
“Media for All”Pilot Mentoring Programme for Women in Media in the Western BalkansCALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR MENTEESDETAILED INSTRUCTIONSAbout the Media for All programmeThe aim of Media for All programme is to develop and strengthen the editorial independence of the media, enabling them to provide more diverse range of media content more effectively, and thus to encourage open, informed and active discussion amongst target audiences in the six Western Balkans (WB) countries (Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia). This should give citizens a voice, and a means by which to hold power to hold stakeholders accountable. The project started in September 2019 and is expected to last until March 2022. It is funded by the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office and delivered by a consortium led by the British Council.The main beneficiaries are media outlets and those working within the media sphere (e.g. editors and journalists). Overall, the programme will contribute to increasing citizens’ engagement with a wider range of media, and potentially (over the longer term) increasing levels of trust in media through demonstrating more balanced editorial policies. The programme also aims to contribute to gender equality in the media sector both in terms of gender sensitive content and improving gender equality in the workplace (in the media realm). Furthermore, all project activities aim to be gender sensitive, as a minimum required standard. A range of activities has been planned based on research done during the inception phase. About Pilot Mentoring Programme for Women in Media Our Pilot Mentoring Programme, aims to empower you - women in media in the six WB countries – Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, and support your personal and professional development by providing you with individual mentoring support and networking opportunities. The programme will be implemented online, lasting from 24 February to 14 April 2021. Mentors will be media experts from six WB countries.Over the years, mentoring has shown as one of the most effective professional development modalities as it encourages growth and motivation, improves productivity and engagement, facilitates connection between the participants, strengthens the community and collective identity of women, helps expand the network of professional contacts, creates opportunities for cooperation and exchange of ideas and contributes to strengthening self-confidence. For whom is it intended?Mentoring programme is primarily intended for you - women in media at the beginning of your career, with proved track record of success. There is no age limit for participation - the programme aims to support women, early-career professionals in media, who want to develop themselves personally and professionally with the support of an experienced mentor. We look forward to our mentees spreading the idea of mentoring in their environment and sharing values of knowledge and experience exchange, cooperation and mutual support.Applications from smaller cities, towns and communities all over Western Balkans are strongly encouraged. We value diversity as one of the keys to development and mutual learning, so we hope to attract participants from different parts of the region.Twelve mentees, two from each of six Western Balkans countries, will be selected to participate in the Pilot Mentoring Programme. Matching of mentoring pairs will be done based on mentees’ needs against areas of interest, professional activity, experience and skills of mentors available across the region. We also aim to encourage regional networking, creation of potential collaboration and provide participants with the best possible experience and learner gain.Criteria:If you are:A woman in media at the beginning of your career with proven track record of success;Interested in acquiring new knowledge and developing professionally;Eager to learn from an experienced media professional, to share and to question;Able and willing to dedicate 2 hours per week towards individual meetings with your mentor;Able to actively participate in three online workshops and two online consultations, andHave a good command of spoken English language (level B2 or higher), then:We are looking forward to your application!What do you get by participating in the mentoring programme?Individual support by a chosen mentor - experienced media professional, on a weekly basis;Networking and peer learning opportunities;Professional and personal development opportunities;Opportunities for developing regional contacts for potential future cooperation, exchange of ideas and experiences with media professionals from the Western Balkans;Mentoring handbook, andContinuous support of mentoring experts throughout duration of the programme.What are the responsibilities of selected mentees?Mentor-mentee meetings once a week in the period: 24 February – 14 April 2021Proactively preparing and organising meetings in agreement with the mentor, reflecting and setting personal goals, working on personal and professional development and achievement of goals, monitoring own progress and development, maintaining effective relationship with the mentor, providing feedback on development and Pilot Mentoring Programme.Attendance and active participation in workshops and consultationsIntroduction Workshop, 24 February 2021Introduction to the programme, to mentorship, meeting mentors and mentees.First Consultation with mentees, 10 March 2021Exchange of experiences, Q&A, peer learning, networkingMid-Term Workshop, 17 March 2021Reflection on the ongoing mentoring process. Second Consultation, 26 March 2021Exchange of experiences, Q&A, peer learning, networkingFinal Workshop, 14 April 2021Summing up mentoring experience and celebration.Giving feedback through the evaluation questionnaires Evaluation questions will reflect on the mentoring process, mentor-mentee relationship, achieved goals and learner’s gain. Short questionnaires will be sent three times during the mentoring cycle, and a more detailed evaluation will be performed at the end of the pilot programme, in order to learn from participants’ feedback and improve any potential future programmes.How to apply?All those interested in participating in the Pilot Mentoring Programme for Women in Media should fill out Application Form in English language via link application should contain: Completed Application FormRecent CV (in English language)Important dates:Deadline for applications: by 17 February 2021Receipt of email with information on final selection results: 20 February 2021Duration of the mentoring programme: 24 February – 14 April 2021If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the British Council at Vladimir.GolubovicAtanasov@britishcouncil.rs. All questions will be answered by mentoring experts for this programme: Dragana Jevtic and Adna Maslo.Thank you for your interest! ................

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