4524615572333Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis00Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis3308166741293A Textbook of 300+ Masculist Flyersfor Men’s Studies Courses00A Textbook of 300+ Masculist Flyersfor Men’s Studies Courses2354241501254Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women00Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women359229304800MASCULISM00MASCULISMPrefaceThis book consists of some 300+ “flyers” i.e. 2-3 page essays on the themes of Masculism and MGTOW (men going their own way), two branches of the Men’s Lib movement, collated into appropriate categories, and thought to be comprehensive enough to serve as a textbook for Men’s Studies courses. It is an e-book which contains not only the texts of the flyers, but also links to videos of the author reading the flyers aloud, that were uploaded to YouTube, Minds, BitChute, etc.The book consists of two main parts, split into two volumes, namely masculist critiques of various groups of people, e.g. women, fluffies, feminazis, etc. and masculist tactics to overcome men’s gender problems. A glossary of masculist and MGTOW terms is provided at the end of the book.How to Read This Book?This book consists of a collation of some 300+ flyers (short essays) so inevitably there will be a fair measure of repetition from flyer to flyer. This need not necessarily be a bad thing. This book has a strong didactic purpose. It aims to promote the consciousness raising of both sexes, i.e. the awareness of the idea that the oppression of one gender by the other is NOT a one way street, that women oppress men too, so that our culture needs to become BI-conscious, i.e. people of both sexes need to have both their feminist consciousness AND their masculist consciousness raised. Thus frequent repetition of certain points, promotes reinforcement, which is what this book aims to do. For example, short definitions are frequently repeated so that "sample reading" is made possible, allowing readers to read a few flyers at a time for their bedtime reading before dropping off to sleep. If critical definitions only occurred early in the text, then sampler readers would inevitably be asking themselves "What does X mean?" However, coming across the same definition for the 17th time will inevitably be annoying, so some patience is needed by readers to allow for sample reading, and for repetitive reinforcement. Instead of reading the book straight through, from cover to cover (which would be quite a feat, given its large, two volume, size), another way is to read several flyers at a time, put down the book, and take it up later and read a few more flyers. This is probably the way most readers will choose to read the book, given that each flyer is quasi-independent of the others, so sequential reading is not required, which almost forces a sampling reading strategy. But do read them all, because there is a large number of ideas in this large collection of some 300 flyers.One of the major aims of this book, as shown in the subtitle, is to serve as a textbook for Men's Studies groups and courses, so that instructors can assign students to read a block of flyers on a given theme for example, and to look at the corresponding videos to get the emotion behind the written words. This style of reading/studying could be called "block reading" or "category reading" by students in Men’s Studies courses, or by other readers, who would like to read the flyers of a given topic category per night.CONTENTSVolume 1Part 1 MASCULIST CRITIQUESIntroductory Flyers1.1 Masculist Critiques of Women1.2 Masculist Critiques of Fluffies1.3 Masculist Critiques of Feminazis1.4 Masculist Critiques of Fluffie Feminists1.5 Masculist Critiques of Fluffie FIPs1.6 Masculist Critiques of MGTOWs1.7 Masculist Critiques of Jewish Banksters1.8 Masculist Critiques of Male Feminists1.9 Masculist Critiques of Gender Politicians1.10 Masculist Critiques of Feminist Princesses1.11 Masculist Critiques of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and LawyersVolume 2Part 2 MASCULIST TACTICS2.1 Masculist Tactics for Men2.2 Masculist MGTOW Alternative Lifestyles for Men2.3 Masculist Tactics for MGTOWs2.4 Masculist Tactics for Highschool Males2.5 Masculist Tactics for Campus Males2.6 Masculist Tactics for Masculists 2.7 Masculist Tactics for Power 2.8 Masculist Tactics for Journalists2.9 Masculist Tactics for Women2.10 Masculist Tactics for Female Masculists2.11 Masculist Tactics for Parents2.12 Masculist Tactics for Divorce Courts2.13 Masculist Tactics for Video Hosters2.14 Masculisting the … Series3.1 Masculism and the Future4.1 Glossary of Masculist/MGTOW TermsNOTE ON FLYER LABELINGIn this book, each flyer (short essay) is labeled in the following way –a) Section/Flyer number (e.g. 2.1/7)b) Title of the Flyerc) Link to the text of the flyer on d) Link to the video on YouTubee) Link to the video on Mindsf) Link to the video on BitChuteg) A Brief Description of the Flyerh) The Full Text of the FlyerThis book contains two content lists, a summary version, on the previous pages, which provides only the broad structure of the book, and a more detailed version, which now follows, that provides for each flyer, the items, a) to f). Note : The section number facilitates orientation within the book.What follows are then the 300+ flyers, each containing items a) to h) spread over two volumes, with Vol.1 devoted to Masculist Critiques, and Vol.2 devoted to Masculist Strategies.FLYER TITLESVolume 1Part 1 MASCULIST CRITIQUESIntroductory FlyersI/0 Masculism, i.e. Men’s Lib, The Core Ideas (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/1 The ABCs of MGTOW and Masculism? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)I/7 MGTOW YouTube Channel Links (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/12 The FIP Society (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/22 Why is there no Parer (Paternity Rejection Right?) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/127 MGTOW Masculist Enemies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/136 MGTOW Masculist Punishment of Women (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)I/139 MGTOW, MRM, Masculism : How Do They Differ? (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/141 Creating the FIP Society (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/157 MGTOW Masculist Moral Pressure on Women to Adultify (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/171 A MGTOW Masculist Talks to a Manslave (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/188 Suppressing Women's Parasitic Nature (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/190 FIPup or be Manless : The Core Strategy of the Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/198 Fluffies, MGTOWs, Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/204 Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/210 FIPping the Females (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/213 From Masculist Vision to Masculist Agenda (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/216 Female Intellectual Inferiority : Basic Facts (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/295 “MASCULISM : Men’s Rebellion against Manslaving Women” (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Women1.1/2 MGTOW Masculism for Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/8 Baby Calculus (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/11 Primal Parasites (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/38 The Evolution of Female Nagging (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/39 Women's Growing Inferiority Complex (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/49 Female Laziness and its Implications (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/50 Female Adaptation to Uncontrollable Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/57 Femaliens and Sexbots (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/58 Promoting the "Fluffie Graveyard" (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/69 What Masculists MGTOWs Expect from Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/74 Modifying Females' Hypergamous Psychology (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/113 How Red is the Red Pill? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/119 MOB Female, Bom Male, Oil and Water (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/120 Women's Hockey Stick Awareness Moment of MGTOW Masculist Ideas (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/123 Punishing the MOB (Money over Brains) Psychology of Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/125 Female Ignorance of MGTOW Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/138 MGTOW Masculist Punishment of Second Halver Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/140 Gender Crimes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/142 The Pinking of Red Piller Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/148 The MGTOW Masculist Combat against Women's Ingrained Evolved Expectations that Men Should Pay For Them to Have Babies? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/150 Punishing Female Laziness (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/152 Women's Narrower Horizons Make Them Boring (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/154 My Growing MGTOW Masculist Souring Towards Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/175 Are Women Children or Just Lazy? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/183 Hypergamy is Inherently Parasitic? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/197 The Impact of Women's Ten Billion Fewer Neurons (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/212 Men's Sexbot Artwomb Revenge on Women? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/221 Women Who Dump on Men Don’t Get One (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/223 Masculist Contempt for Women’s Evolved Hypergamous Parasitism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/230 The Most Damning Fact about Femaliens (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/235 The Masculist Tsunami over Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/238 Can Women Fight Their Parasitic Nature? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/258 Why Do Women Shit-test Men? (link)?Part 1?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)1.1/260 Women Fade Away (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/262 Women as Rights-Given Adults or Rights-Taken Children? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/273 Just How Incapable are Women? Removing their Rights? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/275 Implications of Women’s 10% Smaller Brains and Kurzweil’s 300 Million Pattern Recognizer Hierarchical Brain Model (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/282 Can Women Grow Up? Male Condescension towards Females (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)? Part 2?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo1.1/283 Cuckoo Mothers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/287 With 10 Billion Fewer Neurons in Their Brains, Women Can’t Hope to be Men’s Equals (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/291 Why I Don’t Take Women Seriously (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/301 Female Hypocrisy Regarding Masculist Anger (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Fluffies1.2/3 You are a Fluffie Student (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/14 Why Masculists MGTOWs Hate Fluffies and Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/19 The Politics of Baby Calculus, Making 12th Grade Calculus Compulsory for High School Seniors (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/21 Men's Growing Hatred of (Fluffie) Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/44 Spelling It Out to Teenage Fluffies (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/47 The FIPping of High School College Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/53 The Childish Sadism of Divorcing Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/55 Fluffie Crappers (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/61 Masculism as Heavy Moralistic Pressure on Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/67 Masculist Contempt for Lazy Bum Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/71 FIP Boy Meets Fluffie Girl and then (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/82 Fluffie FIPs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/85 Marxism and Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/106 Scaring the Fluffies/Feminists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/121 Fluffie Criminality (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/131 Rejecting the Female Child Mind (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/133 The Penis as Bargaining Tool (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/146 Fluffie Divorcee Brainwashing of Her Kids (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/149 I'm More Than a Cash Machine, You Bitch! (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/172 Hey Femalien! If You Want a Kid, You'll Have to Pay for it Yourself! (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/177 MGTOW Masculist Anger at Women Seeing Men as Cash Machines (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/180 Why MGTOWs Masculists Despise Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/199 Dead Beat Moms (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/201 Fluffie Moms and Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/203 Grandfatherly Masculist Advice to 17yo Fluffie (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/206 Asian Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/233 Fluffies as Hatable Criminals (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/289 Fluffies Don’t Get to Vote (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3 Masculist Critiques of Feminazis1.3/20 The Sex War (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/48 Smashing Feminist Arrogance (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/59 Feminist Globaciders (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/60 Feminism as a Quasi-Religion (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/185 The Feminazis Have Become Genociders : They Have to be Stopped (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/194 Confronting Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/219 Bitch Slapping of Feminazi Hecklers at Masculist Talk (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/254 Feminals : Feminazi Criminals (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/261 Women’s Hated Amoral Criminality Against Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/271 Feminists’ Perceived Monopoly of Gender Issues Makes Them Arrogantly Belligerent (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/284 Feminazi Fairyland (link)?Part1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)? Part2?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/288 Silencing the Feminazis by Intellectually Crushing Them (link)?Part 1?(YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)? Part 2?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/290 How to Destroy Feminism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/292 Why are so Many Feminazis Fat Fours? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/293 Masculist Lashing of Feminazi Isscienates (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/296 “Wesley College Plans to Discriminate against Boys” (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/297 Mono-Conscious Feminazis Become Anger-Biased Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.4 Masculist Critiques of Fluffie Feminists1.4/66 MGTOW-Masculist Message to Fluffie Feminists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.4/70 The Masculist MGTOW Bashing of (Fluffie) Feminists in Public (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.4/182 The Hypocrisy of Fluffie Feminists (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Fluffie FIPs1.5/112 A Gender Political Clash with My Sister over Child "Abandonment" (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.5/173 EMOs : Women Who Accept "Equal Moral Obligations" with Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of MGTOWs1.6/28 A Tale of Two Movements : The Price of MGTOW Anonymity (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/73 Why Masculists Look Down on MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/93 MGTOW Deckchairs on the Titanic : The Coming American Holocaust (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/114 MGTOW Avoids the Problem, Masculism Solves It (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/126 How Do MGTOW and Masculism Relate? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/129 MGTOW's Masculism's Formidable Weapon (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/153 MGTOW's Biggest Mistake (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/168 My Contempt for MGTOW's Apoliticality (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/186 MGTOW Political Passivity, Masculist Political Activism ?(link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/200 MGTOWs Lack Solidarity (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/202 MGTOWs are Political Wimps (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/209 MGTOW Castles, Masculist Cops (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/211 Masculist Ambivalence Towards MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Jewish Banksters 1.7/79 Were Jewish Banksters Behind the Misandrist Divorce Laws of the 70s? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/80 Combatting Jewish Bankster Control of the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/81 The Eclipse of MGTOW Masculism with the Collapse of the West (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/86 MGTOW Masculism and the American Pogrom (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/88 Science's War Against (Satanist) Judaism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/89 MGTOWs as Pawns of the Jewish Banksters (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/92 Scientizing the Jewish Bankster Satanists to Liberate Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.7/95 Post Pogrom MGTOW Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/100 Degynocentrification Necessitates Dejudaicentrification (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/103 Science is the Greatest Enemy of the Hated Jewish Bankster Satanists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/132 The Clashing Agenda of the Jewish Banksters and the MGTOWs Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/134 Dictatorships, East and West (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/137 The Core MGTOW Masculist Problem is not the Fluffie Feminists, but the Jewish Banksters (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/144 MGTOWs Don’t See the (Jewish Bankster) Big Picture (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/159 The MGTOW Masculist Impact of the Chinese White Dragon Dejewbanksterfication (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/191 The Hated Frankist Satanist Jewish Banksters Have Destroyed the West More than Fluffie Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Male Feminists1.8/26 Converting Male Feminists to Masculists MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.8/298 An Email Exchange between a Masculist and a Male Feminist Campus Magazine Editor (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Gender Politicians1.9/4 To the Gender Politicians : Genocidal Criminals (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/23 Masculist-MGTOW Advice to Japanese Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/29 How Will the Gender Politicians React Towards the MGTOWs Masculists Wiping Out the Population? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/34 The Criminal Ethics of Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/42 The New Gender Politicians Will FIPpress the Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/76 Allying with Female FIPs to Pressure the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/109 How Many Years Before the Western Gender Politicians Panic? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/155 Menfairing Manifesto for Japan (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/181 MGTOW, Masculism, Baby Farms, and Eugenics (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/207 Forcing Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Feminist Princesses1.10/37 Countering Feminist Attitudes With Masculist Attitudes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.10/110 Inferiorizing High School Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.10/166 Levering Young Women's FIPification (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.10/184 De-Princessing (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers1.11/9 Menfairing the Divorce Courts? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/220 Warning to Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/236 Masculist Murderous Hatred of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Volume 2Part 2 MASCULIST TACTICS2.1 Masculist Tactics for Men1.11/27 MGTOW/Masculist Poisoning Of Men's Minds (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/31 MGTOW/Masculism, FIP Females, Twaytweffing, and Babies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/32 Hypergamous Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/45 Can Men Love Women Knowing That Women Don't Love Men? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/54 Can FIP Women Love Men? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/68 Understanding AND Loving Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/108 The NAWALTing of Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/117 MGTOW Masculist Differences between 1st and 2nd Halver Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/214 The Male Frontal Lobe Switch Off (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/231 Gender Segregating the Workplace (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/232 A Regendering Plan (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2 Masculist MGTOW Alternative Lifestyles for Men2.2/5 “Twaytweffing” : The “2A2F” Lifestyle for the Modern Man (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/10 Secondhalver FIP Women Can Be Quite Nice? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/13 ARCing (After Retirement Careering), the True Focus of a MGTOW's Masculist's Life (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/72 Twaytweffing and Kids (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/91 Einstein Relationships (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/94 Being Free : The Joys and Impact of ARCing (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/96 ARCing and SeRCing for MGTOWs Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/111 The "High from Learning" Lifestyle (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/115 MGMTOW : Men Going Mostly Their Own Way (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/124 Should MGTOWs Masculists Tway with Fluffies? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/135 MGTOW Masculism for Second Halver (>40) Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/147 MGTOW and Loneliness (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/160 Career Brainwashing, the Paternity Strike, and China (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/163 MGTOW Masculist Lifestyles For Fourth Quarter Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/179 MGTOW Masculist Alternative Life Styles for Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/189 Twaytweffing = The Lifestyle That Gives Men Regular Sex without Paying the Traditional Price of Being a Manslave to a Fluffie Parasite (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/240 To Twaytwef or to MGTOW Monk? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/276 Six Wasted Manslave Years (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/286 Half Meeting My Nawalt (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3 Masculist Tactics for MGTOWs2.3/43 Looking Poor is an Effective Fluffie Repellent (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/46 Scientizing MGTOW (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/51 Getting the MGTOW Masculist Word Out (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/90 Should a Twaytweffer's Girlfriend be a FIP? (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/101 The MGTOW-ARCer Educational Revolution (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/104 Living Together Apart : A MGTOW Compromise (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/156 Politicizing MGTOW (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/167 Using MGTOW's Strongest Political Argument (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/218 Converting MGTOWs to Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/239 Masculisting the MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4 Masculist Tactics for Highschool Males2.4/16 So You’re a MGTOW/Masculist High School Kid, What Can You Do? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4/30 Ideological Ammunition for MGTOW Masculist High Schoolers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4/77 Giving MGTOW Masculist Talks at High Schools (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4/176 MGTOW Masculist Consciousness Raising of High School Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4/178 MGTOW Masculist Anti-Fluffie Campaign at High Schools (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.5 Masculist Tactics for Campus Males2.5/6 Agenda for University MGTOW Masculist Groups (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)2.5/97 Helping College MGTOW Masculist Groups (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.5/116 MGTOW-Masculist Bullets for High School-College Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.5/122 Don't Be the Only MGTOW Masculist on Campus (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6 Masculist Tactics for Masculists 2.6/25 Ammunition for Heckling Fluffie Feminists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/33 MGTOW/Masculist Dusting Campaign (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) 2.6/35 FIPpressing the Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/41 The FIPping of Females Will Not Be Enough (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/52 Why is the FIPping of Fluffies So Important to Masculists? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/62 What is to be Done? (Men's Lib) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/63 The "Fuck Only FIPs" Campaign (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/64 Converting Fluffies to FIPs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/83 It is Critically Important that MGTOWs Masculists Educate the Public (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/99 Political Phases of MGTOW Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/102 MGTOW Masculist (Bumper) Stickers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/105 Selecting Your Woman with MGTOW/Masculist Criteria (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/107 What's the Next Step? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/165 Female STEM Field Statistics, High School and College (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/193 Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis Starts His Own "de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers" YouTube Channel (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/224 The Best Masculist Idea I’ve Had in Years (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/227 Socially Accepting the Masculist Bitch-Slapping of Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/234 Masculist Bitch Slapping Guidelines (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/257 Masculists in Women’s Studies Classes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/268 Masculist Defanging of Compulsory Anti-Rape Seminars at Universities for Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/269 Big John (ex. “MGTOW is Freedom”) Goes Masculist (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/272 Masculists Put Enormous Moral Pressure on Women (link)? Part 1? (YouTubevideo) ?? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/274 Masculist Princes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/277 My Men’s Lib Intellectual Trajectory (link)? Part 1? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/281 Male Chauvinism from a Masculist Perspective (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/294 The Masculist “Freikorps Option” (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/299 A Masculist Textbook for Men’s Studies Groups (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7 Masculist Tactics for Power 2.7/17 Suggested Masculist Political Actions (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/130 MGTOW Masculist Political Agenda (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/164 MGTOW Masculist Power (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/174 MGTOW Masculist Power Against Fluffies, Fluffie Feminists, and Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/187 Masculism is Political (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/205 Masculist Power (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/215 Refuting the MGTOW "51% Female Voter" Argument (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/228 Masculist Militancy (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/229 Why is the U.S. Men’s Rights Movement (MRM) so Impotent? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/253 Rethinking Masculist Political Strategy (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8 Masculist Tactics for Journalists 2.8/18 MGTOW/Masculist PRESS RELEASE for Male Journalists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/56 MGTOW/Masculist Strategies Towards the Journalists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/128 MGTOW-Masculism Now Penetrating the Main Stream Media (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/145 Massive MGTOW Masculist Broadcast Media Publicity (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/158 Seeking the MGTOW Masculist Broadcast Media Big Event (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) 2.8/161 MGTOW Masculist Small Potatoes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/162 The MGTOWs Masculists Go for the Broadcast Media Big Hit (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9 Masculist Tactics for Women2.9/24 Teaching Women to Hate the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/75 ARCing WGTOWs?! (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/87 Checklist for Women to Get a Man (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/237 Masculist Expectations on Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/259 Masculists Two Main Messages to Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/264 Do FIP (Financially Independent Person) Women Exist? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/285 Nurturative FIPs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/300 Biconscious Feminists Have an Easier Time Finding a Boyfriend (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.10 Masculist Tactics for Female Masculists2.10/217 Why Women Need to Become Female Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.10/222 Why Masculists Push for Female Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.10/226 Promoting Female Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.10/263 Teaching Feminists Masculism (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.11 Masculist Tactics for Parents2.11/36 MGTOW-Masculist Education of Parents (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.12 Masculist Tactics for the Divorce Courts2.12/208 Menfairing the Divorce Courts (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13 Masculist Tactics for Video Hosters2.13/256 MGTOW Channels Platform Migration (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 2.13/265 Uploading my Masculist MGTOW Videos to VID.ME (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/266 VID.ME, the New Standard Video Hosting Company, Replacing YouTube, for MGTOW, Masculist Videos (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/267 MGTOW Masculist Video Hosting Company Options (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/270 , the New Favored Video Hosting Company for the MGTOW Masculist Communities (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/278 Experience with as the Preferred MGTOW Masculist Video Hosting Company (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14 Masculisting the … Series2.14/241 Masculisting the Divorce Courts (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/242 Masculisting the Campuses (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/243 Masculisting the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/244 Masculisting the Women (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/245 Masculisting the Media (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/246 Masculisting the Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/247 Masculisting the Parents (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/248 Masculisting the Teachers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/249 Masculisting the Companies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/250 Masculisting the Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/251 Masculisting the Police (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/252 Masculisting the MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1 Masculism and the Future3.1/15 Gender Roles 2050 (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/40 After the Gender Dust Settles (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/65 Female Absorption of MGTOW Masculist Ideas (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/78 Twaytweffing After Gender Law Fairing (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/84 What Will Governments Do to MGTOWs Masculists? (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) [for reasons I don’t understand, this video is far and away the most viewed]3.1/98 Restructuring Universities with MGTOW Principles (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/118 Women's Future Massive Inferiority Complex (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 3.1/143 Living in the MGTOW Masculist Generated Population Crash (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/151 The Sexbot, Artwomb World (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/169 MGTOW Masculism : A Decade On (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/170 The Coming Civil (Sex) War (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/225 Post Gender Lib Male/Female Lifestyles (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/255 Macro-Social Red Pilling (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/279 Masculist Riots (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/280 The Red Pill is Truly Poisonous (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)4.1 Glossary of Masculist MGTOW Terms4.1/195 Masculist MGTOW Glossary (Part 1) (A-M) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)4.1/196 Masculist MGTOW Glossary (Part 2) (M-Z) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Volume 1Part 1MASCULIST CRITIQUESIntroductory FlyersI/0 Masculism, i.e. Men’s Lib, The Core Ideas (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This five minute video gives a brief summary of the core ideas of Masculism, i.e. men’s lib, freeing men from manslavery, and from many legal and societal discriminations against men.MASCULISM, i.e. Men’s Lib, The Core Ideas.Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ Masculism is men’s lib, i.e. freeing men from the oppressions of the traditional male role of being a manslave to a woman. Men invented the contraceptive pill, higher education, household gadgets, so that women can choose the number of kids they want, usually 0, 1 or 2. Thus women now CAN work, having a career window of some 40+ years. The masculists point the finger at women, saying “Now that women CAN work, they MUST work! Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men.” Masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up. i.e. become financially independent persons, pulling their weight financially and not expecting to parasite off the money of a man. Masculists are so conscious that so many of men’s gender issues would be solved if we lived in a FIP Society, i.e. in which both sexes, especially women, are socialized and educated by parents and teachers to be FIPs. The opposite of a FIP is a “fluffie” based on the word fluff, with connotations of being light, not serious, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP. Fluffies expect to be able to parasite off the money of men. They are the enemy of the masculists. The primary political goal of the masculists is to free men from manslavery worldwide, this century, by wiping out the fluffies and fluffie feminists, not by killing them, but by men ignoring them to extinction, so that fluffies rot on the shelf, accused of being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. Masculists organize politically, ideologically, to menfair, that’s the verb, the gender laws, which are so unjust towards men. Increasingly, we live in a gynocracy, where society is geared towards women’s interests and men’s interests are rejected, for example, one married father in four, in the western countries, is financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. He will lose his kids with 90% probability. He will lose his house and half his possessions which go to his fluffie ex-wife so that she can raise HER kids in the house. He will have to pay child support to kids he will barely see and will often pay alimony to his ex-wife, with no legal nor moral obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up, i.e. to get a job and stop parasiting off his money. Masculists also fight against many legal discriminations against men, the most blatant of which is the lack of the legislated Parer, that’s “paternity rejection right” which would allow a man to reject an unwanted pregnancy, the same way as women can, called the Marer, maternity rejection right, commonly known as the abortion right. The Parer would allow a man to fill in a paternity rejection form, so that if the woman continues with the pregnancy, she then has full legal responsibility for the costs of the kid. Masculists counter the misandry of the fluffie feminist hypocrites who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, namely sharing the burden of earning the living by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college. Three quarters of young women a age 16 choose to study fluffie crap, i.e. the intellectually light options that will deny them options to study STEM, science, tech, engineering, math, and the professions at college, resulting in them becoming fluffies who expect to parasite off men’s money. Fluffie feminists have taken over the schools and the media, brainwashing boys that males are the inferior sex, whereas the opposite is true. Men have a higher average IQ than women, by about 4 IQ points, and a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so that men are the morons and the genii, so that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. The female contribution to world intellect is a few percent at best. Men also have higher testosterone levels, so are more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent, so are more likely to finish difficult tasks, so men dominate the entries in the “Who’s Who?” books. The most powerful argument of the masculists and the MGTOWs (that’s “men going their own way”, another branch of the men’s lib movement, who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves doing what they love), is that if the gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws, then the masculists and the MGTOWs will continue to reject paternity, and hence will wipe out whole populations. Two thirds of young men under 35 in the major countries are now either MGTOW or masculists. This is causing young women to panic because young men refuse to give them their sperm so that young women are learning they will not have babies, resulting in young women hating the fluffie feminist hypocrites as much as men do. Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis I/1 The ABCs of MGTOW and Masculism? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)Descr :? A 22 slide PPt presentation on the main ideas of MGTOW and masculism.I/7 MGTOW YouTube Channel Links (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : A file containing links to MGTOW YouTube Channel videos.MGTOW YOUTUBE CHANNEL VIDEO LINKSThis file contains links to MGTOW YouTube Channel videos.Sandman?(an anti-doxing pseudonym, as are most of?the MGTOWs in this list)?a Canadian, in his mid 30s,?is the most prolific YouTube MGTOW on the internet, churning out a daily 10 minute YouTube video on a MGTOW theme suggested by MGTOWs who give him a donation to make a video. He has made hundreds, so I will not list them here. Instead I give a link to his YouTube channel which contains an ordered catalog of his videos (which I will do for all the people in this list.) A Sandman video?contains his voice reading out a pre-written essay, plus colorful images, mostly of beautiful women, for visual male appeal. Sandman has had literally millions of hits on his MGTOW videos. His YouTube?channel can be viewed (here).Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM)?is a lot more intellectual than Sandman (who aims more at the masses) whereas TFM and (Thinking Ape, to be mentioned next) present scientifically sound and tested judgements, as compared to Sandman’s unscientific (but interesting) hypothesis making. His YouTube channel can be viewed (here).Thinking-Ape (formerly “Stardusk”) is a reflective MGTOW, a wise thoughtful person, who appeals more to sages (intellectuals) than to peakers (average Joes). His depth and breadth of analysis is impressive, but not for the masses. His YouTube channel can be viewed (here).Dark Knight is a MGTOW (biological) scientist who presents a more scientifically based view of the MGTOW phenomenon. His favorite expression is “show me the data.” He is a young man in his 30s (as are most MGTOWs I suspect), American. His YouTube channel is (here).Sargon of Arkkad ?(here)Niko Choski (here)Spetsnaz (here)Bar Bar (a.k.a. Barbarossa) is the father of MGTOW, the intellectual pioneer who really got the MGTOW movement going, so deserves real respect. His YouTube channel is (here)Karen Straughan (formerly “Girl Writes What”) is the only female in this list. She’s Canadian, in her 30s, divorced, ?looks like a butch lesbian, which is perhaps what she is (?) who gives the impression that she has a male mind. She is highly intelligent, well informed, and presents a case that is as logically coherent as the best of the men, so my suspicion is that she was androgenized as a fetus, making her ?“an honorary male” rather in the same way I think as Emmy Noether, the only world class female mathematician, whom her German colleagues referred to half jokingly as “der Noether”. Her YouTube channel is (here).RazorBladeKandy2? His YouTube channel is (here)Johntheother??(here)Raging Golden Eagle? RGE presents his case in a logical reasoned manner, simply put, which is quite appealing to a lot of men. His YouTube channel is (here)I/12 The FIP Society (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer presents the primary goal of the masculists, i.e. to create the “FIP Society” where all adults (male and female) are FIPs (financially independent persons), its advantages, and how to achieve it.THE FIP SOCIETYThe primary goal of the masculists (men’s libbers) is to create a “FIP Society” i.e. one in which all adults (of both sexes) are FIPs (financially independent persons) who have studied FIP majors at college so as to be able to earn good money, to afford buying their own middle class house or apartment.The masculists argue that many of men’s gender problems will be solved by creating a FIP society. Fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a robot male (a tradition man who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife)) will be wiped out, by converting themselves to become FIP women. Now that women have reliable contraception (e.g. the pill) women choose to have 0, 1, or 2 kids in most cases, hence have a half century of career time, so women must develop their career skills, and not be lazy, expecting some robot male to pay for them.The essence of masculism is that it is a “rebellion by men against working for women.” You can look on masculists as “abolitionists” fighting against the “man-slavery” of fluffies, whom masculists see as the enemy, and are working towards wiping them out, by refusing to have relationships with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.The masculists still have a lot to do to create a FIP Society. In today’s world, two thirds of women at university study what masculists call “fluffie crap” i.e. career incompetent majors that do not lead to well paid jobs in today’s economy, so these young women when they get into their 30s will become fluffies, looking around for some robot male to parasite upon to buy them a middle class house that they can have their (i.e. the woman’s) kids in, and have him pay for it all.To achieve a FIP society, masculists need to do a lot of things, e.g. putting powerful moral pressure on women to study career competent majors (e.g. the professions (such as medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, vet sci, etc) or the techs (such as engineering, physics, chemistry, geology, comp sci, etc)) so they need to study calculus in 12th grade high school which is a prerequisite to study these fields at university. Young women, need to be taught that if they are not FIP, they will live a miserable life, by not getting a man, hence they will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and poor. The masculists need to spread their message, so that society absorbs it unconsciously, making it part of the social fabric, and taken for granted, i.e. that all responsible adults are FIPs and not parasites on men’s labor. Parents need to socialize their daughters to become FIPs, frightening them with slogans such as “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no babies!” etc.Masculists need to teach feminists and women in general, that women need more than just equal rights with men. They also need to accept the idea of equal obligations with men, i.e. to share equally the burden of earning the living, and rejecting the idea of fluffie parasitism, which is man-slavery. To masculists, man-slavery is slavery, and slavery is a war issue. The masculists are at war against the fluffies and the fluffie feminists (i.e. feminists who have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness, so have traditional fluffie attitudes towards men, i.e. seeing them as exploitable checkbooks.)The fluffie feminists have persuaded the gender politicians to strongly bias the divorce courts in favor of women, resulting in tens of millions of men in the US being financially massacred over the past few decades. Half of marriages end in divorce and women start 70% of the divorces. Typically a divorcing father will lose custody of his kids with 90% probability, he will lose his house to his ex wife so that she can raise HER kids in it, he will be forced by divorce law to pay child support for the kids he may visit twice a month in the weekends, and if his ex-wife is a fluffie, he will have to pay her alimony, so that she can continue to parasite upon him, both before and after the divorce. Many divorcing fluffies now hold “divorce parties” after they clean out financially their ex-husbands.The masculists want to create?a FIP Society, so that this kind of divorce court massive injustice seems alien, and highly immoral. With all adults FIPs and taking responsibility for their own lives, the gender politicians, will make the gender laws menfair, the divorce laws will be reformed, so that joint custody is the norm, the house remains with the original owner(s), both parents swap between the house and a nearby apartment, so that one week, one ex-spouse is with the kids in the house while the other ex-spouse is in the apartment, and the following week, they swap places. Alimony will be tossed out, as all women will be FIPs.Until the gender laws are made menfair, masculists advise men to live the “twaytwef” lifestyle (i.e. “2A2F” = two apartments, two FIPs, lifestyle, where a FIP man, and a FIP woman have their own apartments, and have a relationship, with regular sex. When the relationship goes sour, they just walk away, cost free, back to their own apartments.Slavery is a war issue. It was the root cause of the US Civil War in the 1800s. Masculists see the sex war against fluffie man-slavery in a similar historical light. Fluffie man-slavery is also an abomination, and needs to be rooted out of our culture. This is the job of the masculists and indirectly of the MGTOWs (men going their own way, i.e. not marrying, not having kids, spending their money on themselves.) Unfortunately, the MGTOWs are politically passive, so most of the?work to create a FIP Society, will fall on the masculists, who are politically active, i.e. they lobby the gender politicians, they get on the broadcast media preaching masculist ideas, they set up men’s lib groups on campus and high schools, they create Men’s Studies and write text books on Men’s issues etc.Nevertheless, the MGTOW phenomenon is spreading and spreading, due largely to the perception of young men, that they would be stupid to marry and have kids, with the current TOXIC divorce laws in effect. 70% of young US men under 35 now refuse to marry and have kids. This phenomenon will wipe out the US population within a century, if it keeps up, and the gender politicians do not reform the gender laws.So, it is only a question of time, before the masculists (with indirect support from the MGTOWs) get what they want. i.e. to create a FIP Society, where women pull their financial weight, and take equal responsibility for the creation of a just and fair society as do men. Parasitic women i.e. fluffies, will be punished, by not getting a man, thus wiping them out, because they will not be able to have babies.Not only the divorce laws need to be reformed. Men have no legal Parer (paternity rejection right), comparable to women’s Marer (maternity rejection right, a.k.a. abortion right). With all women FIPs, a Parer would be easily brought into law, and would remove one of the most blatant sexual discriminations against men. The media would need to be made gender fair, and not portray men as bumbling fools or sexist bigots, as does today’s broadcast media which is now largely controlled by fluffie feminists. Gender laws of all kinds will need to be reformed, before the masculists are happy.I/22 Why is there no Parer (Paternity Rejection Right?) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how society would be different if there were a Parer. Women would have to be FIPs, be responsible for their own lives and not expect to parasite on men. They would have to grow up. Women don’t want this, so they fight tooth and nail to stop the legislation of the Parer, despite its massive hypocrisy, given the existence of the Marer for women.WHY IS THERE NO PARER (PATERNITY REJECTION RIGHT)?I’m an ARCer (after retirement careerer), free to do what I want, which is to go with my campchair to the local park and study pure math texts at PhD level, which is my passion. ARCing is something I suggest to all MGTOWs, because it allows men to be free, free from wage slavery, where some employer dictates to you what you will spend 8 hours a day doing, for decades of your life, whether you like doing it or not, and free from a fluffie parasite who man-slaves you to pay for her to raise kids in your house that you pay for, and from time to time, she might give you a bit of sex to keep you chasing the carrot.Everyone has to have money to live, so to be an ARCer and be free for as long as possible, here is a bit of advice on how to achieve that goal. Study hard as a preper in the first third of your life. Get a good FIP (financially independent person) education, that gives you a skill that allows you to earn good money. Avoid fluffies like the plague, twaytwef (2A2F = 2apartments, 2FIPs) with a FIP woman if you want regular sex and a bit of company, live modestly in a modest one person apartment, and save and invest hard, so that in your 40s you can afford to retire and move to a poor, cheap, third world country and ARC for the rest of your life, pursuing your passions full time.I do that in China, although you’d need to be “strongly living in your own head” to come to a third world, politically backward, shithole like China. I suggest go to a democratic poor country that at least has freedom of speech, and an uncensored internet in which you wont feel degraded by, as I do in China. Try maybe the Philippines or Central America, which is friendly to westerners and poor, with a low living cost.ARCing is a very attractive life style for men, if you choose to avoid fluffies and avoid getting a woman pregnant, because as soon as she’s pregnant, our gynocentric, fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts will gobble you up as a man slave for the rest of your life.If you’re a woman, and you have an unwanted pregnancy, you have the legal right in many countries to an abortion. You have a legal “maternity rejection right” (Marer). So where is the Parer (paternity rejection right)? Well, there isn’t one, not in any country. Why is that? Why is there such a blatant form of sexual discrimination against men, forcing them into a unwanted pregnancy that will ruin their lives, by enslaving them to some fluffie who in many cases accidentally got pregnant on purpose, because that is the primary genetic function of women. Women’s whole evolutionary history is about getting pregnant.Since I’m a math (and physics) guy I spend a lot of time proving things. One of the most powerful proof methods in math is called “proof by contradiction” which works as follows. Say you’re trying to prove X. If you use the proof by contradiction method, then you start your argument with the opposite of X, i.e. notX. You then deduce mathematically conclusions that follow from this assumption notX. If these conclusions contradict what you already know to be true, then you can conclude that the original assumption, i.e. notX must be false, i.e. notnotX is true, which equals X, so you have proved it.So, lets assume there is a Parer. What are the consequences for women and how will those consequences compare with the reality of women’s circumstances today? Will there be blatant contradictions? You bet! Here goes.A fluffie’s biological clock is ticking hard. She stops taking the pill, and lies to her boyfriend about it, then announces she is pregnant. The boyfriend gives her the third degree and eventually get her to confess she stopped taking the pill. The boyfriend flies into a rage saying “You criminal fluffie bitch. Just because YOU want a kid, you try to rope me into paying for it. Well fuck you, you criminal bitch. I’m so pissed off, I’m leaving you. I’ll go straight to my local J.P. (justice of the peace) and fill in a paternity rejection form. If you go ahead with this pregnancy, the WHOLE financial responsibility for the kid is yours. But, you’re a fluffie. You studied fluffie crap at university. You didn’t shift your arse,?so you don’t earn good money the way I do, so if you don’t abort, you will have a kid who will grow up as poor as you are, you stupid cunt. Go rot in hell. What you did was CRIMINAL, and has cost you your boyfriend. I’m debating whether to prosecute you, but how would I prove it. It would be my word against yours. So have a nice life, you criminal fluffie bitch. Good riddance.”Now, multiply this story by millions, over the whole population of a large country. Imagine a similar story happening millions of times. What changes would occur if men had the Parer?Women would be under much greater pressure to be FIPs, because knowing that they cant manslave a man by getting pregnant, they will have to pay their own way, and pay for the kid on their own. So these women would have to shift their fat lazy arses and become FIPs. That would mean they would have to study FIP subjects at high school and university. 16 year old women would be telling themselves, “I don’t like math and the sciences. I want to study the easier subjects (that my masculist boy friend calls fluffie crap) like history, languages, literature, etc. BUT, if I do that, then with so many millions of men going MGTOW and masculist, refusing to have relationships with fluffies, I wont get a man. I’ll belong to that army of women who are manless. SO I DONT WANT TO BECOME A FLUFFIE. I want to have a man. I really want to have babies, so I will HAVE TO BECOME A FIP, or I’ll be manless.So, I’ll have to bite the bullet. I’ll have to toughen up, and woman up, and study the tough stuff, so I can study the same tough stuff (FIP majors) at university, in the professions and the techs, so I can earn good money, so I can have my own baby on my own, and paid for with my own money, if necessary. But if I study fluffie crap, my chances of getting a man and a baby are low. That’s scary, so I’ll bite the bullet, I’ll toughen up. I’ll be FIP, I’ll be an adult. I’ll take responsibility for my own life and not expect to be able to parasite on some man the way my mother did. She’s now divorced, old, fat, fuckless, and bitter that no man will date her. She has only herself to blame. My father calls her “the fat fluffie bitch.”Now contrast the attitudes of that 16 year old woman with those of millions of women today. Most women still expect men to pay for them, even feminists, which is why masculists label such feminists “fluffie feminists” to emphasize the hypocrisy of such feminists, who want equal rights for women, but not equal obligations for women, namely pulling their weight financially, and getting a FIP education, so that they do NOT parasite on a man.The contrast is black and white, a real contradiction. If there were a Parer, then women would have to GROW UP and become responsible, adult minded FIPs. But millions and millions of women don’t want to grow up and stand on their own two financial feet. They want to parasite on men, and have men do what these women want, by feeding them a bit of sex from time to time. These women can sit on their fat arses, and live a nice idle life while their man-slaves do all the work, as Jap women do to their workaholic (stupid) husbands. Same in Korea. (Two gender-role retard countries.)So here we have the contradictions between the circumstances that would follow from a Parer, and the real life circumstances of today, where most women are fluffies when it comes to men. Women LIKE to parasite on men and WANT to parasite on men, so they DO NOT WANT a Parer. If fact, they don’t want it so badly, that they will fight tooth and nail not to have it legislated, but it is a losing battle, because men have an even more powerful weapon, namely that men are FIPs, and hence can force a woman not to be a fluffie, simply by not having a relationship with her, not giving her any money. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some robot male who’s prepared to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife. But the toxicity of the divorce courts have killed off the robot males. There are few of them left. In a decade, probably only one young man in ten will be a robot male.With today’s two thirds of young men in the US under 35 refusing to marry and having kids, the birthrate is crashing. If the young generation continues to reproduce only a third of its number, then in a mere century, the US population will be wiped out. This BASIC REALITY will ensure that the gender politicians sooner or later MUST menfair the gender laws, by reforming the divorce laws? AND BRINGING IN THE PARER.Once we have the Parer, everything changes. Women learn to behave as adults. Parents socialize their daughters to be adults and be responsible, to study FIP majors, and not expect to parasite on a man. Daughters will be told, “No calculus, no baby.” “Be FIP, or be manless!”The tide is turning. Men will get the Parer, and women will be given a hefty kick up their fat, lazy, parasitic arses, and FORCED TO PULL THEIR FLUFFIE WEIGHT.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW Masculist Enemies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Descr : This flyer lists the main enemies of the MGTOWs/masculists, and explains why they are enemies – fluffie crappers, fluffies, fluffie feminists, gender politicians, and the worst, the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, whom everyone hates (if they are informed.)MGTOW MASCULIST ENEMIESThis flyer talks about the enemies of the MGTOWs/masculists, who they are and why they are our enemies. I list them now and will say more about them later. They are the fluffie crappers, the fluffies, the fluffie feminists, the gender politicians, and worst of all, the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists.Fluffie crappers are young women of 16 who choose to study fluffie crap at high school, i.e. the “soft” option, i.e. non math, non sciences, so that they don’t have to think hard and use their brain to master math and the sciences. As a result of studying fluffie crap at high school, they are forced to study more fluffie crap at university (i.e. non STEM (science tech, engineering math) majors), so get a diploma that the economy does not value, making these fluffie crappers inevitably become fluffies in their 30s when their biological clock starts ticking hard, when they realize that they are incapable of affording a middle class house to raise their kids in, so they start looking around for some gullible (i.e. non MGTOW/masculist) manslave to pay for the house, to pay for her, and for her kids. These women are considered to be immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin by the MGTOWs/masculists who punish them by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even sexing them, letting them rot on the shelf to extinction. Fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) are the enemy of the MGTOWs/masculists. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out fluffies, not by killing them, but simply refusing to go near them, not sexing them, not having relationships with them, thus forcing them to become FIPs or they rot on the shelf.Most feminists are fluffies. They have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised, so by default, they still have traditional female expectations of men, i.e. they unconsciously expect men to be manslaves, to be cash machines for women. So one of the many tasks of the MGTOWs/masculists is to educate women to be FIPs, or they become the enemy of the MGTOWs/masculists and will be punished. MGTOWs/masculists much prefer to have (twaytwef) relationships with FIPs, and avoid fluffies like the plague.Fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts and pressured the gender politicians to give them divorce laws that financially massacre men. One married man in four is routinely financially massacred in these fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, so that a divorcing father will lose his kids, his house, pay child support, and alimony to his fluffie wife, so that she can continue to parasite off his money after the divorce the way she did before the divorce. These divorce courts are a massive gender injustice to men, and so are hated by MGTOWs/masculists.The financial massacring of divorcing men is so bad, that two thirds of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They are on a “man strike.” MGTOWs/masculists are prepared to wipe out whole populations until the gender politicians menfair the gender laws (re divorce, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc). Do the math. With the young generation reproducing only a third of their number, in a mere century, 4 generations, that’s a third of a third of a third, of a third which is about 1%, so the population gets wiped out.The Japanese equivalent of the MGTOW movement is called the Herbivore movement. It has been going on a decade longer than in the west, so the Japanese population is already starting to fall, and the Japanese politicians are pulling their hair out. There is even a minister of population whose job is to try to persuade young Japanese men to be fathers. That minister is not succeeding because the root problem in Japan is not being tackled, and that is the extreme fluffie nature of women in Japan.In Japan, the husbands overwork, and the women play tennis. The average Japanese salaryman will work 11 hours a day, 3 hours commute time, and hand over his salary check to his wife who controls the spending of his money. Young Japanese men, influenced by western ideas on the internet, are saying in massive numbers “Fuck this, I’m not going to be a manslave to some bloody fluffie. I’ll work much less, spend my money on myself, and to hell with fluffie parasites!”MGTOWs/masculists hate the gender politicians, because it is they who imposed men-unfair gender laws on men. These gender politicians created the new divorce laws in the 70s that are so biased in favor of divorcing fluffie wives, which financially massacre divorcing fathers to such a point that we now have the man strike. The gender politicians will have to menfair the gender laws or whole populations will get wiped out. It is only a question of time, before they are forced to make the necessary reforms, or they will risk assassination. ?There is nothing more important to human beings than the survival of human beings. By not menfairing the gender laws, whole populations get wiped out by the MGTOWs/masculists refusing paternity, so the gender politicians will inevitably become the targets of political murder. They will be assassinated. So they WILL menfair the gender laws.The greatest enemy of the MGTOW/masculists, and in fact to everyone, i.e. all categories of people, including ordinary Jews, are the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, who are destroying whole continents. In the 20th century, they were indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 200 million people. They have already made Russia and China brutal dictatorships. (The Russian revolution was not Russian, it was Jewish, financed largely by Schiff, a Jewish NY bankster, who wanted the Czar’s gold (and got it). He paid $20M of his own money to send several hundred Jewish communists, including Trotsky (Jewish name, Lev Bronstein) and Lenin (a quarter or half Jewish) to Russia. These Jewish communists then went on to create the greatest holocaust in history, killing 66 million white Christian Russians says Solzhenitsyn, the great Russian author in his book “Die Juden in der Sowjet Union.” Mao was flooded by Jewish banksters in his early days before he took power in China in 1949. Dictatorships are easier to control by Jewish banksters, which is why they are steadily doing the same to the US, Europe and Japan, 3 of the super powers of the world. All three of them need to be taken down before the Jewish banksters can rule the world from Jerusalem, to fulfil their Jewish Talmudic religious prophecy. These Jewish bankster Satanists are insane, but they are dangerously insane. The Rothschilds are estimated to be worth about a half quadrillion dollars, owning about half of the wealth of the world. They have the financial power to put their “Protocols plan” steadily into effect.These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists are now about to do to the US, Europe and Japan what they did to Russia and China, i.e. turn them into a police state dictatorship, with them as the dictators, all part of a step by step plan as laid out in the infamous book “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” one of the best sellers in history. Historical events over the past century and the steps in the protocols dovetail so closely that it’s clear that these Satanists are using the protocols as a blueprint, which they wrote.These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists (i.e. followers of Jacob Frank, the 18th century Jewish “messiah” who reversed the 10 commandments in the Jewish Torah, who taught that the more evil that his followers commit, the sooner the Jewish messiah will come to earth, conquer the goy (non Jews), rule the world, with its capitol in Jerusalem, and then wipe out the goy so that the Jews can have the earth to themselves. The Torah and the Talmud is full of this prophecy, one of the foundation stones of the Jewish religion (Judaism) one of the vilest religions ever invented by humanity, because it preaches a vitriolic hatred against the goy, i.e. non Jews, i.e. 99.8% of humanity.This step by step plan of the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists sounds so crazy that most people cannot get their heads around it, yet the evidence is there. The internet is full of level headed scholars who present the evidence for all this. You only have to bother to look, but most people don’t. Most people are too distracted by the Jewish-elite controlled media/Hollywood, watching dumbed down trivia, to be bothered to get rid of these Jewish bankster vermin who are out to destroy them.These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists control the issuance of money in nearly every country on earth, so can print up as much as they want to bribe the politicians (including gender politicians) to do what they want, thus destroying democracies. They inflate the currency, thus wiping out people’s savings. They make debt slaves of us all, with their paper money, debt note, Ponzi schemes. They have assassinated 6 US presidents (4 successfully, 2 almost). They played a major role in the engineering of the two world wars, bribing and threatening the major players in the two world wars. WW1 was about causing the fall of the Persian empire, so that the Rothschilds (the greatest criminal Jewish family in history) could get Palestine.Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, all Jews, were bribed to create WW2. Hitler was funded by US Jewish banksters from the start. Hitler’s role was to force out ordinary Jews from Germany to Palestine, by putting Jews in ghettos and later concentration camps. There was no gassing. That was an abusive myth created by the same Jewish banksters to extort “guilt” money from the US and Germany to prop up a bankrupting Israel in the 70s. There was no talk of the Holocaust with a capital H, in the 50s, straight after the war.They switch on booms and busts by controlling the money supply, buying up assets for pennies on the dollar when businesses go bankrupt during the depressions these Jewish banksters generate at will.These same Jewish banksters set up the FED, the IRS, the FBI and the ADL all in the same year. The FED steals half of people’s federal taxes, going straight into the pockets of the Jewish banksters who ARE the FED. (The FED is not a government agency. It is a private bank owned by the Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, largely the Rothschilds, then the Schiffs, Warburgs, Rockefellers, etc – all Jewish Frankists.) The ADL then started pushing for the creation of “hate speech laws” to suppress critics of their supreme anti-goy activities. France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Canada, Australia etc have such laws today, so it is illegal to criticize the greatest criminals against humanity in history. So, if you are not suffering cognitive dissonance from the above (if you are, then bother to educate yourself on these issues from material on the internet, especially YouTube) then it should be obvious why MGTOW/masculists (and in fact ANY INFORMED PERSON, male or female) consider that the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists are the greatest enemy of men, of women, in fact everyone, except a few hundred hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, who should be sent to the Hague (the International Criminal Court) and be executed for their massive crimes. The tragedy of these hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists is that once they have crashed the dollar (rejected as the world reserve currency by the world, due to the massive money printing by the Jewish bankster controlled FED), and brought in the police state laws that Obama was groomed as a puppet president to sign, then a civil war will break out in the US. There are more guns in the US than Americans, so when the US standard of living drops to about a third of its current level (early 2016) and the Jewish bankster controlled Dept. of Homeland Security starts its holocaust of the American people (similar to what the US Jewish banksters did to Russia in the 1920s) using, their 800 FEMA concentration camps, their 3 billion hollow tipped bullets, their millions of 4 body plastic coffins, their militarization of the police, the 1000s of suburban “tanks”, their police state executive orders (Obama authorized already) then Americans will hit back with their guns and there will be a civil war, killing millions, until these hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists are hunted down worldwide and slaughtered for causing such massive crimes against humanity.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW Masculist Punishment of Women (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how women are being punished by MGTOWs/masculists for being fluffie parasites, for being feminazi bitches, for financially massacring divorcing fathers?in the divorce courts, etc. Our main strategy is to force fluffies and fluffie feminists to rot on the shelf by being totally ignored by men. Men have the power to force women to be nice to men or they will be punished.MGTOW MASCULIST PUNISHMENT OF WOMENThis flyer is directed more at women than men. It transmits the message that “If you women are not nice to men, you will be punished!” Men have the means to punish women that women do not have to punish men if they wanted, and that is economic power. Most men are FIPs (financially independent persons). They are socialized to be like that, and in practice there is not much else men can do in their lives, since they cannot make babies the way women can, so they have to be careerist FIPs.Women increasingly are not nice to men. Traditionally, women have been fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off a man’s money) treating men as cash machines, to pay for fluffies to live in a middle class house, to raise her kids in. Ten years later, she will often get bored with him, and then use the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts to financially massacre him, taking his kids, his house, forcing him to pay child support, and if she is a fluffie, forcing him to pay alimony, so that she can remain a parasite off him after the divorce, the way she was before the divorce.Increasingly, fluffie feminists are dumping on men in public, at meetings, on the media, in the movies, in the newspapers, etc. Fluffie feminists will put all the blame for women’s situation on men, and rarely on themselves.The reality that roughly one married man in four in the US is being financially massacred, has caused a massive backlash from men, especially young men (under 35) who have witnessed firsthand what happened to their fathers, and have resolved never to get married and have kids, because it is too risky. The fluffie feminists and the gender politicians, have made divorce and hence marriage, too toxic for men. The divorce courts are massively gender biased in favor of women, and don’t give a shit about men’s plight. These fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, see men as cash machines, and have no interest in men’s welfare at all.So, not surprisingly, men are going on strike in massive numbers. In the US and Japan, 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, spend their money on themselves, and are joining forces into men’s lib type movements, e.g. MGTOW (men going their own way), MRM (men’s rights movement), and the masculists (men’s libbers, a kind of politically minded MGTOW).Men have the power to punish women, to force women to be nicer to men, otherwise women will and are increasingly, paying a heavy price for their misandry. For example, the masculists are putting enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs (financially independent persons), so that they are not fluffies, who expect to parasite off the money of some manslave. Masculists see fluffies as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, not by killing them, but simply having nothing to do with them, not even sexing them, as punishment for being manslavers.MGTOWs/masculists are increasingly adopting the twaytwef lifestyle (2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs) where the man and the woman are both FIPs, each with their own apartment. When the relationship sours, they both walk away to their own apartments, cost free for the man. By twaytweffing, a man gets the regular sex he needs without paying the traditional price of being a manslave to some bloody fluffie parasite. Twaytweffing forces the woman to be nice to the man, otherwise the man walks. She knows this, so is motivated not to nag, not to withhold sex, not to try to mould him, otherwise he walks. Twaytweffing MGTOW/masculist males refuse to pair off with fluffies. Fluffies rot on the shelf, being punished for being manslaving vermin.Masculists tell women, especially young women “Be FIP, or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out fluffies, by forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction. The masculists want to see the creation of a FIP Society, in which all adults, of both sexes are FIPs, and socialized to be FIPs, by parents, by teachers, by professors, by the media, by social unconscious expectation.Those women who are not FIPs are being increasingly punished, because they are made to be “manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and increasingly shunned by a more masculist oriented society, as people in the billions wake up to the massive gender injustices committed against men.”Masculists put strong moral pressure on young 16 year old fluffie crappers, i.e. young women who choose to study fluffie crap, i.e. the intellectually less demanding subjects at high school (i.e. non math, non-sciences) so that they are forced to study fluffie crap at university, because the FIP major (e.g. STEM = science, tech, engineering, math) departments exclude them because they studied fluffie crap at high school. These fluffie crappers then become fluffies in their 30s when their biological clocks start ticking hard and they realize they can’t afford to live in a middle class house on their fluffie crapper salaries, so they start looking around for some gullible manslave who has not had his masculist/MGTOW consciousness raised, who will pay for her to do what she wants, i.e. have him pay for the house, for the kids, for her.Masculists see young fluffie crappers as immoral, and punish them. These young women are making a decision to be lazy, in their teens, that a decade later will result in them being fluffies, looking for a manslave. These young women are being punished, pointed at by young masculists/MGTOWs and labeled “fluffie crappers,” “future manslavers” or just plain “fluffies,” an abusive term coming from masculists.Fluffie feminists are particularly nasty towards men, blaming men for all women’s troubles, instead of looking into their own female inferiorities and taking some of the responsibility for their female situation. This type of fluffie feminist behavior is childlike. Adults face up to their responsibilities, and take responsibility for their own lives. Fluffie feminists don’t. They are hypocrites, who want equal rights with men, but not equal obligations, especially when it comes to becoming FIPs, and getting a FIP education. Over three quarters of young women in high school study fluffie crap, dooming them to become fluffies, as adults. The male dumping, misandrist feminazi bitch is the most hated of women by the MGTOWs/masculists, who tops the list of the type of female, that MGTOWs/masculists and men in general refuse to have anything to do with. It is no coincidence that the majority of feminazis are “fat fours” i.e. often obese, hence sexually repulsive to men, 4 out of 10 in looks, so not very attractive to men, so they feel rejected by men, and being childlike (blameless) feminazis, they put the blame for their rejection by men, on men, instead of on themselves. Feminazis are heftily punished by men, to such an extent that young women now are witnessing the hatred expressed by men towards feminazi bitches, and publically avow that they are not feminists, because they know that if they do avow they are feminists, they know that that is the kiss of death for them in terms of them ever attracting the attention of a man, let alone getting a penis in them.Women in general are being punished by the MGTOWs/masculists and young men in general because young women are failing to have babies. This is a simple consequence of the “man strike” refusing to have kids. Two thirds of young women will go childless in the near future. If women don’t join forces with the MGTOWs/masculists to help menfair the gender laws (especially in the divorce courts, and the Parer (paternity rejection right)) then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipe out the population by refusing paternity. Thus in a manner of speaking, the MGTOWs/masculists are wiping out women (and men) altogether, by not replenishing the population. This is the ultimate punishment of women. So if young women want men to give them babies, then they need to help men put huge moral and political pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, or the population will continue to fall. MGTOWs/masculists are so angry at the massive gender injustices committed against men, that they are prepared to wipe out the whole population unless they get gender justice for men.MGTOWs/masculists are spreading their ideas to the general population, so that society stops being misandrist, and respects men, who are after all ,the superior sex, who outperform women on nearly every scientifically measurable criterion. Men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes, have a 3-4 IQ point superiority over women in average IQ, and a 10% higher IQ variance than women. Men dominate the Who’s Who books, create everything, build everything, engineering everything. Men must be respected, or men will continue to go on strike, destroying whole populations.Men have the power to punish women. We will wipe out the fluffies by doing nothing with them. We use MGTOW/masculist ideas to lash back at feminazis and never give them our penises. The female (and male) gender politicians will eventually be assassinated as the population really begins to crash, with the assassins being both male and female – the male assassins for reasons of wanting gender justice for men, and female assassins for reasons of wanting men to give them babies.So, in short, “Women, be nice to men, or be punished! We men have the power to do that to you!”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW, MRM, Masculism : How Do They Differ? (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses the similarities and differences between MGTOW, Men’s Rights Movement, and Masculism. It claims that masculism is a super set of MGTOW, and MRM, and a lot more political than both, putting enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs or they don’t get a man, etc.MGTOW, MRM, MASCULISM : HOW DO THEY DIFFER?There are 3 main branches of the men’s lib movement, called MGTOW (men going their own way), MRM (Men’s Rights Movement), and Masculism (the obvious male equivalent of feminism). This flyer talks about their similarities and their differences.MGTOW is a movement of men who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. This movement really got going as a result of the fluffie feminists taking over the divorce courts, resulting in roughly one married man in four getting financially massacred, losing his kids, his house, paying child support and alimony to his fluffie ex-wife, often for life. MGTOWs are so pissed off by the massive gender injustice of the divorce courts that they have decided that divorce, and hence marriage is too toxic for men to risk, so they come to the logical decision not to marry, not to have kids, and hence spend their money on themselves. As a result of their rebellion against being manslaves to women, rejecting the traditional male role of paying for a fluffie to live in a middle class house, and raise her kids, MGTOWs develop their own male life styles, e.g. they can be an ARCer (after retirement careerer) who studies hard when young, gets a good well-paying job, saves and invests hard, lives frugally, spends nothing on women, has no kids, retires in his 40s, and then spends the rest of his life as an ARCer, doing what he loves, often moving to a third world country where the cost of living is much lower to increase his purchasing power.MRM is the Men’s Rights Movement, whose members are usually called MRAs (men’s rights activists). As their title suggests they fight for the establishment of equal rights for men. There are many examples of gender discrimination against men. One of the worst discriminations against men occurs in the divorce courts, as described above, so both MGTOWs and MRAs are pissed off about that. Another big gender discrimination against men is the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right). Women have a Marer (maternity rejection right, a.k.a. abortion right) but men have no Parer which would allow men to reject paternity, telling a woman who got pregnant with him (often “accidentally” on purpose) that he rejects the pregnancy. With the Parer, if she goes ahead with the pregnancy, then she has full financial responsibility for the kid. With a Parer, the man fills in a paternity rejection form signed with a JP (justice of the peace) and can free himself from a life of manslavery to some bloody fluffie who often tricks him into pregnancy in the first place, by lying about taking the pill.There are many other gender discriminations against men, e.g. differences in retirement ages, more research money given to breast cancer than prostate cancer, women’s studies programs at universities but no men’s studies programs, little research done on why men have a lower life expectancy than women by typically about 6 years, military conscription for men not for women, positive discrimination for women (which is negative discrimination against men) for job entry, etc. MRAs get very angry about these gender injustices and fight to get rid of them.Masculism is men’s lib. It aims to free men from those aspects of life that lower men’s happiness, so incorporate aspects of both the MGTOW movement and the MRM. Masculists are much more political than the a-political MGTOWs who usually just passively, individually, walk away from the marriage market, and paternity. Masculists are sharply critical of the MGTOWs for their selfishness and lack of political commitment, castigating them for their lack of solidarity with the plight of other men.To be fair to the MGTOWs, they argue that politicizing is a complete waste of time and effort, because the system is so gynocentric, due to the greater number of female voters, that gender politicians will not listen to men’s gender problems, so the only way to get gender justice for men is to destroy the current gynocentric system, by walking away from it, not supporting it, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, spending their money on themselves, living modestly, to have time to develop their own lives and interests.The masculists counter this argument of the MGTOWs with the argument that “We MGTOW/masculists are so pissed off by the gender injustices of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, the lack of the Parer, etc, that we are prepared to wipe out whole populations by refusing paternity, until you gender politicians menfair the gender laws.” This extremely powerful argument of the masculists will force the gender politicians to give men what they want, or they risk being assassinated by murderously angry men and women – men, in their fight for gender justice, and women, who want men to give them babies, but who won’t because the gender politicians maintain the gynocentric divorce laws.Masculists give plenty of time and effort to the same goals as the MRM. The two movements have a lot in common on that score. Where they differ is that MRM tends to be a lot softer on women than the masculists who see fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) as the enemy, and state that the primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies, not by killing them, but by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even sexing them, so that fluffies rot on the shelf to extinction.Masculists in the 1980s were very successful in Europe in attracting attention from the broadcast media, after a decade of angry feminism. European masculists, including myself, appeared 100s of times on the media in France, Belgium, Holland, Britain, Germany, etc. Masculists differ sharply with the MGTOWs on the value of appealing to the broadcast media to spread the word of men’s lib to the masses.Masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, or they don’t get a man. 16 year old women are the biggest problem, since most of them decide at that age to study fluffie crap, i.e. non math, non-sciences, so that they are forced to study more fluffie crap at university, because the STEM departments exclude them because these fluffie crappers don’t have the math and sciences background needed. These fluffie crappers then end up fluffies in their 30s because they earn so little with their fluffie crap diplomas. They then look around for some manslave to parasite off, who will pay for the middle class house for her to raise her kids in. Thanks to MGTOW and masculism, the supply of such manslaves is drying up. In the US and Japan, 70% of young men refuse to marry and have kids. They are MGTOW in practice, if not in ideological conviction.MRAs tend to give the public the impression of feeling sorry for themselves, which is not very appealing to ordinary men who have been socialized to be self-reliant and self-starters, whereas masculism is angry and very confrontational, especially with women, and particularly with fluffies and fluffie feminists, whom masculists accuse of being hypocrites for wanting their cake and to eat it too, i.e. wanting equal rights for women, but rejecting equal obligations with men in bothering to become FIPs (financially independent persons) to pull their financial weight as responsible adults. Three quarters of young women choose to become fluffie crappers at 16 and half consciously expect some manslave will solve their financial problem later in life. These young fluffie crappers do not feel the moral obligation to become career competent. That is the role of the masculists to scare them to be FIPs with slogans such as “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” “Fluffies rot on the shelf!”Masculists want to see the establishment of men’s lib groups in every high school, every university, as well as men’s studies programs at university. Masculists want schools, parents, and the media to socialize young women to be FIPs to create a FIP society, the main goal of the masculists, so that men are not parasited upon by fluffies, whom masculists accuse of being “immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin, to be wiped out.”Masculists have a hatred of Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists for their massive crimes against humanity (e.g. their generation of world wars, and depressions, their debt enslavement and destruction of whole continents with their paper currency debt note Ponzi schemes, their assassination of 6 US presidents, their inflation of the currency wiping out peoples savings, their control of the issuance of money from the central banks they control, so can print up as much money as they want out of thin air to bribe all the politicians, including the gender politicians, thus destroying democracies, their monopoly control of the source of ideas, the news outlets, media companies, Hollywood, publishing, etc, their creation of hate speech laws to kill criticism of their massive crimes, and worst of all their intention to rule the earth from Jerusalem with the Jewish banksters as dictators (the NWO, New World Order), and then to exterminate the goy (non-Jews) so that the Jews can have the earth to themselves, which has been the Talmudic prophecy for over 2000 years.These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists have bribed the politicians including the gender politicians. For decades they have had a “divide and conquer” strategy to undermine the WASP majority in the US, by founding and funding the NAACP to promote black white strife. They pushed hard to bring in non WASP migrants to the US. In the 70s they funded feminism, and got the gender politicians to create divorce laws that were so gender unjust to men that millions of men became MGTOWs, and thus played into the hands of these Jewish banksters, in their aim to wipe out the goy.These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists are only a few hundred old men, so the masculists support the general educated, informed public in its aim to send these massive criminals against humanity to The Hague to be tried and executed. Masculists recognize that men will never get gender justice until the hated Jewish banksters are removed, either by law, or by an American pogrom. These Jewish banksters have a very cheap efficient means to wipe out the goy, by making millions of MGTOWs refuse paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts as engineered by these Jewish banksters behind the scenes, by bribing the gender politicians.So, judging from the above, it should be clear that masculism is a superset of MGTOW and MRM, it includes them both as subsets, but is much more political and confrontational. Masculism is angry, and much more “in the face” of the fluffies, fluffie feminists, gender politicians, Jewish bankster satanists, etc.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Creating the FIP Society (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes what is needed to create a FIP society, i.e. one in which all adults are FIPs who do not parasite on the money of another person. So much follows from this masculist vision, that is their main political aim.THE FIP SOCIETYOf all the concepts and their labels that I have given to Men’s Lib (e.g. masculism (men’s lib), fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off men’s money), fluffie feminists (feminists who still have fluffie attitudes towards men), FIPs (financially independent persons), Marer (maternity rejection right), Parer (paternity rejection right), manslaver (a fluffie who lives off the money of a man), fluffie crap (non math, non-science majors that lead to low salaries in the market place), fluffie crappers (16 year old girls who choose to study fluffie crap at high school), gender politicians (politicians who make the gender laws, e.g. divorce laws), twaytweffing (2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs, a life style for men to get regular sex from women but not pay the traditional manslavery price), baby calculus (high school women need to study calculus if they want a non-zero chance of having a baby), menfairing (making the gender laws fair to men), second halver (a person older than 40), ARCing (after retirement careering), femalien (a woman with attitudes alien to men), MOB, BOM (“money over brains” women, “brains over money” men) etc.) I think the most significant is “The FIP Society” i.e. the masculist vision of a society in which all adults are FIPs, i.e. responsible, career competent, and not parasiting off the money of another person.With this vision in mind, so much follows from it, for example, high school girls will come under tremendous moral pressure from their parents, their teachers, the media, and their boyfriends, to become FIP, otherwise they will pay a horrible price, i.e. they will not get a man. They will be left rotting on the shelf, because they have been stained by the dreaded label “fluffie” and men who have had their MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised, will not go near them. These women will be ostracized.For this state of affairs to happen, society needs to be educated into MGTOW/masculist ideas, and it is this process which is going on now. MGTOW/masculist sites are going up on YouTube daily, and men are waking up in ever greater numbers. Already two thirds (70%) of young men under 35 in the US and Japan refuse to marry and have kids, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts (where roughly one married man in four will be financially massacred, losing his kids, his house, paying child support, and alimony often for life). In Japan, the average salary man works 11 hours a day, 3 hour commute time, and gives his pay check to his fluffie wife who gives him a modest allowance. In Japan, the husbands overwork, and the wives play tennis. Young Japanese males have been influenced by the internet and refuse this salaryman role.With two thirds of young men in the US and Japan (and similarly in many other countries) rejecting fatherhood, it is only a question of time before the politicians start pulling their hair out as they watch the birth rate plummet. This has already happened in Japan, which even has a Minister of Population. Similar gender politicians will be appointed by most countries in the near future as MGTOW/masculist ideas really start to bite.A great wave of men’s lib consciousness raising will spread across the planet, as men wake up to being manslaves to women, and reject that role. Women have the pill so choose to have 0, 1, 2 kids usually, so have 40+ years of career time, in which they have a powerful moral obligation to be FIPs and not be parasites on men. One of the primary messages of the masculists, is that women should be FIPs or they won’t get a man – in the form of a slogan – “Be FIP or be manless!”As part of this men’s lib wave, men’s lib groups will be set up in every high school, every college, so that young men can put real moral pressure on women to become FIPs. These young men’s libbers will point the finger at 16 year old women and tell them “If you don’t study career competent majors, and not fluffie crap, then you are making the decision to become a parasite on some future manslave, so that he will pay for you to live in a middle class house so you can raise your kids in it. In other words, you are making the decision to become a manslaver, you immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. Go rot in hell. I want nothing to do with you (and spits in her face.)As the men’s lib wave spreads and spreads, parents, teachers, and the media will get caught up in it, and also put enormous moral pressure on young women to become FIPs. Why all this emphasis on fluffie crappers?? Because the core of the oppression against men starts with 16 year old girls who decide to become fluffie crappers. These women then become real fluffies in their 30s when they become fully conscious that their fluffie crap university diploma is relatively worthless in the marketplace, so start looking around for some manslave to get her fluffie financial claws into, to sexploit him to be her manslave to pay for her.As the men’s lib wave expands, fluffie feminists will be confronted with enormous anger from the masculists, who will harangue them for being utter hypocrites, wanting to have their cake and eat it too, in the sense of wanting equal rights with men, but not being prepared to share equal obligations with men, i.e. not feeling the moral obligation to be FIPs and to get a FIP major, career oriented, education, and instead take a fluffie attitude towards men, seeing men as exploitable cash machines.Feminist dumping on men, blaming men for women’s inferiorities will be utterly trashed by masculists, who will blast fluffie feminists with accusations of hypocrisy, and manslavery. Fluffie feminists will be told in angry tones “FIP up you fluffie feminazi bitches, or we men will not only not have relationships with you, we won’t even fuck you, you man slaving vermin! Grow up, become adults, take responsibility for your own lives. Only children blame anyone but themselves for their own inadequacies. GROW UP and become FIPs!”Hopefully, the word FIP will become familiar to everyone, as it becomes the model for all cultures across the planet. In the era of the pill, women now MUST work, and pull their weight, not parasite on men, manslaving them. Women have a powerful moral obligation to be FIPs, but too few of them feel these moral pressures, so it is the job of men, particularly, MGTOWs and masculists, to teach them and society in general that women must be FIPs or pay the horrible price of not getting a man, i.e. being manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and increasingly shunned by a society growing ever more masculist/MGTOW conscious every year.I am a strong believer in the power of ideas, and the power of labels. Most people are not original thinkers, so tend to follow the herd, they are sheeple. So the intellectual leaders of the MGTOWs/masculists need to create concepts and labels that the masses can use, to push women to become FIPs, so that most of men’s gender problems can be solved. When nearly everyone is conscious that men refuse to be manslaves and that women have a moral obligation to get a FIP major, career competent education, then life for men will become a lot more pleasant. With nearly all women FIPs, consider what will change for men. Manslavery will die out. Women will be earning half the income, and pull their weight financially in society, because we will have a “FIP Society.” Women will feel more morally obliged to be FIPs, so the proportion of women who are still fluffie will decrease, so their resistance to the masculist push for menfairing of the gender laws will be a lot less.As a result, the pressure on the gender politicians coming from the fluffies will be less, so the gender politicians will be more likely to menfair the gender laws, e.g. especially in the divorce courts, where alimony will be thrown out, custody of kids will automatically be JOINT, divorcing couples will be encouraged to buy a cheap apartment near the house, that the parents alternate in, one week living with the kids in the house, and the next week in the apartment. The Parer (paternity rejection right) will be brought in so that men have the legal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy. If the woman wants to continue the pregnancy, then the full financial costs of the child will be hers. With nearly all women FIPs, she will be able to afford the child costs on her own. With the men’s lib wave, men will teach society that men are the superior sex, educating everyone of men’s superior performance scores on just about any measurable quantity. This will counter the current feminist dominated media, which preaches male inferiority, and demoralizes boys. These feminazis are PC isscienate fairies (isscienate = ignorant of science, fairy = living in a fairyland, believing what they ?want to believe without evidence) and need to be smashed. Angry articulate masculists should be able to do this easily, given that the genii are males. With men’s lib groups in every high school, there should be masculist male teachers who can blast away at feminist PC bullshit from female teachers.Men’s lib needs more charismatic leaders who are figure heads on the broadcast media, the male equivalent of say Betty Friedan in the late 60s, who inspired the rise of the second wave of feminism, whose demands were reasonable (equal pay for women, equal access to the professions, abortion right, etc). Unfortunately, second wave feminism was overtaken by third wave feminism, whose demands are gynocentric, and profoundly hypocritical, e.g. the massive injustices committed by them in the divorce courts, and their tooth and nail rejection of the Parer, etc.At the moment, the MGTOW/masculist movements are just starting to reach the “mass media interest” stage. There is a ton more to do. More than three quarters of young women in high schools are still fluffie crappers, deciding to become fluffies and to manslave some dupe male who has not had his men’s lib consciousness raised. Such men need to be taught “Only ignorant fools marry!” They need to be taught about the toxicity of the divorce courts, and hence marriage. Fluffie crappers at high school need to be harangued by high school masculists/MGTOWs, to push them to become FIPs or they get spat at. The gender politicians need to be told to menfair the gender laws, or the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to reject paternity, and thus force the hand of the gender politicians with the threat of “population annihilation.” So much of what lies ahead for the MGTOWs/masculists concerns the need for education of the public, so that MGTOW/masculist goals can be achieved, i.e. so that we can all live in a “FIP Society” thus liberating men from manslavery and many other gender related horrors.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de GarisI/157 MGTOW Masculist Moral Pressure on Women to Adultify (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how masculists particularly, put enormous moral pressure on women to behave as adults, by getting FIP educations, pulling their own financial weight, not being lazy and putting the blame for their inferior female status in society on men. Masculists morally pressure women in order to create a FIP Society, one of the fundamental goals of the masculists.MGTOW/MASCULIST MORAL PRESSURE ON WOMEN TO ADULTIFYThe main idea of this flyer is that women should behave as adults. Women should be financially and morally responsible, and not behave as children, putting the blame for their situation on men, taking responsibility for their own female lives.One of the key ideas of the masculists is that women should be FIPs (financially independent persons), so that they do not have to parasite off the money of some gullible manslave. Girls need to be socialized by their parents, and educated by their teachers to be FIPs, to take charge of their own lives, and not expect some male to do that for them. In short, women are expected by masculists to GROW UP, and be adults, the way men are socialized and educated to be.Masculists particularly, put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, to study “FIP majors” at high school, i.e. not “fluffie crap” subjects (i.e. non math, non sciences) that will exclude them from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) majors at university, which are topics that the economy values, because they? impart real and valuable skills, and hence the economy is prepared to pay good salaries for them. STEM major women, i.e. FIP women, are able to earn good money and hence be FIPs as adults.Masculists have an utter contempt for fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a manslave). Masculists label such women “immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin” to be wiped out, by being totally ignored, not even sexed, as punishment for being fluffies, and hence immoral manslavers.The masculist term “fluffie” is obviously based on the word “fluff” and has connotations of being light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, not career competent, not FIP. There is still a long way to go with the FIPification of young women. At high school today, over 80% of young women of 16, decide effectively to become fluffie crappers, by choosing to study fluffie crap in their final two years of high school, which will exclude them from studying STEM majors at university, which means in most cases, that they will be unable to afford to buy their own middle class house in their 30s and will then look around for some manslave to pay for it for her, so that she can raise her kids in it.Masculists are pushing for the creation of a FIP Society, in which all adults are FIPs, who are socialized and educated to be FIPs, so that means that enormous moral pressure needs to be placed by society on young intellectually lazy women to stop choosing the “soft option” of non FIP majors at high school.Young women need to be toughened to the market place, just as much as are young men. With the contraceptive pill, women now typically have 0, 1, 2 kids, so have a career window of about 40+ years. The masculists/MGTOWs now point the finger at women, saying “Now that women can work, they MUST work, anything else is parasitism off the labor of men.”The masculists are very moralistic regarding women. Masculists put strong moral pressure on women to be FIPs, to behave as adults, to take responsibility for their own lives, and treat with contempt, the hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists, who put nearly all the blame of women’s inferior status in society on men, rather than taking a lot of it upon themselves.Women are treated as the inferior sex, the less respected sex, in all societies, for the simple reason that women contribute less to society than men. Women are less curious than men, less brilliant than men (men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the genii are men, winning 99% of the science Nobel prizes, and men have a much higher testosterone level than women, so are more aggressive, ambitious, driven, persistent, dogged, and hence dominate the performance record, as shown in the Who’s Who books.)If women want to achieve a higher status in societies around the world, they will need to achieve more and contribute more, instead of being the lazy shiftless kind of women that they have traditionally been, because for most of history, women’s role was to raise the next generation, by being constantly pregnant and feeding ankle biters all the time. Traditionally, women did not need to be socialized and educated into the traditional male role of being financially responsible, but those days are dying.In the modern world, women need to be morally pressurized to be FIPs, initially by the masculists, who will get on the broadcast media and harangue women for being manslaving parasites, and be told that unless they get off their parasitic, lazy arses, they will not get a man. In the form of a masculist slogans “Be FIP or be manless!” “Fluffies rot on the shelf!”If you wanted to choose one adjective to describe the attitude of the masculists towards women, it would be “moralistic” i.e. masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to get off their fluffie parasitic, lazy bums and pull their weight, as responsible adults, or if not, they will be severely punished by men, particularly by masculists. This masculist message is spreading. In the UK for example, young men now judge young women more by their female FIPness than by their female looks. This is a healthy development for men in the UK, and I hope it spreads and spreads across the planet.Masculists still have a long way to go, before we live in a FIP Society. We need to get our message out on the broadcast media, to the millions, the billions. We need to get parents to feel the moral obligation to educate their daughters to be FIPs and study FIP majors at high school. We need to motivate teachers at high school and universities to push women to be FIPs. We need to educate the journalists, and the media people to think masculist thoughts, so that they pass on the message to the billions, the masses. Then we need to put pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that the financial massacring of men in the divorce courts stops, and the Parer (paternity rejection right) is brought in, etc. Society needs to be made menfair systematically across the board.When the fluffie feminists object, the masculists need to harangue them with vitriolic moralistic pressure, calling them hypocrites, who expect to have equal rights with men, but not equal obligations, i.e. not expecting to become FIPs, so that they can continue to be fluffie parasites on men, particularly after a divorce. Fluffie feminists are particularly despised by the masculists. Masculists see fluffies as the enemy, but even more so with the fluffie feminists, who are not only fluffies, but hypocrites as well.Once this masculist moralism is well absorbed into the mass mind of young men, they can then be intellectually and morally armed to put enormous moral pressure on their female class mates to get off their lazy parasitic female bums and FIPup, i.e. study FIP majors, to become STEM majors at university, and then to become career competent, moral FIPs as adults.The masculists are very moralistic regarding women, because most women are immoral hypocrites and need to be forced to change, or they don’t get a man. Such women will be left manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and increasingly shunned by a society that is becoming increasingly FIP oriented.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ A MGTOW Masculist Talks to a Manslave (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer imagines a MGTOW/masculist talking to a manslave who has regrets about locking himself into a financial cage by having a kid with a fluffie wife. It spells out the advantages to men of not being manslaves but rather being MGTOWs/masculists, i.e. men’s libbers.A MGTOW MASCULIST TALKS TO A MANSLAVEMy son in law has recently made himself a manslave. He’s Chinese with a master’s degree in computer science and got himself a well-paying job with a large US info tech company and has recently moved to the US to work there, with a much higher salary.In a few days, he will visit, and I imagine the following conversation I will have with him. In reality I probably won’t, because if I piss him off, he may say negative things to his mother, my Chinese wife, whom I’m hoping will give me a green card in a few months, so that I can stay in China, and not have my life turned upside down with great stress.The imaginary conversation goes a bit like this. ME : “On your last visit, you mentioned that you have been having regrets about having had a baby, and now feel you are locked into a financial cage, unable to do what you really want. You say the work you’re doing is bachelor degree level programming, that bores you, with your 140 IQ, that you would prefer to get a PhD and do research in much more interesting stuff, like artificial intelligence. So why did you choose to become a manslave to a female?”(I don’t know what his reply would be, so I won’t even try to give one, I’ll just continue my monologue.)“If you stay in the US, and you probably won’t for more than a year or so, because the dollar is about to lose its international reserve currency status, which means that the US dollar will become purely domestic, and hence will be forced to devalue to about half of its current value. The Jewish banksters who are the shadow government of the US have been out to destroy the US for a century, and have now succeeded. They sent the country’s manufacturing capacity mainly to China, so that when the dollar crashes, the US will not be able to import much, because it won’t be able to export much, to ensure a balance of payments in trade. The US standard of living will fall to third world levels. There are more guns than people in the US, so there will probably be a civil war against these Jewish banksters and their police state soldiers, their 800? FEMA camps, their 3 billion hollow tipped bullets, their millions of 4 body plastic coffins, Obama’s police state executive orders, their militarization of the police, their 1000s of suburban tanks, etc.I advise you to keep enough cash at hand, not in the bank, so that you can fly out your family at short notice if/when things get violent, when the food shelves are bare and there are riots and shots fired.If this does not happen (and I don’t see how the dollar can survive much longer, given the momentum of the world in rejecting it) then my strongest advice to you is not to take out US citizenship. Doing that could be a disaster for you. A green card, sure, but not full citizenship, because if you do that, then you would be subject to US law which could financially massacre you. If you and your wife live in the US for years, then she will be influenced by US feminism. She will learn that the US divorce courts have been taken over by the fluffie feminists, and that if she gets bored with you a decade from now, she has the legal power to destroy your life. She can take your kid, take your house, force you to pay child support and since she has never worked, making her a real fluffie, you may be forced to pay her alimony so that she can remain a fluffie parasite off you for the rest of her life.So, be smart, don’t take this risk. Stay a Chinese citizen, because Chinese divorce law is so much more favorable to men. If you divorce in China, you will keep the kid, because you have the money and she has never worked. My god, you paid for her to sit on her fat parasitic bum for a couple of years before she got pregnant, staying at home, not working. What were you smoking?I guess you didn’t know of the research that shows that the happiest couples are childless and that the unhappiest couples have teenage kids. Since the teen age is half of the childhood years, why bother having kids at all, if they are only going to lower your total happiness. You would be better off never having them in the first place. The earth is already way overcrowded, so why bother bringing another “useless eater” into the world?!If you had not married, and not had a kid, not become a manslave, you could have been doing your PhD now, having a lot more fun, instead of doing the bachelor level shit work that now occupies your whole day, day after day, year after year. You’re stuck in a financial cage, that you cannot escape from easily. Speaking as a masculist, I suggest you push her out to work, once your ONE kid is off to kindergarten, so that she can earn some of the money, so that you can earn less and switch to a less well paid PhD assistantship. If you never get to do what your dream is, then you are going to have a frustrating, thwarted life, and that will make you bitter.It’s a pity you did not hear about MGTOW/masculism earlier, so that you could have avoided falling into the trap laid by your fluffie wife, who is quite happy to have you pay for the house she lives in to raise HER kid. She will not want to lose you, because you are so exploitable. You earn a good salary, so she lives well off your income. She will see you as a valuable asset, and want to keep you. If you start resenting her for the financial cage she has put around you, then your relationship a decade from now may end in divorce, and she will be really angry, that she has lost you as a cash machine, and will use US law to extract everything she can from you, if you are stupid enough to take out US citizenship, so for Christ’s sake don’t!About the best scenario I see for you, if you don’t divorce, is that you manage to get her out to work, and she does fairly well, you stick with one kid, you get your PhD, and then your life will change. You’ll be doing what you love, so your life will be much more fulfilling. You can create the AI company you’ve always dreamed of, and who knows, your company might even be a success (although statistically, 90% of companies fail.) But with one kid, and your wife a real FIP, then your marriage and life may not end up so badly. It may survive.In any event, I consider it more likely that you will be back in China in a year or so, because the US will no longer be the “city on the hill” but rather a third world shit hole, perhaps a Jewish bankster controlled police state, with a civil war, and millions being killed. That is a real possibility.To other young men around the world reading this. Don’t marry, don’t have kids, spend your money on yourself. The world is already overcrowded. Don’t create more useless eaters. Have a happier life by being a MGTOW/masculist, thus forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws and society. You can get the regular sex you want from women, without paying the traditional price of being a manslave to a fluffie parasite. You can twaytwef, i.e. live the 2A2F lifestyle, i.e. have a relationship with a FIP (financially independent person) woman who has her own apartment, as do you. When the relationship fails, as nearly all do, you both just go back to your 2 apartments, cost free to the man. There is no divorce because there is no marriage. There is no loss of your apartment, because she is a FIP. There is no child support, because no kids. There is no alimony, because she is a FIP. By twaytweffing ONLY with FIP women, you put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to become FIPs, otherwise they won’t even get a man to twaytwef with.As the population really starts crashing and the fluffie feminist gender politicians put a heavy bachelor tax on you, then just leave the country. Go to a cheap third world country, where the cost of living is much lower, so that your savings have much higher purchasing power, thus allowing you to retire earlier in life, so that you can spend a higher proportion of your life doing what you love doing, rather than what some employer dictates to you to do, because you are under a financial contract to him.So I hope this little talk as a MGTOW/masculist to you will influence you not to become a manslave like my son in law, who has now locked himself into a financial cage that he will have difficulty extracting himself from so that he can create a life that he loves, rather than frustrates and thwarts him. So, take heed, be warned. Don’t become a manslave! Wake up, get educated on men’s lib issues. Become a MGTOW/masculist.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Suppressing Women's Parasitic Nature (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Decr :? This flyer emphasizes the idea that even though women evolved to be parasites on men’s resources, women can learn to suppress their evolved parasitic nature by becoming FIPs (financially independent persons) or be punished by men, by simply not having one. The masculist political strategy for forcing women to FIPup is to ignore to death those fluffies who don’t bother to become career competent FIPs, thus wiping them out. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out manslavery, world wide, this century, by wiping out the fluffies and fluffie feminists.SUPPRESSING WOMEN’S? PARASITIC NATUREWomen have been parasites on men for several million years. As the prehuman baby’s head doubled in size in a mere million years, women had to have bigger birth canals, to allow the baby’s head to pass through. But hip (pelvic) bones can only become so wide, before stresses on the hip bone become dangerous. A hip bone fracture for a prehuman woman was fatal, so women delivered their babies prematurely, so that the baby’s head continued to grow after the birth. But a prematurely born baby is useless. It cannot feed itself, so mothers had to stay with the useless infants to feed?them and take care of the infants’ needs.Thus, mothers could not hunt, and so depended on men to provide scarce, male hunted meat, without which they often did not survive. To better bribe men to give women and their babies male hunted meat, women evolved to become prostitutes to men, by becoming “in sexual heat” every day of the month, unlike dogs or monkeys. The human female is the sexiest of mammals. She can bribe men to give her meat with access to vagina, something that men really want and are willing to pay for it with meat (resources), so women evolved to be parasitic on men. Their survival depended on it.But, intrinsic, evolved female parasitism on men, in today’s world, is now redundant, irrelevant, and needs to be suppressed. The contraceptive pill changed everything. Women can now choose the number of kids they WANT, which is usually 0, 1 or 2. In other words, women can work, i.e. they have a career window of some 40+ years.The masculists now tell women, “Now that you CAN work (i.e. paid employment) you MUST work, because anything else is parasitism off the labor of men.” We men, we masculists, have the power to FORCE women to become FIPs (financially independent persons) because a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave, but the supply of such manslaves is drying up. In the major countries (e.g. US, Japan, Germany etc) 2/3 of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, i.e. they are MGTOW (men going their own way) in practice, if not in philosophy.The rise of MGTOW and masculism is due largely to the toxic takeover by the fluffie feminist hypocrites of the divorce courts in western countries, where roughly one married father in four will be financially massacred (losing his kids with a probability of about 90%, losing his house that goes to his fluffie ex-wife so she can raise HER kids in it, paying child support to kids he barely sees, and often paying alimony to his fluffie ex-wife so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.)Marriage and paternity are such ROTTEN DEALS for men, that 2/3 of young men in western countries now reject both.The masculist political solution to paternity rejection by most men, is to FORCE women to be FIPs, by ignoring fluffies and fluffie feminists to death, letting them rot on the shelf to extinction, wiping their fluffie genes from the gene pool. The nuclear weapon of the masculists and MGTOWs is “Until society and the gender politicians menfair the gender laws (e.g. throw out alimony, create joint custody of kids by default after a divorce, the owner of the house gets to keep it, bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc) men will continue to WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS by continuing to reject paternity.” Once the gender laws are menfaired, then men will be more willing to be fathers, and populations will not be wiped out.This forcing of women to be FIPs by the masculists and MGTOWs runs counter to female parasitic nature. Nevertheless, it is what masculists insist on. Thus masculist moral pressure and FIP forcing on women forces women to suppress their parasitic nature. Women can do this, because the human brain is flexible, it is capable of learning.Women are learning that if they choose the soft option, the lazy, intellectually easy option of studying memory based, rather than analytic based subjects at high school, then they will almost inevitably become fluffies, studying “fluffie crap” at high school and university, and thus become fluffies as adults, who then look around for some manslave to parasite upon when their biological clock starts ticking hard in their 30s, and they realize their status as fluffie crappers means they cannot afford to buy a middle class house to raise their kids in, so they try to find a dumb, na?ve, ignorant manslave to pay for it, in exchange for regular access to her vagina.But within a decade probably, the proportion of young men who are prepared to be manslaves in the western countries will be under 10%, so that women cannot marry, and WILL NOT HAVE BABIES.We men have the power to FORCE women to FIPup. We tell women “Be FIP or be manless!” We men have the power to force women to suppress their parasitic nature. All men need to know this, and to use this power to stop women from being “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ FIPup or be Manless : The Core Strategy of the Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer disagrees with Howard Dare, who says that it is not a good idea for women to study STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) majors because they are not built for it. The masculists are pushing for the creation of a FIP Society, in which both sexes, especially women, are socialized and educated to be FIPs, which means studying STEM and the professions to become good FIPs, so that men can be liberated from manslavery, etc. Women are adaptable, and we men have the power to FORCE women to be FIPs or be totally ignored by men, ignored to death.FIP UP OR BE MANLESS, THE CORE STRATEGY OF THE MASCULISTSDear Howard Dare,I don’t agree with you at all on your view that its not a good idea to push women to study STEM (science tech engineering and math.) The core political idea of the masculists is that so many of men’s gender issues would be solved if women FIPped up, i.e. became FIPs (financially independent persons). Manslavery would be wiped out, the Parer (paternity rejection right) would be brought in, men would respect women more, because women would not be such parasites on men, etc.Men have the power?to ?FORCE women to FIPup, or be manless, to rot on the shelf to extinction, because most men are socialized and educated to be FIP. A fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money) can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave. But 2/3 of young men now in the western countries refuse to be manslaves, and put powerful moral pressure on women to FIP up, or be punished by?not getting a man.It may be more difficult for women to study STEM and the professions (e.g. medicine, dentistry law, architecture, etc) than it is for men, but tough. Men refuse to be manslaves to women, so women have to FIPup or die out. It is a moral question we are talking about. Women are expected by masculists to be EMO FIPs (equal moral obligations FIPs) i.e. masculists expect women to think that women have a moral obligation to be FIPs, and not be fluffies.If women find it more difficult to study STEM, or the professions than men, then they will simply have to make more effort, because they DONT HAVE ANY CHOICE. They cant continue to parasite off men’s money, as fluffies, because the supply of manslaves is drying up due to the influence of MGTOW and masculist ideas on men.The Soviets put strong pressure on women to be scientists and engineers, and were very successful. There were large numbers of female scientists and engineers in the USSR. This shows that it can be done.Women are human beings that have a human brain (admittedly with 10 billion fewer neurons in it than a man’s brain) but still, a human brain, that is capable of learning, of adapting, so women are capable of adapting to the demands of men, who demand that women get off their fat parasitic arses and FIPup, i.e. become adult, responsible, career competent FIPs, if they want a relationship with a man. Women are capable of doing this so are being pushed to do it by the masculists – “Be FIP or be manless!” is the masculist slogan to women.To liberate men from manslavery, which is the primary political goal of the masculists for this century and worldwide, necessitates the FIPping of women. The masculists talk about the creation of a FIP Society, in which both sexes, especially women, are socialized and educated to be FIP. Young women are now waking up that there is a desperate shortage of men who are prepared to be manslaved, less than a third of young men under 35 in the western countries. In a decade that figure will probably be under 10%.So women are scared. They know that a crisis in on their hands. Men refuse to be manslaves, so if a woman wants any attention from a man, and not be spat at as an immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin fluffie, she HAS to be a FIP, she has to be a responsible, career competent, adult minded FIP. She has to. The alternative for her is to be a fluffie, and hence poor, manless, loveless, sexless, childless and increasingly spat at by a society that is more informed of MGTOW/masculist ideas every month.I hope you find the above ideas convincing. Women must FIPup or rot on the shelf. Fluffies will be ignored to death. Masculists and MGTOWs will only have relationships with FIP women, and totally ignore the fluffies, treating them as vermin, a fate that they deserve. We men have the power to FORCE women to FIPup, and we are using it now.To spell this out in a logical form,to free men from manslavery, —> force women to FIPupif all women become FIPs –> fluffies die outif fluffies die out –> men are not manslaved, because FIP women pull their own financial weightif all women are FIPs, the Parer (paternity rejection right) can be brought in, because women are FIPs and can afford to raise their own kid, on their ownThe concept of a FIP is critical to the masculists. It is a core idea to the creation of a FIP Society, that the masculists really push for. Creating a FIP Society, will involve many social, and legal changes. For example, primary schools will need to have an equal number of male and female teachers, the divorce laws will need to be made menfair (e.g. alimony thrown out, custody of kids made joint by default, the owner of the house keeps, it, etc, the Parer will be brought in, women will be forced to stop dumping on men on the media, which will instruct boys that men are the superior sex because we outperform women at the top end of the scale on nearly anything measurable. Boys need their confidence restored, by being told that men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes, all the major math prizes, the philosophers are men, the composers are men, the creators are men, the inventors are men, the builders are men, etc.There is now such a massive backlash by men against the fluffie feminist hypocrites, and their takeover of the divorce courts, ?that women will be forced to FIPup or be punished by being manless. Most women will be very conscious of this moral pressure on them, and will learn to make a lot more effort to FIPup, because they will be terrified of being manless and treated as a fluffie, i.e. as an immoral, parasitic, manslaving fluffie, hated by men, and totally ignored, ignored to death.