm. We also offer stay and play sessions on Saturday mornings. Any questions please get in touch. One dog1 hour (stay and play or leave with us) ?5Monday Madness! - ?10 for a full or half day.Full day (Tuesday-Friday) - ?16Half day (up to 5 hours) - ?11Puppy socialisation session (Saturday 9.30-10.30 more information on next page.) - ?5Stay and play sessions (more information on next page) - ?5 Discounts (Full days only)Monday + 2 days - ?38Monday + 3 days - ?503 days - ?424 days - ?55Full week - ?65Full week (half days) - ?45Multiple dogs (not including Mondays)2 dogs (full day) - ?282 dogs (half day) - ?18 If you have more than two dogs please call to enquire about prices.CANCELLATIONS Cancellations should be made with 24 hours notice or payment for the full day will be required.Payment must be made in advance or when you drop you drop your dog off in the morning of your booking. Divine Canine Service Statement I understand that I am solely responsible for any and all harm caused by my dog while my dog is attending Divine Canine or is using any services provided by Divine Canine. I further understand and agree in admitting my dog that Divine Canine has relied on my representation that my dog is in good health and has not harmed or shown aggression or threatening behaviour toward any person or any other dog. I further agree to notify Divine Canine of any unwelcome, aggressive, procreative, or dangerous behaviour of my dog that has potential to cause harm to any other pet or individual. I further understand that during normal dog play, owner’s dog may sustain injuries. All dog play is carefully monitored at Divine Canine to avoid injury, but scratches, punctures, torn ligaments, or other injuries that may occur despite the best supervision. I realise that pads on paws may initially become sensitive or bothered until my dog becomes used to running on different surfaces. I further understand that Divine Canine is a place where animals co-mingle in groups and I am responsible for the medical treatment of any injuries or illness that my dog receives while at Divine Canine. I agree to pay all costs for my dog that may arise as a result of injury or illness, including veterinarian care and costs. I shall pay such costs as a reimbursement immediately upon pick-up of my dog or when the services are been completed. I further understand that if I fail to provide proof of current vaccinations or if my dogs’ vaccinations are found to be expired or otherwise incomplete, Divine Canine has the right to refuse service until current proof is provided. I further understand and agree that any behavioural or health problems that develop with my dog will be treated as deemed best by the staff at Divine Canine, in their sole discretion, and that I will assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved. I authorise Divine Canine to obtain medical records and/or treatments for my dog in the event of injury or illness from my vet or from the closest veterinary clinic. By signing this document, I further direct said vet to provide such records upon request. I further understand that uncastrated dogs are accepted at Divine Canine however any unacceptable behaviour due to my dog being entire may result in Divine Canine refusing to provide service until my dog is castrated. Bitches must not be brought when ‘on heat’ (2-3 weeks)I further understand that even if my dog is vaccinated for Bordetella (Kennel Cough) there is a chance that my dog can still contract Kennel Cough. I agree that I will not hold Divine Canine responsible if my dog contracts Kennel Cough while attending Divine Canine Doggy Daycare. I further agree to notify Divine Canine of any infectious and/or contagious disease or conditions my dog has been exposed to or is affected by. Such diseases and conditions include, but are not limited to Distemper, Hepatitis, Kennel Cough (Bordetella), Parvovirus, Corona virus, worms, Lyme disease, Fleas, Pregnancy, Infectious Skin Diseases and Intestinal Parasites. I further agree to take any necessary efforts or precautions to ensure that my dog is continuously free of contagious, infectious, or otherwise communicable diseases. I will report to Divine Canine, before arriving at Daycare, any contagious, infectious or otherwise communicable diseases, and will not be allowed to bring my dog to Divine Canine, regardless of scheduled days, until the condition is resolved. Resolution is determined by Divine Canine. I allow and consent my dog to being photographed, videotaped, and/or used in any media or advertising by Divine Canine without prior approval by me. All such photographs, etc. are the property of Divine Canine. I further understand that my dog has access to a fenced area outside (6 feet) and agree to assume full liability for damages to property or injury to my dog or others if my dog escapes. I further agree to pay all fees set forth by Divine Canine and understand that I will be charged in full for my scheduled day regardless of my dog’s attendance and I understand I will be charged ?5 for every 15 minutes or part thereof past the scheduled pickup time. I understand that Divine Canine is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged toys, leads, collars, beds, tags, clothing or any other item left with my dog. I agree to bring my dog wearing a quick release collar. (If you do not have one you can purchase one from us). This is very important, as, for safety reasons, these are the only collars we allow at Divine Canine. I agree to ensure my dog has eaten at least 1 hour before arrival at Divine Canine, so he/she has time to digest his/her food before all the excitement. I understand that failure to do so may result in Bloat, which is very dangerous. I further understand and agree that each of the foregoing provisions are separate and severable and shall be in force and effect on each occasion my dog attends Divine Canine: This statement shall remain in full force and effect as between the parties until and unless otherwise amended or revoked, cancelled or superseded in writing signed by both parties. Any medication needed by your dog must be in its original packaging and written consent must be provided to Divine Canine with clear instruction on how said medication is to be administered. As of 6th April 2016, all dogs are required by law to be microchipped. I certify that I have read and understand the terms and conditions set forth in this Service Statement, the Application form, including health forms, which are hereby incorporated into this Service Statement by reference. I agree to abide by the terms and conditions and accept all terms, conditions, and statements of this statement. I hereby release Daycare 4 Dogs, their staff, and volunteers of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising from my dogs’ attendance and participation at Divine Canine. Date _______/_______/_______ Print name _________________________________ Signature __________________________________ Cancellations.If your dog is unable to come, please contact us to cancel the booking as soon as possible. Any cancellations made with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged the full daily rate. ................

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