EY Cybersecurity Dashboard - Alliance Media Group

Cybersecurity Metrics

Supporting accurate and timely decision-making

November 2018

Anthony Muiyuro Cybersecurity Leader, EY East Africa.


Business drivers


While more questions are being asked about cybersecurity, current reporting is not adequate.

02 Challenges Organizations are struggling to determine what and how to report on cybersecurity.

03 Building an Effective metrics program

Improve cybersecurity reporting requirements.

04 The CISO Dashboard

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23 November 2018

Cybersecurity Metrics & Dashboards

Metrics story

"Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can't measure something, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't control it.

If you can't control it, you can't improve it."

- H. James Harrington

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23 November 2018

Cybersecurity Metrics & Dashboards

Business drivers

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23 November 2018

Cybersecurity Metrics & Dashboards

It can be challenging to communicate the value of Cyber Security in business terms

How does a CISO defend the cyber security budget?

Are our security investments paying


Are cyber security services delivered in a

fashion that meets business needs?

Are our response capabilities

adequately managing the impact of

incidents to the organization?


How do we continue to get support for

cyber security efforts from executive leadership?

As the focus on cyber security has continually increased, Information Security functions are faced with a

number of difficult questions

How secure is our organization?

How well are we identifying and responding to relevant threats?

Is our security program on track to

achieve maturity objectives?

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23 November 2018

Cybersecurity Metrics & Dashboards


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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