Mentorship Program




Draft 1.1

| |Table of | |

| |Content | |

| | | |

| | | |

|1 Introduction |3 |

|2 Roles and Responsibilities of the Mentor |5 |

|3 Terms and Conditions |8 |

|Self evaluation by Mentors |10 |

|Activities of the Mentor |11 |

|Establishment of a Trust Relationship |11 |

|Assessment of the Farming Venture |13 |

|Assessment of the mentoring needs of the Mentee |15 |

|Intervention Plan |17 |

|Budget |19 |

| | |

|Reporting |20 |

|Progress Report |20 |

|Report on the Effect of the Mentoring Activities |20 |

|Report on the Overall Well-being of the Mentee |21 |

| | |

|1 |Introduction | |

1.1 Background

On all levels, institutions and organizations are embarking on initiatives and processes such as Agri BEE, LRAD, land reform etc. to participate in the transformation of the primary agricultural sector.

All these processes are increasing the demand for skills development in order to improve sustainability of farming ventures in the primary agricultural sector.

The AgriSETA, as custodian of skills development in the primary agricultural sector, funds various initiatives to address the need for skills development through programs such as ABET training, skills programs bursaries, internships and learnerships. The AgriSETA is also responsible for the quality of such skills development and attempts to achieve quality through the accreditation of service providers, assessment, modetation, etc..

However, it became clear through the past six years of operation, that sustainability of skills development, the retention and the application of acquired skills, in practice, remains problematic.

The AgriSETA embarked on a process to implement mentorships in the primary agricultural sector with the view to:

• Support and Enhance sustainability of skills development;

• Contribute in a meaningful manner towards the sustainability of farming ventures;

• Contribute in a coherent manner toward national initiatives such as AgriBBBEE and ASGISA

1.2 Mentorship Program

This mentorship program aims to:

• Provide guidance to the emerging / small farmer to a level where the farming venture is a healthy, self-sustainable business; and

• Provide the emerging / small farmer with a holistic farm experience.

The above will be achieved by:

• Making funds available for the funding of mentor activities;

• Guiding the emerging / small farmer on the technical, as well as the financial / business aspects of a farming business;

• Transferring of technology, knowledge and experience to the emerging / small farmer.

• Guiding the mentor on how to structure his/her involvement/activities to the maximum benefit of the mentee.

1.3 Implementation Package

The aim of this implementation package is to provide a set of materials which will assist new, less experienced mentors and mentees in the mentoring program of the AgriSETA. The mentor will have a guideline available which can guide him/her and provide him/her with the necessary support (on paper) to do the work, but which does not take excessive time and effort to maintain.

The second aim of this implementation package is to assist the AgriSETA in implementing much needed mentorship programs in the sector. It should also provide the AgriSETA with the necessary information to be able to assess the value of their investment in the mentorship program and give them the necessary data to report to various authorities (such as the Departments of Labour and Agriculture) on the success and impact of such a program.

This package therefore contains the necessary information, documents and forms to:

• Support the mentor in his/her mentoring activities;

• Clarify the roles and responsibilities of the various role players as well as beneficiaries;

• Support the AgriSETA in the implementation of the mentorship intervention.

1.4 Mentorship Program Guidelines

The implementation package contains four sets of guidelines, namely a guideline for:

• The AgriSETA

• The Mentorship Implementation Agent

• The Mentor

• The Mentee.

This is the Mentor Guideline for the use of the Mentor. It includes forms, processes and procedures as well as explanations how to use the forms. However, the methods that the mentors should use are not prescribed and are left to the discretion of the mentor.

The documents supplied should be viewed as a “menu” of tools. Whilst AgriSETA, as a public entity (with a responsibility to account publicly) will have minimum documentary requirements prior to and during the process of funding mentorship interventions, the intention is to be as non-restrictive and bureaucratic as possible.

|2 |Roles and | |

| |Responsibilities | |

| |of the Mentor | |

2.1. Goals and objectives:

The goals and objectives of the Mentor is to expose the mentee to best practices in farming, to expose the mentee to all the operations of a farming venture and to guide the mentee to make sound business and technical agricultural decisions within the specific venture and commodity.