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Fluffies, MGTOWs, Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is a long letter to Sandman, a prominent MGTOW, telling him about masculism which differs from MGTOW, in being a lot more political. It was written before I had a good knowledge of the basic ideas of MGTOW, which I later absorbed into masculism as a subset, as a tool to use MGTOW tactics to punish women, if they do not FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons.)FLUFFIES, FEMINISTS, MGTOWS, AND MASCULISTSProf. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Abstract MGTOWs (Men Going Their Own Way) i.e. men refusing to have relationships with women, are merely reacting to the status quo, rather than taking the more assertive approach of the masculists to change that status quo through political and ideological action. This essay shows what masculists can do to change society so that the MGTOW reaction is no longer necessary, and the two sexes can get along better. If this is the first essay you have ever read on the topic of masculism (mens lib) then perhaps I should initially give a quick rundown on the main ideas of the masculists. Firstly, masculism is not male feminism. It is a social movement by men for men, doing for men what feminism does for women, i.e. it aims to liberate men from customs in our cultures that oppress and enslave men. In essence, masculism is a rebellion by men against working for women. After men invented the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, and higher education, it became possible for women to control the number of kids they had, and to go out to work, thus sharing equally with men the burden of earning the living for the family. When the industrial revolution came, families had to be mobile to seek employment. This led to the growth of the nuclear family. Better hygiene, particularly public sewers, allowed babies to survive, so families became bigger. The father then became the sole breadwinner, while the mother stayed at home to raise the many children. Once the Pill arrived in the 1960s, women have been having only one or two children, so that western populations are now falling. When women started moving into the workforce in huge numbers they were confronted with traditional males who had trouble adapting to this historic tectonic shift in gender roles. The feminist movement grew up to push hard for women’s rights, the right to abortion, to equal pay, to equal work opportunities, for day care centers, to be treated as equals by men, etc. Women organized politically, creating such organizations as NOW (National Organization of Women) in the US, and Women’s Issues committees in national parliaments across the world. They were largely successful in achieving their goals. In the 1980s, men started waking up to the idea that “Now that women can work, they must work otherwise they remain financial parasites on men!” The masculist movement grew up, at least in Europe, to push women to become careerists equally with men, so that the burden of earning the living for the family could be shared out equally. Unfortunately, the masculist movement did not grow anywhere near as large as the feminist movement. This was due mostly to the fact that the major push of the masculists, namely to get “fluffies” into careers, was already being pushed by the feminists for feminist reasons. (A “fluffie” is a masculist label for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man. It is based on the word “fluff” i.e. light, not serious, not adult, not mature, not responsible.) Due to the feminist pressure to get women into the workforce so that women could be financially independent, the wind was blown out of the sails of the masculists, so it never really grew into a major social force. But now something new is happening between the sexes that requires that the masculist movement needs to be revived. Feminists have now largely taken over the legislation on gender issues, to the detriment of men. The masculist movement is needed to restore the balance, so that both sexes are given a fair shake. Once feminists started becoming politicians, divorce court judges, etc, they brought with them their feminist attitudes, and their ignorance of masculist attitudes, since they were never educated in the latter. As a result of this, men are now being screwed badly, to such a point, that men in their millions, are opting out of traditional marriages and refuse even to live together with women. Correspondingly, millions of women, who have done well in their early careers, are finding a desperate shortage of men who are willing to put up with the status quo. Millions of men are becoming MGTOWs (Men Going Their Own Way, i.e. without women) who refuse to love women and to give them children, thus making millions of women very unhappy. How did this situation come about? Once women became FIPs (a “FIP” is a masculist term for “financially independent person”, the type of woman masculists want women to be) they became much easier to divorce. If you look at photos of your great grandparents, many of them look sad and bitter, because they were stuck in marriages that had failed, but they did not attempt to get out of them, the way we do today. The divorce rate in many countries is now around half. One in two marriages end in divorce. So for the past few decades men have been screwed in huge numbers by both their ex-wives and by the legal system that has been set up by feminists who are incapable of thinking along masculist lines, since they are women, and have not been exposed to masculist political pressures and ideology. In the divorce court, millions of men were forced to continue paying for their fluffie ex-wives after divorce became easier. This created real bitterness in men. Feminist divorce courts would often deny fathers the right to see their own children. This created more male bitterness. Women are genetically wired to want children and to raise them. Men are genetically wired to want to penis women. That is the strategy that has evolved in nature to ensure the creation of the next generation. However, women’s fertility drops off badly in their mid-thirties, so many women get desperate to have children at that age, once their careers have been well launched. But they run up against a serious lack of men who are prepared to marry and be fathers, because of the very negative experiences they have had in the past with feminist dominated divorce courts, alimony laws, men-dumping feminists, societal putdowns of men, etc. MGTOWs take the attitude, “Im tired of being shafted. I’ll go my own way from now on. Screw women! or rather, let some other sucker screw them and then be shafted. I’m done with women.” Many of these “MGTOWed” women then get bitter at the lack of available men and take matters into their own hands. They have a child as a single mother, which they can do because they have a career and can afford to raise the child, but in practice, due to the mothers time commitment with her full time job, she tends to have her child raised by a child-minder who is often of a lower class and intelligence as herself. She then misses out on the full experience of motherhood because she is working so much. Little boys now are often raised in fatherless homes, and in primary schools dominated by careerist feminist women teachers, who alienate these little boys. The boys have no male role models, so grow up lost. They feel dumped on by their female feminist teachers who continue to criticize men as rapists, chauvinists, oppressors etc. Feminist women still have fluffie attitudes towards men, which is something a revived masculist movement needs to address. These fluffie feminists still see men as cheque books that they can exploit, which is a carryover from the traditional gender roles prior to the 1970s. Masculists need to educate women, and society in general, that women have a powerful moral obligation to pull their weight financially and not parasite on men’s money. The masculists have a very effective strategy to force women to be FIPs, and that is, masculists simply refuse to have relationships with fluffies. When I was one of the masculist leaders in the 1980s in Europe we used to say to men on the media “Rather a FIP than a fluffie!” “A fluffie will parasite on you before the divorce and after!” To fluffies we said “If you want to have a man, have a career!” “Fluffies can rot on the shelf!” “A fluffie can only be a fluffie, if she can get her financial claws into some robot male. But as the supply of robot males dries up as they become influenced by masculist ideas, fluffies will be forced to convert themselves into FIPs if they want to eat.” (A “robot” male is a masculist term for a traditional male who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie, but he does not see himself as enslaved, since he has been unconsciously brainwashed into that role, as is still the case today in Korea, and Japan, whose gender roles are half a century behind the western countries. No wonder Japanese men look so miserable in the train commuting 3 hours a day to their 11 hour a day jobs, while their fluffie wives with teenage kids play tennis and cards with their fluffie friends.) Masculists need to get active again, and get on the media and change legislation to restore the imbalance that has grown up due to the virtual monopoly of feminists controlling gender issues in politics. At the grass roots level this could take the form of the following little exchange. Imagine a group of women in a bar trying to pick up some good looking men. The women go up to the men and say “How about you men buy us ladies a drink?” Imagine their shock if the men are masculists are hit back with “How about you ladies buy US a drink, you fluffie parasites!” Women need to be taught that men are not to be exploited financially as was the custom with traditional gender roles. A woman who does not get off her arse and become career competent and simply expects some male to relieve her of that burden, will simply remain manless, and hence unloved and unsexed (since 99.5% of women are hetero.) The masculists lash out at the many legal discriminations that still exist against men. The most blatant discrimination concerns the lack of a male equivalent to the Marer (maternity rejection right, commonly known as abortion). If a woman gets pregnant and does not want to go through with the pregnancy, she can get an abortion. She has a legislated Marer, thanks to feminist political pressure in the 1970s, but men have no equivalent Parer (paternity rejection right) so that if a couple gets pregnant, and the man does not want to be a father he should be given the equivalent right to reject fatherhood. He should be able to go to a JP (justice of the peace) and deposit a formal rejection of fatherhood form, before the legal time limit before an abortion becomes illegal because the pregnancy has continued too long. If the woman decides to continue with the pregnancy, then the child is her financial responsibility. In today’s feminist dominated gender legislation system, the man is still seen as the bread winner, and feminist judges argue that “for the good of the child, the father MUST pay.” To fight this attitude, the masculists need to create a formidable political force to stop it, and change the legislation. Women are to be powerfully persuaded that they are to be FIPs, who cannot rely on a man to pay for her children. Masculists say cynically, that “the life plan of a fluffie, is to seduce the richest and most handsome man she can, fuck him long enough that he sticks around, and then stay at home to have HER kids, and have HIM pay for it all, both before and after the divorce.” Masculists utterly reject this attitude and spit on such women, treating them as slavers, enslavers of men. Masculists push women to be as career competent as men, so that when a woman does want to continue a pregnancy when the father rejects fatherhood, she can cope financially. A woman who is career incompetent and gets pregnant and then expects her boyfriend to pay for the child, ruins that man’s life. The feminist biased court system agrees with the woman and also ruins the man’s life. This injustice has to stop, hence the masculists need to have the legislation changed. As males, with our much higher testosterone levels, we can get a lot angrier than a bunch of angry feminists. That collective masculist male anger needs to be directed at the feminist biased gender legal system to bring fairness to males. Laws need to be changed. Masculists are also angry at the lack of respect that feminists give men in general. Too many feminists feel that have the right to dump on men, given that they are well informed of the way men abuse women, but are not well versed in the reverse case. Masculists need to stop such feminists in their tracks when they dump on men in public to mixed audiences. Masculist leaders who are brilliant and articulate should get on the media and give men the intellectual tools to counter these feminist dumpings on males, for example – imagine some feminist woman making some snide remark about men during a meeting, and unfortunately for her, the audience contains a highly articulate, brilliant minded, masculist scientist, who then cuts her to pieces with well reasoned, scientifically based facts that no one can refute. He puts her in her place, so that next time she will think twice about making her feelings about men public, through fear of being confronted again by a superior male who crushes her ego. To be more specific, imagine the masculist scientist interjecting – “Hey lady, if you’re going to dump on men in public to a mixed audience, I as a masculist will dump on you right back, you “fat unfuckable!” (which is the direct translation of the French “grosse imbaisable”, a commonly used term in French culture.) Men are the superior sex. We have a 4 IQ point greater average IQ score than women (says Prof Philippe Rushton). We have a 10% greater IQ variance than women. The male IQ bell curve is shorter and fatter than women’s, which is thinner and taller, so that at the extreme fringes, the left and the right, i.e. the morons and the genii, are males, so it’s not surprising we males win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. We make up 95% of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, 95% of presidents and prime ministers of countries, our testosterone levels are a lot higher than women’s so we are more aggressive, more dogged, more persistent, and ambitious, so we greatly outperform women in virtually all fields, so it’s to be expected that in nearly all cultures, men are more respected than women, hence boy babies are more valued than girl babies, who traditionally were often left out in the cold at birth to die. So if I were you lady, I’d refrain from dumping on men in public, because there might be a brilliant articulate masculist in the audience who fights back and hurts you personally, by telling you in public that you are rather fat and ugly, about a 3 out of 10, and hence most men reject you, so you have learned to hate men, and lock yourself into a vicious circle - the more you express your hatred of men publicly, the more men reject you, thus increasing your hatred of men.” Masculists need to organize politically. We need to remove the many legal discriminations against men. There is quite a list of them, e.g. many countries have a difference in retirement ages. Most countries do not put women into combat, arguing women’s bodies are more valuable than men’s bodies. Masculists need to botch that attitude, so blatantly unjust. There is a life expectancy difference between the sexes of about 6 years in many countries. Masculists need to fight the tobacco companies who have killed men in the hundreds of millions by targeting them in their ads. Tobacco killed about 100 million people in the 20th century. If men did not smoke, the life expectancy difference would be a lot less. If both sexes were in wars, then the difference would be lower again. Women need to do half of the dangerous jobs as well, so that they too fall off buildings. On the psychological side, masculists need to lash out at female sexual cowardice. Even most feminists are afraid to take sexual initiatives, so its not surprising that feminists talk about a rape culture, and claim that all men are rapists, which is about as stupid as masculists claiming that all women are parasites on men. With women taking half of the sexual initiatives, there will be as much talk of sexual harassment of men by women as vice versa, so that women will learn to feel how sexual rejection hurts. Imagine some woman going up to an attractive intelligent man, propositioning him, and getting the reply “No thanks, you’re too fat, too ugly, too dumb, too low class. Try some man of your own level.” Men go through this kind of rejection all the time, because women are such sexual cowards, which makes masculists not respect most women on the sexual front, even most feminists. Masculists understand the reaction of the MGTOWs, but do not agree with the latter’s politics. MGTOWs simply react to the status quo, rather than fighting to change it the way the masculists do. Once the masculists have been successful in returning the pendulum to its middle position, where both women’s and men’s rights are both fairly addressed, when men are not extorted in divorce courts, treated as exploitable cheque books by fluffies and fluffie feminists, and are respected for being the superior sex on genetic grounds, then MGTOWism will disappear. To be happy, the two sexes need each other, for companionship, love and sex. The prefeminist period was unacceptable. The current feminist period is unacceptable. Hopefully the future feminist-masculist period will be better balanced, where the two sexes respect each other more. Feminists will have both their feminist consciousness raised and their masculist consciousness raised, because they will have been taught by brilliant masculists whose intellects are superior to theirs (being male) that men outclass women on nearly all counts, and therefore should be respected. To men, and to MGTOWs, your task is only beginning, so get to it. Start organizing and ideologizing, to change the misandrist psychology of women, and to change the laws that discriminate against men. I/204 Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer maps out the main ideas of masculism, i.e. men’s lib, freeing men from the fetters of the traditional man slave role of the male.MASCULISM Masculism is men’s lib. It does for men what feminism does for women. Masculism removes those things that oppress men, largely female financial parasitism, and a string of other legal discriminations against men, the largest one being the lack of a legislated PARER (paternity rejection right) equivalent to women's MARER (maternity rejection right, a.k.a. abortion). Women can reject an unwanted pregnancy, but men cant and will have to pay for decades for an unwanted kid, and have their lives ruined. Masculists label traditional women who expect to parasite off men's money as "fluffies". Masculists refuse to have relationships with fluffies, forcing them to become FIPs (financially independent persons) warning "robot males" (traditional males who expect to be parasited upon by fluffie wives) "rather a FIP than a fluffie" "a fluffie will parasite on you before the divorce and after the divorce" "fluffies can rot on the shelf" "fluffies are parasites, fluffies are immoral, fluffies are slavers of men" "fluffies are vermin" "fluffies are to be wiped out" "fluffies can rot on the shelf." Masculists recognize that so many of men's problems stem from the existence of fluffies and fluffie feminists. Feminists have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness. They still have traditional fluffie attitudes when it comes to men, i.e. they still see men as check books who have to pay alimony and child support, even when in the US, a divorced father will only get joint custody in 10% of cases. So many men have been financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts that a massive men's movement (masculists, MRAs, MGTOWs (men going their own way, paying only for themselves and eschewing relationships with women)) is causing millions of women and especially misandrist, male dumping feminists to be left on the shelf - millions of men simply refuse to have relationships with them. Marriage and kids are toxic. The divorce rate is 50%, and millions of men are learning that fluffies and fluffie feminists are to be avoided for the sake of their own male health and wealth. Look at Japan, where this male rebellion has developed furthest. The Japs are not a creative people. Their creativity scores are a standard deviation and a half lower than other materially advanced nations. It is therefore not surprising that their gender roles are half a century behind the west. Jap women will drop out of the work force in 70% of cases after the first kid. A THIRD of young Jap males, under 30 now refuse to have relationships with women. They look at their fathers, who worked 11 hour days, 3 hour commutes, who got home so late they orphaned their kids, who handed over their pay checks to their fluffie wives who played tennis and cards with their fluffie friends. These young men are appalled and refuse to adopt the same gender role and look on young fluffie women as toxic, parasites, to be avoided. Masculists are political, they are angry, they harangue fluffie feminists (the third wave type who have moved on beyond 2nd wave feminism which was about equal rights, to third wave feminism, which is about gynocracy, e.g. the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, and the financial massacring of millions of men). Masculists get on the media and educate young men not to marry, don't have kids, avoid fluffies like the plague. Masculists destroy the reputations on the media of fluffie feminist and male feminist politicians who go along with the fluffie feminist agenda of gynocracy. Ten years from now, there will be such a shortage of traditional robot males, that todays fluffie feminists will be declaring themselves antifeminists so that they can be more competitive with the millions of other fluffies all competing for the dwindling supply of robot males so that they can exploit them, to rob them of their money in the divorce courts. In short, the 2010s is the decade of male rebellion. It is the decade of the masculists and MGTOWs, who refuse the traditional robot male role of paying for women. Soon, there will be so many millions of masculists and MGTOWs that any woman who gets the reputation of being a fluffie in her social circle, will be given the kiss of death in terms of her getting a man. No masculist or MGTOW will go near her. They will see her as toxic and will cause her to rot on the shelf. Masculists push the idea that men are the superior sex, based on scientific findings. Men outperform women on virtually any scientific criterion you choose. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so it is to be expected that 99% of science Nobel prizes are won by men. Men have a much higher testosterone level than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more persistent and complete tough tasks better than women. Men build the world, and invent everything. We are the superior sex and should be admired for that. We can do things women cant, e.g. write symphonies, win Nobels, invent the transistor, the computer, build the skyscrapers, we make the world run. The only critical function women play in the world is to grow the next generation, but soon male inventive genius will create sex robots that males will prefer to fuck rather than real women, and invent artificial wombs, so that men can create their own babies without the toxic risk of the divorce courts controlled by fluffie feminist judges and lawyers. These divorce courts need to be purged by the masculists, as well as the fluffie feminist gender politicians who changed the divorce laws to favor women, and to wipe out men financially. Men are waking up in their millions and getting very angry. God help women and politicians when men get collectively angry. A few weeks ago I was at a meeting where a feminist was talking. She was dumping on men publicly, to a mixed audience. It was obvious to me that she had never been confronted by an articulate, informed very angry masculist before. I blew her away in a 10 minute tirade. She was utterly demolished, deeply profoundly hurt, as I said to her that she was an example of the type of woman that masculists and MGTOWs first choose to reject, followed of course by the fluffies, who are the main enemy of the masculists. I turned to the audience and addressed myself to the young women in the audience and said that I pitied them, because they would be the main victims of male rebellion. Men would simply not go near them if they were career incompetent fluffies. I told them about Japan. I could see from the reaction of these young women, that they were truly shocked. There was a deathly silence after I finished my tirade. The masculist message had penetrated. It was clear to me that women are scared of the rise of male rebellion against the traditional robot male (slave to women) role. They could see that they would have to be FIPs and pay their own way or be manless. That scared a lot of them, because so many of them are studying economically useless (career incompetent) subjects. (The talk was at a local university.) Feminism teaches women equal rights. Masculism teaches them equal obligations (i.e. sharing the burden of earning the living with men, and not parasiting on them.) The heavy price that women are increasingly paying for dominating the fluffie feminist divorce courts is that men are simply refusing to marry, refusing to give women kids. Today, a THIRD of young Jap men are doing this, and the west is going the same way. Soon it will be a half of men, forcing women to adapt or be left rotting on the shelf. Soon, men in audiences will be literally throwing rotten tomatoes at fluffie feminists and angrily shouting them off the stage, and rightly so, because this is the decade of male rebellion. We are angry, we are fed up, and we are militant. Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ (see the masculist essays tab)I/210 FIPping the Females (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer shows how masculists plan to force women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) by totally ignoring them if they are not. Masculists are very moralistic with women, telling them to FIPup or rot on the shelf, for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.FIPPING THE FEMALESProf. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ I've been giving a bit more thought to the longer term consequences of the rise of MGTOWs, masculists, women becoming FIPs (financially independent persons) and the growing moral pressure of masculists on women to be FIPs (or they won’t get a man.) In many countries, the proportion of women at university is higher and becoming a lot higher, than men, e.g. in the US it is now about 65% or more and constantly rising. Admittedly, about half of these female university students are studying career incompetent, fluffified subjects (a fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to parasite off the money of a robot male (a traditional male who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife)) but generally speaking women are becoming more and more FIP, which is great, it is what the masculists really want. Being a FIP, and having the self-image of being a FIP, is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a masculist to have a relationship with a woman. MGTOWs don't even do that, they simply refuse to have relationships with women, period. Masculists are prepared to have relationships with women and have kids, provided that their female partners are FIPs and that the gender laws have been made menfair, which is far from being the case today, given the takeover of the divorce courts by fluffie feminists (feminists who have had their feminist consciousness raised but not their masculist consciousness raised, who still have traditional fluffie attitudes towards men, i.e. seeing them as exploitable check books. There is still a lot of reform in the gender laws that is needed before masculists will consider having relationships with women, e.g. the creation of a parer (paternity rejection right) equivalent to the female marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion), and a host of other legal and social discriminations against men. Sooner or later men will have to get back to having babies, or our populations will die out, as is already happening with the young generation (70% of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry or have kids.) Women are becoming more FIP every year, and acquire the habit and self-image of being FIPs. FIP women are much less likely to parasite on men, and fleece them via the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. Once the fluffie feminists have been purged from the divorce courts, as must happen by the gender politicians, or populations get wiped out, then having a relationship with a woman, and having a kid with her will become a LOT LESS TOXIC for a man, so they will become more inclined to see women as less toxic, less dangerous, so after a divorce they will not fear losing their kids, their house, their income and having to pay for a parasitic fluffie ex-wife who has no moral or legal obligations on her to force her to get off her fat parasitic arse and pull her weight financially by getting educated and earning a good salary, and stop leeching off a man. So, with more women becoming FIPs, and more and more men becoming masculists and MGTOWs, the days of the fluffies are limited. They are dying out. They are being seen increasingly for what they are, as immoral, as parasites, as slavers of men, as vermin, to be wiped out. The message is getting out. "If you (a female) want to have a man, have a career" "Fluffies will rot on the shelf" Women are hearing this message and want in increasing numbers to be FIPs. They know that men are less and less inclined to be robot males. They know the supply of robot males is drying up, so if they want to eat, they will not be able to parasite off a robot male the way their mothers did. They are now more and more conscious that the choice is between becoming a FIP or being poor and manless, loveless, sexless and especially childless - a bleak choice, so they become FIPs. Soon, there will be so few robot males, that the competition amongst fluffies and fluffie feminists for them will be so fierce, that those fluffies and fluffie feminists who start declaring themselves anti-feminists will be at an advantage in attracting robot males, as robot males do not want a relationship with a male dumping misandrist fluffie feminist bitch. A decade from now nearly all fluffies and fluffie feminists will be declaring themselves (publicly at least) to be anti-feminist, (but perhaps remaining crypto-feminists privately.) Masculists will increase the moral pressure on society that women are to be FIPs or women will be shunned morally by an increasingly hostile culture that sees fluffies as slavers of men, and hence indirectly as exterminators of whole populations, since it is the toxicity of marriage and the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts that has caused the birth rate to crash. So, longer term, fluffies will die out. Fluffie feminists will die out. Women will nearly all be FIPs, and the gender politicians will have made the gender laws menfair, so that the population can stop crashing, due to men being more willing to have relationships with women and have kids. How long will all this take? Hard to say. I suspect that within a decade being a fluffie will be considered TABOO by society. To be labelled a fluffie will be the kiss of death to a woman who hopes to get a man. Everyone will be educated into the idea that women must be FIPs or rot on the shelf, or be spat at by both sexes as being slavers of men, as being immoral parasites. How long before the gender politicians reform the gender laws, the divorce courts, create a Parer, etc? That depends on how quickly the masculists can organize and put real political pressure on the gender politicians, and can influence the broadcast media strongly. So the timing depends on the level of political commitment of the masculists. The MGTOWs are political pygmies, who just walk away quietly and individually from the marriage market, so they cannot be relied upon to push the gender politicians to make society menfair. BUT, as millions of men go MGTOW, that will have political consequences, because sooner or later the gender politicians will wake up and ask, what's happening to the birth rate? These MGTOWs are the greatest threat to humanity that has ever existed, because they have the power to wipe out whole populations. This trend MUST BE STOPPED, so sooner or later they will start to address men's problems. Sandman, although an archetypical MGTOW is very political, because he devotes his life to churning out a MGTOW video daily, influencing a growing number of men to become MGTOW, and indirectly, putting the fear of god into fluffies, who are afraid that they will not be able to find a robot male to parasite upon, because the supply of them is drying up fast due to the ideological influence of the masculists and MGTOWs. In short, the days of the fluffies and the fluffie feminists are limited. Their ideologies will become a historical backwater, as the real power of the masculists and MGTOWs to crash the birthrate takes center stage and forces the necessary reforms to make society menfair. I/213 From Masculist Vision to Masculist Agenda (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how the main vision of the masculists, i.e. the creation of a “FIP Society” which would solve so many of men’s gender issues, can be achieved through the masculist agenda of putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up or be punished by men by not having one, and then menfairing the gender laws in a culture thoroughly educated by masculists into masculist ideas.FROM MASCULIST VISION TO MASCULIST AGENDAProf. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube Channels “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”“de Garis Essays”Masculism is men’s lib, i.e. a social and political movement that aims to liberate men from manslavery (i.e. working for women), from grossly menunfair gender laws, etc. Masculism has a vision, namely to create a “FIP Society” i.e. one in which both sexes, particularly young women, are socialized by their parents, and taught by their teachers to become FIPs (financially independent persons) so that they do not parasite off the labor of another person, usually a man.Masculists are very conscious that so many of men’s gender problems would be solved if we lived in a “FIP Society,” for example, the horrors now occurring for men in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts would disappear if all women were FIPs, the Parer (paternity rejection right) would be legislated, the gender laws would be made menfair across the board, etc. Thus masculists place powerful moral and psychological pressure on women to “FIP up” or be punished by not getting a man.The broad political goal, i.e. one of the main visions of the masculists, is to wipe out manslavery, worldwide, this century, by wiping out the fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off a man’s money.)The masculists see the creation of a “FIP Society” as the means to create a “Gender Egalitarian Society” in which both sexes are given equal rights, as well as accepting as a moral principle to share equally the burdens, particularly, the burden of earning the living, and bothering to get a career competent education, enabling individuals of both sexes to become FIPs as adults and pull their weight financially, without hoping to parasite off the labor of another person, which is so characteristic of fluffies, who with the fluffie feminists and fluffie feminist gender politicians, are the principle enemies of the masculists.To achieve this vision of freeing men from manslavery and from the menunfair gender laws, the masculists have an extensive agenda that they need to implement to achieve their vision.The first item on the masculist agenda is education. The general public needs to be educated into masculist ideas, so that men can get collectively angry and then push their masculist agenda to completion.To educate the public, masculist leaders need to write masculist books, and to approach the broadcast journalists so that masculist ideas can be presented to the millions, the masses, so that nearly everyone becomes familiar with the core ideas of the masculists, e.g. that women should become FIPs or be punished by rotting on the shelf, that the blatantly men unfair gender laws, e.g. regarding divorce, the lack of a Parer, etc be scrapped, etc.Masculists need to help set up masculist groups in every college and high school, so that student masculists can put powerful moral pressure on young women to FIPup, or be punished by not having a man, not getting sexed, nor even getting a date. Women need to be taught that they have a moral obligation to get a career competent education, or run the serious risk of being despised by men for being a hated fluffie, and hence ignored by men.There is a long way to go in this regard, because three quarters of young women of age 16 at high school, currently choose to study what the masculists call “fluffie crap” i.e. the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy majors that are based on memory work, rather than on logic and abstract thought, such as math and the sciences. These “fluffie crappers” are then excluded at college and university from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) majors and the professions, because they did not study the appropriate prerequisite majors at high school, so they end up with a “fluffie crap diploma” that the economy does not value, so that these female students then end up with rather poorly paid jobs in their 20s. When they get into their 30s and their biological clocks are ticking hard, they will then look around for some gullible manslave to parasite upon, to have him pay for the middle class house that she wants to raise HER kids in.Such fluffie women, need to be made conscious by the masculists, that the supply of such gullible manslaves is drying up, thanks to the ideological influence of the masculists and MGTOWs who are now very conscious of the horrific abuse committed against them in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, which are so toxic for men, that in a string of major countries (e.g. the US, Japan, Germany etc) two thirds of young men under 35 now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, utterly rejecting traditional marriage because the fluffie feminist hypocrites have made marriage so toxic for men that few men want to marry nowadays.Masculists use a combination of tactics to persuade women to become FIPs. One is moral pressure, telling women, that they have a moral duty to FIP up. The other is with threats. If women don’t get a career competent education, so that they become FIPs as adults, then they will be punished by not getting a man. Masculist influence is persuading men that it is definitely not in their self-interest to have relationships with fluffie parasites, who will drag married fathers, with a one in four chance, to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and financially massacre these men, ripping their kids from them with a 90% probability, taking half the man’s possessions, and his house so that she, the fluffie ex-wife can raise HER kids in it, forcing him to pay child payments to kids he will barely see, maybe two afternoons a month, and often forced to pay alimony to a fluffie ex-wife so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce, with no moral or legal obligation or moral pressure on her to FIP up and get a job.Masculists educate the public, how taboo it is for women to be fluffies. Masculists label fluffies “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” to be wiped out, by being forced to rot on the shelf, so that their fluffie genes are removed from the gene pool. Already two thirds of young men reject fluffies, and in a decade that figure will probably be over 90%, so that women who are fluffies, having studied fluffie crap, will become manless, loveless, sexless, childless, poor, and increasingly spat at. Masculists really need to harangue fluffies and the fluffie feminist hypocrites to FIP up or pay a heavy price.Masculists teach men that men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up, because nearly all men are FIPs. Men are socialized to be FIPs, and do not need to parasite financially off a woman to survive financially. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave, but the supply of manslaves has almost dried up.Masculists display a particular venom towards the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, who have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness raised, because most feminists (whom the masculists tend to label “feminazis”) have not even heard of masculism nor MGTOW (men going their own way) i.e. men who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. Thus fluffie feminists, by default, still have traditional attitudes towards men, i.e. they see men as exploitable cash machines to be abused in the divorce courts. MGTOWs are reacting against the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the fluffie feminists, who see men as subhuman cash machines to be abused by fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers, the second most hated category of women, by the masculists.Masculists harangue the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites with real venom, using their superior male intellects and greater male verbal aggression, to make it perfectly clear to these feminazis that men see them as hypocrites, to be removed from power, because they have made men’s lives a misery. No culture that financially massacres and destroys the lives of a quarter of its fathers, can survive. Sooner or later, men’s patience and tolerance for these feminazi bitches will snap, and then men will take up arms and start murdering thousands of these fluffie feminist hypocrite divorce court judges and lawyers. There will be a sex war.The most hated category of women, by the masculists, are the gender politicians, who with their limited political horizons, extending only to the next election, gave the feminist lobby what it wanted in the 1970s, i.e. to have the best of both worlds for women, i.e. to be given equal rights with men, and to reject equal obligations with men in sharing the burden of earning the living. These gender politicians passed the grossly menunfair divorce laws in the 1970s which are now destroying our culture. If a sex war breaks out, the gender politicians will be the first to be targeted, put on a black list and crossed off, i.e. assassinated, murdered, along with the fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers.Masculists aim to put such powerful moral pressure on women that parents socialize their daughters to FIP up or be socially rejected not only by men, but by society in general. The masculists need to create a powerful social ethic, a cultural expectation, that it is taboo for a young woman to be a lazy, parasitic fluffie who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money. The principle political aim of the masculists is to wipe out such women, forcing them to FIP up, or they won’t get a man, and hence will rot on the shelf.Once society is well educated about masculist ideas and goals, the next major step is to menfair the gender laws. Male voters need to be encouraged by masculists to “bloc vote” as men, to push for the menfairing of the gender laws that are so heavily biased in favor of women, e.g. the horrors of the divorce courts for men, and the lack of the Parer (paternity rejection right, which would allow a man the legal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, so that if the woman proceeds with the pregnancy, then the full costs of the kid fall legally onto her. The fact that women have a legislated Marer (maternity rejection right) usually called the abortion right, but men have no Parer, is the most blatant example of sexual discrimination against men that exists, that ruins millions of men’s lives every year when women lie to their men about taking contraception, then get pregnant, and force the man to pay for a kid that only SHE wants. Masculists want this kind of female criminality stopped.Masculist parliamentary committees need to be set up that create menfair legislation systematically across the board, so that men’s rights are respected equally with women’s. For example, men are more punished for identical crimes, than women. Women retire earlier than men but live longer. Women get more research dollars for breast cancer than men get for prostate cancer. Men suicide at four times the rate of women, but society does not care. This needs to change. There is a 6 year life expectancy difference between the sexes, due mostly to the very negative influence of cigarettes on men, so the tobacco companies need to be put out of business. Women should be encouraged to accept the higher paying more dangerous jobs, e.g. in construction, military combat etc.Fluffie feminists have taken over the primary and secondary schools preaching their ideas to boys and young men, making them feel they are the inferior sex. Masculists, as part of their education agenda, need to teach society that in fact, men are the superior sex, because men outperform women at the top end of the scale in virtually everything. Everyone needs to be taught by the masculists that men’s average IQ is 4 points higher than women’s, that men have an IQ variance that is 10% higher than women’s, so the morons and the genii are males, so that it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. The fluffie feminist dogma that men are a dumber bumbling sex as portrayed on the media has to be stopped. It is not only demeaning to men, it is also a lie, which the masculists hate the fluffie feminists for spreading.The masculists need to combat the heavy PC (political correctness) attitudes of the fluffie feminists by pushing PR (politically realist) attitudes hard instead, teaching the public that men are the superior sex as shown clearly by science. Little boys are currently being brain washed by feminist teachers and feminist controlled broadcast media that they are evil, that it is not good to be male. This has to be stopped, and the scientific realities need to replace this feminazi brainwashing.Masculists have a heavy task ahead of themselves. There are many things to do. A whole world society needs to be taught that women must work, become career competent, and to no longer expect to be able to parasite off a man. Powerful moral and political pressure needs to come from men to force women to FIP up, or be punished. The gender laws need to be made menfair, but since this is in many respects a zero sum game for the fluffie feminists, the fluffie feminazis will have to be fought by the masculists, so these feminazis need to be harangued and blown away by very angry verbally aggressive masculists, who accuse these feminazi bitches of hypocrisy and far more seriously, of indirectly being genociders, because it is the fluffie feminists who indirectly are causing the population to die out, because they have made the divorce courts so toxic for men, that young men are now refusing paternity on a massive scale. The genocidal fluffie feminist hypocrites obviously have to be stopped, so the masculists need to go to war against both them and against the fluffie feminist gender politicians, who will have to be replaced in order to menfair the gender laws. If the current divorce court system continues, there will be a sex war, and these hated gender politicians and fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers will be murdered in their 1000s by murderously angry divorce massacred ex fathers.Masculists need to set up large men’s studies courses at universities, and masculist professors need to write books about men’s issues to educate young men and young women, about men’s problems. If the feminazi bitches get violent in opposing this, then the masculists need to retaliate in like kind, by for example, bitch slapping these women. Any woman who has ever been bitch slapped by a man once, will never want to have the same experience a second time, because men are three times stronger across the chest than women, so when a woman feels the full male force of his palm on her cheek, she will be thrown across the room, an extremely painful experience, never to be repeated again. Feminazis who hypocritically think that they have the right to slap a man they don’t agree with but are appalled when the masculist she is criticizing slaps her right back, ought to be slapped twice, once for being slapped by her in the first place, and twice, for her gender hypocrisy.In short, there is a ton to do for the masculists. At the current time (2017) the masculists are only in the early education stage. The whole of society needs to be “masculisted,” to be educated into masculist ideas, so that men can be freed from manslavery, so that fluffies and fluffie feminists can be wiped out, so that men can live in a “FIP Society,” a “Gender Egalitarian Society.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”)I/216 Female Intellectual Inferiority : Basic Facts (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lists how men are intellectually superior to women, thus providing intellectual ammunition to be memorized by men who are fed up with the isscienate fairy PC bullshit coming from feminazi propaganda. Men can use their superior intelligences and much more verbally violent abilities to blow away these feminazi bitches.FEMALE INTELLECTUAL INFERIORITY :BASIC FACTSWomen are the inferior sex. Men outperform woman at the top end of the scale in virtually any measurable quantity. This flyer is devoted to providing proof and intellectual ammunition to men who are fed up with the isscienate fairy PC bullshit of the feminazis, so that men can harangue back at the fluffie feminist hypocrites with masculist ideas using superior male intelligence and verbal violence.The basic facts in bulleted form are provided first, followed by some elaboration.Men have 10 billion more neurons in their brains than women.The average male IQ is about 4 points higher than the average female IQ.Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women.Men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes.Males have a much higher level of testosterone in their blood.The female contribution to world intellect is a few percent at best.Women invent almost nothing, create almost nothing, build almost nothing.If you are confronted by an arrogant feminazi bitch who genuinely believes her feminist propaganda that women are superior to men, then you can prick her isscienate arrogance with the above facts, that you would do well to memorize, since they may be useful to you.Personally I’m get really pissed by isscienate (i.e. ignorant of science, unable to reason scientifically) fairies (i.e. living in a fairy land, believing what they want to believe, without evidence) feminazis, who live in their PC fairyland, so the masculist scientist in me (i.e. the PhDed full research professor) smashes these feminazi bitches, with real masculist venom with male logic and factuality. I hate PCers. I hate their values. I care more for realities, than diplomatic lies. I’m PR (politically realist) and have no qualms saying things like “Blacks are the dumbest people in the world. Jews are history’s most hated people. The genii are males” for the simple reason that all three statements are true, as shown by the scientific evidence and by the historical realities.So here are the elaborations of the above 7 basic facts of male intellectual superiority over women.Men have 10 billion more neurons in their brains than women.It is well known in neuroscience that women’s brains have about 10% less volume than men’s. It is less well known that brain cells of a given type (e.g. neurons, glia) have the same size across all mammals. From this one can easily deduce that men have 10% more brain cells in their skulls than women, i.e. about 10 billion more, so it is to be expected that men can do things that women can’t, e.g. see items 6 and 7.The average male IQ is about 4 points higher than the average female IQ.Prof. Rushton looked at 50,000 SAT (Student Aptitude Tests i.e. US university entrance exams) for men, and 50,000 for women, and came to this conclusion. Independently, Prof. Lynn came to a similar result. You can YouTube these two names for details.Males have a 10% higher IQ variance than women.Men’s IQ scores are more spread out over the whole population, millions of people, so that the morons and the genii are male, so item 4 is to be expected. This is an example of the general principle of GMV (greater male variance) for any sexually dimorphic species (i.e. where the male and female of the species have different shapes). It is a biology wide phenomenon.Men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes.Women have won a pathetic 1% of the science Nobel prizes, i.e. almost no contribution to scientific knowledge. The genii are males. It’s a similar story with mathematics. Virtually all the major math prizes (Fields Medal, Abel Prize) have been won by men.Males have a much higher level of testosterone in their blood.The hormone testosterone makes men more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, so they are much more likely to complete difficult tasks than women, who are more wishy washy and give up more easily. It is therefore not surprising that men’s performance record is greatly superior to women’s. Look at the Who’s Who books to see how dominant men are at achieving greatness.The female contribution to world intellect is a few percent at best.The female contribution to world intellect is negligible. The term female philosopher is an oxymoron. When was the last time you had a truly intellectual conversation with a female? Women lack curiosity, travel far less than men, especially on their own.Women invent almost nothing, create almost nothing, build almost nothing.Given that women have 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains, it is to be expected that women don’t invent anything, build anything, create anything. Name a world class female classical music composer. Where are the female chess grand masters, etc. There is a long list of fields in which women contribute almost nothing, due to their intellectual inferiority compared to men.I suggest you memorize these points and then use them as intellectual masculist ammunition, when the time comes to prick the arrogant feminazi bubble of some insufferable fluffie feminist hypocrite, who is too stupid and ignorant to know the above, and instead believes the feminazi, isscienate fairy PC bullshit that feminism has brainwashed into her. Good luck.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels : “de Garis masculist MGTOW flyers” “Hugo de Garis”)I/295 “MASCULISM : Men’s Rebellion against Manslaving Women” (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This is the first de Garis Masculist MGTOW flyer that I have produced since migrating to Melbourne Australia from Xiamen China. I lived 12 years in China. I moved because my second Chinese wife and I lost interest in each other, so I had to move for marriage visa reasons (and increasingly slow Chinese internet speeds, using a VPN). Now that I’m back in my first culture, largely for pension reasons, with immediate access to the culture and the language, I will be able to test whether I am capable of bringing masculist thinking to Australia (that I already did in western Europe in the early 1980s in 7 countries (Belgium, Holland, France, UK, Germany, Denmark, Australia) in 4 languages (English, French, German, Dutch) with over 150 media appearances) , changing the zeitgeist, by bringing the masculist message to the broadcast media, via university student newspapers/magazines. This flyer is an essay that I’m aiming to have published in university campus student newspapers magazines across the country. It is a crystallization of masculist ideas, aimed at university students to teach them that gender oppression is NOT a one way street, and that if women don’t vote with men to menfair the gender laws, then men will punish women severely by refusing to give them babies. Women will then be forced to choose between giving up their privileges in the divorce courts, or having babies. I’m hoping that if my angry masculist approach really flies with the mass media, then I can serve as a model to other masculist leaders in other countries to take the same angry masculist approach, in order to change public attitudes towards two way gender oppression, and then to menfair the gender laws and to create a FIP Society.MASCULISMMen’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to WomenProf. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Introduction The word “masculist” is the obvious male equivalent of the word “feminist.” Masculism is “men’s lib,” which does the same kind of thing for men as feminism does for women, i.e. it aims to liberate men from men unfair gender laws and to free men from the oppressive aspects of the traditional male role, e.g. being manslaves to women. If you’re a feminist reading this, you are probably asking yourself “What on earth do men have to be liberated from? Men are the privileged sex. We live in a male dominated society, a patriarchy, so how can so-called masculism have any credible basis?” This rather longish essay, aims to teach you the core ideas of masculism, and to persuade both men and women, that gender oppression is not a one way street. Off the bat, I don’t deny that men oppress women in many instances. In fact, if I were female, I would probably be a feminist, a second wave feminist, i.e. believing in equal rights for women, equal access to the professions, equal opportunities for women, the legal right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, etc. However, as a masculist, I DO deny the opinion of many feminists that women do NOT oppress men. As this essay will show clearly, women do oppress men, and badly. But I’m getting ahead of myself. A lot of feminists feel threatened by the rise and rise of the MGTOW and masculist movements. If you’ve not familiar with the MGTOW movement, M.G.T.O.W. stands for “men going their own way”. They are an important branch of the men’s lib movement. MGTOWs are men who reject marriage, reject paternity, and spend their money on themselves, doing what they love, rather than being manslaves to women, running a one in four risk of losing his kids and being financially massacred in the “fluffie feminist” dominated divorce courts. (See below for the definition of the word “fluffie.”) This essay takes the form of a glossary of masculist terms, which as a whole, give a pretty coherent picture of what the masculists are espousing. Glossary of Masculist Terms Masculist = A men’s libber, a person (male or female) who wants men to be freed from the oppressions of the traditional male role and who wants the gender laws “menfaired.” Masculism = The ideology of the masculists, the male equivalent of feminism. FIP = F.I.P. = financially independent person, i.e. a person who has bothered to get a career competent education that the economy values and pays well for, who expects NOT to parasite off the money of a man. Fluffie = a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man. The word is based on the word “fluff” with connotations of being light, not serious, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP. Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, who label them “immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin” to be wiped out by totally ignoring them, forcing them to rot on the shelf. Men, who invent everything, have given women the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education, a life expectancy in the 80s and soon the 90s, so even women who have their 2 kids, have a career window of some 4 decades, so the masculists point the finger at them, and say “Now that women CAN work, they MUST work. Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men!” Masculists see manslavery as slavery, slavery rouses passions, slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies (and fluffie feminists), aiming to wipe them out, forcing women to FIP up (i.e. become FIPs), or not get a man. FIP Society = A culture in which both sexes are socialized by parents and educated by teachers to “FIP up”, i.e. to become FIPs and not expect to live off the labor of another person. Masculist theorists are very conscious that the creation of a FIP Society would go a long way towards resolving most of men’s gender role problems. Fluffie FIP = a FIP woman in terms of her career, but who still has traditional expectations of men, i.e. she still sees men as “cash machines,” who exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. EMO FIP = a FIP woman who has “equal moral obligations” i.e. she feels morally obliged to be a FIP, and would feel ashamed to be a fluffie, parasiting off the labor of a man, not pulling her own financial weight. Fluffie Feminist = A feminist who has had her feminist consciousness raised, but not her masculist consciousness raised, because she knows nothing about masculism, so by default, still has traditional expectations of men, i.e. seeing men as “cash machines” to pay for women. Masculists are particularly hostile towards “fluffie feminists” seeing them as hypocrites, who want equal rights in the parliaments but behave as fluffies in the divorce courts, i.e. wanting equal rights with men, but rejecting equal obligations with men, i.e. sharing the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a career competent education to become a FIP as an adult. Toxic Divorce Courts = The divorce courts have been taken over by the fluffie feminists, who have made them so toxic for males (see below) that they have sporned the MGTOW movement. MARER = maternity rejection right = a.k.a. abortion right, the legal right of a woman to terminate an unwanted (by her) pregnancy, a core achievement of the feminist movement in the 70s. PARER = paternity rejection right = the not yet legal right of a man to reject an unwanted (by him) pregnancy. By filling in a paternity rejection form, he frees himself from the obligation to pay for a kid he does not want. If the mother goes ahead with the pregnancy, she will have full financial responsibility of the kid. The lack of a Parer is THE most blatant example of sexual discrimination that exists, and it is not directed at women but at men. (See below.) MGTOW = men going their own way = a branch of the men’s lib movement who quietly, passively, walk away from marriage and paternity, spending their money on themselves. The rise of the MGTOW movement is due largely to the toxicity of the divorce courts as taken over by the fluffie feminists. GENDER Politician = A politician who make laws applicable to the genders, e.g. the politicians who made the profoundly misandrist divorce laws that are so destructive to men and hence to society, indirectly wiping out whole populations. Gender Crime = A crime committed by one gender on the other, e.g. women lying to men about being on the pill, getting pregnant against the man’s will, then slamming a paternity suit on him, forcing him to pay for a kid he does not want, thus ruining his life. For women, an obvious example would be - rape. Men-Fairing = the verb to make the gender laws fair to men, by removing customs that are oppressive to men (e.g. being manslaves to women), by creating a FIP Society. First Halver/Second Halver Men = Men living the first/second half of their lives, i.e. men under/over 40. Most MGTOWs are first halver men so tend to ignore the gender plight of second halver men for the obvious reason that these first halver MGTOWs have not lived long enough. ARCing = after retirement careering. One of the attractions for men of being MGTOW is that they can refocus their lives away from being manslaves to women, i.e. paying for women to live in middle class houses, raising HER kids. MGTOWs can spend their money on themselves, save and invest heavily early in life, retire around 40, then live the second half of their lives doing what THEY want to do, and not what some nagging wife/femalien wants them to do. Sex War = If the toxicity of the divorce courts continues, so many young men will have gone MGTOW that whole populations will be wiped out within a mere century. Responsible males, masculist soldiers, will not tolerate this, so if the gender politicians do NOT menfair the gender laws, e.g. in the divorce courts, bringing in the Parer etc, then there may be a sex war in which masculist soldiers assassinate gender politicians, murder thousands of feminist divorce court lawyers and judges, even shooting feminists in the street, to ensure that whole populations are not wiped out. Feminazi Genociders = The fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males that now 2/3 of young men in many countries under 35 refuse to marry and refuse to have kids. With the young generation reproducing only a third of their number, then within a mere century, whole populations will be wiped out. A century is four generations, so a third of a third of a third of a third is about 1%, so the other 99% dies off and the population has been destroyed. In the eyes of the masculists, this makes the hated fluffie feminists, genociders, because they are the root cause of the MGTOW paternity strike. Young women are seeing this too, and are learning to hate the fluffie feminists as much as men do, because young quality men refuse to give them their sperm, so young women can’t have babies. Young women are now panicking over this in ever growing numbers. Twaytweffing = 2A2Fing (i.e. two apartments, two FIPs) is a relationship in which both the man and the woman have their own apartments, and both are FIPs. They see each other on a regular basis, thus providing the man with the regular sex he needs, without paying the traditional price of being a manslave, i.e. working for a fluffie. Twaytweffing forces the woman to be nice to the man, because if she is not, if she starts nagging, withholding sex, or tries to control him, he can so easily “walk away,” thus forcing her to be permanently nice to him, or she loses him. The reverse is also true of course, so the relationship is much more civil, more cordial. Hypergamy = the instinct of females to mate, to marry UP, i.e. to a superior male who can supply her with his superior DNA, which will give her children superior DNA, which is good for the human species. Women evolved to coldly, disloyally, quickly dump her man if he stopped providing her and her babies with scarce male hunted meat. Her survival and that of her babies depended on her being like this. Fluffie Crap = the “soft option” majors at high school, i.e. intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, memory based, non analytical subjects, studied by the majority (3/4) of young women in the senior years of high school, dooming them to become fluffies and not FIPs. Fluffie Crappers = young women who choose to study fluffie crap at high school, so are then obliged to study more fluffie crap at university, because they lack the analytical prerequisites (e.g. math and the sciences) to study STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) at university, nor the professions, so end up with a fluffie crap diploma that the economy does NOT value, so in her 30s, suffering “baby rabies” she will look around for some gullible manslave to parasite upon so that he pays for her to raise HER kids in a middle class house that HE pays for. Divorce Rape = when a man is financially massacred and has his life ruined in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system. He typically loses his kids with a 90% probability, loses half his stuff to his fluffie ex wife, loses his house to her so she can raise HER kids in it, and if the ex-wife is a real fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony so that she can remain a parasite off him after the divorce, the way she was before the divorce, with no moral nor legal obligations on her to FIP-up and get a decent job. Modern marriage is now so toxic for males, that MGTOWs and masculists strongly urge young men NOT to marry, NOT to have kids, because if they are silly enough to do so, then they will face a one in four chance of being financially crucified in the divorce courts, ruining his life. Only a small minority of men marries and has kids nowadays. The Red Pill = the core idea of the MGTOWs, taken by analogy from the movie “The Matrix”, i.e. the idea that “women don’t love men unconditionally, the way men do women (more so). If a man loses his sexploitability by a woman, she will coldly, quickly, disloyally dump him in favor of a more sexploitable male, who CAN provide her with resources for her and her babies. The red pill is very difficult to swallow for men, who have been brainwashed to believe that women love men, but they don’t, not the way men do. Red Pill Rage = This is the rage men feel when they finally wake up to the reality that women love men conditionally, who will quickly dump a man who does not fulfill her hypergamous instincts. If a more sexploitable man realistically comes along, a woman will simply dump her current man and offer her vagina to the more sexploitable man. Femaliens = Masculists see women as female aliens, with minds evolved for different purposes, who think differently, judge the world differently, have 10% smaller brains, different values, and priorities. Men have been forced until recently to be nice to women, because “men want to fuck them.” Once the sexbots and the artwombs (see just below) arrive, then men will find the femalien nature of women far less acceptable and will ignore women in droves. Sexbots = sex robots for men – life size, lifelike, with film star faces, luscious curves, creamy, grippy vaginas, and increasingly equipped with the latest AI (artificial intelligence) so that men can talk to their bots who have market driven, pleasant personalities, that men vote with their dollars to buy. Early versions of sexbots are coming onto the market now. Artwombs = artificial wombs. Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artwomb, so human babies are not far off. Once men can grow their own kids, and prefer to sex their bots instead of fat or obese women, feminism will disappear overnight, and women will be clawing at each other in desperate competition for men’s dwindling attention. NAWALT = A MGTOW term meaning “not all women are like that” i.e. there are some “unicorn” women out there who do not have the usual female qualities, i.e. are not parasitic, not hypergamous, not sexploitative, etc. MGTOWs insist on the “awalt” nature of women. MRM = men’s rights movement, a US men’s lib movement using largely the law to menfair the gender laws, e.g. pushing for joint custody by default of kids after a divorce. Feminazi = a particularly obnoxious form of feminist, whom men despise. The masculists claim that “No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi, bitch. Such women rot on the shelf, being utterly repulsive to men, who punish them by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them. Their feminazi bitch genes are then removed from the gene pool.” Political Wimps = This is a masculist term for MGTOWs who are apolitically passive, who quietly walk away from marriage and paternity, who are unwilling to fight politically, unlike the masculists, who are very angry, and confrontational with the fluffies and fluffie feminists, who push for the menfairing of the gender laws and the creation of a FIP Society. Male Frontal Lobe Switch-off = Men are handicapped by nature, in the sense that when a man sees his regular female sexual partner, the frontal lobes of his brain switch off. The frontal lobes are responsible for planning and critical thinking. Nature evolved a man’s brain to make it easier for a woman to sexploit him, by giving him lots of sex early in the relationship, so that his frontal lobes switch off, so that she can then control him much more easily, making it easier for her to extract male hunted protein and resources from him, for her and her babies, who depend for their very survival on his ability to bring home the bacon. All men need to recognize this phenomenon and be warned about it. The MGTOW 51% Female Voter Argument = The MGTOWs argue that since women are the majority of voters and that more women vote than men, that the gender politicians will ALWAYS vote in favor of women, otherwise, women will bloc vote them out of power. The MGTOWs claim that this critical argument makes political action on the part of the masculists and MRMs, a waste of time, and that the only effective action for MGTOWs is to walk away from marriage and paternity, thus crashing the culture, forcing the menfairing of the gender laws. Masculist Refutation of the 51% Female Voter Argument = The masculists refute this argument that holds so much sway with the MGTOWs by saying that if women don’t vote with men to menfair the gender laws, then masculists will simply use MGTOW tactics to punish women by not giving them babies, which is ultimately what women most desperately want. Women will prefer to have babies by menfairing the gender laws with men, than to keep their privileges in the divorce courts that currently so massacre men and ruin their lives (i.e. one married father in four). Female Intellectual Inferiority = The masculists use science to show that women are intellectually genetically inferior to men, and hence masculists can crush any pretense on the part of the feminists to claim that women are men’s equals. The most damning fact about women is their 10% smaller brains, which is a lot, like taking an ice-cream scoop out of the male brain, i.e. 10 billion fewer neurons, i.e. 10% less neural processing capacity, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, and that women don’t invent much, don’t build much, don’t create much. Women have a 10% smaller IQ variance. (See the GMV definition just below), so that the morons and the genii are males. Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are much more aggressive, more ambitious, driven, dogged and achieve difficult tasks much more readily than women. All cultures know this, which is why boy babies are more valued than girl babies. A boy baby is much more likely to grow up to be a highly valued member of the culture than a girl baby who will be just another baby factory and child raiser, which is a vital function, but is not status worthy, because any woman can do those things. GMV (Greater Male Variance) = Men have only one X chromosome in their cells, and women two. There are many more recessive genes than dominant genes, so a greater variety of genes get expressed (used) in men than women, so on just about anything measurable, men will show a greater (population wide) variance than women, e.g. the 10% greater IQ variance of men over women, which explains why men dominate everything. The feminists are right when they talk about the “patriarchy”. To the feminists, the patriarchy is an institution they want removed. To masculists, it is a genetic fact that will not go away, until women are genetically engineered. Female Masculists = Increasingly now, young women are learning to hate the feminazis as much as men do, because they are waking up to the idea that it is due to the takeover of the divorce courts by the fluffie feminists, that quality young men refuse to give young women their sperm. So these women are becoming female masculists to oppose the feminazis, so that the gender laws are made menfair, so that men can be persuaded to be fathers again, without facing the awful risk of one chance in four of being divorce raped, i.e. financially massacred and having his life destroyed by the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. So it is in young women’s self-interest to combine forces with young men to menfair the gender laws (e.g. in the divorce courts, bringing in the Parer, etc.) so that young women can have babies again. Young women are really starting to panic now that over 2/3 of young men in many countries now refuse to marry and have babies, i.e. they are going MGTOW in practice, if not in philosophy. Work-Place Gender Segregation = Most women have absorbed feminist ideas and know nothing about masculist ideas, so can be downright bitches to men in the workplace, so increasingly, men are voting with their feet, moving their desks and offices, to be free from the feminazi attitudes of their female colleagues, so that they can quietly, efficiently get on with their work, and not have to walk on egg shells, avoiding the wrath of feminazis, whom men increasingly despise and want to avoid. Female Shit Tests = Women evolved to be critically dependent on men for their survival. A woman who did not get a man, risked starvation, so women need to be sure that “their man” still loves her, so she tests him by provoking him (a shit test). If the man reacts negatively, then that shows her that he still cares enough about her to react with real emotional energy. If however, he cares so little for her that he is indifferent, then she becomes alarmed and starts looking for a more exploitable male. When his frontal lobes have switched off and he has become putty in her hands, she also shit tests him to see what his limits to her manipulation and exploitation of him are. Masculist Goals = The main aims of the masculists are to wipe out fluffies by totally ignoring them, forcing them to FIP-up or rot on the shelf – similarly with the fluffie feminist hypocrites. Masculists want to create a FIP Society, thus solving most of men’s gender issues, e.g. making it easier to bring in the Parer. If a woman is a FIP, she can take care financially of her kid if she gets sole custody. Masculists want an across the board removal of gender laws that are men-unfair, e.g. bringing in the Parer, the biggest one, menfairing the divorce courts (e.g. making custody of kids joint, by default, throwing out alimony, etc.) and many other ways men are discriminated against by the law. Masculist/MGTOW Resources = See 300 of my masculist/MGTOW YouTube ( etc.) videos on masculist ideas on my website on the first page. For MGTOW videos, Google “Sandman” or “Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM)” and many others. 1.1 Masculist Critiques of Women1.1/2 MGTOW Masculism for Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This is a 21 slide PPt presentation for women who want to understand why 70% of men in the US and Japan refuse to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves.1.1/8 Baby Calculus (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : To get a man to give a woman babies, the woman needs to be a FIP, which means she has to study a FIP major in college, which has as a prereq, 12th grade high school calculus, so “no calculus, no babies.”BABY CALCULUSThe basic idea behind the term “baby calculus” is that women must study 12th grade calculus at high school if they want to have a baby. There is a longish chain of reasoning behind this idea, which I’ll now explain.The core idea of the MGTOW (men going their own way, refusing to marry and have kids, and spending their money on themselves) and the masculist men’s lib movements is that men are rebelling against working for women. The masculists state that “now that women can work, they must work, anything else is parasitism off the labor of men.” The masculists primary political goal is to wipe out “fluffies” (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man.) The term fluffie is based on the word “fluff” i.e. with connotations of light, not serious, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP (financially independent person).MGTOWs are politically passive. They simply walk out of the marriage market by refusing to marry and refusing to have kids. The MGTOW movement is largely a response to the fact that the male feminist gender politicians changed the divorce laws in the 70s which enabled women to financially massacre men in their tens of millions in the US divorce courts, so that the ex wife gets sole custody of the kids with 90% probability, she gets his house that he paid for, he is forced to pay child support for kids he may see twice a month on weekends, and pay alimony to his fluffie ex wife with no legal obligation on her to become a FIP, so that she continues to parasite on him before the divorce and after.In the US, young men under 35 have seen what happened to their fathers and older male friends and now see traditional marriage as toxic. They see the analogy between marrying and playing Russian roulette with only two chambers in the barrel, i.e. a man marrying has more or less a 50-50 chance of being financially massacred by a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system. 70% of young men in the US under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. If this rate continues, the US population will be wiped out within a century. This marriage and fatherhood strike is the dominant reality of our times. All that humanity holds dear is predicated on the existence of people, but the MGTOWs and the masculists are wiping out the people by refusing to reproduce.?Sooner or later, this refusal will force the gender politicians to create a FIP culture, a culture that is men fair, unlike the current fluffie feminist gynocentric culture of today.The masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, so that women?can afford their own apartment and not look around for some robot male (a traditional man who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife) whom she?can turn into a man-slave who works for her, and gives his money to her,?if he wants to get any sex from her. Masculists can then have a relationship with a FIP woman by “twaytweffing” (i.e. “2A2Fing” i.e. “two apartments, two FIPs”, i.e. each lives in his/her apartment, and both are FIPs.) The huge advantage of twaytweffing for men is that when the relationship goes sour, he can simply walks away, back to his own apartment, cost free, no divorce, because no marriage, no child support, because no kids, and no alimony because the woman is a FIP.Masculists and MGTOWs refuse to have relationships with fluffies. Masculists see fluffies as “immoral, parasitic vermin,” to be wiped out by letting them rot on the shelf to extinction. The only women that masculists and MGTOWs will accept having relationships with are FIPs, which are the type of women that masculists demand that all women become, or they wont get a man, and hence will become “manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and poor.”If all women are to become FIPs, that means that they will have to study “career-competent” majors at university, i.e. one of the professions (e.g. medicine, dentistry, architecture, law, vet sci, pharmacy, etc) or one of the techs (e.g. computer science, physics, chemistry, math, geology, engineering, etc) instead of studying “fluffie crap” (e.g. English lit, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, women’s studies, etc) which the market place values little and hence pays little for.But, to study a profession or a tech major, you have to have studied 12th grade high school calculus as a prerequisite. The professions and the techs demand that you know how to calculate and manipulate numbers. Those two thirds of female university students who study “fluffie crap” are innumerate and isscienate (ignorant of science) children, who will not be able to be “career competent” when they graduate. They will fuck on average some 30 men before they get into their 30s when their biological clock will really start ticking, and they will start looking around for some robot male to parasite upon so that they can have their children in a middle class house paid for by a robot male, because she is too fluffie to be able to afford one herself.But the supply of such robot males is drying up. In the US today, only 30% of young men under 35 accept the traditional idea of marriage and kids, of being a man-slave to a fluffie. As MGTOW and masculist ideas spread and spread, this percentage will continue to drop, until fluffies are left totally rotting on the shelf, getting crazier and crazier, because no man wants them, no man will love them, fuck them, give them money and kids. Many of these less attractive, fat fluffies will turn to feminist ideology (“fat four feminazis”) to rationalize why no man wants them, instead of taking control of their own lives, by reducing the number of calories they stuff into their fat faces, and by studying FIP subjects and becoming a FIP. As a FIP they will have a better chance of attracting a man, whom they can twaytwef with during the decade or more it will probably take for the gender politicians to make the “men fair” gender laws (particularly regarding the divorce courts, and the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right) equivalent to the Marer (maternity rejection right) that women have.)So, as the years pass, women will catch on to the idea that if they want to get a man, they must be a FIP. To become a FIP, they must study a FIP (career competent) major at college. To be able to get into a FIP major department at college, they will need to have studied 12th grade calculus at high school. So reversing this logic, if they don’t study 12th grade calculus at high school, they can’t get into a FIP major department at college, so they will not be able to study a FIP major, so they will not be able to become a FIP when they graduate, so they will be forced to look for some robot male in their 30s when their biological clock is ticking, but there won’t be any robot males left by the time they are in their 30s, so nearly all men will see them for what they are, i.e. immoral, parasitic, fluffie vermin, who will rot on the shelf to extinction – all this because they did not study 12th grade calculus at high school.So these women will not have babies, because no man will give them one. Men won’t even give them the time of day, because men will shun them, treating them as man-slaving pariahs. For simple minded women, there is an easy formula to remember. “If you want to have babies, study 12th grade high school calculus, i.e. “baby calculus.”1.1/11 Primal Parasites (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how a fluffie who accuses a ?MGTOW/masculist of being selfish is?a hundred times more selfish by wanting a man-slave to pay HER to have kids that?SHE wants.PRIMAL PARASITESAs MGTOW/masculism grows and grows, as it must when two thirds of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids, women will increasingly start blaming the men’s libbers and call them amongst other things “selfish” “not caring about society.”MGTOWs and masculist MGTOWs (i.e. masculists?who live the MGTOW lifestyle of not marrying nor having kids, but who are not like typical MGTOWs who are mostly politically passive, but in contrast are politically active, pushing the masculist/MGTOW ideas on the public stage) will need a ready retort to these fluffies and fluffie feminists. Here is one.As usual, an important idea needs a good label to help sell and spread the idea. So I will first present the idea and then suggest a label for it.Imagine some fluffie feminist accuses you (assuming you are a MGTOW, or a masculist MGTOW) of being selfish in not wanting to help pay for a woman (e.g. her) to raise a kid, and how you would reply. Here’s an example of such a dialog.F: “I find your MGTOW attitudes threatening, frightening and very selfish.M: “Why? I’m not hurting anyone, not affecting anyone negatively. Why are you so negative about it?”F: “Because it’s so selfish. If most men were MGTOWs, then women would have to shoulder the burden of raising kids all on their own. That is much tougher than if she has a man to help her, and it’s much better for the kids too.”M: “You’re assuming that most women need to have kids, but the world is already massively overpopulated with 7.3 billion people.”F: “It’s women’s instinct to have kids. It’s in their DNA. They get very unhappy if they can’t grow and raise a kid or two.”M:?“So you’re saying men should be roped in to satisfy women’s deep nature!?”F: “That’s always been the way for millions of years.”M: “Until the contraceptive pill came along and changed everything. Before that, kids came along naturally, because men are programmed in their DNA to be hungry to penis women, and women are hungry to have kids, so they accept being penised. You put those two deep instincts together and you get kids. It was nature’s way since always. But not today.”F: “Yes, the pill certainly changed things. I don’t want kids until I’m in my early 30s. Right now I’m building my career and learning to be a FIP. I don’t want to be dependent on a man for money.”M: “That sounds very contradictory to me. You want to be independent financially, yet you claim that men who don’t want to be parasited on by fluffies, i.e. the MGTOWs and masculists, are selfish because they don’t give money to women to raise kids. It seems to me women are a hundred times more selfish than MGTOWs/masculists because these fluffies want to bring more kids into a vastly overcrowded world, and want men to help them pay for those kids that WOMEN want. SO these fluffie women want men to become man-slaves to them, so that these fluffies don’t need to make the effort to become real FIPs to pay for their OWN kids with their OWN money. That’s hugely MORE parasitic than being a MGTOW.”F: “But its women’s nature. You cant change that. The drive to have babies is deeply ingrained in women.”M: “I understand, but that doesn’t stop it being selfish on women’s part. These fluffie women want to satisfy their own hunger for motherhood, AND have some manslave pay for them to satisfy that hunger. That is contemptible in my MGTOW/masculist eyes. Traditionally, a man paid for the kids AND a fluffie parasitic wife. Now a FIP woman only has to pay for the kids, not for the kids AND a parasitic fluffie husband. Its easier for her financially. Pretty soon, women will wake up to the idea that if they want to have kids, they will HAVE to become FIPs so they can afford to have kids that largely only they want, because so many men are going MGTOW/masculist lately, that few men want the burden of being man-slaves to a fluffie wife and HER kids. Research shows that the happiest couples are childless, and the unhappiest couples have teenage kids. So couples should not have kids given those results.”—–SO, summarizing this dialog a bit, fluffies who want a man to be a man-slave for her so she can raise HER kids that SHE wants, is a hundred times more selfish that a MGTOW/masculist. Such women need to be labeled. So here is a suggestion for such a label. Those?fluffies who accuse men of being selfish for being MGTOW/masculists, I label “PRIMAL PARASITES” because it’s a form of primal parasitism, i.e. coming from deep inside them, from their DNA programming, an instinct that drives them relentlessly. BUT satisfying an instinct can still be very selfish if it serves no other major purpose. The earth doesn’t need more kids. It would be advisable for the world population to shrink to under a billion (e.g. the Georgia Guide stones).So when some fluffie accuses you of being selfish for being a MGTOW, then quip back that she’s a HUNDRED times more selfish because she is a PRIMAL PARASITE. By definition, she is a fluffie who wants a man to parasite off, to have him pay for HER to raise HER kids, that SHE wants. How parasitically selfish is that?1.1/38 The Evolution of Female Nagging (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer theorizes on how women evolved their nagging of men, and how in today’s twaytweffing world, a nagging female will probably end up living aloneTHE EVOLUTION OF FEMALE NAGGINGWhy do women nag? It is so negative a behavior of women, that millions of them are divorced or dumped by men, to the point that one wonders how it evolved in the first place, as it must have, since nearly all women nag.This comment will be rather speculative as I attempt to provide theories on why female nagging evolved and why it is no longer beneficial to women in today’s world.Women are genetically dependent on men. They evolved to be parasites on men. (Pre)human babies doubled the size of their brains over a million years, creating a real problem for women. A bigger baby’s brain required a larger birth canal in the mother, which in turn created more stress on the hip bone. If the hip bone broke, that was fatal for the woman. Eventually natural selection found a solution to this problem by having the baby be born prematurely, so that the growth of the baby’s head took place mostly after the birth. But a “prematurely” born baby is utterly useless. It cant walk, it cant fend for itself the way many other newborns can in other species.This in turn created a new problem for women, i.e. they were made immobile by their useless babies, who required constant attention. The mothers were unable to be separated from their helpless infants, which severely restricted the mothers mobility. They had to stay close to the home. They could not hunt like a lioness, or forage far from home. So how could these (pre)human mothers get protein if they could not get it themselves, due to the dependency of their babies?Again natural selection found a way, namely sex. The human female is the sexiest of the mammals, by being “in heat” all the time, unlike dogs, or monkeys etc. Human females evolved the ability to have sex at any time, which was a big plus for them when bargaining with male (pre)humans to give them meat (protein) in exchange for vagina.So women all became prostitutes, sex for protein, bargaining with men – “Give me some of your meat for me and my babies” and I’ll give you some cunt.”The above seems quite plausible, although rather difficult to prove scientifically. The question now is “How did female nagging evolve, and for what purpose?”If (pre)human females evolved the ability to nag men, how would that help them? I suppose the obvious answer is that it gave women an extra tool to persuade men to give them more protein. A woman could nag her man, that if he didn’t give her more meat, she would give her cunt to the other guy. Women evolved nagging to increase the odds that men became more parasited upon. That is my theory.Now, in today’s world, female nagging has become a major liability for women, and is costing them bitterly. In the US for example, 40% of women over 40 live alone. Millions of these women, have been divorced by men, who rejected them due to their nagging.There is a limit to what a man will tolerate with a nagging female.Millions of women seem unable to judge just how much nagging is too much, until, from her perspective, out of the blue, her man explodes and just walks out, fed up with “the nagging bitch” and dumps her, often trading her in for a younger sexier model, who is nicer and nags much less.Younger women (under 40) should be very conscious?that nearly half of older women (over 40) live alone, many of them being punished by men for being nagging bitches, and who have “gotten their just deserts.”Now that the fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts, young men under 35 in the US have reacted by refusing to marry and have kids, so that 70% of them today are wifeless and childless. Many of them still want sex, so they adopt a lifestyle that I call “twaytweffing” (= 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs, where the man and the woman both are FIPs (financially independent persons) with their own apartment each). The advantage of this lifestyle for men, is that it gives him the regular sex he craves, without paying the traditional price of being a manslave to a fluffie parasite.When the relationship fails, as the vast majority of them do, he can quietly return to his own apartment, cost free. There are no child payments because there are no children, there is no alimony, because the ex-girlfriend is a FIP. He keeps his house/apartment, because there is no divorce, because there is no marriage.Twaytweffing is a great “nag repellent.” Any woman involved in a twaytwef relationship knows that if she starts nagging her man, there is a serious risk that he will become her ex-man, because he will just walk away, not tolerating a nagging bloody female!So women really need to learn to control their genetically based tendency to nag men. This may be difficult, because it is hard wired in her, it is part of her DNA, but the human brain is adaptable, and women are quite capable of being nice to men, the way they are when trying to entice a man she likes into a longer term relationship. Twaytweffing is a lifestyle for men, that ensure that women stay nice to men, otherwise they will join the 40% of women over 40 who are manless.So some advice to women reading this. Your genetic tendency to nag males is toxic in today’s world. You need to suppress it, otherwise you will pay heavily. In today’s western countries, the majority of women will not get a robot male to pay for her middle class house to raise her kids in. The supply of such men is drying up. Only 30% now in the US, and will be down to under 10% probably within a decade. So the competition amongst women to find a man who is prepared to have a kid with her, will be fierce, so any woman stupid enough to give free rein to her tendency to nag, will be wiping herself out from the competition. She will doom herself to the “graveyard of the manless,” i.e.?the 40% of women over 40 in the US who live alone.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Women's Growing Inferiority Complex (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer considers the idea that there will be such massive negative opinion of women’s immorality and women’s?inferior performance abilities,?coming from men in the next decade or two, that women will develop a severe inferiority complex.WOMEN’S GROWING INFERIORITY COMPLEXI was sitting in my camp chair listening to the lap lapping of the waves at the beach thinking about the longer term effects of the rise and rise of MGTOW/masculism on women’s self esteem. I predict that as the broadcast media eventually really starts listening to men’s issues (as they must, if the population is not to continue crashing, due to 70% of young men under 35 in the US refusing to marry and have kids, due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts), then male contempt and distrust of women will rise to the point that women undergo a deep inferiority complex.Thanks to MGTOW/masculist ideas, millions of men around the world are waking up to women’s parasitic nature and their inferior performance record. With roughly one married man in four in the US being financially massacred by their sadistic ex wives, it is clear what women really think of men. They see men as exploitable, and do not value men for men’s personalities, but only as checkbooks. As MGTOW/masculism spreads and spreads, men are waking up to this and are learning to distrust women more and to treat them with an increasing level of contempt.MGTOW/masculist ideas are also teaching men that men outperform women in nearly all endeavors. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so that the morons and the genii are males. Men have, not surprisingly, won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. A similar story holds for the percentage of entries in the Who’s Who books that are male, or the percentage of presidents or prime ministers of countries, or CEOs of top companies etc. Men are the top performers. Men have a much higher testosterone level than women, so are more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, and persistent, so achieve far more than women. With the contraceptive pill, women now choose to have 0, 1, 2 kids so have 40+ years of career time, so of necessity they are taking up traditional male career roles and finding that they cannot compete with men. Women?are realizing this to an ever greater extent.As MGTOW/masculist ideas spread throughout society, and boys learn of these facts, they can “punch with science” the counter claims of girls, who have been brainwashed with feminist PC bullshit that women are the superior sex. There is now such a male backlash against the feminazi takeover of the divorce courts, and the broadcast media, that MGTOW/masculist influenced male journalists will feel much freer to be critical of women and express their contempt for female financial parasitism, and their laziness, i.e. women not bothering to become FIPs by not studying FIP majors at high school or college, expecting some robot male to pay their bills.With male criticism coming from all sides against women, women will in time develop an inferiority complex and fall back into the traditional self image of being the inferior sex that women have had throughout nearly all of history. If women’s abilities and morals were truly superior to men’s then their status throughout history would have been very different to what it has been. Today’s PC based fluffie feminist ideology will not be able to withstand the science based, i.e. reality based, onslaught from the MGTOWs/masculists. Women will be bombarded from all sides, including in their own personal lives. They will be hearing such comments as “Typical hypergamous female!” “Fluffie parasite!” “Buy your own drinks, you bloody fluffies!” “FIP up female!” etc. No matter how hard women try to outperform males, they will fail, because they just don’t have the genes for it, so I predict within a decade or two, men will be back in the dominant position ideologically and culturally speaking. When PC and PR attitudes clash, PR always wins out, because PR is based on reality.Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Female Laziness and its Implications (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer decries female greater laziness levels and their impact on males, namely greater levels of female parasitism on men.FEMALE LAZINESS AND ITS IMPLICATIONSWomen are lazier than men on the whole. Women are also less curious, less driven, less ambitious than men, so it is not surprising that the female performance record is inferior to men’s, and as a result, women have lower status in society than men, and deservedly so.If women want to be treated with equal status as men in society, they will have to perform at male levels, but this is going to be very difficult for them, because their biology holds them back. Women are dumber than men at the top end of the scale as a result of GMV (greater male variance) which means that men’s scores on just about any performance scale over the whole population is more spread out than women’s, e.g. men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have higher testosterone levels than women, so men are more aggressive, more ambitious, more curious, more enterprising, more persistent, and finish difficult tasks more frequently than women.At high school, female laziness takes a disastrous form from the male point of view. Females choose the “soft option” rather than the “hard option” a lot more readily than males, i.e. they choose to study non analytic subjects (e.g. languages, English literature, history, etc) rather than the intellectually more demanding, analytical subjects (math, sciences).Math and the sciences are the toughest of subjects that require discipline and persistence. Math particularly requires real concentration, figuring out how something gets deduced from previous assertions. Learning math, physics, chemistry at high school is not like reading a novel in an English literature class, where one merely expresses ones opinions of the events and personalities appearing in the novel. Expressing an opinion is much less intellectually demanding than deduction and wrapping one’s head around the abstractions of pure mathematics or theoretical physics.Women don’t like using their brains as much as men, being forced to concentrate, so they shy away from the demanding subjects. Once they choose the “soft option” their fate is sealed, because they then destine themselves to becoming fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to parasite off the money of a man), because if she studies “fluffie crap” at high school (i.e. soft option majors) then she is excluded from studying hard option majors at college, so she will end up with a bachelor’s degree in some fluffie crap major that the economic market place values far less highly than a major in a hard option field, such as one of the professions (medicine, dentistry, architecture, law, etc) or one of the techs (engineering, computer science, math, physics, chemistry, geology, etc).This lazy female, with her soft option bachelor’s degree will then not be able to earn big money (in most cases) so will seriously start looking around for a robot male manslave to parasite upon in her 30s when her biological clock really starts ticking hard, so that she can have a kid, living in a middle class house that her manslave pays for.Thus female laziness translates into manslavery for men, so it is in the interest of masculists to put strong moral and psychological pressure on young women at high school at age 16 to choose the “hard option” so that they do not end up trying to parasite on men.Masculists need to increase the moral pressure against female laziness, by accusing women of being lazy. “You lazy fluffie bitch. You studied fluffie crap at high school, and now you expect me to pay for the date, because you earn so much less than I do!!!? You lazy slob, you lazy parasitic piece of female trash. I’ve lost so much respect for you, this is the last date. You’re being dumped. From now on I will be much more selective in the women I go out with. I will be much more careful that the women I date are true FIPs (financially independent persons) who are career conscious, and who “womaned up” at high school and college, who studied the “hard” option, and make good money, not expecting to be paid for by a man slave. So go fuck yourself, you lazy, lazy, fluffie parasitic bitch. I look down on you for your laziness, your expectation that men would take care of you,?so that you would not need to?take care of yourself. You have the attitude of a dependent child, and I don’t respect that. Get off your fat lazy arse, and grow up. Take responsibility for your own life, you lazy parasite. Have a nice life. You’re history for me.”Women’s intellectual laziness and lower curiosity levels means that women’s contribution to world intellect is negligible. Women have won a pathetic 1% of science Nobel prizes. It is not surprising that PhDed professors in the hard sciences, like myself, just don’t take women seriously when it comes to intellect. In my own case, my three main intellectual interests are pure math, math physics and philosophy. There are virtually no women in these fields at the top end of the performance scale. The only truly world class female mathematician I know of, is Emmy Noether (of ring theory fame) but she probably had an androgenized brain, since her German colleagues used to half jokingly refer to her as “der Noether” (using the male “the” in German). The term female philosopher is an oxymoron. There’s one world class theoretical physicist (at Harvard) who also probably has an androgenized brain, since she loves rock climbing as well as particle physics and general relativity.In short, women are children when it comes to contributing intellectually to world culture. For women to make world class contributions they will need to become much less lazy, more ambitious, more dogged, more curious, more adult in their expectations, and pull their weight financially, and culturally. This women don’t do, and so society does not take them seriously. All cultures value boy babies more than girl babies because based on long experience, these cultures know that a boy baby is more likely to grow up to become a valuable member of the culture than a baby-machine girl baby.Given this female laziness, this greatly inferior performance record of women across the board, the feminist rhetoric that women are superior, that women control men, and force men to pay for them, that men work for women, so that women can be lazy in their middle class houses that men pay for, so that they can have their kids that they really want, given all this, masculists and MGTOWs sneer at feminists’ lies and delusions, that women are the superior sex. Women are obviously the inferior sex, if one only bothers to look at the performance record, but feminists are too lazy to do that. They prefer to remain in their feminist fairy land where they are told what they want to hear, i.e. that women are superior, that men are to serve women, work for women, pay for women, so women can continue to be lazy.But, men are waking up in droves and refuse to cater to lazy females. Modern masculist/MGTOW men expect women to “woman up” and pull their financial weight, by becoming FIPs, by not studying fluffie crap at high school and college. In short, men are learning increasingly to be intolerant of female laziness. In today’s and tomorrow’s world, a lazy female will pay a heavy price. She will not get a man. She will not have a baby, and she will be shunned increasingly by society?as?a “lazy parasitic fluffie bitch.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Female Adaptation to Uncontrollable Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses how women are adapting to a higher proportion of men becoming wise to genetically based female parasitism on men’s resources. Men are putting new financial and moral pressures on women to become FIPs and behave as responsible adults.FEMALE ADAPTATION TO UNCONTROLLABLE MALESThere is a lot of truth in the quip that “Men evolved to manipulate the world, and women evolved to manipulate men.”Women evolved to be dependent, i.e. parasitic, on men. When prehuman babies’ brains doubled in size over a mere million years, this caused a huge problem for women. It meant their birth canal had to increase in size to allow passage of the baby’s head, but a larger birth canal put more stress on the hip bone, which would be fatal if it broke.So evolution solved this problem by having the baby be born prematurely, so that its head growth continued after the birth. But a prematurely born baby was useless and utterly dependent on its mother for survival, which in turn meant that women, who were constantly pregnant or obliged to remain close to their infants, were not free to hunt the way many other female mammals can, e.g. the large cat family.So how did women get their meat, their protein? They got it from men. But why would men want to give their hard chased meat to women?Again evolution found a way around this problem, by making the human female the sexiest of mammals. Human females do not have a fraction of their menstrual month, in which they are “in heat” like a dog or monkey, because they are “always in heat.” A human female can sex any time, all days of the month, thus being able to bribe men with sex. “Give me some of your meat for me and my babies, and I’ll give you some cunt.”Thus women are all, in a manner of speaking “hookers.” They evolved to be prostitutes, and their psychology, their attitudes, their behaviors towards men also evolved accordingly. Women evolved to manipulate men to give women protein and?resources.It is interesting for me to watch young mothers, with young babies strolling in the park where I routinely take my math books to study. The older women largely ignore me. To them I’m the odd stranger who does weird things, like sits in a camp chair, that no Chinese ever does, and reads advanced mathematics, that no Chinese ever does.BUT, the young mothers are a different story. I can sense their instincts?switch on?when they see a single male, and from their Chinese perspective, a western (and therefore rich in their eyes) male, who reads advanced math, so must be very smart, and therefore affluent. They smile in my direction, and hover around, trying to catch my attention and make me give them eye contact, which I don’t do.I’m a masculist, and may go MGTOW once I get a green card (if my current bad tempered wife does not get over her menopausal(?) moodiness.) I have had my consciousness raised, both by masculist ideas (e.g. that women must be FIPs, or they rot on the shelf) and my MGTOW consciousness raised (e.g. that women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability and will coldly dump a man if he loses his exploitability.)I consider it highly likely, that within just a few years, MGTOW and masculist ideas will be as commonly and widely known as feminist ideas in society. These MGTOW/masculist ideas will change the way men behave towards women,. and that in turn will change the way women interact with men.The title of this flyer focuses on how women will react towards men, when men see women for what women truly are, namely parasites on men, using men for women’s own gain, so that women could increase their chances of survival and for their children in a premodern world.It is now clear to most men that marriage has become toxic, thanks to the takeover of the divorce courts by the fluffie feminists. Roughly one married man in four in the US will be financially massacred in a divorce, losing his kids, his house,? paying child support and alimony to his fluffie ex wife.So, roughly one married woman in four is utterly callous towards her ex-husband, showing clearly, what women really think of men.Men are learning of this reality, and are shedding their delusions of “women loving men.”They see women with a much higher degree of suspicion now. They have taken the “red pill” as the MGTOWs say, i.e. they have learned that “women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability.” So a growing majority if men are now cynical of women, and are conscious of women’s true natures, i.e. women’s view of men as checkbooks, as exploitable, as disposable, so they are adapting to women’s nature.Such men usually utterly refuse to have relationships with fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off a man’s money, who do not bother to obtain a FIP (financially independent person) education so that they can be a FIP as an adult.Fluffies are coming under increasing pressure from men and society, both financial and moral.In the US today, 70% of young men under 35 REFUSE TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts. These young men are also increasingly aware of MGTOW/masculist ideas and react appropriately towards women. These men expect women to be FIPs, otherwise they will be ignored. Men will refuse to have relationships with them, even twaytwef relationships. (Twaytweffing is the “2A2F” (2 apartment, 2 FIPs) lifestyle, where a FIP male and FIP female have their own apartments and have a relationship, giving each other some companionship and regular sex.) When the relationship fails, as most do, the two of them simply return to their own apartments, cost free, no divorce, because no marriage, no alimony, because the woman is a FIP, no child payments, because no kids.In other words, from the female perspective, men have become a lot more “uncontrollable.” Men have become much better informed as to women’s true nature, thanks largely to the internet and men’s interest groups which educate each other regarding women’s nature.Women have to adapt to this new male reality. They are increasingly feeling the moral pressure on them. “Get off your fat parasitic arse, you fluffie bitch, and become a FIP, or continue to rot on the shelf to extinction.” You could say that to some extent, the tables have been reversed. It is now men controlling women, forcing them to become FIPs, or they will not only NOT have a baby, they wont even get a man. They will lead miserable lonely lives being manless, loveless, childless and poor, supporting themselves on their meagre fluffie income.In the US today, about 40% of women over 40 live alone. A fair proportion of them are being punished by men, who refuse to have relationships with them. These single older women often did not bother to become FIPs, so are now seen as “femina non grata” (i.e. undesirable women, in many senses of the term undesirable.)As more and more men see women as genetically programmed parasites, they will put pressure on women to behave in ways that do NOT exploit men, and will punish women if they do not behave as desired by men. This is changing the whole sexual ecology of behavior and expectations between women and men.When the sexbots come within a decade, this ecology will undergo a radical change. Suddenly, women will lose their chief bargaining chip, i.e. the power of their vaginas. They will not be able to bribe men with their sexuality, in return for men’s money. Men will prefer to sex their bots, which will do a better job than most women can. Men’s bots will be beautiful, curvy, creamy and grippy, and highly desirable. Women will then have to compete much harder not only amongst themselves, for the attention of men, but they will have to compete with men’s sexbots. This will cause major shifts in women’s attitudes towards men.Women will have to become a LOT nicer to men. The divorce court injustices will need to be removed. Men will need to be given the Parer (paternity rejection right). Women will have to become FIPs. Education will be revolutionized as nearly all women feel the strong moral pressure to study FIP majors, to become a FIP adult. Women’s self expectations will change. They will learn to pull their weight financially and take responsibility for their own lives, and not expect to have some man do that for them. Women will have to grow up and become adults.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Femaliens and Sexbots (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer considers how revolutionary the sexbot industry will become in less than a decade, when men prefer to sex their bots rather than women. Women’s alien nature will create for them a deep existential crisis as men ignore them in droves, forcing women to fend for themselves by becoming FIPs.FEMALIENS AND SEXBOTSThe more I think about the coming industry of sexbots for men, the more profound I see its impact to be. It will be revolutionary. This flyer is about just how revolutionary this industry will be.I think I speak for millions of men when I say that women are alien beings to men. They are female aliens, so I coined the term “femaliens”. I wondered if this term had already been coined before, so I googled it and found that the movie industry had used it in another context, i.e. that some alien (i.e. E.T.) in the form of a seductive female had come to earth and done horrible things to men whom she seduced.That’s not the meaning I give to a “femalien”. I give it a more psychological meaning, i.e. that women’s brains and psychology are so different from men’s, that men find women alien, ununderstandable, and decide to just write them off, i.e. to refuse to interact with them. They are FEMALE ALIENS.I’ve had this feeling with women most of my life. When I was 18 my own mother behaved in ways that generated my contempt. She was born in 1918, I was born in 1947, so that made her 29 when I was born, so she was 47 when I was 18, so maybe she was going through an early menopause, before the days of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) that relieve the symptoms of menopause, i.e. hot flushes, mood swings, fatigue, irritability, etc.At the age of 18, and decades before the internet, I was oblivious to what my mother was going through. All I saw was an utterly hysterical, emotional, irrational female behaving in a way that I sneered at, being a very rational, logical, mathematical kind of youth. I remember my father, who was a lot brighter than my mother having a talk to me about my attitude towards my own mother. I told him, I had no respect for my mother at all, and that it would only be a few months before I was out of the house and off to university, so that the problem was not worth wasting a ton of energy on. My father agreed and asked me to keep my negative feelings towards my mother to myself more.Interestingly, when my mother died at age 68 (my current age) my father chose to live alone from then on, i.e. he went MGTOW a generation before the term was invented.When I was in my early 20s, i.e. in the late 60s and early 70s. the second wave of feminism got off the ground, and that really excited me. As a teenager at school I had been appalled at the intellectual vapidity of the mothers of my friends at the private school I went to. They struck me as being utterly boring, empty headed, ignorables. I wanted nothing to do with them.I have a little sister, 8 years younger than me, who was as bright as I was, and I played a big brother/father role to her. She was fun to be with and learned readily. When I returned from the UK for her wedding in 1979 when she was 24, I was disappointed how she had turned out to be as an adult female, i.e. a typical upper middle class, uncurious, unintellectual Australian female, the type of woman I would never have as a friend. I suspect that her husband, who shared my contempt for Australia’s anti-intellectuality, left her for that reason and headed off to the UK and later the US.So, you can see why I was so excited by 2nd wave feminism, having seen my own mother and sister become female intellectual zombies, not reading thought provoking books, just wallowing in physical activities. I reasoned that they would be my anti-model, i.e. the type of woman, I would NOT want to have anything to do with.I became an avid male feminist. I thought that feminism would make women “interesting” meaning that I would be able to share my mind with women, that they would be interested in my intellectual passions. Hah! The naivety of youth! A half century later, I have come full circle. I have the same contempt for female minds now as I had growing up in the doldrums of Australian suburbia. Every time, I visit Australia, I feel a third of my brain cells switch off, due to the intellectual poverty of the culture.In 1971, I moved to London and got caught up in the excitement of the early women’s lib movement. I liked the ideas and really hoped this new ideology would change women into thinking, rational, stimulating beings who had their own ideas and enjoyed playing with them. Hah! Again, the naivety of youth!In practice, all my adult life, I have NEVER been able to share my mind with a female. It took decades for my own intrinsic ability to manifest itself. (With no false modesty) I think it is fair to say that I am world class in terms of being an AI (artificial intelligence) futurist with my doctrine of the Artilect War that I think is coming. There were no females in this species dominance debate. It was entirely male.As an AI researcher I would go to world conferences, where not only were there no female speakers, but often no females even in the audience. Women are just not interested in, nor good at the topics that impassioned me, and still do, namely Pure Math, Math Physics and Philosophy. I’ve always looked on women’s minds as childlike.If somehow I had sole responsibility for raising an infant, I would be so bored by the constant attention it demanded, I would probably do what Rousseau did, and give it to an orphanage and probably for the same reason. Rousseau and I want to concentrate on ideas, not entertaining a cretin toddler.I observe that women seem to be happiest when they are dealing with small children. To be good at that, you would need to have a childlike mind, so as not to be paralytically bored by the imbecility of the infant, whose brain is not even half grown.So, I don’t take women’s brains seriously. I note that men are smarter than women at the top end of the IQ scale. Males have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are male. Men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Women don’t have men’s testosterone levels, so are less aggressive, less ambitious, less curious, less dogged, less persistent at finishing demanding tasks.In short, I and millions of other men (perhaps for different reasons) look on women as aliens, female aliens, femaliens.So, given the above as background, what on earth is going to happen when the sexbot industry becomes really huge in less than a decade?Most young men want to deal with women, not so much because of women’s minds, or the lack of them, but because of women’s vaginas. Males have evolved to want to penis women. This was the evolutionary solution to generating the next generation.BUT, if the sexbots do a better job of fucking men that women can, then women’s femalien nature will cause men to change their attitudes towards women. The sexbots will be beautiful, curvy, creamy, grippy, and highly desirable. Most women will just not be able to compete, so women’s ace card for getting men’s attention and especially men’s money to help pay for her kids, will become worthless.I see women, and especially the feminist movement, fighting the sexbot industry with everything they have got, because it will be so profoundly threatening to them. With men ignoring women in droves, women will be forced to become FIPs (financially independent persons) which women, given that they are much lazier than men on the whole, will be strongly against. But, to no avail. The sexbot manufacturers will push hard against a potential ban on their manufacture, and men will push hard for their sale.So I see there will be no stopping the rise and rise of the sexbot, and women will then go into deep crisis.They will lose their current status. Millions of men are like me. They see women as femaliens, and the only reason they deal with women, is to get their penises into them, but within a decade there will be a better alternative, so who needs women? Men will prefer to fuck their bots and will increasingly ignore women. Women will have to fend for themselves.What effect will this scenario have on the population size? Obviously the birth rate will plummet. What will governments do? They will probably tax men more so that women can be paid to stay at home and have babies. Sperm donors will be given new rights (old rights) that they will NOT be slammed with paternity suits, so as to encourage men to donate their sperm, unlike today in many countries where they are open to unwanted paternity suits from donee women.But, the government cannot push the tax burden on men too much, because being MGTOWs and masculists, they are living alone or having serial relationships, so can uproot themselves much more easily and move to another country if the “bachelor tax” becomes ernments will be forced to menfair the gender laws. All women will become FIPs or be shunned by society. No man will go near them. Fluffies will rot on the shelf to extinction. Even FIP women will feel the enormous sexual competition from the sexbots and will have to make a lot more effort to be sexually attractive, slim, curvy, fit, and will be forced to be NICE to men, who can so easily reject them in favor of their sexbots, if ever the woman is stupid enough to start nagging, become irrational, hysterical, boring. Life will become a lot more demanding on women. They will really have to “woman up” or they will be “botted” i.e. made redundant by a sexbot.