Around the world– Activity overview-104775130810This activity overview for around the world helps support planning across all areas of learning.020000This activity overview for around the world helps support planning across all areas of learning.Nursery activity overviewAround the worldPSEDDemonstrates friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adultsCan usually tolerate delay when needs are not met and understands wishes may not always been met-Set up role play area as an international café – menus, flags, foods from around the world etc.-Class map – what country are you from?Discuss favourite foods and why? - show different foods in the basket to support language and thinking.CLUses vocab focused on objects and people that are of particular importance to themBeginning to understand “why” and “how” questions-Parent/family members – visits to show clothes, food etc. from their countryBakery role play –. LiteracyShows interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environmentLooks at books independently-Look at a range of children’s cook books- what are the different recipes in the book? Choose your favourite one? Why?Café – menus, record children’s discussions and understandingMathsCompares two groups of objects saying when they have the same numberUses shapes appropriately for tasks-Shapes of foods- look at different foods from the book- what do they look like? Can we describe them? The texture? Shape? Size?-Measuring and comparing objects Fruit printing- apples, star fruitUWRecognises and describes special times or events for family & friendsShows care and concern for living things in the environmentSpecial family time occasions and festivals – explore cultural dishes. What do you eat at Christmas? Easter? Church?Healthy and unhealthy foodsSenses – “what does it smell like? What colour is it, what does it feel like”PhysicalCan catch a large ballCan usually manage to wash and dry hands-Cook a simple recipe from the book- follow the instructions. Eat and talk about what they can taste.Feely bags with assorted foodsVariety of ball games outsideEADBeginning to construct stacking blocks vertically and horizontally, making enclosures and creating spacesBuilds stories around toys- Make flags for class bunting -Textures and colours of foods and fruitsFruit printing- apples, star fruit ................

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