It is not expected of the Mentor (nor is it his/her task) to take over the responsibility of the mentee for the output or the success of the farming venture. In fact, a mentor should mindfully steer clear of the (natural) instinct to do so.

2.2. The role and responsibility of the Mentor towards AgriSETA is:

• To submit reports informing AgriSETA with respect to the progress of the mentoring activities, the effect of the mentoring activities and the overall well being of the mentee within the scope of the mentorship program.

• To adhere to a code of conduct and to perform his/her obligations in such a manner that does not detract from the image and reputation of AgriSETA.

2.3. The role and responsibility of the Mentor towards the mentees:

• Establishment of trust relationship between mentor and mentee

• Mentoring and coaching

• Develop mentor plans with mentees

• Develop with the active involvement of the mentee an intervention schedule that supports the production schedule

• Assessment of mentee progress and achievement (pre-intervention assessment, scheduled continuous assessments)

• In conjunction with the mentee, conduct assessment of business either in terms of salvaging or opportunities (pre-intervention assessment, scheduled production assessments, assessments according to critical points in the production cycle)

• Integration of mentoring with training (learnerships and skills programmes)

• Integration into the farming community

• Networking

• Technology transfer

2.4. The roles and responsibilities of the Mentor towards the Assimilation of the Mentee into the Farming Community:

Critical to the sustainability of any programme associated with land reform and new entrant farmers is the issue of assimilation into the local farming community and the agricultural industry as a whole. (The word assimilation has been chosen because it means to “integrate and absorb” which is what is required: that the new farmers are integrated and absorbed into the agricultural community at different levels.

Associated with integration and absorption at various levels, is a complex web of social interactions. Becoming assimilated into these webs is often a lengthy process but if it does not happen then the new farmers will never feel that they are true farmers making their unique contribution.

The first and most critical level is that of the farming district. The newcomer is different culturally and racially, and will never feel “part of the club” unless the existing farmers and their wives take some active measures. This is where the “primary” mentor visits the new farmer and drives around the farm with the new owner, pointing out interesting features and starts the long journey of building a trusting relationship. This can then be followed by a social event (such as a family braai and to meet the neighbours). The wife of the mentor can also assist in the process. Only then the time is ready for the introduction to the rest of the district advisably at a social level (such as the local pub). The mentor guiding, introducing and really making the new farmer feel a part of this new community. The farmer should ideally attend local grower association meetings and/or farmers association and slowly learn about the local issues as well as meeting other locals. The assimilation process has begun.

Once the farmer has settled down and is beginning to know the questions to ask it may be useful to set up a diversity-training course for the mentors and mentees. There would have been sufficient time for some misunderstandings to arise. This course should be structured to promote a better understanding about cultural and racial differences. Outcomes would be:

• Farmers will be able to recognise and appreciate the value of diversity;

• Farmers will be able to recognise the harmful effects of racism and all the other forms of discrimination and will be able to challenge these practices;

• Farmers will be able to evaluate their own competence in dealing with diverse people;

• Farmers will be able to take steps to develop sensitivity/competence dealing with diversity;

• Mentors and Mentees will better understand and trust each other;

Following this course the long work of building a new social web begins but the mentor remains integral to the success of the assimilation. As with all communities potential new leaders and good farmers will emerge and others may fail and exit farming but everyone would have learnt about the importance of this process.

2.5. Main Focus of Mentoring Activities:

The mentoring activities of the Mentor should focus on four main aspects, namely:

The People Management skills and activities of the mentee, which includes:

• Human Resources plan i.t.o. operations

• Role Clarity & Work Allocation of employees

• Training & Development of employees

• Employee Health & Safety

• Salary & Rewards of employees

• Performance Management of employees

• Industrial Relations

The Business Management skills and activities of the mentee, which includes:

• Financial Management (budgeting, cash flow, capital)

• Procurement

• Break even

• Bookkeeping and record keeping

• Commodity Pricing

• Markets, Marketing & Sales

• Production Scheduling and Management

• Risk Management

• Contingency Planning & Management

• Farm lay-out and selection

• Assets

• Planning, Co-ordination & Control

• Preferred service provider database

• Communication systems

• Outsourcing of contracts

• VAT and taxes

The Technical skills and activities of the mentee, which includes:

• Preparation

• Establishment (propagation / breeding)

• Crop / Commodity Maintenance

• Nutrition

• Irrigation

• Health – Prevention and treatment

• Harvesting

• Post-Harvesting handling and treatment

• Infrastructure development and maintenance

• Chemicals

The Social skills and activities of the mentee, which includes:

• Assimilation into farmer’s association

• Negotiation and interaction with co-operatives.

