Fessler, Terri

Nov/Dec Combined 2007– Homeless Outreach Coordinating Committee Meeting




NEXT HOCC MEETING (4th Thursday of every month ()

Next meeting will be: January 24, 2007 1:30p-3:00p

LOCATION: TBA, will send reminder and update once location determined.

HOCC has a WEBSITE!! It is:

HOCC Meeting Minutes are updated monthly on the website as well!! Thanks goes to Diane McMahon for designing and keeping the website up to date for us!!

▪ 1:45 pm meeting initiated by Diane Johnson. Mac is out of town at a conference and Chris is away on vacation (

▪ Thank you to Mercy Behavioral Health-South Side CRC for having us to their site for the meeting!!

▪ Introductions

▪ Announcements/General Info/Updates:

o SWES IS FORMALLY OPEN 12/3; 12/4; 12/5; 12/6. The SWES number is 412-779-1329. Messages regarding SWES are updated regularly on the message at this number. Projected to be closed 12/7; 12/8; 12/9; 12/10 based on the national weather forecast.

▪ Mercy Behavioral~South Side CRC overview:

o Brief overview of the CRC given by Jennifer Leaf.

o Crises center opened in 4/07. Most services were present, but spread throughout systems and at various locations. Centralization began with “DAS” beds-16 respite beds-which were part of Journey Home. DAS offers 24/7 Crises/Eval/Assessment/Referral. DAS=Diversion Acute Stabilization. The CRC opened as a 12 bed program, funded through the Dept of Justice. Referrals are via the CIT and are part of pre-booking and diversion. This began in 8/07. Homeless population is also being brought or are presenting to the CRC. At times, may be brought by police due to issues, such as loitering charges.

o Question rose with regard to volume seen at CRC: CIT beds are utilized especially for “weak” charges, such as loitering, domestic issues. Pre-booking involved from the jail. Forensics remains involved and many supports are put in place such as treatment plan, expectations establish and specific criteria need to be followed by the individual. There are also walk-in’s that occur. Volume is average of 8-9/month. If the person is not mandated to MH service, this is OK. The person does not have to be willing, but will be wooed accordingly. Often work with the individual on needed areas such as: SS card, photo ID, etc and then continue to woo for services. If not in the CRC via forensics, there are fewer demands made.

o Average length of stay at the CRC is 3.5 days.

o All entries to the CRC are VOLUNTARY.

o This is a LOCKED facility. You must buzz an intercom in order to enter the building. Security of the building also includes “wanding” of anyone who enters to assess for dangerous items such as guns, knives, etc.

o Medicines for uninsured individuals have been an ongoing issue and the CRC has needed to be creative with this issue. They do report a good commitment and relationship with the Medicine Shoppe on the South Side.

o The program is fully funded at present via the Dept of Justice. Further future funding is not known at this time.

o Common referrals/resources are individualized. Pre-booking is much easier, as plan is already in the works. Walk-In’s are assessed and referred as appropriately as possible. Walk-In may be referred to shelter if indicated.

o CRC is linked to the larger homeless community as the “Drop-Off” component of the Engagement Center. This current model is not true to the original RFP, as the CIT/Forensics portion altered this.

o It is estimated that about 50% of the individuals placed at CRC by CIT are homeless.

o Diane gives a brief history of HOCC and how the Engagement Center concept was a prime concept worked on by HOCC for many years. Brief history from many years ago and how HOCC used to be a combined coordinating committee with the Mayors Task Force. Things over the years have changed based on the 10yr plan. How does the CRC fit in to the homeless arena and the 10yr plan at this time?

o Unsure of how the CRC eventually will play in the 10yr plan as it is unknown if the CRC will remain as an Engagement Center component. Currently, the CRC is part of the Mercy Behavioral spectrum, which includes Operation Safety Net/Spectrum, OSN’s housing project.

o TOUR OF THE FACILITY. Thanks again to the CRC for sponsoring our meeting, informing us about their services and showing us their site!

o CRC is located at: 264 South 9th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203

o CRC Phone: 412-246-2992

▪ All other issues and agenda items to be discussed at the next HOCC Mtg.

▪ We are exploring the next meeting location. Location to be announced once determined. (

▪ FYI-North Side Common Ministries will be CLOSED for renovation from THANKSGIVING TO CHRISTMAS.

Meeting adjourned shortly after 3pm.