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Promoting the "Fluffie Graveyard" (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer aims to promote the concept of the “fluffie graveyard” i.e. the lifestyle that awaits 40% of women over 40, i.e. living alone, punished in many cases by men for not bothering to become FIP and abusing men financiallyPROMOTING THE“FLUFFIE GRAVEYARD”I think I heard on one of Thinking Ape’s (?) videos that now about half of adults in the US live alone. From that I was able to calculate the proportion of women over 40 who live alone, and it came out at about 40%. (Have a look at the calculation at the bottom of this flyer, for details.)I was surprised at how high this 40% figure is, and its significance gradually penetrated my consciousness, which is what this flyer is concerned with. If about 40% of women are living alone, then that’s nearly half of the female population of that age bracket.I assume a fair proportion of that 40% are women who have been divorced and are no longer capable of attracting a man to have another relationship. Since women are social creatures, living alone is probably tougher on them than it is for men, who tend to be more easily preoccupied by things and ideas, than women.The masculist in me started thinking about the consequences for men’s lib of this 40% statistic. I think it is highly significant, but hardly anyone talks about it, so I dreamt up a label for it, and now wish to promote it, i.e. the label, and the concept, because it impacts significantly on the MGTOW/masculist movements.I call the fact that about 40% of women over 40 live alone, the “fluffie graveyard” i.e. it is where older women go to “die” (not literally, but figuratively, i.e. living a rather joyless, bitter, lonely, sexless, sour, half life).Women over 40 are far less sexually attractive to men, for obvious Darwinian reasons, namely that men hugely prefer to penis nubile women, who are capable of having babies. Evolution promotes this obvious strategy. Older women, especially those 50 and over are post menopausal, and therefore cannot have babies, so men tend to ignore them as potential sexual partners, so it is in women’s self interest, if they want to have a life partner, i.e. someone to share their life with, someone who gives them companionship, then women, especially younger women, need to think A LOT MORE about the fluffie graveyard.Young western women today are arrogant. They have absorbed the 3rd wave feminist message that they can do whatever they want. They are at the peak of their sexual attractiveness and know that men drool over them, and strongly want to put their penises in them. These young women, know that during their 20s, using the contraceptive pill, they can have sex as readily and as easily as men do, and not get pregnant (but they need to be careful of STDs – that problem has not gone away!) They know that if they get bored with their manslave husband, they can divorce him and have him continue to be a manslave, thanks to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. They know that they can get custody of the kids, get his house to live in and force him to pay child support and alimony if she is a fluffie.It is therefore not surprising that these young women have become arrogant. They can afford to be lazy. They don’t have to make a real effort to have a FIP major education, they don’t have to be FIPs, because there are all these men drooling over her vagina, who are willing to pay her money to get access to it. She can afford to revel in her prostitute fluffie status.What these young fluffies are barely aware of is what awaits them in the fluffie graveyard. Half of them will get divorced. With children, they will then be far less attractive to men as potential dating partners, so as they get beyond 40 they will have a harder and harder time attracting men. They will become increasingly invisible to men, who prefer devoting their attention to the nubile females.A lot of these divorced women are feminists, who use their feminist dogma to rationalize their loneliness. They blame men for not taking an interest in them, rather than putting some of the blame on themselves, and their behavior towards men when they were younger. They become sexless, and bitter that few men want them. The older they get, the more difficult it becomes. Millions of older women live alone, with no male partner, coming home from work each evening to an empty apartment, with no one to chat with, and no one to penis them, to give them orgasms.They compare their older lives with their younger lives and notice the lack of male attention, the lack of readily available penises. As they get into their 50s and beyond, the supply of penises almost dries up. So, since 99.5% of women are heterosexual, they need men to sexually satisfy them, but they don’t get it.So they suffer. They lead bitter, angry, lonely lives, and society neglects them. They are almost invisible. Personally I have not seen many documentaries on this problem. There are millions of women, over 40 who live alone and who are not happy, yet almost no one talks about this subject.BUT, masculists can use this reality to their advantage. They can package this phenomenon and give it a label, as I’m trying to do. The label I chose was the “Fluffie Graveyard” i.e. the lifestyle of fluffies who abused men when they were younger, and now men are getting their revenge on her later in her life. (Note : The MGTOW term “the wall” refers to when women lose their sexual attractiveness. It does not refer to the lifestyle that 40% of women lead after 40.)Masculists/MGTOWs need to push the concept of the Fluffie Graveyard much more onto young women, warning them that if they are not a lot nicer to men when they are young, then they will be divorced, and if they have a fluffie divorce, i.e. financially massacring their ex-husband, then other men will avoid her like the plague. These potential male dating partners will reason they don’t want to be the next victim of a fluffie bitch. They will let her continue to rot on the shelf.Masculists/MGTOWs need to push the Fluffie Graveyard idea to young women, to scare them that if they are not FIPs and if they divorce as a fluffie, they will probably be doomed to live out the rest of their lives in the Fluffie Graveyard, manless, loveless, sexless, lonely and bitter.All young women need to be taught about the Fluffie Graveyard, so that they are conscious that that is their fate if they abuse men when they are young, in their 20s and 30s. Women who are FIPs will be much more likely to get a man in their 40s and above. Older men will at least twaytwef with them, rather then ignore them totally. Men know that a FIP woman will be far less likely to try to parasite on their money, because FIP women have their own money. They are financially independent by definition.Hopefully the concept of the Fluffie Graveyard will become more widespread, so imagine the following conversation between a man and a woman both in their 20s-30s.M: “You really abuse men. You take their money, you give nothing back. You expect them to pay for you, give you a house, and you have not bothered to get a FIP major education. You’re a real fluffie. I suppose you are aware of your fate as a fluffie. You will end up in the fluffie graveyard. You need to be nicer to men or you will have a miserable lonely second half life. Men will get their revenge on you.”F : “My mother gave me a serious talk about this last week. She lives in the fluffie graveyard she told me. She strongly tried to warn me “Don’t end up like me. Be a FIP, be nice to men, or you will die a slow lonely death in the fluffie graveyard!” She scared me, so I’ve been looking it up on google.” Its hard to imagine, because now I have all the men I want. They pay for me, give me stuff, are nice to me, flatter me. Its very nice. My mother on the other hand is bitter and lonely. She is not happy. She told me she started reading about MGTOW and masculism, and she said it changed the way she looks at men, and how she treated them when she was young. She said I’m falling into the same trap as she did and that I should learn from her mistake and not repeat it.”So, I’m recommending that MGTOWs/masculists push the concept of the fluffie graveyard to the women they come across, to the media, and onto society in general. Make the label popular, so that it becomes a meme and spreads and spreads, making people aware of the concept so that it frightens young women, motiving them to become FIPs and not to be arrogant with men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@———–(Deriving the 40% figure. Assume 50% of all adults, hence women, live alone. Assume an average life span of 75 years. We already know that 70% of young men under 40 (lets say) don’t marry and have kids, so that means the same 70% of young women under 40 live alone, so what percentage of women over 40 live alone? Say its x% Female adults 25-40 are 15/50 of the female population. So (15/50)*0.7 + 35/50*x = 0.5 gives x at about 40%)1.1/69 What Masculists MGTOWs Expect from Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains what masculists/MGTOWs want women to do, to free men from manslavery, i.e. become FIPs, that parents should socialize their daughters to be FIPs, that the fluffie feminist lobby be removed from the divorce courts.WHAT MASCULISTs MGTOWs EXPECT FROM WOMENThis flyer lists and explains what masculists-MGTOWs expect from women, so that the population crash caused by men refusing to marry and have kids, can be stopped.WOMEN MUST BE FIPSThe top political goal of the masculists is that all women should be FIPs (financially independent persons) in order to create a FIP Society, where all adults are FIPs, pulling their financial weight, and not parasiting on another human being. Masculists realize that if virtually all women were FIPs then so many of men’s gender problems would be solved. Female parasitism would disappear, the divorce courts would be made menfair, the Parer (paternity rejection right) would be legislated, legal discriminations against men would be removed, etc. Masculists are highly conscious of this, so push very hard to force women to be FIPs.Men have the power to force women to be FIPs, because nearly all men are FIPs. Boys are traditionally socialized into that gender role, so if men collectively decide that they will have nothing to do with fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a robot male manslave) then the fluffies will die out. The fluffies will rot on the shelf to extinction because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave.But the supply of such males is drying up. In the US today, only 30% of young men under 35, accept being manslaves to fluffies, because the other 70% refuse to marry and have kids, due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts in which roughly one married father in four will be financially massacred, losing his kids, his house, forced to pay child support and alimony to his fluffie ex-wife. Young men are so repelled by this massive injustice against the male sex that they vote with their feet, refusing to marry and have kids.PARENTS SHOULD RAISE DAUGHTERS TO BE FIPSParents should raise daughters to be FIPs, scaring them that if they want to have a baby when they grow up, they will HAVE TO BE A FIP, otherwise no man will have anything to do with them. Masculists punish fluffies by not even sexing them, preferring to twaytwef (see below) with FIP women?and totally ignoring fluffies, forcing them to rot on the shelf.In concrete terms, parents need to push their daughters to study FIP majors (math and the sciences ) in the junior and senior years of high school, so that these daughters can study FIP majors (professions and the techs) at university, so that they can become real FIPs, earning good money when they are adults. As a FIP, these women will at least be able to have a relationship with a man, and get regular sex.If these daughters are lazy and don’t bother to study the “hard option” of math and the sciences in high school, they will be destined to not get a man, and wont even be fucked by men, as more and more men have their men’s lib consciousness raised, that fluffies are manslavers, immoral, parasitic, vermin, to be wiped out by neglecting them.WOMEN MUST HAVE FIP ATTITUDES OR BE SOCIALLY SHUNNEDFemales are genetically programmed to be parasitic on men. They evolved that way. When the prehuman baby’s head doubled in size over a million years, the greater brain size meant that the birth canal had to be wider, which put more stress on the hip bone. A hip bone fracture was fatal for women, so evolution solved the problem by having the baby be born prematurely so that its head could keep growing after the birth. But a premature baby is useless and needs constant care from the mother. So the mothers could not hunt, the way many other female? primates do, e.g. lionesses. They had to stay at home with the infants and small children.So how could these mothers get meat (protein) for themselves and their babies if they could not hunt. From men. But why would men give women meat? In exchange for sex. So prehuman females evolved to be prostitutes – sex for protein. The human female is the sexiest of mammals, not having a period of “being in heat” as are dogs or monkeys. Human females are always in heat. This solution, sex for protein, is several million years old, so deeply DNA ingrained in women.So, how can women overcome their genetically programmed attitudes towards men, i.e. seeing men as exploitable checkbooks? A woman will coldly dump a man who no longer performs as a resource provider. Women don’t love men. Women love men’s exploitability. That idea, usually called the “red pill” is one of the fundamental ideas of the MGTOWs.But the human brain is flexible and can learn. It can overcome its primitive instincts and learn to adapt to a changing environment. What is changing around women now are men. There’s a men’s lib movement now, that has grown up as a consequence of the contraceptive pill. Women choose to have 0, 1, 2 kids which gives them 40+ years of career time. The masculists say to women, NOW THAT YOU CAN WORK, YOU MUST WORK, ANYTHING ELSE IS PARASITISM ON MEN’S LABOR.Traditionally, men have been manslaves to women, who often had a dozen kids. She was full time busy with the kids while the father was out of the house earning the living to keep the whole family afloat. By the time the last kid had left the house, many of these parents were dead anyway.Now, that millions of women are FIPs, revolutionary new lifestyles open up for men.Research shows that the happiest couples are childless, and the unhappiest couples have teenage kids, so why have kids. Masculists/MGTOWs can now twaytwef with a FIP woman who has her own apartment (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs). When the relationship sours, he walks away to his own apartment, cost free, no divorce, because no marriage, no child support because no kids, no alimony because she is a FIP. Twaytweffing keeps women being nice to men otherwise the man walks away so easily, cost free.A masculist/MGTOW can live frugally, saving and investing a lot, so that he can retire in his 40s, then spend the rest of his life ARCing (after retirement careering) doing what he LOVES, not being a wage slave to some employer, and not being a manslave to some bloody fluffie.So, masculists/MGTOWs put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, and to have the moral expectations of being FIPs towards men. Women need to suppress their genetically programmed instincts of judging men according to men’s exploitability, because if women don’t do this, they will pay a horrible price. They will be ignored by men. They will rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and shunned by most of society, even by other females who are FIPs who look on fluffiedom as evil.THE FLUFFIE FEMINISTS NEED TO BE REMOVED FROM THE DIVORCE COURTSToday’s divorce laws in the US and comparable countries are massively unjust towards men and scream out for reform. The divorce laws need to be made menfair, or the population will continue to plummet and be wiped out within a century. The fluffie feminists in all their hypocrisy, need to have their lobby power removed from the gender politicians, so that divorce law reform becomes possible.Those fluffie feminists who push hard for today’s divorce laws and customs to be maintained need to be harangued and spat at by the masculists/MGTOWs. Such women are criminally selfish, and psychopathic. Many of them actually have divorce parties once they have massacred their ex-husbands financially and destroyed their lives. One married father in four goes through this hell.The masculists/MGTOWs will continue to boycott marriage and fatherhood, so sooner or later the gender politicians will be FORCED to ignore the lobbying by the fluffie feminists, who want equal rights for women, but not for men, who want to keep men as manslaves, paying for women to be fluffies. Masculists/MGTOWs hate fluffie feminists who push for the maintenance of the divorce laws.The gender politicians will then menfair the divorce laws, so that child custody is made joint by default, alimony is thrown out, the house remains with its original owner(s) and fluffies are pressured to become FIPs so that they don’t expect to parasite on men after a divorce the way they did before the divorce.These are the main expectations of masculists/MGTOWs towards women. The take home message for women is “If you’re not a FIP, you wont get a man. That will be your punishment. FIP up or rot on the shelf!”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Modifying Females' Hypergamous Psychology (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that as most males become masculists/MGTOWs, women will be forced to hide their true hypergamous nature and present only their FIP side to men, otherwise they will not get a man.MODIFYING FEMALES’ HYPERGAMOUS PSYCHOLOGYI think the following scenario is very probable. In today’s America, over 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts that will take the kids away from a divorcing father, he will lose his house, pay child support and alimony to his fluffie ex wife. So millions of young men are going MGTOW (men going their own way) spending their money on themselves, millions of them.But men evolved to want to penis women. It is their raison d’etre, so how to get regular sex from women if these MGTOWs refuse to marry and have kids? By twaytweffing, i.e. living the twaytwef lifestyle for men (twaytwef = 2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs (financially independent persons)) where both the man and the woman are FIPs, having their own apartment each. The huge advantage of this lifestyle for men is that it makes it easy for men to dump women, cost free to men. There is no divorce, because no marriage, no child support, because no kids, no alimony, because the woman is a FIP.Twaytweffing has the extra advantage that it keeps women being nice to men. If a twaytweffing FIP female starts nagging her male partner, withholds sex, starts trying to modify him the way she wants, then he can so easily dump her, cost free, that she is scared that if she is not nice to him ALWAYS, then she will be dumped. This constant threat keeps her on her toes, on her best behavior, otherwise she is out the door. He can so easily just walk away, back to his own apartment, and find another FIP female to penis.Ok, now imagine a few years from now, millions upon millions of men are not just boycotting marriage and fatherhood but have taken up twaytweffing, especially once the concept and the label are generally known. This will then change what I call the “sexual ecology.” By that I mean the ecology that exists in regard to mutual expectations of gender roles and sexual accessibility.For example, in the 90s in Japan where I was living at the time, if I had been single (which I wasn’t) but say I was, and I wanted to date Japanese women, and (imagine) I was both a masculist and a MGTOW at the same time.I would have had a very hard time trying to persuade some Japanese female to have a serious long term relationship with me, because of my masculist/MGTOW expectations on her, i.e. expecting her to be FIP and not parasite on me, not expecting me to be a manslave so that she could have kids in a middle class house paid for by me. Imagine 99% of Japanese females would not be interested then in having a serious relationship with such a masculist/MGTOW male. I would find it very difficult to find a FIP Japanese female.Now imagine that I’m a masculist/MGTOW in the US a few years into the future and 90% of men are masculists/MGTOWs who wont look twice at women who have fluffie attitudes, i.e. who want some manslave to pay for her to stay at home in the middle class house that he paid for to mother her kids in. These American fluffie women would have a hard time finding a man to have a long term relationship with, let alone finding a man who is prepared to be manslaved and parasited upon.In other words, the two sexual ecologies are the opposite of each other. In the former, the man has to adapt to the sexual ecology of Japan in the 90s, where virtually all the Japanese women were fluffies. In the 10s in the US, the American women will have to adapt to the sexual ecology in which most of the men are masculists/MGTOWs who see fluffies are vermin.Now, how will these American (and similarly in comparable countries) women adapt to the sexual ecology in which the vast majority of men piss on fluffies? These women will be FORCED to adapt to masculist/MGTOW males. They know that if they express fluffie attitudes, i.e. if they manifest their true hypergamous nature, then that will be the kiss of death for them in terms of getting a man.There are so many FIP women around now in the advanced western countries (e.g. in many western universities about 60% or more of medical students (future doctors) are female. A similar story holds for dentistry, law, etc.)The fact that there are so many FIP females around, changes the sexual ecology for men, and hence for women, according to the following chain of logic. With more FIP females, more men can twaytwef with FIP females. The more men who twaytwef, the fewer men are available to be manslaves to fluffies. Fluffies are then forced to become FIPs if they want to get a man, so they study FIP majors at high school and college and become real FIPs. There are now even more FIP women?available to men, until fluffies are wiped out.So, women will need to hide or block expression of their hypergamous nature with men, or they will pay a heavy price, they wont get a man, and hence live a manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and shunned existence.So women, will need to modify their hypergamous nature, in a way analogous to the way men learned not to openly objectify women in public in the 70s and 80s due to the rise of feminism.For example, imagine a conversation between a man and woman where the man is a lot brighter than the woman, and the woman is a real dish – curvy, big breasted, pretty. The man quickly gets bored with her female prattle, and starts eyeing up and down her attractive curves and crotch area. The woman senses this, and since (assume) she is a feminist, she says to the man “You’re objectifying me, staring at my breasts and crotch. That makes me feel like a piece of meat, so I’m not happy with you!”Ok, now turn the table on the woman. The man says to her “Last week, on our first date, I was telling you about my hobbies, my intellectual interests, and you weren’t very interested.? But as soon as I told you my job, and how much I made, after you asked me, you were itching to fuck me. That disgusted me. You are obviously just another highly hypergamous female, who judges men only by the size of their bank account, and not by their personality, their interests, their generosity, etc. That means you are objectifying me, seeing me as a checkbook that potentially you could exploit. That makes me feel like a cash machine, so I’m not happy with you!”As this kind of conversation is repeated millions of times, women will learn to suppress their hypergamous nature or be rejected by men. Men don’t like being objectified as cash machines by women. They want to be liked and respected for who they are, and not just as exploitable check books.As the sexual ecology keeps shifting towards the creation of a FIP Society, in which nearly all women are FIPs, and nearly all men are twaytweffing masculists/MGTOWs, then women will be powerfully pressured to suppress open expression of their hypergamous nature.BUT, don’t forget, that their hypergamous nature IS their nature. It was selected for over several million years as the size of the baby’s head doubled in a mere million years, causing women to give birth to premature babies and hence created women’s dependence on men to give them protein, so women evolved to become prostitutes –?sex for protein, and in today’s world, sex for money.This hypergamous nature of women will not go away, but it is offensive to men, and especially to masculists/MGTOWs, so women will have to adapt by hiding it, and keeping their true feelings and judgement-of-men criteria to themselves, otherwise they risk being rejected by men. Twaytweffing will ensure that women present only their FIP side to men, and be forced to keep presenting ONLY that side. This will make men’s lives a ton better, until the gender politicians finally get round to menfairing the gender laws, but that will take a decade or more until the political pressure against them is so strong that they are forced to.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ How Red is the Red Pill? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer plays devil’s advocate with MGTOW’s most famous idea, i.e. the red pill, that women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability. It claims that a FIP woman would not be red pill, but my own experience shows that a FIP woman can still be red pill, so the suspicion is that women EVOLVED to be red pill parasites on men.HOW RED IS THE RED PILL?In my view the most significant idea to come out of the MGTOW movement (not from the masculist movement) is that of the “red pill” i.e. the idea that women DO NOT LOVE MEN, THEY LOVE MEN’S EXPLOITABILITY. This idea is so revolutionary that it will shake up our whole global culture as the idea penetrates the minds of the billions. It runs counter to our whole traditional gender role culture and our pop song, love-love-love brainwashing. It will have deep implications on relations between the sexes as men increasingly wake up to its truth.It is its truth that I want to examine in this flyer, because so much is at stake if it is true, so I will play devil’s advocate with the idea, trying to refute it, and will then refute my refutation, arriving back where I started, i.e. that the red pill is true.I spend my afternoons in the neighboring park with my camp chair and a pile of math/physics books, so I’m utterly accustomed to reading – Definition, Lemma, Theorem Statement, Proof, Corollary, i.e. my brain is thoroughly programmed (every day) to think in terms of tightly logical reasoning (typical of pure mathematicians) so its not surprising that I apply the same skills to the most critically important idea of the MGTOW movement.So, I will give you two arguments. The first is an attempt to refute the idea that the red pill idea is true. The second argument refutes the first argument. You may ask so what! Well, there are probably lots of people who have the same doubts I had about the red pill when I first came across it. So if you hear the second argument, that may help you overcome your doubts, and hence be more open to the red pill idea, so that it can change your life, so this flyer might be very important for you.Here’s the first argument. “The red pill argument is false, i.e. women DO love men and will only drop her man, who loses his financial exploitability, out of sound, RATIONAL reasons, not because she has EVOLVED (over millions of years) ?to behave like that.”She has not evolved to behave like this. She is just making a rational decision to drop her current manslave, who no longer provides her the protein/money she needs to allow her and her kids to survive. By dumping him and moving on to another manslave, she is just being consciously rational. She wants to survive, and the same for her kids, so if one man cant pay for her, she will move to another, and have him be her manslave that she rewards with her vagina.This first argument definitely seems plausible for a FLUFFIE. If some woman studied fluffie crap at high school, and then more fluffie crap at university, so got a fluffie crap diploma that does not give her a skill that is highly valued by the economy, then she will be a fluffie in her thirties and hence will consciously, rationally, start looking around for some manslave who did NOT study fluffie crap at high school and university, who studied a FIP (financially independent person) major (math, and sciences), so that he earns a good salary, and is therefore a good target for a fluffie’s vagina.A fluffie will be attracted to such a FIP manslave and willingly give her vagina to him in exchange for his protein/money to pay for her and her kids she wants from him so she can fulfill her genetic destiny as a female to raise the next generation. So, when a fluffie seeks out a FIP male, she is making a RATIONAL choice, i.e. a conscious choice (a non evolved choice), and if the relationship is compatible, she may learn to love him.OK, now for the counter argument. It uses a style of logic, of proof (in math) called “proof by contradiction” i.e. you assume the opposite of what you’re trying to prove (e.g. you’re trying to prove P, so you start with ~P (i.e. not P)), derive from it something Q that you know from prior knowledge is actually false (i.e. you reason ~P -> Q, but you know that ~Q is true, so ~P?is false, so P is true), so there you have it.I use the case of my own Chinese wife as an example of the second argument. Many of you may be able to find examples in your own lives that are similar to mine, that reinforce my conclusion.If the red pill is false, i.e. women are NOT evolved to reject men who lose their protein/money exploitability, then a woman who is a real FIP, who has plenty of money to take care of herself, should NOT be too pissed off if the man in her life loses his protein/money. That loss should not be life threatening event to her, because she is a FIP who can take care of herself.My second Chinese wife is a professor with her own apartment, a good salary, her own car, a good pension, so if the red pill is false, she would NOT feel pissed off with me much for becoming a lot poorer when I got fired from my prof job in China (where I was earning 2.5 times her salary. She has a bachelor’s degree and is an associate prof. I have a PhD and was a full prof. My university president said I had broken the law by telling him that western researchers would not come to my city to build up China’s brain building center, due to the fact that China is not a democracy, and that the Chinese government has over 1000 concentration camps today (laogai) for political prisoners, and that the CCP killed 80 million of its own citizens under Mao, history’s greatest tyrant.)But the reality was, that she WAS pissed off, greatly. This means?that this reality refutes the idea that the red pill is false. She soon stopped the sex. She didn’t give a shit about my intelligence level, nor the importance of what I am doing in my retirement (i.e. pioneering the making of YouTube lectures in PhD level pure math and math physics for PhD level students all over the world to teach themselves FOR FREE, which is something I think, even if I say so myself, is very important and will revolutionize high level education.)She nagged and became very bad tempered, putting me down all the time, until my patience and civility ran out, and then I really smashed her ego by calling her “You third world chink! You low class, inferior intellect. You bad tempered, untraveled, uncurious, unintellectual, fat, 5 out of 10! You only care about a man’s money and not about his intellect, nor his personality. You’re just another bloody fluffie, the enemy of the masculists. If you keep up this negative fluffie behavior, I’ll move out. Since you’re fat and mid fifties, you will very probably not find another man to live with you in China, so you’ll spend the next 30 years of your life with only your dog. Your parents will die soon. You’ve lost your son to the US, and I’m your only “family”, so treat me in a civilized manner or I’ll dump you, you bad tempered, fat, third world, uncivilized, uncurious, untraveled, mindless, idea-less, chink, bitch!”She stopped the bitchiness after that, but the point is that she displayed typical red pill behavior, typical fluffie behavior. She judged me only according to her “does he have money” criterion, not giving a damn about my other valuable qualities. I, and men in general, hate being measured by women, according to how closely we resemble cash machines. We hate it and we hate women for doing it.So my Chinese wife confirms, via a double negative argument, that the red pill appears to be true. Its true in her case. Its probably true in general, i.e. that women EVOLVED to dump men who lost their protein/money exploitability, i.e. women DON’T love men, they love men’s exploitability, they love men conditionally, i.e. only if he continues to be protein/money exploitable.Let this be a lesson to?ALL?men.Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MOB Female, Bom Male, Oil and Water (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer talks about a type of relationship between a MOB (money over brains) woman and a BOM (brains over money) man that is intrinsically doomed, given the genetic natures of men and women.MOB FEMALE, BOM MALE,OIL?and WATER“MOB” means “money over brains” and “BOM” means “brains over money.” A MOB female is a woman who prefers the money a man has rather than his brains. A BOM male is a man who prefers doing brain like things rather than filling up his life chasing bloody money. These two types of people are as incompatible as oil and water, i.e. they don’t mix.This flyer is about a MOBfemale-BOMmale marriage that I have, and why it doesn’t work well at all.Women evolved to be prostitutes to men. Women and their children depended on men for their very survival in prehuman times. Women had babies and so could not hunt, so only the men brought back the protein to the tribe. Women evolved to become the sexiest of mammals, not having a period of sexual “heat” like dogs or monkeys because they are always in heat to be able to give sex to men to persuade them to give them protein.Women are hard wired to find men with resources (protein, money) sexually attractive. It is programmed into their DNA, they evolved that way.Men, on the other hand, evolved to manipulate the world, to understand the way the world worked, because they had to manipulate it, anticipate it, to be effective hunters. Men needed to be curious, to discover better ways of understanding the world, to find better hunting methods. They are hard wired to be curious, to find better ways of doing things.As BOM men go, I’m a bit of an extreme case. I devote my whole day to learning and understanding difficult, PhD level Pure Math, Math Physics (e.g. representation theory, Galois theory, Lie theory, finite simple group theory, gauge quantum field theory, particle physics, string theory, etc.) I love learning this beautiful, powerful stuff. I get regular highs from the “oh wow!” moments, when some difficult concept or proof finally clicks and “I get it!” The feeling of mastery and satisfaction is addictive. I devote my life to it now that I’m an ARCer (after retirement careerer, doing what I love to do, all day) and then put my new knowledge into YouTube lecture videos to teach PhD level students around the world FOR FREE, thus revolutionizing top level education.BUT, I’m married, admittedly to a woman who is a professor, so you’d think that since she is a professor, that she would be interested in things of the mind, and admire me for the things of the mind that I do, but no. She couldn’t care less. She relaxes when she gets back from work, and spends her time watching 80 IQ soaps (melodramas of hysterical women in hysterical situations) on her iPad and prattles on and on about the price of food in the supermarket, or how nice her new shoes or new clothes are.Intellectually, the woman bores me to death. I don’t take her seriously at all. She might be?a prof in the outside world, but to me she’s a childmind, preoccupied by female trivia, that I find totally alienating. We live together apart. I only speak with her for a few minutes each day. I work in my room, she watches soaps on her iPad in her room. About the only thing we do together is an hour’s evening walk with the dog.My previous Chinese wife stole half of my savings, that the Chinese courts would not allow me to get back, so I’m now rather poor, living frugally on my US professorial pension. So the MOB psychology of my female wife, with her female DNA, tends to look down on me, because I do not satisfy her female standards of what a sexually attractive male should be like.I on the other hand, look down on her, because she doesn’t satisfy my criteria of what a respect worthy human being should be like, i.e. be highly intelligent, curious, knowledgeable, and preoccupied by things of the mind. The two of us are at cross purposes, we don’t mix, we don’t relate, we are like oil and water.When her impatience with me gets on her nerves and she becomes rude, bitchy, and bad tempered enough, my patience and civility with her snaps, then I will give her an earful of my true feelings towards her, which shuts her up for about a month. “You don’t give a shit about what I do, who I am, what I am. You just watch your stupid soaps. You’re a vegetable, a fat, fifties vegetable, that no man wants. If you keep up your bad temper, you uncivilized, third world, chink, bitch, you’ll drive me away, and then you’ll live the last 30 years of your life alone with the dog! If you had half a brain, you’d admire what I do. I’m one in a thousand. The stuff I study and make YouTube lectures on for the next 20 years is so far above you, you don’t even know it exists. You should admire your brainy husband, who is revolutionizing top level education, but no. You only care about money, you shallow minded cretin. You bore me to death with your stupid shoes, clothes, and supermarket prices. You are a little inferior mind, so go fuck yourself, because no man is going to!”So, if you’re a man of the mind, you’re not going to be able to share your intellectual passions with a female, because femalians aren’t built for such things. You’re going to have a rather lonely life. The most extreme cases of men of the mind, men like Newton, Aristotle, etc had nothing to do with women, for the simple reason women are dumber than men at the very top end of the IQ scale, since males have a 10% higher IQ variance than women. Research shows that if the IQs differ by more than 5 points in a couple, the relationship is doomed. Newton eschewed women for the simple reason, they were ALL too dumb for him.I’m not a genius, so I cant use that excuse for looking down on women intellectually, but I do look down on them for their lack of intellectual curiosity, their lack of commitment to things of the mind. Women are pragmatists, narrow minded, little minded, uncurious, who bore men of ideas. I certainly don’t take women seriously when it comes to contributing to world intellect. The female contribution to world intellect is negligible, a few percent at best, an appalling track record.BUT, humans, including males, are built to be social creatures. Only a tiny minority of males are true hermits. As humans, we evolved to be social, because there was more safety in numbers. Men may lose their libido as they age, but they never lose their need for sociability. When I looked at Tesla’s life story, I learned that in his old age, he got very upset when his favorite pigeon in the park he frequented died. That saddens and warns me. I don’t want to end up an emotional?cot case like Tesla, who cut himself off from all human contact late in life.SO, for the moment, I compromise, with my oil and water Chinese wife. I interact with her for only a few minutes a day, so I can tolerate that. Sometimes I wonder how much of her inadequacies are due to her being a femalien,?and how much?to her being Chinese. I have a very low opinion of the Chinese, after having lived here for 10 years so far. Chinese culture is intellectually sterile. The Chinese don’t read. In Chinese buses, trains, parks, etc, no one reads, so different from Japan, where half the people read. China has contributed almost nothing to world culture recently. It is ultra conservative, being the only country in the world not to use an alphabet in its writing. The rest of the world moved on to the alphabet once it was invented, but not the Chinese.Chinese show little in the way of curiosity or creativity, so I don’t respect them. When I say I’ve been living in China for a decade, strictly speaking, I should be saying that my body has lived in China for a decade, but I don’t. My mind lives in the internet, my paper and e-books, and my own head. I never look Chinese in the eye, because I don’t want contact with them. I learned early on, that interacting with the third world, brutal, dictatorial, authoritarian mentality of the Chinese, only led to pain, so to stay sane I limit my contact with the Chinese as much as I can.My guess is that my Chinese wife’s MOB psychology is probably about 2/3 femalien, and 1/3 chink. She sees my thousands of books in the apartment as a bother. I see having a private technical library as a symbol of high intellectual prestige. Talk about oil and water, chink and femalien. Who knows what the future will bring? Will I go fully MGTOW, and live totally on my own in the coming years? We’ll see.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Women's Hockey Stick Awareness Moment of MGTOW Masculist Ideas (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer predicts how millions of women will react when they finally become conscious that they will never have babies due to millions of men having gone MGTOW/masculist, refusing marriage and paternity.WOMEN’S HOCKEY STICK AWARENESS MOMENT OF MGTOW MASCULIST IDEASA “hockey stick” moment occurs when some quantity that is increasing exponentially, suddenly shoots up, like a hockey stick after bending?at the bottom.As MGTOW/masculist ideas spread and spread, women will become increasingly conscious of them, and be forced to come to terms with the existence of millions of MGTOW/masculist men, who refuse to have anything to do with them, and certainly refusing to marry and have kids.The number of women waking up to the exponential growth of MGTOW/masculist numbers is still small, but in a few years, the hockey stick moment will occur, when millions of women, especially young women at universities, become conscious that their lives are going to be severely impacted by MGTOW/masculist men.This flyer is about that hockey stick moment, when millions of women become conscious that there is a real “man strike”, so that THEY WILL NOT HAVE BABIES!At first, when they first hear about MGTOWs and masculists, they will probably think that they are such a fringe group, that the ideas barely impinge on their consciousness. A few years later, they will be hearing seminars and talks given by MGTOWs/masculists belonging to men’s lib groups on campus.Next, they will start noticing that the men they are dating in the early years of their jobs are shying away from talk about marriage and fatherhood, saying that they don’t want to marry, and have a kid. They are too conscious of the massive injustice committed against divorcing fathers, and want no part of it. Then these women will start to really take notice, especially after it happens to them again and again and again.Then they will start talking with their (girl) friends, and receive confirmation, that “its not just me”, i.e. that all her female young friends are in the same boat, noticing that men just don’t want to marry and don’t want to have kids. These young men are spending their money on themselves, and simply expect women to pay for half the date, and if the women refuse, the man just walks out, muttering words like “Fluffie, parasitic bitch!”(By way of a foot note, this attitude is growing amongst young men, for example, I was very encouraged to hear that recently in the UK, a survey showed that young men consider the FIPness of women MORE IMPORTANT than their looks!)Then articles will appear in the women’s magazines as some of these women who cant get a man to give them babies, happen to be journalists, and write up big stories about men increasingly taking the MGTOW/masculist route, and wondering where all this new development is heading.Then a few more years later, still childless and with their biological clocks starting to tick harder, they will seriously start asking the question “Hey, maybe men are going to stay like this, and god forbid, I’M REALLY NOT GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!???”Then the panic will?set in. This panic will be felt by her female friends as well, as they too come to the same realization. Then the panic becomes collective, reinforced, strengthened and it will be?strong. Then the media takes up the issue in a big way, as women push their women’s magazines to deal with the biggest issue in their female lives, i.e. the very real probability that they are never going to have a kid, and that they will never have much more than “wham bam, thank you mam” type relationships with men, now that most men refuse to marry and be fathers.Now we are at the hockey stick moment. The number of women who panic begins to sky rocket, as word really gets out that MGTOWs/masculists have taken over the minds of most men, persuading them that marriage is toxic, because divorce is toxic, and that a man is far better off not marrying and not being a father, spending his money on himself, living frugally, saving and investing hard, so that he can retire young, and then spend the rest of his life (maybe more than half of it) doing what he loves, instead of being a manslave to some immoral, parasitic, manslaving, fluffie, parasite, female.These women will be alarmed at the general climate in society, as men hit back with a vengeance, lashing out at feminazis, and spitting at fluffies at meetings. Women in droves will be stating in public that they are “certainly not feminists” because they know that if they do, that will be the kiss of death for their chances to get a man even to sex them, let alone have a relationship with them.Women will notice how much more insistently men ask them “What do you do? How FIP (financially independent person) are you? Are you looking to parasite off my money?”They will feel the contempt in men’s expressions when they tell men that effectively they are fluffie crappers (who studied fluffie crap, i.e. career incompetent majors at college.)Women will then go into deep depression, as millions and millions of them, absorb the bitter reality that they truly are never going to have a baby! Slowly, they will start wondering what they can do to change the situation.That will then be post-hockey stick moment. When millions of women, start thinking hard about how that can get men back to have babies with them, will necessitate some massive changes in society.Women will need to join forces with the MGTOWs/masculists to get the gender laws menfaired (e.g. re divorce laws, the Parer (paternity rejection right, etc) They will need to cause a revolution in education at high school level, warning young women of 16 that “If you don’t study math and the sciences at high school, your odds of getting a man to have any kind of relationship with you is pretty well zero. Men hate fluffie crappers, because they grow up to be fluffies as adults, and hence are totally rejected by men. So, “No calculus, no baby!” “Be FIP or be manless!”Gradually, millions of women will become aware that men have the power to FORCE women to be FIPs, because most men are FIPs themselves, and can fend for themselves. They don’t need a woman to survive financially, the way a fluffie expects to parasite financially on a man.The tide will turn so viciously against fluffies that most young women will pour into the math and science classes at high school, through fear of not having babies. The slogan “No calculus, no baby!” will be known to nearly everyone, and especially to young women. Parents and high school teachers will get caught up with the consequences of the massive man strike and anti-feminazi backlash, and put strong moral pressure on their daughters and students to FIP up, and not to study fluffie crap majors.Maybe a decade or two after the hockey stick moment, the gender laws will be changed and made menfair, with divorce laws made equitable to both sexes, with men allowed to reject paternity legally, etc. Then men will start coming back to paternity, because it will have become hugely LESS costly, hugely less risky for men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Punishing the MOB (Money over Brains) Psychology of Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains how the evolved/genetically determined MOB psychology of females can be punished by MGTOWs/masculists, forcing them not to look on males as cash machines and learning to suppress their MOB psychologyPUNISHING THE MOB (MONEY OVER BRAINS) PSYCHOLOGY OF FEMALESAs millions of men become conscious of the idea that women don’t love them, but only love men’s exploitability, men will become increasingly hostile towards women when they see women acting on their genetic (evolved) instincts, judging men by how much money they can extract from them to pay for fluffie parasitic women to have babies and live in a middle class home, then they will lash out at such women, refusing to be cash machines to immoral, parasitic, manslaving bitches.I’m married, but barely. It’s a borderline marriage that might end soon, because I’m fed up with my current wife who is a real MOB female, i.e. she definitely judges a man by how much money he makes, and does not give a shit about a man’s other qualities, which in my case are heavily on the “brains” side. Perhaps I should be labeling such women MOPs (money over personality) but my values are oriented strongly towards brains and intellect, so I use MOB, and women’s MOB psychology, which has interesting multi-meanings.When I got fired for breaking Chinese law (by telling my Chinese university president that few western researchers would come to our Chinese city to build up China’s artificial brain center, because of China’s lack of democracy, lack of free speech, internet censorship, Mao’s 80 million deaths of Chinese citizens, etc.) I then became rather poor. My previous Chinese wife stole half my savings, when she put that money into shares IN HER OWN NAME and just asked me to sign. She had done all the Chinese character admin work for me, so I was in the habit of just signing. It did not occur to me she would put all that money in her own name. When that marriage broke down (due to her showing her true colors of being a middle class lazy Chinese female, who lied to me about intending to get a PhD, etc.) I could not get that money back via the Chinese courts, because they are so corrupt, favoring their own nationals, plus the fact that she was the daughter of a general who was on the Long March with Mao and probably got her CCP card carrying lawyer big sister to do some guanxi (string pulling, corruption).When the current Chinese wife met me she saw her future husband as a high prestige male, PhD, full professor, earning two and a half time her assistant professors salary. Her vagina wetted, being the true hypergamous female all women are (by evolved nature, by their DNA.)A few months later, I’m fired, and the truth begins to dawn on her that her husband is rather poor, and spends his time in retirement studying PhD level pure math and? math physics, so that he can make YouTube lecture videos so that students around the world at PhD level in those subjects can study them for FREE. Most males would admire such a man, doing such a thing, pioneering free online education for potentially a million PhD level math/physics students. They would admire and praise, but they are men. After she starts seeing me as poor, the sex dries up. Im still the same person, but not in her female eyes.Men care about the broader qualities of other men, but how about women?! They don’t give a shit. Their horizons are too limited. All they REALLY care about in a man is his income level. All the other admirable qualities a man may have are unimportant to her, relative to his income level, which for her is far and away her top priority.I bitterly resent this, and feel so strongly about it, I may just leave her, and go fully MGTOW (once I’ve got my green card). I feel degraded in many ways. Anyone with half a brain would admire what I’m doing, but not a female, not a wife. Women evolved to be parasites on men, to be prostitutes to men (because human babies need to be born prematurely, so their skulls can fit through the birth canal, then after birth the baby’s brain can continue to grow. But prematurely born babies are useless, so women have to stay with them for several years, and then the next baby comes. Women in Stone Age times became highly dependent on men to bring them protein so that they and their kids could survive. As a result, women evolved into the sexiest of mammals, with their period of being in sexual “heat” becoming the whole month, unlike dogs or monkeys.Women evolved to be prostitutes to men – female sex in exchange for male protein, male resources. This MOB psychology of women is not some social whim, this is deeply ingrained in women’s DNA. They evolved that way. They judge a man by his resources, and will vagina wet when they come across a rich, smart, handsome man who has the potential to give her fine children, and the resources to keep her and her babies alive.Given this deeply ingrained biological reality that women have when judging men, how can MGTOWs/masculists combat it? How do you fight biology? How to fight instincts in women that millions of years of evolution have hardwired/programmed into them?It may seem hopeless, but in reality it’s not, because that larger human brain that was so strongly selected for, has a feature that MGTOWs/masculists can use very effectively. That feature is adaptability. The human brain is the most intelligent on the planet, of all species. It is capable of learning, so MGTOWs/masculists can teach women that if they give free rein to their hypergamous natures, and then as a result, abuse men, then men will punish them.With the fluffie feminist dominating the divorce courts, divorce has become so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men in the US and Japan, refuse to marry and have kids. These young men are prepared to wipe out whole populations unless the gender politicians menfair the gender laws (e.g. regarding divorce, the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) so millions of men are now developing new male life styles. One of the most popular (going under various names) is “twaytweffing” (i.e. 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) in which a male FIP (financially independent person) has a relationship with a female FIP, each having their own apartment. When the relationship almost surely fails, they return to their own apartments, cost free to the man. With twaytweffing, the man gets the regular sex he needs, and some female companionship.The great advantage of twaytweffing for men is that it provides a means for men to force women to be nice to them, not to nag, not to withhold sex, not to try to mold them, because if the twaytweffing woman does try those things, he can tell her “Be nice, or I’ll just walk away.”Soon, millions, later billions, of men will be doing this, if the gender laws are not soon made menfair. So men have a powerful new tool to combat the MOB psychology of females. If she starts nagging him to have a baby, or she complains to him that he chooses to live a frugal, minimalist life style (saving and investing most of his money, so that he can retire early in life and then ARC (after retirement careering) doing what he loves, wage-lave free, man-slave free) then he can so easily walk.When millions of women experience this kind of twaytwef rejection, time and time again, they will learn to adapt, and will learn not to express their genetic based MOB nature, their MOB programming.Men will have the means to punish women for being MOB. MGTOWs/masculists can put enormous public pressure on women to be FIPs, and for women to suppress their MOB values. Men HATE being treated as cash machines, as merely an exploitable resource by fluffie parasites. Men hate it, and despise and reject MOB women who treat them so badly.The MGTOW/masculist virus is so virulent, that in a few years, nearly all young men and most older men, will have been infected by it, so will have their men’s lib consciousnesses raised. They will know about women’s MOB nature, about women’s hypergamy (the tendency of women to be constantly on the lookout for a more sexploitable male, which is also an evolved trait in women). Men will hurl abuse at women when they feel women are attracted only to men’s exploitability and not to men’s other admirable qualities. Women who express freely their MOB psychology will be labeled by men as being shallow minded, materialistic, exploitative, and criminally parasitic. Women will come under enormous moral pressure from men from all sides.Now that women can be FIPs, they must be FIPs, or will rot on the shelf to extinction if they aren’t.With women as FIPs, women no longer need their MOB psychology, so women soon in their billions, will have to learn to be FIPs and to suppress their true MOB natures, otherwise they will not have any kind of relationship with men. They won’t even be sexed, because men will be so disgusted with them, that they don’t even want to fuck them.In summary, men have the means to punish women for expressing their MOB psychology. It takes the form of a 3 point program. 1) Push for all women to be FIPs or they won’t get a man. High school fluffie crappers must stop studying fluffie crap, and study STEM majors to earn good money. 2) Women will learn that the only kind of relationship they can have will be to twaytwef, because young men refuse to marry and have kids (70% of them today, and within a decade, it will probably be over 90%). Fluffies will have no man, so will have to become a FIP to have any chance of twaytweffing. 3) Once a woman is in a twaytwef, she will be forced to suppress her MOB psychology, because she knows that if she doesn’t, that her male twaytweffing partner can easily dump her. She knows that most of the other man she could twaytwef with will have the same hostility towards female MOB psychology as well, so she has no choice but to suppress it in the presence of men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Female Ignorance of MGTOW Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer emphasizes the fact that women are almost totally ignorant of MGTOW/masculist ideas, so need to be educated, along with society in general, about MGTOW/masculist ideology, particularly the male rebellion against working for women, being manslaves to women.FEMALE IGNORANCE OF MGTOW MASCULISMI was struck by a remark by Sandman in a recent video of his in which he said to some female acquaintances? that he worked in the area of men’s lib, and that all of the women he mentioned this to became hostile, saying things like “What do you men have to be negative about?” or something similar. Since I live in China, in almost total cultural isolation (by choice, having such a low opinion of China’s massive political, cultural, intellectual, and moral inferiorities, that to stay sane I interact with Chinese as little as possible, so I don’t interact with Chinese women at all, except for my Chinese wife) I’m out of touch with how modern Chinese (young) women, influenced by western ideas, behave and think.I remember getting similar reactions from feminists in the early 80s, but that was three decades ago. I suppose since that time, women have been increasingly exposed to feminist ideas, to such an extent, they are now just part of the scenery, in the air, for most women.But, most women know nothing about MGTOW/masculism, so they feel they have the right to complain to men about what they see as men doing to them, oppressing them, so they lash out.What we MGTOWs/masculists need to do, is to educate not only men about how the traditional manslave role for men needs to be rejected, but to educate women too, so women stop dumping on us and face up the to reality, that women evolved to be parasites on men, and have unconscious parasitic attitudes towards men that they are barely even aware of.So it is up to MGTOWs/masculists to teach women, that the fluffie is a parasite, an immoral, manslaving bitch, who now must work, given that women can now control easily the number of children they want, thanks to the male genius invention of the contraceptive pill. Now that women CAN work, they MUST work. Anything else is parasitism on men. Women went through their careerist revolution in the 70s when large numbers of middle class western women got bored being house wives in the burbs with their ankle biting toddlers, and pushed to become like men and have a career. Hence second wave feminism. (Initially, in the early 70s, I was an avid male feminist, hoping that feminism would make women interesting, i.e. capable of holding intellectual conversations with men, in an informed, curious, logical manner, but I abandoned that na?ve fantasy decades ago, as I become better informed of women’s uncurious, unintellectual, intellectually inferior, nature.)A generation later, men are now going through their own gender revolution, refusing to be manslaves to fluffie parasites, going their own way, spending their money on themselves, and pissing on fluffies for their parasitism at the expense of men, especially their sadistic attitudes shown towards their ex-husbands in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.Women need to be taught the basics of MGTOW/masculism, so if some feminist ignoramus says “What do you men have to complain about, you are the privileged sex?!”? then a MGTOW/masculist can set her straight with a few pithy MGTOW/masculist comments, such as –Masculism is essentially a rebellion by men against working for women.Now that women can work, they must work.If a woman is a fluffie, i.e. she expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man, then she will be punished. She will be ignored by men, not even sexed by men, and will rot on the shelf to extinction.The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out fluffies, not by killing them, but refusing to have anything to do with them. Fluffies are the enemy.70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan refuse to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves. They are rebelling against being manslaves. Women will have to be FIPs (financially independent persons) or they won’t get a man to even say hello to them.The fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts, causing one married man in four to be financially massacred, losing his kids, his house, paying child support, and alimony to a fluffie ex-wife so she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.Fluffie feminists are hypocrites. They expect equal rights with men, but refuse equal obligations with men, i.e. they are still fluffies in their expectations of men, expecting men to pay for them.? Fluffie feminists are worse that fluffies, because they are hypocrites. MGTOWs/masculists will force both fluffie feminists and fluffies to become FIPs or they don’t eat.Men are mostly FIPs, so have the power to force women to become FIPs, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if some gullible unenlightened male is prepared to be a manslave to her, working for her, paying for her. But the supply of such males is drying up. Already 70% of young American and Japanese men refuse this traditional manslave role of the man, and piss on fluffies. They see fluffies as the enemy, to be avoided and spat at.—Once women learn that women do not have a monopoly on gender issues, they will be more inclined to shut up in public when they feel the impulse to lash out at men, through fear that in the room, will be a MGTOW/masculist who will lash out at them with MGTOIW/masculist rhetoric, similar to the ideas mentioned above. Women hate losing face in public, so if a highly intelligent, articulate, well informed MGTOW/masculist cuts her to pieces, then she will be strongly sobered. She will think twice before man dumping again in public.So, one of the reasons I am now routinely, almost daily, putting up a link to a PPt presentation I made a while back, addressed to women, is to educate them about the impact that the rise and rise of MGTOW/masculism is having on women. This PPt is designed to teach women the other half of the gender story. Too many women are utterly ignorant of the male angle in the traditional gender role polarization.I think that at our current stage of MGTOW/masculist development, EDUCATION of the public is critical. We need to educate other unenlightened men, who are still potential manslaves (i.e. the other 30% of young men in the US and Japan, and other countries, etc). We definitely need to educate women, so that they? get shit scared, that they have more than a two thirds chance of ending up babyless, given that 70% of young men are already MGTOW/masculist in practice, if not yet in ideological conviction.Society in general needs to be educated into MGTOW/masculist ideas – parents, teachers, professors, high schools, universities, journalists, gender politicians, etc. We MGTOWs/masculists still have a massive educational task ahead of us. We are still in the infancy stage. We have barely started crawling.But, it’s only a question of time before our ideas are the hottest ideas around, because sooner or later, western society is going to wake up that the young men are refusing paternity, and that will wipe out the whole population, the MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE OF OUR TIME. Sooner or later the journalists will catch on to this concept, and start focusing attention on it. Then the MGTOWs/masculists will be able to present our ideas to the journalists and to society. We can tell society, and especially the gender politicians, that “UNLESS THE GENDER POLITICIANS MENFAIR THE GENDER LAWS (E.G. RE DIVORCE, THE PARER (PATERNITY REJECTION RIGHT), ETC) THE MGTOWS/MASCULISTS ARE PREPARED TO WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS BY CONTINUING TO REJECT PATERNITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”The immediate educational task is to use the internet to grow the MGTOW/masculist movement, bring it into the millions and later the billions, so that everyone is aware of the rebellion of men against being manslaves to women, that women have to become FIPs or they rot on the shelf as fluffies, rejected by men, so that fluffies become manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and rejected by a MGTOW/masculist conscious culture.Two thirds of young men in the US and Japan have already got the message that the traditional manslave role of the male is to be rejected. Hardly any women have got the message that they have to be FIPs if they want to get any attention from men, who are increasingly MGTOW/masculist in their anti-manslavery attitude, so there is still a hefty educational task ahead for the MGTOW/masculist movements.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW Masculist Punishment of Second Halver Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is aimed at women, claiming that if first halver women (<40) are not nicer to men, they will be punished by being ignored by men in the second half of their lives. 40% of women over 40 in the US live alone. This flyer explains some of the reasons why.MGTOW MASCULIST PUNISHMENT OF SECOND HALVER WOMENMy impression is that most young women (i.e. first halver women, i.e. women under 40) are unaware that about 40% of second halver women in the US live alone. Many of them are being punished by second halver men who simply refuse to live with them for a variety of reasons, some of which are – Second halver women are far less sexually attractive to men. A large proportion of them have become fat and about as many, even obese, so have made themselves sexually repulsive to men. Many of them nagged their men when they were younger, and these men just got sick of it and walked out. Many men have been financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and utterly refuse to have anything to do with women again, preferring to only date women for sex, and living in their own apartment. Many men see women, especially first halver women, as feminazi bitches and want nothing to do with them, preferring the peace and quiet of their own space. Many second halver men (actually more fourth quarter men, have lower libidos, so are much less “cunt driven” than first halver men, so prefer to have nothing to do with women, preferring their own activities to women’s nagging and childlike behaviors and attitudes.There is a lesson to be learnt here for younger women. “If you younger women continue as you are going, then you will end up in the “fluffie graveyard” like the above 40% of second halver women.” These fluffie grave yarders are slowly dying, very slowly, like half a lifetime slowly. They are manless, loveless, often childless, often poor (if they are fluffies) and no one cares about them. They lead half-lives, and it is their own fault. They should have been nicer to men when they were younger, so that their man did not walk out on them. They should not have financially massacred him, so that he might be prepared to be a bit friendly towards her after the divorce, rather than shunning her like the plague and other women as well. They should be FIPs, (financially independent persons) so that men will at least twaytwef with them (2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs) so that when the relationship ends, the two FIPs walk away to their own apartment, cost free to the man.In other words, younger women, first halver women, need to be made a lot more conscious that it is in their self-interest to be much nicer to men, so that second halver men are more prepared to relate with second halver women, so that these women do not lead such miserable half-lives, as they do today.Here is where MGTOW/masculism comes in. We need to be much more active in attracting the broadcast media, in teaching younger women, that a horrible reward is awaiting them in the second half of their lives, if they continue on their current misandrist, man dumping path. Men are half the population, and have the power to punish women severely, if men get too pissed off.MGTOWs/masculists need to get the broad circulation journalists and TV producers interested in MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that women learn about the price they will pay in their second half life, if they remain feminazi misandrist bitches.In a week from writing this flyer, I will be on RT (Russia Today) with its 700 million worldwide audience (in English) for half an hour, to talk about the rise/threat of massively intelligent machines. I, and other MGTOWs/masculists should be doing something similar re the ideas of MGTOW/masculism, so that feminists learn that they are the first category of female to be rejected by men. These feminazis are the most punished, because not only wont men go near them, they sneer at them, and call them names such as “fluffie feminazi hypocrite” “the most hated type of females, utterly to be rejected by all men” etc.The majority of young women today do not state publically that they are feminists, because they know from watching the hateful reaction of men towards feminazis that men utterly despise such women, and refuse to have anything to do with them. But young women are still fluffie crappers at high school and university. Over three quarters of young women (at 16) still choose to study fluffie crap subjects at high school because they are intellectually easier, (the “soft option”) rather than the “hard option” of math and the sciences, that are prerequisites to study career competent majors at university, so that they can become FIPs as adults and be able to afford their own middle class house in their 30s when they want to raise their kids in it, and not look around for some gullible manslave to pay for it, for her kids, and for her.High school women still have a lot to be taught by the MGTOWs/masculists about the moral responsibility of becoming career competent FIPs, and not expecting to be fluffies in their 30s and hence parasite on a manslave, whose supply is rapidly drying up (70% of young men under 35 in Japan and the US refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.)Generally speaking, first halver women need to be taught by MGTOWs/masculists to be responsible FIPs, or they will suffer the fate of the fluffie grave yarders, dying a very slow, isolated, unloved, unsexed, ignored, half life. That will be their fate, if they don’t make a lot more effort to be nice to men in their first half of life. The most significant thing these women can do in their first half of life is to become FIPs, and take responsibility for their own lives, and not expect some man to do it for them. Women must grow up, and not just act like adults, but be adults. Women need to be taught this, from MGTOWs/masculists initially, and later from teachers, professors, the media, and society in general.We MGTOWs/masculists particularly need to get the message out, to young women, that “If you are not nice to men, if you are not FIP, if you are a feminazi bitch, if you don’t take responsibility for your own life, then an awful punishment awaits you in your second half of life. You will become a fluffie grave yarder utterly ignored by men, and by society, because no one cares about old, single, poor, useless, females.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Gender Crimes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes gender crimes committed by women against men, and how they can be stopped.GENDER CRIMESI define a gender crime to be a criminal act committed by a member of one gender against a member of the other gender. For example, a man raping a woman, would be a gender crime. Prison rape of a man by a man, although obviously a crime, is not a gender crime, by definition. Since I’m a masculist, this flyer concentrates on the major gender crimes committed by women against men. I will list some of them first, and then elaborate on them later.Some of the major gender crimes that women commit against men are :- fluffie crapping, manslavery, financial massacring when divorcing, misandry, gender lying, gynocratic oppression, etc.FLUFFIE CRAPPINGFluffie Crapping is when young women, aged about 16, decide to study fluffie crap, i.e. the intellectually easier majors at high school, i.e. the “soft option”, not the “hard option” of math and the sciences, in their final two years of high school. This is seen as a gender crime by masculists because these fluffie crappers (well over three quarters of young women at US high schools) then doom themselves to becoming fluffie crappers at university, because the STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) departments reject them from studying STEM majors because these fluffie crappers did not study math and the sciences at high school. So fluffie crappers graduate with a fluffie crap diploma, that the economy does not value much, so that these fluffie crappers are then, for the most part, unable to afford to buy themselves a middle class house to raise their kids in, so they then look around in their 30s for some manslave to pay for her to have a house, pay for the kids, and pay for her.Masculists/MGTOWs see fluffie crappers as lazy, immoral, parasitic and contemptible, and committing a gender crime, because these young women are making a decision to become a manslaver, and manslavery in slavery, and slavery in a war issue, and the masculists/MGTOWs are at war against the fluffies. Hence fluffie crapping is equivalent to deciding to be a manslaver, to sexploit some gullible manslave, and live off his money, living off his labor, while she sits on her fat parasitic arse, living in his house, to raise her kids, with him paying for it all. Masculists piss on fluffie crappers, and advise men strongly, not to have anything to do with them, not even sexing them, as a form of punishing them?for choosing to be manslavers. Fluffie crappers are vermin to be wiped out, by being ignored to extinction.MANSLAVERYThere are millions of women who live their whole lives parasiting off the money of a man. Look at the Japanese and Korean wives, who don’t have a job and live off the salary of their husbands. In Japan, the average salary man works 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times, comes home so late, he doesn’t see his kids who are already asleep, so he becomes a stranger to them. He gives over his pay check each month to his totally fluffie wife, who then gives him a small allowance, and spends the rest of it on the kids, the household, and herself. This is slavery indeed. No wonder in Japan, there are the “herbivore” men, a social movement of young men under 35, 70% of whom refuse the traditional salaryman role of the male, who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their time and money on themselves. Herbivores have been doing this for a decade or so longer than the MGTOWs in the US, so the Japanese population is starting to fall as a result of the herbivore rejection of paternity. The Japanese politicians are so concerned about the Japanese population being wiped out in a mere century, that they have appointed a “Minister of Population” who so far has only pushed men to “man up,” utterly missing the point that being a manslave to some Jap fluffie is the opposite of what they want. The minister of population needs to study some MGTOW/masculist ideas, and then make some radical changes, e.g. pushing Japanese women to become FIPs, so that men are more prepared to be fathers, and to reform the divorce laws, so that men are not financially massacred in them, etc.FINANCIAL MASSACRING WHEN DIVORCINGOne of the main ideas of the MGTOWs is what they call the “red pill,” i.e. the idea that women do not love men for their personalities, but for their exploitability. A woman’s vagina is more likely to moisten at the site of a rich man leaning up against a Lamborghini, than the same man in a McDonald’s uniform. Women evolved to sexploit men for resources, because women were so dependent on men giving them protein from the hunt, so that women could feed themselves and their babies. They evolved to become the sexiest of mammals to bribe men with their vaginas to give them protein. This makes perfect Darwinian sense. Women evolved to choose the most exploitable man she could get her financial claws into, a trait that is usually labeled “hypergamy.” If a more exploitable man comes along, she will coldly drop her current man and begin sexing the new guy.To see the true colors of women, and their attitudes towards men, consider the fact that roughly one married woman in four in the US will willingly financially massacre her husband in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court, forcing him to lose his kids, his house, pay child support and often alimony. So many women do this, that there is even a market for “divorce parties.” The fact that so many women feel no compassion towards the men whose lives they are ruining, shows what women really think of men. This financial massacring is a major crime, and has to be stopped. This financial massacring in the divorce courts is the major reason for the rise of the MGTOW movement in western countries. Millions of young men see what happened to their fathers, and vow not to repeat the same mistake, so they go MGTOW, they refuse to marry, they refuse to have kids, they refuse to spend money on women, they spend their money and their time on themselves. Many MGTOWs are so pissed off with women’s true nature, i.e. the red pill, that they don’t even date women, which is commonplace in Japan amongst the herbivore men. In the US and Japan today, 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. This phenomenon is the most important of our era, because if it continues, then whole populations get wiped out in a mere century. It is critically important that this major gender crime be stopped.MISANDRYFeminism (the second and third waves) have been around for half a century, so most young and middle aged women have absorbed its lessons, with the result that they tend to see men as the enemy, and use their new found career power, especially in the media,? to put men down, making them look stupid and ineffective. This misandry has to stop, because we are talking about a mishandling of half the population, i.e. men. Boys are surrounded by a majority of primary school teachers who are female, and increasingly at high school as well, even in the sciences and math. When these males get to university, the majority (60%) of students are female. They feel they are living in a female dominated world, and absorb the constant put downs from women, from the media, TV, and Hollywood. No wonder, 70% of young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids. They are fed up, and are going on strike. Society has to change, or our population gets wiped out.Masculists particularly need to harangue these misandrist feminists, teaching them that women oppress men too, and that men are going on strike in massive numbers, that there is a massive backlash against feminists by men. Men are expressing their hatred against feminazi bitches at a growing rate, so that young women are seeing this hatred, and are learning to suppress their feminist leanings, so that they do not suffer immediate rejection by men, because women evolved to want babies. Raising babies as a single mother is not easy, so most women want to have a man around who will help out with the finances, so cannot afford to piss off men the way the feminazi bitches do (who are then punished by men who reject them as the first category of female to be avoided.) MGTOWs/masculists need to approach the media, and teach society, the teachers, the professors, the gender politicians, that men need to be respected, because in reality, men are the superior sex, as shown by any scientifically measurable test. Men have a greater GMV (greater male variance) on such tests so have better scores at the top end of the scale, e.g. men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes and all the Abel prizes (math). If all the females suddenly died, men would survive quite readily for another century, since they are capable of running a modern society. If all the males suddenly died, then the female population would crash catastrophically back to the Stone Age, because females are incapable of running a modern society.GENDER LYINGFeminism is too often just PC bullshit, not caring much about scientific accuracy, believing what they want to believe, without evidence, rather like the religionists. There is so much gender lying coming from the feminists, for example, saying that women are just as capable as men. Crap! The genii are males. Men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men vastly outperform women in general achievement, dominating the entries in the Who’s Who books. Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged and persist at completing difficult tasks, whereas women are more wishy washy and give up more easily.MGTOWs/masculists need to push the idea onto society, that men are the superior sex, and kill two birds with one stone, i.e. counter the feminist misandry, and raise men’s status in society, by attacking the women who push their feminist gender lies onto boys and the media. When young boys hear that men are the superior sex, that will galvanize them and give them pride instead of being constantly deflated by the current misandry, and feminist hegemony of the gender ideas spread in the schools and the media.GYNOCRATIC OPPRESSIONThere is real gynocratic oppression of men occurring in the divorce courts. This monstrosity has to stop, and that is what MGTOW/masculism/MRM is largely about. Another major gender crime is the lack of a Parer, a blatant sexual discrimination against men. Women have the Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right) but men have no Parer (paternity rejection right) so that he can refuse an unwanted pregnancy, so that if the woman continues the pregnancy, then she is legally obliged to pay the full costs of the kid.Fluffies fight the Parer tooth and nail. They know full well that if the Parer comes in, then that will force women, all women, to become FIPs (financially independent persons) and to have to grow up and take full responsibility for their own lies, instead of expecting some manslave to solve their financial problems for them. The lack of a Parer is a major oppression against men, strongly pushed by fluffie feminists, in all their hypocrisy. Most feminists are fluffies in their attitudes towards men. They have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness, because most feminists have never even heard of MGTOW or masculism, so by default they have traditional attitudes towards males, i.e. they see men as cash machines, to be sexploited for women’s financial benefit. With masculists pushing hard for the legislation of the Parer, women will be forced to become FIPs, to become adults, to grow up, to take responsibility for their own lives, a prospect that scares most fluffies shitless. Fluffie feminists are profoundly hypocritical, because they want to have their cake and eat it too. They want equal rights for women, but not equal obligations for women. They still want to be able to parasite off men instead of being adult female FIPs.There are many other examples of gender crimes that women commit against men. The above are just some of the main ones.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Pinking of Red Piller Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that as millions of men have their MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised, those women who express openly their evolved criteria for judging men based on men’s exploitability, will be increasingly rejected and shunned by men, forcing women to suppress their true, DNA based, exploitative, nature regarding men.THE PINKING OF RED PILLER WOMENAs a masculist, I think the most disturbing idea I have learned from the MGTOW sages (intellectuals) is that of the “red pill” i.e. the idea that women do not love men for themselves, their personalities, but almost exclusively for their exploitability. If a woman becomes convinced that she cannot extract resources from a man, her vagina will go cold on him. Women evolved this way, and with a little bit of thought it makes perfect Darwinian sense, because women were critically dependent on men to give them protein from the male hunt, that women could not participate in because they had to stay at home with the infants and small children.But as a male, I resent, I angrily resent, being treated as a cash machine by women. That sours my attitude towards women, and puts a real barrier between me and women. I don’t trust them, and look at them with suspicion in the street. When women are nice to me, I no longer think “Oh, she’s being nice to me, that’s nice, she’s nice!” Now I think “This woman is being nice to me, so what is she trying to get out of me?” When millions of men wake up to this red pill idea, it’s going to seriously sour relations between the sexes and put real psychological pressure on women, as women learn that men have become conscious of women’s sexploitative natures towards men.I suppose I was not conscious of this MGTOW red pill idea, until a few years ago, because I was always a high status male (a PhDed full professor) so women saw me as flattering to their own egos, that a male of high prestige would take an interest in them, so they were always nice to me.In the 2000s in the US, I was single, and had a string of US girlfriends. All of them were nice to me, and it was I who did most of the dumping (with one exception). I did not get the impression that they saw in me an exploitable asset. These relationships usually lasted only 3-6 months, by which time, their personalities had become clear and the personality incompatibilities grew to the point of separation.It wasn’t until I became fairly poor living in China, that my second Chinese wife showed classic red pill behavior towards me, which I recount now. I think my first Chinese wife lied from the beginning of our relationship about what she said she wanted, and what she really wanted. She said she would study for a PhD and have interesting conversations with me, After 4 years with her, it had become obvious to me that she was really just a rather lazy, middle middle class female, who liked having me pay for overseas trips, and having the prestige with her family of being married to a western university professor. After dumping her, she stole half my savings that she had invested for me, saying it would get a higher return than a bank savings account. She invested that money in her own name, and I couldn’t get it back via the Chinese courts, because China favors its own citizens in such disputes.My second Chinese wife was definitely a FIP (financially independent person) being also a professor, with her own apartment, fully paid off, her own car, and pension fund. At the time I met her I was earning 2.5 times her salary, and I used to describe her as my “sexy scholar.” Then I got fired for making an illegal remark to my university president saying that western professors would not come to China in large numbers until China democratized and distanced itself from Mao and the 80 million Chinese he killed in the great famine, the laogai (Gulag like concentration camps for political prisoners, that China still has over 1000 of today), and other revolutions. He emailed back saying I had broken the law, and a few months later my contract was not renewed. I was blacklisted from ever getting a prof job in China again.So, I became rather poor. I could survive living modestly on my US pension fund, but I would have to live cheaply, on say about $200/month, which is doable in China, given its much lower cost of living compared to rich western democracies. What was interesting was how my second Chinese wife reacted to my new financial status.I decided to retire (at 63), not that I had much choice. I became a globacator (global educator) making YouTube lecture courses in PhD level pure math, and math physics for PhD level students around the world, to be able to teach themselves these subjects for free, as well as making e-libraries of papers and books on these topics and more.I had read a few years earlier that the average published research paper was read by ONE other person, making most of research a waste of time and money. It made me rather cynical, because over my research career, I had churned out 150 of these (unread?) research papers. So I felt being a globacator was hugely more significant than being a class room researcher professor, so my self-image, my self-prestige went up a bit. It was a totally different story with my second wife. Being female, and therefore an evolved red piller, she then saw me as having become an “unexploitable” and she began to look down on me, even though I explained to her the importance to the world of what I was now doing, being a globacator. She didn’t care. She became condescending, very bad tempered and the sex dried up. She was showing her red pill genes by not vagina wetting to a male whom she could not extract anything from – classic!Our relationship is now borderline. From time to time when she would explode in menopausal rage, I would rage back at her telling her that she’s fat, mid-fifties, and if she pushes me away with her bad temper, then she will very probably not get another man. (My divorce lawyer from my first Chinese wife, told me that a single Chinese woman of 60 has virtually zero chance of finding another husband.) It was interesting to watch her transformation, as she realized I had become rather poor, and that she was the main money earner now. I told her that what I now do is hugely more important for the world, i.e. revolutionizing the teaching of PhD level subjects, but she didn’t give a shit. I’m the same person, I would tell her, with only a bit less income to my name (particularly after my first Chinese, very fluffie, wife stole half my savings.) My second wife is female, so she judges me according to my exploitability, which was critical to women’s survival in the distant past. I can understand it, but that doesn’t make it any the less painful and detestable for men.What interests me in this flyer, is what will happen to women, once millions of men have similar red pill experiences and seriously begin to confront women with their detestable red pill attitudes, i.e. their criteria for judging men’s attractiveness, i.e. their extremely narrow criteria for vagina wetting as judged by men’s “exploitability quotient” (EQ).When I feel a woman in judging me by my income only, I feel abused by that woman. I don’t like her. I look down on her for being so small minded. I expect to be judged for what I am, for who I am. I’m a world figure in what I do, i.e. raising the alarm on the rise and threat of massively intelligent machines. I’m regularly on the world’s media on this topic. I’m a PhDed full professor with 150 publications, half a dozen books, my website has had over 100,000 hits the past few years, etc. This second wife, if she were a man, would admire me, but she doesn’t. She’s a she, and women care only about men’s exploitability by women. This narrowness of criteria is going to cause women massive problems in the near future, as millions of men confront women with this narrowness and lash out against it. It may have made evolutionary sense that women are red pillers, but in today’s world MEN HATE BEING TREATED AS CASH MACHINES BY WOMEN and will increasingly punish women for being like that. There are now millions of MGTOWs around the world, who choose to live modestly, spending their money on themselves, so as to have more time to do what they really love doing for themselves, and utterly refusing to be manslaves to fluffies manslavers. Women who consciously judge men by their exploitability are going to be constantly rejected by men, and rejected with verbal aggression by men –“You treat me like a cash machine, you little shit, so go fuck yourself, because I’m not going to. I’m dumping you, you manslaving bitch!” As women experience this kind of thing again and again, they will be forced to suppress their red piller nature, or rot on the shelf to extinction.Women are going to have to learn to suppress their exploitative criteria for judging men, through fear of pissing off men so much that they end up rotting on the shelf, with no man willing to have a long term relationship with women. This very negative reaction by men against women treating men as cash machines, will cause women to pay particular attention to not showing her true nature to men, otherwise she will be dumped.As MGTOW/masculism spreads and spreads, then nearly all men will know about the red pill nature of women, and women will know that men know, so that women will be expected by men to suppress expression of their true natures. Women will have to adapt to the new “sexual ecology” in which men won’t tolerate being treated as cash machines by women. The masculists (men’s libbers) are pushing very hard to create a FIP Society, i.e. one in which all women are FIPs (financially independent persons) so that women will not be forced to have exploitative attitudes towards men to survive. A FIP woman can relax existentially, knowing that she can take care of herself financially, and not need to try to manslave some gullible man.It may be in women’s DNA to judge men by men’s exploitability, but the female brain is also capable of adapting, and learning, because what was useful to her in the distant past is now counterproductive to her in a MGTOW/masculist dominated world, in which men will dump her if she expresses her true, DNA based, exploitative nature. That nature is now dangerous to her. She has to learn to suppress it or she rots on the shelf, being manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and increasingly shunned by a MGTOW/masculist conscious FIP society.Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The MGTOW Masculist Combat against Women's Ingrained Evolved Expectations that Men Should Pay For Them to Have Babies? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lashes out at women’s ingrained/evolved attitude that men are put on this earth to pay for women to have babies. Masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs and pull their own financial weight, and not see men as cash machines to pay for them to raise kids.THE MGTOW/MASCULIST COMBAT AGAINST WOMEN’S INGRAINED EVOLVED EXPECTATIONS THAT MEN SHOULD PAY FOR THEM TO HAVE BABIESCombatting the attitude that women have that men are put on this earth to pay women to have babies is so deeply ingrained, and probably even evolved, that it will take considerable effort on the part of the MGTOWs/masculists to overcome it.In the past, before the fluffie feminists took over the divorce courts and made them toxic to males, a man who married and had kids with a woman, had the expectation that he would benefit from having those kids, i.e. he would keep them and watch them grow up. They have half his DNA, so he has a real bond with them. But then along came the fluffie feminists, in all their hypocrisy and stupid short term thinking, who wanted to be able to get out of bad marriages, AND to keep having men pay for them to have kids. They lobbied the gender politicians who gave them what they wanted, so they got to keep their cake and to eat it too.Men got financially massacred. Roughly one married man in four in the US, has his life destroyed by losing his kids, losing his house, paying child support and alimony to his fluffie ex-wife. This has made divorce and hence marriage so toxic for men, that young men in their millions in the west and Japan are refusing the traditional male role of being a man slave to a woman, and have gone MGTOW/masculist, or in Japan, herbivore, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money not on a woman and kids, but on himself. 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan are now doing this.Women are now being confronted with the longer term effects of their selfish short term thinking. In the short term, they benefitted from continuing to parasite off men’s money after the divorce the way they had before the divorce. What they did not anticipate was the massive male backlash against being financially massacred in the divorce courts. Young men look at what happened to their fathers, resolve that they will never allow the same to happen to them, and so decide to go MGTOW/masculist., i.e. they refuse to marry and refuse to have kids.The masculists do more than what the MGTOWs do (i.e. passively walk away from the marriage market, and from paternity). Masculists fight. Masculists hit back at fluffies and fluffie feminists and push the media, the schools, the colleges, the gender politicians, and society in general, that the gender laws have to be made menfair, that men’s status needs to be restored, or the masculists and MGTOWs will wipe out whole populations until they get what they demand.Women are punished by MGTOWs/masculists by simply refusing to marry them, and refusing to give them babies. This is a very effective strategy to force women to stop looking at men as cash machines.Speaking as a male myself, I feel very angry, when some bloody female looks at me only as an exploitable resource, and not at my other qualities, such as my intelligence, my personality, my hobbies, my interests, etc. I’m not interested in a woman who looks at me as though I’m a bank account for her.I see such women as the enemy, as fluffies, as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, by avoiding having anything to do with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction, until all women are educated that they are to pull their financial weight, by becoming FIPs (financial independent persons) who bother to get a career competent education, that will allow them to become FIPs as adults, and not want to parasite on some manslave when she is in her 30s when she wants to have babies and not have to raise them AND have a well-paid career, at the same time.Masculists put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to become FIPs, especially at the root of the problem, which starts at high school, where more than 80% of young women decide at 16 to study the “soft option” i.e. not the “tough option” of math and the sciences, which means they will be excluded from studying career competent STEM (science tech engineering math) majors at college, so will end up with a “fluffie crap” diploma that will make them rather poor, because the economy does not pay fluffie crappers very well. These fluffie crappers will then look around for a manslave in their 30s so that he pays for the middle class house she wants to raise her kids in. Fluffie crappers in their teens are deciding to be immoral, parasitic, manslavers at an early age, and over 80% of them. This is a moral outrage, that the masculists are very angry about, and berate these young fluffie crappers for their decisions to become potential manslavers.Masculists differ from MGTOWs who do not harangue females. MGTOWs just walk away. Masculists attack fluffies, fluffie crappers, fluffie feminists for being manslavers. Masculists say to them that manslaver is slavery, slavery is a war issue, and that the masculists are at war against the fluffies, aiming as their main political goal to wipe them out.The angrier and more bitter these women become at not finding a manslave to pay for them, given their traditional expectations of men as cash machines, the more they are attacked by the masculists, who are outraged by the massive gender injustice committed against men in the divorce courts, the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. The fact that women have a Marer but men don’t have a Parer, screams of gender injustice, as well as the fact that men are seen by the law merely as cash machines for women.MGTOWs/masculists are SO PISSED OFF with this attitude of women, and the gender politicians, that they will truly wipe out whole populations unless society and the gender politicians menfair the gender laws, and women learn to expect to be FIPs on moral grounds. Those women who are stupid enough to continue to expect that they can be fluffies and find some manslave to sexploit, will lead a miserable half-life, rotting on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor (if they are fluffies) and increasing shunned by society which is becoming increasingly informed about men’s gender plight, every day.Masculists need to get into the high schools where most of the initial fluffie damage is done, and put enormous moral pressure on these young fluffies who choose to become fluffie crappers, later expecting to parasite off some manslave. They need to be told, that the supply of manslaves is drying up. The male high schoolers need to be taught not to marry nor to have kids, because with the massive gender injustices against men in today’s gynocentric society, only fools marry. These young men need to be taught that roughly one married man in four will be financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. He will lose his kids, so why bother having them.In my own case, in the mid 70s, I gave up working part time at what I enjoyed doing (tutoring math students at Cambridge University in England) to get some shit full time computing job so my fluffie crapper ex-wife could stay at home and raise HER kids. 6 years later, she goes to Australia, I return to Europe and lose my kids, and feel bitter about having lost 6 years of my life being a manslave doing crap work that I had no heart in.Stories like this need to be told to the male high schoolers. Tell them not to marry, not to have kids, because the odds are fifty-fifty that the marriage will fail, and of those divorces, a half or more will be toxic, because the ex-wives will have fluffie attitudes towards men, seeing men as cash machines, and she will want your cash, and will use the law, to extract it from you, so fuck em, fuck these fluffies, fuck the gender politicians who made these massively unjust gender laws. Men are really angry now, and are fighting back, thank god.Masculists, need to help set up a men’s lib group in every high school to teach the young men of the toxicity of marriage etc. Similarly in every college and university. Masculists and MGTOWs need to get on the broadcast media and teach society. This is something I’m planning on doing later this year, making YouTube lecture videos that I hope will stimulate the journalists to invite me to speak on their shows. I was recently on RT (Russia Today) will a billion views (with a “b”). So if I can have a similar impact on society’s level of awareness of MGTOW/masculist ideas, then that could be significant.MGTOWs/masculists need to do a lot more on the publicity front. We need to get our message out to the masses, to men, to women, to parents, to teachers, to professors, to the gender politicians, to society. Men are seen as exploitable cash machines, and we are fed up with that image. We are going on strike and will wipe out whole populations if necessary to get the gender laws changed, and to have society value men for who (not what) we are. We are not cash machines, we have personalities and abilities, and refuse to be treated by fluffies and the law as exploitable resources for women and kids.We refuse. We are on strike! You gender politicians must listen to us and give us what we men want, or eventually you will be assassinated. As the population really starts falling, the way it is now starting to do in Japan, then enormous moral an political pressures will be placed on you to menfair the gender laws and to systematically remove gender injustices against men across the board, otherwise passions against you will rise so strongly, that people, of both sexes will take the law into their own hands and remove you violently with bullets.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Punishing Female Laziness (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :?This flyer show how men suffer as a result of female laziness. MGTOWs/masculists put pressure on women to be more energetic, more FIP, etc to liberate menPUNISHING FEMALE LAZINESSMen suffer as a result of women’s laziness. There are a string of examples that I will list briefly and label here, and follow up on them later. Young women are lazy fluffie crappers. Women are fluffie crappers at college. Women are fluffies in their 30s and beyond. Women are manslavers. Fluffie feminists are too lazy to examine their own inferiorities, blaming men for everything. Women are lazy with inventions and initiative. Women are sexually lazy, expecting men to take the sexual initiatives. Women are too lazy to achieve much in life. Women need to be socialized, taught differently, so that they get off their lazy arses and pull their weight in society. MGTOWs/masculists will play an essential role in causing that to happen.Women are lazier than men. Part of the cause of this difference is physiological. Women have a lower metabolic rate than men, as is well known to couples in bed. The man will be warmer to the woman than vice versa, because the man is burning calories faster than the woman, to generate body heat. Researchers know that little boys are far more energetic than little girls. Little boys will run around a lot more in their games, whereas little girls tend to be more sedentary and social.Males are more driven that females, due to their much higher levels of testosterone, which makes men more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, so are driven to achieve more than women, and do. One only has to look at the Who’s Who books to see the overwhelming dominance of the male high achievers, compared to the small minority of female high achievers.But, not all of the difference in energy levels, or equivalently, laziness levels, between men and women, is due to genetic factors. Some of the difference is due to social factors, and since it the greater laziness of women that causes men to suffer, that female laziness is the main theme of this flyer.Young Women are Lazy Fluffie Crappers.The large majority (> 80%) of young women, 16, at high school, choose to study fluffie crap subjects, because they are too lazy to use their brains studying math and the sciences that are prerequisites for them to become FIPs (financially independent persons) as adults. They will take the “soft option” and study non math, non-sciences, because they are easier, they don’t demand abstract logical reasoning, that forces them to use their brains. As a result, they are excluded from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) majors at university, so that the diploma they get is rather useless in the marketplace, which does not value a fluffie crap education. As a result, these lazy fluffie crappers then realize in their 30s when they want to raise kids in a middle class house, that they cannot afford one with their fluffie crap salaries, so they start looking around for some manslave to pay for her instead. So the laziness of these fluffie crappers at 16, causes men to be made manslaves for her in her 30s. This massive injustice against men is one of the main reasons that masculists push for the establishment of men’s lib groups in every high school, to put enormous moral pressure on young women to FIP up, or not get a man.Personally, I’d like to see calculus made compulsory in 12th grade high school, as well as a science, so that high schoolers are not excluded from studying STEM majors at university. The fact that more than 80% of young women study fluffie crap shows how large the female laziness problem is. Soviet Russia pushed women into engineering, and soon there were large numbers of female engineers, scientists, etc. It can be done. Women are only 3 to 4 IQ points dumber than men on average, which is not a lot, so women are quite capable of studying STEM majors and as a result, becoming FIP adults, being financially responsible, financially moral, and not parasiting off some manslave.Those women who do decide to become fluffie crappers, will be increasingly punished, by men refusing to go near them. In the UK, there was a recent poll showing that young British men value a good education, and income earning capacity in a woman, MORE than her looks. That is a very healthy sign for men. Hopefully the rest of the world will follow. Fluffie crappers are future manslavers. They are immoral, and need to be punished. The masculists use the slogan “No calculus, no baby!” “Be FIP, or be manless!” Women who do not study career competent majors are punished by men, who see them as manslavers, as immoral, as parasitic, as vermin to be wiped out by refusing to have anything to do with them, rotting on the shelf to extinction.Women are Fluffie Crappers at College.The fluffie crapper damage is done mostly at the high school level. The fluffie crappers at university are forced to study fluffie crap because of their lazy choices at high school. The STEM departments at university, exclude students who did not study math and sciences at high school, so in practice, about 80% or more of female college students are fluffie crappers, expecting to be able to parasite off a man when they want kids in their 30s. MGTOWs/masculists piss on these university level women as much as they do on the high school fluffie crappers and ignore them just as much.The masculists want to see the establishment of men’s lib groups on every college campus, to push the idea that fluffie crappers will be left rotting on the shelf. They will be ignored. They won’t even be sexed, the ultimate insult coming from men.Women are Fluffies in their 30s and Beyond.Most women are fluffies, either financially, and often even when they are FIPs, i.e. they earn their own good money, but still see men as cash machines, to be exploited by women. One of the primary political goals of the masculist movement, is to wipe out fluffies and the fluffie mentality of FIP women. Until the gender politicians menfair the gender laws (e.g. re divorce, Parer (paternity rejection right), etc.), MGTOWs/masculists will continue to reject marriage and paternity, so the only way a woman will get any kind of relationship with a man will be to twaytwef (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs), but if she is a fluffie, she won’t even get that. She will be punished by men. She will be ignored by men for her laziness in not bothering to get a career competent education, and become a FIP.FIP women who still show fluffie attitudes towards the men they twaytwef with, will find themselves dumped, because MGTOWs/masculists despise being seen as cash machines, and punish women who treat them as such. Women, both fluffies and FIPs, will be forced to suppress their fluffie attitudes towards men or be punished, by being ignored.Women are Manslavers.Masculists have a hatred of fluffies because fluffies are manslavers. Man slavery is slavery, and slavery is a war issue, because it rouses such passions. The masculists are at war against the fluffies, aiming politically, to wipe them out, by ignoring them to extinction. 21st century masculism is the equivalent of 19th century abolitionism against negro slavery. It is a rebellion by men against working for women, i.e. being manslaves for women. The masculists aim to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out the fluffies, pushing for the creation of a FIP society, in which all adults are FIP, especially women, who need to be socialized and educated with the strong expectation that they are to be FIPs and get a FIP major education that will make them FIPs as adults.Fluffie Feminists are Too Lazy to Examine their Own Inferiorities, Blaming Men for Everything.MGTOW/masculists despise fluffie feminists, seeing them as utter hypocrites. Fluffie feminists want equal rights with men, but are not prepared to accept equal obligations with men, i.e. the moral obligation to become FIPs and not parasite on some manslave. Fluffie feminists are too lazy and cowardly to face the psychologically tough task of examining themselves for their own female inferiorities, and instead blame men for everything that goes wrong with women in their lives. This is what children do. It is not adult. MGTOWs/masculists see fluffie feminists as children, and do not respect them. The first category of female to be rejected by MGTOWs/masculists is the misandrist, man dumping feminazi, who is despised my men. Such women are often “fat fours” who use feminism as a rationalization for the fact that they are rejected by men. They are too lazy to control the number of calories they stuff into their fat faces, and too lazy to examine their own shortcomings. This is seen as being hypocritical and contemptible by MGTOWs/masculists.Women are Lazy with Inventions and Initiative.Females tend to be intellectually lazy, uncurious, unintellectual. The female contribution to world intellect is negligible, perhaps 1%. Women have won a pathetic 1% of the science Nobel prizes. Part of that is due to the genetic inferiority of women compared to men, because males have a 10% higher IQ variance than females, i.e. their IQ scores over the whole population are more spread out (more varied, having a higher variance).? This is a typical example of the general biological phenomenon of GMV (greater male variance). This lower IQ variance in women will handicap them in becoming genii, but to the extent they can be creative and invent things, they need to expend more effort. MGTOWs/masculists push women to get off their bums more and think, invent, “go where no woman has gone before.” Men get tired of inventing everything, and see women then benefit more from male invention than men do, because most women are still fluffies in their expectations of men.Women are Sexually Lazy.Women are lazy when it comes to sexual initiatives. If women took as many sexual initiatives as men, then there would be as much talk of female sexual harassment of males as vice versa. Women are cowards sexually and socially. They are scared stiff of being rejected sexually or socially by men, so prefer to make less effort taking initiatives and let men do most of the work. This attitude is not only cowardly, it is selfish, because these women don’t care about the feelings of the men they reject. This sexual, social cowardice and laziness of women is something the MGTOWs/masculists sneer at.Women are Too Lazy to Achieve Much in Life.Female laziness results in men having higher status in all cultures, because from long experience, all cultures know that a boy baby is more likely to grow up to be an exceptional member of his culture, than a girl baby, who almost certainly, will not do anything notable, and will just perform her usual functions of being a baby machine and raiser of the next generation. Women have such low status in most cultures, because they contribute so little. In New Guinea, in the men’s “Long Houses,” women are forbidden, because the men don’t want their company, and their nagging, their negative female natures, just as in the same way, British Victorian men’s clubs also excluded women, so that the male members could get away from the tyrannical parasitism of women. They wanted to relax and relate only with other males in a calm, rational manner, and not have to put up with female hysterics.In a few decades, women will go into deep existential crisis, because male genii will invent the artificial womb, and the sexbot. Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artificial womb, so artificial wombs for humans cannot be far into the future – perhaps a decade or two. Similarly with sexbots, who will be built to be very curvy, with creamy, grippy vaginas, and 10 out of 10 facial looks. These sexbots will do a better job at sexing men than women, and be more amusing to be with, as AI improves.As a result of these two tech revolutions, women will lose their primary functions, i.e. to sex men, and to raise the next generation. Men will grow their own babies, and sex their bots, so why would men need women? Women’s lower contribution to society, and their general laziness will not be appreciated by men, who will go their own way at a much greater rate. The population will crash, until alternative life styles grow up to keep the population stable. It doesn’t matter too much if the kids are man grown or woman grown, so long as they turn out the same. But women’s general status will suffer. They will be pushed into the shadows by men, who will not take them seriously.If women want to be taken more seriously by men, they will have to perform better, make better contributions to society, but that is not going to happen if they remain lazy bitches.