However, it might be the case that a single mentor is not able to provide subject matter expertise of such divers nature. In this case, it is advisable that a team of mentors be involved in the mentee community and that the mentoring responsibilities are clearly divided according to the subject matter expertise and the needs of the mentee community. It is however, imperative that none of the above skills and activity areas be neglected, especially if the mentee community expresses it as a need.

|3 |Terms and | |

| |Conditions | |

3.1. Contract of appointment

Either the AgriSETA or the Mentorship Facilitating Agent (an enabling structure acting on behalf of the funder) will enter into a contract of appointment with the individual Mentor for the period of engagement and the Mentee(s) or Community Group to whom the Mentor will deliver the Mentoring services.

3.2 Terms and conditions

The following Terms and Conditions should be included in the Contract of appointment.

3.2.1. Remuneration:

The Mentor will be remunerated at a fee of R60/hour.

Out-of-pocket expenses of the Mentor will be refunded at direct cost. This will be restricted to:

• Traveling at R1.58/km;

• Telephone cost including cell phone cost;

• Faxes;

• Stationary and printing.

The Mentor should not incur any cost on behalf of the Mentee and will not be refunded should such cost be incurred.

The Mentor will be paid within 30 days of receipt of an acceptable invoice. The invoice should include evidence of the service delivered as well as out of pocket expences (original copies to be attached). The document, Intervention Plan, has been developed in such a manner that it can be used to record the contact hours at the mentee. This should be attached, as evidence required of the service delivered.

This form is compiled as an Excel Spreadsheet. It can be completed manually or electronically. (Attached Excel Spreadsheet titled “Intervention Plan”.) Click on the hyperlink to open the relevant document.

Contact hours should be recorded and totaled per month (e.g. the month relevant to the invoice).

3.2.2 Working Hours:

Working Hours will be measured in the contact time with mentees and will be a minimum of 16 hours per week and a maximum of 80 hours per month. However, a percentage of the time could be allocated on sourcing information, which will directly benefit the mentee.

The contact time with the mentees will be scheduled in advance, based on an assessment of the venture, the needs of the farmer, the production cycle of the commodity and the perceived risk periods of the production cycle. A 10 % deviation from the schedule is allowed. Should the deviation from the schedule be more than 10%, a reworked schedule should be compiled and send to AgriSETA as addendum to the contract of appointment. This addendum should be accompanied with a motivation for the rescheduling.

3.2.3 Period of engagement:

The Mentor commits him/herself for a period of three years to the Mentorship Program in relation to a specifically identified mentee / group of mentees. However, should the farming venture cease to exist, for whatever reason, the services of the Mentor will be terminated. This will not necessarily effect the Mentor’s engagement with another mentee(s).

|4 |Self | |

| |Evaluation | |

4.1 Objective of this form:

It is important that the Mentor acknowledges his/her own strengths and weaknesses and the impact thereof on the Mentoring Program. A list of criteria (also used by the AgriSETA and the Commodity Organisations to recruit mentors) can be used to perform such a self-evaluation.

4.2 Aim of this form:

This form should be regarded as a tool to perform a self-evaluation of his/her strengths and weaknesses as a mentor. The information obtained from this self-evaluation could be used to:

• Determine own skills development needs;

• Develop a learning pathway,

• Develop a continuous professional development support plan,

• Involve subject matter experts,

• Organize field visits or other means of input where own expertise is lacking for the Mentees.

• Determine, if necessary the range of mentors to be involved (refer to end of section 2)

4.3 How to use this form:

In completing this form, the mentor should evaluate his/her own abilities. The mentor should take care to do this in an objective manner. This means the mentor should not be too critical. On the other hand, he/she should be honest in reflecting on his/her abilities.

Complete the “rating” column by allocating a score between 1-5 to reflect the evaluation of the interviewing panel. (Where 1 is a low score and 5 is a high score.)

