
Mattingly Art Lesson Word WallAssemblage: A grouping of disparate objects to create a sculptureCollage: a work of art that is made by attaching pieces of different materials (such as paper, cloth or wood) to a flat surfaceFound objects: Objects not normally considered art objects because they already have a non art function.Monumental sculpture: sculpture employing traditional materials such as stone, metal, wood and clay and adhering to established norms of formReady mades: ordinary objects selected and modified by the artist who designates them as artSculpture: A three dimensional work of artSocial practice art: focuses on social engagement, inviting collaboration with individuals, communities, and institutions in the creation of participatory art. Unmonumental sculpture: a sculpture of fragments that defies traditional limits of sculptural form, incorporating found materials, artificial objects, second hand images or even waste. ................

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