Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide

|Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide |

|First 9 weeks |

|Red: change made during 2010 standard adoption |

|Blue: Resource that you can use from VDOE |

|Green: where an I-STEM unit is in place to support that SOL strand |

|4.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of |c) appropriate instruments are selected and|e) predictions and inferences are made, and |i) data are collected, |k) data are communicated with |

|scientific reasoning, logic and the nature of |used to measure length, |conclusions are drawn from a variety of |recorded, analyzed, and |simple graphs, pictures, |

|science by planning and conducting investigations in |mass, volume, and temperature in metric |sources.; |displayed using bar and basic |written statements, and |

|which |units; |f) independent and dependent variables are |line graphs;, |numbers |

|a) distinctions are made among observations, conclusions,|d) appropriate instruments are selected and|identified; |j) numerical data that are |l) models are constructed to |

|inferences, and predictions; |used to measure elapsed time; |g) constants in an experimental situation |contradictory or unusual in |clarify explanations, |

|b) objects or events are classified and arranged | |are |experimental results are |demonstrate relationships, and |

|according to characteristics or | |identified; |recognized; |solve needs; and |

|properties; | |h) hypotheses are developed as cause and | |m) current applications are |

| | |effect relationships; | |used to reinforce science |

| | | | |concepts. |

|Unit |SOL by number and letter |Enhanced Scope and Sequence connection |Essential |

| | | |Skills Vocabulary |

|Scientific Investigation | | |differentiate among simple |millimeters, centimeters, |

| |4.1 | |observations, conclusions, |meters, kilometers, |

| | | |inferences, and predictions, |milliliters, liters, grams, and|

| | | |and correctly apply the |kilograms |

| | | |terminology |inference |

| | | |analyze, choose appropriate |experiment, instrument, |

| | | |instrument, measure, predict |independent, dependent, |

| | | |using graphs, independent and |constant |

| | | |dependent variables, constants | |

| | | |are identified | |

|Weather |4.6 |Precipitation & Temperature |Use anemometer, thermometer, |Thermometer, temperature, |

| |a) weather phenomenon |Name that Cloud |barometer, rain gauge |barometer, anemometer, rain |

| |b)weather measurements and |Air Pressure |Use weather data to compare and|gauge, air pressure, high and |

| |meteorological tools |Storm Warning |predict, differentiate, compare|low pressure, warm and cold |

| | | |and contrast, analyze |fronts |

| | | | |cirrus, stratus, cumulus, and |

| | | | |cumulo-nimbus clouds |

|____________________(midpoint) |________________(midpoint) | | |rain, snow, sleet, and hail, |

| | | | |precipitation, |

|I-STEM unit in development |c) use of weather measurements and | | |thunderstorms, hurricanes, and |

| |phenomenon to make weather predictions | | |tornadoes |

| | | | |weather maps |

| | | | |wind speed, meteorolgist |

|Space |4.8 |Sun-Earth-Moon Model |differentiate between rotation |Rotation, revolution, axial |

| | | |and revolution |tilt, seasons, Moon Phases: |

| |a)motions of Earth around sun | |model & explain earth/moon/sun |new, waxing crescent, first |

| |b)the causes for Earth’s seasons | |system, motion, |quarter, waxing gibbous, full, |

| |d)relative size, position, age and makeup | |compare, contrast, analyze |waning gibbous, last quarter, |

| |of Earth & Sun | | |and waning crescent, relative |

| |e)historical contribution in understanding | | |size, Earth-centered, |

| |the Earth-Sun system | | |sun-centered, Aristotle, |

| | | | |Ptolemy, Copernicus, and |

| | | | |Galileo |

| | | | |the NASA Apollo missions |

|Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide |

|Second 9 weeks |

|4.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of |c) appropriate instruments are selected and |e) predictions and inferences are made, and|i) data are collected, |k) data are communicated with |

|scientific reasoning, logic and the nature of |used to measure length, |conclusions are drawn from a variety of |recorded, analyzed, and |simple graphs, pictures, |

|science by planning and conducting investigations in |mass, volume, and temperature in metric units;|sources.; |displayed using bar and basic |written statements, and |

|which |d) appropriate instruments are selected and |f) independent and dependent variables are |line graphs;, |numbers |

|a) distinctions are made among observations, conclusions,|used to measure elapsed time; |identified; |j) numerical data that are |l) models are constructed to |

|inferences, and predictions; | |g) constants in an experimental situation |contradictory or unusual in |clarify explanations, |

|b) objects or events are classified and arranged | |are |experimental results are |demonstrate relationships, and |

|according to characteristics or | |identified; |recognized; |solve needs; and |

|properties; | |h) hypotheses are developed as cause and | |m) current applications are |