This form is compiled as a Word Document. It can be completed manually or electronically. (Attached Word document titled “Mentor Self Evaluation Tool”.) Click on the hyperlink to open the relevant document.

4.4 Development of Mentor:

The information should be send to the Mentoring Facilitation Agent and used to develop suitable capacity building or skills programs for the Mentor. AgriSETA should be approached to fund such skills programs or capacity building interventions.

|5 |Activities of the | |

| |Mentor | |

|5.1 |Trust | |

| |Relationship | |

5.1.1 Establishment of a Trust Relationship

The first, and most important step in the interaction with the Mentee / Mentee Community is to establish trust relationship. Some groundwork should have been done by the Mentorship Facilitating Agency prior to introducing the Mentor to the Mentee(s).

The aim of this step would be mainly to clarify boundaries, needs, expectations, roles and responsibilities and to agree on the ground rules for the continued relationship and interaction.

Aspects that would need special attention in the establishment of trust relationship between mentor and mentee, are:

1. Establishing expectations from both mentor and mentee

2. Clarify boundaries

3. Identify fears and misunderstandings

4. Identify perceptions that could hamper progress

5. Clarification of both side’s role and responsibilities

6. Clarification on accountability

7. Dealing with cultural diversity

8. Inclusion into broader farming community

9. Expectations regarding social benefits

10. Establish common ground

11. Agree on realistic goals

The above list is not exhaustive and should be expanded according to the specific mentee community and mentor / group of mentors and Mentorship Facilitation Agency.

It is suggested that the above session should be a facilitation session in a non-threatening environment.

Although not a requirement, it could be that a formal, written agreement or Memorandum of Understanding emerges from this session. This is left to the discretion of the Mentor / Mentee to determine the need for a formal, written understanding.

Information that should be used or shared in the above session, is:

• Roles and Responsibilities of the Mentor as well as the mentee,

• Relevant information from the Terms and Conditions of the Mentor, i.e. contact time, reporting, etc.

• The process should be as transparent as possible and hidden agendas should be exposed,

• It is expected that all participants demonstrate sensitivity and respect.

Establishing a trust relationship might take more than one session and should not be rushed. Time for this should be included in the overall planning of the Mentorship Facilitation Agency as well as by the mentor him/herself.

5.1.2 The following framework is suggested as a program for the facilitation session:

Who should participate in the facilitation session?

• Mentor / mentor group

• Mentees / Mentee Community

• Mentorship Faciltation Agency

• Representative of the Farmers’ Association

• Extension Officer (Provincial Department of Agriculture)

| |

|Topics for discussion or facilitation: |

| |

|Welcome and introduction of participants |

|Brief explanation on the Mentorship Program |

|Session 1: Current experiences and situation of the Mentees (including positive and negative |

|aspects, future hopes and dreams). |

|Session 2: Expectations |

|Session 3: Discuss fears, perceptions, and misunderstandings. |

|Session 4: Discussion on roles and responsibilities (who is accountable for what) |

|Session 5: Establish common ground |

|Session 6: Setting realistic goals |

|Session 7: Reaching an agreement |

|Closure |

5.1.3 Course on Cultural Diversity

A course on cultural diversity should be budgeted for and all participants would be expected to attend such a course.

|5.2 |Assessment of the | |

| |Farming Venture | |

5.2.1 Background:

A basic assessment of the farming venture should jointly be performed (by the mentor and mentee) as a first step in the involvement of the mentor with the mentee. The reason for such an assessment is that it would serve as base line information that could serve as:

• Determine the potential as well as actual situation of the venture,

• Determine the sustainability of the venture,

• A point of departure for measuring the progress of the venture,

• Plan the prospects of the venture,

• Establish a vision for the new farmer,

• Monitor progress,

• Highlight strengths and weaknesses,

• Perform long and medium term planning.

5.2.2 Simple Assessment Tool:

The Simple Assessment Tool has been designed to perform a quantitative as well as a qualitative assessment of the farming venture.