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Women's Narrower Horizons Make Them Boring (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that women are boring to men, and that men only tolerate women’s much narrower horizons, if the sex is good. But the sexbots are coming, so men will sex them instead and become less tolerant of women’s narrower horizons and many other faults. The result will be that more men will walk away from women.WOMEN’S NARROWER HORIZONS MAKE THEM BORINGA lot of you have probably heard the expression “A man can tolerate a lot from a woman, so long as the sex is good.” I think there is a lot of truth to that statement, but in the next decade or two, the sexbots and the artwombs (artificial wombs) will be with us, so men will be getting better sex from their bots than they get from women, because the sexbots will be far prettier than most women, curvier, creamier, grippier, sexier, and wanting sex when he wants it.Once this happens, men will not see women principally as sex objects. So men will tend to ignore women sexually, which then means that the traditional tolerance that men have shown towards women, due to the sex that women gave men, will be tested. Without female sex to mask female faults, men will become more conscious and less tolerant towards female faults, of which there are many. One of the big faults that women have as seen by men, is how boring women are.There’s a very funny comedy routine by an American comic who talks about how boring women’s conversations are on his dates. His attention tends to drift off he says, and his head starts nodding as sleep approaches, until the woman’s speech rises in tone, indicating a question. “Hey, that was a question! Better say – yeh!” I laughed and laughed at that. It is so true.We all know that men evolved to manipulate the world, and that women evolved to manipulate men. This is not a joke, even though it might seem to be one. It is in women’s DNA to parasite on men’s protein that men bring back from their hunts, and give it to women and their kids, in exchange for female sex. That’s how our species evolved. Women evolved to be the sexiest of mammals, to be effectively, prostitutes to men.But soon, the sexbots and artwombs are going to cause all that to be blown out the window, revolutionizing our culture and our deepest values.? With men getting their sex mostly from their bots, the many faults of women, especially their limited horizons, their lack of interestingness as judged by men, will cause relations between the sexes to sour.I only have to look at my own case, to see how my own wife’s limited horizons and boringness become increasingly frustrating and more intolerable to me. My Chinese wife is a professor, so you would think that she would have a keen lively mind. 6 years ago when I met her, she was churning out research articles, reading books, etc. She kept her mind active. But for the past few years, she has been going through menopause, her moods swing, and for a few days each month, during her PMS (pre menstrual syndrome) days, she becomes a bad tempered divorceable bitch. If she were like that all the time, no man would go near her.Right now I’m forced to put up with these menopausal mood swings, because I need her to give me a green card. Assuming I get it, then I need to make a decision, do I want to stay with this boring woman, who cares more about the price of food in the supermarket than about the world. I tell myself, wait for a while until her menopause has truly finished, her periods stop, and she calms down, with her hormones more like a man’s, i.e. not following a monthly cycle, so that a woman can be calm and think more rationally like a man, without being a monthly slave to her hormones, the way reproductive women are, especially in the PMS days before she starts bleeding.Sometimes I wonder if her boringness is just a simple matter of IQ difference. Research shows that couples with a greater than 5 IQ points difference are unlikely to survive. Couples are thus very sensitive to IQ differences. Another question I have is that perhaps it’s her Chineseness that makes her so boring to me, so uninteresting. China is after all an intellectually sterile culture. It has no world class intellectuals (sages) on the world stage pushing their original ideas. It has won one pathetic science Nobel Prize, and it is ultra conservative, being the only country in the world that does not use an alphabet. It is a freak nation that way.I find it puzzling that a professor woman can pass her time watching 80 IQ soaps on her iPad day after day. Is her mind switched off? Maybe, due to the menopause. Maybe she will bounce back to her old self that I knew 6 years ago, or maybe her current state will remain her future state. I’ll just have to wait and see. I read that menopausal women suffer from fatigue, both physical and mental, that they have hot flushes, and mood swings. So hopefully her current state is temporary, and that things will improve.If not, then I don’t see myself staying with this bad tempered, boring, limited horizoned female. I’d rather live alone and not have to be bothered by her female moodiness, and lack of interest in the world. She doesn’t give a shit about who I am, or what I am. She only cares about how much money I have, which is something I piss on. In the form of a masculist slogan, that I’ve been using lately, “I’m more than a cash machine, you bitch!” So probably, what I’ll do, is nothing for a year or so, and wait to see what she becomes when her menopause finishes. If she becomes calm, and her brain switches on again, then I will see her less negatively, and might decide to stay with her, to get a bit of company, that I would not get if I go totally MGTOW. My father has been MGTOW for three decades, and he seems quite happy. I asked him decades ago when he was visiting me in Japan where I was living at the time, “Dad, do you prefer living alone?” He replied that once his libido dried up by the time he was 70, he had no need for women sexually, so in effect, he had no need for women, period. He had a very bad experience with my mother, who was a real bitch – ambitious, hyper hypergamous, and not very bright. My father came from a divorced family, and simply latched on to the first woman who wiggled at him. It was a match made in hell. She was not bright enough for him, and felt mentally pressured by him, by me and my younger sister, who were all a lot brighter than her. Only my brother was near her level, and his life record shows it. He’s was a gutsy ambitious entrepreneur, who went bankrupt 3 times in his life. He had the guts to start businesses, and was quite wealthy at times, but did not have the sustained ability, to make it long term. Only my doctor sister is truly financially very well off, worth about $5M, like my father, who knows how to invest.So, my father has chosen to be MGTOW for the past 30 years, since the death of his wife, my mother. I may go the same way. Why put up with female intellectual horizons or the lack of them? Intellectually, I don’t take women seriously. The female contribution to world intellect is negligible, a mere 1% or so. Women have won 1% of the science Nobel prizes, and none of the top math prizes (Field’s Medal, Abel). When I look at a physics book and I discover it’s written by a woman (which rarely happens) I’m instinctively disappointed, because I know the odds are high it will be only of mediocre standard, because of the simple fact that the genii are males. As for math books written by women, they are far rarer. I have maybe 1000 math books, and I think only one of them is written by a woman.If I do decide to go MGTOW for the rest of my life, I will plunge into my work, which is being a globacator (global educator), studying PhD level pure math, and math physics, and then making YouTube lecture courses in these topics for the world for free, which I believe is something pioneering and significant. I get intellectual orgasms from mastering and clicking a difficult concept or proof, so doing this for a few more decades, if I can live that long, will be quite fulfilling.I’ve read that about 40% of women in the US over 40 live alone, so that probably means about as many men also live alone. That does not surprise me too much. When women lose their sexual attractiveness (as the MGTOWs say “hit the wall”) men lose interest in them sexually, and given women’s faults, their nagging, their fatness, their bad temper, their boringness, their limited horizons, their parasitism, men often choose to have nothing to do with them, so these second halver women rot on the shelf, living alone, and not very happy. Many second halver (> 40) men choose to live alone. Fourth quarter men (> 65) have dried up libidos, so probably a higher proportion of them are less prepared to put up with women’s faults than first halver men (< 40), and prefer to live alone, like my father, and for similar reasons. I may go the same way. I would like to have a relationship with a woman who was a sage (intellectual) who is interested in ideas, and appreciates me for loving ideas, but my current Chinese wife hasn’t a clue. She sees me only as a cash machine, who does not dispense much cash. So, fuck her! Or rather, someone else can fuck her! Or better still, and most probably given her age, and her fatness, no man will fuck her, and she will live alone for the remaining 30 years of her life.It’s frustrating living with someone who is blind to what one values most highly, in my case, ideas. I divorced my first wife because she wanted to live in Australia, which would have been a living death for me, given the country’s sport oriented anti-intellectualism. If my current wife stays as nonintellectual as she is currently (which hopefully is just a temporary menopausal problem that will disappear in a year or two) then I may just walk away (with green card!) and live the life of an intellectual monk. I’ll soon be 70 and like my father, not care about women sexually, so since women nag and don’t have an idea in their pretty (if young) little (definitely little) heads, then (let some young men) fuck em! I’m outta here! I may go MGTOW for the next 20-30 years of my life (if I can live that long – my father is 97 and may get 100) playing with ideas, the love of my life. It’s far better being a MGTOW, doing what one loves, than being a manslave to some bloody fluffie!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ My Growing MGTOW Masculist Souring Towards Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains my growing sourness towards women, as my libido dries up as I approach 70, so I see women more as childlike prattlers whom I can’t take seriously nor respect. I may spend the fourth quarter of my life being a full MGTOW, to get some peace and quiet to do what I really love, i.e. advanced math and physicsMY GROWING MGTOW MASCULIST SOURNESS TOWARDS WOMENI’m retired. I’ve been retired for 6 years, doing what I love, which often means spending afternoons in one of several parks in my neighborhood, studying advanced math, or math physics. In the weekends particularly, there are lots of women in the parks, often with their kids, and I listen to them and reflect on my reactions, and attitudes, towards them. I do notice, that my reactions are generally rather sour. I tend to think “I hope you will leave soon, and take your female prattle with you, and your noisy ankle biting kids!” I want to get back to peace and quiet so I can concentrate on the difficulties of abstract math (that has so many concepts that are new to me, that finding the odd intellectual hook that I’m familiar with to attach some new concept to, is difficult.)I often go the top of a hill in the park that has a small roof over an area large enough for two chairs, facing over a pond towards a Buddhist shrine, set against a rock face. It’s one of my favorite spots, giving a sense of the peace of nature, and during the week, few people come to it, since it’s quite a walk up the hill, so usually during the week, mostly only men make the climb up. But weekends there are so many people, that many women come with their kids. I listen to these women, and think, “These women have childlike minds. They actually enjoy being with prehuman morons less than 4 feet tall, who have a vocabulary of 300 words. I feel relieved when they leave, taking their noise machines with them, and their prattle. Why do women prattle? They’re not conveying information for the most part, it’s mostly just being social with other women. Their conversations are so superficial, that I don’t take women seriously. They’re not adults.Now, admittedly, I’m getting near to turning 70, so my libido is drying up, so I don’t feel driven to try to attract women’s attention. I no longer see women mostly as walking cunts, but for what they are, given that my sexual interest in them has died away, and what do I see? I see creatures who are quite alien to the male mind, “femaliens” I call them, with rather childlike minds, not calm, rather hysterical at times, with reactions based more on feeling than reason, so since I spend most of my day in reasoning mode (there is no stronger discipline for polishing one’s reasoning skills than pure mathematics, the king of logic) the irrationality of female behavior is totally alienating and disgusting to me.I have the feeling that I’m going through a major life change, as I transition away from being a sexual male to being an asexual male, which is quite normal for a man my age. Men evolved that way. I can see evolutionary reasons for this transition. A man in the last years of his life, in proto-human times, would not have been able to give protein to a woman who has his kids, for many years, i.e. not long enough to see his kids grow to maturity and cope on their own, so evolution has selected men whose libido switches off late in life, so that women are forced to choose a younger man who will give protein to her for a longer period of time, so that she can raise her kids to sexual maturity.But, with modern medicine, and greater health awareness (e.g. a year ago, I had my first heart pain. It scared the shit out of me, so I started googling like crazy and then went on a vegetable, fruit, fish diet. I stopped eating animal products, meat, eggs, milk, yoghurt, that clog arteries and kill half the world’s population, and ate water melon and black beans to generate NO (nitrous oxide) to dilate my heart arteries. A year later, those heart pains have long gone, so I’m expecting to be like my father who is still alive at near 97) I now expect to live another 20, maybe even 30 more years. So will I be living those years as a MGTOW, i.e. will I go fully MGTOW, not relating with women at all in my fourth quarter of life? It’s a definite maybe for me. My father has been a full MGTOW for 3 decades. He told me in the early 90s that now that his libido had dried up, he didn’t need women sexually, so he felt he didn’t need women for anything. I suppose he didn’t want to risk repeating the living hell he went through with my bitch of a mother, who was a veritable shrew.My current (Chinese) wife is currently finishing her menopause, so still has menopausal crazy behavior. I’m planning to stay with her for a few more years, to see what she becomes after the menopause ends, to see if she becomes calm. If so, then I might stay with her long term, because a calm woman I can tolerate. I can’t share my math and physics with women (they’re not good at it, and they aren’t interested in it) so a part of my brain is utterly condescending with women, not taking them seriously, because they are incapable of performing at male levels in my specialties.I think also, that at a deep level, I have been influenced by MGTOW’s red pill idea (that women don’t love men, they only love men’s exploitability). That pill is really quite a “poison pill” and has a souring influence on men regarding women. Men don’t like being abused by women, who look on men as cash machines, wanting only to extract resources from them. Men resent this.So I find I look on women as parasites, more and more. I’ve been conscious of women being parasites since the 80s as part of my masculist consciousness raising. What was a shock to me a couple of years ago, was to absorb the MGTOW red pill idea, i.e. that women actually evolved to be parasites. Once I heard this idea, it made so much Darwinian sense, so I quickly accepted it, but it is a corrosive idea, a souring idea. It makes men look on women with deep suspicion – “Is this woman being nice to me because later she wants to extract resources from me?” “I resent this woman being attracted to me but in a mono-dimensional way, i.e. to my money making side. She ignores my other facets that make me me, and I don’t like that. I don’t like that at all.”About 40% of men over 40 live alone. That doesn’t surprise me much. Many such men are no longer cunt driven, so are able to look at women coldly for what women are, i.e. mono-dimensional child minded femaliens, and men do not like what they see, and as a result, choose to live alone rather than be bothered by a nagging, fat, female parasite. The MGTOW movement doesn’t talk much about this exodus of men from women in the second half of their lives, because most MGTOWs are first halver men (< 40) so have not had enough life experience to be able to speak with first-hand experience of why so many second halver men choose to go full MGTOW.Cheers.Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Are Women Children or Just Lazy? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer disagrees with the opinion of TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey) that women are children. As he puts it “Women are fuckable children with tits!” If women were children there would be no point to the masculist political goal of creating a FIP society, by forcing women to become FIPs or rot on the shelf. Evidence shows that women can act as responsible adults, but will have to be forced to by men.ARE WOMEN CHILDREN OR JUST LAZY?I’m becoming increasingly conscious of an ideological/political difference of opinion I have with TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey). TFM thinks that women are children. In his terms “Women are fuckable children with tits.” I disagree with this, because if women really are children then the basic strategy of the masculists, namely to force all women to become FIP-EMOs (Financially Independent Persons, who have Equal Moral Obligations with men) will be weakened, because what is the point of trying to make adults out of young women, if by nature they are children? It would be like trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.The masculists main political aim is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out the fluffies, not by killing them, but by totally ignoring them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction. Masculists and MGTOWs won’t even sex fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) as a form of punishment for being fluffies, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out as vermin.So why do I feel women are not children? Before explaining that, I do see that women can behave in annoyingly childlike ways. When I see Jap porn women all come out with the same insipid squeaky moan that their cookie-cutter culture brainwashes into them, it makes me look on Jap gender roles as antediluvian. My own Chinese wife at times when she tries to be “nice” to me will drop into a “Jap fluffie” squeaky voice that I find sickening. There is a definite childish streak in women’s behavior. They evolved to take care of children, and you don’t need nuclear physics knowledge to be able to do that. If anything, instilling higher math in women will probably only be counter-productive when women are looking after ankle biting toddlers with a vocabulary of 500 words.But, there is plenty of evidence that women can behave as responsible adults when they choose to. For example, at high schools there are an equal number of young women studying math and the sciences as young men, and at universities now, female students are studying STEM field majors at about three quarters the rate of males, so that is all very encouraging to masculists, who are pushing for the creation of a FIP society, in which all women expect to be FIPs. The human brain is very flexible and capable of learning, of adapting, so that if men and society in general place enormous moral pressure on young women to be FIPs, that will influence them not to be fluffie crappers studying fluffie crap at high school, which will preclude them from studying STEM field majors at college, which in turn will condemn them to becoming fluffies in their 30s when their biological clocks are ticking hard, so that they look around for some manslave to pay for a middle class house they can raise their children in.Young men, who have not had their MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised, are aware that young women now have the pill and are fucking men with the same attitudes as men want to fuck women, and want to take advantage of this situation. This new female attitude since the invention of the pill, is so prevalent at universities, that one young woman in four now has an STD (sexually transmitted disease). Young men are eager to get some vagina, so compete with each other to persuade young women, to give them some vagina, by giving women gifts, attention and male time. It is therefore not surprising that young women in their 20s grow up to become real princesses, i.e. spoilt brats who feel the world is their oyster, that all they have to do to get men to give them what these princesses want, is to give them a bit of sex from time to time, i.e. behave like prostitutes.These women are not stupid. They are arguing, that if these sex hungry men are stupid enough to fall over each other to shower me with attention and gifts, then why not take it. The problem with such 20 something princesses is that they think this period in their lives when they are at the peak of their sexual attractiveness, will last forever, which of course it doesn’t. By the time a woman is 40 she has become invisible to men, who look straight through her on the street. Her sexual attractiveness has reduced to near zero. This happens to all women.So, a lot of young women have the shortsighted luxury to think that they can afford to be lazy, and not bother to become FIP, by studying FIP majors at high school and college. They notice that men give them gifts all the time, so why bother becoming FIPs? In the short term, i.e. when they are in their 20s, this short term, misguided reasoning does make some sense, so long as they don’t think into their next decade, when all that gift giving by men will stop and these princesses lose their sexual attractiveness.Young high school men are too young to have personal experience of seeing women live through their 20s, act as princesses, become fluffie crappers and then go looking for a manslave in her 30s. Only the more intellectual high school males will confront fluffie crappers and accuse them of being future fluffies and hence manslavers. This will be only an intellectual abstraction to them, that may make a lot of sense, based on what they read and hear from older men, but it has no personal experiential ring to it, because they are too young to know at first hand, what the older men are talking about.Nevertheless, the masculists hope to see men’s lib groups set up in every high school and every college so that young men are taught of the toxicity of the divorce courts, and hence of marriage. High school males need to put enormous moral pressure on fluffier crappers, accusing them of being fluffie crappers, and hence future fluffies, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.As more and more high school males have their consciousness raised regarding men’s issues, they will exert ever stronger moral pressure against fluffie crapper women and reject them on moral grounds. “You study fluffie crap. You choose to become a fluffie in your 30s. You will try to manslave a man. You are immoral. I want nothing to do with you. You are vermin to me. I spit on you! I want to live in a FIP society, and you don’t belong in it. ”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Hypergamy is Inherently Parasitic? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer makes the claim that female hypergamy (i.e. women always looking out for a male spouse with higher socio-economic status) is inherently parasitic. Masculists have as their main political goal,?the creation of?a FIP society, in which all adults are FIPs (financially independent persons) and not parasitic on another person. But women evolved to be hypergamous, to be fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off the money of a man), to be prostitutes to men, bargaining access to vagina for male protein. Women are being FORCED by the masculists to reject their evolved hypergamy and to become FIPs, as a matter of moral principle, or be left poor and manless.HYPERGAMY IS INHERENTLY PARASITICIf one consults Wiktionary on the internet, it gives the definition of hypergamy as “seeking a spouse of higher socio-economic status.” Closely related to this is the MGTOW concept of “monkey branching” i.e. holding onto one branch like a monkey while testing out the next branch before releasing its hold on the earlier branch. Analogously, women are always on the lookout for a more exploitable male. If she can find one and the opportunity is realistic, she will coldly dump her current man, and monkey branch to the more exploitable male, i.e. with more wealth, more resources, more power, more prestige, etc. She will feel no guilt nor loyalty towards her former man, because she is female, she is hypergamous.Women evolved this behavior. Giving the concept a bit of thought, it makes perfect Darwinian sense. Women depended for their very survival, and so too did their kids, on men giving women protein from the male hunt. The human female is the sexiest of mammals, because they evolved to be prostitutes to men, bargaining use of their vaginas in exchange for male hunted protein. Under protohuman conditions, when survival was on a knife edge, if a woman could dump an inferior male protein provider, and hypergamize her way to a superior male protein provider, then that may have been a matter of life or death for her and her kids.But, we now live in the age of the contraceptive pill, where women typically have zero, one or two kids, so that they have a career window of some 40+ years, once their kids are off to school. The masculists insist that “Now that women can work, i.e. have careers, they MUST work, because anything else is financial parasitism on men, exploiting men, seeing men as cash machines, and not much else.”Traditional women, who expect to be able to parasite off the money of men, are labeled “fluffies” by the masculists, based obviously on the word “fluff”, i.e. with connotations of being light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, not career competent, not FIP (financially independent person).The primary political goal of the masculists (as distinct from the more a-political, passive approach of the MGTOWs, who simply walk away from marriage and paternity, spending their money on themselves) is to wipe out manslavery, by wiping out the fluffies, not by killing them, but by totally ignoring them so that they rot on the shelf to extinction.You can make an analogy between the abolitionists of the 1800s in the US, and the masculists of today. The abolitionists wanted to wipe out negro slavery. The masculists want to wipe out man slavery.How do masculists implement their major political goal? By educating society to treat fluffies with contempt, as parasites, as immoral, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out. Masculists approach the media and explain to them the utter hypocrisy of fluffie feminism, which pushes equal rights for women, but REJECTS equal obligations for women, (i.e. expecting in EMO (equal moral obligations) style, to share in the burden of earning the living, i.e. by becoming EMO FIPs.) It is not enough for the masculists that a woman is a FIP, she also has to be EMO in her attitudes, i.e. that she feels she has a moral OBLIGATION to be FIP, purely on the grounds of moral fairness, and not to expect, fluffie style, to exploit men for their resources.BUT, women evolved to be fluffies. It’s in their DNA. So it’s not so surprising that the feminists are still fluffies when it comes to marriage and especially divorce. The fluffie feminists in all their hypocrisy, expect men to pay for them after the divorce, i.e. they expect to get custody of THEIR kids (as actually happens in about 90% of cases), they get the ex-husband’s house to raise HER kids in, they get child payments from the ex-husband for HER kids that he barely sees, and in many countries, she will get alimony, so that she can continue to parasite on the ex-husband after the divorce, the same way she did before the divorce, with no moral nor legal obligation on her part to get off her fat parasitic arse and turn herself into a FIP and grow up.It is largely due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, that the MGTOW lifestyles for men have become the large majority in the major countries e.g. in the US, Japan, Germany, 2/3 of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, utterly eschewing fluffies, letting them rot on the shelf. In the UK now, young men judge potential girlfriends MORE by the woman’s level of FIPness than her looks.Masculists harangue fluffie feminists, and point the finger at them for being the hypocrites that they are. Masculists are ideologically armed with masculist ideas, masculist rhetoric, and lambast feminists if feminists denigrate men in public, attacking them with real male venom.Masculists aim to create a “FIP Society” i.e. one in which all adults are FIPs. Girls are to be socialized to be FIPs and more especially EMO FIPs (i.e. morally expecting to be FIPs) by parents and teachers. Girls are to be taught that if they are not FIPs, they will be ostracized by society, and rejected utterly by men as manslaving parasites, that men will not go near.Masculists know that men have the power to FORCE women to be FIPs, or go manless. Nearly all men are socialized to be FIPs. A woman can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some manslavable, gullible, stupid, ignorant male, but since MGTOW and masculist ideas are spreading and spreading, thanks to the internet, the supply of such manslavable males is drying up, thus forcing women to be FIPs or be poor and manless.The FIPping of society has a long way to go, because in the high schools, about ? of young women of age 16 in their junior year, choose to become fluffies, by choosing to study “fluffie crap” majors, rather than career competent majors such as math and the sciences, that will allow them to study the same majors at university, so that they can earn a good salary as adults, and not have to look around for some gullible manslave to parasite upon so that she can live in a middle class house, to raise HER kids, that HE pays for.So, the masculists are forcing women to deny their evolved hypergamous natures. Women judge men by men’s EQs (exploitability quotients) i.e. how rich they are, how much money can a man spend on her. The masculists are out to change all this. The masculists are at war against the fluffies and the fluffie feminists. Masculists are verbally aggressive. They harangue fluffies and piss on them as vermin.Masculists shit on fluffie feminists, for their hypocrisy, and push the public and the media to menfair the gender laws, such as in the divorce courts, where alimony needs to be thrown out, because women are all FIPs, and custody of kids is automatically JOINT. The Parer (paternity rejection right) needs to be legislated, so that a man in an unwanted pregnancy can legally reject it, so that if the woman wants to continue with it, she pays the total costs of the kid, which she can do as a FIP.So you see the enormous importance masculists place on the FIPing of society. With all women FIPs, the gender laws can be made menfair, and if they are not, then the masculists will do what the MGTOWs do, i.e. wipe out whole populations, by rejecting paternity, and marriage.Women will have a hard time rejecting their evolved biology, i.e. their hypergamy, their judging men by men’s EQs, but women have no choice about this. They are being FORCED to adapt to become anti-hypergamous by being forced by the masculists and a FIP Society in general to become FIPs. A fluffie female will have no future, no respect, no man.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Impact of Women's Ten Billion Fewer Neurons (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses the impact on feminism and for masculist pushback, of the fact that women have ten billion fewer neurons in their brains. It lists, as a result, the many achievement inferiorities of women compared to men, the superior sex.The IMPACT OF WOMEN’S TEN BILLION FEWER NEURONSIt is a well-known neuroscience fact that the average size of a woman’s brain is about 10% smaller than the average man’s brain in terms of volume. What is less well known is that a given type of neuron (and there are about 10,000 different kinds of neurons in the human brain) has the same size ACROSS ALL MAMMALS, which implies that women’s neurons and men’s neurons have the same size. This has profound implications as this flyer explains.From the above two data, we can readily conclude that women have about 10% fewer neurons in their brains than men, and given that a man’s brain has about 100 billion neurons, that’s a difference of ten billion fewer neurons in the female brain. That’s a lot. That’s like an ice cream scoop taken out of the male brain.Before starting to analyze the impact of this difference, an immediate objection to this conclusion needs to be squashed. Feminists argue that men’s bodies are bigger on average than women’s bodies, so need more neurons, and hence bigger brains to control these bigger bodies. They point to the fact that elephants, dolphins, and whales have bigger brains than humans, because they have bigger bodies to control. There is an easy refutation to this idea of the feminists, and that is the fact that little boys and little girls have the same sized, pre-pubic bodies, yet the little boy still has some ten billion more neurons in his brain than the little girl.So, what does men’s greater number of neurons imply for society, for feminism, for masculism? One is led to ask the obvious question, “If women’s brains have 10% less neural computational capacity, compared to men’s brains, what is it that women can’t do that men can do, given that men have a 10% larger neural computational capacity? This is an interesting question, that as far as I know, neuroscience has not yet given a definitive answer to, since male-female brain difference research is still fairly young.BUT, one can use one’s daily observations to give a reasonable answer, by asking “What is it in social life that men can do, that women can’t do, which may be due to women’s smaller neural computational capacity?” Well, men invent everything, build everything, create everything. Women are dumber than men in terms of average IQ by about 4 IQ points says Prof. Rushton (who studied 50,000 male and 50,000 female SAT (student aptitude tests, which are university entrance exams) and came to that conclusion.)Women have a 10% smaller IQ variance, i.e. their IQ scores are less spread out over the whole population, millions of people, than men’s, so it follows that the morons and the GENII are male, so it’s not surprising, that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, all the major math prizes, why the term “female philosopher” is an oxymoron, etc.Women have a well-known weaker curiosity about the world, preferring their domestic existence than getting out into the world, the way men do. For example, my own Chinese wife, a professor, who you would think would be curious about the world, has never left China, not even travelled to Hong Kong, which is a night’s bus ride away, where I have been dozens of times for visa and filming reasons. Her lack of curiosity about the world makes me as a male, see her as having a rather child mind, which is a fairly typical male reaction towards women’s lack of curiosity.Women are not good scientists, contributing almost nothing at world class level (i.e. Nobel level in science, and Fields Medal and Abel Prize level in math). Women have won a pathetic 1% of science Nobel prizes. The only world class female mathematician I can think of was Emmy Noether, of Noether’s Theorem in physics and Noether Rings in pure math. Women are (putting it bluntly) “engineering fuckwits.” All my wives and girlfriends have amazed me with their inability to figure out quickly how some new gadget works. I watch them stress over it, and they then often hand it over to me to figure it out, which I nearly always do, and in a few seconds. It stands to reason, that women make up only a small percentage of engineers, especially electronic engineers in today’s world, even after half a century of 2nd wave feminism. In the English speaking countries, only about 10% of electronic engineers are female, and nearly half of them LEAVE the field once they have worked in it for a few years.So, men outperform women in most things, due largely to the phenomenon of GMV (greater male variance) i.e. that men’s scores on anything measurable are more spread out over a whole population than women’s. This is probably due to men having only one X chromosome in their cells, compared to women’s two. The X chromosome is of average size, i.e. containing about 1000 genes, which in the male are all used, including the many recessive genes, of which there are far more than the dominant genes. When two X chromosomes combine in the female, only one of the two genes (one from the X chromosome of the mother, and one from the X chromosome of the father) of a given type gets used (the dominant gene) and the other is not used (the recessive gene). Since there are fewer dominant genes than recessive genes, males use a greater variety of genes in getting themselves built in the womb, than females, This leads to a greater male variance over the whole population, so, for example, the morons and the genii are males.Women have always marveled at what men can do. Today’s women are particularly conscious of the wonderful achievements of men, the sky scrapers, the symphonies, the theorems, the sciences, the technologies. They are in awe at male achievements, and at a deep level, have a powerful inferiority complex about it. Women have had this feeling for millennia.Then along comes the contraceptive pill, and feminism, which tells women that “Woman are just as capable as men. Anything a man can do, a woman can also do.” This is partly true for most of the population, but not true at the genius end of the scale, which is dominated by men. There will always be a “glass ceiling” at the top end of the performance scale due to GMV and higher male testosterone levels which make men more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, whereas women are more wishy washy and give up more easily, resulting in a far higher male performance record, as shown clearly in the proportion of entries that are male in the Who’s Who books.This deep inferiority complex that women have had for millennia, was swept away by feminism, which preached to women what they desperately wanted to hear. Women had a cathartic experience with feminism, which inspired them, galvanized them, the same way as happened in the 700s with the Arabs. There is a close analogy with the experience of women and the Arabs, so it’s interesting to relate the story of the Arabs. Prior to 700 AD, the Arabs were looked down on as an inferior people by the Jews and Christians who had monotheistic religions, and the Arabs had more primitive, less developed, polytheistic religions. Mohammad, a brilliant charismatic thinker was an Arab camel trader who regularly met Christian and Jewish communities on his travels. He became very conscious of his inferior status as an Arab and being a very thoughtful person, wondered why. He came to the conclusion that the main reason was due to Arab polytheism, so one day, after a vision he had in a starved state, he dreamt up the Arab’s monotheism, i.e. Islam, or Mohammadism. He started preaching this new religion that he had invented and it spread and spread. (BTW, all religions are human fictions, invented by usually brilliant minded charismatic individuals. Every primitive little tribe invents its own gods. Humanity has invented over 100,000 different gods, say the cultural anthropologists who specialize in the anthropology of religion.)Once many Arabs had become Islamists, their new found status went to their heads. They could now stand eye to eye in status with the Jews and the Christians. They too were monotheists. This new found status, galvanized them profoundly. They then went on to conquer, all of north Africa, the middle east, and even Spain in faraway Europe. Today there are still a billion Mohammadists.You can see the analogy. Women have been similarly galvanized by feminism and it has gone to their heads. Women now believe that they can do anything men can do, and preach this idea to society in general, especially to young impressionable women. Feminists have now taken over the divorce courts as a result of their new energy, and have become FIPs (financially independent persons) in many cases, standing on their own two feet, beating their breasts with pride. ‘I am WOMAN!”There’s just a little problem with the above female “religion,” and that is, like any religion, it is a human fiction. It is simply not true, as born out by the scientific realities. Masculists who are scientists, like myself, become really antsy (i.e. frustrated, and angry) when we hear “isscienate, fairy, PC, bullshit” coming from the feminists. (Isscienate means “ignorant of science, unable to reason scientifically”; fairy, in the sense of “living in a fairy land” believing what you want to believe, without evidence, just like religionists.)In the past, we males just tolerated feminism and its hyperbole, not taking it seriously, dismissing its exaggerations as female ego overreach, knowing that women could never achieve what men have achieved. But now the feminazis have taken over the divorce courts, and are causing one married father in four to be financially massacred, losing his kids, his house, paying child support and alimony, so men have lost patience with these feminazi bitches and have decided to put their male foot down.One way that masculist theorists like myself use to debunk feminazi bullshit, is to smash feminazi dogmas with masculist science, e.g. the above statement that women have 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains, so of course they are genetically inferior to men. Women have 10% less neural computational capacity than men, so of course they have more childlike brains, achieve far less than men, and hence have less status in the eyes of men and society in general. In all cultures, boy babies are more valued than girl babies, because every culture knows, from long experience, that a boy baby is much more likely to grow up to be a highly valued member of the culture than a girl baby, who will become just another baby factory and child raiser, an unquestionably important role, but not status worthy, because any woman can do those things.When feminazi bitches become too uppity, men can now just sneer at them in quiet condescension with the statement “Yeah right, that’s a typical feminazi statement coming from a creature with ten billion fewer neurons in her brain. If you want to be men’s equal, you had better get a brain transplant with a male brain!”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channel) “de GARIS MASCULIST MGTOW FLYERS”1.1/212 Men's Sexbot Artwomb Revenge on Women? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer talks about the sweetness of the revenge men will feel against the gender crimes committed by women against men, when the sexbots and artwombs come, allowing men to ignore women, preferring to grow their own kids and to sex their bots which will do a better job of satisfying men than women can. Women will then go into deep existential shock and depression as men ignore women in droves.MEN’S SEXBOT ARTWOMB REVENGE ON WOMENLifesize sexbots are starting to appear on the market now. As AI (artificial intelligence) keeps making progress, these sexbots (sex robots) will become increasingly interesting for men to chat with, and will be given artificial personalities that men like, i.e. they will not nag, nor be irrational, emotional, hysterical, which are qualities in women that men despise, and certainly do not want reproduced in the sex bots that they spend their money on.Japanese scientists have already grown a goat successfully in an artwomb (artificial womb) so human babies can’t be far off.Once these two technological revolutions happen, women will go into deep existential shock and depression as men ignore them, preferring to grow their own kids, to sex their bots, and not have to put up with the very negative qualities that women have that men prefer to avoid.Once women lose their two traditional monopolies, i.e. their vaginas and their wombs, feminism will disappear overnight, and women will be competing desperately amongst themselves for dwindling male attention. Women will be forced to be VERY nice to men, otherwise they will be ignored. Men won’t need women anymore, because male engineering genius has given what they want in women, namely women’s baby factory capability, and women’s penis receptacles.In the past, men had to tolerate women, because only women could create the next generation, and only women had vaginas, so men just had to put up with female nagging, female irrationality, female emotionality, and worse, female hysterics when women have their PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and menopausal craziness.There is a well-known saying by men about women that “You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them” meaning that women are such pains in the butt, that they are impossible to tolerate for long, and yet men have to have them to get the sex they want, that until now only women could provide, but all that is now about to change.With sexbots and artwombs coming soon, men will be able to get their revenge against women, for the abusive treatment of men committed by the hated feminazis in the divorce courts, the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right), the brainwashing of boys in the schools and the media etc, telling them that the male sex is inferior, whereas in reality, just the reverse is true, as is shown clearly by science.MGTOWs and masculists now have such a hatred of the feminazis, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, that when the sexbots and artwombs come, men’s revenge against women will feel very sweet. Men are now so abused in the divorce courts, and on a massive scale, with one married father in four being financially massacred at the hands of a fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system which sees men as subhuman cash machines, whose sole purpose on this earth is to pay for women to have babies, so that divorcing fathers have their kids ripped away from them with a 90% probability, they lose half of their possessions and their house to the fluffie ex-wife so she can raise HER kids in it, and be paid child support from him, for kids he will barely see (maybe two afternoons a month), and if the ex-wife is a real fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony so that she can remain a parasite off him for the rest of her life.Not surprisingly, millions of divorce massacred men have learned a hatred of these fluffie parasites, and a hatred of the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers, and especially for the gender politicians who created these deeply misandrist gender laws in the first place.So how will men, i.e. masculists and MGTOWs, take their revenge in practice? How will they be able to wipe out feminism overnight, once the artwombs and sexbots are with us, probably well within the lifetimes of most of my readers?Probably the feminazis and the fluffie feminists will push hard to have these two things banned. They will pull out all their stops to lobby the gender politicians to give them the new banning laws that the feminazis want, but we are talking about sex, one of the strongest drives that men have. Once men have had a taste of what a good quality sexbot can do, they will be hooked and will push very hard to have the sexbots and artwombs put on the market. The male pressure will be so strong that it will be unstoppable.These sexbots will have luscious curves, film star faces, creamy grippy vaginas, that women will not be able to compete with. When the feminazis and fluffies push hard to have them banned, men will push back hard and hurl masculist venom at these hypocritical bitches.Of course, the main reason why these feminazi bitches, and these fluffie feminist hypocrites will fight so hard to have these artwombs and sexbots banned, is that if they are allowed, then women will no longer be able to parasite off men’s money by bribing men with sex and babies, if men pay for women to sit on their fat parasitic arses in a house that HE pays for.The appearance of the artwombs and sexbots will FORCE women to become FIPs (financially independent persons), forcing them to grow up, to take on adult financial responsibilities by pulling their financial weight by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college, so that they can be FIPs as adults and not parasite off a man’s money, the way fluffies expect to.Men’s revenge by ignoring women, preferring to sex their bots and growing their own kids will force women to FIPup, to grow up, to take responsibility for their own lives and not be a child woman depending on a man, a prospect that scares a lot of women shitless.It will be nice for men, to have the divorce courts menfaired, and the Parer brought in, so that men have the same rights as women, i.e. the equal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy.Women don’t love men (i.e. the “red pill” message of the MGTOW) but rather men’s financial exploitability. When a man loses his exploitability, his woman will coldly, disloyally drop him in search of a more exploitable male. This trait in females evolved over several million years, and it makes good Darwinian sense, but for masculists, being treated as a cash machine, and being judged largely as a source of resources for women, makes them bitter. The masculists have a saying “I’m more than a cash machine, you bitch!”Men bitterly resent being judged almost exclusively on their ability to search as cash slaves to fluffie parasitic women, having their other qualities, their intelligence, their dynamism, their creativity, their honesty, etc ignored as of secondary importance. Men really resent this, so when the time comes for revenge, it will be sweet for men.All men should know about the neuroscience phenomenon of “male frontal lobe switch off” i.e. the frontal lobes of the male brain switch off when he sees his regular female sex partner. His frontal lobes are used for long term planning and critical thinking. It is telling that nature, that evolution, has found it necessary to switch off a man’s critical thinking when he sees his female sexual partner. Presumably nature evolved this trick to keep men intellectually uncritical, so that his female sexual partner could more easily manipulate him so that he would be more likely to give her his resources, so that she could parasite upon him, and get food for herself and her babies.But now men have woken up to this phenomenon, thanks to neuroscience knowledge, so a man needs to make his rational decisions AWAY from the presence of his regular female sexual partner. If he tries to think rationally in her presence, he won’t be able to. His frontal lobes will be switched off, which is where the well know saying came from “A man can tolerate a lot in a women, if the sex is good” which is equivalent to saying that if the man has his frontal lobes regularly switched off, he will be less critical of his female sexual partner’s manipulation, nagging, sexploitation etc.Men are now also learning that women have about 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains, because women’s average brain volume is about 10% smaller than the average man’s. This 10% less neural processing capacity implies that women are less capable than men at performing tasks that men excel in. Women invent almost nothing, build nothing, create nothing. The female contribution to world intellect is a few percent at best.Men have intellectually entertained women in the past in an effort to persuade women to let men get into their cunts, but with the sexbots giving men better sex than women can, women will have to invest a lot more in their minds, and stop being passive, intellectually insipid, that bores men, especially sage (i.e. intellectual) men. It will take some decades before AI reaches human level conversational ability, so women will still have the edge on machines for those remaining decades, but only if they bother to get off their intellectually lazy, parasitic mental arses, and become a lot more intellectually stimulating, by having original opinions, but that has never been women’s strong point, so many men, especially the really smart men (the sages) will just ignore women once the sexbots come. Such men will see women as intellectually inferior and ignorable.Women have been parasites on men for several million years. They evolved that way, because they depended on men to give them meat from the male hunt. Women evolved to be prostitutes to men, to be better able to bribe men with female sex, to give women and their babies scarce male hunted meat. Women lost their days of sexual heat that dogs and monkeys still have, and evolved to be in heat every day of the month, to be better able to bribe men to give women meat.All this makes sense from a prehistorical point of view, but becomes meagerly a burden to men in the modern age. Men invented the contraceptive pill, so women now choose to have few kids, so now have a career window of some 40+ years, so now CAN work. The masculists push women morally to work, otherwise women remain the hated fluffie parasites that the masculists despise and punish them by ignoring them to death, so that fluffies rot on the shelf to extinction.With the rise of the sexbots and artwombs, men will soon have the tools to force women to FIPup, to get off their parasitic arses and grow up, become adults, taking on responsibility for their own lives and stop judging men by men’s sexploitability quotient (SQ).Masculists and MGTOWs feel considerable bitterness and hatred towards the fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites and the enormous damage and injustice they have committed against men, particularly in the divorce courts. So it is to be expected that men will turn to their sexbots and artwombs partly out of a spirit of revenge, to hurt women for women’s gender crimes against men. It will be sweet for men, watching feminism disappear fast, as women wake up to the fact, that men are ignoring them in droves.Men won’t have to put up with women’s inferiorities. Men don’t respect women. Women have child brains and behave like children. Women have contributed almost nothing to world culture. Women have largely been merely tolerated by men because of women’s baby factory and child raiser roles, but with these two technological revolutions about to come, men will have the means to ignore women. Men will not have to put up with women’s negative traits, forcing women to behave VERY nicely to men, competing with many other women for men’s dwindling attention.A decade or so from now, the gender landscape will be very different. Feminism, feminazis, fluffie feminist hypocrites, etc., will have become museum pieces. They will be stuffed and put behind glass. A gender revolution is at hand, and this time it will be men’s turn to get their revenge, their sweet revenge. Let the good times roll.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”1.1/221 Women Who Dump on Men Don’t Get One (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer says that young women on campus in the western countries are now learning that “women who dump on men don’t get one.” This lesson needs to be taught to the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers who are financially crucifying one married father in four. These young women are realizing that they will not be given babies by young men, even if these young women learn to be nice to them, until the gender laws are made men fair, so that young “female masculists” need to combine forces with the masculists to pressure the gender politicians, the divorce court judges and lawyers to menfair the gender and divorce laws.WOMEN WHO DUMP ON MEN DON’T GET ONE?Men are not masochists. No man chooses to have a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi, bitch. Such women are the most hated by men and are the first category of women to be rejected by men. Such women are punished by men, by them not having one.Young women on campus are now learning this elementary lesson, so don’t dare state publicly that they are feminists, because if they are stupid enough to do that, then that will be the kiss of death for them in terms of getting a man. No man will go near them.Men have the ultimate financial power over women, in the sense that nearly all men are FIPs (financially independent persons) because we are socialized by our parents and teachers to be FIPs. As males we also evolved to be FIPs, to manipulate the world, to understand the world.Women on the other hand, evolved to manipulate men, to sexploit them, so that men would pay for women to have babies. Most women have a deeply held attitude that men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. Many so called “supermoms” have learned the hard way that it is very difficult to be a careerist woman AND be a single mother. Most women want to have a man around who can soften the burden of earning the living so that she can have more time with kids that her DNA programs her to want.This dependency of women on men gives men the power to FORCE women to do what men want, more specifically what masculists want.Since we masculists want women to become FIPs, to grow up, to stop behaving like irresponsible children and take responsibility for their own lives and stop putting, feminazi style, all the blame for women’s situation on men, then we masculists have the power to FORCE women to be FIPs, because the opposite of a FIP i.e. a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible, ignorant manslave.But so many men are now influenced by MGTOW and masculist ideas, that few men still exist who are prepared to be manslaved by a bloody fluffie, so fluffies are dying out. They are being left on the shelf, abandoned as immoral parasitic manslaving vermin. We men, we masculists, have the power to wipe fluffies off the face of the earth. All we have to do is do nothing with them, i.e. ignore them, not date them, not sex them, not talk to them, not do anything with them.If such women make the double mistake of being fluffies and dumping on men, then they will be the most ignored, for example, the stereotypical “fat four feminazi” i.e. the majority of today’s feminazis who are rejected by men, who then cowardly, hypocritically, place the blame for their manlessness on men, dumping on them, rather than growing up and putting most of the blame on themselves.Such women, can’t do much about their “fourness” i.e. their below average looks, their lower than average level of prettiness or the lack of it, but they can do something about the other two characteristics, i.e. controlling the number of calories they stuff into their fat faces, and how nice they are to men.In the distant past, a woman who was unable to attract the attention of a man, often died, because she was unable to get scarce male hunted meat from a man, and was not protected by a man from dangerous men from other tribes, who might rape her or kill her. Woman have a deep, genetically based need to attract the attention of men. In the distant past their very survival depended on it.In today’s world, these fat four feminazis are the most rejected category of women by men. These women deeply resent this and feel profoundly hurt by men, because they are unable to “get a man” Often they can’t even get pumped and dumped.Of course they can always go to a pub and pick up some trash male, and get penised that way, because some men will “fuck anything” but then such women feel degraded, especially if they are university women with a reasonable brain, they will feel they deserve more, i.e. a higher quality male that matches their expectations of men.But too often, these fat four feminazis take the wrong turn and express their bitterness and anger outward, towards men, and hence tighten a vicious circle. They openly trash on men, becoming avid man dumping feminazi bitches. Their mouths take on a permanent expression of bitterness and sourness that anyone looking at them can see and be put off by.These fat four feminazis then repel men all the more, who take one look at her, see the bitterness, see her hatred of men, and if they talk with her for a few sentences quickly learn that this woman is a real misandrist. Not surprisingly, no man is prepared to go near her, so she is ignored by men all the more. She has locked herself into a tightly vicious circle, and does not have the common sense to be able to extract herself from it.Such women are now a stereotype, with a commonly accepted label of “fat four feminazi” the cursed “triple f” the most hated, most rejected category of female by men. Men avoid such women like the plague.Young women, especially at high school and college are becoming conscious that such women are totally rejected by men. Both sexes have heard of the “fat four feminazi” stereotype, so that women especially do not want to fall into that trap, that vicious circle, so try to be nice to men, if they ever want to have one who will help share the burden of earning? the living so that she can have a baby without having to be a supermom, being a careerist and a single mother, which usually leads to burn out by the time they are 40.For men, this rejection by most women of the hated “triple f” category of women is a good thing. It means that the sharp edge of feminist wrath against men is being softened. Women are learning that as the title of this flyer says, “women who dump on men don’t get one.”Unfortunately, this reasoning does not apply across the board, especially at the top end of the female hierarchy, such as in the divorce courts, where too many divorce court judges and lawyers are embittered feminazi spinsters who use the profoundly misandrist divorce laws to financially massacre men, as a form of revenge for being rejected by men.To counter the criminality of the divorce laws against men, young women now need to combine forces with masculists to help them menfair the gender laws, otherwise young men will continue to reject marriage, reject paternity and spend their money on themselves, because until the gender laws are menfaired, especially in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, young men will continue to not give young women their sperm, so young women will not be able to fulfill their genetic destiny of being mothers, a desire that their DNA strongly compels them to fulfill.Young women are learning that they must be nice to men, because men have the financial power to reject fluffies and force them to FIP up or rot on the shelf. But learning to be nice to men at an individual level is not enough, because the gender laws are still very much “not nice to men.” There are still “extremely not nice to men” gender laws, such as the divorce laws, the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right), etc.So masculists need to educate young women that the latter need to make the gender laws “nice to men” as well, or millions of young women will continue to suffer, due to the misandry, the man dumping of the older generation of women. Young women need to pressure the older generation of women to be nice to men, for the sake of young women’s happiness, who have learned from firsthand experience that men have the financial power and can force fluffies to rot on the shelf.At the rate of growth of the number of men who are MGTOW or masculist in western countries, it is likely that within a decade, over 90% of young men under 35 will be rejecting marriage and paternity, unless the gender laws are made menfair.Masculists need to educate young women at colleges and high schools that they need to help men menfair the gender laws, if ever men are to be prepared to be fathers again, and to help pay for kids. Men have this trump card over women that women cannot ignore. Men have the financial power to force fluffies to die out. If women want babies, then they will have no choice but to help menfair the gender laws to soften men’s rejection of marriage and paternity.Once large numbers of women have become more “female masculist” and push the feminazis and particularly the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, then young women may start getting the babies they want, so that whole populations do not get wiped out.The feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers also need to learn the lesson that “women who dump on men, don’t get one” but for them, it may be too late, since they are often “way over the hill” i.e. too old to be sexually attractive to men, being in their 40s and older.Men don’t look at older women sexually, because such women are usually infertile, and often overweight, not sexually attractive to men. Hence these divorce court female judges and lawyers who are feminazis will probably be died in the wool misandrists, and hence intransigent.In that case, they will have to be combatted by both masculists and female masculists who hate them, who put enormous moral pressure on them to menfair the gender laws, otherwise these older women will justifiably be called genociders and eventually be murdered by the men they financially crucify in the divorce courts, i.e. one married father in four, a casualty rate far higher than in a major war.Masculists and the more politically oriented MGTOWs need to place more energy and emphasis on collaborating with female masculists to menfair the gender laws. Younger women are learning faster than their older counterparts, that “women who dump on men don’t get one.” These younger women need to pressure their older sisters to learn the lesson that no man wants a relationship with a misandrist man dumping feminazi bitch. The older generation of women really need to learn this lesson.Many of them have, but it is too late for them. 40% of women over 40 in the US live alone, many of whom have been rejected by men, because so many men have been massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and don’t want a repeat performance with another fluffie parasite.Young masculist men on campus need to step up the pressure on young women who have not yet learned the lesson that “women who dump on men don’t get one.” These young masculist campus men need to tell their female class mates, that “no man wants a relationship with a misandrist man dumping feminazi bitch.” This lesson needs to be drilled home to young women by masculist young men, so that it is then broadcast to the whole of society.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”1.1/223 Masculist Contempt for Women’s Evolved Hypergamous Parasitism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lashes out at women’s evolved hypergamous parasitism. Masculists know that women evolved to be parasitic on men, but in today’s contraceptive pill world, women can work, so must work, or be punished by men for being immoral parasitic manslaving vermin, spat at by men and punished by men, by not having one, rotting on the shelf to extinction.MASCULIST CONTEMPT FOR WOMEN’S EVOLVED HYPERGAMOUS PARASITISMWomen have been parasites on men for several million years. They evolved that way. In the distant past, the baby’s head doubled in size in a mere million years, so that women’s birth canals had to be wider for the baby’s head to pass through, but there is a limit to the width, before the stresses on the hip bone become too large, causing a hip bone fracture which was always fatal, so evolution favored women who gave birth prematurely, so that the baby’s head continued to grow after the birth.But a prematurely born baby is useless. It cannot fend for itself, because it is so underdeveloped, so new mothers need to be constantly on hand to take care of these prematurely born babies, and hence the mothers are not free to roam for food at long distances from the home.This in turn created a new problem for women. How to get protein that was so vital for their survival. The only option they had was to get protein from scarce male hunted meat, but why should men give them meat, when their own survival was also in jeopardy. So women evolved to become prostitutes to men, by losing their days of being in sexual heat, the way monkeys or dogs are. Women evolved to become the sexiest of mammals, where every day of the month is a day of sexual heat. The sexier the woman, the more able she was to bribe men to give her and her babies’ scarce male hunted meat.Women evolved to manipulate men, due to their dependency on meat for their very survival. A woman who was unable to attract the attention of a man often died, because she lacked protein, she lacked male hunted meat.This argument can be generalized.? Women also evolved to be hypergamous, i.e. if a better male meat provider turned up, who was intellectually smarter and therefore a better hunter, better able to give her meat that he more capably hunted, then it was in her self-interest, if circumstances were realistic, to coldly, disloyally, dump her current male meat provider and give her vagina to the superior, smarter male hunter.Female hypergamy makes obvious evolutionary sense. We are all here today, thanks to women evolving this hypergamous sense, of always being on the lookout for a more sexploitable male provider.Women do not love men blindly, the way men tend to love women, once they are regularly sexing their female sexual partner. Evolution made it easier for a woman to sexploit a man, by use of the “male frontal lobe switch-off” i.e. when a man sees his regular female sexual partner, the frontal lobes of his brain switch off. The frontal lobes are responsible for long term planning and critical thinking.Nature found it necessary to switch off men’s critical thinking when faced with his regular female sexual partner, making it much easier for her to sexploit him. You have probably heard of the expression “If the sex is good, a man can tolerate a lot in a woman!” This truism is a simple consequence of the male frontal lobe switch off.Women do not have this frontal lobe switch off, so they can remain in their coldly calculating sexploitative mode to amorally extract meat from her manslave, her meat provider.Women evolved to find men who gave them more meat to be more sexually attractive. Women sexually selected better male meat hunters. Those men who were intellectually smarter than average, tended to be better hunters, making smarter judgements on how to hunt down meat sources. Thus, just as women gave themselves sexually to bigger, stronger, fiercer men who would be more able to defend these women against the big, strong, fierce men of enemy tribes, men became sexually selected by women to become bigger, stronger, fiercer than women, so too, due to female sexual selection of more intelligent men, i.e. superior hunters, men became intellectually smarter than women, by about 4 IQ points, and with bigger brains, about 10% bigger in brain volume.This is how women evolved. They evolved to be coldly calculating, sexploitative, manslaving manipulators of men, who once the sex was good, became moldable intellectually uncritical putty to women.Masculists know this and understand it, but we now live in the age of the contraceptive pill, household gadgets and higher education, all male inventions. Women now have been freed from household drudgery, and have become free to enter the work force and share in the burden of earning the living with men.However a large proportion of women have not taken up the burden of sharing the earning of the living equally with men. At age 16, three quarters of young women choose the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy option of studying the “soft option” of memory based majors, such as English literature, history, languages, etc. instead of the more intellectually demanding majors that require abstract analytical thought such as math and the sciences, i.e. these young women become what the masculists call “fluffie crappers” studying fluffie crap, what will make them fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) in their 30s.These fluffie crappers are then excluded from studying STEM (science tech, engineering, math) and the professions at university, because they do not have the necessary prerequisites from high school. These fluffie crappers then study more fluffie crap at college, ending up with a fluffie crap diploma, which the economy does not value, so they end up with low paying jobs, which will not allow them to be able to afford to buy a middle class house on her own to raise her kids in.So what will she do? She will do what women have done for millions of years, she will sexploit some gullible male, fuck him regularly until his frontal lobes switch off, then make him her manslave, so that he works for her, so that she can sit on her fat parasitic arse and live off his labor, having a standard of living that she is incapable of providing for herself, but that he can. She is sitting pretty, living off his male work and effort. In other words, she will become a fluffie, a female amoral parasite.Feminists are still women, so share the same genes with fluffies, so it is not surprising that most feminists still have fluffie attitudes when it comes to men. The most blatant example occurs in the divorce courts that the fluffie feminists took over in the 70s. Being feminists, these fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers saw men as the enemy, so used their positions of authority as judges and lawyers to punish men, seeing them as subhuman cash machines, to be financially abused and exploited in favor of their fluffie ex-wives.These fluffie feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers are an extreme example of the typical fluffie feminist hypocrite who wants equal rights with men, but rejects equal obligations with men, namely sharing out the burden of earning the living, so that women have to bother to get a career competent education, so that they can become FIPs (financially independent persons, the opposite of fluffies) as adults, and not parasite off the labor of a man, i.e. sexploit some gullible manslave.Masculists, are men’s libbers. Their main political goal is to wipe out manslavery worldwide, this century, by wiping out the fluffies and fluffie feminists, not by killing them, but simply ignoring them to death, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction. Masculists are very moralistic, placing enormous moral pressure on fluffies to FIP up or be punished by men by not having one. Fluffies are seen as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” by masculists, to be wiped out by being utterly rejected and spat at by masculists for being the fluffie vermin that they are.Women evolved to be sexploitative of men, so it is not surprising that women today still judge men by their level of male sexploitability and much less so on men’s other qualities, e.g. their intelligence, their sense of humor, their good looks, height, etc. The top criterion of a fluffie in judging a man is his level of exploitability, i.e. how many resources, how much money can she extract from him for her own purposes, i.e. how much of a manslave could he become for her.Masculists get really angry at being seen by women and especially fluffies as sexploitable manslaves. The masculists have a saying “I’m more than a cash machine, you bitch!” and reject women who have fluffie attitudes.One of the core realities between the two sexes is that men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up (i.e. become FIPs, pulling their own financial weight). Nearly all men are FIPs. Men are socialized by parents and educated by teachers to become FIPs. A woman who is a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some sexploitable manslave, but the MGTOWs (men going their own way) and masculists have caused the supply of such manslavable men to have nearly dried up.Today, in a string of major countries (e.g. the US, Japan, Germany etc.) two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, uttering rejecting the traditional manslave role and spitting on fluffie parasites. In a decade, that percentage will probably be over 90% so that any woman stupid enough to express publicly that she expects some manslave to work for her, will be ostracized and punished severely by men by not getting one. She will be forced to rot on the shelf where she belongs, instead of bothering to FIP up as a moral responsible adult.But women are not responsible adults. They have 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains for a start, which is probably the most damnable fact against women. Women evolved to be amoral and sexploitative of men. That’s how they survived.So we have here the ingredients of a real sex war. ?On the one hand women evolved to be sexploiters of men, parasiting off men’s labor for several million years, and on the other hand, the new attitude of the masculists that we now live in the age of the contraceptive pill, so now that women CAN work, they MUST work, because anything else is exploitation of men and is hence immoral, and punishable my men.Men have the financial power to punish women for being fluffies, by ignoring them to death. Men don’t need women to survive economically, because nearly all men are FIPs. Men are socialized and educated to be FIPs. So men are in a position to FORCE women to be FIPs or they don’t eat. Masculists are putting enormous moral pressure on young women to study career competent majors at high school and university, so that they can be responsible FIPs as adults, and not expect to parasite off the labor of some stupid ignorant manslave, still untouched by masculist and MGTOW ideas.Masculists have a hatred of fluffies and fluffie feminists and aim to wipe them out. Men have the power to do that, and as masculist and MGTOW ideas spread and spread across the planet, increasingly women will be FORCED to adapt to male pressure on them to FIP up, stop being immoral parasitic fluffie vermin, and learn to pull their financial weight.Masculists push women to adopt an attitude of being an EMO (equal moral obligations) FIP, i.e. having the moral expectation they she feels obliged to be FIP, that she feels it would be highly immoral and reprehensible to be a fluffie parasite on a man, by having been too lazy as a youth to have bothered to get a career competent education. Such women are punished by masculists.Thus women are now really stuck. They are being forced by men to go against their millions of years’ evolved sexploitative attitude of judging a man by his level of sexploitability. Women evolved to be hypergamous, to coldly, disloyally dump a man if he loses his sexploitability, his ability to be a manslave to her parasitic whims.Women are today being forced to fight their own biology, which is something very difficult to do, but women have no choice. If they remain fluffies in practice, i.e. by not bothering to get a career competent education, and end up fluffies as adults, then they will be rejected by men and hence live miserable lives, manless, sexless, loveless, BABYless, and poor, spat at by men, and punished by men, by not having one, rotting on the shelf, just waiting to die, rejected by men and increasingly by women, as women adopt masculist standards of morality.Speaking personally as both a man and as a masculist, when I sense some woman judging me almost exclusively by how much money I make, and ignoring my other qualities, my high professorial intelligence, my vision, my creativity, my articulateness, my extensive knowledge, etc., then I just cross off that woman as uninteresting. I treat her with contempt as just another fluffie to be punished for being an ?immoral, manslaving parasite, i.e. utterly contemptible, to be punished, to be rejected, to be left rotting on the shelf, getting the treatment from men that she deserves, i.e. spat at.So women are now learning that they have to hide their true parasitic natures and pretend to men that they are EMO FIPs, giving lip service to the masculist slogans that women are to be FIPs and pull their weight, even though deep down women are crypto fluffies by nature.Tough! We men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up, and so women will FIP up or pay a horrible price. They will have to use their 10 billion fewer neurons brains to adapt to male pressure and FIP up. Those women who don’t, those women who insist on expressing their true fluffie parasite nature, will have their fluffie feminist bitch genes removed from the gene pill, by not having babies. Future generations of women will have been genetically filtered to be more FIP like. Fluffiedom is not only dying sociologically, but genetically, and a good thing too.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “Hugo de Garis”1.1/230 The Most Damning Fact about Femaliens (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims the fact that women have 10% smaller brains in volume is? devastating for women. It means they have 10% smaller neural processing capacity than men, hence are unable to do things that men can. Women invent almost nothing, build almost nothing, create almost nothing, yet expect to be treated with equal respect as men, by men, This is delusional on the part of the feminazis who need to be put in their place. Masculists can hurl this neuroscience fact at the feminazis with devastating effect, due to its enormous ideological power.THE MOST DAMNING FACTABOUT FEMALIENSThe most damning fact about women, is that they have 10% smaller brains by volume than men on average, and therefore have 10% smaller neural processing capacity. To convert an average male brain to a female brain by volume, would be to take an ice cream scoop out of the male brain. Such a volume contains about 10 billion neurons and multiple tens of billions of glial (supporting) cells. That’s a lot.It then follows that with 10% lower neural processing capacity as men, there must be things that women cannot do that men can do. It is not difficult to make a quick list of things that women can’t do that men can do, for example, women build almost nothing, invent almost nothing, create almost nothing.Women are dumber than men on average by 4 IQ points (say independently Prof. Rushton, and Prof. Lynn). Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are males, so it is to be expected that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. There are no world class classical music composers, chess grand masters. Men occupy 98% of the Fortune 500 Company CEOships, 95% of the presidencies and prime ministerships, etc. There is a long list of examples of male dominance at the top end of the performance scale.Feminists talk a lot about the patriarchy and want to get rid of it, but that will be impossible for genetic reasons. What these feminazi ignorami, these isscienate fairy PC fluffie feminists don’t understand is that men are superior to women, i.e. the superior sex, at the top end of the scale. Women cannot compete with men at the top end of the scale, due to the fact of the 4 IQ point superior average IQ and the 10% greater IQ variance.Men also have a much higher level of testosterone in their blood, making men a lot more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent, so it is not surprising that men are more single minded, and do not give up as easily as women in completing difficult tasks. ?So again, it is not surprising that men utterly dominate the entries in the “Who’s Who” books. There are hugely more “great men” than “great women.” In fact, the term “great woman’ is almost an oxymoron, like “female philosopher.”Those few males who are truly world class at something, know from firsthand experience in their lives that women just don’t reach their levels of achievement, and since most of these men are heterosexual, they tend to lead rather lonely lives, in the sense of not being able to share their intellectual passions with a female at the same world class level, for the simple reason that women rarely reach such levels. Men are the superior sex.When I come across some piece of feminazi dogma that men are pigs and that the patriarchy has to be removed so that women can be given equal status in society, I sneer. The masculist and world class scientist in me (no false modesty here) treats such feminazi ideas with contempt, because they are based on an ignorance of science, and the above statistics. The isscienacy of these feminazis only increases my contempt for their level of ignorance and childish wishful thinking.But then I tell myself, that their child mindedness would be consistent with the fact that they have 10% smaller brains, i.e. 10% smaller neuronal processing capacities. Women are not men, they cannot compete with men at the top end of the scale, which is something women need to recognize, in just the same way that blacks have to recognize that they are the dumbest people on the planet.Some social group has to be at the bottom and the blacks are that group. It may be an unpleasant fact to have to stomach, but the scientific evidence is clear on this pint, so blacks will just have to lump it.Similarly with women, and their inferior performance levels at the top end. The childminded feminazis need to be refuted and treated with contempt, so that like the blacks, they “learn their place,” i.e. they accept their inferiority, as shown by the scientific evidence, and hence they are FORCED to accept it, because to do otherwise, is to reject science.In today’s scientifically dominated world, to reject the findings of science, the greatest knowledge generating system that men have ever invented, is to risk being dismissed as an isscienate fairy, living in a fairy land, believing what you want to believe, without evidence, which makes you no better than a religionist, stuck in your own superstitious bubble, impervious to the realities of the scientifically verified world.Personally I have a low opinion of people with low reality quotients, whose ignorant ideologically charged views conflict with science. I have a particular impatience and contempt for feminazis who think that they can compete with men at the top end of the scale, and hence remove what the feminists call the “glass ceiling” i.e. a supposed barrier imposed by male prejudice against women rising to the top positions of power, wealth, intelligence, authority, etc.The idea of the glass ceiling is bunk in my view. The fact that women occupy so few positions at the top end of the performance scale and positions of power is merely a consequence of their genetic inferiority compared to men. Women are not 50% of the top politicians for the same kind of reason why there are no blacks at world scientific conferences.Both phenomena have genetic causes. Blacks are genetically inferior to whites and yellows. Women are genetically inferior to men, and that fact is not going to go away simply because the fluffie feminist hypocrites want it to go away.As an intellectual tool to brow beat the feminazi bitches and their stupid emphasis on the glass ceiling, I suggest that the men’s lib movement and men in general make much stronger use of the fact of women’s 10% smaller brains.It is a most damning piece of information. The best propaganda is the truth. When I give some thought to the consequences of the fact of women’s smaller brain, I see it as utterly devastating for women. Angry, and impatient masculists can use it to great effect with feminazis. “Of course you women don’t perform as well as men at the top end of the scale. You have 10% smaller brains, for Christ’s sake. You can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear!”“If you women want to achieve at the male level at the top end, then your only option will be to get a brain transplant where the transplanted brain is male, otherwise you will remain forever genetically handicapped by the genetically determined inferiorities built into your female brain. Accept this fact, and adapt. Stop living in a fairy land, and get real, otherwise, we men will continue to treat you as children, as child minds.”“If you continue to behave as children, then we men will continue to treat you as children. We will not take you seriously, and we will not respect you. How can we respect creatures who have 10% less neural processing capacity than men? We can’t and we won’t.“My god, women’s brains are 10% smaller. They are not male adults. What a damning piece of knowledge for the masculists. We masculists can hurl this fact, this fire bomb, at the feminazis to show our contempt for their fairydom, their delusions, their childishness.“Women’s brains are 10% smaller! What a damning fact for women. This fact is men’s most powerful ideological weapon to smash feminazi arrogance, by cutting off their legs metaphorically, by insulting their smaller brain, all 90% of it on the male scale.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”1.1/235 The Masculist Tsunami over Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer foresees a situation in a decade or so, when women are drowned by a masculist tsunami that consists of the rise of the art wombs and sex bots, of rejection of relationships with women due to the MGTOWs, of ideological pressure from the masculists, and the general male backlash against feminazi bitches. Combined, these four phenomena will push women into deep existential shock and depression.THE MASCULIST TSUNAMI OVER WOMEN??This flyer talks about the tsunami that is about to hit women so hard that they may never recover. It lists 4 main phenomena and then discusses them one by one.Here is a list of social phenomena that are about to hit women very hard, to such a point that it is quite possible that they will never recover their current status and sense of wellbeing.The Coming ArtWombs and SexBotsThe Masculist Attack on Fluffies and Fluffie FeministsThe MGTOW Rejection of Relationships with WomenThe Heavy Male Backlash against the FeminazisThere are probably other major phenomena I could put into this list, but these four are probably the most important.The Coming ArtWombs and SexBotsI think it is fair to say that the most devastating phenomenon to really hit women hard, very hard, causing them to go into deep existential shock and depression, is the near future rise of the sexbot (sex robot) and the artwomb (artificial womb).Up until now, men have been forced to put up with women’s severe negative features, their nagging, their irrationality, their emotionality, their hysterics, because women had a monopoly of vagina and womb.Men often say about women, that “You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them!” i.e. women are impossible to live with for the above reasons, but men are strongly sex driven so have to put up with women’s negative features to get the sex and the babies.But, thanks to male engineering genius, women’s two traditional monopolies, the vagina and the womb will soon be superseded, probably within a decade. The sexbots, i.e. lifesize and lifelike sex robots, are coming out now. These sexbots have luscious curves, film star faces, and creamy grippy vaginas, that women cannot compete with.Increasingly, these sexbots will be fitted with AI capabilities, so that men can chat with them, have relationships with them, as in the movie “Her.” These artificial personalities will of course NOT contain those negative features of women’s personalities, that men despise, thus causing men to prefer the company of their bots than the company of women.Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artwomb, so human babies can’t be far off. When men can grow their own kids, and prefer to sex their bots than sex fat, unpretty, nagging women, then women will be largely ignored by men.Women evolved to be highly dependent on men to survive, in the distant past, when it was the men who brought back the scarce male hunted meat. A woman who could not attract the attention of a man, often starved. So women have built into their DNA a real fear of not being able to attract a man. Her very survival depended on it.A decade or two from now, women will be in deep depression, and profound existential shock, with a much lower status than they enjoy today, because men will be sexing their bots, growing their own kids, and largely ignoring women, treating women as redundant inferior beings. Men will be far more likely to say to women, literally, “Go fuck yourself!”The rise of the sexbot and the artwomb will cause women to fall back to the low status they have had for several million years. Women cannot compete with men at what men have traditionally done, what men have evolved for, i.e. manipulating the world, understanding the world. Women evolved to be baby factories and child minders, but with the above two technical revolutions, men can do that for themselves. They won’t need women.Society will then have to undergo some hefty changes as women readjust to their much lower status, as men reassert their traditional dominance that they have always had until half a century ago, with the rise of second and third wave feminism.The Masculist Attack on Fluffies and Fluffie FeministsThe masculists are providing society with ideas, ideologies, that undermine the feminist ideology/religion that women have the same abilities as men. Masculists attack the hypocrisies of the fluffie feminists who have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic to males that two thirds of young men in western countries now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.Feminism is like a religion to women, telling them that they can do anything they want, that they are as good as men.Masculists dismiss this myth, pushing onto women the science that says the opposite, that women are the inferior sex, performing less well than men at the top end of the performance scale on virtually anything that is measurable.For example, men are smarter than women by 4 IQ points. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so it’s not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged and persistent, so vastly outperform women across the board, utterly dominating the entries in the Who’s Who books. There are many fold more great men than great women.Women’s brains are 10% smaller than men’s, so women’s neural processing capacity is 10% less than men’s, so it is not surprising that women invent almost nothing, build almost nothing, create almost nothing. Masculists ram home the reality of women’s smaller brains, which is something that women don’t like hearing, but can do nothing about, since it is the reality.Masculists prick the arrogant isscienate bubble that feminists live in.Masculists put enormous moral pressure on fluffies, which comprise about three quarters of women, since about 70% of women at age 16 choose to study career incompetent majors (“fluffie crap”) which precludes them from studying STEM and the professions at university.Masculists dismiss fluffies as “immoral parasitic manslaving vermin” to be wiped out. As masculism becomes more popular, masculist condescension and contempt towards fluffies and fluffie feminists, will only increase the decline of women’s status in society.Masculists have a particular contempt for fluffie feminists, since the latter are not only fluffies and are hence despised, but are hypocrites as well, so are hated by the masculists. Most feminists know nothing about masculism, so by default have traditional attitudes towards men, seeing them as cash machines to pay for women to have babies.Masculists hate fluffie feminists because of their hypocrisy, their wanting to have equal rights with men, but are unwilling to share the burden of earning the living with men, by bothering to get a career competent education, so that they can become FIPs (financially independent persons) as adults and pull their weight financially.The hated fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts and made them toxic for males. One in four fathers will be divorced and lose his kids with 90% probability. He will lose his house and half of his possessions to his fluffie ex-wife. He will be forced to pay child support to kids he will barely see, and often alimony, so his fluffie ex-wife can remain a parasite off him after the divorce, the way she was before the divorce.This masculist hatred of fluffie feminist hypocrites strongly resonates with men, so that a fluffie, and particularly a fluffie feminist is often spat at by men, especially by young men, who now reject marriage, reject paternity and spend their money on themselves, rejecting women as fluffie parasites, to be avoided and spat on.Masculists give women a deserved inferiority complex, because that is the reality. That is what science says. Those masculists like myself who are both masculists and scientists are particularly pissed off at feminazis who pretend that women are as capable as men. No they’re not. Women are definitely the inferior sex.This message that women are the inferior sex is spreading amongst women thanks to masculist pressure. Women don’t like hearing it. No one likes being told they are inferior. Look at the blacks, the dumbest race on the planet, with a billion black Africans having an average IQ of only 70, which is almost mentally retarded by white or yellow standards. Blacks get almost violent when they are told this by white intellectuals.The MGTOW Rejection of Relationships with WomenThe rise of the MGTOWs (men going their own way) is largely a result of the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the fluffie feminist hypocrites. Marriage is such a rotten deal now for men that only ignorant fools, gullible naif, males choose to marry and have kids. Most young men now know that they will have a one in four chance as a? married father of being financially massacred in the hated fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system. They know that women don’t love men, and that women only love men’s (s)exploitability.If a man loses his exploitability by a woman, she will coldly, disloyally dump him, and monkey branch to a more exploitable male. Women evolved to be like this. Men are waking up to this core message called the “red pill” by the MGTOW. It is a shocking revelation to most men once they become convinced of its truth. Men are now increasingly looking at women with suspicion once they “swallow the red pill.”Young women now are waking up to the reality of a real shortage of young men who are prepared to marry them and give them kids. Many young women are fed up being pumped and dumped by men, who refuse to marry them and give them their sperm.Young women are becoming more alarmed as they realize that young men are walking away in droves, treating women only as cunts, seeing women as future parasitic fluffies who will divorce them to extract from them, their male resources. Relations between the sexes are really bad now as a result.Women are now panicking as they realize that young men don’t want them as people, but only as cunts. This reality is depressing large numbers of women and causing them to become alarmed. Millions of young women are realizing that they are not going to have a baby, and at best will only be pumped and dumped by men, or just ignored.The Heavy Male Backlash against the FeminazisMen across the board are learning a hatred and contempt for feminazis. No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch. Such women are the first category of female to be ignored, and are rejected by men. This male hatred is so strong, that young women now don’t dare state publicly that they are feminists, through risk of being manless, since no man wants a relationship with a feminist bitch.Men are really annoyed and contemptuous of the feminazi tendency to blame men for everything that is wrong with women’s lives, instead of owning up to some of the responsibility themselves. Men see this as childish, hypocritical and cowardly, and tend not to take these child-minded feminazis seriously. They behave like children, so tend to be treated by men as children, i.e. not taken seriously, and not respected. Men look down on child-minded feminazis.Men are becoming ever more hostile to the feminazi takeover of society. The divorce courts are the worst example. Then there is the feminazi dominated media, where men are portrayed as bumbling fools even though the reality is the opposite. Schools and now universities have become female dominated institutions.A growing male backlash is appearing as men are really starting to put their foot down, telling women “Be nice to men, or you won’t get one. You can fuck off.” Men have the financial power to force women to FIP up or be manless. Increasingly, men are using this power to force women to grow up and become financially responsible adults or be punished by men by not having one.—When you put these 4 phenomena together, things look bleak for women. A tsunami is thundering down on women that will drown them in the coming decade or so, but too few women see it. At the time of writing (2017) only a handful of female intellectuals (sages) see the writing on the wall. Most women don’t see it yet, but they will, and soon. It will not be nice to be a woman in a decade or two, for the reasons given above.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”1.1/238 Can Women Fight Their Parasitic Nature? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer questions whether the extensive political agenda of the masculists to create a FIP Society, by forcing women to FIP up and persuading women to vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, is realistic, given that women evolved to be parasites off men’s resources. Recent evidence is encouraging that the answer is yes. Women may not be happy going against their grain, but at least it looks as though they can do it.CAN WOMEN FIGHT THEIR PARASITIC NATURE??One of the basic assumptions of the masculist political program, i.e. the creation of a FIP Society, in which both sexes are socialized and educated to be FIPs (financially independent persons) so that no one sex parasites off the other, is that women will be able to fight, i.e. overcome, their evolved parasitic nature.This flyer examines this basic assumption. Is it reasonable? Is it realistic, or is it like ploughing the sea (to use Bolivar’s famous quip.)Before launching into my opinions on this, I ought to set the stage a bit more, explaining just what it is that the masculists want for society, how masculists plan to socially engineer society, so that men get liberated from female parasitism, forcing women to FIP up or be punished by men, by not getting one.Masculism and MGTOW (men going their own way) exist largely as a result of the massive injustices committed against men by the feminazis, the worst example is that of the divorce courts, which financially massacre and destroy the lives of a quarter of married fathers, who lose his kids with a 90% probability, lose his house to his fluffie ex-wife, lose half his possessions, pay child support to his kids he may be allowed to visit only twice a month, and often pay alimony to his ex-wife so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce as she did before the divorce.There is no Parer (paternity rejection right) equivalent to women’s Marer (maternity rejection right) a.k.a. abortion right, so that women have the legal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, but men don’t. Why does this massive injustice against men exist? Men are seen by society, and especially by women, as manslaves, to be manipulated by women as women want.But the feminazis have gone too far, so that men are waking up to their manipulations and are fighting back, and with a vengeance. In the major western countries now, two thirds of young men under 35 reuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves.Once the number of these MGTOW men has become large enough, that the broadcast media becomes conscious of what is happening, i.e. that these MGTOW are causing the population to crash, due to their rejection of paternity, then the masculists will be able to educate society that things have to change, that women have to learn to pull their weight or be punished by men, by not getting one, thanks to the MGTOW boycott of marriage and paternity.Once society has the attention of the men’s libbers (i.e. the MGTOWs and masculists) the masculists will be in a position to tell society and particularly women, that women must FIP up, become FIPs and pull their financial weight, not expecting, fluffie style (a fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) to be able to become what the masculists see as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” to be wiped out.Masculists will tell women, that it is in women’s self-interest to join with men to vote in favor of the menfairing of the gender laws, even though at face value, it appears to be against women’s interests, in the divorce courts, to give up the current divorce law status quo, in which women get sole custody of the kids, child support, his house, half his possessions, and often alimony sometimes for life.Masculists will tell women and the broadcast media that there is something even more valuable to women than what they have traditionally won (i.e. stolen) from men in the divorce courts, and that is being able to have babies again, by making the gender laws men fair, so that men will be willing to be fathers again, knowing that they will not have to risk paying the horrible price of being financially massacred in today’s divorce courts, with the heavy feminazi bias in favor of women, given that the divorce courts were taken over by the feminazis in the 70s.Young women today are starting to panic as they become conscious of the rise and rise of the MGTOWs, who have the power to refuse to give women their sperm, so that women are being forced into babylessness. Young women are really starting to panic now.The masculists can use the media to make a bargain with women, especially young women. This bargain goes as follows. “You women vote together with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that divorce law is made fair to men, so that the Parer is brought in, so that those menunfair gender laws that still exist are removed, across the board.Do that, and we men will then be prepared to be fathers again. If you don’t help men force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, then we men, we young men, will continue to reject paternity, and you women will not be able to have babies, which is your absolute top priority in life, i.e. what you evolved to do. It’s written into your DNA.”Thus the masculists will bargain with women to get what the masculists want, i.e. the FIPing of women, in order to create a FIP Society, so as to liberate men, so that the masculists can fulfil their main political goal of freeing men from manslavery, i.e. working for women, worldwide, this century.The masculist are very conscious that men have the financial power to force women to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs by getting a career competent education at high school and university, so that women can be FIPs, i.e. financially responsible adults in their 30s and beyond.There is still a long way to go in the FIPping of women, because in today’s world, it is still the case that some three quarters of young women at age 16, choose to study career incompetent majors, i.e. the “soft option,” of intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, memory based, majors such as English literature, history, languages, etc., instead of the “hard option” of the analytic majors such as math and the sciences, so that women who do study these topics at high school can then go further at college and get degrees in the STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) or the professions, which will enable them to be real FIPs, making good money instead of becoming fluffie crappers with a fluffie crap diploma that the economy does not value and hence pays poorly.The masculists will put enormous moral pressure on young women to FIP up, accusing fluffies of being immoral manslaving parasites, whom the masculists plan to wipe out, by ignoring them to death, making women afraid to be fluffies through fear of being totally rejected by society for expecting to be able to parasite off men, which is something the masculists aim to make a real taboo in the near future.Thus, the masculists have a political and ideological agenda. They want to menfair society, to free men from manslavery, by forcing the FIPping of women, that we men have the financial power to do, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, but the supply of such gullible fools is drying up, thanks to the influence of the ideas of the masculists and MGTOWs, who are persuading young men that marriage and paternity are such rotten deals for men, that the only sane strategy for men is to avoid them, so as to avoid the horrible risk of being financially massacred in the hated feminazi controlled divorce courts.Thus the masculists give women no choice. Women must FIP up, or be severely punished by men, by not getting one. A fluffie will rot on the shelf, utterly rejected by men, treated as a pariah, to be spat at.Once the masculists have the ear of the broadcast media, they can educate the public about what the masculist agenda is and how the masculists plan to achieve it, as explained above, with the female masculists voting together with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, or women will continue to not be given men’s sperm, so that women remain babyless, and whole populations get wiped out. Men will win this battle.BUT, there is a big question mark in all this, and that is, can women fight their own genetic parasitism, i.e. can women overcome the way they evolved to be, i.e. to be parasites off the money of men?Women have been parasites off men for the past few million years. Women evolved that way. The baby’s head doubled in size over a mere million years, forcing women to give birth prematurely, so that the baby’s head could continue to grow after the birth. But prematurely born babies are useless and require constant attention from the mother, which prevented women from hunting for days away from the home.Thus women became critically dependent for their survival on men, i.e. on men’s scarce male hunted meat. To adapt to this new situation, women evolved to become prostitutes to men, bribing men with female sex for men’s meat. Women’s brains evolved to manipulate men, so that men could be persuaded, manipulated, bribed, nagged, coerced, into giving women and their babies male hunted meat.Thus it is in women’s nature to be parasitic on men, to see men as objects to be manipulated, as sources for scarce male hunted meat. Women don’t love men. They love men’s exploitability. If a man lost his ability to be a meat provider, then his woman would coldly, disloyally dump him quickly in favor of a more exploitable man whose penis she would accept, for the sake of the survival of herself and her babies.Women evolved to be parasites on men, so how can the masculist political agenda succeed if what the masculists want from women goes against women’s evolved, genetically determined nature?That is the big question, and the main question of this flyer. The human brain is flexible. Women are human beings, so have the ability to adapt, to learn, to fight against their own nature, IF THEY ARE FORCED TO.The task of the masculists is to create a situation, in which women are forced to, i.e. by not giving women any choice other than to FIP up, or face the threat of being babyless, which is something that women are truly terrified of, given their deepest nature, i.e. their drive to create the next generation, something their whole DNA is geared towards.How will women cope when masculists become a major force in society, putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up or be totally rejected by men? If they are fighting their evolved behavior of parasiting off men’s money, parasiting off men’s provision of resources to women, then how can women go against their own nature?Women may have a difficult time doing this, but at least they are capable of doing it. They may not be happy doing it, since it goes against their grain, against their evolved nature, but since the masculists will give them no choice, forcing them to FIP up or die out, then women will FIP up.Those choosing not to FIP up, will indeed die out, rotting on the shelf to extinction, removing their fluffie genes from the gene pool, utterly rejected by men for being the immoral parasitic manslaving vermin that they are.Is there any evidence that women are up to the task of FIPping up to the extent that the masculists demand? There are encouraging signs. In the US, the percentage of 16 year old young women who choose to study the “hard option” of math and the sciences is now equal to the percentage of young men doing the same.At college, in the US, the percentage of women who study STEM or the professions is at about two third of the male percentage and rising, so that is encouraging.From my own experience in China as a computer science professor, teaching masters level courses, I had classes in which a third of the students were female, so it looks as though young women are FIPping up increasingly, which is good news for the masculists.Of course, as the masculist agenda becomes widely known to the public, including young women, they will become more motivated to FIP up, through fear of being spat at by men for being fluffies and threatened by men with babylessness.Women are herd animals and follow fashion more readily than men. Look at women’s fashions. So all the masculists have to do is to push the masculist agenda onto the broadcast media so that it becomes well known to everyone. Young women will then FIP up, get career competent educations, and become FIPs as adults, not expecting to be fluffies to gullible manslaves.As the supply of manslavable men keeps falling and women continue to not be given men’s sperm, the level of babylessness amongst young women, will cause alarm bells to go off across the world, until women in desperation, vote together with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, thus freeing men from the oppression and from the massive injustices committed by the hated feminazis against men.The feminazis will become hated by BOTH sexes, since women will be taught by the masculists that the root cause of women’s babylessness is the feminazi takeover of the divorce courts, making them toxic for males, so that young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids.By menfairing the gender laws, marrying and having kids again, will no longer be toxic for men, so they will be more willing to be fathers again. A lot of men want to have kids, but in today’s fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system, don’t dare to, due to the one chance in four risk of being financially massacred by the hated feminazi divorce courts judges and lawyers.With the feminazis dead, and the gender laws made menfair, the birth rate should then rise again, so that populations fall less quickly. Perhaps further measures may be needed to get the birth rate back up to replacement rate, but that is another story.The moral of this flyer is that yes, probably women are capable of fighting their genetic parasitism, by learning to adapt to the gender landscape as engineered by the masculists. Men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up.As more and more men become MGTOW and masculists, the stronger the moral pressure will be on women to FIP up. They will have no choice. They will HAVE to learn to fight their genetic parasitism if they are to survive, even if women are not happy about it. Women have no choice. We men have that power.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”1.1/258 Why Do Women Shit-test Men? (link)?Part 1?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer hypothesizes on why women shit test men. It combines modern neuroscience results with evolutionary psychology to posit why women evolved the need to shit test men.WHY DO WOMEN SHIT-TEST MEN??This flyer hypothesizes on why women shit-test men.The MGTOW movement is comprised mostly of psychologists, rather than politicians (who tend to be more inclined towards masculism, which is a lot more political.) Some of the psychological insights coming from the MGTOW YouTube content providers have been quite interesting, and one wonders how long it will be before the academic psychologists take up these ideas and run with them, particularly performing scientific studies to test these MGTOW based hypotheses on the psychology of women.The MGTOWs make many claims about the psychology of women, that are relevant to why so many men are now walking away from traditional marriage and paternity. The MGTOWs are claiming for example that women are hypergamous, i.e. always on the lookout for a more exploitable male she can monkey branch to, who has more resources to give her and her babies.MGTOWs talk about the “red pill” i.e. the idea that women don’t love men, but rather love men’s exploitability, and as soon as a man loses that exploitability by a woman, she will coldly and disloyally dump him in favor of a more exploitable man.Another of the psychological hypotheses made by the MGTOWs concerns the “shit test” that women use routinely on men. This flyer is about why women use shit tests and how they evolved.A shit test, as its very label implies, is usually some remark made by a woman to her man that tests him in some way. Often the remark is quite negative and is designed to annoy him, so one wonders why women bother to do these tests, given that they only annoy their man.Why do women insist on shit testing men, if they only make her appear more negative in men’s eyes? What purpose is served by the shit test from the woman’s perspective? How was it in the woman’s interest to shit test her man? Why do women shit test men?This flyer hypothesizes a reason for female shit testing, based on modern neuroscience knowledge, and linked with some evolutionary psychology, to come up with a plausible and rational explanation for why and how female shit testing evolved, and why women use it.At face value, shit testing seems pointless. As a man, one wonders why women constantly put men through these alien, and stupid shit tests, but if the hypothesis below is correct, then one sees that there was good reason for them, despite the fact that they seem so annoying to men, so one wonders why women do them, because there is a limit to the patience and tolerance of men towards women. If women shit test men too much, then the men will simply walk away, so how could shit testing have evolved in the first place?!A shit test usually causes real irritation to the man. I will give a real life example from my own experience. My current marriage is on the rocks and will terminate in about a year, once I have finished converting my paper library into electronic form, and I move out of my 4th wife’s apartment, and relocate to Melbourne,? Australia, to take up a generous offer of my sister, who will buy a one bedroom apartment and let me live in it for free.My third wife (Chinese also) stole half my savings, so I’m rather poor now. This moderate poverty impacted on the hypergamous instinct of my 4th wife, who being female, wants to have a partner who is capable of providing resources to her, even though in reality she was a professor with a good income and did not need to parasite off a man’s money. She had plenty of her own.Nevertheless, it goes against a women’s evolved instinct to live with a man who she feels is not capable of giving her resources. After all, women evolved to be dependent on men for their very survival, because women could not hunt. They could not leave their useless babies for days, chasing big game for meat the way men can.So women evolved to be dependent on men, to be given scarce male hunted meat, that was needed to keep them and their babies alive.So it became critical for women to feel assured that their men, who supplied their women with meat, were reliable. Their very lives depended on that reliability. If a man started losing interest in his woman, and became increasingly indifferent towards her, then that could be disastrous for her, so it was in her self-interest to know beforehand, whether her man, had lost interest in her and would soon throw her out to starve or fend on her own.So women evolved the shit test (so goes the hypothesis) to deliberately provoke the man into reacting hostilely towards her, giving her vital information about his level of commitment and interest in her, i.e. whether he could be relied upon to keep supplying her and her babies with precious and scarce male hunted meat.For the man, a shit test can be really annoying, for example, when my current wife, said to me, “I’m going to look for an apartment to buy in the city where my parents and younger sister live, later this month!”A full month later, and she did not keep her word. She did not go to that city to look for an apartment. I interpret her statement to be just another one of her femalien shit tests. I assume she did it to elicit a reaction from me along the following lines (with me thinking aloud) – “Oh my gosh, if she buys an apartment in another city, then that will probably force me to move out sooner than I had hoped. She’s goading me, trying to see how I feel about her throwing me out.”A month later, and she and I still live in separate rooms in the same apartment, with the status quo being that we hardly talk to each other. I prefer it that way, rather than have to put up with her stupid shit tests or her nagging. When I arrive in Melbourne, and take up my sisters offer, I will very probably go into full MGTOW monk mode, and not have anything to do with women. After some score of girlfriends and 4 wives, I’ve had it with women.I’m now 70. My libido has reduced enough that I’m no longer cunt driven, and since I can’t share my intellectual passions (of pure math, math physics and philosophy) with women, I don’t need women period. I’m bored by female conversation. Women don’t have original opinions. They have limited horizons and quickly annoy me. So I will go MGTOW monk probably for the rest of my life, as my father has for the past 3 decades.I suspect what is going on with my current wife’s shit testing is that she is trying to judge the level of my attachment to her. I don’t give her much information, because thanks to my listening to MGTOW videos on femalien shit testing, I’ve learned to ignore them from her, which is not what women want.What women want is to provoke their man so that he reacts with strong emotion and annoyance, so that she can learn that he still cares enough about her that her negative shit test has annoyed him enough for him to become impatient and verbally violent with her.The irony is, that modern neuroscience, i.e. MRI scans have shown that when a woman shit tests a man, and he reacts very negatively, her brain actually releases pleasure hormones from the pleasure center, making her feel good. What! This sounds nonsensical, yet it is what happens.So does this imply that women are sadists, i.e. deliberately gaining pleasure at their man’s expense? You could argue that way, but (and here is the hypothesis) the reason why the woman feels pleasure at having provoked such a negative reaction from her man, is that his reaction tells her that he still cares enough about her that he bothers to get annoyed, rather than being like me now, who feels no connection to my current wife, that my indifference shows her that I will leave her, so that she will now probably live alone for the rest of her life, a sobering thought for her.In the distant past, a woman’s very survival depended on her knowing whether her man would continue to supply her with meat, so when her shit testing caused her man to explode in verbal anger, and maybe even a bitch slapping or worse, it was actually a source of real relief to her to know that he still cared enough about her to bother to get annoyed.So her shit testing may seem sadistic to the man, but it was of vital importance to her to know that she would keep her man for the time being, that he would continue to provide her and her babies with meat, that he hunted.So women evolved (the hypothesis goes) the ability to shit test men, to judge ahead of time, i.e. before he became indifferent to her and throw her out of his cave, to her probable death from starvation or exposure to the elements or from wild animals.With such a warning of his growing indifference, she might have enough time to monkey branch to another man who has expressed an interest in her and her cunt, her most precious resource and bargaining tool.Knowing that her man still cared enough about her to react negatively to her shit test was such a relief for her, such a release from stress, that it felt pleasurable to her, hence the release of pleasure hormones from her pleasure center in her brain.That is the hypothesis. Now how could it be tested scientifically? For that matter, how could any of the MGTOW psychological hypotheses be tested scientifically by modern psychology? How could the main MGTOW psychological hypotheses of the red pill, women’s hypergamy, the shit test etc. be tested?Traditional psychologists such as Freud, Jung etc., made no mention of such ideas in their works. They lived before the strong modern influence of evolutionary psychology, i.e. the tendency in this case, to look upon personality traits in women as the result of their evolutionary past, for example as the above hypothesis illustrates.I am not a professional psychologist, nor especially an evolutionary psychologist, so I posit the above hypothesis merely as an amateur. It sounds plausible to me, but just how one could scientifically test such an idea is for more qualified and competent people in the psychology field to figure out. I merely posit the idea, the hypothesis, to be tested by someone else.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”1.1/260 Women Fade Away (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer speculates on the eventual fate of women as several social and technological forces combine to reduce women’s status, e.g. the rise of the sexbots and the artwombs, the spreading of MGTOW red pill knowledge, and the masculist moral pressure on women to FIP up, etc. The future of women does not look bright.FEMALES FADE AWAYThis flyer speculates on what will happen to women as masculism runs its natural course, as the sexbots and artwombs come in, as MGTOW rejection of marriage and paternity runs its course, etc. Will women die out, slowly fade away, having become redundant now that men will soon prefer to sex their bots and grow their own kids?The future does not look bright for women. The current feminist based arrogance of young princesses is a short lived phenomenon. The rise of angry masculism will kill that off, by demolishing the isscienate fairy claims of the feminists, dismissing them as fiction that cater to women’s hunger to believe that they are as capable as men, that do not bother to check whether their feminist claims are born out scientifically, which in fact they aren’t, in fact just the opposite, it is men who are the superior sex as shown by science.What will happen to women once they lose their traditional monopolies of vagina and womb? Until the near future, women have always had a monopoly over the supply of sex to men, and only women had babies, so women were able to bribe men into becoming manslaves to women, in exchange for sex that women kept scarce to raise its price, a very high price, i.e. being a manslave to a woman, working for a woman, in order to get regular sex from her.But within a decade, more or less, all that traditional monopolization by women will come crashing down, with the rise of the sexbots and the artwombs. Men are already starting to be able to buy life-size life-like sex bots that have luscious curves, film star faces, creamy, grippy vaginas, that women cannot compete with.The potential market size of the sexbot is huge, probably 100s of billions of dollars a year worldwide, when most males choose to buy one, when they want to have sex on those days when his girlfriend, or wife is not in the mood.Many men will prefer to sex their bots and dispense with the traditional need to have a girlfriend or wife altogether to have regular sex with. The sexbots will offer men an alternative to flesh and blood women. These bots will be very attractive, both in terms of looks, and in terms of sexual function. They are starting to appear on the market already.Over time, these bots will be fitted with AI capabilities that will enable them to converse with their owners. They will be given personalities that are very pleasant to men, having personality types that the market place will soon discover by observing which bot personalities are the best sellers.Obviously, the bot manufacturers are not going to give their bots characteristics that men strongly dislike in women, e.g. women’s nagging, withholding sex, trying to control and mold men, etc. They will be given personalities that men like very much, i.e. those that are emotionally warm, emotionally supportive etc.Men will be developing attachments to these bots and their AI based personalities at an increasing rate as the technology improves, and the bot personalities become more persuasively realistic.Not only will the bots have pleasant personalities, they will have luscious bodies that men hunger to penis. Why would a sexbot manufacturer bother to make a bot that is ugly to look at?! It would make no sense, and since the amount of effort to make a beautiful, sexually alluring bot is equal to that of making an ugly malformed one, there is no logic for bot manufacturers to give men anything other than the most attractive bots possible, that women will not be able to compete with.The majority of women in western countries are fat, either overweight or obese, and don’t have curvy sexy bodies the way the bots will have.Therefore women will be abandoned in droves by men, as the sexbot market improves its products each year, making sexbots that are ever more attractive to men, both in terms of sexual attractiveness and in terms of personality. It is likely that sexbots will become the chief driver of AI research and development, i.e. the sexbot industry will be pouring research money into making sexbots more attractive to men in terms of personalities.The other major revolution about to hit women hard is the artwomb, the artificial womb. Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artwomb, so human babies can’t be far off. An artwomb is really just a plastic bag with pipes going in and out, delivering nutrients and extracting waste products, the way a woman’s womb does.Once these artwombs are perfected, men will be able to grow their own kids and not need to have a relationship with a woman to have their own kids. Women will lose their age old monopoly of being the sole means of growing babies. Men will then have the choice of whether to have a baby with a human female, or to grow their own kid in an artwomb.Women are alien creatures to men. They are femaliens to men.They have 10% smaller brains that are wired up differently to men, having more connections that run across the two hemispheres compared to men’s which have more front to back connections. Women evolved for different purposes to men. Women evolved to be baby factories and child raisers, and to manipulate men to extract resources from men so that women could survive and so too their kids.As a result of this evolution, women learned to nag men, to cajole men to extract more resources from men, making women exploitative of men.The MGTOW movement has become conscious that women do not love men, but rather love men’s sexploitability. A man who has wealth and lots of resources, is far more sexually attractive to a woman than a poor man who has few resources. This criterion for judging men evolved over several million years, and makes perfect Darwinian sense. Nevertheless, it is a bitter pill for men to swallow, who have been brainwashed by women to believe that women love them, the way mothers love their children.It makes sense that women love their kids, because they share half her genes, whereas her husband has no genes in common with her. To her, the husband is merely a replaceable resource provider. If one man loses his capacity to provide her with resources, then she has evolved to coldly, disloyally, drop him at the drop of a hat, to offer her vagina to another man who can give her the resources she wants. She evolved to be like that.This knowledge that women don’t love men, but love men’s exploitability, is called the “red pill” by MGTOWs, and is one of the core ideas of the movement.It is a veritable poison pill in terms of its effects on men’s attitudes towards women, once they become aware of it and absorb its deep implications. Men deeply resent women for treating them as resource providers, as mere replaceable sources of resources for women and their babies. The masculists have a saying concerning this resentment of males towards women that goes – “I’m more than a cash machine, you bitch!”As more an more men go MGTOW and masculist, largely as a reaction against the toxicity of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system in western countries, they see women for what they are, i.e. manipulators of men, pretending to love men, when in fact they don’t, they merely try to fool men that they love them. They are hard wired to be actresses to men, creating the illusion, the delusion, in men that women love men, whereas in reality, all they really want from men is men’s resources.This was shown clearly in a famous experiment in which women had a moisture detector inserted into their vaginas and then shown two photos, of the same rather handsome man. In one photo the man is wearing a McDonald’s uniform, i.e. he is a hamburger flipper, and hence rather poor. In the other, the same man is wearing an Armani suit and leaning on a Lamborghini sports car, i.e. he is rich.You can guess the outcome of the experiment. The women clearly found the rich man more sexually attractive. Their vaginas wetted a lot more for the rich man photo than the poor man photo, even though logic said that the two photos were of the same man. The wetting of the vaginas was an unconscious thing, a result of women’s ingrained, evolved sexual preference in men, i.e. the desire to be sexually aroused by a man with resources.I had a personal experience that reinforced my awareness of this female preference very strongly at Davos, the World Economic Forum that I was invited to attend in 1998. I was standing 4 meters away from Bill Gates, but couldn’t get any closer to him, even if I wanted to, because he was surrounded by 4 rings of people, all wanting to chat at him, and guess what?! They were all female. The knowledge that Bill Gates was one of the richest men in the world (although hugely less wealthy than the hated Jewish banksters like the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Warburgs, Rockefellers, etc.) made these women drool, not in their mouths, but in their cunts. These women surrounded him like treacle, slowing his motion walking along the corridor.If the sight of a wealthy powerful man acts as a sexual switch on for women, than Bill Gates was a hyper stimulus for them, and they reacted very strongly. It was fascinating to watch and drove home to me what women really want in a man. They want his resources, showing that women evolved to be prostitutes to men, bribing men with access to women’s vaginas in exchange for men’s resources. Women are basically whores. They evolved to be that way.More and more men are waking up to this reality that women don’t love men and use, i.e. abuse, men for women’s own benefit. Once men can sex their bots, and once their bots are far more sexually attractive than nearly all women, then this combination will be devastating for women.Men’s bitter resentment of being treated by women as cash machines, plus being able to sex a bot that does not have such personality traits, will cause women to be ignored by men in droves. Women will truly panic, as they become conscious that men are deserting them in their millions, their billions.Until recently, men only tolerated women, because women were necessary for reproduction and sex. With artwombs and sexbots, it will no longer be necessary for men, to have women around. Men can grow their own kids and can sex their bots, which will be able to do a better job of sexing them than any woman can. The sexbots will keep improving, so that men will only find them increasingly attractive.Women will then freak out and pull out all their stops to have them banned. Women will feel profoundly threatened by the rise of these two technologies, the sexbots and the artwombs. These two technical developments are making women redundant, and that will frighten women shitless. Women, and particularly the feminazis, will go all out to stop the development of sexbots and artwombs.But we are talking about sex, a very powerful drive that men live for. If women try to ban the development of sexbots and artwombs, then they will be competing with a force that will motivate men powerfully to combat them.The masculists will be able to harangue women for their parasitism, telling women that they are basically parasites off men, and that they need to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) and not parasite off the money of a man. The feminazi push for the ban of the sexbots and artwombs, is basically a desire on women’s part to remain fluffie parasites off the money of men.Masculists have a hatred of fluffie feminist hypocrites who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, in not wanting to bother to have to FIP up, to get a career competent education that will allow them to become FIPs as adults, not parasiting off the money of a man, by earning their own.Masculists have a hatred of fluffies. Fluffies are the main enemy of the masculists, whom the masculists aim to wipe out, not by killing them but simply ignoring them to death, by having no contact with them, not even pumping and dumping them, which now would be redundant because of the presence of the sexbots.Masculists see fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites as the enemy, to be wiped out, in order to free men from manslavery, i.e. from working for women, being sexploited by women to extract resources from men to benefit women’s parasitic nature, a nature that women evolved to have.Well, sexbots don’t sexploit men. They are very nice to men, because they are built to be very nice to men, due to market forces. Those bots that are very to men, that men really like, and are prepared to spend their money on, will dominate the sexbot market.Men will have a choice between a fluffie sexploitative woman, or a very nice, emotionally warm, emotionally supportive, sexually scrumptious sexbot. Not surprisingly, men in their millions will prefer their sexbots to women, and women will then fall into deep depression and existential shock, as they wake up to the realization that they no longer have their traditional place in society as the baby factories and child minders.From now on, men can grow their own kids, and can hire nannies to raise them. Without a parasitic female to pay for, men will be able to afford to work less, and spend more time being a dad to their own home grown children, and pay for a nanny while he is at work.Men will become less tolerant of women’s many faults and inferiorities relative to men’s. Women invent almost nothing, build almost nothing, create almost nothing. Men do not respect nor admire women for the obvious reason that women did not evolve to be understanders and manipulators of the world.Women evolved to be baby factories and child raisers. That was a full time job until the invention of the contraceptive pill. Now women have reliable contraception, so choose mostly to have 0, 1, or 2 kids, so have a career window of some 40 years,The masculists tell women in strong moral terms, “Now that you women can work, you must work! Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men. Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.”All these factors combined, i.e. the knowledge of the red pill, the rise of masculist pressure on women to FIP up, the creation of the sexbot and artwomb industries, etc., will cause women to become very much second class citizens. They will be forced to resign themselves to their new realities, and will forced to adapt.So what will happen to women under these new circumstances? Will women fade away? Will women cease to exist, because they will not be needed by men?Women will still be needed to have a baby because women grow the eggs that the male sperm fertilizes. So one can anticipate the growth of a female egg industry, where men buy human eggs to have their own babies grown in an artwomb, but other than for that, men will not need women.Men might choose to socialize with women, but the much lower status of women, relative to men, in a culture where women’s two traditional monopolies of being baby factories and child raisers are no longer used, will cause women’s status in the eyes of men to fall drastically.Women will not be tolerated as they were in the past, because men will have their sexbots and artwombs, so women will be forced to be very nice to men, or rot on the shelf, totally ignored by men. Men will be able to express their resentment against women for women’s sexploitation of men over several million years.Once the red pill is common knowledge, i.e. just part of the culture, a component in everyone’s general knowledge, then men will look upon women with suspicion. Men will know that women being nice to men is really only an act, a bit of actressing on her part, in a desperate attempt to attract men’s attention in a world where women are competing desperately against the sexbots and artwombs for men’s attention and resources.The masculists will be putting huge moral pressure on women to FIP up, or totally rot on the shelf, spat on by men for being fluffie parasites.The future does not look bright for women. They will still be needed for reproduction, but their status will be greatly lowered, as they come to be seen as largely redundant by men. Men know that men create the culture, and that women have always exploited it to extract resources from it so that they can have their babies financially supported.But those basic assumptions will no longer be valid in a sexbot artwomb world. Feminism will disappear as soon as these two technologies appear. Any woman stupid enough to dump on men as feminazis do today will be the first in a long line of women to be dumped and totally ignored by men.No man will want to have a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch, when they can interact with their sexbots which have very attractive personalities that have been honed by market forces to manifest artificial psychological traits that men have selected to buy with their hard earned dollars.Women won’t be able to compete with the personalities of the sexbots, unless they become superb actresses, fighting for their lives with the very stiff competition from the sexbots and artwombs.The future of women does not look bright, because the status of women will be low a few decades from now as these technological and social changes work their way through society and history. Women will no longer enjoy their current gynocentric status, a mere historical glitch over the past few million years. For most of that time, women were seen by men as inferior creatures, merely tolerated by men due to women’s traditional monopolies of vagina and womb, but the women of the near future will have lost these two monopolies, and hence will have lost their fleeting gynocentric privileges.Women will then revert to their old status of being seen by men as the inferior creatures that they are, with their child like minds, their 10% smaller brains, their amoral, sexploitative attitudes towards men, their inability to contribute any intellectual products to society. Women will only be tolerated for their role of producing female eggs for reproduction, hardly an edifying raison d’etre.I’m glad I’m not a woman. The future does not look bright for women.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”1.1/262 Women as Rights-Given Adults or Rights-Taken Children? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses whether women should be deprived of their rights and particularly their right to vote given their appalling track record that has caused young men to boycott marriage and fatherhood, thus wiping out whole populations. Something has to change. Is there an alternative way to avoid population decline without stripping women of the right to vote?WOMEN AS RIGHTS-GIVEN ADULTS OR RIGHTS-TAKEN CHILDREN? ?This flyer discusses a very serious matter, namely whether men should strip women of their rights, particularly women’s right to vote. This topic is being discussed increasingly as MGTOW and masculist theorists consider the declining birth rate in advanced countries, which is well below replacement rate.Things cannot continue as they are, because if they do, we wipe ourselves out, and within a mere century, if one does the math. Therefore it is only a question of time, before the gender politicians are forced to take the question seriously, i.e. what is society to do to stop ourselves from wiping ourselves out?One of my favorite MGTOW commentators is TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey) who makes a strong case to take women’s rights away from them. I listen to him and to Sandman every day. I also used to listen to Big John’s channel “MGTOW is Freedom” but the hated Jewish feminazi CEO of YouTube deleted it. I’m hoping it will pop up soon on another platform. I’m expecting my own YouTube channel to be deleted at some stage, so have backed up all my MGTOW/masculist videos, all 260+ of them, ready to be transferred to another platform if necessary, but a lot of work in uploading them.TFM has the view that women should be deprived by men of their rights, particularly the right to vote, since women have so obviously abused it. A strong case can be made that women do not deserve to have rights and should be treated as the children that they are (says TFM).TFM regularly emphasizes this opinion in his daily videos, so I’m becoming quite familiar with it. This flyer discusses what I think of the idea of stripping women of their rights, for the sake of preserving the human species, so that we do not die out.Before giving my own views, I need to set up a straw man, i.e. TFM’s views, so that I can attempt to refute them. TFM thinks that giving women equal rights with men has resulted in women becoming like men, i.e. getting career competent educations, which takes up a lot of their 20s.They then establish themselves in their new careers, which takes them into their 30s, by which time, their fertility is seriously starting to dip, so that by their mid-30s, women have a hard time conceiving, so typically have only one kid. (The birth rate in Japan, German, Italy, Spain is only 1.3 children per woman. The replacement rate is 2.1)TFM employs the following (modus tollens) logic. (Modus tollens is a form of symbolic reasoning that goes as follows. If A is true then B, but notB is true, therefore notA is true.)Here is TFM’s version of the above argument. Giving women equal rights with men has resulted in women choosing careers over having babies, resulting in the wipeout of our populations. We don’t want our populations to be wiped out, therefore strip women of their rights.If men collectively decide to do that, there is nothing women can do to stop us. We are men. We are smarter than women and a lot more aggressive. If men become collectively angry with women, god help women. Women will be forced to accept what men decide for them, and will merely submit, as they have always done throughout history and prehistory.If this is the first time you have heard this argument, it usually comes as a bit of a shock, since we are so brainwashed to think of democracy as a good thing. I certainly value democracy living in the Chinese dictatorial shithole, that is a brutal dictatorship, whose face on the country’s money, i.e. Mao Zedong’s, is history’s greatest tyrant, killing more people than any other single tyrant (i.e. about 80 million Chinese, with the great famine he caused, the creation of the Laogai slave labor camps for political prisoners, and other murderous campaigns).The only institutions that killed more people than the Chinese Communist Party are the cigarette companies and the hated Jewish banksters, who indirectly killed over 200 million people last century, with the two world wars they engineered, the great depression, the constant wars to feed the arms trade that they control, etc.So, giving up on the idea of democracy for women comes as a bit of a jolt. Is there any alternative to implementing what TFM is pushing for? That is what this flyer is about.Here is my opinion on this issue, i.e. should women be seen as responsible adults, who should be given equal rights with men, or should women be seen as children, with child minds, who should not have rights, and especially not be given the right to vote, which one can certainly argue, that women have badly abused, with their takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and are thus wiping out whole populations.But it is the hated feminazis, the fluffie feminist hypocrites who took over the divorce courts, so they are the root cause for the boycott of paternity by young men, so the fluffie feminist control of the divorce courts needs to be stopped.But how to menfair the divorce courts? TFM also points out that women are 51% of the voters, and that more women vote than men, so the gender politicians will not menfair the gender laws because that would be political suicide for them, since most women really like the privileges given to them by the fluffie feminist control of the divorce courts.For example, a divorcing woman gets custody of the kids with a 90% probability, she gets her ex-husband’s house to raise her kids in, half his possessions, child payments from him, and often if she is a real fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to parasite off the money of a man) she gets paid alimony for life, with no legal or moral obligation on her part to FIP up (become a financially independent person) and get a job so that she stops parasiting off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.If the gender politicians start talking seriously about menfairing the divorce laws, then women can bloc vote out the gender politicians, because the women are the voting majority.Here is where I think TFM goes astray. A logical argument is only as good as its premises. If you want to attack someone’s argument, then it usually pays to attack the premises that the logic relies on.To overcome TFM’s 51% female voter argument, one only needs to think of the idea of converting some of the women into female masculists, and that is a role for the masculists.I have made several YouTube videos already on this idea of the conversion of women into female masculists by doing two things. One is the carrot method, of simply educating women with masculist ideas, so that women become conscious that women can oppress men too, that women can be real parasites off men, manslaving them by expecting men to work for women in exchange for a bit of sex from time to time.The stick method is to threaten women with manlessness and babylessness, a la MGTOW, with men refusing to have relationships with women and refusing to give women their sperm if women don’t FIP up and vote with men to menfair the gender laws.This way, with say 60% of the voters in favor of menfairing the gender laws (i.e. a combination of male voters plus female masculist voters) then the gender politicians will be forced to give this majority of voters what they want, i.e. they will menfair the gender laws.A similar strategy can be applied across the board to menfair the gender laws in general, e.g. bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) and systematically removing social and legal discriminations against men, by the gender politicians. There is a long list of such discriminations against men that need to be addressed.So the masculists need to educate society into MGTOW/masculist ides, so that women can become conscious of them, and be converted into female masculists, to vote together with men to menfair the gender laws.Masculists need to get the broadcast media solidly behind them, so that the media people spread the ideas to the masses, the millions, so that large numbers of women are exposed to MGTOW/masculist ideas.Imagine then that the gender laws are menfaired this way. How could such an occurrence negate the need to take away women’s rights? Well, with the divorce laws menfaired, then marriage and hence divorce, would be hugely less toxic for men, so a lot of men would be willing to have families again. A lot of men want to be fathers, but don’t dare to in today’s world, due to the awful toxicity of the divorce courts for men, thanks to their control by the? hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, the hated feminazi bitches.With men given the Parer (paternity rejection right), then paternity will be very much a choice and not a legal obligation imposed by laws created by the hated feminazi bitches.Imagine a world where masculist ideas are commonplace, because they have been taken up readily by the broadcast media and widely disseminated, so that everyone is familiar with them. It is only a question of time, I believe before this becomes the case, because what is the greatest media story of our times? What is more important to human beings, than the very survival of human beings?!If the hated feminazis continue to control the divorce courts, then young men will continue to boycott marriage and paternity, thus wiping out the population. Therefore as the population seriously starts to drop, as it has already started doing in Japan, then sooner or later the journalists will get into the act and start spreading MGTOW/masculists ideas, because they will see that it is the influence of MGTOW/masculist ideas that the birth rate is plummeting.So, masculists need only to keep pushing the media to spread their ideas, so that in turn, women can be influenced by them and convert to female masculism, and then vote with men to menfair the gender laws.If women don’t do this, then I agree with TFM’s strategy. Men can always hold over the necks of women, the threat of being denied the right to vote, if the feminazis continue to control the divorce courts.Women have 10% smaller brains than men, and have greater difficulty in seeing the future than men. Women are not as good as men at thinking about the longer term futures of issues, having narrower horizons, focusing more on immediate domestic issues than the bigger political picture.Once the population seriously starts to decline, the population decline debate will heat up. Gender politicians will be asking “What can be done? How to persuade young women to have babies again? How to persuade young men to be fathers again?Inevitably, MGTOW/masculist ideas will then become commonplace, as the media teaches everyone what the pioneer MGTOW/masculist theorists have been saying for years. Prominent MGTOW/masculist leaders can get on the media and teach the public that the gender laws need to be menfaired, otherwise, young men will continue to boycott marriage and paternity.Young women will be taught that they are not going to have babies due to the hated feminazis having taken over the divorce courts, making them toxic for men, resulting in the MGTOW/masculist boycott of marriage and paternity. Hence young women will learn to hate the Feminazis as much as men do, and this should tip the balance in the proportions of the voters pro and con in menfairing the gender laws.Young women will start supporting the masculist political push for the menfairing of the gender laws, understanding that it is in their self-interest to do so, because they can see that if men can be given menfaired gender laws, especially regarding divorce rights, then many more men will be prepared to be fathers again, so that these young women can have babies again, i.e. be given the sperm of quality men again, so that young women are not forced to be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and left rotting on the shelf.So I see the loophole to TFM’s argument is the female masculisting of women. By doing that, the drastic denial of democratic rights for women, can be avoided. After all, if women have their right to vote stripped from them, that will just rekindle another suffragette campaign, as those women with the top 10% of androgenized brains (making them more manlike in their thinking and interests) really start complaining hard, and making men’s lives a misery, even more so than the misery created today by the hated feminazi bitches, with their ever more misandrist gender laws, that are passed year by year, showing women’s irresponsibility when it comes to the bigger picture of wiping out whole populations by making divorce so toxic for males.I agree however with TFM’s threat of stripping women of the right to vote if the alternative than I’m proposing fails to work. Most feminists are still fluffies when it comes to being hypocritical about wanting their cake and eating it too. Most feminists are still fluffies when it comes to FIPping up. Most women don’t make the effort to become FIPs by getting a career competent education at high school and college.Three quarters of young women at 16 choose to become fluffies, by choosing to study the soft option, i.e. intellectually easy, intellectually lazy subjects like English literature, history, languages instead of the harder intellectually more demanding subjects like math and the sciences that will allow women to study STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) and the professions at university.In their 30s when their biological clocks are ticking hard, they will realize with their fluffie crap diplomas, they cannot afford to buy a middle class house to raise her kids in, so she will look around for some gullible manslave to parasite upon, to have him pay for the house so that she can sit on her fat arse raising her kids that he pays for.The fact that most women want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, shows that women are not responsible adults, the way men are, and hence are LESS? worthy of being given equal rights, particularly the right to vote with men.SO, if the masculists fail to persuade women to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so that men can be persuaded to be fathers again, then the population will continue to fall, so that more drastic, more brutal methods will become necessary to stop the population crash, and then TFM’s drastic solution could come into being, i.e. women are deprived of their rights.How could this be done? The male politicians of both major parties could simply agree to throw women politicians out of the parliaments, and then vote to deprive women of rights, especially the right to vote. The male gender politicians then menfair the gender laws, purging the divorce courts of feminazis, firing them from their jobs and replacing them with male judges who have MGTOW/masculist views, to ensure the menfairing of the gender laws.If necessary, further steps could be undertaken. Governments could set up a “baby farm” system, in which women are paid by the government to have lots of children. These women could be paid for by taxes, to have lots of kids in government housing. It would be their full time job, having a long string of kids. They would be professional baby factories and child raisers. A lot of women would love to do this.One advantage of this baby farm idea, is that governments could take the opportunity to implement some eugenic thinking, by offering the baby farmers the sperm of highly intelligent men, i.e. the sperm donors from very smart men, who are protected from being sued with a paternity suit by new government laws. This way, if the intelligent women refuse to be baby farmers, and prefer their careers, then the lower intelligence of the baby farmer mothers could be offset by the high intelligence of the donor fathers.One thing is clear. This issue of whether women should be seen as adults to be given rights, or as children whose rights are to be taken away from them, giving the awful track record women have shown so far, is one that needs to be debated a lot more. There is a lot at stake, so needs to be given a lot more time and effort. More minds, both male and female need to be addressed to this issue. It is critically important.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”1.1/273 Just How Incapable are Women? Removing their Rights? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses how much less capable women are than men, and whether women should be stripped of their rights and sent back to the home to reproduce more, so that our populations do not get wiped out.JUST HOW INCAPABLE ARE WOMEN? REMOVING THEIR RIGHTS??Two MGTOWs I listen to every day are TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey) and Sandman. I listen to Sandman because his psychological insights I find valuable. He is quite gifted as a psychologist, and worth listening to in my view. TFM I take more seriously. He is a lot more intellectual, with original opinions that at times I find quite challenging, i.e. they make me stop and think, because they are fringy, and reasoned. They go against my grain sometimes, yet he has good reasons for his opinions, which force me, challenge me, to consider my own opinions, which are sometimes contrary to his.TFM thinks that western civilization is doomed, because it is failing to reproduce itself. Statistically he is correct. Countries like Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, Korea, have birth rates around 1.3, 1.4 children born per woman, compared with the replacement rate of 2.1, so if one does the math, within a mere century, whole populations will have been decimated. I have no argument with TFM on that point.However, TFM concludes from this, that men need to take away the voting rights and rights in general of women, i.e. give control over women to men, forcing women out of the work force, and into the home to have babies, as was the norm in the 50s in the western advanced countries.TFM says that women are incapable of performing like men in the work force, and that only a small percentage of women are capable of performing at male levels. It is partly on this point that this flyer is devoted, i.e. questioning just how incapable are women, and what its relevance would be if women were shown to be greatly less capable than men.My first reaction to TFM’s claim that women are less capable than men, is “So what!” As a masculist, for those people who watch my 100s of videos already know, a key idea of masculism is that women must FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) or be punished by men, MGTOW style, by not getting one.The opposite of a FIP is a fluffie, i.e. a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the labor and money of a man.Firstly, I agree with TFM that women are less capable than men, both on average, and certainly at the top end of the performance scale, on virtually any criterion. For example, men are smarter than women on average by about 4 IQ points (i.e. the average male IQ is about 4 IQ points higher than the average female IQ).Men have a higher variance on virtually everything, a phenomenon generally labelled as “GMV” (greater male variance) i.e. men’s performance scores on just about anything will be more spread out over the whole population than women’s, meaning that the bottom scorers and the top scorers will be men.For example, the genii are males, so it is to be expected that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, and all the major math prizes.Men have much higher testosterone levels in their blood than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, finishing off difficult tasks more readily than women, who are more wishy washy and give up more easily. Men therefore perform much better than women, and hence dominate the entries in the Who’s Who books.So, if one thinks of great individuals, one unconsciously thinks of great men, because great women are as rare as hen’s teeth. The term “great woman” is almost an oxymoron.So, yes, women are less capable in general than men. That much is biology. There will always be what the feminists call the “glass ceiling” i.e. a level in company hierarchies, beyond which few women penetrate, e.g. CEO positions, presidencies of organizations, countries, etc.This is to be expected given that women are dumber on average, have a 10% lower IQ variance, and lower testosterone levels than men. Thus women are dumber, less genius, less ambitious, less motivated, less dogged than men, so of course men outperform women. All that is biology, despite the pretense of the feminazis who behave with their child minds, blaming men rather than themselves and their own biology for the existence of the glass ceiling.OK, so women are less capable than men, so what! What does this female inferiority have to do with masculism or with TFM’s “Back to the home, strip women of their rights!” view?As a masculist, I want to help free men from man slavery caused by fluffie parasites, by pushing women to be FIPs, to FIP up, to share out the burden of earning the living, and not parasiting on the money of a man.Even if women on average perform at a 80% or 90% performance rate relative to men, in general, that is a lot better than women simply staying at home and parasiting totally on men.Fluffies are anathema to masculists, to be wiped out, by being totally ignored, forcing them to FIP up, by applying MGTOW tactics to them, i.e. forcing them to be manless, and hence totally unsupported financially, so that if these fluffies want to eat, they will have to earn their own money, or starve.This is my “90% is much better than zero” argument, i.e. even if a woman’s capability is only 90% of men’s on average (presumably because women have brain volumes 10% smaller than men’s, a major neuroscience based fact, and well confirmed) performing at 90% is much better than a woman who does nothing and expects to be paid for by some dupe manslave.Now, what about TFM’s much more persuasive argument that it was a major mistake of men to allow women to vote and to enter the work force in large numbers, because as TFM sees it, this allowed women to concentrate on their careers and hence have fewer babies, which in a century, will result in the annihilation of the population, therefore women have to be stripped of their rights, and forced to return to the home to have babies, or we all die out.This is a much more substantial claim and argument of TFM, which needs to be addressed, because it is more difficult to refute. His argument seems to have force, and cannot be summarily dismissed, so how to address it?As a masculist, I utterly reject his “solution” of taking women’s rights away and forcing them back to the home, to reproduce.I don’t want to see men become manslaves again, being the sole breadwinner of the family as in the 50s. I lived that role with my first marriage, and hated it. I really hated it. I don’t want to see billions of men being pushed back into the man slave role by TFM’s argument.There is a lot at stake here. It’s interesting how intellectual arguments amongst a tiny minority of sages (intellectuals) often take on major political consequences down the road, decades later, e.g. the arguments between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks before the so called Russian Revolution (which was actually a Jewish gold robbery by Schiff of the Czar’s gold. ?Schiff funded Lenin and Trotsky (Jewish name Lev Bronstein) to lead a Jewish putsch on the Russian people, ?who then went on to commit the greatest holocaust in history, killing some 66 million white Christian Russians, says the highly respected Solzhenitsyn (the Russian Nobel winner in literature) i.e. the worst holocaust in history was NOT committed ON the Jews, but BY the Jews (i.e. by Schiff and the duped Russian Jewish communists).What is going on now amongst a handful of MGTOWs and masculists in debating these issues, will have profound repercussions down the road, as humanity sooner or later is forced to face these issues when reality begins to bite.So am I stuck between a rock and a hard place? If I advocate that women be FIPs, am I dooming humanity to be wiped out because the FIPping of women will inevitably lead to a drop in the birth rate, so that we wipe ourselves out?You could certainly argue that way, and TFM obviously does. Is he right? Ah, the $64000 question. There seem to be two balls being juggled at the moment. On the one hand, there are strong arguments in favor of the FIPping of women, to liberate men from being the sole breadwinner of the family, with the awful financial pressures on him to ensure the survival of his whole family, and the harsh social conditioning placed on boys to prepare them for this traditional role of being the sole bread winner.As a masculist, I want to help remove that horrible burden on men, by forcing women to FIP up and shoulder half the burden, to accept not only equal rights for women, but to accept equal obligations for women, i.e. accepting the moral obligation to get a career competent education, so that women can grow up to be real FIPs, and pull their financial weight, equally with men.But, as TFM says, the FIPping of women will only lead to a below replacement birth rate, and hence the population gets wiped out. What to do?I think a compromise solution is possible, i.e. keep the FIPping of women AND arrange things, i.e. socially engineer society, so that women do have their 2.1 kids each. How can this be done?By creating a new social, civic, norm, that women are to be both FIPs AND be mothers, that women have a “civic duty” to be both. Those women who are pure FIPs, who avoid motherhood, are to be looked upon as poor citizens, as selfish, as not caring about the longer term benefit of the whole ernments need to create advertising campaigns directed at women to “FIP up and mother up!” Women are to be treated as responsible adults by society, not as children. Women are to be expected to do two major things in their lives, namely have their 2 kids, for society, for posterity, for the survival of the species, AND to become FIPs, so as not to parasite off the money of a man.Women are to be seen as responsible citizens with civic duties, i.e. to create the next generation, (or the population dies out, a very important consideration, that women will understand) and to pull their financial weight, and not parasite off a man.For a women to receive full status in our future society, she will need to satisfy these two criteria, otherwise she will be seen as not fulfilling her civic duty, and hence not be given full social and civic status, neither by the government, nor by society at large.To spell this out, let’s do a bit of math to show how practical this double role of the woman can be.Assume the average life expectancy of a woman in the western countries is 80. She studies career competent majors at high school and university, getting her bachelor’s degree at age 22. She gets married soon after, looking for her husband while at university. At age 25-27, after a few years at her career, picking up some work place skills, she starts having her 2 kids, the second of which will be off to kindergarten when she is say (25 + 1 year (1st pregnancy) + 4 years to kindergarten age + 2 years (age gap between her 2 children) makes her about 32 when she can get back to work again.This gives the woman a career window of some 4 decades before her retirement in her 70s. By staying at home for the 6 years during the toddler years of her 2 children, she will give the two kids a solid emotional foundation, to create psychologically healthy kids that they will have for the rest of their lives.So, women get their kids “out of the way” early in their lives, and while they are still highly fertile, in their 20s, and then concentrate on their careers and personal development for the remaining 40 odd years of their lives, before retirement.Women want babies more than men do. That is just biology. If women cared as much about having babies as men do, our species would have died out long ago. Modern experience shows that those women who are careerists but childless are miserable, so women, generally speaking, need to have kids to be happy. That seems to be an unquestioned given nowadays, given the extensive evidence that childless women are not happy.Men on the other hand are less driven to have kids, so what is to be done with men?The MGTOW and masculist movements will not tolerate a return to the old tradition of the man being the sole bread winner of the family.The current financial massacring of men in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts will obviously have to go. Men will not be willing to be fathers again, unless women become civically responsible, i.e. they satisfy the two criteria mentioned above, i.e. that they “FIP up and mother up!” AND that the gender laws are men faired, i.e. divorce laws have to be made fair to men, the Parer (paternity rejection right) has to be legislated, etc. Many legal and social discriminations against men will need to be removed by social engineering.Once men are no longer financially massacred in the divorce courts, many of them will be prepared to be fathers again, because many men enjoy having kids, so long as there is no risk of being financially massacred by their ex-wives.SO the masculist movement, needs to really sell the civicing of women, to push them to “FIP up and mother up!” and to push society to menfair the gender laws, because if the gender laws are not menfaired, then men will continue to reject marriage and paternity so that humanity gets wiped out.But, even if all of the above comes to pass, what about those men who are rather indifferent to the idea of having kids? Many men, due to the MGTOW and masculist influence, will choose to be womanless and childless, going their own way, pumping and dumping women, or living with childless FIP women in the twaytwef (2A2F = 2 FIPs, 2 apartments) life style.If too many men choose to be fatherless, then governments can tax them with a bachelor tax, to pay for women on baby farms, i.e. women can be paid by the government to be professional baby farmers, i.e. to have lots of kids, from legally protected sperm donors who have high IQs, so that the government can pursue indirectly a eugenics policy, raising the average IQ of the population, which would benefit everyone, because the higher the IQ of individuals, the less crime, less abortions, less drugs, less high school dropouts, less teenage pregnancies, etc.I think the above ideas are sufficient to refute TFM’s claim that women need to be stripped of their rights, especially the right to vote, and be forced back to the home to have more ernments need to menfair the gender laws, and create a social expectation on women to “FIP up and mother up!”) to FIP up, to liberate men from being the sole bread winner with the awful pressures that that placed on men, as well as to encourage women to have their two kids, i.e. it is their civic duty as mothers, their civic duty towards society, to create the next generation, otherwise we wipe ourselves out.So there is a lot of social engineering yet to do. The fluffie feminist mentality of today’s feminazis has to be destroyed. That is a job for the masculists, to discredit the feminazis as genocidal criminals, indirectly wiping out the population, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, making them toxic for men, resulting in the rise of the MGTOW movement, which more directly is wiping out the population, but it is the feminazis who are the root cause, so need to be ernments need to menfair the gender laws, but they won’t until the gender politicians feel safe to do so, without risk of being politically destroyed by a bloc female vote to keep their fluffie privileges in the divorce courts. It will be the job of the masculists to persuade millions of women to become female masculists to vote together with men to menfair the gender laws.Once the gender laws are menfaired, then marriage and fatherhood will no longer be toxic for men, so many men will accept being fathers again, because they will not face the current horrible risk of one in four of being financially massacred and having his life destroyed by his fluffie ex-wife in the fluffie feminist hypocrite controlled divorce courts.I hope the above agenda is clear and persuasive for you, and if so, then the way is clear on what needs to be done.Summarizing, society needs to foster the rise of the masculist movement, which needs to persuade millions of women to become female masculists, so that women can vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so that marriage and fatherhood can become safe for men, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, then women can be pushed to “FIP up and mother up!” by government run advertising campaigns, to push the civic duty of women to have careers with career competent educations, AND have their two kids for posterity.That’s a lot to be done, a lot of social engineering, so we need to think more about it, and then actually do it.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”(Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris1.1/275 Implications of Women’s 10% Smaller Brains and Kurzweil’s 300 Million Pattern Recognizer Hierarchical Brain Model (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer says that if Kurzweil’s 300 million pattern recognizer hierarchical brain model is correct, then that implies that women have 30 million fewer pattern recognizers than men, hence are incapable of high levels of abstract thought, making them intellectually inferior to men, which is useful for the masculists to prick feminazi arrogance.IMPLICATIONS OF WOMEN’S 10% SMALLER BRAINS, AND KURZWEIL’S 300 MILLION PATTERN RECOGNIZER HIERARCHICAL BRAIN MODEL ?This flyer points the finger at women’s 10% smaller brains, and draws conclusions concerning women’s inferior ability to have abstract thoughts due to women having a smaller number of pattern recognizers in their brains.Ray Kurzweil wrote a book a few years back called “How to Create a Mind” in which he attempted to provide a fundamental theory of how the brain functions, i.e. he tried to provide the neurosciences with a comprehensive idea to organize neuroscientific thinking the way that Darwin’s theory of evolution structured and dominated thinking about biology.In essence, Kurzweil thinks that the human brain is comprised of some 300 million “pattern recognizers” arranged in a hierarchy of increasing abstraction, for example, those recognizers responsible for the detection of meaning in a sentence might start with pattern recognizers that detect single line components of capital letters, e.g. the horizontal stroke of the capital letter “A.”Two other pattern recognizers might detect the north-east stroke, and the north-west stroke. These three detectors could feed their output signals to another pattern recognizer that is responsible for the detection of the letter “A”. Similar pattern recognizers could exist for the detection of the letters “C” and “T.” The outputs of these 3 letter detection circuits could feed into a detector for the word “CAT.” Other word detectors could feed their outputs to sentence detectors for the sentence “The CAT sat on the mat” etc.This simple illustration shows the hierarchical nature of these pattern recognizers that might exist in the brain, 300 million of them thinks Kurzweil. Each recognizer contains a similar number of brain cells? (called neurons), so since there are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain, that would imply that each recognizer should contain about 100B/300M = 300 neurons, which is about the number of neurons in a cortical column in the neocortex, so his theory fits with the neuroscience data.Admittedly, his hypothesis is tentative, and only a theory, and yet, many people are thinking that the human brain uses much the same neuroscience module over and over again, with each module adapting and learning, based on its experience, i.e. the basic building block of thought is the same, used with vast repetition, i.e. of the order of 300 million times, according to Kurzweil.It seems to me, speaking as a masculist, that this interesting piece of neuroscience, has masculist implications, given that women have 10% smaller brains.The prehuman baby doubled its brain size in a mere million years, and this was only a few million years ago. In order for the baby’s head to fit through the birth cannel, the baby had to be born prematurely, so that its brain and skull growth could continue after the birth, which meant that human females had to be permanently present to care for their infants, who were utterly useless and dependent on their mothers.Thus women were tied down by their infants and unable to hunt meat for themselves, becoming entirely dependent on men to hunt meat for them. Smarter male hunters, with bigger brains, were sexually selected by women, because smarter males provided more meat to their female sexual partners, increasing the odds of survival for women who mated with smarter men with bigger brains.A similar logic applies to the sexual selection by women of other traits of men, e.g. men who are taller than women, fiercer than women, more aggressive than women, stronger than women, etc., all sexually selected by women, because such taller, fiercer, more aggressive, stronger males were more able to defend women against the attacks of the males of enemy tribes, who could kill them and their babies.Thus women sexually selected a host of qualities in their men, resulting in a greater degree of sexual dimorphism and brain power.Men have 10% larger brains as a result of the sexual selections by women, who preferred smarter men, because smarter men were better hunters, more likely to be able to hunt down and kill sources of protein to feed his woman and her babies.Now, to connect the above Kurzweil 300 million pattern recognizer hierarchical brain model and the fact that women have 10% smaller brains than men – what does that imply?There are some 100 billion neurons (brain cells) in the human brain, so 10% of them is about 10 billion neurons, i.e. a lot. To reduce a male’s average brain size to the average female’s brain size would be analogous to taking an ice cream scoop out of the male brain.10 billion neurons is, given the above numbers, about 10B/300 = 30 million pattern recognizers, i.e. a lot. So if Kurzweil is correct in his model, i.e. that there are some 300 million pattern recognizers in the human brain (i.e. the male human brain), then women have some 30 million fewer pattern recognizer circuits in their brains.It therefore seems plausible that women would not be able to think at the same level of abstraction as men, because they have fewer pattern recognizer modules to do that. This prediction of women’s inability to think at the abstract level that men can, makes sense.It is a common opinion amongst men that women seem unable on the whole to think in terms of the “big picture” i.e. at an abstraction level that takes into account the higher levels of implications of situations they are thinking about. Women are notorious for thinking “small picture,” missing the bigger picture, not being able to see the deeper implications of a situation, which is why women typically aren’t very interested in politics, and the more macro scale consequences of political philosophy.The term female philosopher is almost an oxymoron. Women comprise only a few percent of professional philosophers, similarly with pure mathematicians, and theoretical physicists, or classical music composers, etc.These empirical, day to day realities are consistent with the idea that women have some 30 million fewer pattern recognizers in their brains than men, so it is to be expected that they cannot think at the abstraction levels that men are capable of.Let us assume, that as neuroscience advances, the above theories turn out to be true and well confirmed, then what conclusions for masculism can one draw from the above ideas?I think it is reasonable to say, that if the above neuroscience based inferiorities of women relative to men are scientifically confirmed, then men will feel justified to see women as more childlike than men see other men, and hence men will not have the same expectations of women, that men ascribe to other men.Men will see women as more childlike, less intellectually capable than men, and be justified in this view given the neuroscientific evidence, when it is confirmed.However, even if it turns out that women are mentally inferior in the above sense, that is not an excuse that women should not strive to be FIPs (financially independent persons). Even if women can only perform at a level 80% – 90% as well as men in the world, in jobs, that does not mean that women should be made to be childlike parasites off men’s money, i.e. to be fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off the money of a man.)Women still have a moral duty to pull their financial weight, given that we now live in the era of the contraceptive pill, in which women have mostly at most 2 kids, and hence have a 4 decade career window. Now that women can work, the masculists say that women must work, because anything else is parasitism off the money of men, i.e. manslavery.If neuroscience shows clearly that women are mentally handicapped by a whopping 30 million fewer pattern recognizer module circuits, then that will be a powerful piece of propaganda for the masculists, who are aiming to put down feminazi arrogance, when these feminist women try to claim that women are the superior sex, which in the light of the above, if it’s true, would be simply delusional.If women do have some 30 million pattern recognizers less than men in their brains, then that fact would be truly damning for women, and would force them to eat humble pie and simply submit to men’s greater intellectual capacity to abstract.Personally, speaking as someone who spends his day studying the mathematical works of the planet’s smartest men, i.e. the works of genius of the greatest pure mathematicians on the planet, I notice that it is unusual for me to come across a book at such a level written by a woman. When I do, my first reaction is one of surprise – “Oh, a woman!” because it is so unusual. My second reaction is one of disappointment, because I know that its standard will very probably be mediocre, for obvious statistical reasons.Women such as Emmy Noether, are one in a billion, the only truly world class female pure mathematician (famous for her work in ring theory in pure math, and the Noether theorem in physics) making her the Newton of female mathematicians.In fact, since her male colleagues at Goettingen, (Germany’s Harvard) used to joke about her, calling her “der Noether” (der is the male form of “the” in German, implying that they thought that Noether had a rather androgenized brain) it is likely that she had a more male constructed brain, by being more androgenized in the womb, making her more a “male brain in a woman’s body.”A few percent of women are like that, i.e. who were tom boys as girls, having had more male like interests and aggression levels, liking rough competitive play that is typical of young boys.One wonders how long it will take neuroscience to confirm the above ideas, i.e. the neuroscientifically based inferiority of women’s brains, i.e. women’s inability to think abstractly, due to a significantly smaller number of pattern recognizers in their female brains, i.e. a whopping 30 million of them, i.e. 10% of the number in men’s brains, a non-negligible proportion, not 1%, not 5%, but a substantial 10%. That figure is large enough to justify the opinion of many men, that women have “child minds.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”)(Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris1.1/282 Can Women Grow Up? Male Condescension towards Females (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)? Part 2?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideoDescr : This flyer asks whether women can truly grow up and behave as responsible adults. With the sexbots and artwombs coming soon, men’s attitudes towards women will harden, and women will be tested to see if they can become responsible adults, by FIPping up, mothering up, voting with men to menfair the gender laws, to stop the population crashing. If not, then men will lose patience, and put their foot down, by stripping women of their rights, and their right to vote in particular. Men will then menfair the gender laws themselves, without women’s help.CAN WOMEN GROW UP? MALE CONDESCENSION TOWARDS FEMALES This flyer is concerned with the question whether women can be induced, as a sex, to grow up, to behave like responsible men, and if not, then what should men do about it. Should men take away women’s rights, if men eventually become convinced that women are incapable of behaving like responsible adult males, for example, taking away women’s right to vote, which would go a long way towards removing? the afflictions perpetrated upon men by women in today’s gynocentric society.Quite frequently, I find myself having rather condescending attitudes towards women. In many respects, I just don’t take women seriously. I see them as children that I, as an adult male, with a good mathematical male brain, cannot take women as equals at all.I say this because, I spend hours every day absorbed in the study and reflection of pure math and math physics texts at PhD level, and from time to time, I notice that there are no women in this activity. All the texts I’m studying are written by male genii, the smartest men on the planet, the “one in a million” males, meaning, there are only a few thousand such individuals, virtually all males.If I ever come across one who is female, it is rare. If I do come across one who is female, then I expect her text to be rather mediocre and not cutting edge, but derivative, a rehash of a well-established and understood subject that has already been well explained by men, so that a women can cope with it.Anyone reading the above sentence, will agree that it expresses a condescending attitude towards women’s math and physics abilities, and I would agree.Now, if a feminist were to read it, then she would probably get angry, and then I in turn, as a masculist, and as a scientist, who spends his time on math and physics, would get even angrier at the feminist, dismissing her as an isscienate fairy, and accusing her of living a delusion, of behaving like a child for holding the misandrist attitudes that she has, that in my view are simply delusional.This imaginary confrontation, gets me thinking. It can’t happen for real with me in my current situation, because I’m in China, where there are no such feminist organizations.Spontaneously organized large groups of people that are independent of the Chinese government, i.e. the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) are not allowed by the CCP. The last such spontaneous organization to appear was the Falun Gong (a quasi-spiritual, deep breathing, movement, with millions of followers) that was banned by the CCP.? Its members then joined hands, encircling the political center of the CCCP and scared the communist leadership shitless.A bit over a century previously, something similar occurred in China that led to the Taiping Rebellion, when the Ch’ing dynasty was almost toppled by a leader who thought he was the little brother of Jesus Christ.That rebellion was going on at the same time as the US civil war. If the Americans were traumatized by their civil war, then the Chinese were hugely more so, because their casualty figure was a massive 20 million, compared to America’s piddly 600 thousand.So the CCP, in its usual thuggery, suppressed the Falun gong movement, imprisoning its leaders, torturing them, killing them, to prevent another Taiping. So there is no feminism in China, so I can’t have a real conversation with a feminist to justify my condescension towards women.I will have to wait a year from the time of writing, to arrive in Melbourne, Australia, where I will live the next block of my life (and perhaps later, spending some years, probably in Cambridge, England, which is something I can do, because I’m a dual citizen.)So I’ve been thinking about my condescending attitude towards women and generalizing that feeling to men in general, i.e. men’s condescension towards women, and about feminists’ reactions towards male condescension. I’ve been having thoughts lately along the following lines.I wonder how much longer men will tolerate our current gynocracy, before men lose patience and put their foot down, and perhaps take away women’s rights, particularly, stripping women of their right to vote, with the justification, that women’s societal track record, since they have obtained the vote, is so appalling, and so destructive to men and to society, that all that women are doing is proving to themselves and to men, that women are not responsible adults, they women behave like children, and hence need to be treated as children by men.Men do not give children rights. Children do not have the right to vote, simply because they are children. They do not have the maturity of mind, to be able to make adult level decisions that are considered, informed, reflected upon, weighed, and reasoned.A case can be made that women are somewhat in the same boat. This is not a new debate. Men were arguing along the same lines a century or more ago, when the suffragettes were pushing for the female suffrage.The main difference now, is that we have had a century of experience with women having the vote, and they have abused that right severely, so should men strip women of the suffrage, the right to vote?Why do I say this? Because women, or rather feminists, have become genociders. They are now indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, and are financially massacring one father in four, ripping his kids away from him, with a 90% probability, forcing him to give his house to his fluffie ex-wife, half of his possessions, forcing him to pay child support to kids he will barely see, and often paying his ex-wife alimony, and often for life, with no obligation on her to FIP up (become a FIP, a financially independent person) by bothering to get a career competent education, and pulling her own financial weight.This massive injustice is committed by women, in the divorce courts. Remember a quarter of married mothers will do this, and many of them will even hold “divorce parties” to celebrate their financial crucifixion of another human being, their ex-husband, ruining his life, and have no feelings of regret, no remorse for having done this.This kind of amoral behavior is not worthy of an adult human being. It would be despised by men, if it were done by another man. It would be considered by men to be immoral, reprehensible, and definitely not responsible to society as a whole.No culture can survive, that financially massacres and ruins the lives of a quarter of its fathers. Eventually, men will lose tolerance and patience (and remember men have a lot of tolerance towards women, because men want to fuck women, so men have to be nice to women, so that women will permit men to penis them. A man who is not nice to women, who expresses objective male condescension towards women’s many inadequacies, will not get his penis wet in a woman, so men have to pretend that they like and respect women, whereas in reality, men usually don’t. )Once men do lose patience, and it is likely that that will occur within about a decade, due to the rise of the sexbot and the artwomb (i.e. the sex robots and the artificial wombs) that will be with us soon. The sex bots are starting to appear on the market now, which are life-size, life-like, with luscious curvy bodies, movie star faces, creamy grippy vaginas, that women cannot compete with.A third of women in western countries are fat, and another third are obese, so two thirds of women are sexually repulsive to men for that reason, i.e. too much blubber to be cock raising.Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artwomb, so human babies can’t be far off.When men can grow their own kids and prefer to sex their bots, men will no longer have to pretend to women that men respect women and like them, for the simple reason, that men will no longer need women, who until now, have had a monopoly over vagina and womb.Men have had to tolerate women’s 10% smaller brains, their irrationality, their emotionality, their hysterics, for the simple reason that men wanted to fuck women. Men evolved to do that, i.e. having strong libidos that cause men who do not get their penises in women, to feel miserable and depressed.So, in about a decade, once the sexbots and artwombs are with us, there will be a shift in men’s attitudes towards women. Men will take a harder line towards women’s inferiorities and be far less motivated towards being nice to women.The masculists, like myself, will be telling society, that women have become genociders, wiping out whole populations, because of their takeover of the divorce courts, causing young men to reject marriage and paternity is large proportions, i.e. 2/3 of young men under 35 in many countries now do this, thus crashing the birth rate and in time will wipe out whole populations.Directly, men are doing this, but they are simply reacting to women’s takeover of the divorce courts, making them toxic for males, and hence young men reject marriage and paternity, spending their money on themselves. Men have gone MGTOW (men going their own way)Feminism is seen by men as being more of a religion for the modern woman than a science. So much of what feminism claims just does not stand up to scientific scrutiny.Of course, there is some truth to feminism, when feminists say that men have blocked women’s rise into the work force and to positions of leadership, through male prejudice and male conservative attitudes.I don’t deny that, but too many feminists are not being scientific and hence critical of feminist doctrines, i.e. that the primary cause of women’s problems in the modern age are due to men.This attitude of “blame men for everything” of the feminists is simply childish, because children will blame anyone but themselves for their problems. Children are not capable of looking at themselves coldly and objectively and seeing their own limitations.Feminists are like this too. So are Jews on the whole. All three groups blame anyone else but themselves.Jews are notorious for playing the victim role, and rarely consider the question, “What is it about the behavior of Jews and their attitudes towards the goy that generates such anti -Semitism, wherever they go? Could it be that Jewish antigoyism, that their main religious document, the Talmud, is full of, i.e. expressions of vitriolic hatred of the goy, that religious Jews are pumped full of in their synagogues, the reason why Jews are history’s most hated people?If your very religion teaches you as a religious Jew to hate the goy, then of course, the goy, i.e. 99.8% of the world’s population, will hate you back. Your antigoyism will generate an anti-Semitism. Jews have been thrown out of cities, regions, dukedoms, countries over 100 times according to Jewish scholars over the past 1000 years in Europe.The common factor in all these expulsions of Jews, is the Jews. They only have themselves to blame, but Jews don’t blame themselves, they blame the goy. They play the victim card every time, pissing off the goy each time.Similarly with feminists, who rarely ask the question, “What is it about female behavior that makes men behave so condescendingly towards women?” In a word, men will answer, because of women’s “inferiority” i.e. women’s inability to perform at male levels, and hence men’s condescension, and often contempt at women’s inability to step up to the plate.There is plenty of evidence, scientific evidence, to show women’s inferiority relative to men. Women evolved to be baby factories and child raisers, not to manipulate and hence the need to understand the world.Women stayed at home to mind small children, which is what women are happiest at doing, and are miserable if they are unable to do this. Modern feminism, has taught women to concentrate on their careers, so that millions of women make the mistake of waiting too late to have kids, often well into their 30s, by which time their fertility has dropped, so that they only have time to have one baby, or even none, so that the birth rate tumbles and the population begins to seriously fall.These women who have careers and no children, which is what many feminists espouse, are in fact miserable, as modern experience of millions of women shows. Women need to have their two kids earlier in life, i.e. in their later 20s.Men evolved to understand the world, in order to be able to be effective hunters. Men’s brains are evolved for being doers. Women’s brains are evolved to raise the next generation.Women’s brains are 10% smaller than men’s brains, a most damnable fact for any man who wants to put down women with a quick, cutting remark. 10% is a lot. It’s like taking an ice cream scoop out of the male brain. That’s 10 billion neurons, i.e. 10% less neural processing capacity than men’s brains, so it’s not surprising that women invent almost nothing, create almost nothing, build almost nothing.When I see construction crews building things, e.g. I live near a culture center where frequently teams of men assemble scaffolding for lights, and stages, and then disassemble them. These teams are always men, never women. Women seem incapable of building such things, as though their brains are not capable of planning out how to design things, how to assemble things, to construct some edifice that one has in one’s mind’s eye.Women are dumber than men on average. Women have an average IQ inferiority compared to men of 4 IQ points. Women have a 10% lower IQ variance then men, so the morons and the genii are males, so men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes.Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are much more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, so finish difficult tasks much more readily than women, so that men outperform, and accomplish far more than women, resulting in the fact that in all cultures, boy babies are more valued than girl babies, because from long experience, all cultures know that a boy baby will grow up with far greater probability to become a highly valued member of the culture, than a girl baby, who will become just another baby factory and child raiser, which is not a status worthy task, because all women can do that.Given women’s greatly inferior performance record compared to men, it is not surprising that men have condescending attitudes towards women. Men see women more as children than as responsible adults, as like males. That is how women evolved. It would actually be counterproductive for the survival of humanity as a species, if women had a male level of interest in raising kids.If women cared as little for raising kids as men do, then we humans would have died out millions of years ago. Women need rather childlike minds, to be able to enjoy raising creatures with vocabularies of 100 words, and not be bored out of their adult minds, the way most men are.Men evolved to understand and manipulate the world, and women didn’t.Male genius liberated women from household drudgery in the 20th century. Men invented household gadgets, higher education, and particularly the contraceptive pill, that gave women, for the first time in history, a reliable means of contraception, so that women could reliably choose the number of kids they want, and they wanted 0, 1, or 2, on the whole.This drastic reduction in the number of kids that they had, and thanks to modern male medicine, their kids survived, so this meant that women now had? some 4 decades of career time.Masculists now point the finger at women and tell them, “Now that women CAN work, women MUST work. Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men.” Masculists tell women that fluffiedom is manslavery. (A fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite of the money of a man. Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists who treat fluffies as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, by being totally ignored my men, not even being pumped and dumped, left rotting on the shelf to extinction, removing their fluffie genes from the gene pool.)So, instead of being preoccupied all day by household chores, household drudgery, women were “liberated” by men, who gave women the means to become like men, i.e. to have careers, to work outside the home, to have few kids, and to be able to invest in themselves, develop themselves, into becoming whatever they, i.e. the women, chose to become.BUT, and there is a big but, and that is, that women did not evolve to be understanders and manipulators of the world. Women have childlike brains. Women’s brains are 10% smaller than men’s so it is not surprising that women cannot perform as well as men at the top end of the scale.Women need to recognize this simple fact, but they refuse to on the whole. Feminists certainly refuse to accept male dominance and male superiority, and fight it tooth and nail.Feminists claim that “Women can do anything that men can do!” and to some extend that is true. There is quite a considerable overlap between the male and female performance score distribution curves, so for most of the population, women can perform at male levels, but not at the top end, where it really matters, i.e. where the prestige resides.Feminists complain bitterly of the “glass ceiling” i.e. the inability of women to penetrate the top levels of organizations, and institutions, complaining that male prejudice prevents women from attaining a 50:50 ratio of men to women at all levels, especially at the top levels.Masculists on the other hand, accuse the feminazis of being isscienate fairies, i.e. ignorant of science, being unable to reason scientifically, believing what they want to believe, without evidence, i.e. their feminist dogmas that women can perform at male levels even at the top end of the scale, which runs flat in the face of the scientific evidence, as mentioned above.This inability of women to face up to their inadequacies, simply reinforces men’s condescension of women, and tightens an already vicious circle, i.e. women push hard to penetrate the top levels, they fail, due to their inabilities, their inferior capacities that are genetically based, e.g. their lower average IQs, their lack of genius, their lower testosterone levels, their desire to quit their jobs to have babies, their lower levels of ambition, their laziness at not bothering to acquire career competent educations, so then expect to be able to parasite off some manslavable fool, etc.With the sexbots and the artwombs coming, with masculist ideas spreading throughout the culture, women will be pushed hard to FIP up, and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so that men can be persuaded to be fathers again, otherwise we wipe ourselves out.In other words, women will be sorely tested over the next few decades. The current situation, where one father in four is financially crucified by a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, cannot continue.With men having their sexbots and artwombs, men will put enormous pressure on women to grow up, to behave as responsible adults, by voting with men to menfair the gender laws, and bothering to acquire career competent skills, so that they can pull their own financial weight and not parasite off a manslave the way the hated fluffies do.In the next few decades, women will need to show men that they are capable of behaving as responsible adults, i.e. showing that they have grown up, and no longer behave as fluffies, the way their grandmothers did in the 50s and 60s, the way my own mother did.IF, and I emphasize that word, by putting it in capitals, IF women do NOT FIP up, do not vote with men to menfair the gender laws, do not act as responsible adults, i.e. do not GROW UP, then men will run out of patience with being financially massacred, with the plummeting of the birth rate and the population drop. Men will then put their foot down, start seeing women as truly hopeless, as being incapable of behaving as responsible adults, and hence will be seen as children. Men will then be a lot more motivated to take women’s rights away.Men will have to do this, if the population continues to fall as a consequence of the fluffie feminist dominance of the divorce courts, resulting in the MGTOW (men going their own way) rejection of marriage and paternity.Women will then become legal children, and not be given adult rights. Women will be treated as beings somewhere between children and adult males, but not the female equivalent of adult males, because women were given the test of adult responsibility for a century, and they failed. Women’s societal track record is appalling.Women so far have shown themselves to be merely solipsistic, amoral creatures, with childlike brains, with 10% smaller brains, who care nothing about financially massacring their ex-husbands, taking his money, his kids, his house, and then holding divorce parties to celebrate their solipsistic amoral attitudes.This type of female behavior is so contemptible and so amorally irresponsible, that men will be fully justified to strip women of their rights, unless women show themselves capable of growing up.? The clock is ticking.In the coming few decades, the masculists will push women hard to grown up, to FIP up, to mother up (i.e. have their two kids starting in their later 20s) and behave as responsible adults, voting with men to menfair the gender laws, menfairing the divorce courts, to make them no longer toxic for males, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, so that populations do not crash.If women fail this test, if women show themselves that they are truly incapable of behaving as adults, of growing up, then men will strip women of the right to vote. Then, with only men voting, MEN WILL MENFAIR THE GENDER LAWS and solve men’s awful gender problems that currently afflict us.SO, women, be warned. Like I said above, the clock is ticking.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”(Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris1.1/283 Cuckoo Mothers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer labels a woman who lies to her boyfriend/husband that the baby inside her is his, when in fact it has been fathered by another man, as a “cuckoo mother.” To masculists, cuckoo mothers are criminals, who should be prosecuted. A cuckoo mother parasites off her boyfriend/husband, in expecting his money and labor to pay for the child that is not his. Cuckoo mothers are criminals and should be punished for their crimes. In practice, the Parer (paternity rejection right) should allow the man to reject the pregnancy. If the man believes that the baby is his and the pregnancy goes to term, and he then discovers that the child is not his, and that? his girlfriend/wife has lied to him, then he should have an anti cuckoo mother law he can use to prosecute her.CUCKOO WOMEN?A cuckoo is a bird that lays its egg in the nest of another species, and tips out one of the other eggs in the nest, so that the mother bird of the other species does not notice an increase in the number of eggs in the nest. The cuckoo bird is thus profoundly parasitic off the brooding behavior of the other species. The cuckoo does not bother to brood her own egg. The cuckoo is the very symbol of parasitism.A cuckoo mother, is a human mother, who lies to her man that the baby she has inside her is her man’s, whereas in reality, it was fathered by some other man. A cuckoo mother is committing a major crime against her man who pays and labors for that baby.The cuckoo mother is committing as major a crime, as the woman who lies to her boyfriend or husband that she is taking the pill, when her biological clock is ticking hard, and she really wants a baby. She then gets pregnant, and forces him to pay for the baby, showing that she has no respect nor consideration for the wishes of her boyfriend, who does not want the baby.Both of these are gender crimes that make masculists hate such women who commit them, who treat men as cash machines, to be abused, to be manipulated, according to women’s wishes.These women who lie about taking the pill, and these cuckoo women should be treated as criminals and be prosecuted, but in practice there is an easier way to solve the problem from the man’s perspective, and that is to simply legislate the Parer, the paternity rejection right.It is outrageous for men that women feel that they can destroy a man’s life, forcing him to pay for a kid that he does not want. It generates a real hatred in masculists against women’s amoral attitudes towards men’s interests, having no regard nor respect for the man’s rights, not respecting his wishes.By legislating the Parer, a man can then simply reject an unwanted pregnancy, so that if the woman goes ahead with it, then the full financial responsibility for the cost of the kid falls on her shoulders.One of the main goals of the masculists is to bring in the Parer, forcing women to take financial responsibility for the kid that she brings into the world. She should have no right to force a man to pay for her to have a kid that SHE wants. Today’s current system whereby men are forced against their will to pay for unwanted children, is a major crime against men that ruins their lives. It is a form of slavery, manslavery.This criminality on the part of women has to stop, which is one of the goals of the masculists. Women have the Marer, men don’t have the Parer, the most blatant form of sexual discrimination that exists.But, what about the situation, where the woman is a cuckoo mother, who lies to her boyfriend/husband, saying to him that the kid is his. The pregnancy then goes to full term, and the man then discovers that the baby doesn’t look like him at all. Imagine he takes a paternity test and finds that the baby is not his. The baby might even be of a different skin color, implying that his girlfriend/wife had sex with another man 9 months previously. How to handle this situation?The man should have the right to reject financial responsibility for a kid who is not his own, i.e. the Parer should also apply in this case, but there is another criminal aspect involved here and that is that the woman lied to him, and expected that he would pay for the baby.? She has therefore deceived him and hence should be eligible for criminal prosecution on the part of the boyfriend/husband.If the man is the husband, he might be so angry with his wife, that he divorces her and prosecutes her for “paternity fraud”, i.e. telling her boyfriend/husband, that the kid is his, when she knows that that is not true, or if she had several men as sexual partners 9 months previously, she should not lie to her man, that he is the father, when there is a real possibility that some other man she had sex with might be the father.If the man deceived is the husband, and the couple already have one or more kids, then the husband may be less motivated to divorce his wife, if he is attached to the child(ren) he already has. But if he is really angry and divorces her, than he should not only have the right of the Parer, but of joint custody of the previous child(ren).The fact that women today can so easily push unwanted children on men, forcing men to pay for them, is outrageous, barbaric, and causes masculists to feel real hatred towards these fluffie parasite wives, these cuckoo mothers.I hope a century from now, when people look back at how badly men were abused when it came to unwanted fatherhood, that they will shake their heads in disbelief and wonder how people of those times (i.e. our times now) could have had such barbaric attitudes, that were so abusive of men’s right, of men’s wishes.A major social shift is needed, which is where the masculists come in. Society needs to be reshaped, so that all women are socialized and educated to be FIPs, financially independent persons, so that they are career competent by having studied career competent majors in high school and at university, so that they can be real FIPs as adults, and not parasite off the money of a man.With all women FIPs, the Parer will be a lot more practical. Women will be able to afford to pay for kids that are unwanted by the man, especially when the mother is a cuckoo. Men should also be given the right to prosecute a cuckoo mother who lies to him about who the father is.There is so much that society still needs to do regarding paternity. The feminazis have taken over parental legislation and made it so biased in favor of women, that men are now being royally screwed, so that the masculist backlash when it comes will be volcanic, full of hatred and violence.Fluffies and cuckoos cannot destroy the lives of millions of men and expect to get away with it. Such women will be punished by masculists changing the gender laws, making them fair for men. New laws such as the Parer, and an anti-cuckoo law, need to be passed, and for that to happen, the masculist movement needs to educate society to the point that society feels the need to have such laws.However, imagine that women fight it tooth and nail, so that men become really convinced that women are going to remain amoral with respect to men’s paternity rights, showing women to be children, irresponsible children.Once men collectively see women as children, as non- responsible, non-adults, then men will take away women’s rights, particularly the right to vote. There is growing talk amongst the leaders of the MGTOWs and masculists about this idea, to strip women of the right to vote.Men do not give children the right to vote, because children are not responsible for their own lives. They are too immature.Similarly, women will be tested in the coming years, by a major political push by the masculists. If women resist this masculist push, so strongly that men become convinced that women are incapable of seeing that men have rights too, and hence show that woman are children, then men will treat women as children, and deprive them of their rights, and justly so.So, women, be warned. You must behave as responsible adults and not expect to be able to abuse men with lying about taking the pill, nor being a cuckoo. We men will not tolerate such behavior and will make laws to stop such immoral criminal abuse? by women of men. We will punish such female offenders.Bringing in menfair gender laws is one of the major goals of the masculists, along with the creation of a FIP Society, so that nearly all of men’s gender issues can be removed. Making all women FIPs goes a long way in allowing that to happen.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels)? “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”(Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris1.1/287 With 10 Billion Fewer Neurons in Their Brains, Women Can’t Hope to be Men’s Equals (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that the strongest simple argument men can use to force women to cease their feminazi delusion of being men’s equals is with the fact that women have 10% smaller brains than men, hence do not invent anything, create anything, build anything. Men build cultures, and women parasite off them. Women will be forced to accept their genetically determined inferior status with men, and vote with men to menfair the gender laws or be treated as children, and stripped of their right to vote.WITH TEN BILLION FEWER NEURONS IN THEIR BRAINS WOMEN CANT HOPE TO BE MEN’S EQUALSThe feminazis have become genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, as a consequence of having taken over the divorce courts and making them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men under 35 in many countries, now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, i.e, they have gone MGTOW (men going their own way) in practice, if not in philosophy. Within a decade, it is likely that more than 90% of young men will be MGTOWs, thus crashing the birth rate and within a century, directly wiping out whole populations.However, these men are reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts generated by the hated feminazis, who control them, who have made divorce, and hence marriage, so toxic for men, that men refuse to accept the institution, and make a rational cost benefit decision, not to marry, not to have kids, because these men are not fools. They know that a man who is stupid enough and ignorant enough to marry and have kids, faces a one in four chance of being financially massacred and have his life ruined in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system.The root course of this paternity rejection by the vast majority of MGTOW oriented men (i.e. soon to be over 90%) is of course the feminazis, so the feminazis have to be stopped. They have become genociders, so how to stop them?Do we shoot them on the spot in the street the moment we learn that they are feminazis? Do we bitch slap them to oblivion? Do we strip them of the right to vote? Do we destroy their belief system that sustains their attitudes towards men?This flyer is about the last mentioned option, i.e. about destroying the belief system of the feminazis, i.e. essentially the belief that women are as capable as men, but have much lower status in society, due to the prejudice of men’s resistance against allowing women to rise to positions of authority, of power over men.How do you fight a quasi-religion that has such a hold over women’s minds, as does feminism, which preaches to women, just like religion, that women are the equal of men, that anything a man can do, a woman can do as well. This doctrine is intoxicating for women, because at the back of their minds, they actually feel the opposite.Young women growing up, can’t help but notice that virtually all the science Nobel prizes each year are won by men. The engineers who build everything are men. The politicians are nearly all men, the authority figures in society are men, the creators are men, the builders are men, the inventors are men.Women live in a male dominated society, and that gives them a sense of inferiority. It creates in them a deep-felt sense of inferiority towards men, and then they discover feminism, which preaches to them, that “No, women are the equal of men. Women can do anything and as well as men. Young women, liberate yourselves!You have men in your power, at your fingertips. They drool over you, because as a young woman, you are at the pinnacle of your sexual attractiveness, you have men swarming over you like flies because they want to put their penises in your vagina, so you can use your sexual attractiveness to manipulate men to do for you what you choose for them to do.”This feminist doctrine goes to young women’s heads. It is precisely what they want to hear, because it counters the private doubts they have about the inferiority of women, as judged from their observations about the world, the male dominated world, the vastly superior performance track record of men, compared with women.Nearly all young women in most countries today have absorbed feminist ideas, and believe strongly in the idea of equality between the sexes, not only in terms of legal rights, but in terms of performance abilities, that women can do anything, that women can compete with men, and win, that women are a sex to be admired, that women are admirable, to be respected both by women, and by society at large.The above attitudes and ideas are very powerful for women. Women hold on to them with passion, because they are so flattering to women’s fragile egos, because at a deeper level, most women know that there is always the lingering doubt about women’s relative status compared with men, given women’s greatly inferior performance record in the real world.So, how do masculists and MGTOWs combat this powerful ideology, this quasi-religion of feminism, and its powerful hold over women’s minds? The answer is, with an even more powerful ideology, namely masculism.Masculism fights fire with fire. It beats women at their own game. Masculism is superior to feminism, because it is scientifically based, i.e. its statements are backed up with scientific evidence, whereas so many of feminist ideas are merely wish fulfilment on the part of women, i.e. women believing ideas that make them feel good, and whether the feminist ideas are factual or not is almost a matter of irrelevance to many feminists, which is an attitude that scientifically minded (i.e. scienate) masculists like myself, despise and sneer at.Feminist ideas are all too often isscienate (i.e. ignorant of science, unable to reason scientifically) fairy (i.e. living in a fairy land, believing what you want to believe, without evidence, just like religionists) PC bullshit. Masculist ideas, being invented by men, are much more scientifically based, more reality based, and hence offer a far greater level of plausibility to society than does the isscienacy of feminism.This flyer pushes the masculist idea, that to my mind, is THE most devastating criticism of women, that most strongly puts women in their inferior place in society, based on scientifically verified reality.The feminazis have to be stopped. They are now genociders. Therefore feminism, i.e. the underlying beliefs of the feminazis, has to smashed, destroyed, undermined, refuted, discredited, rendered unbelievable and then discarded. How to do that?By spreading an idea throughout society that is so devastating to women, to feminism, that every individual across the planet should know about it, that can then be used to dismiss and refute any feminazi who pretends that women are as capable as men, and hence should have equal status with men.That single, most potent of masculist ideas, is that women have 10% smaller brains than men, hence have some 10 billion fewer neurons in their female brains, hence have 10% less neural processing capacity than men.Given this basic and well confirmed reality, there is no hope in hades that women can claim to be men’s equals, when they have 10% less neural processing capacity than men.Ten percent is a lot. It’s like taking an ice-cream scoop out of the male brain, which will remove about 10 billion neurons, so common sense says there must be things that women can’t do, that men can do, given that men have 10% more neurons in their male brains, than women.One only has to observe men’s track record in general achievement to see that. Men invent everything, build everything, and create everything. Men are the builders of cultures, and women parasite upon them, extracting resources from them, to make it easier for them to grow and raise the next generation, which is what they evolved to do, what they are built to do, and what they are happiest doing, observation shows.In today’s world, where men have given women the pill, household gadgets, higher education, there are now many FIP women (financially independent persons) who have chosen to have careers and not to have children. On the whole, such women are not happy, because they have made wrong choices, in not having kids, thus denying themselves of their usual raison d’etre as women, rejecting their primary biological purpose, to do two things, one, to find some manslave to parasite upon, to have him pay for her to sit on her fat parasitic arse at home to raise HER kids, in a house that he pays for, and two, to raise the next generation.Feminism pushes women to have careers, to be FIPs, and that is fine from the masculist point of view. Masculists demand that women be FIPs, or are punished, by not getting a man. A woman who is not a FIP, i.e. is a fluffie, i.e. a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man, is punished by men, by not getting one, not even being pumped and dumped, just left rotting on the shelf to extinction, removing her fluffie genes from the gene pool, wiping her out. Masculists see fluffies as manslavers, hence as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.So, masculists support the feminist push for women to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs. But many women have gone overboard, in absorbing feminist ideas, and try to be like men, i.e. not have kids, and focus their lives on being FIPs, being careerists, and find that in most cases, they are miserable, they are unhappy, because there is a great gaping hole in their lives, i.e. often, there is no man, and no kids.So, many women are having second thoughts about the feminist push for careerism for women. Some of these anti-feminists are pushing for women to return to the home, and raise kids, but that will only be possible if men agree to it, and since the masculists don’t agree, i.e. masculists demand that women be FIPs, if they are to have a relationship with a man, then in practice, there will be no men who are prepared to be manslaved by fluffie women who want to stay at home and parasite off a man’s money.Women will not get a man to marry them and have kids with them until the gender laws (e.g. in the divorce courts, and bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) are made menfair. Only then will men be prepared to have kids again, but not today with the hated feminazi bitches, i.e. the fluffie feminist hypocrites, having taken over the divorce courts, financially massacring and ruining the lives of one married father in four.To remove the fluffie feminist dominance of the divorce courts, so that men can be convinced to be fathers again, the underlying ideas, the beliefs of the fluffie feminist hypocrites who dominate the divorce courts, and who block the passage of the Parer etc., will need to be destroyed, and that is where the masculist bombshell of “with women having 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains, women can’t hope to be men’s equals” comes in.This is a very simple idea that nearly everyone can understand, no matter how low their IQ. Smaller brains have fewer neurons, a lower neural processing capacity. A mouse cannot understand quantum mechanics, because it has too few neurons. It just does not have the neural processing capacity necessary to be able to get its mind around the abstractions of quantum mechanics, nor calculus, etc.Everyone can understand that. Thus everyone can understand that given that women have 10% smaller brains, that no one challenges, given that it is so easily measured, and has been measured in dozens of scientific studies over the past century or more, then women must be handicapped relative to men, in women’s mental capacities, due to the fact that they have some 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains. That much is obvious.This simple fact, that women have 10% smaller brains, should be known by everyone. It should be part of everyone’s general knowledge, so that when some young male gets fed up with the insufferable feminist arrogance of some feminist princess of his acquaintance, he can prick her arrogance with the remark “You women have 10% smaller brains than men, so don’t pretend you women are our equals. You’re not. Your sex’s performance record is greatly inferior to men’s.You women invent almost nothing, create almost nothing, build almost nothing. You have been parasites off men for several million years. You judge men by their level of sexploitability by women. You see men as cash machines, and have the values of parasites. That is your female nature. You evolved that way, but we men despise being treated as cash machines by parasitic women. We want to be judged more for our other qualities, our intelligence, our kindness, our generosity, our creativity, our ability to create whole cultures, that you women parasite off.Your feminist ideas are based on fairy stories. You are not our equals. You have 10% smaller brains for Christ’s sake. Let that simple idea penetrate your feminazi brainwashed little mind, your 10% smaller little mind, you femalien.In reality you are the inferior sex. You women can’t compete with men at the top end of the scale, because men have 10% bigger brains. Men are also smarter than women by 4 IQ points on average. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are males, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes and all the major math prizes.Women can’t compete with men at the top end of the performance scale. Men have much higher testosterone levels in their bodies, so are much more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, and persistent than women, so vastly outperform women across the board, which explains why the entries in the Who’s Who books are dominated by males.Men simply achieve far more than women, which is why boy babies in all cultures are more valued than girl babies, because all cultures know, from long experience, that a boy baby is much more likely to grow up to become a highly valued member of the culture, than a girl baby, who will become just another baby factory and child raiser, which is not status worthy, because any woman can do that.So, when you pretend to me that you women are men’s equals, I sneer at you. I treat you like a child who has child-like beliefs, like Santa Claus, or the tooth fairy. You feminazis live in an isscienate fairyland, believing what you want to believe. You can’t accept that your brains are 10% smaller, which makes you a real isscienate, which in today’s scientifically dominated world, makes you truly insultable, contemptable.You live in a feminist fairyland. You’re full of wishful thinking. The idea that women are men’s equals to you is like some religionist’s belief that there is life after death in some blissful heaven. Both are wish fulfilling myths, fairy stories, that PR (politically realist) minded people like me, sneer at, treating such feminazi beliefs with the contempt they deserve.The more you feminazis push this equality myth, the greater will be the level of contempt that men and particularly the masculists will throw at you, not taking you seriously, treating you like the child minded creatures you are, and talking increasingly about the idea that child-minded women should be treated as children, i.e. not be given rights, the way children are not given rights. Concretely, that would take the form, of women having their right to vote stripped from them.So, lady, grow up, accept the scientific evidence glaring you in the face, that you women have 10% smaller brains than men, so have 10% less neural capacity than men. You women invent nothing, create nothing, build nothing. You are parasites off men, parasites off the cultures that men build.Soon your monopolies of womb and vagina will be superseded by male genii building the sexbots and the artwombs (artificial womb) which will plunge you women into deep depression. Feminism will disappear overnight, as women claw at each other in desperate competition amongst themselves to attract the dwindling attention of men.In the distant past, a woman who could not attract the attention of a man to give her and her babies scarce male hunted meat, often did not survive. She starved to death. So a woman in today’s world, who cannot attract the attention of a man, feels existentially threatened.Soon, men will prefer to sex their bots, and grow their own kids, so will ignore women, and their severe negative qualities, i.e. women’s tendency to nag, to be irrational (not surprising with their 10% smaller brains), to be emotional, to be hysterical.Men despise these qualities in women and prefer not to have to put up with them. Once men have their sex bots and can grow their own kids, they wont have to put up with femaliens. Men will be able to go freely on their own way, and women will be left in their wake.So, femalien, feminazi, fluffie feminist hypocrite, simply accept the fact that women are NOT the equals of men. Women have 10% smaller brains for Christ’s sake. There is no way you women can pretend to be men’s equals. The evidence against that idea is staring you in the face. Look around you. Look at what women create/invent/build and compare it with what men do. There is no comparison. Women’s performance track record is greatly inferior to men’s.You will just have to accept that fact, the way blacks have to accept that they are the dumbest people in the world as shown by dozens of scientific studies. Jesus Christ, in black Africa, with a billion blacks, their average IQ is only 70. The Australian aborigines are even dumber, at 60. The blacks hate being called the dumbest people in the world, but it’s a scientifically verified reality, so they are FORCED to accept it, no matter how crushing to their collective egos, in our society that is so IQ oriented, in which the value of an individual is so strongly tied to his/her intelligence and hence his/her general status within that society.You women will, like the blacks, have to accept your intellectual and performance track record inferiority relative to men, because it is also a fact. Blacks are dumber than whites and yellows, and women are dumber than men. Blacks don’t win science Nobel prizes, because they are too dumb. Women don’t win science Nobel prizes because they are too dumb. Blacks are dumber than whites/yellows, and women are dumber than men.You women need to start living in the real world, holding PR (politically realist) attitudes, instead of the PC (politically correct) isscienate fairy bullshit attitudes that you currently hold. If you don’t go PR in your attitudes, then we men, particularly we masculists, will continue to shit on you, treating you like gullible children, and in time, once we totally lose patience with you, we will change the laws to reflect your female child-like status. We will strip you women of the right to vote and take away your rights, because children do not have rights.So, if you women want to be taken seriously by men, particularly by masculists, then you need to behave as adults, not as children. You need to grow up. You need to accept your mental inferiorities as shown clearly by science. You have 10% smaller brains, for Christ’s sake!”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”(Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris1.1/287 With 10 Billion Fewer Neurons in Their Brains, Women Can’t Hope to be Men’s Equals (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer spells out why I don’t take women seriously, with opinions appropriate to 6 different categories of women, i.e. women in general, fluffies, fluffie feminists, fluffie FIPs, EMO FIPs, and sage FIPs.WHY I DON’T TAKE WOMEN SERIOUSLYThis flyer explains why I don’t take women seriously, seeing them largely as walking cunts, as baby factories and child raisers, which is what they evolved to do, and what experience shows they are happiest at doing, but since any woman can do such things these tasks are not status worthy in the eyes of men.The older I get, the less seriously I take women. Now that I’m in my 70s, and my libido has pretty well evaporated, I don’t need women for sex anymore, so on balance, I really don’t need women for anything anymore, so will probably go full MGTOW, i.e. MGTOW monk, for the rest of my life, as did my father, who has been MGTOW monk for 3 decades, ever since his wife died young at age 68.I will split this flyer into parts, one for each kind of woman, and will present my attitudes towards each kind of woman in that part. I list the kinds of women first and then talk about my attitudes towards each.I will divide women into 6 categories, i.e. a) women as a whole, i.e. talking about traits that all women have, b) fluffies, c) fluffie feminists, d) fluffie FIPs, e) EMO FIPs, and finally f) sage FIPs.a) Universal Traits of Women.My main overall attitude towards women is one of lack of respect. I don’t respect women in the vast majority of cases. To be honest, that is also true of my attitudes towards men as well. I’m merely expressing a commonly held attitude of sages towards the bulk of humanity.I’m a sage, i.e. an intellectual (which is 5 syllables, as against 1 syllable for sage). I’ve grown up in a world that is largely anti-intellectual (i.e. 7 syllables, as against sageist (2 syllables)) so this flyer is partly about my attitudes towards sageists, i.e. anti-intellectuals. Using the term sage allows me to replace the term anti-intellectualism (a whopping 9 syllables) with sageism (of 3 syllables.)I’m a retired PhDed full research professor. I’m brighter than the vast bulk of humanity. As a prof, I’m hungry to learn. I have always been like that, since I hit puberty, and my brain wired up in the adult pattern when I was 17. I’ve always been hungry to learn and spend my waking day (actually night) constantly learning, so not surprisingly, over a whole lifetime, I have learned a TON.When I compare what I know to most people, there is such a huge knowledge and IQ gap between sages like me and the vast bulk of humanity, that the gap is unbridgeable. Sages and peakers (people of average IQ, whose scores place them in the peak of the IQ bell curve, i.e. average Joes, people of mediocre abilities) don’t mix. They are like oil and water.To protect themselves from boredom and having their time wasted, sages avoid peakers like the plague. Sages have nothing to do with peakers, because to sages, peakers are ignorant ignorable idiots, i.e. triple “i”s. To sages, peakers don’t think. They know almost nothing. Their ignorance is suffocating to sages, so to stay sane and relatively unstressed, sages remain aloof from peakers as a form of boredom protection.Peakers see sages as stuck up pricks. Sages see peakers as ignorables, as inferior beings, unworthy of their attention, a waste of time, having rather childlike minds.The type of people I really admire, are rare, maybe one in a thousand or less. The kind of person I admire and really respect are sages who are both intellectually brilliant AND creative. This combination is much rarer than either separately, since the two traits tend not to correlate much, so you can have dull brainiacs, and creative peakers.My best friends over the decades have been such creative brainiacs, often a decade older than me, and are now dead. Fortunately my current best and only friend is 20 years younger than me, so probably I will not outlive him, but since I think I’ve inherited my father’s longevity genes, and my father is currently 98 and in good health, he will probably become a centenarian, and I hope and expect to too, so I may outlive my best friend.I’ve spend a bit of time talking about sages and peakers because this distinction is relevant towards my general attitudes towards women, namely that there are far, far fewer creative sages who are female, than male. It follows from this that I don’t take the huge majority of women seriously, because so few of them are respect worthy in my eyes, according to my criteria for respect worthiness.Women have 10% smaller brains, so have 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains than men, so not surprisingly, they can’t do things that men can do. Women don’t invent anything, create anything, build anything.Women did not evolve to understand and manipulate the world. They evolved to manipulate men. Women evolved to become prostitutes to men, in order to be more effective parasites off men, being better able to bribe men to give women and their babies scarce male hunted meat, so that women and their babies would be more likely to survive and not starve to death.Women lack curiosity about the world. Women have extraordinarily narrow horizons, so become more home bodies than explorers, the way men are. To a strongly curious minded male scientist, this lack of female curiosity about the world, is a major disadvantage on the part of women, and a source of much frustration and contempt on my part.My idea of fun, as a sage, is to study pure mathematics, at PhD and research level, as well as math physics. This is such a minority interest amongst men, that amongst women, it is almost nonexistent, so I can’t share my intellectual passions with females. Since I’m hetero, along with 99% of other males, I would like to be able to share my intellectual passions with the woman I am penising, but I have never had that experience. This lack of admirable women in my life has been a source of bitter resentment on my part. It has made me a real misogynist in terms of my attitudes towards women’s mental capacities.When feminazis complain about men’s condescending attitudes towards women, they are right. I am very condescending towards women when it comes to pure math and math physics. Women are inferior to men in such fields. I cannot share my intellectual passions for these topics with women, because women are such fuckwits in such fields. Women are not interested in such topics and are not very good at them, so tend to ignore them, and contribute almost nothing towards their development.Women have won a pathetic 1% of science Nobel prizes.Women are dumber than men by an average of 4 IQ points. Women have a 10% lower IQ variance than men, so that the morons and the genii are males, hence the 99% of science Nobels being won by men.Women have much lower testosterone levels in their bodies than men, so are much less aggressive, less ambitious, less driven, less persistent, so it is not surprising that men vastly outperform women at difficult tasks, so men dominate the lists of famous men, in the Who’s Who books. Everyone has heard the term “great man” but the term “great woman” sounds almost oxymoronic.So, to summarize a bit, my main source of misogyny, is women’s lack of being sages, lacking curiosity about the world. I see women as child minds, whom I can’t take seriously, because they are so unrespect worthy in my view. I can’t take them seriously, because they contribute so little to the world, being largely parasites off men, always taking, and rarely giving, because they are simply genetically incapable of giving. They don’t have the DNA to do that, and that is not going to change, a fact that the feminazis will just have to accept, but they don’t, which just increases my level of contempt for them.b)? FluffiesAs a masculist, I have a hatred of fluffies, who are by definition, traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, so that she can stay at home, sitting on her fat parasitic arse, raising her kids, and having the whole show paid for by her manslave husband, whom she mercilessly exploits.Men, who invent everything, gave women the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, and higher education, so women now typically have 0, 1 or 2 kids, so have a career window of some 4 decades.Masculists point the finger at fluffies and tell them – “Now that women can work, they must work. Anything else is exploitation of men, parasiting off men’s labor.”The masculists principal political goal is to wipe out manslavery, by wiping out the fluffies, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping in, forcing them to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) by bothering to get a career competent education, or be left rotting on the shelf, to extinction, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and increasingly spat at, as society becomes increasingly sympathetic towards masculist ideas.Fluffies are amoral child minds in my view, for whom I have an utter contempt. I want to see such women wiped out, by being totally ignored, and shunned by a masculist oriented society, that pushes morally very hard for the creation of a FIP Society, i.e. one in which nearly all adults are FIPs, socialized by parents, and educated by teachers to be FIPs, so that they do not parasite off the labor of men.Masculists label fluffies as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” to be wiped out. A woman who sits on her fat arse, who does not bother to get a career competent education, and then expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man, is vile in my view. I have a hatred for such women. They are “Simon Legrees” to me, (i.e. the brutal owner of negro slaves in Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” that played a role in the creation of the US civil war.The masculists aim to put such heavy moral pressure on fluffies to FIP up, that fluffies will die out, utterly shunned and spat at by society, i.e. spat at by both men and women, who both expect women to FIP up, to behave as moral, responsible adults, who pay their own way and do not expect to be able to parasite off the labor of another person, thus enslaving them.c) Fluffie FeministsI have an even greater hatred for fluffie feminists, because it is bad enough that they are fluffies, and hence manslavers, but they are also hypocrites. Fluffie feminists have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness raised. They know nothing about masculism, so by default, they have traditional expectations towards men, i.e. seeing them as cash machines, for women to sexploit, instead of bothering to FIP up and take financial responsibility for themselves.Fluffie feminists are hypocrites because they want to have equal rights with men on the one hand, but reject having equal obligations with men, in sharing out the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college. Fluffie feminists want to have their cake and to eat it too, by getting the best of both worlds, i.e. getting equal rights in the parliaments, AND getting paid for by men as fluffies in the divorce courts.As a masculist, I have an utter contempt for fluffie feminist hypocrisy and sneer at fluffie feminists. I also hate them for the fact that they are now indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to their taking over the divorce courts and making them so toxic for males, that now two thirds of young men under 35 in many countries, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.If you do the math, in a mere century, such populations will have wiped themselves out, because the current generation is only reproducing a third of its number.Therefore these fluffie feminists, these feminazis, have to be stopped. If the population drops enough, desperate measures will need to be taken, such as men going into the streets and shooting these feminazi vermin, for being the indirect genociders that they are. Alternative to simply killing them, as in a sex war, would be to bitch slap them to oblivion, or to take away their right to vote, which would make the menfairing of the gender laws much easier, without the female bloc vote in favor of the gynocentric divorce laws.I have a real contempt for the feminazi tendency to blame men for women’s situation, instead of taking a lot of the blame on themselves. Women are their own worst enemy.Men look down on women because women’s performance track record is so greatly inferior to men’s, so naturally men don’t take women very seriously, seeing them more as children, than as responsible adults, as FIPs.For example, feminists keep harping on the so called wage gap, i.e. that in the US for example, women earn 80c for men’s dollar. Feminazis blame men for this situation, claiming that men are prejudiced against women and do not promote them at work to higher positions, as readily as they do men.This is cowardly hypocrisy on the feminazis part I feel, because the reasons why women earn less is due mostly to women, to women’s choices, and to women’s genetic inferiorities. Women prefer a more balanced work-life mix than men, so work less hours, so earn less. Women leave the work force for some years to have kids, so have less work experience than men.Women are genetically inferior to men in many respects so are less capable on the job than men, e.g. women are dumber than men on average by 4 IQ points, have 10% lower IQ variance than men, and much lower testosterone levels than men, so are less driven, less ambitious, and hence perform less well than men. Women tend to give up more easily, so men are paid more because they deliver more.The feminazis are unable to look at their own inadequacies, always taking a collective ego defense position on the part of women, instead of facing up to the tougher issue of accepting female genetic inferiority.This hypocritical dishonesty of the feminazis is similar to the way Jews also always play the victim role, instead of asking the much tougher question of “What role are Jews themselves playing in generating antisemitism and pogroms, wherever they go?”I see feminazis as cowardly hypocrites when it comes to not facing up to their own inferiorities and not looking at the scientific evidence that shows clearly that women cannot compete with men at the top end of the scale.Fluffie feminist hypocrites are the most hated form of women, and are the first to be rejected. No man wants a relationship with an immoral parasitic manslaving feminazi bitch. Such women are ignored to death by men, forced to rot on the shelf. They are repulsive to men, because they are so unpleasant to be with, so men choose not to be with them. Men ignore such women totally, not even pumping and dumping them.d) Fluffie FIPsA fluffie FIP is a FIP who still has fluffie attitudes towards men, i.e. still seeing them as cash machines, even though they are FIPs in terms of their education and career. They pull their weight financially, but still see men as existing on this earth to pay for women to have babies.Fluffie FIPs are half way women. They are no longer parasites off men, in the sense that they have bothered to FIP up, and have a well-paying job, so that they are financially independent, and don’t need to parasite off the money of a man, the way a fluffie does, but they still oppress men with their traditional attitude that men should pay women to have babies.My sister is a fluffie FIP. She is definitely FIP in terms of her career, with her own medical clinic and employing some 3 dozen other doctors. She is wealthy and more financially successful than her two brothers, but she, like any fluffie FIP, still has traditional expectations towards men, because she knows nothing about masculism.She still thinks that a man should pay child support after a divorce if he loses custody of his kids. She does not think that a woman should be a FIP and if she gets full custody of the kids, then she should pay for them. Why should the man pay for them when he gets no benefit from them, not having custody of them?Fluffie FIPs need to be converted into EMO FIPS, which is the next topic.e) EMO FIPsAn EMO FIP is a FIP who feels that women have an equal moral obligation with men to be FIPs, i.e. she feels that she is morally obliged to be a FIP, so as not to parasite off the money of a man. An EMO FIP would feel ashamed to be a fluffie, to parasite off the money and labor of a man, off the efforts of another human being.EMO FIPs are the kind of women that masculists are pushing for, to be socially engineered, by putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up and become EMO FIPs. Women are like sheep, being much more group pressurable than men who are more individualist.So by socially engineering women, it should be possible for masculists to morally pressure women to become EMO FIPs or rot on the shelf to extinction as hated fluffies.f) Sage FIPsSage FIPs are my favorite kind of women, but they are rare, maybe one in ten thousand or less. Women have contributed perhaps 1% to world culture. Their contribution is negligible. Look at the pathetic 1% of science Nobel prizes that women have won.Women evolved to be hypergamous, i.e. always on the lookout to trade up to a superior male, whose DNA would give her superior kids compared to herself. This makes good Darwinian sense, but it is tough for men. If I came across a sage FIP woman, i.e. my equal, she would probably not be interested in me, because she would be looking for a man even more qualified and capable than I am, to satisfy her hypergamous instincts, that she evolved to have.Sage FIPs are FIPs, so pull their financial weight. They are also sages, so are respect worthy in my eyes, because they satisfy my criteria for worthiness, i.e. they are both intellectually brilliant and creative, but such women are far rarer than equivalent men.There are probably 100 sage men to 1 sage woman, so obviously there are not enough such women to go round with all these sage men. Most of these men will not find a sage FIP woman, so will live out their lives as frustrated hetero MGTOWs, unable to find a woman to admire, and live a pleasant life with, who would not parasite off them, and who would be nice to them, the way their mothers were to them when they were small.Unfortunately, such pipe dreams are just that. The odds are heavily against such scenarios happening in the real world, so the MGTOW sages will continue to be MGTOWs, resenting the genetic inferiorities of women, and not being able to share their minds with females, the main source of their frustrations and the source of their misogyny.Wise women, with good adult brains, should be able to understand the source of this misogyny and sympathize with male sages, but most women are too stupid to do this, so become feminazis, blaming men for all women’s problems, an attitude that male sages find so stupid that it only increases their level of contempt for feminazis.At the most extreme male performance scale, e.g. the Newtons and Teslers of the world, there are simply no women at such lofty levels, so such guys are doomed to live out a life in which every woman they meet is a fool in their eyes.No wonder Newton and Tesler chose to be womanless. They preferred their own company rather than have to share their lives with a female whose mind would have been distinctly inferior to theirs, given women’s lower average IQ and lower IQ variance. Such is the nature of the world, even though its consequences can be bitter for such men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”(Patreon)? profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris(BitChute) channel/profhugodegarisSkip to toolbarMy Siteprofhugodegarisprofhugodegaris.Stats ActivityPlanFreeManageSite PagesAddBlog PostsAddMediaAddCommentsPersonalizeCustomizeThemesConfigureSharingPeopleAddPluginsDomainsAddSettingsWP Admin+ Add New WordPressReaderStreamsFollowed SitesManageConversationsDiscoverSearchMy LikesNotificationsMeprofhugodegaris@profhugodegarisTop of FormSign OutBottom of FormProfileMy ProfileAccount SettingsManage PurchasesSecurityNotificationsSpecialGet AppsHelpWriteLog Out1.1/301 Female Hypocrisy Regarding Masculist Anger (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses my masculist anger at the hypocrisy of women regarding masculist expression of anger at fluffies and fluffie feminists. This flyer contains replies from 3 women regarding my masculist views, which make it clear that women do not like these views at all. This makes me think that in the coming decade, millions of women are going to go through a lot of pain as they come to terms with the rise of masculism and MGTOW, as millions of men lash out at the oppression of men by women. This is analogous to what happened to many men in the 70s when many feminist influenced women divorced their husbands because their husbands could not adapt to their wives growing feminist consciousness. Something similar will happen to women as millions of men take up masculist consciousness and force women to FIP up, to grow up and become adults and not expect to parasite off a man, nor be treated as privileged princesses by men.FEMALE HYPOCRISY REGARDING MASCULIST ANGERAt the time of writing (Oct 2018) I have been living in Melbourne, Australia for two months. Two weeks ago, I paid to become a member of an e-dating company, which specializes in singles who have university degrees. I have been spectacularly unsuccessful at this, not in terms of numbers of women making contact, because with a Prof. Dr. in front of my name, I'm a high status male, and hypergamous women instinctively want to "mate up." What is failing spectacularly, is their reaction to my masculist views. Common sense tells me that it would be a total waste of my time to get to know a woman for a part time relationship (say one or two evenings a week), to invest time and energy into building such a friendship/relationship only to have it destroyed when she learns about my masculist views. So to avoid such a time waste, I am very up front about it, requesting that they look at my website, to see if they can tolerate my masculist anger at fluffies and fluffie feminists. I suspect strongly, that this is the first time in their lives that they have ever been confronted by an angry masculist, who lashes out at their sex. I suspect it sends them into cognitive dissonance -"How dare a man attack the irreproachable, privileged sex, we women!" They are reacting with real hostility and alarm. I will show you some of their replies below, so you can judge for yourself. These shocked reactions from these women (with masters and PhDs -I eliminate the bachelors and lower, as too stupid) annoy me, due to their hypocrisy. These women are old enough (60s and 70s) to remember the rise of second wave feminism in the late 60s and 70s when women became feminists and got very angry at men for the way the feminists saw men oppressing women. They felt they had the right to get angry at men's oppression of women. Decades later, it is now the turn of the men to get angry, at the way women oppress men, with their financial parasitism, their manslavery, their fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, financially massacring and ruining the lives of one father in FOUR, the fanatical opposition of the fluffies towards the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) which will force women to FIP up (become financially independent persons, by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college, which 3/4 of 16 year old women dont.) I predict that over the next 10 years or so, there will be a repeat of what happened in the 70s when millions of marriages failed because traditionally minded men could not cope with the new feminist mentality of their wives, so that the arguments grew, the attitude gap increased to the point of divorce, with millions and millions of couples. I anticipate the same kind of thing happening in the next decade as traditionally minded women are unable to cope with the masculist anger expressed at fluffies and fluffie feminists, putting powerful masculist moral pressure on fluffies to get off their fat parasitic arses and FIP up, or lose their man, then spend the rest of their lives alone, as in time, the majority of men go masculist or MGTOW (men going their own way) rejecting the traditional manslave role of being parasited upon by a hated fluffie. I paid for a 6 month membership, so I will keep up this experiment for that length of time, and if I fail to find a part time female friend that I can spend an evening or two a week with, then so be it. After 20 some girlfriends and 4 wives, I’ve pretty well had it with women in terms of living full time with them. I won’t fall into that trap again. I felt manslaved by my first wife, losing my kids and wasting 6 years of my life. My second wife wasn’t too bad but was 10 years older than me and died young, the idiot, because she smoked heavily in her youth and paid the price in her early sixties with lung cancer, the reward of smoker morons. The third wife (Chinese) stole half my savings, making me rather poor, so that my 4th wife (Chinese) went hypergamous bitch on me, so I’ve wiped my hands of living full time with a woman. There will be no 5th full time wife. I haven’t yet eliminated the possibility of a part time relationship with a woman, living the twaytwef lifestyle (i.e. 2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs) where both the man and the woman have their own apartments, and are both FIPs, so that when the relationship fails, they just walk away, cost free to the man, no kids, no divorce because no marriage, no alimony because the woman is a FIP, etc. Twaytweffing I could tolerate, and it might be quite nice to have a friendship with a female EMO FIP, i.e. a FIP woman who has EMO attitudes (i.e. has equal moral obligations) who feels she has a moral obligation to pull her own financial weight and not parasite off the labor of a man.) Ideally an EMO FIP woman would be biconscious, i.e. has had her feminist AND her masculist consciousness raised, but in historical terms, it is too soon for that, because nearly all women in 2018 know nothing at all about masculism. They have not had their masculist consciousness raised, because they are unaware how women oppress men. It is the task of the masculists to get onto the media to teach the masses, the culture, of female oppression of men, of masculist ideas, so that women can become biconscious. So, until that time comes, perhaps only a few years away, women are going to be painfully confronted with angry masculists rejecting them for being monoconscious feminazis who think that gender oppression is a one way street. They will be shocked by the views of angry masculists who confront them with their monoconscious hypocrisy. To illustrate this level of female monoconscious hypocrisy, consider the following e-dating messages between me and 3 women, two of them with PhDs and the other an authoress with a masters. I leave it to you to judge whether I’m being fair in being angry at their female hypocrisy when it comes to masculist anger towards women, especially fluffie parasites, and fluffie feminist hypocrites. As mentioned above, I'm usually upfront with my masculism, testing them to see if they can tolerate it. Here is the first woman, ironically a feminist theorist, an author of feminist texts, with a PhD and professorship like myself, the kind of woman I can admire and respect, because she is my equal, but even though I think she understands my masculist anger, having lived through an angry phase herself as a feminist earlier in life, she still wants to be mollycoddled by a man. –Dear XXX, I’ve only been doing this e-dating for 2 days and have been sent several dozen women with a masters, but you are the first who has a PhD, so that pleased me immensely. I’m a retired pure math, math physics, computing prof, who really values high intelligence in a woman, so I’m definitely interested, since there are so few like you. Some of my political/social views might not be to your taste, so before going much further, please look at my website and see if you can agree enough for a second step. If so, please message me. Cheers, PProf. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ --Here is a second message to her from me. --Dear XXX, Ah, the twists of fate. Out of curiosity, I went amazoning for your book and found it, and photos. So you’re also a feminist theorist. I’m a masculist theorist. I use my math and physics talents to invent masculist theory. So we have a lot more in common, than we first thought. Now that I’m back in Oz after half a century in 6 other countries -the past 12 years in China, where my masculist talents were wasted, Im curious to see if I have enough talent to get a masculist movement off the ground in Oz, and attract strong attention from the media, as I did in Europe in the 80s in 4 languages and 7 countries. So, keep an eye out. You may be hearing about me in the media in the coming year. Are you working on a book at the moment? One of my masculist strategies is to persuade women to become female masculists, to vote with men, to menfair the gender laws (e.g. in the divorce courts, and to bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right) so that young men are prepared to be fathers again. The fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males, that in many countries, 2/3 of young men under 35 refuse to marry and refuse to have kids. They are reacting to the toxicity of marriage, making the fluffie feminists indirect genociders, so if young women want quality men to give them their sperm, then the women had better vote with men, to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, or we wipe ourselves out, making paternity rejection the most important issue of our historical era. I hope you are not a one eyed feminist, and can see the logic in the above. I have some 300 videos on YouTube, Minds, BitChute etc. on these ideas, so if you’re curious to know what men are thinking re gender politics, you have a large resource. Other guys in this field are Sandman, or TFM (turd flinging monkey) whom you can google and watch their videos. They use pseudonyms to stop being doxed by feminazis. I'm more open, and gutsier. They are MGTOWs (men going their own way) who are politically passive, whereas the masculists are angry, political and beat the feminists at their own game, with their 4 IQ point average superiority, their 10% greater IQ variance, their higher testosterone levels, their 10% larger brains, their 99% of science Nobel prizes, etc. I take a certain Schadenfreude in crushing one eyed feminists, but if a feminist is biconscious, i.e. has had her feminist AND her masculist consciousness raised, then usually such a women loses her anger, because she sees that gender oppression is not a one way street, that women can oppress men too, e.g. women's financial parasitism, they’re not bothering to FIP up (becoming financially independent persons by bothering to get a career competent education), their financial massacring of one father in four in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, fluffies' fanatical tooth and nail opposition to the legislation of the Parer, which would force fluffies to grow up and FIP up, etc. Cheers,Hugo profhugodegaris@ --Here is her reply. --Hello Hugo, I think of you as an interesting colleague working in part on an overlapping area of concern, but emphatically not as a romantic partner. I can envisage an exciting discussion at a conference, but not restful chats over dinner. So, best of luck, and I will wait with interest to see what your book looks like. Regards, XXX --The other two women I sent the same reply to, i.e. as shown below. They were a lot more dismissive, more shocked, but judge for yourself. This reply was a lot angrier and expressed my contempt for female hypocrisy when it comes to feeling that men have no right to be angry at women. I have a contempt for such an attitude, and as masculism spreads throughout the culture, millions of women are going to be dumped as heavily as these two, through their dismissal of male anger at women's oppressiveness. The second woman was a masters who said she had a strong interest in social justice. This was my contact message to her. --Dear YYY, Can you please look at my website and see if my interest in social justice is too strong for your taste. If not, then please message me. Cheers, Prof. Hugo de Garis --Here was her reply. --I have visited your website and in particular your article on Feminazis. I find it illogical, inaccurate and laughable when it is not abhorrent. I am very pleased that you suggested that I visit your website as I now see we have nothing in common. Thank you and goodbye. --Here was my contact message to the third women , a PhD. --Dear ZZZ, As a retired PhDed professor, my top criterion for a woman is her intelligence, so your PhD is attractive. You can learn as much as you want from my website at I know little about you. What was your PhD in? Please look at my website and see if you can tolerate some of my views, then please message me. Cheers, Prof. Hugo de Garis --Here was her short dismissive reply. --Oh dear. Women who are fluffy and parasites? Thank you for contacting me but no thanks. --I then sent them both the following angry masculist reply. --I'm becoming increasingly angry at the hypocrisy of women. In the seventies they gave themselves the right to be angry at men for the way men oppressed women, but reject the same right for men to be angry at women for the ways women oppress men (female financial parasitism, female manslavery, financially massacring one father in FOUR in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, fanatical resistance against legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. If this growing hatred by men of`prof fluffies continues, there will be a sex war. These feminazis are indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, so young men, 2/3 of them in many countries, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids. This makes these fluffie feminist hypocrites (who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, not bothering to FIP up , become FIPs (financially independent persons) expecting to be able to parasite off the money of a man, making them manslavers, and hence hated by masculists. So have a nice life. As masculism spreads throughout society, women who have your attitude will certainly not get a man. You will die as you are now, manless, loveless, sexless, and increasingly spat at. --I paid for 6 months with this e-dating company, so I will keep contacting these masters and PhD women, who are obviously FIPs, but still have fluffie attitudes in their expectations of men, who know nothing of masculism, of women's oppression of men. They need to be educated. If at the end of that 6 months period, the results are much the same as so far, then not having a female companion for an evening will not be a great loss. So long as I have a reasonable circle of friends, with whom I can socialize and not feel totally isolated, then I should be fine. But, since there are millions of men like me now round the world who choose to be womanless, implies that there are millions of women who are manless. The fact that so many women are contacting me shows this. I predict that the rise of masculism and MGTOW is going to cause a lot of women a lot of pain, as they are forced to give up their traditional expectations on men, expecting to be treated as privileged princesses, and definitely not tolerating being criticized by men, by masculists who see fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites as vermin to be wiped out, by being totally ignored, not even being pumped and dumped, so that their fluffie bitch genes are wiped from the gene pool. Fluffies are manslavers, manslavery is slavery. Slavery rouses passions. Slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies and fluffie feminists, aiming to wipe them out, so that men can live in a FIP society, where both sexes are socialized and educated to be FIPs and pull their financial weight, not expecting to parasite off the labor of the other sex. Judging by the above exchanges, there is a long way to go before we live in a FIP society, i.e. an EMO FIP society, as all the women above were obviously FIPs but still have fluffie expectations of men. They are still monoconscious. Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ (contains links to 300+ masculist flyers on YouTube, Minds, Patreon, BitChute)Masculist Critiques of Fluffies1.2/3 You are a Fluffie Student (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : A flyer aimed at fluffie students who study career incompetent subjects at university so that in their 30s they will look around for a man-slave to pay for the middle class house they want to raise their kids in.YOU ARE A FLUFFIE STUDENT A “fluffie” is a traditional female who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money. You are studying a “career incompetent” “fluffified” subject that will make you a fluffie in your 30s, when your biological clock is ticking. You won’t be able to earn good money, so you will look around for some “robot male” to work for you, to be your man-slave, so that he will pay for the middle class house you want to raise your kids in. Later, when you’re bored with him, you will divorce him, and take his house, his kids and his money. This is now possible because fluffie feminists have taken control of the US divorce court system. Tens of millions of US men are routinely financially massacred this way, so not surprisingly, 70% OF YOUNG MEN UNDER 35 in America today REFUSE TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS. This means that as a fluffie, YOU WILL NOT GET A MAN! The few women who will get a man will be the FIPs (financially independent persons), i.e. women who study “career competent” subjects, such as the professions or the techs. FIP males look down on fluffie females. They reject them and don’t want to be parasited by them. IF YOU WANT TO GET A MAN, BECOME A FIP. If you want to know more, google or YouTube “MGTOW” (men going their own way) or “masculism.” For a 20 slide PPt presentation of the main masculist/MGTOW ideas - Why Masculists MGTOWs Hate Fluffies and Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer gives the main reasons why masculists/MGTOWs have such hatred against fluffies and the gender politicians in the growing sex war.WHY MASCULISTs/MGTOWs HATE FLUFFIES AND GENDER POLITICIANSA third of women financially massacre men in western countries. This figure is easily calculated. Half of marriages end in divorce, and 70% of divorces are started by women, that’s 0.5*0.7 = 0.35? These divorcing women are actually HAPPY that they can ruin a man’s life, take his kids from him, taking his house, using the gender laws passed by the male-feminist man-traitorous gender politicians to force him to pay her child support, and if she’s a fluffie, to pay her alimony so that she continues to parasite on him after the divorce the way she did before, and lately even to have divorce parties to celebrate the destruction of the quality of life of a human being, her ex-husband.That is one of the major reasons why masculists/MGTOWs hate fluffies. Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, whom masculists/MGTOWs are now collectively and in ever greater numbers wiping out, by refusing to have relationships with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.A fluffie is a slaver, a man slaver, and slavery in a WAR ISSUE. The hatred of the northern American abolitionists against negro slavery in the 1800s caused the American civil war. The masculist/MGTOW hatred of fluffie man-slavery caused the current sex war.? Men are going on strike all over the developed world. (Interestingly in China, where I live, if the divorcing wife is a fluffie and the divorcing husband makes most of the money, then the custody of the children goes to him, because he has the money to pay for them. That kind of gender law keeps women from financially massacring their husbands.)A fluffie is a woman who expects to sit on her fat little arse in a house raising HER kids, and have some man-slave pay for it all. That kind of system made some sense when there were a dozen kids and no contraception. She was as busy as the bread winning husband, but those days are long gone. The contraceptive pill changed all that. Now women have 0, 1, 2 kids mostly, so have half a century of career time. So now that women CAN work, they MUST work, because if they don’t, then they are parasiting off the labour of a man. Communism is all about the exploitation of the labour of the employee by the employer. A similar logic applies between?a robot male and a fluffie.So, there is a revolution going on now in the modern world, a sex role revolution, in which women are expected by men to be FIPs (financially independent persons) and pull their weight financially or they will be punished by simply not getting a man. Fluffies are finding increasingly that there are fewer and fewer men who are prepared to take the risk of getting married and having kids. Men look at the divorce statistics and the fluffie feminist biased divorce courts and say to themselves “No way! You would have to be a fool to marry in today’s world. No way!”The gender politicians are also hated by the masculists/MGTOWs, because it is they who created the gender laws that allow fluffies to massacre men financially and ruin their lives. These (usually male feminist) politicians care more about being re-elected than about their own sex. They are traitors to their own sex. So they have given the fluffie feminists (those with traditional attitudes towards males, i.e. seeing them as exploitable check books) what they wanted in the divorce courts, i.e. to be able to continue to exploit a male, to continue her man-slavery of him by having him continue to pay for her to sit on her fat little arse in HIS house so she can continue to raise HER kids on HIS money.The gender politicians are hated by the MGTOWs/masculists for another major reason, and that is the BLATANT sexual discrimination against men when it comes to a pregnancy unwanted by him. The gender politicians gave women the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy in the 70s, called the abortion right. Men have no equivalent. Men should have a Parer (paternity rejection right) that is equivalent to women’s Marer (maternity rejection right) which would allow him early on in a pregnancy unwanted by him, to sign a paternity rejection form, so that he has no financial obligation to the child, if the woman continues the pregnancy. If she does, the full cost of the child becomes her responsibility. The gender politicians reject this, which shows clearly, that they DONT GIVE A SHIT about men, and that is why we hate them.SO, masculists/MGTOWs are becoming increasingly angry, increasingly hostile, and literally hitting back. If some fat feminist hits some masculist in the face, he, the masculist, hits her right back, and probably then harangues her about her being a fluffie parasite regarding men.I notice the tone on Sandman’s videos and comments, especially the comments, are becoming increasingly angry, and bitter, as more and more men wake up to the fact that we are being screwed by fluffies, by fluffie feminists, and especially by the gender politicians. We hate them all, and are at war with them. As men, we can bloc vote the gender politicians out. We can organize and target those gender politicians who vote against men’s interests, putting fear into their hearts, that they may lose the male vote, i.e. half the population. Fluffies are dying out, through lack of being able to reproduce themselves. Masculists/MGTOWs refuse to have relationships with them.Men have the power to force women to be FIPs. We don’t have to whip them, or bribe them. We simply refuse to have relationships with fluffie women. We prefer FIP women, because they take themselves far more seriously. They have bothered to have a career-competent education, and earn good money. They are financially independent, they are FIP, the type of women that ?masculists demand that all women become. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some robot male, but such men are really getting scarce now. In a decade they will probably be under 10% of men under 35. Today its 30% in the US who are still robot males. Men are FIPs by traditional conditioning, so men can take care of themselves and let fluffies rot on the shelf.How strong will masculist/MGTOW hatred become in the future? Will there be assassinations of gender politicians, of divorce court judges and lawyers? That would not surprise me. Such casualties are normal in a war, and there is certainly a sex war going on now. Men are now VERY ANGRY, and are taking action. They are voting with their feet by REFUSING TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS. This refusal is the most important phenomenon of our time, because everything that humans hold dear is predicated on their being humans, but the masculists/MGTOWs are wiping out the population by their refusal to marry and have kids. Actually, the real responsibility for the crash in the birth rate, goes to the gender politicians, because they created the gender laws that have caused the sex war. The gender politicians are the genocidal criminals in this case, and are truly hated by the masculists/MGTOWs for that.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Politics of Baby Calculus, Making 12th Grade Calculus Compulsory for High School Seniors (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This in your face flyer proposes making 12th grade calculus and a science compulsory for high school seniors to ensure that they can become FIPs as adults and not parasite on another personPOLITICS OF THE BABY CALCULUSMAKING 12TH GRADE CALCULUS COMPULSORY FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORSWhy do most governments around the world make schooling compulsory for all its children? To give them the knowledge and skills so that they can contribute to the modern economy. Someone who cannot read, who cannot do basic arithmetic, nor write reports, is virtually unemployable and hence a burden to a welfare state government.The idea behind “baby calculus” employs similar logic and is a masculist idea. 12th graders need to study calculus and the sciences so that they can be FIPs as adults. 12th grade calculus and one of the sciences in the senior year of high school should be made compulsory, so that students entering university have the prerequisites to enter a “FIP” department, i.e. a university department that teaches one of the professions, or one of the techs (e.g. for the professions – medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, vet sci, optometry, etc) or for the techs – engineering, physics, math, chemistry, comp sci, geology, etc.) These FIP departments teach valuable skills that will allow their graduates to earn good money and hence become FIPs (financially independent persons) able to afford their own apartment, car, overseas vacations etc.The opposite of FIP departments are what the masculists call “fluffie crap” departments (e.g. psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, philosophy, women’s studies,??English lit, foreign languages, etc.) which the economy values much less and pays much less for, so those students, mostly females, who study these “worthless” majors, are destined to become fluffies in their 30s because they will not have the skills and earning power to afford to buy their own apartment, car, overseas vacations, etc, so in typical fluffie style, they will look around for some robot male (simp) to parasite upon, and persuade him, via her vagina, to pay for the house, so that she can raise her kids in it.The toxicity of the divorce courts and the growing war between the sexes, in which, in the US, a THIRD?OF MARRIED WOMEN WILL FINANCIALLY MASSACRE THEIR HUSBANDS?in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, has made young men conscious that to marry is to accept a one chance in three of being financially slaughtered, so unsurprisingly, they reject marriage and having kids. So there will be no robot males to pay for fluffie parasitic, intellectually lazy, women to live in a house that HE pays for.Fluffies are dying out. Fluffies are seen increasingly by men and some women as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. Fluffiedom is man-slavery. Man-slavery in slavery, and slavery is a war issue. The masculists and MGTOWs are at war against fluffies, refusing to pay for them. They think –?“I’m not going to be a manslave to some fucking fluffie parasite! They can rot on the shelf to extinction. I have a hatred of fluffies. They deserve the punishment they are getting from men. I hope they die out fast, or convert to FIPism, because if they don’t, society will ostracize them to an ever growing extent. Fluffies are criminals in my eyes, and should be shunned as such.”The problem with fluffies is that they are generated at high school, so the masculists and MGTOWs need to make a special effort to change the consciousness of high school females, that if they don’t plan to become FIPs, by studying FIP majors, then they will pay a VERY HEAVY PRICE, namely, not getting a man, and especially, not having a baby. With the fluffie feminist dominated gender laws, the fluffie feminists are not only shooting their own foot, they’re shooting off their own legs, the short sighted fools.Men are now so wary of sexing women, and risking getting them pregnant, that there is a real “sexodus” going on. Women increasingly will have a very difficult time in even getting sperm to become pregnant, especially from high quality males.So hopefully, the experience of fluffie women in their 30s and older, who have been left on the shelf to rot by men who have rejected them as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, will filter down to the high school girls and scare them,?and motivate them to become FIPs.As masculists (and to a much smaller extent, the MGTOWs, who are largely politically useless re gender politics) persuade the media, and schools, and universities, and society in general, that both sexes need to be socialized equally to become FIPs in a “FIP Society”, then high school women will feel the enormous moral pressure on them, to study hard and take FIP majors, i.e. 12th grade calculus and the sciences, so that they are not precluded at university from entering a FIP department, because they do not have the necessary prerequisites from high school.Masculism and MGTOW consciousness needs to be very strong in high schools, so that high school males can morally pressure high school females to study FIP majors. We need to see millions of young males saying such things to high school fluffies – “So you’re a fluffie, a parasite, you fat lazy bitch, you’re as intellectually lazy as you are physically lazy, you fat innumerate! Get off your fat lazy bum and make the effort to study the “hard” subjects, that will make you a FIP adult, so you don’t parasite off some dumb robot male schmuk. You disgust me. You deserve your fate, you dumb stupid parasitic immoral bitch. You just expect that some robot male will come along who will pay for you to have kids in a middle class house they he pays for just because you give him a bit of cunt from time to time. Well, you fluffie bitch, the supply of such dumb uninformed robot males is drying up. Men are waking up in droves and refuse to be man-slaves to parasitic vermin like you. Go away and die, you pathetic excuse for a human being. Get out of my sight!”This is the kind of attitude we need to see in high schools, coming from the male students and the teachers as well, and from the media and movies. The movies follow the money, so if the Jews in Hollywood sense that society is shifting more and more towards masculist and MGTOW thinking (as it obviously is, given that 70% of young men in the US under 35 refuse to marry and have kids) then these Hollywood directors will put these masculist/MGTOW values in their scripts, thus hastening the widespread acceptance of men’s lib ideas.The masculists, who do most of the gender politicking for men, are increasingly conscious, that the thrust of their ideology is to be aimed at the high schools, rather than the universities, because by the time women enter university at 18 the fluffie damage has already been done. TWO THIRDS OF FEMALE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS STUDY FLUFFIE CRAP. They could not do otherwise, because they made the decision to become fluffies at high school, at 16. So it is critical that the masculist theorists and activists concentrate their efforts on the high schools, as well as the media, universities, teachers, etc. The “fluffie problem” needs to be tackled at its roots, namely the high schools, which in concrete terms means that 12th grade calculus and the sciences need to be made compulsory by state governments.?If high school women still refuse to study these FIP majors, then they should be made very conscious that they will PAY A VERY HEAVY PRICE, namely they will become fluffies, and hence will be rejected by men, by FIP women, and by society. They will then live miserable lonely lives, because they will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and because they are fluffies, they will also be POOR, and deservedly so, the lazy, immoral parasitic, fluffie, manslaving,?bitches!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Men's Growing Hatred of (Fluffie) Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer estimates that about ten million US divorced men have been financially massacred over the 40 year period since the divorce courts were taken over by the fluffie feminists and their male feminist gender politician stooges. This figure is far worse than any war the US has been in. It is the Sex War, so millions of men are learning to hate (fluffie) women and are going to war against them, killing them by neglect and killing fluffiedom with violent words.MEN’S GROWING HATRED OF (FLUFFIE) WOMENIn today’s fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, men are more likely to be made casualties by their ex-wives than by a major war, far more likely. Here’s why. After I give the numbers, I’ll launch into a declaration of war against these mega mass murdering female sadists.Half of marriages end in divorce. 70% of these divorces are started by women. So, maximum 0.5*0.7=0.35, i.e. about a THIRD of men could be financially massacred by their ex-wives. In practice, thank god, some wives are FIPs and agree with the principle that “you leave the marriage with the assets you brought into it” and are not all out to “fluffie massacre” their ex-husbands. I don’t know the actual percentage of divorcing wives who take custody of the kids, his house, child payments, and alimony to keep him a manslave to her after the divorce as well as before. Let’s assume that its half. I will now try to guesstimate the number of men who have been financially massacred in the US over the 40 year period since the creation of fault free divorce and the growth of the fluffie feminist divorce massacre mentality. As usual, I need to make some basic assumptions for this back of the?envelope calculation. Assume 80% of people married over that period, ages 25 to 75. So 320 million*0.8(fraction of adults married)*0.7(fraction of time married)*0.3(max proportion of men massacred)*0.5(half that proportion)*0.5(men half population) = 13 million, so say 10 million men.TEN MILLION MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That’s?FAR WORSE ?than any of the wars that the US has been involved in. The US civil war killed about 0.6 million soldiers.So we are involved in a SEX WAR, the worst war that the US HAS EVER KNOWN, with FAR GREATER CASUALTIES!!!!!!!!!!!How to stop this? We men have to change the mentality of women, by exploding at them in RAGE, if they express manslaving attitudes. Tell them about the 10 million figure and blast them with male rage, male hatred. Make them conscious that if they continue their current manslaving attitudes, wanting to massacre their husbands in the divorce courts, then men will START KILLING LARGE NUMBERS OF WOMEN, because there is a sex war on. Look at the above numbers.I’m surprised that divorced men in absolute rage at what their ex wives, the gender laws, and the gynocentric society, have allowed this to happen to them. I’m surprised that I’m not hearing more news reports that a divorced father took a pistol into a family court and butchered half a dozen female divorce court judges, or assassinated a fluffie feminazi public figure who is known for pushing fluffie feminist divorce, or arsoned a dozen divorce court buildings, etc. There is a sex war on!!!!!!!!!!Men are having their lives ruined in the multi-millions. This must stop So, men, GET VERY ANGRY. When females start complaining about men, harangue them back with masculist MGTOW rage. Make them aware that men have a far bigger gender role problem, than women ever had. If you’re a high school or college student, then rage at your fellow female fluffie students who are studying fluffie crap which will ensure that they become fluffies in their 30s.Change the mentality that women SHOULD BE paid for by men. Rage at that idea. Women must work. If they don’t bother to invest in their own skills to become FIPs, then punish them, spit at them, treat them like the manslaving vermin they are. Ignore them, let them rot on the shelf to extinction. Such manslaving women who expect men to be their man-slaves are amoral children and should be treated as such. They are not adults. They are not responsible. They are unable to put themselves in the shoes of the men they financially massacre, so kill them, not as murder, but the slow way, by ignoring them, by making them feel they are worthless and if they contemplate suicide, then encourage them to increment the death of fluffiedom.I suppose millions of southern Americans in the early 1800s felt that negro slavery was utterly normal, because they saw it all around them. Similarly today, millions of fluffies see man-slavery not as slavery, but as the norm, and unconsciously expect men to pay for them. So these fluffie vermin need to be treated the same way the southerners were treated by the northerners, i.e. by going to war with them, killing them. Fluffies and the fluffie mentality need to be killed. Fluffies will be killed slowly by men ignoring them to death, and fluffiedom will be killed by men?actively, verbally killing it whenever they come across it. Women will notice a marked increase in the level of “gender haranguing” coming from males directed at fluffies, especially at hypocritical fluffie feminists who push for equal rights (but not for men). They will be made painfully aware that men?are now on the warpath, that fluffies?should shut up and get a FIP education, or men will make their lives intolerable.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Spelling It Out to Teenage Fluffies (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is addressed to 16 year old girls. Its spells out clearly that if they don’t study FIP major topics (calculus, the sciences) in their final 2 years at high school they will end up being manless, loveless, babyless and poor in their 30s when they are unable to find a manslave to parasite on.SPELLING IT OUT TO TEENAGE FLUFFIESThis flyer is aimed at 16 year old girls.You are about to make one of the biggest decisions of your lives, that will have repercussions on you getting a?future husband, having a baby, and your standard of living, so please pay attention, it is really, really important for you.You are about to decide for your junior and senior years at high school, whether you will study the “soft option” or the “hard option” or as you might call it euphemistically the “career option” or the “creative option.” In concrete terms it means you have to choose whether to study calculus and the sciences on the one hand or the less analytic subjects on the other, such as English literature, history, languages etc.If you choose NOT to study calculus and the sciences in the final two years of high school, i.e. the “hard option” then that choice will have consequences, and perhaps, and in fact very probably, severe consequences for you for the rest of your lifeI hope I’m beginning to scare you, because that is the intention.So, what will probably happen to you if you choose not to study the hard option?In a nutshell, you will probably not only not have a baby, you will probably not even get a man, and if that happens, you may spend the rest of your life, manless, loveless, babyless and poor.Why do I say this?To understand why, you need to know some background facts, that I give you now.In the 70s, the fluffie feminists took over the divorce courts. A fluffie is a masculist (men’s libber) label for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite on a man’s money. She expects she will find some manslave who will pay for a middle class house that she can have her kids in.The feminists were powerful in the 70s and persuaded male feminist gender politicians to create new divorce laws that were highly favorable to fluffie wives, and toxic to the divorcing husbands.About one married man in four in today’s America will be financially massacred by a divorce. He will typically a) Lose custody of his kids with about 90% probability. b) He will lose his house to his ex wife who will use it to raise HER kids in. c) He will have to pay child support to kids he will barely see, maybe twice a month on weekends. d) If his wife is a fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony, so that she can remain being a fluffie after the divorce the way she was before the divorce, with no legal or moral obligation on her to become a FIP (financially independent person) and stop living off her ex-husband’s money.Young men watched what was happening to their fathers and older male friends and came to the conclusion that “MARRIAGE IS TOXIC!” With the odds of a married man being one in four of being financially massacred in a divorce, it is not surprising that young men have decided that these odds are too risky, and have decided to boycott marriage and having kids.The reality in the US today, is that about 70% (two thirds) of young men under 35, refuse to marry and refuse to have kids. By the time you are in your 30s with your biological clock ticking hard, you will look around for some man to be the father of your kid(s) and to help pay for them. But by the time you are in your 30s, i.e. two decades later, the proportion of men who will be willing to take the risk of being financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system will probably be under 10%. By then, most males will have the attitude that “Only dumb, uninformed men marry nowadays. They don’t know about ?the toxicity of divorce.”In the US, half of marriages end in divorce. In Belgium its 70%. 70% of divorces are started by women. So potentially about a third (0.5*0.7=0.35) of divorcing husbands in the US could be financially massacred. Since not all divorcing wives want to destroy their ex husbands financially, the actual figure is closer to about a quarter of married men have their lives destroyed by vindictive, bitter, divorcing wives.OK, that’s the background knowledge, so how does it affect you and your choice whether or not to choose the “hard option”. You can probably guess already where all this is going.Largely as a result of the toxicity for men of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, men’s lib groups started up. One branch is called MGTOW (men going their own way) who are men who refuse to marry, and refuse to have kids. They spend their money on themselves and utterly refuse to be manslaves to fluffies, whom they see as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin” to be wiped out (not by killing them, but by refusing to have relationships with them, forcing them to “rot on the shelf to extinction.”Some MGTOWs don’t even date or sex women. Others date and sex women, but that’s all. When the woman starts talking seriously about having kids, she gets dumped.Many MGTOWs live the so-called “twaytwef” lifestyle, i.e. “2A2F” = two apartments, two FIPs (financially independent persons) i.e. the man and the woman have a relationship with each of them being FIPs and each having their own apartment.? There is no marriage, no kids, and no financial parasitism of one on the other, because both are FIPs. When the relationship fails, they return to their own apartments. There is no divorce because there was no marriage, no child payments, because no children, no alimony because the woman is a FIP.Lets jump ahead two decades, when you are in your 30s and your biological clock is ticking and you want a kid. Well, you’re not going to get one easily. Probably by then, about 90% of men will refuse to give you a kid. You could go to a bar and pick up some male slob and get pregnant from him, but the quality of the kid you’ll have will be a big disappointment in your later life.So you wont have a kid, until the gender politicians change the gender laws, e.g. making the divorce laws fair to men, and bringing in a Parer (paternity rejection right) so that men are given the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy (equivalent to the Marer, maternity rejection right) the way women can since the 70s, commonly called the abortion right. The fact that no country has a Parer is a major sexual discrimination against men and makes the MGTOWs and masculists (men’s libbers) very angry.SO no kid, but how about even getting a man? If you become a FIP (- starting to get the picture?) you might be able to persuade some FIP male to twaytwef with you. So at least you may get a man, and get regular sex and companionship, but no kid.But say you are a fluffie, hoping to find some manslave, some robot male, who is prepared to pay for you to live in the middle class house that you cannot afford to buy yourself because you are a fluffie. What will your fate be if you are a fluffie?Pretty grim. You wont get a man. Men will sex you with an attitude of “pump and dump” because they see you as only a “cunt on legs.” They will quickly learn that you are a fluffie and that you want, you need, a manslave to have a decent standard of living.But in two decades, fluffies will be shunned, avoided like the plague, because masculism (men’s lib) will be as much part of the social fabric as is feminism now. Nearly all men will avoid fluffies. They will absolutely refuse to be manslaves to fluffies.So you will be used sexually. You will be pumped and dumped in a regular pattern, and you will not find a man (with high probability) who is prepared to have a kid with you and is prepared to pay for most of the costs involved.You may become increasingly bitter towards men, moaning “Where have all the good men gone?” Your fluffie moaning will only repel men all the more, and you will lock yourself into a vicious circle. Your fluffiness will make the FIP males avoid you. They will choose only FIP women to have twaytwef relationships with. They wont go near a fluffie.So, let’s spell it out. If you choose to study the “soft option” for the next 2 years in high school, you will be excluded from studying “FIP major” subjects at university, such as the professions (medicine, dentistry, architecture, law, etc) or the techs (math, physics, computer science, engineering, chemistry, etc) because these FIP majors have as prerequisites for entry into their departments at university, a knowledge of high school calculus and the sciences.In other words, “No calculus, no baby!” If you choose to study the soft option at 16, you will be forced to study what the masculists call “fluffie crap” at university, i.e. the soft option subjects such as English literature, history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc). These soft option majors will cause you to earn a lot less money after you graduate than the professions and the techs, i.e. the FIP majors.You will then be much more likely to be unable to afford on your own to buy a middle class house, so you will start looking around for some manslave, some robot male, to have him pay for your lifestyle. But you wont find one (very probably) because the supply of such men will have dried up by the time you are in your 30s. Women then will be under enormous moral pressure to be FIPs. Society will be using slogans, such as “Be FIP or be manless!” “Fluffies can rot on the shelf.” “No calculus, no baby!”You will not get a man, and you will not have a baby, and you will live a rather impoverished life because you are NOT a FIP. You cant afford?a middle class lifestyle because you did not have a FIP major education at university. You were excluded from entering the FIP major departments at university, because you did not take FIP major subjects at high school. You chose the soft option, the fluffie crap option, and now you are paying the price. You are now a fluffie, you are shunned by society, you are manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and poor, and its all your own damned fault, because you were too lazy to “woman up” to tackle the hard option.So, there you have it, young woman! You should study the hard option when you’re 16, or you will have a miserable future, as is spelt out above. If you at least want to get a man, in a twaytwef relationship, then you must be a FIP. If you do become a FIP, I hope you will join men (MGTOWs, masculists) in pushing the gender politicians to make the gender laws (divorce, Parer, etc) menfair. Only then will men be prepared to start having kids again.If men continue to refuse to marry and have kids, then with the younger generation reproducing only a third of their number, the US population gets wiped out in a mere century (a third of a third of a third of a third is about 1%, so the US population is decimated. The gender politicians MUST react sooner or later. With you becoming a FIP and joining with the MGTOWs and masculists to put political pressure on the gender politicians, perhaps you can help in turning things around.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The FIPping of High School College Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how high school and college males who are fed up with feminazi bitching and feminist put downs can scare women to be nice to men, by telling women about the main ideas of MGTOW and masculism, and that these women will not have a baby nor get a man.THE FIPPING OF HIGH-SCHOOL COLLEGE FLUFFIESIf you’re a male high school or college student and you’re fed up with being verbally harassed by feminist minded females, and would like to shut them up or even better, scare the shit out of them, so that they are actually nice to you, then listen up.You can scare them by telling them the essence of masculist/MGTOW ideas, and threaten them that if they are not NICE to men, then their chances of getting a man will reduce from about one in three to about one in thirty (more or less.)Women on the whole tend not to like listening to men argue with them logically, but in this case, they will probably listen because you are talking to them about something that is critical to their whole existence, namely having a baby. Building and raising babies is the raison d’etre of females. Their whole DNA and psyches are geared towards that end. They evolved to be like that.So, how do you scare them and force them to be nice to you?By threatening them with the idea that they will not be able to have a baby, because too many men refuse to give them one. That will get their attention. Many women wont even be able to get a man.So, what’s the deal?Tell them about the “man strike” i.e. the fact that two thirds of young men in the US under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. So already, the odds of a woman “getting a man” in today’s world is only one in three. If that woman is a man-dumping, misandrist, feminazi bitch, the odds will be much lower, say one chance in thirty, because most men today are utterly fed up with feminazi bitching, and feminist put downs of males. These men refuse to have relationships with such women. Such men don’t even want to fuck them, especially if these feminazi bitches are fat and have made themselves sexually repulsive to men.Tell them that there is a way to have a relationship with these MGTOW (men going their own way) and with masculists, and that is to “twaytwef”, i.e. 2A2F (2 apartments, 2 FIPs (financially independent persons), where both male and female partners are FIPs, and both have their own apartment, so that when the relationship fails, as most do, they both return to their own apartment. The man gets the regular sex he needs, without the cost of a relationship with a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite on a man’s money, treating him as an exploitable checkbook) which has a one on four chance of ending in a toxic divorce, that financially massacres the man and ruins his whole life.But for a woman to be able to enter into?a twaytwef relationship with a man who refuses to marry and have a kid, she has to be a FIP. That means she has to study FIP majors at high school and college, otherwise if she studies “fluffie crap (i.e. not math and not the sciences)” at high school, she can only study fluffie crap at college, so in her 30s she will be much less likely to be able to afford to buy herself a middle class house to raise her kids in. SO she will look around for some robot male manslave to parasite upon, so that he pays for the house, for her, and her kids, all in exchange for a bit of pussy from her from time to time.Tell her, that the masculists are a lot more political than the MGTOWs. Tell her the masculists have a major political goal, namely to wipe out fluffiedom, aka manslavery, by wiping out fluffies, by refusing to have relationships with them, so that fluffies rot on the shelf to extinction.Tell her that fluffies are hated by masculists. Tell her that fluffies are treated as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin by masculists.If the feminist you are talking to is a fluffie, studying fluffie crap (e.g. at college – psychology, sociology, languages, philosophy, women’s studies, etc, and two thirds of college women do study fluffie crap, i.e. not the professions (e.g. medicine, dentistry, architecture, law, etc, nor the techs (engineering, computer science, physics, math, chemistry geology, etc)) then you can accuse her “You are a fluffie! You will not get a man, you certainly wont get a kid. Only one woman in three gets a kid. Because you are a fluffie, your chances of living with a man are very small, so if you want to raise the odds a bit, you had better do two things – one, stop studying fluffie crap, and study a FIP major, AND? two, be nice to men, or you will be punished by men who will ignore you, and treat you as fluffie vermin.If that doesn’t shut her up, and scare her to be nice to you, then cross her off.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Childish Sadism of Divorcing Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer decries the childish sadism of divorcing fluffies and threatens women that if they do not pass the “FIPtest” i.e. learning to be FIPs and behaving as responsible adults, then men will take away women’s power to contribute to the creation of the gender laws.THE CHILDISH SADISM OF DIVORCING FLUFFIESSometimes I try to put myself into the mindset of divorcing fluffies, trying to imagine how they are able to financially massacre their ex-husbands, ruin their lives, and then in many cases, even have divorce parties to celebrate their callous sadism.I find this behavior of divorcing fluffies so callous, so irresponsible, so immature, and childlike, that it shows, at least for me, that females are incapable of being given adult responsibility in managing a marital breakup. They behave too immaturely to make responsible decisions for the whole community, so by default, if women are incapable of making these decisions, then men will have to do it. There is no other choice, since there are only two sexes.Of course, there are other social groups involved in this callous behavior of the divorcing fluffies. The worst are of course the male feminist gender politicians, who gave these childish women the option of financially massacring their ex-husbands, in the first place. These gender politicians need to be voted out of office by a bloc male vote, and be shamed out of office by being massively harangued in the broadcast media by politically minded masculists. (Don’t expect the politically impotent MGTOWs to do anything on that score!)Another group involved are the divorce judges and?lawyers who have become real prostitutes regarding divorce lately. They take a percentage of the divorce settlement that the ex-husband pays the ex-wife, so these divorce lawyers and judges are self-motivated to financially massacre the divorcing husbands. Since many of these divorce lawyers are male, that makes them “traitors to their own sex.” Many other divorce lawyers are female, who themselves were divorced and have an axe to grind regarding men, and are motivated to punish men using their female misandrist attitudes.It is therefore not surprising that a real hatred of divorce lawyers and judges has grown up in western countries that have such gynocentric divorce court systems. You have probably heard of the “lawyer jokes” that express this hatred, for example “What do you call a thousand lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean?” “A good start!”Enormous moral pressure is now being applied against fluffies and fluffie feminists by the masculists ?to get off their fat parasitic arses and become FIPs (financially independent persons) otherwise they will not get a man. Masculists and MGTOWs refuse to have relationships with such childlike irresponsible females and let them continue to rot on the shelf to extinction.As time passes, it will become clearer to what extent women can become responsible adults, i.e. economically, self-sufficient, FIPs, pulling their own economic weight. If most women pass the “FIP test” i.e. can women learn to become FIPs, and pull their weight, then men will be less inclined to “take over the gender reins of society” the way they did for most of history, until the 1970s, when the male feminist gender politicians gave women real possibilities for creating a gynocracy, that today’s society has largely become.If women’s true nature turns out to be parasitic on men, and the evidence so far, seems to point strongly in that direction, then men will have no choice but to take away women’s gynocentric power and return society to a more adult, more responsible set of gender norms, where men are not financially massacred in the divorce courts, where men have the Parer (paternity rejection right), where the gender laws are made menfair across the board, etc.Maybe women’s true nature is to be parasitic on men, given that they probably evolved that way, if one considers the sociobiological evidence. But, on the other hand, the human brain is flexible, and can often learn to counter innate instinctive drives. If women are genetically programmed to have wet vaginas when faced with rich powerful males, then they may also be programmed to behave like adult, responsible, FIP females, through fear of social rejection, and being shunned if they are not.? The fear of the fluffies of being made manless and being socially shunned, may be stronger than their genetically programmed reaction towards rich powerful males. That is a possibility.The jury is still out on this question. Too few women have been seriously confronted by powerful moral pressure on women to be FIPs by a powerful dominating masculist/MGTOW movement for the simple reason that?these men’s lib movements are relatively new, and are in many respects a reaction, a male backlash, against the rise of fluffie feminists, who have only relatively recently been establishing their gynocentric standards. But masculism, MGTOW is rising and rising. In a mere few years, the main ideas of these movements will be commonly known, including known by women. It is only a question of time before nearly all young women notice how desperately short is the supply of “good men” i.e. traditional men who expect to be manslaved by a fluffie wife.The fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts will continue to massacre men for years to come, until, the gender politicians menfair the gender laws, so young men will increasingly boycott marriage and fatherhood. Today, in the US, 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. In a decade, probably, that number will be over 90%, meaning that only one young woman in ten will have a baby. The gynocentric society is now so biased in favor of fluffies, that men don’t even dare give their sperm to women, because the woman can then slam a paternity suit on the male donor, and force him to pay her for the kid. This is massive irresponsibility on the part of these fluffie “donee” mothers.With the MGTOW/masculists crashing the birth rate and the population size, wiping out the US population in a mere century or less, sooner or later the gender politicians will be forced to menfair the gender laws. If over the time that that takes, if women continue to behave like childish sadists in regard to their ex-husbands, then they will pay a heavy price.They will be treated as irresponsible children, because they behave like irresponsible children, and will have their former gynocentric power taken away from them. Men will have learned the lesson of how childlike women are and hence not take women ?seriously, not treating?women?as responsible adults. This male attitude will be fully justified, because when women had the opportunity to show their adult responsibility, when they had gynocentric power (i.e. today) they abused it, and behaved in childish, irresponsible ways, and thus failed the “FIPtest”. They showed the world, they showed men, how childish women are, and hence lost their right to make political decisions regarding the gender laws. Men will take back the power to legislate gender laws for the greater good, the collective good of the whole culture. Men will tell women, “If you behave like childish sadistic children, you will be treated as such. You reap what you sow.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Fluffie Crappers (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer introduces the term “fluffie crapper” i.e. a young woman who studies fluffie crap (i.e. a non FIP major) at high school or college. Hopefully this humorous derogatory label will catch on, so that masculists MGTOWs will have a new verbal weapon to help ratchet up the moral pressure against fluffie parasites.FLUFFIE CRAPPERSA fluffie crapper is a lazy woman who studies fluffie crap at high school or college instead of a FIP (financially independent person) major. In other words, she studies the “soft option” because its intellectually less demanding, compared to the “hard option” of math and the sciences, that would give her entry to a FIP major department at university, so that she can end up with a degree in one of the professions (e.g. medicine, dentistry, architecture, law, etc.) or one of the techs (e.g. computer science, engineering, math, physics, chemistry, geology, etc.) which will allow her to earn a higher salary after graduation because the economy values such knowledge more than a fluffie crap major (e.g. sociology, psychology, history, languages, English literature, philosophy, arts, anthropology, etc.)I’ve been using the term “fluffie crap” for quite a while. A few days ago I wondered what I would call women who study fluffie crap and the obvious suggestion came to mind – “fluffie crapper.” As soon as I thought of it, I laughed because of its obvious humor and it’s so derogatory. For non native English speakers, a “crapper” is US slang for a toilet, or a person who shits. To crap is to take a shit. To talk crap, is to say something that is not true, or makes no sense. A fluffie crapper has connotations of being a fluffie shitter, or just a fluffie shit (i.e. a fluffie arsehole – a very negative disliked person).Masculism is essentially the 21st century equivalent of 19th century abolitionism in the US. Abolitionism was the ideology of northern Americans against negro slavery. These abolitionists felt so strongly against the custom of negro slavery in the south, that eventually there was a civil war based on this issue. Masculists feel the same way about the manslavery of fluffies and have a hatred of fluffies in the same the way that negro slaves had against the Simon Legrees of the south. (Simon Legree was a brutal slave owning character in the famous novel of Harriet Beecher Stowe “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”? When President Lincoln met her, he said “So you’re the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war.”Masculists piss on fluffies, treating them as immoral, parasitic, lazy, manslaving vermin and do not give them the time of day. Masculists and MGTOWs avoid fluffies like the plague. A fluffie by definition is a traditional female who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money. She is lazy because she thinks that in her 30s when her biological clock is ticking hard, she will be able to live off the money of some robot male manslave, who will pay for the middle class house that she lives in to raise her kids in.But, with the divorce courts dominated by fluffie feminists, now massacring about one in four married men in the US, the toxicity of marriage is now seen by most young men as too high, so 70% of young men in the US under 35, refuse to marry and have kids. So the supply of robot male manslaves is drying up. MGTOW/masculist ideas are now spreading exponentially, so by 2018, it is likely that nearly everyone will be familiar with them, so that the percentage of men who are prepared to become manslaves to fluffies will be under 10%. This in turn will wipe out fluffies.Hopefully, this state of affairs will soon be with us, but we (i.e. we men, we men who refuse to be manslaved by fluffie vermin) need to wipe out the mentality of fluffies, i.e. the expectation that fluffies have of being able to live off the labor of men, of manslaves, of robot males.A humorous, derogatory label for such women would be very useful and powerful, so once the term “fluffie crapper” had occurred to me, I was very happy with it, and I hope it will catch on. I’m a great believer in the power of labels. A good label?is a good meme, and can spread like a virus, “infecting” many others, until everyone has the meme.Imagine some high school masculist/MGTOW who wishes to express his condescension towards his female classmates who make the decision at 16 to study fluffie crap, i.e. the soft option, and therefore lock themselves into being fluffies in their 30s because they will be unable to have a FIP major education, and therefore, almost inevitably, they will become poor fluffies, and therefore manslavers.In other words, with this chain of logic, a fluffie crapper is expecting to be a manslaver. She may not be conscious that she is expecting some manslave to pay for her, but that is what will happen. So it is one of the major tasks of masculists/MGTOWs to educate her that that is what she is – i.e. a fluffie crapper, a future fluffie, a future manslaver, and therefore she will be severely punished by men, nearly all men, as the main ideas of masculism/MGTOW spread and spread as they are now doing.Masculists, more so that MGTOWs, are highly MORALISTIC. They put enormous moral pressure on fluffies, and hit them with vicious verbal rhetoric. “You fluffie crapper bitches! You lazy, immoral, exploitative parasites! Shift your arses! Woman up! Study the hard option! Use your brains! Don’t take the easy way out! Be responsible! Be adult! Study a FIP major, so that you can be become a FIP as an adult, and not manslave some robot male! Pull your weight, you fluffie crapper vermin!”If the term “fluffie crapper” catches on, high school masculists/MGTOWs will have a powerful verbal weapon to hurl at the fluffie crappers, shaming them to woman up, scaring them, that if they don’t study a FIP major, then they will be severely punished. They will be manless, loveless, maybe sexless, babyless, poor and shunned increasingly by society at large. Even other women will become convinced of the immorality of fluffiedom and put moral pressure on fluffies to FIPup.So, here is a new label, that masculists/MGTOWs can use to ratchet up the moral pressure on fluffies, to shame and scare them into becoming FIPs. Imagine a few years from now, a 16 year old high school male saying to a female class mate with whom he is somewhat of a friend. “You chose the soft option???!!!! You’re a fluffie crapper!!! You expect some manslave to pay for you, you fluffie, you parasite. I’ve really lost my respect for you now. I used to like you before but now I just see you as the enemy, a type of female to be avoided. I will tell my male friends that you are a fluffie crapper, and you will from now on, probably have a hard time finding a date. There are few guys left in the class who do not despise fluffie crappers. Your social life is dead now. Jesus Christ, its hard for me to imagine. You’re a fluffie crapper, a fluffie crapper! Do you want to commit social suicide and be hated by all the males. You’re a future manslaver. You’re immoral. You expect to be a parasite. The more I think about what you have done, the greater my contempt, so piss off. I don’t want to speak to you ever again, you fluffie crapper bitch, you vermin!”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Masculism as Heavy Moralistic Pressure on Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that as more MGTOW/masculist influenced men become disgusted with fluffie financial parasitism on men, they will refuse to fuck them, thus setting up a positive circle for men, as the moral pressure on fluffies forces more of them to become FIPs. Men will increasingly fuck FIP women only, pushing up the moral pressure on fluffies even more until they get wiped out, the primary political masculist goalMASCULISM AS HEAVY MORALISTIC PRESSURE ON FLUFFIESHaving written over 50 odd of these flyers, I notice an evolution in my thinking about these issues. I’m retired (I’m ARCing, after retired careering) so most afternoons I go to the park with my camp chair and grad level math texts and study them. I also let my mind wander on masculist/MGTOW issues and see what bubbles up to the surface. Today what came up was my heavy indignation against fluffies and their awful parasitism, abusing men heavily and how immoral they are.Think about it, what is a fluffie doing and thinking? She is a lazy parasite. She does not have the expectation nor makes the effort to get a FIP major education (i.e. studying math and the sciences at high school so that she can enter a FIP major department at university so that she study one of the professions (e.g. medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, etc.) or one of the techs (computer science, economics, math, physics, chemistry, geology, etc.) to become a FIP (financially independent person) as an adult, so that she can earn good money and not parasite off some manslave robot male in her 30s when she wants to live in a middle class house and raise her kids before her biological clock stops ticking by the time she reaches 40.A fluffie is lazy and horribly immoral. She expects men to be manslaves to her, to work for her, so that she can afford to be lazy at high school and college. A young fluffie is at the height of her sexual attractiveness in her 20s and takes it for granted that young men will drool all over her, trying to get their penises into her cunt. She feels she can manipulate these robot males (aka simps) into becoming manslaves for her.This attitude of fluffies is pathological. These fluffies don’t care about the men they abuse, whom they exploit, rob, cheat, and a decade later, when they are utterly bored by their manslave husband, they will take advantage of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, to financially massacre him, by taking his children, taking his house that he pays for, forcing him to pay child support for decades, and since she is a fluffie, he is forced to pay alimony to her perhaps for the rest of her life, so that she can continue to parasite on him after the divorce, the same way she did before the divorce.This type of behavior is so contemptible as seen by masculists/MGTOWs that one can readily understand why MGTOWs/masculists have such a hatred of fluffies, who are labeled immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin.The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, the way the abolitionists of the 1800s aimed to wipe out negro slavery in the south of the US. It took a civil war to do that, but the abolitionists succeeded.MGTOWs/masculists don’t need a war to wipe out fluffiedom, i.e. wipe out fluffies, because fluffies don’t need to be physically killed, they only need to be ignored by men.One of the ace cards that men have over women, over fluffies, is that men are traditionally socialized to be FIPs, whereas only a minority of women are real FIPs, having studied FIP majors at high school and college. So we men, if we decide to, can wipe out fluffies simply by refusing to have anything to do with them. (A fluffie can only be a fluffie if some manslave is prepared to be parasited upon by her. As the supply of such manslaves dries up, due to the MGTOW/masculist influence, fluffies get wiped out.) Fluffies can rot on the shelf to extinction. They will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and shunned by society, even by most other women who agree with the men’s libbers that fluffiedom is profoundly immoral and parasitic on men.As more and more men wake up to the concept of manslavery, that marriage has become toxic for males, given that roughly one married man in four will be financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system in the US, they react by becoming disgusted by fluffies and avoid them, sneering at them and putting heavy moral pressure on them to become FIPs or they just wont get a man.Marriage is now seen in the US to be so toxic to men, that 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids, so most young women will not get married, nor have a kid. As MGTOW/masculist ideas spread and spread, the proportion of men who are prepared to be manslaves will keep dropping, probably to below 10% within a decade.So the majority of women will not have babies, and the population will crash to the point that the whole US population will be wiped out in less than a century (do the math.) But, as more and more men learn to be utterly disgusted by the immorality of fluffie parasitism, they WONT EVEN FUCK fluffies. They will ignore them completely, preferring to fuck FIP women.I define MGTOW as a group of men who refuse to marry and have kids, who spend their money on themselves. MGTOWs then have the possibility of working hard, saving hard, living frugally and investing heavily so that they can retire in their 40s and then spend the rest of their lives ARCing (after retirement careering) doing what they love doing, i.e. being free of wage slavery, and certainly free of manslavery. These ARCing MGTOWs/masculists may then migrate to a poor 3rd world country where the cost of living is much lower and retire even earlier on their purchasing power enhanced nest egg.Some MGTOWs are so pissed off with women’s psychology (women’s solipsism, their hypergamy, their feminist arrogance), that they don’t even sex women. They live like MGTOW monks. Most MGTOWs however still sex women, but as the level of MGTOW/masculist disgust against fluffies rises and rises, these men’s libbers will have an easier time of sexing only FIP women, thus putting more moral pressure on fluffies to convert themselves into FIPs and have the moral attitudes of FIPs, i.e. they expect that women should pull their own financial weight, and definitely NOT parasite off a manslave.MGTOW/masculists who do want to sex women or to sex?one?woman on a regular basis can live the so-called “twaytwef” lifestyle, i.e. “2A2F” = two apartments, two FIPs, i.e. the man and the woman are both FIPs, having their own apartment each. When the relationship goes sour as most do, they both walk away to their own apartments, cost free to the man.The great advantage of twaytweffing to a man is that it puts constant psychological pressure on his FIP girlfriend to be nice to him, because if she isn’t, if she lets her true female nature surface, trying to manipulate him, to nag him, be obnoxious to him, then he just walks away, cost free, so easily. This ease of ending the relationship keeps the woman being nice to him, so she is in constant fear that if she gets dumped, she will have to compete with an army of boyfriendless women due to the terrible man shortage.So MGTOWs/masculists have a powerful WEAPON in twaytweffing that they can use against the fluffies. They can tell the fluffies, in the form of a slogan “WE WONT EVEN FUCK YOU!” Fluffies will lose their ace card, i.e. their vaginas, because they will be replaced by FIP women. As the proportion of men who adopt MGTOW/masculist ideas rises and rises, fluffies will have an impossible time trying to find men to even fuck them. Not only will they not find husbands and men willing to father their children, they wont even find a man who wants to fuck them. These fluffies will be passed over by most men in favor of sexing FIP women only.This preference of MGTOW/masculist men sets up a dynamic that runs to saturation in a positive circle. The more men who become disgusted by fluffie parasitism and exploitative manslavery and openly express their disgust, the more fluffie women will become FIPs. The more FIP women?there are, the more FIP women exist for MGTOW/masculist minded men to fuck. This will deplete the number of men willing to fuck fluffies, so the moral pressure on fluffies rises even more.As the MGTOW/masculist message gets out into society more, more men will express their contempt for fluffies openly and vigorously, so that fluffies really feel the moral pressure. As the proportion of men who are influenced by MGTOW/masculist ideas grows to the vast majority, then society will be filled with angry, bitter male moralistic pressure against fluffies. Men will hurl insults at them, making them feel like dirt, as of course they are, as seen through MGTOW/masculist eyes.Fluffie feminists will be stopped in their tracks by very angry masculists/MGTOWs who hurl back MGTOW/masculist rhetoric with such venom and male force, that fluffie feminists will start to feel real fear, that a major social force, a new male whirlwind is brewing and that they had better shut up, if they want to stay physically safe.I’m predicting that the moralistic pressure on fluffies will rise and rise until they are utterly shunned by society, by both sexes, even by FIP women, until every young woman feels compelled to become a responsible careerist, pulling her own financial?weight.She knows that if she doesn’t become a FIP, not only wont she find a husband, not only wont she have a baby, SHE WONT EVEN BE FUCKED!? Men will have plenty of FIP women they can fuck instead. This positive circle for men will run to saturation until the grand goal of the masculists to wipe out fluffiedom is finally achieved. Once all women are FIPs, so many of the male gender problems evaporate, e.g. the divorce courts get menfaired, the Parer (paternity rejection right) is legislated, gender laws that are prejudiced against men are reformed, etc.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Masculist Contempt for Lazy Bum Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lashes out a the lazy-bum, attitudes of fluffies and emphasizes that the political effort of the masculists needs to be aimed at the high schools where the real “fluffie damage” is done.MASCULIST CONTEMPT FOR LAZY-BUM FLUFFIESMasculists are very MORALISTIC. They put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to get off their lazy-bum parasitic arses and learn to pull their financial weight, otherwise they get punished, and severely punished, in that they do not get a man. They live manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, miserable lives, that results from their own laziness.Women are generally lazier than men, for genetic reasons. Men have a higher metabolic rate that women, so it takes more psychological effort to literally shift their arses.In the past, before effective contraception, women had many kids. A few generations back, e.g. my own mother, had a dozen siblings. Mothers were occupied full time raising kids then, while the fathers were out of the house earning the money to pay for the family to keep them all in rent and food. In those days it was not important for women to be socialized to become competent careerist FIPs.Today, however, we live in a historical era in which we have very effective contraceptives, in the form of the contraceptive pill, which is very reliable if taken as prescribed. Modern young women choose to have 0, 1, 2 kids and hence have 40+ career years once their few kids are off to kindergarten, so now women are coming under real moral pressure from masculists and MGTOWs to pull their weight financially.But this transition period for women from being traditional mothers with lots of kids a century ago, to being FIPs (financially independent persons) is still under way. We live in a tweenage time, where it is not yet the unconscious assumption that women make the effort to be career competent, and to have an education that allows them to be FIPs.So, given that we are still living in this tweenage time, what can masculists/MGTOWs do to help it along, i.e. to help create a FIP Society, in which all adults are FIPs, i.e. women as well, so that young women 16 and above all have a FIP major education, studying majors that allow them to become qualified in a field that the economy values and pays good salaries for, e.g. the professions or the techs.But in today’s tweenage time, there are still millions of lazy-bum fluffies who think they can afford to be lazy, that it will not be important for them to shift their arse and become a FIP, because they feel all they have to do is wiggle their cunts at some cunt hungry male to persuade him to become her manslave and work for her, so that he pays for the middle class house that she wants to raise her kids in.It is this traditional attitude of fluffies (from which the very label derived, i.e. a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) that the masculists/MGTOWs aim to wipe out by punishing lazy-bum fluffies to get off their fat arses and become FIPs, by making a lot more effort to become career competent.We masculists do this by drowning fluffies with our contempt. We piss on fluffies and tell them so, in no uncertain terms. “You’re a fluffie, You’re a parasite on men. You’re immoral. You think you can exploit a man to pay for you, be your manslave. You are vermin, hated by masculists. Get off your lazy-bum parasitic arse and pull your weight female, otherwise we men will HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. Not only will we not marry you, not give you babies, we WONT EVEN FUCK YOU. We will force you to rot on the shelf. As masculists/MGTOWs we are causing a social revolution, spreading our ideas to most men and that will impact heavily on you.”In the US today, 70% of young men refuse to marry and have kids, due to fluffie feminists having taken over the divorce courts, so that divorcing men are financially massacred, losing their kids, their house, paying child support and alimony. Roughly one married man in four undergoes this hell, so now two thirds of young men refuse to pay for you, marry you, baby you. TWO THIRDS !! In a decade, MGTOW/masculist ideas will have spread so far and deep into society, that probably less than 10% of young men will be prepared to be manslaves to lazy-bum parasitic vermin fluffies.So, you lazy-bum fluffies will BE FORCED to get off your fat arses, and become FIPs, because if you don’t, you will pay a heavy price – being manless. “You fluffie vermin need to remember that we men are nearly all FIPs. That has been our gender role for always, so we men have the power to wipe out fluffies, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some robot male manslave who is prepared to be parasited upon by some fluffie parasite. But the supply of such men is drying up, so you fluffies will either become manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and social outcasts, OR you FIPup and become FIPs, by making the effort to become career competent, the way men do. You must learn to shift your arse, the way men do. If not, you will be IGNORED BY MEN.”So young women of 16 at high school need to be powerfully morally pressured to study FIP majors (math, and the sciences) so that they can study FIP majors at college to become real FIPs as adults and earn good money, having skills that the economy values and pays well for.It is interesting that the focus of the masculists needs to be focused on the high schools rather than the colleges. Usually, it is at colleges/universities that social movements often get radicalized, due to the concentration of young intelligent minds in one place. But in the case of creating FIPs out of young women, colleges are not the focus of attention of the masculists, because, by the time a young women reaches college, the fluffie damage has already been done in high school.If a young fluffie chooses to study?“fluffie crap” at 16 for her last two years of high school, then she will be forced to study more fluffie crap at college, because she will be excluded from entering a FIP major department at university, due to her lack of FIP prerequisites (math, sciences) that she did NOT take at high school. Thus she is doomed to become a fluffie in her 30s when her biological clock is ticking and she’s looking around for some manslave, preferably a male FIP who did make the effort to become career competent, who can pay for the middle class house she wants to raise her kids in.So, how to shift the moral pressure on young women to FIPup at HIGH SCHOOL? The masculists need to send out speakers to high schools?to teach high school males about the dangers of having relationships with fluffies and not to fuck them. By not fucking young fluffies, preferring to fuck young FIP women, who choose to study the FIP majors, these young masculists will be putting real moral, sexual pressure on fluffies, telling them clearly that they deserve to be neglected by men because they are fluffies. They are seen as immoral, parasitic, future manslaving vermin, to be ignored as punishment.Once men’s lib groups are established in many high schools, the high school leaders can then help set up men’s lib groups in neighboring high schools etc, until there is a men’s lib group in every high school, where the real “fluffie damage” is done, i.e. at 16 when about two thirds or more of young women choose to study the soft option, the easy, lazy option, where they don’t have to think hard the way students have to do when they study math and the sciences.Masculists need to focus their political efforts on the high schools. That should be clear from the above. Masculist/MGTOWs also need to get the journalists/TV producers talking about masculist/MGTOW ideas, so that high schoolers are exposed to them. The more high schoolers know about MGTOW/masculist ideas, the easier it will be for men’s lib groups to be set up at high schools, so that they can attack the fluffie problem at its roots, i.e. by morally forcing young 16 year old women to FIP up.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ FIP Boy Meets Fluffie Girl and then … (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer imagines a conversation between a young FIP boy and his fluffie girlfriend as the boy wakes up to the manslave role his girlfriend wants him to have.FIP BOY MEETS FLUFFIE GIRL, AND THEN …Take two 16 year old teenagers, one male, one female, living in different cities.The male has been socialized all his life to be a FIP, so chooses to study a FIP major in his junior and senior high school years. He chooses to study math and the sciences so that he can study a FIP major at university (i.e. one of the professions or the techs) so that he can earn good money as a FIP (financially independent person) as an adult. He has been taught by his parents and his teachers, that FIP males are good catches for females, so by being a good male FIP, he will be able to attract a high quality female, i.e. good looking, and sexy.The female comes from a traditional family, where her mother is a stay at home house wife, whose husband earns a good salary, who pays for the whole family, and for the house they live in. Without him, the whole family would come crashing down in their standard of living. The young female doesn’t like math, nor the sciences, because she says, she finds them too difficult. She doesn’t like having to use her brain, figuring out logical deductions. She says she like to feel, and prefers literature and history, because they are more about feelings and people. She decides to study a non FIP major, and does not give much thought to what she will study at university.A few years later, these two meet and a relationship starts. The sex is good, and the bond between then deepens. The woman starts talking to the man about getting married and having a baby. Unfortunately for the woman, the young man has been watching MGTOW videos and reading masculist essays and has had his men’s lib consciousness raised. He increasingly looks upon his current girlfriend as a liability.He questions her – “Why did you study fluffie crap at high school, which then forced you to study fluffie crap at university?” “Now I’m an mechanical engineer and earn three times what you earn as an assistant in the personnel department of the company you work for, because you studied English literature and history at university.” “These subjects are not valued much by the economy, so your salary is rather low.” “I have the feeling that you now expect me to be the main bread winner for the two of us, so you can live in a middle class house, just like your mother, that I pay for, in the same way as ?your father pays for your mother. Your mother is a kept women. She lives off the money of your father, who is well qualified and has a good, well paying job.”“I told you last month, that I’ve been watching a lot of MGTOW YouTube videos, and reading masculist essays. They have changed the way I see the world. I’m increasingly seeing you as what the masculists call a “fluffie” i.e. a traditional woman who expects to parasite off a man’s money. You did not feel morally obliged in high school to bother to study a FIP major (like math and the sciences) so you were forced to study a non FIP major at college. Your bachelor degree in English literature and history gave you knowledge that is not used in your job, whereas what I learned at university, I used from day one at my job. I was educated at university in a skill that was immediately used in my job. I was trained for?it, making me useful and valuable to the company I work for.”“I see myself more and more as a masculist. I read that research shows that the happiest couples have no kids, and that the unhappiest couples have teenage kids. So I’m thinking – why have kids at all, if they are only going to lower my happiness.”I know that you want kids, and consciously, or unconsciously you expect me to pay for you to have kids, so that you can stay at home like your mother and live off my money.So what this boils down to is that you expect me to pay for you, because you were too lazy to study a FIP major at high school and at college. You then pay the price, by not being able to earn a high salary, that you would have had if you had studied a FIP major.”“So, not only were you lazy, you now expect to become a parasite on me. I see you with greater masculist clarity, as a lazy parasite. You just expect some male man slave to work for you. You did not bother to make the effort that I made to master a FIP major that gives me good earning capacity. You took the soft option (non FIP major) at high school and now you are rather poor. You are good looking and sexy, so I suppose you think that you will be able to attract some high salaried male who will pay for you.”“The more I think about this, and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this lately, the angrier I become at the lazy parasitism of what the masculists call fluffies (based on the word “fluff” i.e. light, not serious, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP). I see you as a fluffie, and I feel I can do better. I don’t want to be a manslave to a fluffie. I don’t want kids, but I do want regular sex, so I’ve decided that I will adopt the “twaytwef” lifestyle. I will have a relationship with a FIP female,? who made the same effort to become a FIP as I did. I will respect her a lot more for that.”“By twaytweffing (2A2F = 2 apartments 2 FIPs), if my FIP girlfriend starts pressuring me to have a kid, or she starts nagging, or she withholds sex, then I can easily dump her and return to my own apartment. I like the sound of this lifestyle. It has real advantages for men over the traditional manslave role.”“I’ve also learned from the masculists and the MGTOWs that if I live frugally, and save and invest my good salary, then I can retire early in life, probably in my 40s, and then spend the rest of my life being free to do what I love, not being a wage slave to some employer doing the same kind of work year in year out, nor being a manslave to some lazy parasitic fluffie.”So, what I’m saying to you, is effectively, goodbye. I don’t want a serious relationship with a fluffie. I deserve more than that. I have worked hard to be a real FIP, and deserve a relationship with a women who has the same values as me, i.e. a woman who has the moral expectation and duty to be a FIP herself, so that she does not parasite off the money of a man.”“The problem for you is that more and more men are waking up to the idea that traditionally men have been manslaves to women, and are telling themselves now – “NO” I don’t want that. I don’t want to be a financial doormat to a fluffie. I will be free, to do what I want. I will twaytwef to get the sex I want, have no kids, and will ARC (after retirement career) starting in my 40s for the rest of my life.”“So many men are now living this lifestyle, that you will have a hard time attracting a man to be your manslave. Men will fuck you, because you are good looking and sexy, but they wont marry you, nor give you a baby. Many masculists are so angry with fluffies, they wont even fuck them, as a way of punishing them. These masculists fuck only FIP women, which puts even more moral pressure on fluffies to FIPup, and stop being lazy parasites on men.”“So, this is goodbye. I’ve met a FIP woman at work, who knows a lot about MGTOW/masculist ideas, and wants to have a twaytwef relationship with me. If she’s hiding her true intentions, then that doesn’t matter, because if she is, and they come to the surface later, I can easily dump her, because of the twaytweffing. I can repeat this process as many times as I like. I get the sex, without being a manslave. I look on manslaves as fools, as ignorami. They should have their consciousnesses raised by studying MGTOW and masculism.”“So, have a nice life, fluffie! Goodbye.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Fluffie FIPs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer asserts that it is not sufficient for a woman to be a FIP for a MGTOW/masculist to consider having a relationship with her. She also needs to repress her genetically determined criterion of judging men according to men’s exploitability of their resources by women. To masculists/MGTOWs, fluffie FIPs are nearly as bad as fluffies, and just as rejectable.FLUFFIE FIPSI have a sister and a current (Chinese) wife who are fluffie FIPs, and because of that they annoy me a lot.A fluffie FIP is a FIP who has fluffie attitudes towards men. A FIP is a financially independent person, and a fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money. A fluffie FIP is a FIP who has her own career, she does NOT parasite off a man’s money, but since she knows nothing about MGTOW or masculism, by default, she will have traditional attitudes and expectations as a female of men, she will still see men as manslaves to service women so that women can have babies and?be paid for?by men.MGTOWs I define to be “Men Going There Own Way, in the sense that they refuse to marry and have kids, and they spend their money on themselves.” They do this largely as a reaction against the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, that financially massacres divorcing fathers, forcing them to lose their kids, their house, pay child support and alimony. One married man in four will be financially massacred this way, so it is not surprising that 70% of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids. Men are “on strike.”Some MGTOWs are so pissed off with women that they don’t even fuck them, let alone date them, but many MGTOWs want regular sex from a woman, so choose to date and sex women, and then dump them if the women start nagging them, or try to extract money from them. Many MGTOWs and masculists (men’s libbers) choose to twaytwef (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) which is a relationship between a FIP man and a FIP woman, each with their own apartment. When the relationship fails, they both return to their own apartment, cost free. There is no divorce, because no marriage, no child support, because no kids, no alimony, because the woman is a FIP. Twaytweffing keeps the woman being nice to the man, otherwise he quietly, easily, walks away.So a twaytweffing male is a MGTOW according to the above definition. He refuses to marry and have kids, and he spends his money on himself. But, that is not to say that he can now live a trouble free life with women. Far from it. Masculists and MGTOWs demand as a NECESSARY CONDITION for a man to have a relationship with a woman, is that the woman be a FIP. MGTOWs and masculists wont go near a fluffie. Fluffies are vermin to masculists, to be avoided like the plague, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction. Wiping out fluffiedom, i.e. the fluffies, is the primary political goal of the masculists.You may ask, what then would be NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT conditions?(to use the mathematical terminology) for men to be fairly content having relationships with women?In today’s world, nearly all women are ignorant of MGTOW and masculist ideas. We MGTOWs/masculists have a lot more work to do to spread our ideas to the whole planet, so that everyone is familiar with these ideas, so that women in particular are influenced by them, and modify their expectations on men, through fear that if they don’t, they will not be able to have a relationship with a man, and hence will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, lonely, maybe poor and socially shunned.To give you an idea of what its like for a masculist/MGTOW to have a relationship with a “fluffie FIP” I give myself as an example, by talking about my situation with the 2 fluffie FIPs in my life, namely my sister and my current wife. I’ll start with my sister, since it has been a longer standing problem.My sister is definitely a FIP. She is a medical doctor with her own clinic, employing some two dozen other doctors. My brother estimates her financial worth at about $5M. When my first marriage ended and I returned to Europe, my half fluffie ex wife stayed in Australia with the two kids. I expected my first wife to pay for the kids herself, because she took them.Prior to that separation/later divorce, I was a very active masculist in Europe. Because I returned to Europe, I was not subject to Australia’s divorce laws (the divorce was I think in 1985(?)) so I did not pay child support, nor alimony to my half fluffie ex wife. I was a masculist and expected women to be FIPs. A FIP would only have herself and the kids to pay for, whereas traditionally, the husband had himself, the kids AND a fluffie parasitic wife to pay for. So its easier for a FIP single mother financially.My sister STRONGLY disapproved of what I did, i.e. not give any money to my ex wife, and expecting her to pay her own way. I have had bad arguments with my sister over this. She would make remarks like “When Hugh abandoned his kids …” I would then get angry at her fluffie attitudes and harangue her back “Keep your negative fluffie opinions to yourself or I’ll harangue you with masculist rhetoric, and you wont like it! You may be my sister, but your traditional fluffie attitudes towards men I find repulsive, and if you keep it up, you may lose me as a brother, because I truly piss on your attitudes. You expect men to be manslaves to women. Well fuck you sis!”Now my current (Chinese) wife –?she is definitely a FIP. She is a professor at a Chinese university, has her own apartment, car, career, and pays her own way. My previous Chinese wife stole half my savings, that a corrupt Chinese court system was unwilling to take back from her, so my standard of living fell a lot. I was fired from my job as a full professor in China, due to me telling my university’s president (whom I was trying to persuade that the city I live in could become the China center for brain building) that western researchers?would be unwilling to come to China until China democratized, that western professors know that Mao killed 80 million of his own citizens, that China has over 1000 laogai (the Chinese equivalent of Russia’s gulag concentration camp system for political prisoners)?etc. He emailed me back saying I had broken the law, and a few months later my contract was not renewed, and I’m black listed from getting another government university job in China, so I retired, living frugally, but free to do what I love.My Chinese wife then starts seeing me as poor, and the sex dries up. She starts respecting me less and less she says. I tell her “Don’t judge me by money alone, for Christ’s sake. I’m so superior to you in so many respects, you should be proud of what I am, e.g. a world figure in the species dominance debate, the father of the artilect, the artilect war, cosmism, terranism, masculism, etc., 150 publications, full professor, PhD, 7 books, media public figure, etc. She has nowhere near such a track record.BUT, she doesn’t care about such things, the only thing that matters to her is my reduced financial situation, and I’m getting REALLY SICK OF IT. I’m forced to stay with her to get a green card, but after that if her fluffie attitude towards men continues, and she doesn’t change, then she may pay a heavy price. I may walk out on her. Since she’s rather fat, mid 50s and bad tempered genetically, she may never get another man, and spend the remaining 30 years of her life alone and miserably lonely. Women are much more social than men, and need social relationships so much more than men. In the US, 40% of women over 40 live alone, many of whom were punished by men who dumped them because these women were such misandrist bitches, and now pay the price, for the rest of their miserable lives they will remain manless.Things are complicated by the fact that her menopause has still not finished, so she still has mood swings, which lead to shouting arguments. Part of the problem is that she is Chinese, and everything Chinese is decades to centuries behind the top world rich democratic nations, including gender role expectations.But I suspect her fluffie attitudes, i.e. expecting me to be financially strong, is actually more genetically based. Remember that? women evolved to be prostitutes for men – i.e. female sex for male protein. Women are hard wired to vagina lubricate at the sight of a rich powerful man, and do the opposite for a poor, powerless man.It is this attitude that may cost her dearly, because there is a limit to my patience with her. I hate being seen as a check book, judged by women purely in terms of my financial worth, and NOT by other criteria that I personally give more value to, especially intellectuality, ideas, knowledge, learning, creativity, etc.The fact that my current Chinese wife does not care much for such things, makes her seem inferior and unworthy of me in MY EYES, so she is running a risk, that she may get dumped for her fluffie attitudes, despite the fact that she is so obviously a FIP.To those women who are reading this, take note. If you are in a similar situation, and you judge your man predominantly by his “financial worth” and treat him as a check book, then you too risk being dumped, even if you are a FIP. Men HATE being treated as check books by women. It degrades them as much as women HATE being eyed up as a piece of fuckable meat by men.So, if you women want to keep a man, you had better suppress your genetic tendency to judge men by their financial worth alone, and broaden your criteria to e.g. their personalities, their intelligence, creativity, generosity, etc. Men are waking up more and more that their traditional role was to be a manslave to women. Men reject that role now, and demand that women be FIPs, but even that is NOT ENOUGH.MGTOWs/masculists ALSO DEMAND that women not only be FIPs but that they suppress their fluffie attitudes towards men, i.e. that women NOT be?fluffie FIPs, but if they are then they too will be treated by MGTOWs/masculists the same way as they do fluffies, i.e. they are ignored, left rotting on the shelf. If you women treat men like checkbooks, and judge us that way, then you will be lumped into the same camp as fluffies, i.e. you will be ignored. We wont have anything to do with you, because you do not give us the dignity we demand.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Marxism and Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how fluffie exploitation of men’s labor is worse, i.e. has a higher exploitation rate, than the exploitation of early capitalists against their proletarian employees.MARXISM AND MASCULISMThere?is a?striking analogy between Marxism and masculism, namely concerning the idea of exploitation.One of the main ideas of Marxism is the notion of exploitation. In the early days of the industrial revolution, that Marx was living through, there were no trade unions, no worker political parties, so once the cottage industries were put out of business by the far more productive steam engines and the factory system, workers only had one option, pretty much, and that was to sell their own labor power to employers who owned the machines, i.e. the capital (the capital”ists”). Marx then pointed out that these early capitalists viciously exploited (robbed) these “proletariat” in the following way.Marx had a “labor theory of value” that he took from the economist Ricardo, which says that the value of a product is proportional to the labor time that went into its manufacture. I might trade you 4 of my chickens for your axe but not five chickens because that would then cost me more labor time raising 5 chickens than I’ll save from using your axe.Typically, an employee (say working in a mine, or tending a cotton loom) might work a 12 hour day. For the first 8 hours of the day, that worker is earning his wage, but the last 4 hours, he is working for the employer, the capitalist. Thus the capitalist is robbing the worker of his labor power. The capitalist gets richer and richer because he is continually stealing labor value from his employees, which is why he can live in a mansion, while his employees live in crowded inner city hovels that Engels wrote so graphically about.In time, the proletariat became conscious of their exploitation, and formed trade unions, then pushed for the vote to be extended to all working males, and later came worker political parties, e.g. in the UK, the “Labour Party”, in Germany, the “Arbeiter Partei” etc.Workers were then able to put moral and legal pressure on exploiting employers, that when profits rose strongly, these employers could afford to pay their workers better, and they did. Workers learned to fight against capitalist exploitation of men’s labor.Now, turn to the fluffies in today’s world. There are fluffies and fluffies. Some have part time jobs, some don’t work at all, and are housewives, with only a little bit of housework to do. Ask yourself, which of the following two male types is the more exploited, the proletariat male who works 12 hours a day, handing over a third of his labor power to his employer, i.e. an exploitation rate of a third, or the manslave husband who hands over his whole pay check to his fluffie wife as in Japan or Korea, whose gender roles are retarded, by western standards. (The Japs and Koreans are “gender role retards!”) The fluffie Jap or fluffie Korean wife might give him a few hundred yen a week for his “allowance” while she spends the rest on food, and herself.Which of these two types of males suffers the worse exploitation rate? I think it is obvious that the latter is worse off, is more exploited by a fluffie manslaving parasite than a capitalist employer.Marx’s fiery writings eventually persuaded governments all over the world to go socialist, to the point that well into the 20th century, half of the world’s population were living under Marxist regimes, which were set up specifically to?combat capitalist exploitation. In the 1960s the US almost had a nuclear war with Russia over the Cuban missile crisis, over the issue of whether employers have the right to exploit their employees or not. In other words, we almost had a NUCLEAR WAR over what might be called the “partial exploitation” of the proletariat, when in fact the exploitation of male labor is far worse as committed by their fluffie parasitic wives.The masculists talk a LOT about female exploitation of men’s labor, making analogies with the Marxist view. Fluffie exploitation of men’s labor IS WORSE than the capitalist exploitation of men’s labor. Therefore it needs to be fought in a way that is analogous to the setting up of trade unions, the vote, and labor parties.In masculist terms, these equivalents take the form of the men’s lib movements, i.e. masculism, and MGTOW, which force women to become FIPs, or be severely punished, by not getting a man, thus living a life that is manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and socially shunned by a society that sees fluffies for what they are, i.e. exploiters of men’s labor, and hence highly immoral. The right to vote for the proletariat would have its masculist/MGTOW equivalent in the form of menfair gender laws (e.g. divorce law reform, the Parer (paternity rejection right), etc). Labor parties would have their masculist equivalent in the form of having a minister in the government whose job is to ensure legal, and social equality of rights FOR BOTH SEXES, unlike the gynocentric injustice committed against men that favors women in today’s society.Socialists hated the labor exploitation of men by capitalists. Masculists hate the labor exploitation of men by fluffies and are working politically to wipe them out. As men become more politically aware concerning their manslavery to fluffies, they become conscious that ultimately men have the power to wipe out fluffies, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave male, who is stupid enough, ignorant enough (of masculist MGTOW ideas), gullible enough, to be willing to be a manslave to some parasiting fluffie. But the supply of such males is drying up. In the US and Japan today, 2/3 of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. This will force women to stop being fluffie exploiters of men (robbers of male labor) and learn to stand on their own two financial feet, and become FIPs, otherwise they will lead miserable lonely, manless lives.Men are waking up all over the world, that they have been manslaves to exploiting fluffie women, and are now throwing off this manslavery. To paraphrase Marx’s famous slogan “Workers of the world unite – you have nothing to lose but your chains!” we could say as masculists/MGTOWs “Men of the world should be free, to choose themselves, what THEY want to be!”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Scaring the Fluffies/Feminists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer claims that the time is ripe for masculists/MGTOWs to get out into the streets (high schools, campuses, media, etc) to preach MGTOW/masculist ideas to change women’s attitudes, so that men can benefit from these changes, particularly when women have the moral expectation to be FIPs and not parasite on a man, and have women put moral pressure, along with men, on the gender politicians, to menfair the gender laws, that today are so biased against men, especially in the divorce courts.SCARING THE FLUFFIES/FEMINISTSThe time is ripe for men (actually MGTOWs/masculists) to begin a major campaign to educate women into MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that men can benefit from the changes this education will generate in women.Today’s young women have now almost universally absorbed feminist ideas, i.e. that as a woman she can do almost anything she wants, and that gives women tremendous feelings of confidence, even arrogance. Unfortunately, feminism is not masculism, so most women, most feminists, know almost nothing about masculism and the basic ideas of MGTOW. As a result, women want the best of both worlds, i.e. they want the opportunities to play a role in the big outside world, AND they want to keep the parasitic attitudes of fluffies, expecting men to be their manslaves, paying for them to live in a middle class house, so that she can raise her kids in it, and have him also pay for the kids and her. That is many women’s ideal.But, for men, it’s manslavery, immoral, and parasitic. Traditional women (including most feminists) who expect to be able to parasite off a man’s money are called “fluffies” by masculists (men’s libbers), that is based obviously on the word “fluff” i.e. light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, not career competent, not FIP (financial independent person). Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists. So many of men’s gender issues would be solved if all women became FIPs, so masculists put enormous moral pressure on fluffies and women in general to be FIPs. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, i.e. to wipe out fluffies, not by killing them, but simply refusing to have relationships with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.Masculists, being a lot more politically oriented than MGTOWs (who limit their political actions to making YouTube videos – which is a necessary step, but not sufficient) feel that too many men feel overwhelmed by feminists, by feminist rhetoric. These men?have no counter ideology that they can use to hit back at the excesses of feminism, of which there are way too many.Masculists feel that the time is ripe to teach men MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that men?can be?intellectually, ideologically armed, to lash back at feminist excesses, particularly in regard to the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, that now routinely financially massacre roughly one married man in four, by forcing him to lose his kids, his house, forced to pay child support, and alimony to his fluffie ex wife so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.Masculists/MGTOWs now need to go out into society, and educate both men and women, about their ideas, particularly to women, to fluffies/feminists, that their behavior and attitudes are now really starting to cost them dearly as more and more men go MGTOW/masculist. In the US and Japan today, 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves. They are FED UP with fluffies, and want nothing to do with them. MGTOWs/masculists despise fluffies and fluffie feminists, especially fluffie feminists, who want the best of both worlds.Thanks to this men’s strike against marriage and paternity, most young women in western countries, WILL NOT HAVE A BABY. If they do have one, they will have to pay for it themselves, and to be able to do that, they will have to be FIPs, otherwise they will be poor, and so their kid will also be poor.Not only will women not have a baby, they will be increasingly shunned (if they are fluffies or fluffie feminists) by a society that is increasingly becoming sympathetic to men’s plight. The fluffie feminists have made divorce, and hence marriage, toxic, so it is not surprising that most young men come to the rational decision, that marriage is to be avoided, so too with fatherhood, because thanks to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, the risk of being financially massacred is way too high to be acceptable, so men refuse to have relationships with fluffies and especially refuse to have anything to do with fluffie feminists, who are the most despised.MGTOWs/masculists really need to scare women into changing their attitudes, so that women feel a powerful moral obligation to be FIPs, otherwise they will be heavily punished. They will not get a man, they will then live a manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor existence and be spat on by men, and shunned by society at large for being what they are, namely immoral parasites, expecting men to work for them, so that they can sit on their fat parasitic arses, and have a manslave earn all the money for the family.Feminists need to have their insufferable arrogance smashed. Too many, not so bright feminists, feel they have the right to trash men, simply because they are men. Increasingly however, feminists are coming across masculists/MGTOWs who are capable and informed enough of MGTOW/masculist ideas, to be able to blow these arrogant feminists away with MGTOW/masculist rhetoric and venom, who can express their utter contempt for these fluffie feminist hypocrites, who want equal rights, but don’t accept equal obligations (i.e. they still expect to be fluffies, i.e. having some manslave earn the family’s money.)These feminists need to be scared shitless more frequently by masculists/MGTOWs who threaten them that if they stay the way they are, then they will be manless. In fact, fluffie feminists are the first category of female to be rejected by MGTOWs/masculists. Such men wont even fuck such women, punishing them for being what they are, preferring the company of FIPs. It is a way of punishing fluffie feminist hypocrites.Young women at universities and high schools need to be scared by masculist/MGTOW speakers who come to their school/campus and spell out MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that women realize that if they don’t become FIPs, they will not have?a baby –? be FIP or be manless – no calculus, no baby!The MGTOW/masculist ideas are well developed now. It is time to take them to the street and spread them throughout society, so that women get scared, change their fluffiedom into FIPdom, change their attitudes towards men, and help put political pressure on the gender politicians, to menfair the gender laws, e.g. menfair the divorce laws, bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right), etc. The MGTOWs/masculists will continue to boycott marriage and fatherhood, thus crashing the population, until the gender politicians menfair the gender laws.With so many women not having babies, they will panic and put enormous pressure on the gender politicians as well, because these women will increasingly be conscious that the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts has cost them the possibility of being mothers. They will see that the fluffie feminists have not just shot themselves in the foot, they have shot off their whole legs.So, MGTOWs/masculists, get out there and preach MGTOW/masculist ideas, in the high schools, on campuses, in the media, to your friends, your work colleagues. Spit in the face of fluffie feminists, expressing your anger and hatred of what they have done to men, and indirectly to women. Indirectly they are wiping out the whole population, by having made marriage and divorce so toxic that men have gone on strike against fatherhood.Educate society, so that it is as well versed in MGTOW/masculist ideas as it is today with feminist ideas. Get out there and harangue!!!!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Fluffie Criminality (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives a handful of examples of fluffie criminality, i.e. ways in which fluffies abuse men by acting criminally towards them.FLUFFIE CRIMINALITYWhy do MGTOWs/masculists despise fluffies? Because fluffies are criminals in many respects and men hate being the victims of fluffie criminality.In this flyer I will give a handful of ways in which fluffies behave in criminal fashion against men. Before doing so, I will give them labels, and then elaborate. Fluffies are intellectual sloths. Fluffies parasite off men’s money. Fluffies financially massacre men with divorce. Fluffies force paternity on men. There are many other examples of fluffie criminality against men, but these four are some of the main ones.Fluffies are intellectual sloths. The obvious evidence of this is the way the majority of young women in high school, 16 years old, choose to study “fluffie crap” in their final two years of high? school (i.e. not math, not the sciences) because they feel these subjects are too hard, too intellectually demanding. They choose to do something “creative” which is fluffie-speak for “easier” so that they don’t have to use their brain and learn to think logically, as needed for math and the sciences.As a result of these fluffie crappers’ decisions, the large majority of young women, choose to not become FIPs as adults, because by choosing to study fluffie crap at 16 they lock themselves into studying fluffie crap (non STEM majors) at university, so they end up graduating with diplomas that the economy does not value, because these fluffie crapper women have no real marketable skills, unlike the STEM major female minority, who can earn much better salaries, because they have marketable skills.So these fluffie crappers then start looking around for some manslave idiot, who has not had his MGTOW/consciousness raised, to pay for her to live in a middle class house that she raises her kids in. As more and more men wake up to this manslavery, the supply of such men is rapidly drying up. In the US and Japan today, two thirds (70%) of young men under 35 refuse to pay for women, work for women, be manslaves to fluffie parasitic, criminal women. Men are going on strike in their millions, refusing to work for women.Masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to GROW UP, and become FIPs, or they are punished. They do not get a man. Masculists preach to women, “Be FIP, or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” forcing women to become responsible adults, paying their own way, or they rot on the shelf.Fluffies parasite off men’s money. We live in a gender “tweenage” i.e. between the two ages of traditional gender roles when men earned the money and the women stayed at home with lots of kids; AND a future FIP society, when all women are FIPs and behave like responsible adults. We do not yet live in a FIP society. There are still millions, billions, of women who expect that some manslave will pay for them to have kids. The MGTOW and masculist movements are all about changing those fluffie attitudes, forcing women to become FIPs or they will not get a man.The primary goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, i.e. by wiping out fluffies, not by killing them of course, but by merely ignoring them to death, refusing to have relationships with them, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and shunned by a culture fully conscious of masculist/MGTOW ideas.Fluffiedom is manslavery, manslavery is slavery, slavery is a war issue, and the masculists/MGTOWs are at war against the fluffies, aiming to wipe them out, so that ALL women become fluffies and not parasite on men. Masculists point the finger at fluffies and accuse them with venom “You fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. We men have the power to wipe you out, because a woman can only be a fluffie if some manslave is prepared to be parasited upon, but the supply of such manslave dupes is fast drying up, so you will have to get off your parasitic bums and become FIPs, or you don’t eat!”Fluffies financially massacre men with divorce. Roughly one married man in four will be financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. This is a massive injustice against men, and the primary reason why the MGTOW movement has come into existence. The divorced father will typically lose his kids, his house, be forced to pay child support to kids he barely sees, and to pay alimony to his fluffie ex wife so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.When one married woman in four is quite happy to financially massacre her ex husband in a divorce court, shows clearly what women REALLY think of men, i.e. only as cash machines, and men really HATE that!One of the main reasons masculists put such enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs is to stop this financial massacring in the divorce courts. With all women FIPs, they will be able to pay for themselves, so no alimony. If a woman gets sole custody of the kids, then she pays for them, because she can because she is a FIP. But with the MGTOWs/masculists refusing paternity, the gender politicians will be FORCED to menfair the gender laws, so men will get automatic JOINT CUSTODY of the kids after a divorce.There are women today, who even hold divorce parties, gloating over the fact that they have used the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts to ROB and ruin the lives of their ex husbands, and they gloat about it. No wonder MGTOWs/masculists avoid fluffies like the plague. Such women are vermin to MGTOWs/masculists.Fluffies force men into paternity. One of the greatest and glaring sexual discriminations against men is the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right, i.e. the right of a man to refuse paternity, the same way a woman has a Marer (maternity rejection right). Fluffies utterly reject the Parer for obvious reasons. If there were a Parer, women would have to be FIPs. They would then be forced to be responsible for their own lives, and make their own money, and pay for their own kids. This prospect scares the shit out of fluffies, so they fight the Parer, tooth and nail.Millions of women criminally trick men into getting them pregnant, e.g. by lying about taking the pill, getting pregnant and then forcing a paternity suit on him, to force him to pay for a kid that he never wanted. This is utterly criminal on the part of millions of women. They want a kid, and (AB)USE a man to pay for her to have a kid. This is criminality of a high order, because by behaving like this she ruins a man’s whole life.There are probably a string of other examples I could mention, but these four give a pretty good idea of the level of criminality of the fluffie mentality, a mentality, the masculists aim to wipe out, by forcing and socializing women to be FIPs, to be responsible adults, to pull their weight, to GROW UP!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Rejecting the Female Child Mind (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how the MGTOW/masculist rejection of child minded fluffies who don’t take responsibility for their own lives, will cause a genetic filtering of women, resulting in women who are more FIP, more responsible and better suited to MGTOWs/masculists.REJECTING THE FEMALE CHILD MIND40% of women over 40 in the US live alone. Since the numbers of both sexes are about the same, then roughly 40% of men over 40 live alone. Why do second halvers (i.e. people older than 40) choose, in nearly half of cases, to live alone? There are probably several main reasons, so I’ll concentrate on those I think are probably the most prevalent, and from the male angle. One of the main ones, is that men simply prefer to live alone than to live with the child like minds of women. Many of these 40% of men, who live alone, have probably been divorced, and have chosen not to relive the mistake they made in living with a female whose behavior was totally alien to them (i.e. femalien – moody, nagging, sex withholding, illogical, childlike.)Many of these men have been financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and do not want to repeat this bitter experience, so stay away from women. They may date, to get a bit of sex from time to time, but avoid like the plague ever paying again for a fluffie, who then stole his house, took his kids, expects child payments, instead of paying for the kids she took for herself, and if she’s a real fluffie, she lives off his alimony for the rest of her life, with no legal or moral obligations on her to get off her fluffie parasitic arse and get a job.These former manslaves have learned a bitter lesson, and pass it down to their sons. “Son, look what happened to me. Don’t marry. Don’t have kids. If you’re married you have a one in four chance of being financially massacred by your fluffie ex-wife. Have relationships only with FIP women. Fluffies are vermin, to be wiped out. If you’re going to date, date only FIP women. At least they pull their weight financially, but women are women, with child-like minds, and will drive you crazy if you don’t keep them at a manageable distance.”“Son, women have child minds. They evolved to be baby growers and child raisers, and you don’t need a male adult mind to do that. Women don’t need to understand the threatening realities of the hunt, because they’re always looking after children. They don’t need male adult minds to do that, and in fact, if they did, that would make them worse child minders, because they would soon get bored by the babblings of small ankle biting children, the way men do. Men like kids, but in small doses, not all day every day, the way women are evolved to like. Women are happiest when they’re looking after a bunch of their own kids. That’s what they evolved for.”“Women are not adult, not like men. They behave like children, by not taking responsibility for their own lives, always putting the blame for their situation on others, preferably men. Look at the feminists. They put the blame for everything on men, and never on themselves. It would be refreshing for example to hear a feminist say that women are less valued in society, because their contribution is less, that the genii are males and so it is the males who invent everything, create everything, build everything.”“You’ll never hear a feminist, or even any woman, make such a statement, because they are not responsible adults. They have child minds and behave like children, not owning up to their own inferiorities. So keep these femaliens at a distance. Fuck em, sure, but don’t live with them. They’ll only nag you to death, treating you as a cash machine all the time, and not respecting you for who you are. They will only see you as some exploitable resource, and if they can’t extract anything from you, you will be seen by them as useless, worthless. That’s the way women are.”“So my advice to you son, is to live in your own apartment, and date only a FIP woman who has her own apartment. The masculists call it “twaytweffing” (2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs) so that if your girlfriends starts nagging you – “Oh let’s have a baby! Why don’t you ever give me anything? I have a headache. Why don’t you make more money?!”, or anything like that, then just dump her, and find another FIP female to twaytwef with.”“The great advantage of twaytweffing is that you get to dictate your terms. If the woman starts pissing you off for whatever reason, you can walk. She knows that and that’s why she will be motivated to stay nice to you, through fear of you dumping her. Now that’s a two way street. You have to be nice to her too, or she might dump you. But that’s a good thing. It keeps the twaytweffing civil, cordial, civilized, and represses bad tempered behavior. That’s good.”