Food for thought:

There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

--Edith Wharton


| |Baldwin, Devin |Three Rivers Youth |Emergency Shelter and |242-5580 x37 |Devin.baldwin@threeriversyouth.|

| | |LOFT/TLP |Transitional Living Program | |org |

| | |508 Franklin Ave | | | |

| | |Wilkinsburg, PA 15221 | | | |

| |Baum, Robert |WPIC |WPIC |647-9326 |baumrr@upmc.edu |

| | |3811 O’Hara St | | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15213 | | | |

| |Chalich, Theresa |Bethlehem Haven |Mental health |412-391-1348 x104 |tchalich@ |

| | |905 Watson Street | | | |

| | |PGH, PA 15219 | | | |

| |Chiappini, Stephanie LMSW |Operation Safety Net |Medical outreach, case |412-232-5739 |schiappini@mercy. |

| | |Mercy Hospital |management, transitional | | |

| | |1518 Forbes Ave |housing | | |

| | |PGH, PA 15219 | | | |

| |Chopek, Steve |ACDHS | |350-6788 |Steven.chopek@county.allegheny.|

| | | | | |pa.us |

| |Cox, Jonathan |Pittsburgh Downtown Parnership | |566-4190 |jcox@ |

| |Coyne, Alex |Oakland Business Improvement District | |683-6243 x19 |alex@ |

| |DelCimmuto, Michael SGT. |Zone Two Police Station |Pittsburgh Police |255-2827 |Michael.delcimmuto@city.pittsbu|

| | |2000 Centre Ave | | |rgh.pa.us |

| | |PGH, PA 15219 | | | |

| |Denne, Jewel |WPIC |WPIC |235-5310 |denneja@upmc.edu |

| | |3811 O’Hara St | | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15213 | | | |

|X |DeSantis, Jeff |Mercy Behavioral Health | |488-4390 |jdesantis@ |

| | |330 9th Street | | | |

| | |Pgh, PA 15203 | | | |

| |Fowler, Fred |Senior Planner | |350-3449 |ffowler@dhs.county.allegheny.pa|

| | |Office of Behavioral Health | | |.us |

| | |304 Wood Street | | | |

| | |PGH, PA 15222 | | | |

| |Gant, James |Three Rivers Youth |Drop-In Center |338-0883 |James.gant@|

| | |The HUB |Outreach | | |

| | |28th & Smallman | | | |

| |Gemmel, Natalie |CHSC |Intern |621-6513 |Ngemmell@ |

|X |Haberchak, Ed |Allegheny County DHS |ACDHS Bureau of Hunger and |350-4031 | |

| | |United Way Bldg |Housing | | |

| | |One Smithfield Street 4th floor | | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15222 | | | |

|X |Hochendoner, Paul |Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership |Downtown Safety Ambassadors |325-0152 |phochendoner@block-by-|

| | |Manager, Safety Ambassador Program | |c-589-0783 | |

| | |925 Liberty Ave, 1st floor | |f-566-4193 | |

| | |PGH, PA 15222 | | | |

|X |Irvin, Judy |Mercy Behavioral Health-CRC |CRC |246-2992 |jirvin@ |

| | |264 S. 9th St | | | |

| | |Pgh, PA 15203 | | | |

|X |Johnson, Diane |WPIC-NLP |Outreach |578-7729 |Johnsond@msx.upmc.edu |

| | |2552 Centre Avenue | | | |

| | |Pgh, PA 15219 | | | |

| |Keenan, Chuck |ACDHS | |350-5606 |charles.keenan@county.allegheny|

| | | | | |.pa.us |

| |Kelly, Heather |Allegheny County District Attorney’s |Assistant District Attorney |350-4400 |hkelly@da.allegheny.pa.us |

| | |Office | |Fax: 350-3312 | |

| | |401 County Courthouse | | | |

| | |Pittsburgh, PA 15219 | | | |

| |Kroll, Amy |OBH-Forensic Services |Forensics |350-7337 |akroll@dhs.county.allegheny.pa.|

| |Or |304 Wood St | | |us |

| |Nock, Mike |Pgh, Pa 15222 | |350-4359 | |

| |Or | | | |mnock@dhs.county.allegheny.pa.u|

| |Hess, Eric | | |350-4393 |s |

| | | | |f-350-4395 | |

| | | | |BH Crises Hotline: |ehess@dhs.county.allegheny.pa.u|

| | | | |1-888-424-2287 |s |

|X |LaBovick, Becky |CHSC |SOT/Families United |621-6513 x101 |Rlabovick@ |

| | |3201 Craft Place |HOCC Secretary | | |

| | |Pgh, PA 15213 | | | |

| |Laemmle, Chris |WPIC-Outreach and NLP |Outreach |578-7730 |Laemmlecp@msx.upmc.edu |