The assessment tool is designed to assist in gauging the following aspects:

1. Management and Leadership

2. Human resources:

1. Available Skills

2. Contracts of employment

3. Job descriptions

3. Production / operations / scheduling according to year planner and production cycle

4. Finances and budget:

1. Is the income / expenditure known to the mentee?

2. Does the mentee know how to cost and price correctly?

3. Can the mentee determine breakeven correctly?

4. Can the mentee control cash?

5. Administration and record keeping (systems)

1. Can the Mentee control stock?

2. Does the mentee have a basic record keeping system

6. Access to agricultural input

7. Access to markets

8. Is the business growing / stagnating / dying?

9. What is the potential to grow / survive?

10. Is the business self-sustainable?

11. What are the opportunities for growth / salvaging?

12. What training needs emanate from above assessment?

13. Infrastructure and equipment

5.2.3 How to use the tool:

It is important that all of the above aspects be measured. This is not a simple yes/no exercise. Each question included in the tool has a qualifying term, i.e. appropriate, adequate, etc. which should be taken into account when completing the form.

During the discussion the Mentor should ensure that the Mentee understands each aspect and how it relates to his/her context. The Mentor should guide the Mentee in such a way that the mentee does not see this tool as a threat or experience it in any negative way.

This form is compiled as a Word Document. It can be completed manually or electronically. (Attached Word document titled “Business Assessment Tool”.) Click on the hyperlink to open the relevant document.

1. Completion of the form:

Step 1: Complete the general information (Section One) as requested.

Step 2: Discuss each item (Sections Two to Five) as it relates to the farming context of the Mentee and indicate your findings with a YES/NO in the YES/NO column.

Step 3: Important detail related to the questions should be recorded as “implications” and “actions”.

2. One copy should be given to the Mentee.

3. One copy should be kept by the Mentor as part of the Portfolio of Records per Mentee.

4. One copy should be sent to the Mentoring Facilitation Agent.

|5.3 |Needs | |

| |Analysis | |

5.3.1 Objective of this Form:

It is important to establish the needs of the Mentee in the early stages of starting the Mentorship Program. The needs of the Mentee refer to:

• Mentoring needs

• Skills development needs

• Needs with regard to technology transfer

• Socio-economic needs

• Etc.

The objective of this form is to serve as a tool to both the mentor and the mentee to determine the content of the mentoring visits of the mentor.

This tool has been developed by using information from the registered qualifications and unit standards for primary agriculture. By completing this list, it will be easy to link the identified needs with the relevant unit standards and to determine a learning pathway for the mentee. Learning interventions could be funded by AgriSETA as skills programs or learnerships and learner achievements will be officially recognized by the relevant institutions.

5.3.2 Aim of this form:

The main aim of the Mentee Needs Analysis form is to establish the needs as a basis for planning the Intervention Schedule, the Contact Time with the Mentee as well as training that the Mentee should be exposed to.

5.3.3 How to complete this form:

This needs analysis should be conducted as a joint discussion between the Mentor and the Mentee.

During the discussion the Mentor should ensure that the Mentee understands each aspect and how it relates to his/her context. The Mentor should guide the Mentee in such a way that the mentee does not see this tool as a threat or experience it in any negative way.

This form is compiled as Word document. It can be completed manually or electronically. (Attached Word document titled “Mentee Needs Analysis”.) Click on the hyperlink to open the relevant document.

1. Completion of the form:

Step 1: Complete the general information (Section One) as requested.

Step 2: Discuss each item (Section Two) as it relates to the farming context of the Mentee and indicate the Mentee needs with a tick in either the YES/NO column.

Step 3: Important detail related to the question or aspect should be recorded as comments.

Step 4: Use the outcome of the Mentee Needs Analysis to complete the Intervention Schedule.

2. One copy should be given to the Mentee.

3. One copy should be kept by the Mentor as part of the Portfolio of Records per Mentee.

4. One copy should be sent to the Mentoring Facilitation Agent.

|5.4 |Intervention | |

| |Plan | |

1. Objective of this Form:

The main objective of the Mentoring Intervention Plan for a Crop Production Cycle is to schedule visits of the Mentor to the Mentee in such a way that problem areas are identified and addressed timeously.

2. Aim of this form:

The aim of this form is threefold, namely:

• In the first instance to plan the crop production cycle with the Mentee / Mentee Community (if a crop production cycle plan does exist, the information should be transferred to this document);

• Secondly to schedule visits and mentoring sessions (planned) with the Mentee / Mentee Community to coincide with risks etc. which is linked to the production cycle, and record the actual visits which took place (Actual); and

• Thirdly to attach as evidence to a monthly invoice.