“Nearly half of older men (second halvers, over 40 years old) choose to live alone, to not live with a woman, especially a fluffie parasite. I suggest you take the advice of a more experienced, older male like your father, and live my life style while you’re young as well. Watch out for women in their 30s, when their biological clock is ticking. Their child like minds will not allow them to behave responsibly, ethically, when it comes to them getting pregnant when they know their fertility window is closing. They may try to trick you, lie to you about taking the pill, and “Oops, I guess I must have forgotten to take my pills for a few days (actually a whole month) and now I’m pregnant, so now you have to pay for the baby!”“So always use a condom, and flush it straight after, so she can’t sperm-jack you. Don’t trust women in their 30s at all. They behave like psychopaths sometimes, not giving a shit about the man whose life she ruins by getting pregnant. In our gynocentric culture, we men don’t have the Parer (paternity rejection right) the way women have the Marer. Society stinks, that way.”“So get your sex, but don’t pay the traditional horrible price, the way I did. Look at me and learn. Learn the smart way, by listen to good advice. Don’t learn the hard way, the way I did, by being financially massacred by that bitch of your mother. You’re her kid, so of course she cares about you, but other than herself, for no one else, certainly not for men. She doesn’t give a shit about men, otherwise she would not have financially massacred me, that fluffie, parasitic, immoral bitch.”So reject the female child mind. Force them to rot on the shelf, and even wipe out the whole population if necessary, until those bastards, the gender politicians, who gave the fluffie feminists carte blanche in the divorce courts to do whatever they want with their ex-husbands, are forced to menfair the gender laws, or the whole population will get wiped out.”“With billions of MGTOWs/masculists wiping out fluffies through genetic selection (i.e. only having babies with FIP women) the genes of the fluffie parasites, will be selectively killed off, so that future women will be more FIP like in their personalities. They will be less parasitic on men, and judge men less by how good men are as cash machines for women. Genetically filtered FIP women will have more adult minds. They will take more responsibility for their own lives. They won’t be fluffie children!”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Penis as Bargaining Tool (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how men can reverse the traditional strategy of women, i.e. trading use of their vaginas for male protein, by giving women penis and attention, ONLY if they are FIPs. Fluffies are ignored by MGTOWs/masculists, as punishment for being manslavers.THE PENIS AS BARGAINING TOOLFor millions of years, women have traded use of their vaginas for male protein, i.e. women evolved to become the sexiest of mammals in order to be able to bargain with men so that men would give them protein that men had hunted. Women were tied down with useless infants, or were frequently pregnant and could not hunt for themselves. This dichotomy of roles became so locked in over thousands of generations, then women’s brains evolved largely to be child minders and bribers of men.But, in the 60s something extraordinary happened, something monumental. Male genius invented the contraceptive pill, and suddenly women were able to reliably control the number of kids they wanted, and they wanted 0, 1, 2, in most cases. This caused a revolution in the distribution of tasks amongst the sexes. Women were now able to have a career window of some 40+ years. Men were freed from being the sole breadwinner of the family, which relieved him of a lot of the stress if he got fired, or wanted to work less to go back to school to get qualified for a different job so that he was not locked into a financial cage doing something he hated for the rest of his working life.Men started waking up and realized that now that women CAN work, they MUST work, because anything else is simply parasitism on men’s labor. Men who thought like this after the 60s were called “masculists,” the obvious male equivalent of the word “feminist”, so masculists were men’s libbers, men who pushed for men to be freed from manslavery by women.In the 70s and 80s, large numbers of women moved into higher education, and careers, and became FIPs (a masculist word for “financially independent persons”), so that they could share the burden of earning the living for the family.Such women were capable of coping financially for themselves, so did not need to find some manslave to parasite upon to be able to afford to live in a middle class house to raise her kids in, her primary function in her biological life.So many of these FIP women stayed single in their 20s, thinking that they could put off their mothering phase of life into their early 30s, before their fertility window began closing in their mid-30s (aka biological clock ticking). Since they were in their 20s, FIP, and had the pill, they chose to be sexually active, which radically changed the “sexual ecology” for men. Prior to the pill and effective contraception, men paid the price of being manslaves to women in order to get regular sex. That was the bargain that men made for many generations.But with FIP women, and the pill, men suddenly had plenty of women they could sex with. They got female sex for free, without having to pay the terrible price of being a manslave to a fluffie parasite, at least for young men, in their 20s, regarding other young women also in their 20s. MGTOWs talk about young women “riding the cock carousel ” meaning having lots of male sex partners before her biological clock starts ticking in her 30s. (A recent survey at a British university showed that the average 21 year old female student had had over 30 different penises in her.)Women in their 30s are forced to face up to the fact that if they chose to be fluffie crappers in their youth (i.e. they studied fluffie crap (non math, non sciences) at high school and college) then they probably will not be able to afford the buy a middle class house to raise her kids in, because she is not a FIP, and does not have a FIP woman income, due to her lower earning capacity, due to her lack of marketable skills, because she studied fluffie crap. She will then start looking around for some gullible man slave (i.e. a man ignorant of masculist/MGTOW ideas) to dig her fluffie financial claws into, expecting him to pay for her, her kids, and the middle class house she wants to live in.But times have changed. We now live increasingly in the age of MGTOW/masculism, in which fluffies are seen as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.” Fluffies are having a much harder time finding such gullible manslaves.We live in a gender “tween age” at the moment, between the era of traditional roles where the man was the sole breadwinner and the woman the childminder, on the one hand, and the era of the FIP Society, that the masculists are politically pushing for, where all adults are FIPs and are socialized to be so, by parents, by teachers, by professors, by journalists, by gender politicians, by general social expectation. But we don’t yet live in a FIP Society. The large majority of young women today in high school, still choose to study fluffie crap, which means they end up being fluffies in their 30s and hence looking for some manslave to sexploit.Because we still live in a tweenage, in which not all women are FIPs, we have the phenomenon of the “fluffie feminist,” i.e. conscious of women’s rights, i.e. she has had her feminist consciousness raised, but not her masculist consciousness, i.e. she knows almost nothing about the tenets of masculism nor MGTOW, hence by default she still has traditional female, i.e. fluffie, expectations of men, i.e. she sees men still as cash machines for women. She is still fluffie regarding men, expecting to be able to parasite off a man’s money. She wants equal rights, but not equal obligations with men (i.e. being FIP), so is profoundly hypocritical. She wants her cake and wants to eat it too.But MGTOW/masculist ideas are now spreading increasingly into the broader public. The first broadcast media documentaries are now appearing (e.g. the BBC recently). MGTOW/masculists are rapidly increasing in numbers due to the toxicity of the divorce courts taken over by the fluffie feminists, and made so menunfair, that young men have learned from their fathers not to marry, not to have kids, and to spend their money on themselves, not on fluffies, who will, with roughly one chance in four, financially massacre them in the divorce courts, taking his kids, his house, getting child payments, and alimony, so that she remains a parasite on him after the divorce, the way she was before the divorce.The massive gender injustice in the divorce courts towards men has caused 70% of young men in the US and Japan to reject marriage and paternity, which will wipe out whole populations within a century. The supply of gullible manslavable men, who (like the traditional salary man in Japan, works a 11 hour day, 3 hours commute time, handing over his paycheck to his fluffie wife, so that she can play tennis while he works) accept the traditional manslave role, is drying up. Within a decade, probably over 90% of young men will refuse marriage, and paternity because it is seen as too toxic. The odds of one in four (married men) being financially massacred is simply unacceptable, and so men walk away from marriage and fatherhood.This mass male rejection of marriage and paternity, has radically changed the “gender ecology” in our tweenage. In the past, if a man wanted to get regular sex from a woman, he had to marry her and be her manslave. Those days are dying if not largely already dead. In today’s world, and increasingly in the near future, a man can get the sex he needs from FIP women, and ignore the fluffies. He can put moral pressure on fluffies to “FIP up!” or they will be neglected, ignored by men, thus forcing fluffies to become FIPs, or they will rot on the shelf to extinction.This ignoring of fluffies is one of the principal social/political strategies of the masculists, with their slogans “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” etc. Masculists and MGTOWs are now in a position to tell women “If you women want any attention from a man, even a penis, then you must be FIP, or else you will be totally ignored. That is the condition (the bargaining tool) that we men impose upon you for you to get even some of our male attention. We punish fluffies by forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction. We don’t go near them. We fuck only FIPs, and that puts pressure on fluffies to become FIPs. We masculists/MGTOWs use our penises as bargaining tools to force women to stop manslaving. Those fluffies who continue to try to manslave, to capture some gullible male fool, so she can live off his money, will die out. Their genes will be removed from the gene pool, selecting women who have genes which make them be more FIP like, and hence more acceptable to men, who have had their MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised, i.e. refuse to be manslaves to fluffie vermin.So the take away message of this flyer to the women reading it, is that “If you want male attention (male penis) then you have to be FIP and pull your own financial weight, otherwise there is no deal, no penising from men, no attention from men, only a poor, manless, loveless, babyless, half life – lonely, miserable, and socially shunned, as society as a whole wakes up to the horrors of manslavery and pushes to wipe it out, by wiping out fluffies who sustain it. With fluffies wiped out, manslavery is wiped out, so that men can be freer, which is what masculism is all about, by definition.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Fluffie Divorcee Brainwashing of Her Kids (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer hits out at fluffie divorcees who brain wash their kids about their ex-husband.FLUFFIE DIVORCEE BRAINWASHING OF HER KIDSI have two kids from my first marriage, a boy and a girl, now both doctors, and nearing 40. I haven’t had any contact with them (to or from) for two decades. Effectively I have lost them. Why? When I was 35, my wife gave me an ultimatum to return to her Australian roots with her, or I would stay alone in my beloved, but her hated, Europe. I did go back with her just in case I had been wrong about Australia, my first country, where I grew up. I hated Australia, for its anti-intellectualism, its body oriented mindlessness. I felt in my early 20s that I would have to get out of it, and migrate to a large population, old world country, such as the UK, to benefit from a large self-sustaining intellectual upper class that valued intellectuality highly.I found that in the UK. A few years later, I had the idea that I could migrate to a cosmopolitan city, such as Brussels, and benefit from several superior cultures (i.e. French and German). In the 70s I set myself up in Brussels with its international cable TV, and got fluent in French and German so as to be able to absorb the cultural riches of these two world class cultures, comparable with the UK’s. The Germans are world class in philosophy, science, engineering, music, literature, etc. The French are the most sophisticated culture on the planet, world known for their art, literature, philosophy, fashion, perfumes, sculpture, etc. I benefitted mightily from becoming a quadrilingual multi (cultured person). It greatly enrichened my intellectual and cultural life.My first wife, an Australian, withered in Brussels and eventually after living 11 years in Europe (the UK and Belgium) decided to return to Australia, giving me an ultimatum. After 3 days back in Australia, being by then quadrilingual, I found Australia oppressive, an intellectual living death, so six months later, after saving a bit, I returned alone to my beloved Europe, to live my own life, and not have it dictated to by a bloody female. The kids stayed with her, at 4 and 6 years old.In the early 80s I was heavily into the European masculist movement, getting 100s of times on the media teaching masculist ideas in English, French, German and Dutch, to the masses. We lobbied the European parliament and got them to change the Women Rights Committee to the Gender Rights Committee with as many men in the committee devoted to men’s gender issues as women on women’s gender issues.When I returned to Europe, I expected my ex-wife to pay for the kids, since I would get no benefit from them, given my two kids would be living on the polar opposite side of the earth, and totally out of my sight, and hence out of my mind. As a masculist I expect women to be FIPs (financially independent persons). A divorced FIP woman with kids has one less parasite to worry about, i.e. her spouse. A traditional husband had himself, his kids, AND a parasitic fluffie wife to pay for. A FIP divorced woman thus has an easier time of it financially than the traditional husband.But my first wife was a fluffie crapper (i.e. she studied fluffie crap at high school, and hence was excluded from studying STEM type subjects at university. When I first met her she was a nurse, with the intelligence capable of being a doctor but lacked the ambition or even the idea of becoming a doctor. To have studied medicine she would have needed math (i.e. calculus) and the sciences, since after all medicine is supposed to be a science.I remember being with her at a career counselling session at London University, where the councilor told her she could not study? X, Y, Z, S, T, U, V, W, etc, a long list, because effectively she was a fluffie crapper. All she could study that was mildly interesting to her was philosophy, so 4 years later she graduated with an economically useless philosophy degree and hence was unable to be a FIP, because she was a fluffie crapper, a career incompetent. She was brought up to expect, unconsciously, that some man, some manslaver would pay for her to have kids.When the shit hit the fan for her, i.e. after I left, and went back to my beloved Europe, she only had her nursing skills to pay the bills, and nurses in Australia in the 80s were poorly paid, since the nurses did not unionize strongly and push for higher wages. So they were exploited and ignored, and poorly paid.At heart, she was probably a real fluffie, expecting deeply that a husband SHOULD PAY FOR HER WHEN SHE HAS KIDS. I can imagine her resentment grew and grew, as well as her desperation. She may have been a fluffie, a fluffie crapper and rather poor, but she was not passive and stupid. Within 3 years of me leaving her, she had paired off with her ex-boyfriend, the boyfriend before me, who was 15 years older than her and a surgeon, earning a good salary, so would be a good sexploitable manslave for her. He was still single, so he agreed to pay for her and her two kids, who grew up to be doctors like him.Now, why is there no contact between me and my two kids? I read somewhere (I tend to remember an interesting statistic, but not remember its source) a couple of years back that in the US, when a divorced husband has kids, and the divorced wife gets custody of them, then in 90% of cases, the father has lost contact with his kids after 5 years – 90%!I’m wondering why my kids have not contacted me for such a long time. I used to send them unilateral emails for quite a few years, but eventually stopped bothering, because they were adults, and if they chose not to reply, then fuck em. I stopped contacting them about two decades ago.I can’t be sure, because I have no contact with them, and I don’t know what my ex first wife taught them. But I can imagine it went something like this –“Your father cares so little about you, that he’s not prepared to help pay for you!” I can bet what she DID NOT SAY was “I took his kids away from him, so why should he pay for kids who will never be part of his life, living on the other side of the earth? I should be a FIP so I can afford to pay for the kids if I take them away from him.”Since fluffie divorced women get custody of the kids in about 90% of cases in the US, these women are in a monopoly position to brainwash their kids about what she feels about the ex-husband. So many of these women are fluffies at heart and expect men to pay for women. They were raised that way, they probably evolved that way (i.e. female sex in exchange for male protein) so feel deeply bitter when her manslave walks away from her and her kids.MGTOWs/masculists have a lot of work to do, to reeducate women not to be fluffie crappers, to become FIPs, and to expect to pull their weight financially and not parasite off the money of a man. This deeply ingrained attitude that women have that men exist to pay for women will need to be beaten out of them with harsh treatment. The prime political goal of the masculists (who are far more political than the passive MGTOWs who simply passively walk away individually from marriage and paternity) is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out fluffies, by having nothing to do with them, not even sexing them, as punishment for being fluffies, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out. Manslavery is slavery, slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies and the fluffie feminists.The fluffies are bad enough, because they expect men to be manslaves to them. The fluffie feminists are in fact worse, because of their hypocrisy. Fluffie feminists want their cake and to eat it too. They want equal rights with men, but want men to stay manslaves to them, paying for them to have children in a middle class house that the manslave pays for, and then a decade later to steal it from him, plus child payments and alimony via the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, that is such a massive gender injustice against men, that it spawned the MGTOW movement of men who reuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.When fluffie divorcees with the kids brainwash them with their fluffie attitudes, the kids then miss out. They lose their father, and the father loses his kids, and the world is psychologically poorer for it. I try from time to time to see if I can get news about my kids on the internet, but the problem is that they are so unfamous, that there is virtually nothing there to be found, especially with my daughter, so I don’t even know how many kids they both have. I assume my kids absorbed the attitudes of my ex first wife and decided as adults not to contact me because I “don’t care about them.” I do care about them. I’m just not prepared to pay for them. I expect women to be FIPs, and if they take the kids then they pay.When the gender politicians are finally forced by the MGTOW/masculist crashing of the population, to menfair the gender laws, then custody of the kids will automatically be JOINT, so in most cases, the father is not separated from his kids. In my case I went back to my intellectual roots (Europe) and my ex first wife chose to live the rest of her life in Australia, so the kids had to be separated from one of their parents. By moving back to Europe I was spared being financially massacred in the Australian divorce courts, thank god.There is a war going on concerning traditional attitudes towards men, seeing them as manslaves to pay for women to have kids. If society doesn’t wake up that young men are angrily rebelling against that form of slavery, then whole populations will be wiped out. Women especially have to change their tune. THEY MUST BECOME FIPs or be punished, by being manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and shunned by a society increasingly sympathetic to MGTOW/masculist ideas.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ I'm More Than a Cash Machine, You Bitch! (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer says it is not enough for a woman to be a FIP (financially independent person) to be considered worthy by a man of having a twaytwef relationship with. She also needs to learn to suppress her evolved mono-dimensional criterion for judging a man, i.e. according to his exploitability by her. Men despise being seen as cash machines for women, and are walking away from such women in droves.I’M MORE THAN A CASH MACHINE, YOU BITCH!I’m thinking of pushing the above title as a masculist slogan. It’s punchy, it’s to the point, and its very representative of how millions of MGTOW/masculists are thinking about women in a gynocentric world, where most women, even FIP women, still see men as exploitable objects, as cash machines, who are put on this earth to pay for women.A few videos back, Sandman made a comment that he still dates women, partly to do psychological experiments to confirm his MGTOW hypotheses about women’s psychology, to confirm what he has learned from his own experience and from other MGTOWs. I do much the same with my own (Chinese) wife, whom I’m doubting with growing conviction, I will still be married to some years from now.The difference between my current wife (my 4th) and most other women, is that she is a real FIP (financially independent person) with her own paid up apartment, her own car, and will retire in a few months with a good government pension, because she is a professor at a Chinese state university. So she is the type of female that masculists prefer to have relationships with (if they choose to have relationships with women at all, i.e. if they are not MGTOW). But, despite her being a FIP, she is still a pain in the arse, for other reasons, namely her female nature. She still judges men by their exploitability, and will not be sexually attracted to a man whom she feels she cannot extract resources from.So being FIP is NOT sufficient for a woman to be considered worthy by a masculist to have a (twaytwef, i.e. 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) relationship with. A woman also needs to suppress her evolved criterion of judging men by his exploitability. If she looks on a man as a cash machine, whom she expects to buy things for her, then masculists reject such women.My current wife is such a woman, and I’m getting increasingly fed up with her for her “fluffie FIP” attitudes. She’s obviously FIP in terms of her own career. She satisfies the definition of financial independence, but she still has fluffie attitudes towards me. She judges me almost exclusively in financial terms.I lost half my savings to my previous Chinese (fluffie thief) wife and could not get that money back, due to the corruption of the Chinese court system. My previous Chinese wife was the daughter of a general who was on the long march with Mao. Her sisters are CCP members, and one of them is a big lawyer in her city. I’m strongly suspicious that some string pulling (guanxi – pronounced gwun-she) went on behind the scenes, so that I could not get my money back. I was also black listed from ever getting a prof job again in the state university system in China after I told my university president that few western profs would come to China until it democratized, and that most such western profs know that Mao killed 80 million of his own citizens (great famine, laogai (concentration camps for political prisoners), cultural revolution, etc.). He emailed me saying what I said was illegal and a few months later my contract was not renewed.So, suddenly I’m rather poor. My Chinese wife starts seeing me as poor, the sex dries up, she becomes bad tempered, and a divorceable bitch, but I’m stuck with her at least until I can get a green card. After that I may decide to leave her. It depends on how she calms down after her menopausal crazy period stops. If she calms, if she stops nagging, and is at least neutral, then I can tolerate her, and can then have a bit of company instead of being totally alone in a culture that I have no respect for at all (but at least China is poor, so I could afford (given the low cost of living) to retire ten years earlier than is usual in a rich democratic western country.)What really pisses me off, is that she seems incapable of seeing me, the person, as a multifaceted human being. I’m more than a cash machine. Jesus Christ, a few days ago I got interviewed on RT (Russia Today) so the video that RT will put up on the internet will get a billion (with a b) views, they told me. I have many qualities, and am quite famous is certain respects. I’m considered a world expert on species dominance (my term, i.e. should humanity or our intelligent machines be the dominant (i.e. most intelligent) species?) I study PhD level pure math and math physics and make YouTube lecture videos on these topics to teach the world for free, which is work I consider to be far more significant that when I was a class room prof, churning out largely unread research papers. (The average published research paper is read by one other person, stats show.)But, despite these qualities, my current Chinese wife cares only about my financial level. This mono-dimensional judgement on her part of who I am, makes me very angry, divorcably angry. I am more than a cash machine. I’m a human being, with many facets, and if women can’t see those other facets, then they are going to pay a horrible price in the near future as millions, later billions of men wake up to the reality, that women EVOLVED to judge men mono-dimensionally, i.e. according to men’s exploitability, and little else.The top criterion women use to judge men is men’s exploitability. “How much money, can I extract from this man?” “Oh, he’s useless!” (i.e. female -speak for “He doesn’t have any money! I can’t get anything out of him.”) This fluffie attitude of women I find contemptable and I lash out against it, and so do millions of other men, especially those who have had their MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised.There is enormous power in ideas. We live by little else. All of us are slaves to ideas. We live our lives following ideas (consciously or unconsciously). A powerful new idea can spread like a virus, infecting the minds of millions, billions of men. That idea that women judge men by their exploitability is one such idea, what the MGTOWs call the “red pill”. I consider this idea of the MGTOWs to be the single most important to have come out of that movement, and will shake the earth.There are already millions of MGTOWs/masculist on the planet who are disgusted at being judged by women exclusively by the size of their wallets. They are disgusted, and are voting with their feet. Even FIP women, who don’t HAVE to be parasites on men to stay alive, are still fluffie in their attitudes towards men. So fluffie FIPs and fluffies will pay the price when millions of men just walk away from them, until these women learn to change their criteria for judging men.Doing that will be difficult for women, because they evolved to be fluffies in their attitudes towards men, so they will be fighting their biology and millions of years of female evolution. Women were dependent on men for their physical survival in the distant past. Women were stuck at home with the babies and small children, so could not hunt. They depended on men to give them protein.There have been experiments done on women in PET machines (brain scanners) that show that women actually experience pleasure when their man explodes at them when she is being a bitch. That male anger shows her that he still cares enough about her to be angered by her bitchiness. MGTOWs call such behavior by women “shit tests” i.e. women tossing out barbed comments to test whether her man has not become indifferent to her, which in the distant past may have become fatal for her and her babies, through lack of protein coming from her man.But women are human beings (some people say, but I have my doubts, I prefer to call women femaliens) so they have brains that can learn and adapt. Women now need to learn to adapt to the very real anger that men are expressing increasingly as they wake up to the idea that women, even FIP women, judge men by their exploitability, and little else. Men’s exploitability, is far and away the top criterion that women use to judge men’s sexual attractiveness, experiments show.But, if women keep using this mono-dimensional fluffie criterion to judge men, then they will pay a horrible price. Fluffies will rot on the shelf to extinction. That is the main political goal of the masculists, who won’t even twaytwef with a fluffie, not even sex them, to punish them for being fluffies, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.But FIP women too, have fluffie attitudes towards men, and have to be taught by MGTOWs/masculists that if they want to even twaytwef with a man, they must learn to suppress their mono-dimensional criterion for judging a man (i.e. his exploitability), otherwise they too will rot on the shelf.MGTOWs/ and particularly masculists, need to strongly confront women with masculist attitudes, that if a woman treats a man almost exclusively as a cash machine, she will be dumped. She will be hated and crossed off. Women need to learn a lesson that goes against their biology, and that is “Men are more than cash machines, you bitches!”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Hey Femalien! If You Want a Kid, You'll Have to Pay for it Yourself! (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer says that women only have themselves to blame for the paternity strike, having made the divorce courts toxic to men once the fluffie feminists took them over. Women need to not only become FIPs they also need to become EMOs (equal moral obligations) i.e. feel they have a powerful moral obligation to be FIP and NOT parasite off a man. If not, then men will continue to let them rot on the shelf to extinction, which is MGTOW/masculist punishment of women for being fluffies, for not being FIPs, for not being EMOs.HEY FEMALIEN! IF YOU WANT A KID, YOU’LL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT YOURSELF!This is pretty much the norm in most western societies nowadays. The fluffie feminists, in all their hypocrisy (wanting equal rights with men, but not prepared to share equal obligations in being FIPs) have taken over the divorce courts, and made divorce and hence marriage toxic for males, so young men are voting with their feet and rejecting marriage, rejecting paternity, and spending their money on themselves.This paternity strike is now so wide spread in countries like the US and Japan, that two thirds of young men, under 35 in both countries are refusing to marry, refusing to have kids and refusing to spend their money on fluffie parasites, expecting women to be FIP or they are punished, by not getting a man to pay them any attention.For a woman to have a kid on her own is tough. She needs to be a super woman, with a lot of energy, because she has to juggle two balls in the air, raising a kid, and being a FIP. It’s much easier for her to have a FIP husband, who can pay some of the costs, so for the first few years of infancy she can concentrate more on the kid, and afford with her husband to have some domestic help to do the household chores.But women only have themselves to blame for the man strike. Women have a deeply ingrained belief that men exist to pay for women to have babies. This attitude is probably in their DNA, since they unconsciously expect men to pay for them, do anything for them, in order to get a bit of her vagina.Well, those days are over, and young men are waking up fast that it is not in their self-interest to marry, and have kids, because the divorce courts have become so toxic to men, so gender unjust to men, that a married man will have roughly a one in four chance of being financially massacred and have his life ruined by these fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.Most feminists are still fluffies. They have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness raised, so by default, still have traditional female expectations towards men, i.e. seeing men as cash machines, who exist only to serve women and their babies. Women judge men by men’s exploitability, and the more exploitable he is, the richer he is, the better DNA he has, that she could use for her kids, the more her vagina will wet.MGTOWs/masculists bitterly resent this “men as exploitables” attitude of women, which deeply alienates men from women, hence the term in the title of this flyer ?– “femalien.” Men strongly dislike being judged purely on their financial exploitability by fluffies and punish them in retaliation, by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even sexing them, thus forcing women to pay for their own kid, if they go ahead on their own in having one. A lot of these fluffie parasites will go ahead anyway, and then expect the government to pay for them to have the kid, which means that indirectly men are still being used to pay for her to have a kid, since men pay the majority of the tax revenue.MGTOWs and masculists are growing exponentially in number. Soon, nearly all women will know the main ideas of the MGTOWs/masculists. The broadcast media will pick up on these ideas and run with the biggest story of our historical era, namely that the population is being wiped out due to men refusing paternity, due to the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts.Enormous moral pressure will come from all sides on fluffies to get off their fat parasitic arses, and become career competent by getting a FIP majored education, so that they can become FIPs as adults, so that if they really want a kid on their own, they can afford it, and can hire a nanny. With all women FIPs, the gender laws can be more readily made menfair, so that the Parer (paternity rejection right) is brought in, and the divorce courts are made menfair.MGTOWs/masculists have a major job ahead of them in spreading the word to women, that women have a powerful moral obligation NOT to parasite on men. Women have to be taught to suppress their DNA based, evolved tendency to judge men by men’s exploitability by women. It is not enough that women are FIPs in terms of their career. They also need to have the strong conviction that they have a MORAL OBLIGATION to pull their weight financially and not expect to parasite off the money of a man.Those women, who are FIPs in terms of their career, but still judge men with the criteria of a fluffie, are called “fluffie FIPs.” But this is not good enough for the MGTOWs/masculists, who want women to be EMO (equal moral obligations) FIPs. My sister is a fluffie FIP. She is not an EMO FIP. She has that deeply ingrained attitude that men exist to pay for women.Such women are being punished now by MGTOWs/masculists, who refuse to go near them, not even sexing them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.How much effort will it take by the MGTOWs/masculists to make women EMOs, if women have it in their DNA to judge men by male exploitability? The human brain is flexible, and can adapt and learn, so it is not impossible for women to become EMO in their attitudes towards men. They have no choice, since men have the power to force women to be FIPs, and EMOs. If women are not, then the MGTOWs/masculists will have nothing to do with them. If women express non EMO attitudes, i.e. fluffie attitudes, then the MGTOWs/masculists can put powerful moral pressure on these women, forcing them to change, otherwise, they will not get a man, and feel the moral rejection by men and society. Fluffie women, and fluffie FIPs will be forced by men to adopt EMO attitudes.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW Masculist Anger at Women Seeing Men as Cash Machines (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer express my anger as a masculist against women’s evolved trait of judging men by men’s EQ (exploitability quotient) i.e. by how much can she extract from him in money terms. MGTOWs/masculists exert enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs-EMOs (financially independent persons) and having equal moral obligations with men, so that women will be forced to suppress their evolved behavior of seeing men as cash machines or be punished by being manless.MGTOW/MASCULIST ANGER AT BEING SEEN BY WOMEN AS CASH MACHINESThe idea that I have learned from the MGTOWs that most pisses me off, that makes me very angry about women’s nature, women’s psychology, is their evolved behavior of judging men by men’s EQ (exploitability quotients), i.e. women evolved to be parasites on men’s protein gathered from male hunting, and judge men to the extent that women can benefit from that male protein by bribing him with female sex. Women are deeply intrinsically evolved to be prostitutes to men, which is why the human female is the sexiest of mammals. Human females do not have days of being sexually “in heat” the way dogs or monkeys have, because human females are always in heat. They can have sex any day of the month. They evolved this way, to be able to extract, i.e. bribe men to give them protein from the male hunt, to feed themselves and their babies.The prehuman baby’s brain doubled in size in a mere million years, which was strongly selected for because intelligence strongly increases survivability, but the bigger head needed a larger birth canal in the female hip bone (pelvis). There was a limit to how wide the birth canal could be before the stresses on the hip bone became life threatening to women, so prehuman babies were born prematurely, so that the baby’s brain could continue to grow after the birth.But prematurely born babies are useless and need constant attention, so prehuman females could not roam far from home, looking for food, so became dependent on men to hunt for them. Prehuman females evolved to be the sexiest of mammals as a result of bribing males with female sex for male protein.In today’s world, women still behave as prostitutes to men. There was a famous experiment done showing women two photos of the same handsome man. In one he is dressed in a MacDonald’s uniform, and in the other in an Armani suit, leaning on a Lamborghini sport’s car. The women had moisture detectors placed in their vaginas. The women moistened a lot more at the sight of the rich man than the poor man, even though it was evident to the women that it was the same man in both photos.I remember an incident in my own life that illustrates that women will vaginally wet at the sight of a rich, single man. I was at the Davos World Economic Forum in 1998 giving a talk on the rise of massively intelligent machines, and stood 3m away from Bill Gates. I could not have gotten any closer to him even if I had wanted to, because he was surrounded by 4 circles of females. Gates was the super stimulus, and he was surrounded by dripping vaginas.BUT, despite knowing that women evolved to be prostitutes to men, to bribe men with female sex to give them protein for themselves and their babies, I am still very angry at women who judge me largely by my EQ, my exploitability quotient. In one of my flyers, I expressed this anger in the form of a masculist slogan which was the title of the masculist flyer I wrote – “I’m more than a cash machine, you bitch!” If I sense that a woman is sizing me up, trying to assess how much I am worth in financial terms, and ignoring my other traits, especially those traits that are closest to my heart, i.e. intellectual traits, my self-image as a thinker, a sage, an intellectual, an ideas guy, then I feel abused, used, degraded. I am more than a cash machine you bitch!As a masculist, I expect women to be FIPs and EMOs (financially independent persons) who bothered to get a FIP education, which gave them the ability to earn good money, so that they were true FIPs and as women did not have to parasite off the money of a man. But a woman being a FIP is not enough. As a masculist I expect her also to have EMO values, i.e. that she expects, on moral grounds, to have “equal moral obligations” with men, i.e. feeling the moral obligation to pull her weight financially with men, expecting men to be given equal rights as women etc, e.g. she supports the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right, the male equivalent of the female Marer, aka abortion right. If the mother continues the pregnancy, then she gets full legal responsibility for the costs of the kid.)I know women evolved to be parasites on men, but that doesn’t soften my disgust and contempt for women’s looking at me as a man in terms of my EQ, my financial state, my willingness to give women gifts in exchange for sex. I reject all that and feel abused by being treated like a piece of meat by women.I had a similar feeling as a young man when I was conscripted by the Australian government to fight in the Vietnam War. I felt an utter hatred for that government at the time, and used to roam around the cemetery at night near my university college dreaming up plots to throw grenades into the meetings of the politicians. I was outraged, full of hatred, at being treated as a piece of meat, as cannon fodder, to force me to risk my life to further their ideologies.So I have bitter memories of being treated like a piece of meat, whether by conscripting vermin politicians or by fluffie vermin females. The two feelings are similar. So as a masculist I put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs-EMOs or they are punished. They will not get a man. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out fluffies, by ignoring them to death, i.e. so that they rot on the shelf, utterly ignored by men, so that they lead miserable lives, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and shunned by a society increasingly sympathetic to masculist/MGTOW ideas.So women are going to have a hard time in the coming decades as masculist/MGTOW ideas rise and rise. As men become collectively fed up with women seeing men as cash machines. Millions of men, like myself will express our contempt at being used by women, exploited by women, seen only as useful to women if we give them money. Such women I despise, and want nothing to do with. Such women are fluffies whom I see as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, forced to be FIP-EMO or they don’t get a man even to twaytwef with them. (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPS, where the man and the woman are both FIPs and have their own apartments. When the sexual relationship ends, they return to their two apartments, cost free to the man.)Women will be forced by masculists/MGTOWs to suppress their evolved prostitute natures, of judging men by men’s EQs (exploitability quotients). This will not be easy for women, because it is difficult to fight your own biology. If you are programmed genetically to vagina moisten at the sight of a rich single male, then women will have to make more effort to suppress this tendency, because if they don’t, they will pay a heavy price. They will be punished by men. A young woman who gets the reputation amongst her male acquaintances of being a fluffie, will be treated as though she has a capital F branded on her forehead, which will be the kiss of death for her in terms of ever getting a man. Her reputation of being a fluffie will condemn her to manlessness and a miserable rejected life.So to the women reading this, become FIPs. Adopt EMO attitudes, or suffer. We men have the power to force you to be FIP-EMOs. If you are not, we will have nothing to do with you. We won’t even sex you. You will become FIP-EMOs or you rot on the shelf to extinction. So pay heed, listen and learn.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Why MGTOWs Masculists Despise Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains why MGTOW/masculists have such a contempt for fluffie parasites, who exploit men as manslaves. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies by refusing to have anything to do with them, twaytweffing only with FIP women. Fluffies are doomed to die out through moral pressure from men.WHY MGTOWs/MASCULISTs DESPISE FLUFFIESBecause fluffies are exploitative parasites. They sit on their fat lazy bums in high school not studying the “hard option” of math and the sciences, so that they are excluded from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) at university, so end up with a “fluffie crap” diploma that the economy does not value, so these fluffier crappers end up with low salaries, in their 20s. For a decade, they sex lots of men, but time catches up with them. When they get into their 30s they realize that they are unable to earn enough money to be able to afford their own middle class house or apartment, so start looking around for some manslave that they parasite on, having him pay for the house that she can raise her kids in.The strategy of the fluffie is therefore essentially exploitative, parasitic. Fluffies are hated by MGTOWs/masculists for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. The main political goal of the masculists, is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out fluffies, by refusing to have anything to do with them. Once millions of men are MGTOWs/masculists, any woman who gets the reputation of being a fluffie is like being branded with a capital F on her forehead, which would mean the kiss of death for her in ever getting a man to pay for her.Masculists particularly, put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to become FIPs or be punished severely by men. A fluffie will be treated as scum, as morally corrupt and to be spat at, because they expect to be able to parasite off the labor of a man. This is exploitation on a massive scale, and fits well into the Marxist critique of capitalists exploiting the labor of workers, the proletariat. In the masculist idea, fluffies exploit the labor of men, expecting men to be manslaves for them.In the UK, I read of a recent report, that young British men are judging women by their level of FIPness, rather than by their female looks, which was the top criterion. This is a very healthy development, and I hope this attitude of men will spread and spread, so that fluffie feel enormous moral pressure to be FIPs, otherwise they will rot on the shelf, being utterly neglected by men, who see fluffie as vermin, to be wiped out.If you google the proportion of young women who study calculus at high school, it is only about 15% in the US. Interestingly, the proportion of men who study calculus is also about 15%. But, that means that 85% of young women are still fluffie crappers, studying fluffie crap at high school, and hence at college, because they are excluded by the universities from studying a STEM field, because they do not have the high school diplomas in calculus and the sciences. The fluffie crapper problem starts in the high schools, so politically minded MGTOWs/masculists need to focus their attention on the high school, to push young women to be FIP majors, studying calculus and the sciences, so that they will have any chance of getting any attention from a man.Even a woman who studies a FIP major at high school will at best be able to twaytwef with a man. (2A2F= 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) which both partners are FIPs and have their own apartment. They will not have kids, because the fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts and financially massacre about one married man in four in the US. Young men in the US and Japan are rejecting marriage, paternity and spend their money on themselves. In both countries, about 70% of young men under 35 are doing this. This is the large majority, so most women will not have a baby. The 85% of fluffie women at high school will not even be able to twaytwef. Men will not go near them. They might be sexed, but then quickly dumped, because fluffies are seen by men as hazardous, as immoral vermin.Masculists are VERY moralistic. They put enormous moral pressure on fluffies, shaming them to pull their financial weight, or be severely punished, by being neglected. The masculists want to wipe them out, their primary political goal.A decade from now, probably the proportion of young men under 35 who reject fluffies, who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, pursuing their own man oriented lifestyles will probably be over 90%, so fluffies will be in panic mode. They will wake up that they cannot expect to be able to parasite off the money and labor of a man. They will be forced to be FIPs or they rot on the shelf, and that is how things should be. Fluffies are hated by the masculists.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Dead Beat Moms (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lashes out at dead beat moms, i.e. fluffie women who do not bother to get a career competent education, and expect men to pay for them to have babies. Such dead beat moms are definitely the enemy of the masculists.DEAD BEAT MOMSAbstract : Dead beat moms are divorced mother fluffies who have been given sole custody of the kids. Dead beat moms expect their ex-husbands to help pay for those kids whom the dead beat moms see as theirs. Dead beat moms are one of the enemies of the masculists as this essay shows. I’m a great believer in the power of labels. Where would Marx be without his “capitalists” “proletariat” “surplus value” “alienation” “exploitation” etc. Labels put new concepts into people’s minds. The best ideologists know this and create new labels to sell their ideologies. A two or three syllable label that slips easily off the tongue has real sticking power in the memory and is easily used. It becomes a meme that is easily transmitted from one human brain to the next. I’ve been watching feminist, antifeminist, masculist, MGTOW etc videos lately, and kept hearing the term “dead beat dad” coming from fluffie feminists who were angry at their ex-husbands who resisted giving their ex-wives money to pay for the kids to whom she had been given sole custody. (Fluffies, for whom the term is new, are traditional women who expect to be kept financially by a man. The primary aim of the masculist movement is to wipe out fluffies, by forcing them to become FIPs (financially independent persons.) With fluffies removed from the scene, including fluffie feminist attitudes, life would be so much pleasanter for men.) As a masculist (I invented the term in the early 1970s) I expect a woman to be a FIP who has the career skills to be able to pay for the kids on her own if she is given sole custody of them. I disliked the term “dead beat dad” due to its traditional gender role assumption bias, namely where men were expected to pay for both the kids and the parasitic wife, the fluffie. When feminists started divorcing in large numbers, they still kept their traditional fluffie attitudes towards men’s traditional role, as payer for the kids. They were “fluffie feminists.” They had had their feminist consciousness raised but had not had their masculist consciousness raised due to ignorance. They had not heard of masculist ideas and had not felt any political pressure coming from the masculists. So I started thinking about a better label from the masculist perspective than “dead beat dad.” My first attempt was “resistant dad” but that seemed rather lame and still lay within the scope of the traditional gender role assumption bias. I wanted a label that pointed the accusatory finger at fluffie ex-wives who expected their ex-husbands to pay for “her” kids if she gets sole custody of them. I had an epiphany and the term “dead beat mom” was born. Masculists are pushing politically for new gender political laws that are much fairer to men, because under the current system where fluffie feminist judges rule the divorce courts and fluffie feminist politicians make the laws in women’s rights committees in parliaments, men are now getting so badly extorted and financially ruined, that a massive reaction in the form of MGTOWism is growing and growing. MGTOW (men going their own way) means that millions of men are simply refusing to marry and have kids because they don’t want to be financially screwed and denied equal custody of their kids by fluffie feminist dominated divorce court rulings. So, correspondingly, millions of women are facing a massive shortage of “good men” i.e. men who are prepared to marry and pay for kids. Masculists label such men contemptuously “robot” males, because their primary function is to work for females. In the past, that made a lot of sense, because there was no contraception, so families had lots of kids. The industrial revolution forced families to scale down to the nuclear family to be able to move to new jobs when previous employers went bankrupt. The mother raised the many kids, and the father earned the money. But in the 1960s one of the greatest social revolutions of all time occurred, namely the invention of the contraceptive pill which allowed women to control the number of births they wanted. Higher education for women, and household gadgets allowed women to have careers, so a flood of women entered the work force and the professions. This female careerism had a liberating effect on men. They could now afford to work less, so a new ideology for men grew up in the 1980s called masculism, which pushed women to have careers equally with men, and not parasite on them financially as was the case with the traditional gender roles. Since I was one of the principal theorists of the European masculist movement in that decade, I dreamt up a label for traditional women who continued to expect that men should pay for them. I labeled them “fluffies” based on the word “fluff” i.e. light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, and labeled the new careerist women who did pull their weight financially, FIPs (financially independent persons). As masculists we got onto the European media (British, German, French, Dutch, Belgian) and started haranguing the fluffies to become FIPs, with such slogans as “If you want to have a man, have a career!” “Fluffies can rot on the shelf!” “A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into a robot male, but as the supply of robot males dries up as more and more men are influenced by masculist ideas, and see their fluffie wives as parasites, then fluffies will be forced to become FIPs if they want to eat!” and to robot males we said “Rather a FIP than a fluffie!” “A fluffie wife will parasite on you before the divorce and after!” An important component of the masculist movement was the fathers’ rights movement. Divorced fathers were fighting mostly for joint custody of children after a divorce. Many fathers were strongly attached to their kids and were deeply hurt when fluffie feminist judges almost automatically gave custody to the mothers. Many countries did set up joint custody default laws, but from the point of view of the masculists, this did not resolve fully the problems men were having in the divorce courts. When a divorced couple has joint custody of the kids, the masculists agreed that both the father and the mother should pay roughly equally for the upkeep of the kids. Fathers who have regular interaction with their kids care for them and are willing to help pay for their upkeep. A problem arises when the mother wants sole custody of the kids and then demands that the father pay either entirely or partly for the kids’ upkeep. Research shows that when the mother gets sole custody of the kids, and the father then moves to another city, then after 5 years, 90% of those fathers have lost contact with their kids. That’s the reality. Masculists push very hard for women to become FIPs. If a woman is a fluffie, i.e. not career competent, incapable of earning good money because she did not invest in her education to the limit of her ability, then she is utterly eschewed by masculists. Masculists simply refuse to have relationships with fluffies, because when the divorce comes, which is pretty much a fifty fifty event in many countries, a man married to a fluffie will get destroyed financially by the divorce courts now largely controlled by fluffie feminist judges. In many advanced countries, fluffies have virtually died out. Women know that if they are fluffies, men will not look twice at them as marriage material, since men know that fluffies are very bad news in the divorce court. The fluffie feminist judges will often give sole custody of the kids to the mother and force the father to pay for both the kids and the parasitic wife. Naturally, the fathers resent this deeply and try to avoid paying. They will often reduce their earning power by working less, or moving to another state or country. Many divorced men end up in jail for not paying their fluffie ex-wives money for the kids whom the fathers rarely see. From the perspective of the fathers, they are throwing money into a black hole and get no benefit back from their efforts. They are the victims of “dead beat moms” who are fluffies, career incompetent, who look on men as cheque books whom fluffies can exploit. They are the type of women whom masculists spit on, and aim to wipe out. They are enslavers of men. In most cases now, in many countries, joint custody is the norm, even the legal default decision in the divorce courts, so fathers are usually quite willing to continue to help pay for the upkeep of the kids, since they do get a benefit back from their efforts, namely the love and companionship of their kids due to the joint (shared) custody. But, when a FIP mother insists on taking sole custody of the kids for whatever reason, and the judge gives the mother sole custody of the kids, then the father should NOT be legally obliged to help pay for the upkeep of the kids, since he gets no benefit from them. He is seen simply as a cheque book by the FIP ex-wife and the fluffie feminist divorce court judge. Traditionally, a father paid for the (many) kids AND a parasitic wife. A divorcing FIP mother who gets sole custody, has only the (one or two) kids and NO parasitic husband to pay for. Its much easier for her. So if she pushes for sole custody, for whatever reason, and gets it, then she pays all the costs of the kids. Such laws will make her think twice about the idea of pushing for sole custody, because she will then have the full burden of the cost of the kids. In the US, it costs about $200,000 to raise one kid. Studies show that kids who grow up in fatherless homes are much more likely to drop out of high school, be delinquents, become drug addicts, get arrested, and go to jail. So a FIP mother should keep this in mind when she’s thinking about pushing the judge for joint custody. It’s not good for her kids to deprive them of joint custody. The real problem however remains, the fluffie ex-wife who has not bothered to become sufficiently FIP to pay for both herself and her kids if she gets sole custody. Masculists put enormous pressure on women to be FIPs so that robot men do not get screwed by the divorce experience, which is often so bad for men, that their suicide rate skyrockets to about 100 times the usual male suicide rate (which happens to be 4 times the female rate.) Masculists are also pushing for new principles that are fair to men in the divorce courts. Fluffie feminist judges need to be replaced by feminist masculist judges and new divorce laws need to be made that balance men’s and women’s rights equally. The most effective method of the masculists to force fluffies to become FIPs is simply refusing to have relationships with them. Masculist men do not want to go through the financial horrors of the divorce courts biased against them by ignorant fluffie feminist judges. What we are now seeing is a mass exodus from marriage by men, who no longer tolerate the financial risks of divorce from fluffie wives. As a result, millions of women around the world are really suffering, because their deepest visceral needs of having a baby are not being met. Often they feel themselves obliged to become single parents, and raise the child alone, which then causes the child to suffer from being fatherless, especially with little boys who get no male model at home nor in female dominated primary schools. There are now millions of MGTOWs (men going their own way) who refuse to marry and have kids. Some avoid women altogether. Others look on women as vaginas and nothing else. They see getting married and having kids as stepping through a mine field, never knowing when they will step on a mine and have their financial lives blown up in the divorce courts that are ruled by fluffie feminist judges and feminist biased divorce laws. The solution to all this misery seems fairly simple, and is what the masculists are pushing for both ideologically in society at large, and specifically in the divorce courts and in the parliaments. It can be presented in a multistep plan. 1. Socialize all girls, in the home, and in the schools, to be FIPs, no more of this feminist garbage of “freedom of choice to be a housewife or a careerist.” That kind of feminist thinking is oblivious to the cost to some future robot husband. It is selfish on the part of feminists, who do not take into account the male side of the issue. A fluffie housewife can only be a fluffie housewife if some robot husband is prepared to be parasited upon. Such robot males are dying out fast, thank god. 2. Teach society the ideas of masculism, of men’s lib, so that everyone is just as well informed of men’s issues as women’s issues. 3. Change the divorce laws so that joint custody is the default decision, and if sole custody goes to the mother, she pays the total cost of the kids. In other words, remove the divorce mine field from men, so that they are not seen as cheque books by fluffie ex-wives and fluffie feminist divorce court judges and politicians. 4. Restore respect for men in society. Men are the superior sex as judged by virtually any scientific criterion one chooses to use. The genii are males because men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women. Men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men dominate in politics, in business, in finance, in the arts, in literature, etc. Men have much higher testosterone levels which makes them more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more single minded, more persistent, so they perform better, outperforming females in virtually all fields, so they should be respected. 5. Encourage both sexes to see each other as equally respect worthy, so that men become much more willing to have kids with women, who are now FIPs who are conscious of both men’s and women’s issues. Then millions of women will become a lot happier because they will be able to have husbands who love them and sex them, as well as have kids who are not fatherless. 6. Put enormous moral pressure on dead beat moms. Wipe them out. Ostracize them so that virtually all women feel the enormous moral pressure on them from all branches of society to be FIPs. “Fluffies don’t eat!” Fluffies are a burden to themselves, to society, and particularly to their stupid robot husbands who get dragged over the coals in fluffie feminist divorce courts. No wonder they are deserting marriage in their millions and choosing not to have children.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Fluffie Moms and Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses the contempt that masculists have towards fluffie moms, who expect to parasite off men’s money, sitting on their fat lazy arses at home with the kids that SHE wants.FLUFFIE MOMS and the MASCULISTSDear Sandman, I object to your use of "dead beat dads" for men who don't pay for their kids whom they lose after a divorce. This is an abusive term coined by feminists who expect men to "pay up." Masculists (men's libbers) focus attention instead on the "dead beat moms" or "fluffie moms" who expect to get sole custody of HER kids and use fluffie feminist legislation to force divorced fathers who lose joint custody in 90% of cases, to pay child support often against their will. (A fluffie is a masculist term for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a mans money e.g. as in Korea or Japan). Masculists see that many of men's problems stem from the existence of fluffies, so their primary goal is to wipe them out by refusing to have relationships with them, thus forcing them to become career competent FIPs (a masculist term for a Financially Independent Person) whom masculists want all women to be, otherwise they are parasiting on men. If women with kids insist on getting sole custody of the kids after a divorce, then the masculists insist that these fluffie mothers pay the full cost of the kids, otherwise custody of kids after a divorce should be joint, by default, as is the case in the US in some states. Those career incompetent fluffies who are unable to pay this full cost, are labeled "dead beat moms" or "fluffie moms" by masculists. In the past, robot husbands paid for the kids and a parasitic fluffie wife. A divorced mother today has only to pay for the kids, but no parasitic husband. It’s easier for her financially than for the traditional robot husband of the past. Masculists put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to become FIPs, otherwise they will not get a man. A woman who gets the reputation of being a fluffie in her social circle, gets the kiss of death in terms of her getting a man. No masculist or MGTOW will go near her. A fluffie will parasite on a man before the divorce and after. Fluffies are toxic, they are parasites, they are immoral, they are slavers of men, they are vermin, they are to be wiped out. Now that women can work (thanks to male invented contraceptive pills, household gadgets, higher education, etc) they must work. Anything else is parasitism on men. Since fluffies can only be fluffies by getting their financial claws into a robot male, it will be easy for masculists to wipe them out. (A robot male is a masculist term for a traditional male who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife, as in Korea and Japan (except for the young herbivore generation in Japan - a third of young Japanese men under 30 refuse the traditional male role of being a robot male slave (with a daily 14 hour work and commute time) to a fluffie jap wife.) Masculists push their ideology onto society and advise young men not to have relationships with fluffies ("Rather a FIP than a fluffie" "A fluffie will parasite on you before the divorce and after" "Fluffies can rot on the shelf" and push young women to be FIPs. "If you want to have a man, have a career" "Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists and will be wiped out by them" Masculists are political, unlike MGTOWs who are political pygmies, who simply opt out of the traditional robot male role. Masculists brow beat feminists with masculist rhetoric and educate the media and society with masculist ideas, so that men's issues are listened to equally with women's issues. Masculists raise masculist consciousness in society, and counter the fluffie feminist bias in the divorce courts, where men are being financially massacred in their millions by fluffie feminist divorce court judges and fluffie feminist divorce lawyers, who have had their feminist consciousness raised but not their masculist consciousness raised, so still have traditional fluffie expectations of men, namely seeing them as exploitable check books. Masculists need to get gender laws changed. The biggest legal discrimination against men is the lack of a legalized PARER, i.e. a paternity rejection right, equivalent to the legalized MARER (maternity rejection right, aka abortion). This is blatant sexual discrimination against men. Women can reject unwanted maternity, but men can’t reject unwanted paternity. When a woman gets pregnant and the father doesn't want the kid, he should have the right to reject payment for that kid, and the women should be FIP so that she can afford to support the kid on her own if she decides to complete the pregnancy. The lack of a PARER is one of the major reasons why masculists push so hard for women to be FIPs. When nearly all women are career competent FIPs, then the PARER will be legislated and the social expectation will be that women are NOT to parasitize on men. There are many other legal discriminations against men - retirement age differences, suicide rate differences, different punishment and conviction rates for identical crimes, conscription for men only, life expectancy differences etc. Masculism I see as a superset of MGTOWism. Masculism = MGTOWism + gender politics. I have mixed feelings about the MGTOWs. I applaud their rejection of fluffies, since fluffie rejection is a major plank of the masculist agenda, but I deplore the political wimpiness of MGTOWs when it comes to solidarity with their own sex. Masculists have a lot to do. Masculists change attitudes in society towards traditional male and female gender roles. Fluffies need to be wiped out. The divorce courts need to be purged of fluffie feminists, and gender laws need to be rewritten, so that they are "men fair." A lot of gender political work needs to be done but the MGTOWs are wimpy about such things, so I condemn them for that. But, the net result will be the same, with or without masculist political pressure, if MGTOWs can grow in large enough numbers. If so, then society, and politicians, will be forced to look at the discriminations against men, and the attitudes of fluffies, and then make changes, otherwise society dies out. Look at Japan, a third of young men under 30 refuse to be robot males and thus cause a third of fluffie young women to rot on the shelf. Japan will die out given the catastrophic birth rate decline. So its only a question of time before society seriously listens to men. So many men are being financially massacred in the divorce courts that marriage is seen as toxic, to be avoided by young men. (The divorce rate = 50%, joint custody goes only to 10% of couples with kids, divorced men are expected to pay alimony and child support to fluffie ex wives, who are not pressured by law or by social attitudes to become FIPs and stop parasiting on men). The masculist/MGTOW message to young men is out, "don't marry," "don't have kids," "marriage is toxic," "fuck women, but don't marry them, and certainly don't give them kids, that only you will end up paying for." Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ Grandfatherly Masculist Advice to 17yo Fluffie (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer talks to a 17 year old fluffie, warning her to study career competent majors at high school and college, else be punished by men, by not having one when she is older.GRANDFATHERLY MASCULIST ADVICE TO 17 YEAR OLD FLUFFIE The following dialog occurred between me (67) and a young woman half a century younger than me, who is obviously a fluffie. I hope you find it interesting and if you are a young woman, enlightening, if not a bit scary. WhiteAngel : You think you are safe from paying money to us if you just stay away from women? :D Then you don't understand why governments exist! Or who is the government. You will pay taxes for us! If you don't guess what? We send you into jail or we let you men kill each other like we women have done in the past. Kings, presidents, criminals and politicians and other powerful men are our drones. We will deal with MGTOWs fast. How about 3 world war? Human Scale : If mgtows don't have children, then they will die in 100 years anyway. The one who rocks the cradle wins. Without children, mgtow has no future. This is a fad that will die when they die, and all men who are mgtows today, will die within 80 years from today. So, while others are breeding and keeping society going for many years to come, mgtow will be dead. Problem solved. profhugodegaris Dear Humanscale, You are logically correct for the first generation of MGTOWs and masculists, but how about the subsequent generations!? The rise of masculist values, as they go as main stream as feminist values, will influence most young males, so that they too utterly refuse to be parasited upon by fluffies, resulting in nearly all women becoming career competent FIPs (financially independent persons). Then the sexes can get back together again and make babies. Today’s fluffie feminism is a historical anomaly, it will not last. The fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and gender politicians cannot financially massacre men in their millions for too long. It is inevitable that men will rise up and become collectively very angry, and god help women and the politicians when that happens. This is the decade of male rebellion. We masculists will force fluffies to become FIPs, we will purge the fluffie feminists from the divorce courts, we will vote out and destroy the reputations of male feminist and fluffie feminist politicians, and make males be respected again. Remember we males outperform females on virtually any criterion you choose. Women should respect us, because we can do things they cant do, like write symphonies, invent math, the computer, the transistor, we build the skyscrapers, we make the world run. If women want to be as respected as men, they will have to perform at male levels, pull their weight, and not parasite on men. Five years from now being labelled a fluffie will be the kiss of death to young women. They just wont get a man. Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ ---profhugodegaris :Not so dear WhiteAngel, I’m assuming you are a legit female, and that you are in your 20s. Your photo might be false. The first category of women that masculists refuse to have relationships with are the misandrist male dumping feminists like yourself, followed by the fluffies who parasite on men, whom the masculists are working towards to wipe out, by forcing them to rot on the shelf until they become FIPs (financially independent people) who feel morally obliged to be FIPs. In your case, if you are in your 20s, try to imagine your future as manless, loveless, sexless, and especially childless. You will be punished by the masculists and MGTOWs by them simply ignoring you. A decade from now you will be an avid antifeminist competing hard for the very few available robot males who still exist who are prepared to be parasited upon by fluffie parasites. Scared? So go fuck yourself, because men won’t, or they might, but that's all they'll do with you. You should FIPup or rot on the shelf, you fluffie vermin, to be wiped out. Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ ---WhiteAngel : I am 17. But Mr +Humanscale has absolute right. There is no danger in that. You MGTOWs can't reproduce. :D This is why there will be always men that will fall in love with us. This information relieves my mind very much. I feel sexy and cute again. ---profhugodegaris : Dear WhiteAngel, Jesus, you’re still a kid, half the age of my daughter, so some grandfatherly advice to you. Look at the CURRENT situation in Japan. A third of young men under 30 today refuse to have relationships with young women. Look up "herbivore men." The west is going the same way, so by the time you are in your thirties and your biological clock is ticking hard ("baby rabies") if you are not a FIP (financially independent person) who can afford to buy your own middle class house and have a kid as a single mother (which is horrible for the kid) then probably you will start looking around desperately for a robot male (a traditional male who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife - a fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to parasite on a man’s money) to parasite upon so that you can afford those things. BUT, with the exponential rise of MGTOWism and masculism, the supply of such robot males is drying up fast. Thus you will either be forced to be a FIP (by studying something that is career competent at university) or you will be competing in panic mode with many other fluffie women for the few robot males who can "save" you. Of those fluffie women, only those who are VERY nice to men will be chosen to be "saved." A decade from now you will be an antifeminist if you remain a fluffie in your mentality. So, at school, don't drop math, study something that will make masculists respect you, so that they know that you will not parasite on them, and that you have a strong sincere conviction that a fluffie is a parasite, immoral, a slaver of men and deserves to rot on the shelf - then some masculist might be interested in you as an equal partner. But if you don't become a true FIP, then you may be doomed to a lonely, miserable, poor, childless, manless, loveless half-life. I hope you are scared and convert yourself into a true FIP before it’s too late for you, and I hope you will persuade your fluffie friends that the male rebellion is growing and growing. The days of the fluffies are numbered. The primary masculist goal is to wipe them out and we can do that easily simply by refusing to have relationships with them. If fluffies want to eat, they will be forced to become FIPs. Pretty soon, for any woman who gets the reputation amongst her friends that she is a fluffie, that will be the kiss of death for her in terms of getting a man. Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ (see the masculism tab) 1.2/206 Asian Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer relates two of my own very negative experiences with Asian women, both of whom were fluffies in their expectations towards men.ASIAN FLUFFIES Dear Sandman, I lived 8 years in Japan in the 90s and have currently lived 9 years in China, so I think I know something about Asian women. The Asians (Japs and Chinese) are not a creative people. (I call Japs Japs as a way of punishing them for their murdering of 30 million Asians in the 30s and 40s when they went fascist and still today do not have guilt feelings about what they did.) The Japs score a full standard deviation and half lower on creativity tests than do comparable cultures, and Chinese culture is even worse, being intellectually sterile (zero science Nobel prizes, no world class intellectuals pushing original ideas on the world stage, the only country in the world that does not use an alphabet) due to its lack of freedom of speech, still living in a primitive one party dictatorship, when 90% of people in the world living outside China live in democracies – SO it’s not surprising that the Japs and the Chinese are decades behind the west when it comes to the level of development of gender role expectations. In short, these Asian women are still fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) who have the attitude that “the man who penises, pays.” I had two very negative experiences with Asian women regarding gender role expectations, one in Japan, the other in China. In Japan I had a Japanese girlfriend for 7 years which was the best relationship I ever had. She was the prettiest, the most fun, the most passionate and she was as smart (but not as educated) as I was. When I moved to the US, she came to see if she could live in the US and casually remarked to me that she could if I paid for her to do so. That pressed my masculist “fluffie button.” Once I was convinced she was dead serious, I exploded “Go back to Japan you fucking Jap fluffie parasite, go murder some Chinese!” and that was the end of that relationship. Some years later in China, I married (I would prefer to just live with a woman, but then I would never get long term resident status, a “green card”) a Chinese daughter of a general who was on the long march with Mao Zedong, who handled all my admin things that were in Chinese writing (a writing system that insults my intelligence since it is an ancient pre-alphabetic script of the kind that the rest of the world abandoned long ago, except for the ultraconservative Chinese, which reflects very negatively on their culture). After 4 years with her I had lost patience. This woman turned out to be a rather mindlessly middle class thief who read the Chinese equivalent of Readers Digest, and certainly did not work towards getting a PhD as she told me she would. Looking back, I think she was very happy to be hitched to a high status western male (PhDed full prof) who took her as a traveling companion to foreign countries, after she had been single and rather poor for over a dozen years. As my contempt grew towards her intellectual laziness and lack of ambition, the arguments mounted until we separated. I then started trying to collect my finances and discovered that this “chink fluffie thief” had put 4 years of my savings into shares in HER OWN NAME. I then got a lawyer to get a divorce and to get my money back, but the Chinese government favors its own citizens and her sister was a lawyer and a CCP (Chinese Communist Party) member, and thus also a daughter of a general who was on the long march with Mao Zedong, so I did not get my money back, so this chink fluffie thief is now set up for the rest of her life, not having to work, living off the labor of some western, (stupidly) trusting, sucker. No wonder I have a hatred of fluffie parasites and aim towards wiping them out as a masculist by pushing the idea that it is in the self-interest of masculists/MGTOWs to refuse to have relationships with fluffies. If fluffies want to have a man, they must become FIPs (financially independent persons), and have a career. My current Chinese wife is a true FIP, who is also a professor with her own apartment and car, whose self-image is of being a FIP. I learned my lesson, to avoid fluffies like the plague. A fluffie will parasite on you before the divorce and after. Fluffies must rot on the shelf. So, to you younger men reading this, don’t have relationships with fluffies, choose FIPs, they are much easier on your wallet. A FIP is much less likely to parasite on you the way a fluffie will, stealing from you and stripping you of half your assets after a divorce, taking your kids (with 90% probability), forcing you to pay alimony and child support in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system (in North America, etc) which is a major crime against men and needs to be politically purged (one of the many tasks of the masculist movement that is yet to be completed.) Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ (see the Masculist tab)1.2/233 Fluffies as Hatable Criminals (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains why masculists see fluffies as hatable criminals, as manslavers, as immoral parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out. There are a half billion Chinese women who are still fluffies, expecting their husbands to be manslaves. The world has a long way to go before men are freed from manslavery.FLUFFIES AS HATABLE CRIMINALSTo most people, male or female, who know nothing about masculism, describing the majority of women as hatable criminals, seems exaggerated, so this flyer aims to spell out just why masculists see fluffies as hatable and as criminals.I begin with a bit of a story. Each day, as part of my daily routine, I take several books to a local Burger King and eat an ice cream, while working, usually annotating my paper library, and then move on to a nearby tea exposition building, 6 stories tall, with tea rooms for the Chinese upper middle class, with appropriate ancient Chinese background music.I usually take the elevator to look at the newly opened tea rooms, to see their progress. In many of these tea rooms there will be no customers, only a solitary young woman employee, who avoids boredom by looking vapidly at her internet phone.I see daily this handful of young women, in their early twenties, with their dead-end, lowly paid, shit jobs. They look bored, dulled, ambitionless, with low IQ, and probably only a high school level education, certainly no university education. No female university graduate would accept such a low paid shit job.Sometimes I think to myself, trying to imagine the life of such women, and what their aspirations are. What do they hope their futures will be? These average Janes, have no career ambition. They have selected themselves for the shit jobs they have, and make no effort to get a better education, to improve their job and career prospects. They stare out into space, bored, fingering their cell phones, counting away the hours, until they can go home.If I could tap into their minds and ask them, “How do you see yourself in 10 years?” I guess most of them would answer, “Married, with a kid or two.”“Do you hope to have an apartment and a car when you are married?”“That would be nice. I hope my husband can afford these things.”“Why do you say that, rather than saying I hope I can afford these things?”Such a question would not occur to such a woman. She has been brain washed all her life that her boring life she lives in her early 20s is just treading water, waiting for some man, some prince, to rescue her from her boring existence, her poor, ambitionless existence, by giving her an apartment, a car, so that she can have two kids and profit from the lower middle class lifestyle that he provides her.At this stage, I think, “My god, China desperately needs masculism, so that men can be freed from man slavery, from the gender role expectations of Chinese fluffies, of which this woman is a classic example.”This woman is ambitionless, just waiting to have her two kids, and have the apartment she raises them in, paid for by the efforts of some man, who has been brainwashed all his young life, that that is his role in life, to be a manslave to a female, so that she can raise her two kids on his labor, his money.Admittedly, in China, a man is much better off than in western countries, because China has no organized feminism. Chinese divorce courts have not been taken over by hated western feminazis, but are run by CCP (Chinese Communist Party) laws, created mostly by men, since the large majority of the lawmaking CCP members are male.In China, if there is a divorce and the mother of the kids is a real fluffie with a low salary, much less than the divorcing husband’s then custody of the kids usually goes to the husband, because he has the money to pay for their upkeep.Also, if a Chinese man owned something before the marriage, he gets to keep it after the divorce, which is often not the case in western countries, so that western fluffies are given the right to steal their ex-husband’s possessions that he had before the marriage.Despite Chinese men having it better than western men in the divorce court, Chinese men are still manslaves to Chinese women. There is no masculist nor MGTOW movements in China, because there is no social movement of any kind in China. The brutally repressive Chinese government does not allow any private organization, because it fears such organizations, as threats to the CCP’s monopoly power.With no men’s movement in China, Chinese men who don’t have a VPN (virtual private network) to get round the CCP’s censorship of western internet sites, and don’t have a good understanding of verbal English, are locked into their provincial Chinese intellectual world, so are not open to the flood of ideas that are to be found on the western internet and hence are not influenced by them.As a result, these benighted, provincially minded Chinese men, remain stuck in their traditional gender roles as manslaves to fluffie females, working for them, paying for them, but at least they get to keep their kids, unlike in the west, where divorcing fathers have a one in four chance of losing their kids to their fluffie ex-wives.But, the Chinese man is still a manslave. He will marry a fluffie wife, who is ambitionless, poorly educated, because she expects to be taken care of by some man, who will be ambitious, and can give her an apartment and a car. That is the dream of hundreds of millions of young Chinese women. They almost demand it.There are many young women on Chinese TV who lay out their criteria for marriage with a “suitable” man. He must be hardworking, ambitious, with a salary that can afford him to buy an apartment, and a car, so that he can afford to keep a woman in his apartment so that she can have her two kids, paid for by him.There is usually no mention of what the man expects of her. In China, you don’t hear the man saying “She has to be a FIP, ambitious, so that she doesn’t parasite off my money. I expect her to pull her weight financially, so that if there is a divorce, we get joint custody of the kids, and that the divorce won’t cost me anything, because my ex-wife is a FIP, who has her own job and money.”The above situation in today’s China, where the women impose manslavery on men, with no corresponding conditions on women, reminds me of a similar injustice I experienced with my own parents.I am now 70 as I write this (2017) so when I was growing up in the Melbourne suburbs in the 50s and 60s, middle class women were housewives. My mother was a particularly ambitious, hypergamous woman, who was not particularly bright, unlike my much brighter father, whose family name “de Garis” was a big name in Australia, getting regularly in the media, due to the constant publicity generated by my great uncle “C.J. de Garis” a prominent businessman in his day. When he suicided in the depression, there were large headlines in the newspapers, “C.J. DEAD!” Everyone knew who C.J. was.My ambitious hypergamous mother, latched onto my father, largely due to his family name. It was a marriage made in hell. I remember being about 10-12 listening to my mother berate my father for not being ambitious enough, not driven enough. Her vicarious ambition was not satisfied by the achievement level at the time of my father.In later years, my father, rather a late developer (a trait I inherited too I think) did achieve a lot more, but by that stage, her inferior intelligence as compared with her husband, and two of the three kids she had, was a source of constant frustration and pressure on her.She became a very neurotic woman, and led a rather miserable life in her final decades, at great emotional cost to my father, who when she died rather young for a woman at 68, felt so burned by her, that he went fully MGTOW, and never had another girlfriend. He preferred his peace of mind, so never risked having another relationship with a female.When I was in my early 20s I remember thinking “Why didn’t my mother get off her parasitic arse and achieve her OWN ambitions, and have her own talents and limitations tested?”She was a total parasite off the money and labor of a man, yet berated him for not being ambitious enough, having many verbally violent fights that I as a 12 year old overheard frequently, an experience I found very stressful and sickening.The hypocrisy of her situation and values, left a bitter taste in my mouth, and had a strong influence on the creation of my own gender values – in particular, that women need to be FIPs or they get punished, by not getting a man.When I see these fluffie young Chinese women in the tea expo building, I have the same feelings of revulsion I had as a kid, nearly 60 years ago. Both my mother and these fluffie Chinese females are parasites in my view, expecting to profit from the labor and money of a man, and not bother to get off their own parasitic bums and pull their own financial weight.In my mother’s case, she used to say she would have liked to have been a lawyer. Given her inferior intelligence compared to my father, it would have been a sobering experience for her to discover the hard way that her abilities may not have been as strong as she imagined.The real world can knock the stuffing out of people’s grandiose pretensions. If my mother had been a careerist, she may have been a lot nicer to her husband, due to being more familiar with the hard knocks of the real commercial world. She would have been a more sobered, more reasonable, more agreeable person, instead of the insufferable bitch that she was, whom, her husband, I, and my younger sister all disrespected, both for her shitty personality and her hypergamous hypocritical stupidity.My mother was just one individual. China has hundreds of millions of women who expect to parasite off the money and labor of men, off manslaves. China needs to civilize. It needs to democratize, so that the ideas of the west can penetrate the minds of a billion Chinese, so that Chinese men can be liberated from manslavery.As a masculist, manslavery to me is slavery. Slavery rouses passions. Slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies, and fluffie feminists, aiming to wipe them out as hated immoral manslaving parasitic vermin. There is a massive task ahead in liberating Chinese men, in their half billion. Most Chinese women are still fluffies. They don’t feel the moral pressure to FIP up, and pull their weight financially. They don’t feel the fear of being rejected by men for not being FIPs, as is more and more the case in western countries.Chinese women live in the west’s past, most of them still have fluffie expectations of men, expecting them to be manslaves, to work for them, to pay for them to have their 2 kids. These chink fluffie bitches need to have a hot western masculist poker shoved up their arse, forcing them to FIP up or be punished, by rotting on the shelf, rejected by Chinese Masculist and MGTOW influenced men the same way western women are.Of course this won’t happen until China democratizes, so Chinese men will continue to be manslaved by Chinese fluffies for probably another decade until China finally has multiparty elections.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Fluffies Don’t Get to Vote (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer proposes that fluffies be denied the right to vote as punishment for being child-minded, and irresponsible. Only FIP, adult-minded, responsible women will be given the right to vote. It also discusses how such a scheme could be implemented in concrete terms.FLUFFIES DON’T GET TO VOTE?This flyer proposes that fluffies not be given the right to vote, that only responsible adults earn that right. Since fluffies are considered by masculists to be irresponsible child-women, who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, and hence have child minds, they are considered to be unfit to be citizens worthy of being given the right to vote.This flyer gives reasons why the above proposal is made, and then discusses how in concrete terms such a new voting law could be implemented, i.e. the concrete steps needed to make it happen.To start with, a bit of background. The hated feminazis, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, have become genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, because they have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males that two thirds of young men now in many countries refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They reject being manslaves to parasitic fluffies, preferring to go their own way as MGTOWs (men going their own way), and hence are directly wiping out whole populations, due to their rejection of paternity.But, these young MGTOWs are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts. The root cause of the “rejection of paternity problem” lies with the feminazis.Masculists despise fluffie feminists and spit at them for their hypocrisy and child-mindedness. These fluffie feminists want their cake and to eat it too, by wanting the best of both worlds for themselves, i.e. equal rights for women, and keeping men as their manslaves, working for women, so these fluffie feminazis can stay at home, living in a middle class house, raising HER kids, that he pays for. If there is a divorce, then her ex-husband, i.e. her manslave, will remain a manslave to her, by being forced to keep paying for her.He will lose his kids with 90% probability, he will lose half of his possessions, and his house that goes to his fluffie ex-wife, so that she can raise her kids in it. He will pay child support and often if his ex-wife is a real fluffie, then he may have to pay her alimony for life, with no moral or legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up, i.e. get a career competent education and get a job to become a responsible adult FIP.Masculists and MGTOWs are so hatefully angry at fluffie feminist hypocrisy that they are now talking seriously about taking way the right to vote from fluffies, punishing them for behaving as irresponsible, parasitic children, abusing men by destroying them in the divorce ?courts and having no qualms about doing so. Masculists have a hatred of fluffies for their amorality regarding their ex-husbands, and towards men in general, treating men as cash machines to be sexploited by fluffie parasites. Masculists have a hatred of such women.There is a limit to the patience and tolerance of men regarding this divorce massacring and ruining the lives of millions of men in western countries. In the limit, if this massive gender injustice does not stop, there will be a sex war. Feminazi bitches, especially the divorce court judges and lawyers, and especially the gender politicians, who set up these criminally unjust gender laws in the first place, will be murdered by masculists and men in general.Already, in the US, it is estimated that several hundred such divorce court judges and lawyers are murdered each year, by the men these courts financially massacre and whose lives they destroy. These divorce court judges and lawyers keep these statistics quiet, because they don’t want divorced men, who are close to suicide, switching their depression into murderous hatred and seeking their bitter revenge on the hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers.Responsible thought leaders of the masculists and MGTOWs are trying to avoid such a sex war that will see men murdering the prominent feminazis, for the sake of the liberation of men. Masculists see manslavery as slavery, an issue that rouses passions. Look at the American civil war that was essentially about the immorality of Negro slavery. It was an issue that roused passions.Things cannot continue as they are. Men cannot continue to be financially massacred and have their lives destroyed in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts. Things have to change or there will be war, a sex war, and thousands of women will be murdered, as men take back their rights, and restore some measure of common sense in the relations between the sexes.It is the inevitability of a sex war if things do not change, that has motivated the leading thinkers of the masculists and MGTOWs to devise ways to avoid a sex war that would kill thousands of prominent feminazis.One such proposal, contained in this flyer, is that only FIP women be given the right to vote, i.e. that the right to vote has to be earned, by proving oneself to be a responsible adult, having bothered to get a career competent education, so that an individual can be a FIP as an adult, and not parasite off the money of a man.Those women who think that they can parasite off the money of a man, i.e. fluffies, by definition, are considered by this proposal to be irresponsible child–women, and hence rejected as being eligible to vote, as being too irresponsible, too child-like.How would this work in practice? How could women be judged to be fluffies or FIPs, especially given that women’s abilities, their IQs, their levels of ambition, etc., vary widely, following the usual bell curve in terms of performance distribution.The problem boils down to how to define a fluffie legally, so that the right to vote can be denied her. Selecting criteria for such a judgement, will be a topic for debate, a topic that the MGTOWs and masculists need to devote some considerable energy and effort to, to come up with a workable and effective approach.Here are some early attempts at such criteria.The core idea is to deny fluffies the right to vote. Fluffies are seen by masculists and MGTOWs as parasites, so the first target, i.e. the first category of women to be denied the vote, should be obvious parasites, e.g. welfare mothers, who rely on the government to get money, instead of working for it themselves.Another category of women would be those who don’t have job experience before having a kid. The masculists push the slogan on women that they are to be FIPs and mothers, if society is not to wipe itself out. The slogan is “FIP up and mother up!” The model that masculists see for women, is that they get their career competent education at high school, similarly at college, and then work for a few years to pick up career experience.Then they drop out of the workforce for a few years, say 7, to raise their two kids, getting pregnant at age of about 25, not much later, because later, their fertility drops off, and they will not be fertile for long enough to have two kids, thus having a negative effect on the birth rate of the culture they live in.Women who don’t bother to get a career competent education do not deserve to be given the right to vote, so at high school and college, two categories of academic subjects could be made, the voters list, and the nonvoters list. Topics in the nonvoters list, would be those considered by the economy to be of low value, e.g. at high school – foreign languages, English literature, history, etc. and in the voters list – math, physics, chemistry, computer science, economics, etc.If a young woman studies only subjects in the nonvoters list, then at 18 she is not given the right to vote.A similar story could occur at college as well. It is possible that a young woman, might be made eligible to vote at 18, at high school, but then goes on to study fluffie crap at college, where the nonvoters list would include subjects such as – English literature, foreign languages, women’s studies, psychology, philosophy, history, anthropology, fine arts, etc. The voters list would include such topics as – math, physics, chemistry, geology, computer science, economics, engineering, law, medicine, dentistry, architecture, etc.If a young woman, studies only topics from the nonvoters list, then she is stripped of her right to vote, because she is highly likely to become another hated fluffie parasite on men.This raises the question, “Should young men be subject to the same treatment?” This is a topic for debate. If the answer is yes, then disgruntled men may join forces with disgruntled women to pressure the gender politicians, so it is probably not a good idea to subject men to the same treatment.The whole point of this forcing women to be FIPs in order to be able to vote, is to cause the percentage of women in society who are FIPs to rise, so that such women will be a lot more adult in their attitudes towards men, and not parasite off them.As women are socially and morally pressured to FIP up, the percentage of voters, both men and women, who want to see the gender laws menfaired, will go over 60%, thus forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.The ultimate aim of this scheme to give only FIP women the right to vote, is to cause the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, by increasing the percentage of women who are responsible adults, i.e. FIPs, who take responsibility for their own lives and do not parasite off the money of a man.With fluffie women removed from the voter population, the proportion of voting women who are FIPs, and hence more adult in their attitudes towards men, will increase, thus increasing the likelihood that over 60% of the total male and female voters vote for the menfairing of the gender laws.The above suggestions on my part, on which categories of women are not to be given the right to vote, are given to launch the debate on the criteria for defining a fluffie. This debate will obviously continue, both in the masculist and MGTOW communities, and also within myself, as I give the issue more thought.Now, let’s turn to the mechanics of implementation of this proposal, to deny fluffies the right to vote. How could it be implemented, given that all women have the right to vote today, including fluffies, so the fluffies ?would not accept being denied the vote, and would vote against any such “no fluffie vote” scheme. So how to get the scheme off the ground?By using MGTOW tactics of depriving women of men and babies. This tactic is a masculist political strategy, using MGTOW techniques as a political tool of the masculists. MGTOW is a component, a subset, of masculism, as is also what the MRM (men’s rights movement) guys are trying to do, i.e. fight for men’s right, but the MRMs have been hopelessly unsuccessful, due to using inappropriate tactics.Today in many countries, two thirds of young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids. So young women are waking up that they will not have babies, and that is making them crazy, because having babies is a woman’s dominant raison d’etre.Masculists need to get on the broadcast media and really push the idea that if women don’t FIP up by getting a career competent education and become FIPs as adults, then they won’t get a man, nor a baby. Sure, a woman can pick up some trash male at a local pub and have a one night stand with him, but since women are hypergamous, most women will not do this because their hypergamy will preclude them from having a trash kid, who will have half the DNA of the trash father.So, since women value having a kid, more than they value the privileges of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, they will eventually vote with men to menfair the divorce laws, and to deny fluffies the right to vote, so as to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that men can be persuaded to be fathers again, otherwise our populations get wiped out, which is the bigger picture, that everyone needs to keep in mind.All these strategies of the masculists are ultimately about stopping whole populations from being wiped out, as the hated fluffie feminazi bitches are now doing, not caring about the longer term, being child-like in their immediate gratification and not seeing the big picture, so typical of child-minded females, with their 10% smaller brains, not taking a broader view of the population crash problem, that they, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, have caused, and hence need to be punished, which is what the “no votes for fluffies” campaign is all about.Once women really start screaming that they can’t have babies, they will come around to accepting the masculist message that women must vote with men to menfair the gender laws. Women will do this eventually, because if they don’t, they will all go into a collective psychosis, a collective madness, as millions of women are denied having babies. This collective female madness will push them to accepting masculist terms.We men have the financial power to force women to accept these terms, since nearly all men are FIPs and can survive financially on our own, whereas fluffies need a manslave to parasite off to be able to survive financially.Thus if men choose, in their large majority, which is already the case, to go MGTOW, then women can do nothing about it. Women will be forced to accept men’s terms, and will then FIP up and agree to deny fluffies the vote. Women cannot fight their strongest instinct, i.e. to have babies. If they do, then they will be like the millions of careerist women who left it too late to get pregnant, due to concentrating on their careers, and became infertile in their mid-30s, when they felt the time had come for them to be mothers, but they couldn’t. It was too late for them, so they became depressed and utterly miserable, millions of them.All these masculist schemes depend on women and society in general being aware of them, so the masculists have a hefty education task ahead of them, to educate women that they are to FIP up and baby up (i.e. have their 2 kids in their 20s, while their biological click is not ticking too hard), so that the population does not get wiped ernments and society will put strong moral pressure on women to FIP up and to mother up, as their civic duty. Masculists will put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, otherwise these women will just not get a man, not even be pumped and dumped. That is masculist policy, to punish fluffies for being the immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin that they are.To be able to educate society and women into what the masculists want, the masculists first need to break the broadcast media barrier. The feminazis have largely taken over the media, so that task will be more difficult for the masculists, but there are still male journalists, who can be persuaded to take up the masculist story, if not, then whole populations get wiped out, so it is only a question of time before everyone becomes conscious that the total population is falling, so measures have to be taken to stop it.Once public consciousness of the population collapse problem is strong enough, the masculists will be strongly listened to and their schemes implemented, otherwise we wipe ourselves out, so the motivation to solve the problem will be very strong.Thus the masculists have time on our side. We have to win eventually. The feminazis will need to be smashed, the fluffies will need to rot on the shelf to extinction, and be denied the vote, so that the gender politicians menfair the gender laws, so that men can be liberated and be willing to be fathers again, without paying the evil price inflicted on them by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Masculist Critiques of Feminazis1.3/20 The Sex War (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows that a sex war is going on, when a third of married women are financially massacring their husbands. After the gender laws are made menfair, relations between the sexes will remain permanently soured as men realistically adopt new lifestyles to accommodate women’s parasitic nature.THE SEX WARA?third?of US married women will financially massacre their husbands.(Half of marriages end in divorce, 70% of divorces are started by wives, who in the current fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, know they can divorce their husbands, and get custody of the kids, the house, child payments, and alimony, so nearly all of them go for it. 0.5*0.7 = 0.35, i.e. roughly a third.)If a foreign power destroyed the lives of a third of US married men, the US government would nuke it and vaporize it in an explosion of rage and hatred. This figure of a third, makes it abundantly clear that there is currently a SEX WAR going on. Men are now at war against women, and against the gender politicians.This figure shows clearly, that men are merely disposable?check books to women. They have?no real loyalty to men as people. When a third of married women abuse their ex husbands so badly, and even have divorce parties to celebrate their sadistic triumph over a fellow human being, then it is not surprising that men in their tens of millions in western countries are LEARNING TO HATE WOMEN. The more thinking kind of men, also have a real hatred for the male feminist gender politicians who changed the divorce laws in the 70s that allowed these fluffie sadists to massacre their husbands.This situation cannot continue of course, because so many young men have rejected marriage and fatherhood as TOXIC, that the population is seriously starting to crash. With two thirds of the young generation (under 35) refusing to reproduce themselves, then, when one does the math, the US population will BE WIPED OUT IN A MERE CENTURY. A century is four generations, and a third of a third of a third of a third is about 1%, so a century from now, if the current SEX WAR continues, there will be no more Americans to wage that war, they will all have died off and not be replacedThe issue now is how to end the sex war. Men’s awareness of the toxicity of marriage will soon run to saturation, in a mere few years. The media will pick up on the population crash soon, since it is the dominant issue of our era. The tide will turn, but I see permanent damage being done to our culture and relations between the sexes.The current SEX WAR is teaching men that women are basically parasites. Women evolved that way. It is in women’s DNA to judge a man by the extent to which that man is exploitable by her. If she becomes convinced that a particular man is not going to give her any stuff, then she will not mate with him. She wants a man who will give her protein or money, so that she can raise her kids with greater probability that she and her kids will survive. Evolution selected these female behaviours over millions of years.The sex war has made men a lot more conscious that women are hypergamous and are basically selfish in nature. The level of suspicion that men show women will be permanently higher I’m predicting, even after the gender laws have been made menfair.I see millions of men opting for the twaytweffing lifestyle, because it has many superiorities compared to the traditional one McMansion, husband, wife and the kids model. Twaytweffing allows the man to keep control over his own life. With the suspicion level between the sexes at a permanent new high, men will expect women to be FIPs, or be rejected, to be civil or be rejected, to be generous and sexy or be rejected.As the birth rate crashes, and the population?along with it, governments cannot force men to have relationships with women, especially after the enormous damage done by the sex war. Women will have?to make a much greater effort than in the past to persuade men to have children with them. Obviously, the divorce laws will have to be made men fair, the hostility towards men in the media will have to go, the PARER (paternity rejection right) will have to be made law, women will be powerfully morally pressured to be FIPs, or they won’t have a hope in Hades of getting a man.The myth of romantic love will be swept away, replaced by a more scientifically based realistic expectation and knowledge of women’s nature, and men will react accordingly.They will adopt lifestyles that reflect the basic genetically determined parasitic attitude of women towards men. Specifically, many men will twaytwef as their preferred lifestyle. It costs them nothing. They can walk away any time thus forcing women to be nice to them, or they get dumped, and dumped easily.It may take a decade or more for society and particularly the gender politicians to wake up to the fact that a SEX WAR is going on. In the meantime, before the gender laws are made menfair, hundreds of millions of western males will twaytwef to avoid being financially massacred and to force women to be nice to them or they get dumped, at no cost to the male.A decade from now, those women who financially massacred? their ex-husbands will be labelled “divorce sadists” and will be punished by being avoided by men, like the plague. They will rot on the shelf, lonely, manless, sexless, and shunned by a society increasingly conscious that men have been horribly wronged, and that they, the divorce sadists, were largely the cause, and are now being punished for their moral and financial crimes.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ = 2A2Fing = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs (financially independent persons) i.e. the man and woman have a regular sexual relationship, both are FIPS, both have apartments. When the relationship fails, they return to their own apartments, cost free. The constant threat that the man will just walk out, keeps the woman being nice to the man (and vice versa).1.3/48 Smashing Feminist Arrogance (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lashes out at third wave feminism that it gynocentric, arrogant, treating men as exploitable vermin. It shows how such feminists can be wiped out with a combination of science education to discredit them, and real male verbal violence based on masculist/MGTOW ideas.SMASHING FEMINIST ARROGANCEI’m angry. I’m very angry at 3rd wave feminists. They are indirectly wiping out the population, having made the divorce courts toxic for ex-husbands, so that young men see the carnage and refuse to marry and have kids, thus wiping out the population in a mere century. This obviously has to stop, so how!?Feminism is a belief system, rather like religion. It has energized women, the way Mohammad energized the Arabs when he gave the Arabs their own monotheism, and made the Arabs equal in the eyes of the Jews and Christians who previously looked down on Arabs as primitive polytheists. The Arabs exulted in their new status and went on to conquer the Middle East, North Africa and even Spain.Second wave feminism I have no problem with. The humanist liberal in me agrees with the demands of second wave feminism, e.g. equal pay for equal work, the maternity rejection right (aka abortion right), equal opportunities for employment for women etc.Its third wave feminism that I am so angry against, because it is about gynocentrism, putting women in first place at the expense of men, treating men like exploitable vermin, based on a set of 3rd wave feminist beliefs, that are so obviously, in my eyes, just PC isscienate fairy bullshit.Third wave feminists are mostly peakers (people of average ability who lie in the peak of the ability (e.g. IQ) Bell curve). Second wave feminism was more sage, more intellectual, because it was relatively new, and pioneered by sages. It was more reasonable and most men went along with it, giving women new laws that were in their favor.Third wave feminism is much dumber, because it is a set of beliefs that appeals to the mass of women, the peaker women, and most of these ideas are just female ego supporting fantasies, that don’t stand up to scientific scrutiny and fact checking.Young peaker women are now arrogant. They think they are the superior sex, who can get men to work for them, and then a decade later divorce them, taking their kids, their houses, their salaries and force men?to pay alimony to keep these fluffies in idle unemployment.Masculism is an? ideology that needs to be far more wide spread than it is, which is why I’m helping with these flyers, hoping to reach a wide audience.Third wave feminism needs to be destroyed, before it wipes out the population, so how do you destroy a belief system that is so popular with women, a quasi religion that teaches women that they are powerful, that they can control men, that they can make men their manslaves and take men’s money?Historically, belief systems have been destroyed by superior belief systems. Belief systems can be very powerful. When someone challenges you on your core beliefs, it is very disturbing, it causes cognitive dissonance.?Look at the passions involved in the?Thirty?Years War in the 1600s in Germany that wiped out a third of the German population over the issue of which of the two religions “Protestantism” or “Catholicism” was “true.”My “religion” is science, the most powerful knowledge generating belief?system that men have ever invented. Modern science has given humanity modern technology that benefits everyone’s lives, especially their length and in modern health. As a passionate scientist I strongly dislike PC bullshit, so when I’m confronted by it, I speak up and use my considerable intellectual and scientific weight (as a PhDed full professor with a life time of scientific learning) to utterly discredit my PC opponent morons. I actively try to smash them intellectually, to destroy them, so they end up crawling away feeling utterly crushed. I hate PC for its isscienate intellectual dishonesty.When some black tells me that blacks are as smart as whites, I see red. I smash them by telling them that the pygmies are the dumbest people in the world (in terms of IQ test scores) at 55, then the Australian aborigines at 60,?then a billion black Africans at 70 whose scores have remained largely static over many decades. So, blacks are actually the dumbest people in the world.When women tell me women are just as capable of men, I see red. I tell them men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, and have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes and dominate the performance record across the board. I tell them clearly that women are the inferior sex and I say it with real male verbal force.I think the same has to be done to third wave feminism. It needs to be smashed, and replaced by a superior (i.e. more credible, more believable belief system.) Look at witchcraft in the 1600s. It was widespread, and many single old women got burned at the stake as a result, or look at negro slavery. Both belief systems, both customs, were in time discredited by other belief systems. The rise of science in the Enlightenment in the 1600s and 1700s killed off witchcraft, and later negro slavery, although the US was very slow to throw off its negro slaves.In the 21st century, we still have a system of man slavery, with a feminist belief system that women are superior, and deserve the power women have currently to control and exploit men. It is these beliefs that need to be smashed.This can be done with a two prong attack, using science and verbal violence by men. The third wave feminist beliefs themselves can be easily dismissed by male scientists standing up whenever feminist PC bullshit arises, and smashing it down with scientific evidence, utterly discrediting it.?However, the second prong is probably more effective with PC oriented isscienate females who don’t listen to rational scientific arguments. They are more swayed by male feelings.Men need to be armed with masculist/MGTOW rhetoric and beliefs so that they can express their real anger at these women, blowing them away. “You feminazi bitches are wiping out the population, by having made the divorce courts toxic for men. Get off your fat lazy immoral parasitic bums and become FIPs, otherwise we men will continue to piss on you, you fluffie parasite vermin. Go fuck yourselves, because no men will. You are hated by the masculists, and deservedly so. You need to be wiped out, and that is precisely what we are doing to you. We refuse to have relationships with you. You continue to rot on the shelf to extinction. The surviving women are FIPs, who expect to pull their financial weight and have a moral conscience, unlike you feminazi bitches, whom the world despises. Next time you sit in front of a mirror contemplating your lonely miserable life and thinking of ending it, we suggest you actually go through with it, so that we men will have one less feminazi bitch to have to put up with. We hate feminazis who enslave men, who think they are superior to men, when all the scientific evidence says the opposite. The genii are males. Men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men invent everything. Women are parasites on men, and you feminazi bitches are the worst of the female parasites. You have taken over the divorce courts and made men’s lives a misery. You have to go.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Feminist Globaciders (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lashes out at the third wave feminist globaciders who are wiping out the world population by having made the divorce courts toxic? to men who subsequently boycott marriage and fatherhood, crashing the world population.FEMINIST GLOBACIDERSIt’s a tossup for me whether I have a greater hatred for the Jewish central banksters, whom I consider to be the greatest criminals against humanity in history, or the (third wave) feminist globaciders. Both are monsters, but the former are more consciously evil, the latter more unconsciously, childishly evil, but both are wiping out the planet.Third wave feminists are not the same category of women that I was debating in the early 80s on the national media in half a dozen European countries. These second wave feminists I largely agreed with, because they were reasonable and made reasonable demands, e.g. equal pay for women, equal opportunities for access to the professions for women, a Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right) etc. The liberal in me, despite being a male, agreed with these things.The third wave feminists on the other hand are a completely different kettle of fish. For a start, they are a lot dumber, because they are peakers (people of average ability, lying in the peak of the Bell curve) and not the sage feminist (often with PhDs) leaders I was debating with. Peakers are far less intelligent and knowledgeable than sages (intellectuals) and are differently motivated.Third wave feminists are basically gynocentrists. They want laws and customs that benefit women. They don’t have the broad vision to see that their feminist demands are detrimental to men, and in time will (and have already) cause a massive backlash by men.The worst thing that these third wave feminist peakers have done is to push the gender politicians to make the divorce courts toxic to men, forcing men to lose custody of their kids, losing their house, paying child support and alimony to their fluffie ex-wives. In the US, roughly one married man in four will be financially massacred by a divorce, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts towards males. As a result of this wide spread massive injustice, 70% of young men in the US, under 35, refuse to marry and have kids, because they refuse to be financially massacred by some fluffie parasite and have his life ruined.So thanks to the short sighted selfishness of the third wave feminists, the fluffie feminists (who have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness raised) the population is being wiped out. As fluffie feminism spreads to more and more countries, the same phenomenon is occurring in those countries as well, so that there is a real threat that the population of THE WHOLE WORLD may get wiped out, i.e. globacide, making these third wave fluffie feminists “feminist globaciders” i.e. massively criminally irresponsible.These fluffie feminists have the horizons of mice. They don’t seem to care about the longer term, broader consequences of their actions. They seem poorly informed about the “man strike,” that young men are boycotting marriage and fatherhood because of the toxicity of the divorce courts.I’ve always been struck by the small mindedness of women. Even my own (Chinese) wife who is supposedly a sage (intellectual) because she is a professor, cares more about prices in the supermarket than the state of the world. Women’s horizons are so much narrower than men’s. Men dominate the sage discussions on global politics, looking at the bigger picture. Women are more focused on themselves, their kids, cooking, food, clothes, shoes, etc. If you want proof of this, just have a look at women’s magazines. For a male sage, the narrowness of interests of the female readers who actually enjoy such trivia, is appalling.So, if women are incapable of seeing the bigger picture, i.e. that the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts is causing a crash of the world population, then men will have to take control and block this feminist globacidal trend.MGTOWs and masculists (particularly the masculists, because they are far more politically minded than the passive MGTOWs) will have to raise the alarm, to the world’s politicians and tell them that fluffie feminist policies are causing globacide. Masculists and MGTOWs need to express their hatred of fluffie feminists in a far more widespread and open manner, making it clear to these fluffie feminist globaciders how hated they are, how massively criminally irresponsible and childish they are.To get this message out, to make society, women, and fluffie feminists conscious of this globacide, it is useful to have a label that can be used when pointing the accusative finger at fluffie feminists. I chose the label “feminist globaciders.” When men are expressing their anger and hatred against fluffie feminists, they can hurl the term “globaciding feminists” at them. This will shock the feminists. They are so used to dominating the gender debate (i.e. the discussion of gender roles) that they will be blown away when really angry hateful masculists hurl verbal venom at them, claiming they are wiping out the world population, which indirectly, due to their criminally irresponsible small minded selfishness, is true. They have to be stopped.So, I suggest a strategy for the masculists (and the few politically minded MGTOWs) that they use this label of “feminist globaciders” to hurl at the fluffie feminists and at society, the? journalists, the gender politicians, etc ?to wake them up that the world population will be wiped out unless the gender laws are made men fair (re divorce, re the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.). The current man strike of young men refusing to marry and be fathers cannot continue, otherwise humanity will cease to exist. What is more important to human beings than the survival of human beings?!