| | |effect relationships; | |used to reinforce science |

| | | | |concepts. |

|Unit |SOL by number and letter |Enhanced Scope and Sequence connection |Essential |

| | | |Skills Vocabulary |

|Space |4.8 |What’s the difference? |differentiate between rotation |Rotation, revolution, axial |

| |a)motions of Earth, the Moon, and the Sun |The Play’s the Thing |and revolution |tilt, seasons, Moon Phases: |

|I-STEM unit: 3-2-1 Blast off |c) the causes for the phases of the Moon. |Moon Phases |model & explain earth/moon/sun |new, waxing crescent, first |

| |d)relative size, position, age and makeup of | |system, motion, moon phases |quarter, waxing gibbous, full, |

| |Earth, the Moon, & Sun | |compare, contrast, analyze |waning gibbous, last quarter, |

| |e)historical contribution in understanding the| | |and waning crescent |

| |Earth-Moon system | | |Earth-centered, sun-centered, |

| | | | |Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus,|

| | | | |and Galileo |

| | | | |the NASA Apollo missions |

|Organization of the Solar System |4.7 | |Name 8 planets, composition |gas giant, terrestrial, planet |

| | | |(terrestrial or gas giants), |names, sequence, planet, solar |

| | | |sequence from sun, sequence of |system, sun/ star |

| | | |planets based on size, | |

| | | |construct a model of the sun | |

| | | |and planets | |

| | |Where am I? | Describe motion, collect |Position, speed, kinetic |

|Forces, Motion & Energy |4.2 |Invest. Motion w/ incline |position/time data, interpret |energy, potential energy, |

| |a)motion is described by an object’s direction|On your mark! Start your eng |data and graph of motion, |force, friction, direction (up,|

| |and speed |May the force be with you |identify forces, design and |down, forward, backward) |

| |________________(midpoint) |Sample release test items |conduct friction experiment, | |

|_____________________(midpoint) | | |describe the direction of an | |

| |b, c, d) | |object, infer that objects have| |

|I-STEM unit: 3-2-1 Blast off | | |kinetic energy, design an | |

| | | |investigation to test the | |

| | | |hypothesis if the mass of an | |

| | | |object increases then the force| |

| | | |needed to move it will increase| |

|Magnets & Electricity |4.3 |Inventors | Apply terms correctly, |insulators, conductors, open |

| |e) simple magnetism |Circuits, Batteries, Bulbs |differentiate between open and |and closed circuit |

| |c) static electricity |Electromagnets |closed circuit, create and |parallel and series circuit, |

| |a) conductors and insulators |Static Electricity |diagram series and parallel |magnetic field |

| |f) historical contributions in understanding | |circuits, differentiate between|permanent magnet electromagnet,|

| |electricity (Franklin & Faraday) | |series and parallel, diagram |static electricity, Lightning, |

| | | |magnetic field, construct |electrons, current, magnetic |

| | | |electromagnet, design and |poles |

| | | |conduct static electricity |magnetic: iron, nickel and |

| | | |experiment, describe the |cobalt |

| | | |contributions of B. Franklin, |Ben Franklin, Michael Faraday, |

| | | |M. Faraday, and T. Edision, |and Thomas Edison, thermal, |

| | | |describe the types of energies |radiant, mechanical |

| | | |(thermal, radiant, mechanical) |. |

| | | |that are transformed by various| |

| | | |household appliances | |

|Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide |

|Third 9 weeks |

|4.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of |c) appropriate instruments are selected |e) predictions and inferences are made, and |i) data are collected, |k) data are communicated with |

|scientific reasoning, logic and the nature of |and used to measure length, |conclusions are drawn from a variety of |recorded, analyzed, and |simple graphs, pictures, written|

|science by planning and conducting investigations in |mass, volume, and temperature in metric |sources.; |displayed using bar and basic |statements, and |

|which |units; |f) independent and dependent variables are |line graphs;, |numbers |

|a) distinctions are made among observations, conclusions,|d) appropriate instruments are selected |identified; |j) numerical data that are |l) models are constructed to |

|inferences, and predictions; |and used to measure elapsed time; |g) constants in an experimental situation are|contradictory or unusual in |clarify explanations, |

|b) objects or events are classified and arranged | | |experimental results are |demonstrate relationships, and |

|according to characteristics or | |identified; |recognized; |solve needs; and |

|properties; | |h) hypotheses are developed as cause and | |m) current applications are used|

| | |effect relationships; | |to reinforce science concepts. |

|Unit |SOL by number and letter |Enhanced Scope and Sequence connection |Essential |

| | | |Skills Vocabulary |

|Electricity & Magnets |4.3 |Inventors | Apply terms correctly, |insulators, conductors, open and|