3. How to complete this form:

The completion of this form should be conducted as a joint discussion between the Mentor and the Mentee and both should agree on the production cycles and scheduled visits and mentoring sessions.

Whilst planning the mentoring visits and sessions, aspects that should be used to inform the schedule are such as:

• Risk periods,

• System in place with early warning signals in place to identify where there are problems so that farmers can be advised on options,

• Unexpected change in climatic conditions,

• Next phase in the production schedule,

• Etc.

Please note that the form contains 4 quarterly worksheets of 3 months each, thus providing for an Intervention Plan of 12 months.

This form is compiled as an Excel Spreadsheet. It can be completed manually or electronically. (Document titled “Intervention Plan”) Click on the hyperlink to open the relevant document.

1. Completion of Form:

Step 1: Complete the general information (Section One) as requested.

Step 2: Determine the production schedule (Section Two) as applicable to the commodity being produced. Fill in the name of the month and cross or mark the week it should be executed.

Step 3: Determine the technology/ knowledge transfer (Section Three) needed according to the critical points of the production cycle. Complete the P (planned) column by estimating the number of hours to be allocated to this mentoring intervention. Fill in the number of hours next to each Farming Aspect, which you are planning to discuss or demonstrate during the mentoring visit. The number of hours should be coincide with the week the visit should be executed. This should be done by filling in the mentoring hours planned for a specific day. (E.g. If it was planned to pay a mentoring visit of 4 hours on the 2nd week of the month, the number 4 should be filled in beneath the 2nd week in the planned column).

Step 4: Use the outcome of the Mentee Needs Analysis list and schedule Mentor sessions to coincide with the production cycle in the same manner as Step 3.

Step 5: Aspects that are not pertinent to the production cycle should be scheduled when the farming activities are at a low level.

Step 6: After the mentoring visit had been executed, the “Actual” column should be completed, indicating the number of hours that were spent with the Mentee.

Step 7: The same form should be attached to the invoice as substantiating information.

2. One copy should be given to the Mentee.

3. One copy should be kept by the Mentor as part of the Portfolio of Records per Mentee.

4. One copy should be sent to the Mentoring Facilitation Agent.

|5.5 |Budget | |

1. Example Budget:

An example of a budget is attached as an Excel Spreadsheet. This can be used at own discretion. Please note that the figures in the example budget should be adapted according to the business being assessed.

This form is compiled as an Excel Spreadsheet. It can be completed manually or electronically. (Document titled “Example Budget”) Click on the hyperlink to open the relevant document.

|6 |Reporting | |

6.1 General:

Reporting plays an important role in the Mentorship Program because of the following reasons:

• Progress is being monitored and recorded;

• Statistics can be produced and submitted to authorities and funding institutions;

• It is an indication of the utilization of the money invested;

• Lessons learned can contribute to better practices;

6.2 Progress Report:

It is expected from the Mentor to report on the progress of mentoring using the Intervention Plan spreadsheet. The aim of this report is to assess the mentoring hours spent, farming aspects dealt with, number of mentees visited, etc.

This form is compiled as an Excel Spreadsheet. It can be completed manually or electronically. (refer to attached excel titled: “Intervention Plan”). Click on the hyperlink to open the relevant document.

1. Completion of the form:

Please refer to paragraph 5.4.3.

2. One copy should be given to the Mentee.

3. One copy should be kept by the Mentor as part of the Portfolio of Records per Mentee.

4. One copy should be sent to the Mentoring Facilitation Agent.

6.3 Report on the Effect of the Mentoring Activities:

The aim of this Report is to obtain a qualitative indication of the value of the mentoring visits. Information on any aspect, which influenced the success of the mentoring visits in a positive or negative manner, should be mentioned.

(Refer to word document titled: “Report on the Challenges and Opportunities of the Mentoring Activities”. Click on the hyperlink to open the relevant document).

6.4 Report on the Overall Well-being of the Mentee:

The aim of this Report is to obtain a qualitative indication of the value of the mentorship program and the effect it had on the mentee in his/her context of operation.

(Refer to word document titled: Overall Wellbeing of Mentee) Click on the hyperlink to open the relevant document.


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