| | |2552 Centre Avenue |**HOCC CO-CHAIR | | |

| | |Pgh, PA 15219 | | | |

|X |Leaf, Jen |Mercy Behavioral Health-CRC |CRC |246-2922 |jleaf@ |

| | |264 S. 9th St | | | |

| | |Pgh, PA 15203 | | | |

| |Lindsay, Michael |ACDHS | |350-3463 |mlindsay@dhs.county.allegheny.p|

| | | | | |a.us |

| |McMahon, Diane |Parental Stress Center |Pending possible HUD/PH |361-4800 |Dianem677@ |

| | |5877 Commerce St. |Program, waiting to hear! |© 480-9044 | |

| | |PGH, PA 15206 | | | |

| |McMahon, Mac |CHSC |Street Outreach/SOT |621-6513 x106 |mac99861@ |

| | |3201 Craft Place |**HOCC CHAIR | |mmcmahon@ |

| | |Pgh, PA 15213 | | | |

| |Miller, Robert SGT. |Pittsburgh Police |Pittsburgh Police |255-2827 |Bob.miller@city.pittsburgh.pa.u|

| | |Zone 2 | | |s |

| | |2000 Centre Ave | | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15219 | | | |

|X |Payne, Dennis |DHS |ACDHS |350-4984 |dpayne@dhs.county.allegheny.pa.|

| | |United Way Building | |350-3837 |us |

| |Sweitzer, Harry |One Smithfield St. | | | |

| | |4th floor | | | |

| | |Pgh, PA 15222 | | | |

| |Pickering, Cheryl |SHF | |281-1305 |shepheart@ |

| |Pilarski, Mary Frances |VA Hospital |VA Healthcare for the |412-365-5273 |Mary.Pilarski@med. |

| | |122 B-H |Homeless Veterans | | |

| | |7180 Highland Dr. | | | |

| | |PGH, PA 15206 | | | |

|x |Quinn, Mae |1410 Fifth Avenue |Miryam’s-Day |471-0155 |Amq01@ |

| | |Pgh, PA 15219 |Program/Residential & | | |

| | | |Transitional Housing | | |

|X |Rorison, Steve |Light Of Life |Light of Life |803-4130 |srorison@ |

| | |PO Box 6823 | | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15212 | | | |

|X |Smith, Erica |CHSC |Outreach/OSAL |621-6513 x110 |esmith@ |

| | |3201 Craft Place | | | |

| | |Pgh, PA 15213 | | | |

|X |Sonney, Holly |Bethlehem Haven |Mental health |412-391-1348 x103 |hsonney@ |

| | |905 Watson Street | | | |

| | |PGH, PA 15219 | | | |

| |Staab, James |3811 O’Hara St |CACTIS/Mobile Crises |235-5401 |staabje@upmc.edu |

| | |Pgh, PA 15213 | | | |

| |Upsher, Curtis |CCBHO |BHMCO |454-2163 |upsherc@ |

| | |1 Chatam Center | | | |

| | |112 Washington Place | | | |

| | |STE 200 | | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15219 | | | |

| |Vanderhorst, Beverly |VA Hospital |VA Healthcare for Homeless |365-4640 |Beverly.vanderhorst@ |

| | |122 B-H |Vets | | |

| | |7180 Highland Drive | | | |

| | |PGH, PA 15206` | | | |

| |Venezia, Rich |Allegheny County DHS |Allegheny County Dept of |350-4354 |Rvenezia@dhs.county.allegheny.p|

| | |United Way Bldg |Human Services | |a.us |

| | |One Smithfield Street 4th floor | | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15222 | | | |

| |Walczak, Vic |ACLU | |681-7864 |vwalczak@ |

| |Walnoha, Adrienne |CHSC |Executive Director |621-4706 |awalnoha@ |

| | |374 Lawn Street | | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15213 | | | |

| |Waters, Rocky | | | | |

| |Wild, Kellie |Light Of Life |Shelter |803-4113 |kwild@ |

| | |PO Box 6823 |Residential Recovery | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15212 |Program Director | | |

| |Young, Reginald |Allegheny County DHS | | |ryoung@dhs.county.allegheny.pa.|

| | |United Way Bldg | | |us |

| | |One Smithfield Street 4th floor | | | |

| | |Pgh, Pa 15222 | | | |


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