| |a) conductors & insulators |Circuits, Batteries, Bulbs |differentiate between open and |closed circuit |

| |b)basic circuits |Electromagnets |closed circuit, create and |parallel and series circuit, |

| |d)ability of electrical energy to be |Static Electricity |diagram series and parallel |magnetic field |

| |transformed into light and motion and to | |circuits, differentiate between|permanent magnet electromagnet, |

| |produce heat | |series and parallel, diagram |static electricity, Lightning, |

| |e)simple electromagnets | |magnetic field, construct |electrons, current, magnetic |

| |f)historical contributions in | |electromagnet, design and |poles |

| |understanding electricity | |conduct static electricity |magnetic: iron, nickel and |

| | | |experiment, describe the |cobalt |

| | | |contributions of B. Franklin, |Ben Franklin, Michael Faraday, |

| | | |M. Faraday, and T. Edision, |and Thomas Edison, thermal, |

| | | |describe the types of energies |radiant, mechanical |

| | | |(thermal, radiant, mechanical) |. |

| | | |that are transformed by various| |

| | | |household appliances | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|_____________________(midpoint) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|I-STEM unit: Electrifying Elevators | | | | |

|Animals in Living Systems |4.5 |Hello from My Habitat! |Skills: Differentiate, infer, investigate, explain, describe, |

| | |Life in the Web |distinguish between, compare and contrast, understand, |

| | |The Best Beak for the Job |illustrate – adaptations |

| | |Change Is Good! | |

| | |What Can We Do? |Vocabulary: |

| | |Released SOL test questions |structural, behavioral adaptations, food web, life cycle, |

| | | |community, eco system, niche, producer, consumer, decomposer, |

| | | |nutrients, water, shelter, space, habitats |

| | | | |

|Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide |

|Fourth 9 weeks |

|4.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of |c) appropriate instruments are selected |e) predictions and inferences are made, and |i) data are collected, recorded,|k) data are communicated with |

|scientific reasoning, logic and the nature of |and used to measure length, |conclusions are drawn from a variety of |analyzed, and displayed using |simple graphs, pictures, written|

|science by planning and conducting investigations in |mass, volume, and temperature in metric |sources.; |bar and basic line graphs;, |statements, and |

|which |units; |f) independent and dependent variables are |j) numerical data that are |numbers |

|a) distinctions are made among observations, conclusions,|d) appropriate instruments are selected |identified; |contradictory or unusual in |l) models are constructed to |

|inferences, and predictions; |and used to measure elapsed time; |g) constants in an experimental situation |experimental results are |clarify explanations, |

|b) objects or events are classified and arranged | |are |recognized; |demonstrate relationships, and |

|according to characteristics or | |identified; | |solve needs; and |

|properties; | |h) hypotheses are developed as cause and | |m) current applications are used|

| | |effect relationships; | |to reinforce science concepts. |

|Unit |SOL by number and letter |Enhanced Scope and Sequence connection |Essential |

| | | |Skills Vocabulary |

|Plant Life Processes |4.4 |Little Sprouts |create a model/diagram |stamen, pistil, sepal, embryo, |

| | |Let There Be Light! |illustrating the parts of a |spore, seed, roots, stems, |

| | |Photosynthesis |flower, |leaves, and flowers, spores, |

| | |Flower Dissection |create/model/explain plant |Pollination, ferns, mosses, |

| | |Released sol test questions |reproduction & pollinazation, |photosynthesis, sugar, carbon |

| | | |explain the process of |dioxide, water, nutrients, and |

| | | |photosynthesis, design an |sunlight, Oxygen, Dormancy, |

| | | |investigation to determine the |chlorophyl |

| | | |relationship between the | |

| | | |presence of sunlight and plant | |

| | | |growth, understand plant | |

| | | |adaptations | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|_____________________(midpoint) | | | | |

|Watershed |4.9 |Watersheds |Compare, contrast, distinguish, |rivers, lakes, bays, watershed, |

| | |A River Runs Through It |create model of watershed, ID |watershed addresses |

| | |Journey of a Raindrop |watershed address |Chesapeake Bay, We all live |

| | | | |downstream”, |

| | | | |Groundwater |

|Virginia Resources |4.9 |Forests | recognize, appraise the |Virginia’s mineral resources, |

| | |Virginia’s Mineral Resources |importance of, describe VA |including coal, limestone, |

| | |Released SOL test questions |mineral, forest, and soil/land |granite, and sand and gravel |

| | | |resources |natural and cultivated forests |

| | | | |natural resources: including |

| | | | |forests, arable (farmable) land,|

| | | | |coal, sand and aggregates |

| | | | |(rocks), wildlife and aquatic |

| | | | |organisms |


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