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Feminism as a Quasi-Religion (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that third wave feminism (3wf) has many characteristics in common with religion, so sage masculists/MGTOWs need to discredit them so that men can be liberated from the consequences of 3wf isscienate fairydom that harms men’s lives, e.g. the divorce courts.FEMINISM AS A QUASI-RELIGIONIn the 70s I was an avid male feminist, buying lots of feminist books to learn about gender roles (called sex roles in those days.) In today’s world,?4 decades later, that brand of feminism would be called 2nd wave feminism, in which women were pushing for removal of obstacles that John Stuart Mill’s lover and later wife (Mrs. Taylor) was complaining about. Western women in the 1800s were treated as children, as cattle, as possessions without rights, without property, etc. They were mere adjuncts to men.That side of 2nd wave feminism, I get (i.e. I understand their view point.) My beef (i.e. complaint — (tangent comment starting — I’ve lived in 7 countries, so I’m very conscious of the fact that most of the people reading these comments are non-native English speakers, for whom English language idioms can often be mystifying) is with 3rd wave feminism that strikes me as having many similarities with religion, so I’ll devote this comment to those similarities.Firstly, so much of 3rd wave feminism is just plain dumb. Its more about making women, ordinary women, feel good. 3rd wave feminism teaches women that they are powerful, that they can do whatever they want, that they can be anyone they want. This 3rd wave feminist message is powerfully ego boosting to young ordinary women, so not surprisingly they lap it up (i.e. like a kitten with milk). But what 3rd wave feminism tells women is to a large extent, just isscienate fairy PC bullshit. 3wf doesn’t teach women the reality, that men outperform women on virtually anything at the top end of the performance scale, e.g. men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, and a 3-4 IQ point higher average IQ than women, that men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes etc.So a lot of 3wf is just ego boosting garbage, that makes no sense when examined scientifically, i.e. checking its claims against empirical reality.Religion is like this too. Many religions promise life after death. What a wonderfully comforting delusion. Religions make you feel good, because you’re told that there is some big daddy guy in the sky who LOVES you. Isn’t that great ! Nobody else may love you on this earth, but no matter, Grod loves you. Glod loves you. Gwod loves you. Humanity has invented over 100,000 different Grods over the millennia, say the cultural anthropologists.3wf preaches that men are to blame for all women’s problems, so that middle browed feminists don’t have to face up to the difficult task of overcoming THEIR OWN limitations that cause their own problems. This is similar in nature to the Roman Catholic confession. You go to a priest, and his Gwod will “forgive” your sins, i.e. your guilt feelings, so that you can continue your bad behavior for a week until the next confession session. Both 3wf and RC remove responsibility from their believers. 3wfs and RCs are not expected to solve their own problems. Their beliefs do that for them, so they are nice to have. They permit one to be existentially irresponsible, and lazy.3wf is simplistic, aimed at simple, peaker minds. (Peakers are people of average ability, who lie in the peak of the Bell curve.) As 2nd wave feminism (2wf) spread from the sages (intellectuals) of the late 60s to the female masses of today, of course its main ideas got simplified so that simple minds could grasp them. 3wf tells women, “You are powerful, you are great, you are drooled over by men, you are superior to men now, you can be anything you want. You can blame your problems on men. You are not responsible. You can live off men’s labor. Let the men do the work for you. You have a vagina that they crave, so use it girl! Go for it! Go girl!”There is a bit of truth in this of course, otherwise even peaker females would sense the bullshit, but there is a lot of bullshit as well.SO, sage masculists need to prick this 3wf isscienate (= ignorant of science) fairy (= living in a fairyland, believing without evidence) PC bullshit bubble. 3wf needs to be discredited the way religion was, by a sustained attack by sage masculists, who ridicule it to death.This task will be harder?in the US than in Europe, because Europe has government media which broadcasts programs aimed at?all 3 major IQ groups, the subs, the peakers and the supes, whereas the US?broadcast media aims only at the peakers, so the sages don’t get the opportunity to say sage things on the broadcast media in the US. The result is that Americans are not brow beaten and slapped down for their mindless middle class beliefs the way European peakers are. In Europe, peakers are actually afraid of sage intellectual attacks.?These peakers do not want to have their egos smashed by sages far smarter and knowledgeable than they are. In the US, this slapping down?barely exists, so it is not surprising that two thirds of Americans are still religious, and 40% of them think the earth is less than 10,000 years old.With such American middle class mindlessness and lack of a strong sage based slapping down of peakery, it will take more of an effort for American?sages to slap down 3wf isscienate fairy PC bullshit, but the task has to be done, otherwise American men continue to be the victims of American 3wf bullshit and legal abuse. Look at the damage 3wf has done to men in the American divorce courts.To remove the fluffie feminist dominance of the divorce courts, belief in 3wf needs to be destroyed, the way belief in negro slavery, or witchcraft was destroyed.?The isscienate aspects of 3wf needs to be utterly discredited, and that is the task of the sage masculists/MGTOWs. Women?need to be made conscious?that a lot of 3wf is like religion, i.e. it is fantasy,?and not based on reality. 3wf tells women what women want to hear. It doesn’t tell them the truth. 3wf is a sop to the egos of women, not a blast of reality to women’s brains.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Feminazis Have Become Genociders : They Have to be Stopped (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr?: The fluffie feminazis have taken over the divorce courts and imposed their hypocritical fluffie feminist standards onto them, treating men as cash machines, who are the enemy to be abused. With one married father in four being financially massacred in these courts today, 2/3 of young men in the major countries refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They are MGTOWs. Thus indirectly, the fluffie feminazi bitches have become genociders because they are causing young men to reject paternity, thus wiping out whole populations.? This flyer pushes men to express their hatred of the fluffie feminazi genocide of whole populations. These feminazis have to be stopped!THE FEMINAZIS HAVE TO BE STOPPED!THEY’RE NOW GENOCIDERS!MGTOWs and masculists need to be verbally aggressive and vitriolic against the feminazis, because the feminazis have now indirectly become genociders, wiping out whole populations.The fluffie feminists, in all their hypocrisy, have taken over the divorce courts and imposed their fluffie feminist standards on them. As fluffie feminists, they are hypocrites, because on the one hand they want equal rights for women, but hypocritically, reject equal obligations for women, namely, the moral obligation of sharing out the burden of earning the living, and getting a career competent (non fluffie crap) education, that allows women to be FIPs (financially independent persons).Three quarters of young women at 16 in high school, decide to become fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) by deciding to study fluffie crap, i.e. the “soft option”, the intellectually lazy, intellectually easy, memory based, non analytical subjects like English literature, languages, history, etc instead of career competent majors like math and the sciences.Most feminists are still fluffies, with traditional fluffie attitudes towards men, i.e. seeing men as exploitable cash machines. When the fluffie feminists took over the divorce courts, they imposed their fluffie feminist values on them, seeing men as cash machines, and as the enemy to be abused, which is what they certainly have done. In many western countries now, about one married father in FOUR, will be financially massacred, losing his kids with 90% probability, losing his house so she can raise HER kids in it, he will pay her child support to kids he will barely see, and often he will pay her alimony, she that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce. The fluffie feminazis have made divorce so toxic for men, that they have made marriage toxic for men. Marriage is such a rotten deal for men, that it is not surprising that hundreds of millions of men in western countries reject it outright.This massive injustice against men, is a result of the fluffie feminist hypocrisy of the divorce courts. It is largely for this reason, that men have such a hatred against fluffie feminazis and punish them by ignoring them to death, forcing these feminazi bitches to rot on the shelf to extinction, being manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and since most of them are fluffies, they will also be poor.As masculist ideas spread more and more through society, these fluffie feminist hypocrites will not only be hated by men, but will be hated by young women as well, as these young women learn that the primary reason why young men are refusing to give them their sperm, is that these men don’t want to suffer the massive injustices of the fluffie feminist divorce court system, and be financially massacred with one chance in four.In a string of major countries, e.g. the US, Japan, Germany, etc, two thirds (70%) of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, i.e. these guys are MGTOW in practice (if not in philosophy). With the reproductive generation reproducing only a third of their number, do the math, in a mere century, say four generations, that’s a third of a third of a third of a third, which is about 1% of the population surviving, and the other 99% having died off.Indirectly, these fluffie feminazi bitches, are causing whole populations to crash, so should be hated, so spit at them, bitch slap them, express your real anger at them, call them fluffie feminazi bitch genociders to their face. Tell them they are the most hated category of female, and will be the most punished, by not having a man go anywhere near them. They will be ignored to death, and rightly and appropriately so.Society has to be taught of the consequences of the fluffie feminazi takeover of the divorce courts, so that divorce law can be reformed, with alimony thrown out, custody of kids made joint by default, the ownership of the house remains with the original owner(s), and the Parer (paternity rejection right) brought in. The lack of a Parer is one of the most blatant forms of sexual discrimination against men that exists. It shows clearly, the utter hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists, who will fight the Parer tooth and nail, because having the Parer will FORCE women to be FIPs. With a Parer, fluffies will be forced to get off their fat parasitic arses and grow up, by becoming responsible, career competent, adults.Parents and teachers need to socialize and educate young women to be FIPs, and be threatened that if they don’t become FIPs, i.e. they become fluffies, then they will be punished, by not getting a man. They will then suffer the fate of millions of other fluffies, i.e. be poor, be manless, loveless, sexless, childless and increasingly spat at by a masculist conscious society, who will see fluffies for what they are – immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out manslavery this century, across the planet. We do that by wiping out the fluffies, and fluffie feminists, not by killing them, but simply ignoring them to death, punishing them for not growing up, and becoming responsible adults, for expecting to be able to parasite off the labor of a man. Two thirds of young men in many countries now utterly reject the manslave role, and spit on fluffies with real contempt. In a decade, probably the percentage of such young men will be more than 90% in the major countries, who will not be prepared to be manslaves, to work for a fluffie parasitic wife.The fluffie feminists expect men to continue to be manslaves, to be cash machines for women, but those days are dying. The MGTOWs and masculists have their nuclear weapon, i.e. their strongest argument – “Until society, and particularly the gender politicians menfair (the verb) the gender laws, we men will continue to reject paternity and hence WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS.”We men are so angry against the massive injustices committed by the fluffie feminazi hypocrites with their takeover of the divorce courts, that we are prepared to see whole populations get decimated until we men get gender justice, so society, parents, teachers, professors etc, all need to become conscious that if men are not treated as decent human beings, then in a mere century, there wont BE any human beings!!!!! The fluffie feminazis in all their massive hypocrisy, are indirectly wiping out whole populations. They have become genociders and thus should be hated, and have to be stopped.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Confronting Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer imagines a bitter hateful confrontation between a divorced single mother feminazi and a MGTOW/masculist in a hamburger restaurant in the year 2020, once MGTOW/masculist ideas have gone mainstream and women are very aware of the existence and threat of MGTOW/masculist strategies.CONFRONTING FEMINAZISImagine it’s a few years into the future, say around 2020, and that MGTOW and masculist ideas have become main stream, taken up by the broadcast media, to such a point that nearly everyone is more or less familiar with MGTOW/masculist arguments, including women, so that women are capable of recognizing a typical MGTOW/masculist when they see one.Imagine the following confrontation between a feminazi (who is now a single mother, divorced, who financially massacred her ex-husband, taking his kids from him, his house, getting child support from him, and alimony, so that he now lives in his car) and a masculist, that takes place in a fast fat restaurant (e.g. a hamburger restaurant).FEMINAZI (looking at the MGTOW/masculist) :“You’re one of those MGTOWs aren’t you?! One of those selfish men who don’t help women raise families. You go your own way, and don’t care about raising the next generation. You are so selfish, you deserve to be shunned by women. Look at you. You’re poor, your clothes are dirty and haven’t been changed for days. You don’t contribute anything to society. You are totally selfish and a real menace to society. Men like you are hated by women. We see you as the enemy. We hate you.”MASCULIST :“Go fuck yourself you feminazi bitch! Women like you are the most hated category of women, for MGTOWs and masculists. Unfortunately for you, I’m a masculist and I piss on fluffie feminists hypocrites like you, and punish you by ignoring you to death. We masculists have the political goal, as you may have heard in the media, to wipe out manslavery, by wiping out fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites. I notice that you have kids and there’s no man around. I bet you’re divorced and got sole custody of the kids, that you took his house, that you get child support from him and maybe even alimony. Ah, I see from your blushing that you do get alimony.All those things make you hated by the masculists. You are vermin to us. You don’t love men, you love men’s exploitability. Well, we men hate being treated as cash machines to bloody fluffie parasites, and rebel against the traditional man slave role. We masculists are forcing fluffie feminazi hypocrites like you to get off your parasitic fluffie arse and FIPup, become FIPs (financially independent persons) or rot on the shelf.You feminazis expect men to be manslaves to you, so you can sit on your fat parasitic arses at home raising YOUR kids, and have HIM pay for it all. Well fuck you lady, you man slaver, you contemptible parasite, you hated immoral, manslaving bloody fluffie. We masculists despise women like you and are working towards wiping you out, by ignoring you to death.That’s why you don’t have a new man. Men have woken up. They know that women don’t love them, that women only pretend to, but in reality, love men’s exploitability, as shown clearly by the treatment by fluffie bitches of their ex-husbands in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, financially massacring one married father in four, that’s a million men a year in the US, destroying their lives.I can see from the hatred in your eyes that you would like to kill me. Well, the feeling is mutual, the only difference is that we masculists are actually doing that, i.e. killing 100s of millions of fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocritical bitches like yourself, by ignoring you to death, wiping you out, forcing your fluffie parasite genes to be removed from the gene pool, because we men have the financial power to kill off fluffies.A fluffie can only be a fluffie by getting her financial claws into some manslave, but thanks to us, by preaching to men about MGTOW and masculist ideas, we are causing men to reject the traditional manslave role and become MGTOWs and masculists. There are 100s of millions of us now and we are changing society and soon the gender laws, making them fair to men. Women like you are dying off, thank god.Young women use you now as anti-models. They don’t want to be like you, because you have been rejected by men, punished by men. You are now a cat lady, manless, loveless, sexless, and hated by MGTOWs and masculists.Increasingly, you are being hated by young women, because they see that women like you have taken over the divorce courts and made them toxic for men, so it’s not surprising ? of young men now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. They have good reason to hate women like you. These young women blame feminazi bitches like you for not being able to persuade young men to give them their sperm, so these young women are being made babyless as a result. Soon, you feminazi bitches will be hated by not only men, but by nearly all young women. The tide is solidly turning against you. “—The other people in the hamburger restaurant were very quiet, listening to the articulate reasoning of the MGTOW/masculist and were lapping up every word. When he had finished, the restaurant exploded into heated conversation between the men and women in the restaurant, with the women taking mostly the woman’s side and the men taking mostly the man’s side, and with considerable passion from both sexes.This kind of sex war is coming. It’s only a few years away, once society has become familiar with MGTOW/masculist ideas. Then the hatred will build up. Feminazis will feel bitter, that they are raising kids on their own, and the MGTOWs/masculists will feel a hatred towards a society that treats them like shit, so they treat society, especially fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites like shit too, ignoring them to death, wiping them out, removing their fluffie genes from the gene pool.I really think, we will see such events frequently before 2020. I make this prediction.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channel) “de GARIS MASCULIST MGTOW FLYERS”1.3/219 Bitch Slapping of Feminazi Hecklers at Masculist Talk (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer imagines a collective, male, bitch slapping incident at a university talk given by a prominent masculist when feminazi hecklers try to destroy the talk. The men in the audience explode in rage as years of frustration against the feminazi bitches breaks the surface, thus setting a historical precedent, copied around the world.BITCH-SLAPPING OF FEMINAZI HECKLERSAT MASCULIST TALKPicture the following scene. A western university men’s lib group has invited a prominent masculist to come to their campus and give a university wide big talk. The group advertises it heavily and the turnout is huge, standing room only, with many turned away at the door. The university’s feminazi group has also been busy, aiming to so disrupt the talk with group heckling, that they expect to be able to close it down, so that the speaker is unable to talk due to the feminazi noise. However, these feminazis are in for a history making surprise.The speaker starts off with a dramatic statement. “The feminazi bitches have become genociders. They are now indirectly wiping out whole populations, so have to be stopped. The fluffie feminist hypocrites, the hated feminazi bitches have taken over the divorce courts, and made them so toxic for males, that young men have seen the damage that has been done by these feminazi monsters to their fathers, their uncles, their older male friends, and have decided they want nothing to do with marriage, nor with having kids, so they go MGTOW (men going their own way) rejecting marriage, rejecting paternity, and spending their money on themselves. Probably a lot of you have heard of the MGTOWs and masculists.These MGTOWs are not a fringy group. They are two thirds of young men under 35 in many advanced countries. They may not be MGTOW in philosophy, but they are in practice, and that is what matters. They do not want to be dragged through a fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court and be financially massacred (losing his kids with a 90% probability, losing his house, half his possessions, forced to pay child payments for kids he will barely see, and often alimony so his fluffie ex-wife can continue to parasite off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce) and have his life ruined, living in his car.There is such a hatred by men against these feminazi bitches that young men spit at them, and avoid marriage like the plague. Young women are now waking up that they cannot persuade young quality males to give them their sperm, so these young women are now becoming aware that the root cause of them not becoming mothers, is due indirectly to the toxicity of the divorce courts as created by the fluffie feminist hypocrites. So young women are learning to hate the feminazi bitches as much as men.”Such a violent verbal attack against the feminazis in the room was too much for them to tolerate, so at the signal of their leader, the heckling began, and what a heckling. Some 50 odd women started shouting abuse at the speaker, drowning out his words, until he turned up the mike.This is what he told them and the audience.“Guys!? It’s obvious these feminazi bitches are trying to kill this talk, so I have a little surprise for them. I want you to help me make a little bit of history today that will serve as a precedent around the world. These feminazi genociders have to be stopped, so how to do that? What is an effective means to stop these feminazi genociders in their tracks? We don’t need bullets, we only need the palms of our hands.I want you to create an event that the history books will see as equivalent to when Rosa Parks, the black American woman who refused to sit at the back of the bus reserved for blacks, an event that sparked the black civil rights movement in the southern states of the US, or the Stonewall riots of the gays in New York, when the gays rioted against the police for several hours.If you are a man and are utterly fed up with these feminazi bitches, then now is your opportunity, collectively as men, to hit back at these fluffie feminist hypocrites, these feminazi monsters. If you are a woman and you see these feminazis as the cause for you not being able to have a baby, then you too can express your hatred against these feminazi bitches.What I want you to do, if you are close to a feminazi who is heckling, who is trying to shut down this talk that a thousand other people want to hear, is to bitch slap her.For you feminazis who have never been bitch slapped, let me explain what it is. A bitch slap by definition is when a man slaps a bitch across the face with full male force. Men are three times stronger across the chest than women, so when he slaps you that hard, you will be sent flying across the room, so strong is the impact. It is extremely painful, so that if you have ever been bitch slapped before you will never want to be bitch slapped again. You need to shut up now or I will give the signal for the bitch slapping to begin!!”Unknown to the feminazis, the men’s lib group members who invited the prominent masculist speaker, warned him that very probably the feminazis would try to disrupt the talk, so they organized the bitch slapping strategy beforehand. The audience was filled with members of the men’s lib group, several hundred of them.“OK! You have had fair warning. You have chosen to not heed it, so let the bitch slapping begin! I want to hear several dozen bitch slaps. It will be amusing to watch the sparks fly!”What happened next was a fascinating exercise in human group psychology. At first there was hesitation, and no man bitch slapped any feminazi, then one man did (a men’s lib group member). The whole room heard the impact, and the woman screamed in pain and shock, then rage and murderous hatred. The man hit her again, and this time she fell to the floor. Then a second man bitch slapped a feminazi and another scream went across the auditorium. Then there was deathly silence. The feminazis had realized that something historic had just occurred. Men were literally hitting back, expressing their obvious hatred for feminazis, expressing a male frustration that had been building up for years, and now was exploding in real male collective rage.Then the feminazis themselves exploded into violent verbal rage as they became conscious that two of their kind had been bitch slapped. The auditorium was in uproar.This was followed by a third and fourth bitch slap, all by men’s lib group members. Now something new happened that was unexpected by the men’s lib group. Non men’s lib group member men started bitch slapping the heckling feminazis, as they became more emboldened by seeing that other guys were expressing their hatred and frustration against these insufferable feminazi bitches. Within a few seconds, bitch slaps were heard from all directions as heckling feminazis reeled in pain, shock, and horror as feminazi after feminazi was bitch slapped to the ground.Then the men in the audience, started yelling at the top of their lungs in real rage, “Get out you feminazi bitches, out, out, out!” Men started twisting women’s arms behind their backs and bouncing them out of the room. Even some hefty females were doing the same.The feminazi battle was lost. The masculist battle was won. History had been made, and it was all filmed, to go on internet to go viral, all around the world. Men had hit back, literally. The hated feminazis had been bitch slapped. The precedent had been established, and soon, such collective bitch slappings were occurring around the world at other masculist talks.The broadcast media soon heard of this incident, and the invited speaker was interviewed. He was asked. “Do you approve of hitting women?” He replied “The hated feminazis have indirectly become genociders, and have to be stopped.” He was given quite a long interview by national media, so his views were seen by millions of viewers on TV. A ton of publicity then followed, all round the country.The feminazis, then were forced to regroup and rethink their strategies. What to do in face of masculist bitch slapping incidents? They decided to call on the help of the male feminists, often the boyfriends of the feminazis. So, the next time a prominent (different) masculist was invited to talk at the same university, the audience contained feminazis and their boyfriends and masculists. When the feminazis started heckling and the bitch slapping started, the male feminists attacked the bitch slappers and a real fist fight started. Many male noses were bloodied, as male feminists and masculist sympathizers fought it out.At some colleges, the male feminists won, but over time, the bitch slapping incidents won out, until the feminazis gave up. They could not compete against the strength and hatred of the men. They just submitted, as women do, when they can’t get men to help them.Another reason why the feminazis lost the sex war was due to the enormous publicity these masculist bitch slapping incidents caused. The masculists got huge publicity and many media platforms to express their opinions, telling clearly the journalists that the feminazi bitches were genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, so have to be stopped. They also were given the opportunity to present masculist/MGTOW ideas at length. Magazines and newspapers etc followed suit.Young women increasingly began to panic as they learned that the odds were high that they would not have a baby, due to the MGTOW boycott of paternity, as caused by the fluffie feminist generated toxicity of the divorce courts. So the feminazis were now getting the hatred of both sexes, which really took the wind out of their sails. In time the feminazis effectively died out, as they were spat at by both sexes, utterly rejected by men, by not having one, not even being pumped and dumped, just left rotting on the shelf to extinction, ostracized by both sexes.So guys, there is a lesson to be learned here. Admittedly the above is, at the time of writing, a piece of fiction, but who knows how soon it will be before it serves as a model for a real such incident.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Feminals : Feminazi Criminals (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lists the main crimes and transgressions committed by the hated feminazi criminals (feminals) against men and how they can be eliminated.FEMINALS : FEMINAZI CRIMINALSThis flyer explains why masculists have such a hatred of the feminazi criminals, labelled for the rest of this flyer as “feminals” for short. It begins with a bulleted list of the major crimes and transgressions committed by the feminals, followed by details later. The flyer then discusses how the feminals can be destroyed.Feminals as genocidersFeminal crimes in the divorce courtsFeminal isscienate fairy PC bullshitersFeminal manslaving parasitesFeminal hypocrisyFeminal arroganceFeminal misandry—Feminals as genocidersBy far the most serious crime committed by the hated feminals is that they have become genociders, wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for males, that young men in many western countries, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.This is not some fringy movement, it is some two thirds of young men under 35, usually called the MGTOW (men going their own way). The MGTOW rejection of paternity, is causing the birth rate to drop, and in time, the population will fall.In Japan for example, where the Japanese equivalent of the western MGTOW movement, is called the herbivores, has been around for a decade or so longer than in the west. Japan‘s population is now actually starting to fall. At its peak it was 128 million. It’s now 127 million and falling.Population projections predict that in 20 years, after the baby boomers have died, Japan’s population will be about 80 million, i.e. about 2/3 of its current value. The Japanese birth rate is only 1.4 children per woman, with Italy, Spain, Germany etc. having similar birth rates.The root cause of this catastrophically low birth rate is the toxicity of the divorce courts as created by the feminals, resulting in young men making a cost benefit decision, that traditional marriage and paternity are such a rotten deal for men, that 2/3 of them reject both, resulting in the above birth rates, and likely to get lower as nearly all young men refuse to marry and have kids.Thus indirectly, the feminals are genociders. Their takeover of the divorce courts is causing whole populations to be wiped out, so they have to be stopped. It’s only a question of time, before the broadcast media people become conscious of this phenomenon, and start pointing the finger at the feminals, and accusing them of being genociders.Masculists and the more politically minded MGTOWs can certainly help in this process by educating the broadcast media of the population crash problem, and the role played in generating it by the feminals. Suggestions on how the feminals can be stopped, will follow after the discussion of the crimes and transgressions committed by the feminals.Feminal crimes in the divorce courtsThere is currently a sex war going on in the divorce courts. They were taken over in the 70s by the feminists, and made so favorable to women, that men have been routinely financially massacred and have had their lives ruined in their tens of millions in the US alone, ever since.Typically, a divorcing father will lose his kids with a 90% probability, he will lose his house to his fluffie ex-wife, he will lose half of his stuff, he will pay child payments to his kids whom he will barely see, and often he will pay alimony to his fluffie ex-wife, often for life. His life is ruined. About one married father in four is routinely financially massacred in this way, a far higher casualty rate than in a major war.It is not surprising that millions of men have a real hatred for the feminals, for doing this to them, and for the hated gender politicians who changed the divorce laws in the 70s to allow this to happen to hundreds of millions of men around the world.This massive injustice committed against men, generates hatred, and has resulted in practice, in the rise and rise of the MGTOW movement, as young men under 35 see what has happened to their fathers, their uncles, their older male friends, and want no part of it, so reject marriage, reject paternity, and spend their money on themselves, going their own way, wanting nothing to do with female parasites who expect to be able to live off men’s money.Feminal isscienate fairy PC bullshitersMasculist (i.e. men’s lib) scientists like myself, object strongly against the habit of the feminals in making claims about women that are simply scientifically false, e.g. the idea that women and men are equal in terms of abilities, or that anything a man can do, a women can too.There is some truth to this of course, given that the two performance level Bell curves overlap considerably, but not at the top end of the performance levels, at which men dominate.For example, the feminals claim that women are as smart as men. No they’re not. Men have an average IQ that is 4 IQ points higher than women’s. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, which means that the morons and the genii are males, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes.Men have much higher testosterone levels in their blood than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more driven, more single minded, more persistent, more dogged, so complete difficult demanding tasks more readily than women, so it is not surprising that men utterly dominate the entries in the Who’s Who books. There are hugely more great men than great women, which is almost an oxymoron.Too many feminals are isscienate fairies, i.e. ignorant of science, unable to reason scientifically, living in a fairy land, believing what they want to believe, without evidence, just like religionists. Feminism is like a religion to a lot of women. It preaches to them, what women desperately want to hear, i.e. that women are as capable as men. But the above reality shows that that is not true.Masculist scientists like myself get really annoyed at hearing the isscienate bullshit coming from the feminals. The isscienacy of the feminals needs to be squashed, see below.Feminal manslaving parasitesAt age 16 in western countries, about ? of young women choose to study the soft option, i.e. memory based, intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, subjects that will result in them being excluded from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) and the professions at university, so that they end up with a fluffie crap diploma that the economy does not value, so that these fluffie crapper women are unable to earn a good salary, so that in their 30s, when their biological clock is ticking hard, they will look around for some gullible manslave to parasite upon, so that he pays for her to live in a middle class house to raise her kids in.Under feminal influence, the average woman will have had some 40 different penises in her, by the time she is in her 30s, statistics show, so that after a decade of marriage, she will get bored with her husband, i.e. penis no. 41 and drag him through the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, and financially massacre him, taking his kids, his house, and forcing him to pay child support and alimony.These career incompetent females are labeled fluffies by the masculists and are treated with contempt. Masculists push men not to have relationships with fluffies, forcing fluffies to FIP up (i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) by getting a career competent education, so that they can become FIPs as adults, and not parasite off a man’s money, being a manslaver to some gullible ignorant male, who knows nothing about MGTOW nor masculism.Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists. The primary political goal of the masculists is to free men from manslavery, by wiping out the fluffies, not by killing them, but by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction, utterly rejected by men. Such women will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and increasingly spat at by a society that is becoming increasingly sympathetic to the ideas of the MGTOWs and masculists.Masculists have a hatred of fluffies because fluffies are manslavers. They are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out by the masculists.Now that women have the contraceptive pill, they can reliably control the number of kids they want, which is typically 0, 1, 2 so that women have a career window of some 40 years. The masculists are saying that now women CAN work, they MUST work, because anything else is parasitism off the money of a man, and that is manslavery. It is exploitative. It is hatable.Feminal hypocrisyMost feminists are still fluffies, which makes them hypocrites in the eyes of the masculists, who label them contemptuously, “fluffie feminists.” Masculists sneer at the hypocrisy of the feminals, who want their cake and to eat it too. They want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, by not bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college, so that they can become FIPs as adults and pull their financial weight and not expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man.Masculists have a hatred of fluffies but an even greater hatred of fluffie feminists, because the fluffie feminists are not only fluffies, which is bad enough, but they are also hypocrites, because they reject equal obligations with men in sharing the burden of earning the living. Fluffie feminists expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, just the way fluffies do.Look at the divorce courts, to see fluffie feminism in action. The fact that the fluffie feminist, i.e. feminal, divorce court judges and lawyers expect men to pay for ex-wives shows very clearly the fluffie feminist attitudes of these feminals.Feminal arroganceYoung women in western countries are now insufferably arrogant. They have been brainwashed by the feminals, to think that they are superior to men in many ways, and behave like young princesses, expecting men to kowtow to them if men want any chance of getting their penises into them.Masculists see this feminal arrogance as sheer isscienate fairydom that needs to be shattered. See below on how this can be done. The level of intellectual dishonesty of modern feminism, is so strong that rather poorly educated, not very bright young women, lap it up, because they are hearing what they want to hear, i.e. that as women they are superior to men, that they can do anything that a man can do. It has gone to their heads. They are living in an isscienate fairyland.Feminal misandryNow that women have entered the work force in a big way, many women have gone into teaching and the media. They have been brainwashed with feminist ideas so that they are motivated to put men down, to see men as the enemy, so they portray men as evil, as the inferior sex. For example, on the broadcast media, men, e.g. fathers, are portrayed as bumbling incompetent fools, whereas in fact, the reverse is true, if you bother to inform yourselves of the scientific facts.Women have become decidedly misandrist lately, and men are fed up with it. The reality is the opposite of what the broadcast media portrays. Men are fed up with being dumped on by feminazi bitches, by feminals.How to wipe out the feminals?The short answer to this question is by converting men into masculists, making men angry, by supplying men with the intellectual tools of masculist rhetoric, e.g. the arguments above, so that men can hit back hard at feminal crimes and attitudes.The hatred expressed by men against feminals, against feminazi bitches, against fluffie feminist hypocrites, is now so strong, that young women don’t dare state publicly in their social circles, that they are feminists, because if they are stupid enough to do that, that will be the kiss of death for them in getting a man, because “No man what a relationship with a misandrist man dumping feminazi bitch.” Such women rot on the shelf, utterly rejected by men.Men need to be educated into masculist and MGTOW ideas, so that they can lash back at feminal arrogance, against feminal discrimination against men, especially in the divorce courts.Masculist ideas need to become as much a part of the general culture as are feminist ideas. Men need to be educated into masculist and MGTOW thinking, so that they can defend themselves when confronted by feminals and harangue them out of the room, with real masculist verbal intellectual venom, making it perfectly clear to these feminals that they are truly hated by men, and will not get one. They will be punished by men by not having one.The zeitgeist needs to be changed, so that the social pressure on women to be nice to men, to be fair to men, is so strong, that those women who dump on men, who treat men badly, will get the same treatment from men, and be punished. This is happening to an ever growing extent, as the male backlash against the feminals grows by the day.Young women now know this, so have become crypto feminists, pretending to men, that they are traditional women, and appear to be nice to men, but in practice, these women, know almost nothing about MGTOW nor masculist ideas, so by default, have their heads filled with feminazi propaganda. They are as much isscienate fairies today as they were a decade ago.The masculists need to work hard on the broadcast media to teach the masses about masculist and MGOTW ideas, so that women learn them too, and can modify their attitudes, otherwise they will be punished by men. The masculists and MGTOWs threaten women with manlessness and babylessness, with are powerful tools to force women to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs and to pull their financial weight.Men’s lib groups need to be set up in every high school and college to put moral pressure on fluffie students to become FIPs. Men’s studies courses need to be set up at universities. Lots of books need to be written on masculist ideas etc.The masculists and MGTOWs need to so change society that women lose their feminal attitudes, or face the punishment of men. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslavable man, but MGTOWs and masculists are causing such men to disappear, as men learn about MGTOW and masculist ideas and reject fluffies as manslaving parasites.In time, the society will be so imbued with masculist, MGTOW ideas, that political pressure against the massive injustices against men in the divorce courts, the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. will be menfaired. Women will become female masculists and vote with men to menfair the gender laws.In the short term, men who have well absorbed masculist and MGTOW ideas, need to harangue the feminazi bitches, giving them a clear message that they no longer have a monopoly on gender discourse. These feminals need to be taught that they have to share the gender stage with the MGTOWs and masculists, and will be forced to adapt to them, because when men become collectively angry at women, god help women!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”)1.3/261 Women’s Hated Amoral Criminality Against Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lists some of the main ways women commit amoral crimes against men, making themselves hated by men. These include manslavery, the financial massacring of men in the divorce courts, feminazi man dumping, feminazi doxing of MGTOWs and masculists, and canceling of MGTOW and masculist channels on YouTube.WOMEN’S HATED AMORAL CRIMINALITYAGAINST MENThis flyer lists in bulleted form the main ways in which women commit amoral crimes against men, resulting in a real hatred of women by their male victims. This list is then followed by an elaboration of each item in the list, and finally, suggestions on what men, and particularly masculists, can do to stop women from committing these amoral crimes.Here is a list of the major ways in which women commit amoral crimes against men.Manslavery by fluffie parasitesFinancial massacring of men in fluffie feminist dominated divorce courtsFeminazi man dumpingFeminazi doxing of MGTOWs and masculistsFeminazi removal of YouTube channels—Manslavery by fluffie parasitesThe biggest amoral crime committed by women against men is manslavery. Men gave women the contraceptive pill that men invented, allowing women to reliably control the number of children they want, which is typically now, 0, 1 or 2, so that women now have a career window of some 40 years.The masculists (men’s libbers) point the finger at women, and tell them that “Now that you women can work, you must work. Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men.”However, in today’s world, three quarters of young women at age 16, choose to become fluffies, i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, by bribing a manslave with access to her vagina, in exchange for him working for her, i.e. sex for manslavery.This is amoral, i.e. it is immoral, i.e. unethical, unjust, and yet these fluffies feel no guilt about what they are doing. It comes naturally to them. They evolved to be like that, i.e. female cunt for male hunted meat, over several million years.Now that women can work, they must work. This is a basic ethical principle of the masculists who have a hatred of fluffies, who are seen by masculists as being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, i.e. millions of fluffies, billions of them.The primary political goal of the masculists, is to free men from manslavery, worldwide, this century, by wiping out the fluffies, not by killing them, but by totally ignoring them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, being manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and shunned by society, as society becomes increasingly sympathetic to masculist ideas, as they are presented on the broadcast media, that is happening now with greater regularity.Most young women take it for granted that when they grow up, they will get a man to work for them, take care of them, pay for them, to have babies in a middle class house that he pays for.Masculists tell women, “FIP up, or be manless!” The FIPping of women is one of the primary political, social, goals of the masculists, to free men from manslavery.Financial massacring of men in fluffie feminist dominated divorce courtsThe traditional family is dying out, as young men refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves, eschewing fluffies like the plague. Young men are doing this largely because of the fluffie feminist hypocrites who took over the divorce courts in the 70s, making them utterly toxic for men, because roughly one married father in four is routinely financially massacred and has his life ruined by being treated as a subhuman cash machine by the hated amoral fluffie feminists who commit the following crimes against divorcing fathers.He will have his kids ripped away from him with a 90% probability. He will lose his house to his fluffie ex-wife, so that she can raise her kids in it. He will lose half of his possessions that are given to her. He will be forced to make child payments for kids he will barely see, and often forced to pay alimony to his fluffie ex-wife often for life, with no moral or legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse, FIP up and get a job, so that she does not continue to parasite off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.These divorce crimes, millions of them, committed by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites (wanting equal rights with men, but rejecting equal obligations with men, i.e. bothering to get a career competent education, so that as adults, these women pull their financial weight, and not be motivated to parasite, fluffie style, off a man’s money) occur on a massive, society wide, scale.More than 10 million US men have been financially massacred in this way. It is a crime on a gigantic scale and tops the list of amoral crimes against men committed by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, who feel no guilt about what they have done.In fact just the opposite. Many divorcing fluffies have divorce parties to celebrate the windfall of money they get awarded by the fluffie feminist divorce courts, paid for by their ex-husbands, so they can continue to be fluffies, so that they can continue to be manslavers to their male victims.These amoral fluffies feel no remorse for the fact that they have destroyed the life of their ex-husband. It is this lack of sympathy for the “divorce raped man” that makes men have a hatred for the amorality of women’s gender crimes.Masculists have a real hatred for these fluffie parasites and especially for the fluffie feminist hypocrites who took over the divorce courts in the 70s, who commit these crimes against men on a routine basis, every work day. The casualty rate amongst divorcing men is much greater than in a major war. There is a sex war when it comes to divorce, so it’s not surprising that young men react by refusing to marry and refusing to have kids.The fluffie feminists in their short sightedness, have made divorce so toxic for men that they have indirectly become genociders, because it is the fluffie feminists who are indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to the paternity boycott of young men, 70% of whom today, and probably within a decade over 90%, reject marriage and paternity.I think we are all agreed, that this is a massive crime on a societal scale that has to be stopped, or we wipe ourselves out.Feminazi man dumpingWomen have a hard time accepting responsibility for their own lives, preferring to have someone else take responsibility for it. Women are basically lazy and do not like having to make the effort to do what it takes to make their lives a success, especially in becoming FIPs (financially independent persons).The MGTOW movement (men going their own way) have a saying about feminism and women not taking responsibility for their own lives. It is “Feminism is female psychology politicized!” i.e. that it is typical of feminists that they blame men for everything, and rarely take responsibility for women’s problems on themselves.Masculists particularly, who are a lot more politically active than the passive apolitical MGTOWs, are really annoyed with the feminazis who refuse to admit that women play a major role in women’s problems. For example, women are generally less admired in all societies, for the simple reason that women achieve far less than men.Women are genetically inferior to men on most counts. Women are 4 IQ points dumber on average than men and have a 10% smaller IQ variance, so that the morons and the genii are males, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes.Men have much higher testosterone levels than women so are more aggressive, more driven, more ambitious, more dogged, more single minded and so complete difficult tasks more readily than women who are more wishy washy and give up more easily.The fact that the feminazis don’t admit to their own shortcomings and inferiorities, simply makes masculists treat them with contempt. Feminazis behave like children, blaming anyone but themselves, especially men. This is what children do, so it is not surprising than men look upon feminazis as children, who don’t take responsibility for their own lives, blaming men for everything, which results in men seeing women and feminazis as children, and hence not taking them seriously, and definitely not respecting them.If the feminazis want men to respect them, it is not enough for them to demand that men respect them. Respect has to be earned, and women are not doing that. All cultures value boy babies more than girl babies, because they know from long experience, that a boy baby is more likely to grow up to be a highly valuable member of the culture than a girl baby, who will almost certainly grow up to be yet another baby factory and child raiser, a vital role for any culture, but not status worthy, not prestigious, because any woman can do that.The masculists sneer at feminazis with contempt because the feminazis do not behave as adults. They do not take responsibility for their own lives and situation. Masculists are really sick of being dumped on by misandrist feminazis, and harangue feminazis to get off their parasitic hypocritical arses and grow up, to take responsibility for their own lives and admit their own female inferiorities.Women cannot compete with men at the top end of the performance scale. The phenomenon of GMV (greater male variance) causes men to have performance scores that are more spread out over a whole population, so that the bottom scorers and the top scorers are male, so men outperform women at the top end across the board. Women need to accept this, and just become resigned to it. It is not going to go away, because it is genetically based.The patriarchy that the feminazis complain about so bitterly is not going to go away. Men will always outperform women, for genetic reasons, because men are smarter, more driven, and have greater performance variances.Feminazi doxing of MGTOWs and masculistsThe feminazis feel they have the right to criticize men for the ways they think that men oppress women, but reject a corresponding right of men to criticize women for the ways men think that women oppress men, e.g. with manslavery, women’s treatment of men in the divorce courts, no Parer, etc.This is just sexist hypocrisy on the feminazis part, so when feminazis dox prominent MGTOWs and masculists, i.e. feminazis discover the private details (e.g. name, address, employment, etc.) of some prominent MGTOW or masculist, and then contact his employer or clients to destroy him economically, so that he gets fired or loses clients etc.This is obviously a crime, yet the feminazis, in typical amoral style, have no qualms doing it. It is one of the many reasons why masculists have such a hatred of feminazis. Doxing feminazis are utter hypocrites. They give themselves the right to criticize men, but reject the same right for men to criticize women.Masculists feel that there is so much irrational, illogical, amoral behaviour coming from the feminazis, which makes them treat feminazis as dangerous children, not to be viewed as full adults.Feminazi removal of YouTube channelsThe MGTOWs and masculists need to spread their ideas to society if they are to change society. MGTOWs refuse to marry and refuse to have kids They are making large numbers of YouTube videos on MGTOW themes now, similarly with the masculists.Unfortunately for the men’s lib movements (MGTOW, masculists, MRM (Men’s Right’s Movement)) the boss of YouTube is a Jewish feminazi who is now censoring and downright deleting MGTOW/masculist channels from YouTube, because she is a feminazi. She is showing her sexist hypocrisy in the same way as the feminazi doxers. She feels she has the right to criticize men as a feminist, but at the same time, abuses her power as CEO of YouTube to censor, block and delete MGTOW/masculist channels. This woman is truly hated by the masculists.Her own YouTube channel was swamped with 1000s of negative comments by men for what she is doing. Her parent company, Google, needs to be careful with what she is doing, because she has rapidly gained a terrible reputation, and is severely damaging the once high reputation Google had as an innovative and creative company, but now Google is seen as a censoring institution, blocking freedom of speech, which is so damning, that if it is not stopped, Google will die, killed off by general contempt from the public.—The above are a sample of the main complaints of the masculists against the amoral criminality of women against men. What can the masculists do to stop this happening? There are many strategies that the masculists and the MGTOWs use.The masculists tell women two main things. One is to FIP up, i.e. become career competent by becoming FIPs and pulling their own financial weight and not expect to parasite off the money of a man.The other thing is that women must vote with men to menfair the gender laws, particularly in the divorce courts, and the Parer (paternity rejection right, that women have, i.e. the Marer (maternity rejection right) but men don’t). The masculists push woman to vote with men because men alone do not have enough votes to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.Masculists tell women that if they don’t FIP up and vote with men, then women will be severely punished by men, by women not getting a man. A fluffie who does not bother to become a FIP and who does not vote with men, will rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and shunned by society.We men have the financial power to force women to FIP up and vote with men, because nearly all men are FIPs. We are socialized that way, and evolved to be FIPs.A fluffie can only be a fluffie, if she can get her financial claws into some manslave, but the supply of manslaves is drying up, thanks to the spread of the ideas coming from the MGTOWs and the masculists, largely via videos on YouTube, which is why the YouTube CEO, a Jewish feminazi, is so keen to suppress them, the hated hypocritical two faced, feminazi bitch that she is.Men are inventing the sexbot and the artwomb, which within a decade will impact heavily on women. When men can grow their own kids and prefer to sex their bots rather than women, then women will be ignored by men in their millions.In short, we men have the political and ideological tools to stop women committing their amoral criminal acts against men. The masculists use masculist arguments to harangue the feminazis as fluffie hypocrites, blasting them with considerable venom and passion, so that these feminazis get the clear message that women no longer have a monopoly on gender discourse.Women have to share the gender stage with men, and will be forced to tighten up their irrational isscienate arguments in face of severe masculist criticism, who have little patience nor tolerance for feminazi, PC, isscienate fairy, bullshit.As masculist and MGTOW ideas spread, men will become increasingly angry at women for the amoral crimes they are committing against men, and will put their foot down, forcing women to become a lot more reasonable to men or be severely punished, by just not getting a man.Masculists are very conscious that men have the financial power to force women to FIP up and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws. The masculists also know that they have to do a lot of work, similar to what the feminists did over the past few decades, e.g. masculists need to spread their ideas to the broadcast media, so that these ideas reach the millions, the masses.They need to set up men’s lib groups in every high school and college, to influence millions of students. Masculists need to set up Men’s Studies courses at universities, and write books on men’s issues. Masculists need to tell women to FIP up and vote with men or pay the price, of not getting a man, and not having a baby, a very persuasive argument on the part of the masculists.The masculists aim at creating a “FIP Society” in which both sexes are socialized and educated to be FIPs as adults, taking responsibility for their own lives, and not wanting to parasite off the labor of men.There is a lot of work still to be done by the masculists, but the path forward is clear. We only have to do it, to get millions of men to back the plan to create a “FIP Society.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”1.3/271 Feminists’ Perceived Monopoly of Gender Issues Makes Them Arrogantly Belligerent (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that feminazis are made more belligerent towards men because they believe that gender oppression is a one way street, from men against women. Masculists claim that when feminazis are strongly confronted with masculist ideas, they become more sober, seeing that gender oppression is a two way street. This flyer gives a list of examples of how women oppress men, to enable feminazis to be made more sober.FEMINISTS’ PERCEIVED MONOPOLY OFGENDER ISSUES MAKES THEMARROGANTLY BELLIGERENTMost feminists have the view that oppression between the sexes is a one way street, i.e. that it is men who oppress women, who use the “patriarchy” to keep women down, the inferior sex, to block women rising in the company hierarchy, etc.After half a century of second and third wave feminism, feminists feel justifiably angry at men, and feel they have the right to dump on men, belittling them for the “crimes” that men have committed on women over the centuries.Most of these feminists scoff arrogantly at the ideas coming from the masculists, that gender oppression is NOT a one way street, that women can oppress men too. They are quite arrogant and dismissive of this idea.Part of this arrogant dismissal is cognitive dissonance. For most people, it is difficult to give up quickly a deeply entrenched idea. Telling the average feminist that women can severely oppress men too, is like going up to a priest and saying “There’s no god. You have wasted your whole life!” Of course, the priest is not going to accept such a view, because to do so genuinely, would be to collapse his whole self-image, his entire sense of self, of who and what he is.Similarly with committed feminists, who spend their lives fighting for the feminist cause, believing that men are the oppressors, and not giving any credence nor having any patience with the masculist idea that women too can be hateful oppressors.This flyer is aimed at such arrogant feminists who think gender oppression is a one way street.I will give a list of some of the major arguments that men can use to counter this feminazi arrogance, and not only for men. Non feminist women, or even more open minded feminists, can use the items on this list to counter the arrogance of the one eyed feminazi who is utterly convinced that gender oppression goes in only one direction.It is my experience, that once a rabid feminazi has been strongly confronted with masculist arguments, it tends to sober her, make her more measured, less arrogant, more “on the one hand, on the other hand” in her view of gender oppression. This sobering is a good thing, because men get really sick of feminazi bashing of men, as though only men are the oppressors.Absorbing the arguments in the list below, will help men to get these feminazis to shut up. Even many women nowadays are thinking that the feminazis have gone too far, and have lost sight of reasonableness, have become too extreme, and have left most women behind, who are not prepared to go to the extreme ideological lengths of a one eyed feminazi.Here are some arguments that men (and some women) can use to counter the views that one eyed feminazis have regarding the idea that gender oppression is a one way street, committed by men against women. They are used by masculists to show that women can strongly oppress men as well.The fluffie parasite manslaver argumentThe fluffie feminist hypocrite takeover of the divorce courts, financially massacring menFeminazi isscienate lies about menFeminazi demeaning of men in the mediaFluffie resistance against the Parer (paternity rejection right)Feminazis’ childminded blame of men for all women’s problemsFeminazi resistance to the rise of MGTOW/masculismNegative female nature, nagging, irrationality, etcFemale hypergamy, loving only men’s sexploitabilityetc—The fluffie parasite manslaver argumentThis is probably the strongest of the masculist arguments against women, i.e. that women manslave men by sexploiting them, to work for women in exchange for sex. Men invented the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education, etc, which liberated women from traditional household drudgery, so that women now have some four decades of career window.Masculists point the moral finger at women saying that “Now that women can work, they must work. Anything else is parasitism against men, i.e. manslavery. Women have to FIP up (become financially independent persons, by getting a career competent education at high school and university, or be punished by men, by being totally ignored by men, forcing women to rot on the shelf, removing their fluffie genes from the gene pool.The essence of masculism, is that it is a rebellion by men against working for women. Masculists tell women, “You FIP up or you will be manless. Manslavery is slavery, slavery arouses passions, slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies and fluffie feminists, aiming to wipe them out, worldwide, this century, i.e. freeing men from manslavery, from working for women.”The fluffie feminist hypocrite takeover of the divorce courts, financially massacring one married father in four.This is another of the masculists strongest arguments, namely that the fluffie feminists in all their awful hypocrisy have taken over control of the divorce courts and are now daily financially massacring and ruining the lives of one married father in four, by ripping his kids away from him with a 90% probability, forcing him to lose his house which goes to his fluffie ex-wife for her to raise HER kids in it, and half of his possessions, forced to make child payments, to kids he will barely see, and if the ex-wife is a real fluffie, he may be forced to pay her alimony for life with no legal or moral obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic bum and FIP up by getting a job, so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.The massive injustice committed in the fluffie feminazi dominated divorce courts is a major crime against men and cannot continue, otherwise men will eventually lose tolerance and take up arms and murder 1000s of feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers.The rise of MGTOW (men going their own way) is a direct reaction to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, a major example of women’s oppression of men.The masculists want all women to be socialized and educated to be FIPs to create a “FIP Society” so that, amongst other things, the divorce courts can be made men fair, e.g. by making custody of the kids, joint, by default; no alimony; the original owner of the house keeps it; no division of possessions; etc.Women strongly oppress men by not bothering to FIP up, by not bothering to get a career competent education, expecting some manslave to pay for her both before and after the divorce. This fluffie attitude of too many women, is truly oppressive against men, and has to be wiped out, which is the role of the masculists. Masculists aim to wipe out manslavery, by wiping out fluffies, by ignoring them to extinction, not even pumping and dumping them.Feminazi isscienate lies about menFeminazis are all too often isscienate fairies when it comes to discussing men. Isscienate means ignorant of science, unable to reason scientifically, i.e. not having the attitude that it is not enough to have a good theory, one also has to go out into the real world, and test that theory.For example, the feminazis keep harping on the idea that we live in a “rape culture,” that far too many women get raped by men, which is a horrible crime for a woman, to be forcibly penetrated by a man’s penis, under threat of violence or even death, if the man has a knife or a gun.Lately, feminazis have been saying that university campuses are rape cultures, with a rape rate of one women in five. This is ludicrous, and shows a complete inability to think scientifically. If you spend a minute on google with the question “What is the rape frequency in the US?” you will get the answer of 1.6 rapes per 1000 adults per year, i.e. a figure that is about 100 times smaller than the fluffie isscienate fairy feminazi fiction figure of one in five.Feminazis lie to men about other things, e.g. the idea that women are just as capable as men. This is partly true, in the sense that the performance score distribution curves for the two sexes overlap a lot, but it is not true at the top end of the performance score distribution curve, which is male dominated.For example, men are smarter than women by 4 IQ points on average. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are male, so it is no surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have higher testosterone levels than women, so are a lot more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, and achieve far more than women, who are more wishy washy and give up more easily.The feminazis complain endlessly about the “glass ceiling”, that women cannot rise to the top of large organizations, due to supposedly male resistance and prejudice against women having power (hence the “patriarchy.”).What pisses masculists off, is feminazis rarely admit that women are genetically inferior and handicapped compared to men at the top end of the performance scale. Feminazis let their collective egos get in the way of science, which is something that makes masculist scientists, like myself, look down on women, all the more.The result is that men build cultures and women are largely only tolerated in them by men due to women’s two traditional monopolies, namely vagina and womb, but soon male genii will invent the artificial womb and the sex robot, which will cause men to become a lot less tolerant of women’s many faults and inferiorities.Women will then go into deep depression as they are forced to come to terms with mass male indifference, as men grow their own kids, and prefer to sex their bots, that women cannot compete with, given that these bots will have film star faces, luscious curvy bodies, and creamy grippy vaginas, that more than outcompete women, a third of whom are fat and hence unfuckable, and another third are obese, and hence are painful on the eyes.Lately, action heroines have been appearing in Hollywood movies, as though women are as strong and aggressive as men, which is simply farcical. Men are three times stronger across the chest than women, so most men could beat women to a pulp quite easily if they wanted too. The Hollywood people are merely catering to young women’s narcissistical delusion that they absorbed from the feminazis, i.e. the belief that women are as capable as men, even physically – bullshit!Feminazi demeaning of men in the mediaIn so many US sitcoms on TV, the husband/father is portrayed as a bumbling fool, as though men are the dumbest members of the family. This negative portrayal of men results from the fact that women have now largely taken over the production of such sitcoms and project their feminazi bias into their shows, as a form of supposed revenge for men’s crimes against women over the centuries.The reality of course, is that men are the superior sex, with their GMV (greater male variance) i.e. men will score higher than women at the top end of the scale on almost any measurable quantity.Men’s 4 IQ point higher average IQ and 10% higher IQ variance over women, plus the male testosterone advantage, make men hugely more performant than women, who after all have 10% smaller brains than men. Men invent almost everything, build everything, create everything. Women on the other hand, have only parasited on men, and for several million years.That is the reality, that the broadcast media is NOT portraying, instead giving young women a false impression of female superiority, turning young women into entitled princesses, insufferably arrogant and strongly disliked by men, because it flies in the face of objective reality. The modern young woman is simply deluded in terms of the sexually dimorphic realities of the world.Fluffie resistance against the Parer (paternity rejection right)Nearly all women, fluffies and fluffie feminists alike, fight the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) tooth and nail, because if the Parer were to come in (i.e. a man would have the legal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, so that if the woman continues with it, then she gets to bear full legal financial costs of the kid that she wants).A Parer would force women to grow up and behave as FIPs. With a Parer, women could not rely on manslaves to parasite upon. Women would have to stand on their own financial feet. Masculists are saying to women in this regard “Hey femalien, if you want to have a kid, you’ll have to pay for it yourself!”Fluffies are terrified of this prospect and want no part of it, so fight the Parer with all their strength. It is terribly threatening to them. No country in the world today has the Parer, but it is one of the major goals of the masculists, to force the gender politicians to legislate the passage of the Parer, to give men the equal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, the way that women have, but men don’t. This is one of the most blatant examples of sexual discrimination against men, and screams of gender injustice.Feminazis’ childminded blame of men for all women’s problemsMen are utterly fed up with feminazi bitches always putting the blame for women’s situation on men, as though women are only children, who are incapable of creating their own lives and determining their own fate. Men see feminazis who blame men for everything, as child minded, and irresponsible.Men don’t respect women for this, and tend to look on women as children, who are then not taken seriously, and definitely not respected. Adult women, FIP women, take responsibility for ?their own lives, and are not dependent on men to solve women’s problems for them.Feminazi resistance to the rise of MGTOW/masculismMGTOWs and masculists are fed up with the hypocrisy of feminazis who oppose the rise of MGTOW and masculism. These feminazis are hypocrites, because they feel they have the right as feminists to criticize men, but reject the idea that masculists have a similar right to criticize women. This smacks of inconsistent sexist hypocrisy.For example, the CEO of YouTube is a Jewish feminazi, who is now deleting the YouTube channels of prominent MGTOWs and masculists. I myself am having the number of my subscribers algorithmically and systematically reduced, to lower my hit rate and hence my masculist influence on the general public. I have been forced to copy my masculist videos to other video hosting platforms, other than YouTube, as a result.This kind of hypocritical opposition, only increases masculist contempt for the feminazis, which is one of the reasons why we label them feminazis in the first place, which is hardly a complementary label.Negative female nature, nagging, irrational, etcNearly all men can tell women, that women can have very negative natures. Women nag men, which men hate. Women are often irrational, with their 10% smaller brains, women are more emotional, especially during the PMS (premenstrual syndrome) days of the month, and during menopausal crazy time, when they can become truly hysterical.A nagging woman, can make a man’s life utterly miserable, to the point that he wants out of the relationship, but may then face being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, so his life is stuck in a “cheaper to keep her” nagging hell, a miserable half-life.Female hypergamy, loving only men’s sexploitabilityProbably the key idea to come out of the MGTOW movement is that of the red pill, i.e. the idea that women don’t love men, but rather men’s sexploitability. If a man loses his exploitability, his woman will coldly, disloyally dump him in favor of a more exploitable male.Women are always on the lookout for a more exploitable male, a trait of women called hypergamy, i.e. monkey branching, i.e. letting go of one branch (man) after having grabbed another, newer, better, richer, branch (man).Women evolved to be red pill, i.e. to love men only for their sexploitability and to monkey branch with men. This tendency of women although despised by men, makes good Darwinian sense.Women were more likely to be given scarce male hunted meat in the distant past by behaving like this. It is female nature, and it is not attractive to men at all. One of the masculist sayings in this regard is “I’m more than a cash machine, you bitch!”Etc—The above is a sampling of the many ways in which women can oppress men. Gender oppression is definitely a two way street, which is something that all people of either sex, should know about, as part of their general knowledge.Feminazis however don’t want this to happen. They want to keep women as being the only victims, because if masculism spreads and spreads, it will inevitably cause women to sober their feminazi hysterics, and be forced to be more measured, more balanced in their views on which sex oppresses the other sex.It is a two way street, that masculists can use to get feminazis to shut up. People of both sexes, when confronted by one-eyed extremist feminazi opinions, can use the above arguments to silence or at least soften, the force of the arguments of the feminazis.Men need to become more familiar with the above arguments, so that they can use them in their daily conversations with women, and get women to be more accommodating towards men, especially in the work place, where, all too often, women are bullying men, based unjustifiably on a false belief that men are to be bullied, as revenge for the oppression that men have perpetrated on women for centuries.By being taught masculist ideas, women, particularly feminazis, will be made more sober towards men, and hence will become a lot nicer to be with. If things don’t change, then the proportion of men who choose to go MGTOW, will only increase, because probably within a decade, 90% of young men will be refusing marriage and paternity, and will thus wipe out the whole population within a mere century. Things have to change. Our very survival as a species is at stake.Feminazis are now genociders, who have to be stopped. One way to stop them is to deflate their feminazi egos with masculist pin pricks, with masculist accounts of how women oppress men as well.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”(Patreon)?(Minds)? Feminazi Fairyland (link)?Part1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)? Part2?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer debunks many of the major ideas of feminism, with the aim of causing feminism to stop being believed in, in the same way we stopped believing in witchcraft as we became better educated and lost our old superstitions. Removing the world of the feminazis will go a long way towards liberating men from the oppressions women perpetrate on men.FEMINAZI FAIRYLANDThis flyer aims to discredit the basic ideas of feminism, so as to help destroy it, so that one of the greatest oppressors of men, can be removed, so that men can be freed, particularly from the scourge of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts.The psychological forces of witchcraft no longer have any influence over us, for the simple reason that we no longer have any belief in such ideas, yet only a few centuries back, our ancestors did. People then believed in devils, witches, goblins, etc, which were very real to them.Nowadays, in the era of science, in which we demand experimental proof for ideas, the ideas of witchcraft just do not stand up to critical thinking and empirical testing. They just make no sense, so in time were quietly forgotten about, because they were seen increasingly to be what they are now seen as, namely superstitions, i.e. beliefs that make no sense, so should be ignored.Personally, I would like to see feminism go the same way, because it is based mostly on superstitions, that make no sense, that are refuted by empirical evidence, and yet do enormous damage to society, because feminism preaches to women what they desperately want to hear, i.e. that women are as good as men, as valuable as men, as worthy of respect as men.At a deep level, I suspect that women feel just the opposite, i.e. that they feel that women are inferior to men, are like children in comparison to men, are incapable of doing things than men can do, e.g. build sky scrapers, compose symphonies, write mathematical theorems, produce works of genius, beauty, and grandeur.Most women are in awe at what men do and feel at an intuitive level that men are the superior sex, and envy men for their incredible accomplishments. Feminists, tend to be women with more androgenized brains, I suspect, who want to do what men do, i.e. have careers, be independent, pull their own financial weight, and earn the respect of society,The male invention of the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education etc., liberated women from household drudgery, so women were able to take up the traditional male role of having a career, going out into the workplace and earning a living.In the 60s and 70s when large numbers of women became influenced by the Jewish feminists (Friedan, Steinem, etc) they entered the workforce, and disturbed many men who did not like having to work beside women, with their femalien ways, so these men resisted.This male resistance, caused these women to resent men for not giving women what women wanted, i.e. respect. Often, women found that they were not taken seriously at work, were not listened to, that men saw women as children, and these women deeply resented this.Many women became strong feminists as a result, because they wanted to be respected by men, and demanded it. Since women are half of the population, and that the contraceptive pill has virtually forced women into the work place, given that a woman will only be an active mother for a few years while the children are small, means that women have a career window of some 4 decades, so women were virtually thrown into the work place after the 60s.Once women got out of the house, and into the workforce, they were made a lot more conscious of the fact that men dominate the workforce, the work place, the positions of power, of prestige and influence.Women on the other hand, felt their inferiority, and wanted things to change, so that women could hold up their own heads, and feel some pride in women’s achievements. Thus feminism was given a strong impetus to back up women’s desire to be respected by society, i.e. by men.Feminist theorists then began cooking up feminist ideology that would appeal to women, especially young women, motivating them to feel pride in being a woman, and not feel inferior to men, given men’s greater prestige in the workforce, in terms of male achievements.Feminists then started telling young women, things that appealed to them, that young women desperately wanted to hear, to believe. Unfortunately, the feminists went overboard, telling women things that do not hold up empirically, scientifically, yet have strong appeal to women. Modern feminism has become like a religion to women, selling ideas that make women feel good, yet don’t make much empirical sense.Here is a list of such feminist ideas that do not stand up to reality, that belong more in a fairyland, than the real world. I list some of the main ones now, and will then refute them, and finish off the flyer with the claim, that once women are convinced that most of the ideas of feminism, don’t make much sense, then millions of women will cease believing in them, and hence abandon them, so making it easier for men to have the gender laws menfaired, so that men can be liberated from the feminazi tyranny, that is making millions of men’s lives a misery, due to the fluffie feminist control of the divorce courts, no Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.Here is a list of some of these feminazi fairy ideas.Women are just as capable as men.Women are as smart as men.The blame for women’s situation falls almost exclusively on men.Differences in the genders are cultural, not genetic.Women should occupy half of the positions at all levels of society.Today’s men should be punished by women for past crimes by men against women.Masculinity is toxic and should be controlled.There are other major feminist ideas that could be in this list, but there is enough for this flyer. I now refute the above list, with the aim of discrediting feminism, so that women stop believing in it as a form of religion that makes no sense. Too many women accept the isscienacy of feminism, without bothering to check whether feminism’s claims are scientifically valid. They simply believe feminist ideas, because they make women feel good.Women are just as capable as men.Yes, and no. Yes, in the sense, that the performance score distribution curves (the Bell curves for men and woman) overlap pretty much on any performance that can be measured. There will be high scoring women, who outperform most men, and vice versa.Masculists strongly encourage women to assert their full abilities in the work place, so that women can be FIPs (financially independent persons) so that they do not parasite off the money of a man, making him a manslave, ruining his life, especially when she divorces him in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court, taking his kids, his house, half his possessions, forcing him to pay child support, and alimony often for life, thus ruining his life.Masculists push the idea that young women need to be socialized by parents and educated by teachers to be FIPs, so that women can pull their financial weight and not parasite off a man, fluffie style.So from the masculist perspective, women need to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs, and contribute to society, so the fact that some women outperform most men, is something the masculists commend, and encourage.But, no, in the sense that due to the phenomenon of GMV (greater male variance), of female sexual selection of smarter males, of female hypergamy, and higher male testosterone levels, men outperform women at the top end of the performance scales in virtually everything.Men’s performance scores have a higher variance than women’s, so over a whole population, men will have scores that place them in the very bottom, and at the very top, so in that IQ terms, for example, men are the morons, and the genii, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes.In the distant past, women selected men sexually who were smarter. Smarter men were better hunters, more able to anticipate the behavior of the prey they hunted and were thus more likely to bring home the bacon to their dependent girlfriends and to her kids. Women were more likely to mate with smarter men. A similar logic holds for men who were bigger, stronger, fiercer, more aggressive than the average man.Bigger, stronger, fiercer, more aggressive men were better able to protect his woman from attack from big, strong, fierce aggressive men from enemy tribes, so that these women were more likely to survive, due to her big, strong, fierce, aggressive, man’s protection.As a result of this female sexual selection of smarter men, men have a higher IQ average than women by 4 IQ points, so the top IQ scorers are male. Men also have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so this adds to the imbalance at the top end of the achievement scale, resulting in the fact that the genii are males.IQ is not the only factor creating high achievement. Another powerful factor is motivation, doggedness, persistence. Men’s much greater levels of testosterone in their bodies, make men a lot more aggressive than women, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, so men achieve difficult tasks much more readily than women, which result in men having a much higher prestige level in society than women.Thus with a higher average IQ of 4 IQ points than women, a 10% higher IQ variance than women, and much higher testosterone levels, it is to be expected that men vastly outperform women in general achievement, which is why men dominate the entries in the Who’s Who books, that provide the biographies of famous people, virtually all males, i.e. famous men. The term famous women, is almost an oxymoron because such women are rare.Women are as smart as men.This claim has already been refuted in the reply to the above first claim. But, for the majority of people, the extensive overlap of the performance score bell curves for the two sexes means that women can make considerable contributions to work, as men, just not at the top end, i.e. at the genius end.Just because men are the genii who dominate the top positions in just about anything, does not mean that women should feel second class citizens, because male genii are rare by definition. For the vast bulk of humanity, female performance levels are quite adequate to be able to deliver a good performance at work. Women have nothing to be ashamed of. They can pull their own.But, as a sex, women cannot compete with men at the top end of the scale, so it is to be expected than men will dominate in everything, because of those factors mentioned above, i.e. higher average IQ, GMV, higher testosterone, etc. Thus when comparing the sexes, of course men will come out on top. Men simply are the superior sex when it comes to performance at work. That is just an empirical fact that women just have to accept.Because women evolved to be baby factories and child minders, when men were out hunting, men evolved to be curious about the world, to understand it, so as to be able to better master it, to control it, so that they could be better hunters, to bring back more protein to their women and their children.Men have higher curiosity levels than women. Women are more passive about the nature of the world, and hence are much less driven with curiosity to want to understand how the world works, so make less able scientists than women.Women’s lower curiosity, results in women being much less interesting conversational partners to men than other men. If it weren’t for women’s vaginas, that men are constantly striving to penis, then men would be little interested in women, because women tend to have few original opinions, to be less curious about the world, are much less well informed about the world, and hence are rather boring to talk to, when one removes women’s sexual attraction to a man.Women evolved to use sex to attract men’s interest, which explains why women are the sexiest of mammals. Women evolved to be prostitutes to men, in order to be more effective parasites on men, in order to be able to bribe men more effectively, trading access to her vagina, for scarce male hunted meat, for her and her babies.The blame for women’s situation falls almost exclusively on men.This is probably the feminist doctrine most despised by men. The feminists are often labeled by masculists as feminazis to express masculists’ contempt for this aspect of feminist doctrine. To give a clear and simple example of this feminist tendency to blame men for all women’s problems, take the infamous “pay gap” between the sexes.The feminists will claim that the average female earns about 80% of what the average male earns, and conclude from this fact that men discriminate against women in the work place, not promoting women to higher positions, resulting in women earning less than men.? To feminists, the pay gap is proof of men’s prejudice against women. Feminists blame men for the pay gap.To masculists, this conclusion of the feminists is childish, irresponsible and contemptible. Sure there is some truth to what the feminists say. In the 60s and 70, there was a lot of resistance from men against women entering the work force, so the feminists are half right.But the feminazi solipsistic inability to place themselves in the shoes of men, and see why women earn less from a male perspective, reflects negatively on women, especially on feminazis.Women also earn less than men for many other reasons that are mostly to do with women’s choices, e.g. women drop out of the work force to have kids for a number of years, so become relative to men, less experienced at the job. Young women in their 20s, before they have kids, now actually out-earn men.Women with kids, work less, to spend more time at home with their kids. Women are less qualified than men, and hence are not paid as much. Women are less ambitious than men, due to lower testosterone levels, etc.Thus there is a string of reasons why women earn less than men, and most of them are due to women’s choices, not men’s prejudice against women, yet the feminazis, with boring and blind repetitiveness, trot out the same old canard year after year, failing to learn the above simple counter arguments. They make themselves look stupid in the eyes of the masculists.Masculists want women to behave as adults, taking responsibility, as EMO FIPs, i.e. equal moral obligations FIPs, i.e. expecting on moral grounds, that women have a moral obligation to FIP up equally with men, and pull their own financial weight.Masculists expect women to grow up and to toughen up, so that girls are socialized as much as boys to become responsible FIPs as adults.There is growing talk amongst the leaders of the masculists and MGTOWs (men going their own way) that if women do not grow up and take responsibility for their own lives, and stop blaming men for everything, then men will come to see women as truly child-like, and hence should not be given adult responsibility, i.e. adult rights, i.e. men will take away women’s rights, especially the right to vote, so there is a lot at stake here for women.If women don’t help men menfair the gender laws for example, then men will increasingly look upon women as children and hence will treat women as children, which will cause the feminists to hate men all the more. But it’s a two way street. Women are largely responsible for their own situation, so if they want to change it, they have to change themselves as well. Women need to FIP up.Differences in gender are cultural, not genetic.Some are, others not. Since the rise of second wave feminism, there has been a lot of research done on gender differences, and the verdict is that “It’s both.” For example, recent neuroscience research has shown that the neural regions in men’s brains are connected more front to back, whereas women’s are more connected side to side, i.e. ear to ear. IQ studies have shown that men are smarter by an average of 4 IQ points and have a 10% larger IQ variance. Women’s brains are also 10% smaller in volume than men’s, a most damnable fact for women. So of course, women invent almost nothing, create almost nothing, build almost nothing.Simple observation with the play of small children, shows that boys are far more interested in violent games, pretending to kill each other, whereas young girls tend to play more cooperatively, and with gentler activities,There has been a ton of research on sex differences. If one knows anything about Darwinian evolution then it makes sense that men and women evolved to perform different tasks. Women evolved to be baby factories and to raise the next generation. Men evolved to hunt and provide food for their families.Men evolved to find women who were healthy and fertile, to be the most sexually attractive, for obvious survivability reasons.Women evolved to find men sexually attractive who were better providers. Women evolved to be parasites on men, because they were stuck at home with useless infants incapable of finding their own food, like other animals. Human babies had to be born prematurely so that the baby’s head could continue to grow after the birth, due to the limits on the size of the mother’s birth canal.As brain science matures in the future, it is likely that there will be more and more talk of the male and females brains, and their differences.For example, it would not surprise me at all, if those few women who excel at traditional male activities, e.g. pure math and math physics, have had their brains androgenized when they were in the womb, and so had their brains wired up more in the male pattern than in the female pattern, which is why they behaved like boys in their childhood.Feminists need to bother to learn more science, so that they can update their old fashioned, ill-informed views of sex differences. Saying that sex differences are due only to social influences, is way too simplistic, and just plain wrong. Feminazis who claim that sex differences are purely cultural in nature, merely discredit themselves, making themselves look fools in the eyes of masculist scientists who study these things.Women should occupy half of the positions at all levels of society.No, that would be unfair to men, because men are smarter, and more ambitious than women. To put less qualified, less brilliant women in top positions, is to exclude more deserving men. It would be discrimination against men, and hence feminist hypocrisy, because it is precisely against male prejudice against women that the feminists are fighting for, yet, they want to commit the same discrimination against men. That’s feminazi sexist hypocrisy.Once again, the feminist attitude on this claim is based on ignorance, on an inadequate knowledge of science. Too many feminists are isscienates, i.e. ignorant of science, unable to reason scientifically, and hence have opinions that are poorly science based, science informed. Women need to study more science in high school, choosing to study career competent majors, such as math, and the sciences in their last two years of high school, so that they can study career competent majors at university, to become responsible FIPS as adults, and not parasite off a man.Feminists need to be taught to accept the principle that people should be given equal opportunities according to merit, to performance level. If women are genetically less capable than men, then the best jobs should go more to men, so that society as a whole benefits from the greater efficiency.Anyone when pressed, would prefer to have their brain operated on by a most competent male surgeon than by a female brain surgeon who got her job more by gender quota than real merit and performance ability.Today’s men should be punished by women for past crimes against women.Two wrongs don’t make a right. It is highly debatable that men committed crimes against women in the past. It is feminist doctrine to blame men for everything wrong with women’s lives. That is childish of them, and in the future, may end up causing men to lose patience with feminazi childishness, and then stripping women of their rights, taking away women’s right to vote.Masculists want a society that is gender fair, specially a FIP Society, where both sexes as children are socialized by parents and educated by teachers to be FIPs, so that people do not parasite off the labor of another person, the way traditionally, fluffies did to manslaves, with men working for women.Masculists are very conscious that many feminazis are out to seek revenge on men.It has probably not escaped many men’s notice that so many of the feminazis today are “fat fours,” i.e. overweight or obese, not very pretty (i.e. four out of 10 in looks) and feminazis, i.e. “triple Fs” (fat four feminazis) whom men find utterly repulsive, so avoid like the plague, not even pumping and dumping them.No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch. Such women are punished by men, by not getting one. Such triple Fs are left rotting on the shelf, utterly ignored, punishing them for being misandrist feminazis, who use feminism as a form of revenge against men for men rejecting them. These triple Fs can change two of their three afflictions. They can control the number of calories they stuff into their fat faces, and they can learn to be nicer to men, otherwise they will remain in their current state of manlessness, and hence will remain sexless, loveless, babyless and spat at for being feminazi bitches by men.Masculinity is toxic and should be controlled.Too many feminazis are isscienates. They know too little science. If they knew some biology, especially evolution, they would know that women sexually selected men to be bigger than women are, tougher, stronger, fiercer, more aggressive than they are, and smarter for reasons given earlier. Women sexually selected men to be like this.But in today’s world, many feminazis in their isscienate ignorance, claim that men make the wars, men commit most of the crimes, men dominate the jails, that masculinity is toxic, so needs to be feminized, so women need to take control of society, and impose female values and standards on society.That idea is unrealistic. For a start, men are smarter and a lot more aggressive than women, so if women really try to impose their standards on men, then men could collectively decide enough is enough and put their male foot down.Since the law is ultimately backed up by male force, if the male police and military decide that women are to be put down, then men could do that so easily. Women are a lot less aggressive and much physically weaker than men, so would not stand a chance. Women would just meekly accept what men tell them to do, because they have no other choice. They are women, and evolved to accept what men tell them to do. That was nature’s way.Men only tolerate women’s many negative qualities, because men want to fuck women. Men want to get their penises into women’s vaginas. That too is nature’s way, nature’s recipe to create the next generation. Women are hungry to have babies, especially in their 30s, when their biological clock is winding down, and men want to penis women. Put the two together, and you get babies.—The conclusion I’m hoping you will come away with from all the above is that so much of feminazi dogma, is just that, dogma, not making much sense, in the light of modern science, so that as women become better educated into scientific thinking, they will see feminism as more of a superstition, telling women what they want to hear rather than the realities.Feminism is like religion in that respect, making women feel good, but it’s not realistic. It’s nice to be able to believe that there is some big daddy up there who loves you, who will give you eternal life, and let you live in a heaven after you die. What delightful delusions that many religionists gullibly believe in, these wishful fantasies, these childlike desires.Similarly with feminism. There are too many wishful feminazi fantasies, e.g. the claims made above. Too many feminazis live in a fairyland, believing what they want to believe, without evidence. As society pushes the evidence more strongly onto women and society in general, then women will learn to give up these childlike fairy tales, and stop believing on them, thus abandoning their feminazi beliefs and hence become nicer to men, helping men menfair the gender laws, so that men can be liberated from the many oppressions perpetrated on men by women, particularly regarding the horrible divorce laws for men, and the lack of the Parer.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels)? “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”(Patreon)?profhugodegaris(Minds)?profhugodegaris1.3/288 Silencing the Feminazis by Intellectually Crushing Them (link)?Part 1?(YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)? Part 2?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes three increasingly violent phases in which masculists aim to stop the feminazis being genociders, wiping out whole populations due to their taking over the divorce courts and making them so toxic for men, that young men refuse to marry, and have kids. The first phase is benign resistance against the feminazis. The second phase is moderate violence against the feminazis. The third phase is an all-out sex war in which feminazis are targeted and murdered.SILENCING THE FEMINAZISBY INTELLECTUALLY CRUSHING THEMThis flyer proposes means to stop the feminazis wiping out whole populations, using a progression of steps starting from verbal ridiculing to physical warfare.The feminazis are now genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, because they have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men under 35, in a string of countries, now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves, i.e. they have gone MGTOW (men going their own way), thus crashing the birth rate and within a century, will wipe out whole populations.The direct cause of this paternity strike, is the toxicity of the divorce courts, created by the hated feminazi bitches, who apply their hypocritical fluffie feminist standards onto men in these courts, i.e. they want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, i.e. they reject the moral obligation imposed on them by the masculists, to become FIPs (financially independent persons) by bothering to get a career competent education, so that they can be FIPs as adults, and not need to parasite off the money of a man, in order to survive financially as an adult when they have kids.The fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts are a glaring symptom of this hypocrisy of the feminazis, that has to be stopped, otherwise we wipe ourselves out, so it is only a question of time, as society takes notice of the fall of the population size, that measures have to be taken to persuade men to be fathers again.This flyer proposes a series of means to achieve that end, beginning with more benign methods, and progressing towards much more violent methods, ending up with all-out war against the feminazis, killing them in a true sex war, if necessary, but since women are so much weaker than men physically, once they see that men are collectively opposed to them, they will passively submit to male will, and drop their feminazi ideas, or it will eventually cost them their lives.This series of proposals is split into three categories, a) benign opposition, b) moderate violence, c) sex war.a) Benign Opposition to the Feminazisb) Moderate Violence towards the Feminazisc) Sex War against the Feminazis?a) Benign Opposition to the FeminazisThe title of this flyer labels the main proposal to the benign form of opposition to the feminazis, i.e. it suggests a form of verbal violence against feminazis, aiming to so discredit them, that society, including most women, utterly reject feminism, as a form of deeply malevolent doctrine that has destroyed families and is indirectly wiping out whole populations, so has to be stopped.One way to destroy the feminazis is to totally crush them intellectually, which is the main thrust of this flyer (hence the title). So, how to crush them intellectually? By so destroying the level of intellectual credibility of the main ideas of feminism, and placing such heavy moral pressure against it, and against feminazis themselves, that nearly all women will feel the enormous moral disapproval of feminazi doctrine and shy away from it.This process is already starting to happen, with people making statements such as “Feminism is cancer!” as is the very use of the term “feminazi” itself.I make a distinction between second and third wave feminism. Second wave feminism was far more reasonable than third wave feminism. Second wave feminism was about getting equal rights for women, which they largely achieved in the 70s.In fact they went overboard, to the cost of men, particularly in the divorce courts. Second wave feminism wanted to give women equal pay for equal work, equal access to the professions for women, the right to an abortion, i.e. the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy (which men still don’t have).To any liberal male, second wave feminism, seemed reasonable, so it is not surprising that many men went along with the second wave feminists, and gave them what they wanted. I’m personally pretty much a second wave feminist, i.e. I sympathize with what the second wave feminists were pushing for.Third wave feminism, to the extent that I understand it, is far more vicious, and distinctly anti male. Third wave feminism, is about the creation of gynocracy, i.e. the creation of female power, at the expense of men, whom the third wave feminists see as “toxic males,” whose power needs to be taken from them, and given to women, so that women can create a more peaceful world, free from male military violence, free from war, free from male exploitation etc.There’s just one problem with such a third wave feminazi program, and that is that men are half the population, so that the third wave feminazis are proposing to suppress half of the population, a half which is both smarter and a lot more violent than the other half, i.e. the female half, so good luck with that.There is also a strong dose of female neuroticism in third wave feminism. Many third wave feminists are hostile towards men, not so much for intellectual reasons, as written in books by academic minded third wave feminists, but for emotional, irrational reasons that have more to do with seeking revenge against men for being rejected as women by men.Have you noticed how many active feminists are not very bright, are fat, rather ugly, with no boyfriend, and hence are sexless, loveless and particularly babyless? Such women often feel real resentment against being rejected by men. This rejection is partly unfortunate in the sense that these women cannot help their looks, which are largely genetically determined, but they can certainly do something about their weight, their fatness, and their misandrist attitudes.A third of women in many countries are now fat. Another third are even obese, so off the bat, two thirds of women are fat or obese, which causes men to be sexually repelled by such women, so do not approach them for sex, and certainly not for relationships, because such women are seen by men as being “cock shrinkers” i.e. any man with an erection seeing such a fat/obese/ugly woman would be so repelled by her that his sexual desire would rapidly flow from him, the blood to his penis would retract and his penis would become flaccid. She would be a cock shrinker.Many such women are in fact triply handicapped in terms of getting a man to have a relationship with them. They are labeled by the masculists as “triple F”ers i.e. fat, four, feminazis, i.e. fat, four out of ten in looks, and feminazi bitches, whom men utterly reject. Triple F women almost certainly rot on the shelf, utterly rejected by men, not even getting pumped and dumped by men.These triple F women often then turn to feminism as a form of revenge against men for rejecting them. They like the feminazi ideas of third wave feminism, because third wave feminazis are so openly hostile towards men.These triple F women are often not very bright. One major difference between second and third wave feminism, is that second wave feminism was started by female sages, i.e. intellectuals, so were from the female intellectual elite. Third wave feminists are more from the masses, i.e. with average intelligences and hence incapable of the intellectual abstractions of the second wave feminist sages.The ideas that these third wave peaker feminists (peaker = people of average IQs which place them in the peak of the IQ bell curve, with IQs between plus and minus one standard deviation from the mean, i.e. between 85 and 115 IQ scores, which comprise about two thirds of the population.These third wave feminists have greater difficulty compared to the second wave feminist sages in seeing the abstractions of feminist thought. They are less capable of seeing the hypocrisy of their desires, particularly concerning their attitudes towards divorce.In the divorce courts, they want to have their cake and to eat it too. They want women to behave as politicians in the parliaments, i.e. pushing for equal rights for women, but want to behave as traditional fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money and labor of a man) in the divorce courts, expecting men to pay for them after the divorce as before the divorce.The obvious hypocrisy of these third wave feminist values does not seem to penetrate their mediocre minds. They are quite happy having the best of both worlds, i.e. gaining the advantages of having equal rights with men, and gaining from the massive injustices committed against men in the divorce courts which give divorcing women sole custody of the kids with 90% probability. They are awarded the house so that they can raise their kids in it. They get child support from the ex-husbands, half of his assets, and often if the ex-wife is a real fluffie, she will get alimony for life, allowing her to remain a manslaving parasite off her ex-husband after the divorce the way she was before the divorce.To fluffie feminist hypocrites, the fact that they are financially massacring their ex-husbands, they seem not to care about. They are peaker fluffie feminist hypocrites with female brains, that are 10% smaller than men’s, and have the typical amorality of women when it comes to reproduction, with an attitude that “all is fair in love and war,” i.e. they take a solipsistic attitude by giving themselves the benefits of the divorce courts but not caring about the men they financially massacre and whose lives they destroy.It is largely due to the toxicity of the divorce courts for men, that led to the rise of the MGTOW movement (men going their own way). Young men have seen the awful damage done to their fathers, their uncles and older male friends, and decided they wanted no part of marriage, nor having kids, because they considered the one in four risk of being financially massacred and having their lives destroyed by solipsistic, amoral females is utterly unacceptable, and hatable.These fluffie feminists also oppose hotly the idea that men should be given equal rights concerning unwanted pregnancies, i.e. concretely the Parer (paternity rejection right) which would allow a man to reject an undesired pregnancy, so that if the woman who has his child, wants to continue the pregnancy, then she will have to take full financial responsibility for the costs of the kid on herself, by law.The legislation of the Parer would force women to grow up, to become FIPs, but most fluffie feminist women utterly reject this idea, showing clearly their utter hypocrisy, wanting their cake and to eat it too, and not caring about the glaring hypocrisy of the fact that women have the Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right) and that men don’t have the Parer.It is this kind of hypocrisy of the third wave feminists that the masculists despise them for. It is this kind of hypocrisy of the feminazis that masculists use to discredit the feminazis by approaching the media, lashing out verbally against what the feminazis are now doing, i.e. making marriage and paternity so toxic for men, that young men refuse to marry and be fathers, so that indirectly these feminazi bitches are wiping out whole populations, and hence have to be stopped.The intellectual leaders of the MGTOW and particularly the masculists, (who are a lot more politically active than the passive MGTOWs) need to talk to the journalists so that the masculist heavy critique against the feminazis reaches the general public, so that everyone can see the enormous damage against society that the hated feminazi bitches, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, are committing against society, ultimately wiping it out, so that the general public becomes really hostile towards the feminists, i.e. the third wave feminists, who are so openly misandrist, aiming to take female power, stripping men of their power.The masculists can also point to the hypocrisy and isscienacy (i.e. ignorance of science, unable to reason scientifically) of the feminazis, in pointing out to the general public, that men are taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer and smarter than women, for the simple reason that in the distant past, women sexually selected men to be like that.Thus men evolved the way they are now, i.e. bigger, stronger, taller, fiercer, and smarter than women, because women wanted it that way, because a smarter man made a better hunter, more able to kill animals to bring home the meat to feed her and her babies. A bigger, taller, stronger, fiercer man would be more likely be able to defend her against the big, tall, strong, fierce men of enemy tribes when they invaded her tribe.Thus the feminazis, when they complain about the qualities of today’s men, seem ignorant of the simple fact they today’s men are the way they are because women’s ancestors in the distant past sexually selected men to be like that.Feminazis are quite hypocritical about what they want in a man intellectually, when they sprout their third wave feminazi dogmas, and what type of man they choose to give their vaginas to, i.e. the bigger, taller, stronger, fiercer, smarter man.Women have evolved to want to mate with men who are superior to them in strength, looks, intelligence, etc, so that their children can be given superior DNA, resulting in higher quality children. This all makes good Darwinian evolutionary sense, but since most third wave, peaker, feminazis are isscienate (i.e. ignorant of science) the above hypocrisy, as made obvious by the masculists on the broadcast media, these feminazis are unaware of. The inconsistency and hypocrisy of their third wave push for gynocracy, i.e. rule by women, goes over their heads. They just don’t see it.The masculists need to push the broadcast media hard on the hypocrisy of the feminazis, discrediting them, causing society to learn to despise the feminazis as public enemies, because indirectly the feminazis are wiping out whole populations, so must be stopped.The masculists need to spread their message that feminism is toxic and has to be destroyed, otherwise feminism will destroy societies by wiping them out, due to the rejection of paternity that the feminazis have caused via the toxicity for men of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts.Masculists need to create men’s lib groups in every high school and every campus to spread the word that feminism is toxic and needs to be killed off. Women need to be taught on campus and via the broadcast media, that “No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping feminazi bitch! Women like that are the most hated category of female, utterly rejected by men, who ignore them like the plague, forcing such women to be left rotting on the shelf, not even being pumped and dumped, being manless, loveless, sexless,? BABYLESS, poor, and spat at.”Masculists need to put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, i.e. to bother to get a career competent education to become FIPs as adults. Masculists need to paint such a negative picture of feminazis, that young women don’t dare become one, because if they do, then they know they will pay a horrible price, i.e. they won’t get a man. They should be taught the masculists slogans “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” and teach men “Rather a FIP than a fluffie!” and to teach the divorce court judges and lawyers who financially massacre men, that they will be the first targets to be murdered if things reach the sex war stage, but I’m getting ahead of myself.Thus there are many means that the masculists can use, to benignly persuade society to destroy the feminazis by utterly discrediting feminazi ideas, and placing such heavy moral pressure against feminazi ideas, that the ideology effectively dies out, so that almost no women want to be feminazis, due to the horrible cost they will pay if they are, i.e. not getting a man, being rejected by society who see feminazis as vermin, to be spat at.Women are not original thinkers, contributing almost nothing to world culture. Women have 10% smaller brains than men, so it is not surprising that women cannot compete with men in producing works of genius. The genii are males, as shown clearly by the fact that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, and all the major math prizes. Women lack genius, because they are the inferior sex. Women sexually selected smarter men, so surprise, surprise, men are smarter than women.Masculists need to combine all the above suggestions to intellectually smash the feminazis so that they get wiped out, are no longer believed in, so that the feminazis are silenced, so that the divorce courts can be menfaired, the Parer brought in, and gender discrimination and inequalities against men can be removed systematically across the board.b) Moderate Violence against the Feminazis.But imagine that the above benign approach of the masculists doesn’t work sufficiently well, so that the divorce courts remain toxic for males, the Parer is not brought in, and the population continues to decline, due to young men continuing to reject paternity, continuing to be MGTOW in their lifestyles, what then?Obviously the masculists will have to up their game, by escalating the level of violence against the feminazis. Here are some suggestions of the types of actions they could undertake to force society to silence the feminazis. I’ll start with the divorce courts, because they are the source of the greatest hatred coming from the masculists.The masculists need to form political action groups to attack the divorce courts, divorce court judges and divorce court lawyers. Masculists could paint signs on the divorce court buildings “Crime Scene Against Men” and perform negative acts towards the divorce court judges and lawyers who have reputations of being particularly nasty and biased towards men, by smashing their car windows, their house windows, letting down their car tires, calling them on the phone at 3am at night, hacking their internet, so they can’t use their computers, infecting their computer with viruses, etc.Feminazi groups at universities, could be collectively bitch slapped at their meetings by brown shirted masculists storm troopers, who break up these feminazi meetings, and certainly bitch slap feminazis who try to break up masculist talks by prominent masculist speakers. Masculist groups could approach the presidents of universities and demand that men’s lib groups be allowed on campus, that men’s studies be established, and men’s studies professors be hired to teach masculist ideas to men and women on campus.Feminazis need to be harangued by masculists, so that they fear speaking in public due to the hostile reaction of the public towards the fact that feminazis have become genociders, wiping out whole populations.Masculists, in their social lives, need to express much more vocally, their hostility and hatred of feminazis when they hear women express approval for what the feminazis are doing. As millions of women feel the moral and social pressure against them, they will bow to social force.Women are not intellectual innovators. They are much more sheep like, following the crowd. Look at women’s fashion. It is the men who invent the ideas, so masculists need to push masculist ideas, to put moral pressure on women to FIP up and to teach women to hate the feminazis, telling women that feminazis are the first category of women to be rejected by men, so that if women are stupid enough to state publically that they are feminists, then they will know that that will be the kiss of death for them in terms of getting a man.Masculist action groups could throw paint over the cars and houses of prominent feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers. Death threats could be emailed to them, telling them that they are genociders and have to be stopped.Masculists need to become a lot more creative in how they perform moderate violence against the hated feminazi genociders. As the population continues to decline, more desperate measures will need to be taken, to stop the feminists, by wiping them out, not necessarily killing them, but putting such enormous moral pressure on them, that they lose interest in being feminists, considering that the social and personal price they will pay for being feminazis is just too high, so they follow the crowd, and reject their feminist beliefs.c) Sex War against the FeminazisBut imagine that even with the above moderately violent tactics of the masculists against the feminazis that the divorce courts are still not made menfair, that the MGTOWs continue their rejection of paternity and the population continues falling. If this happens, then far more drastic measures will be called for, namely a sex war.Masculists will then become soldiers. They will then do what the “Freikorps” did in Germany after WW1, when they smashed the communists, who were threatening to take over the German government, as they actually did in some German cities. The Freikorps went into the streets with armored cars and machine gunned communists, to smash any chance that the communists might rule.Masculists would need to do the same for the sake of preventing the hated feminazis from wiping out whole populations. Black lists would be set up by the masculist military, for assassination. Top of the list would be the gender politicians who push feminazi ideas. Second on the list would be thousands of divorce court judges and lawyers who have been financially massacring and destroying the lives of millions of men over the years in the divorce courts, with their hypocritical fluffie feminist standards, seeing men as cash machines to be butchered, and abused.These thousands of divorce court judges and lawyers would be surgically murdered, sending a wave of fear through the surviving, less prominent divorce court judges and lawyers, who still hold feminazi views. The latter group would fear for their lives, knowing that thousands of their peers and colleagues have already been murdered.Prominent feminazi media personalities would also be targeted for murder, sending another wave of fear against any woman who speaks up for feminazi policies that have only succeeded in wiping out whole populations, or heading strongly that way.The masculists will argue that desperate times demand desperate measures, and in the limit will go on a sex war to literally wipe out i.e. murder and assassinate, feminazis whose ideas and policies have led to young men rejecting fatherhood. The masculists will feel perfectly justified in their surgical drastic action, i.e. they will consider their sex war a “good war,” a justified war, undertaken for the sake of preserving the human species, to keep it in existence.Another measure the masculists could undertake is to reason that it was the childlike, amoral attitudes of women that led to the rise of the feminazis that has caused whole populations to be wiped out, so that women will be deprived of their rights.The masculists will argue that women are children, who do not have the mental capacity, with their 10% smaller brains, to think like responsible, mature, male, adults, who do not care for the bigger issue of the survival of whole populations, preferring the short term advantages of the biased divorce courts, and ignoring the massive injustices committed against men in a gynocratic society.There is a limit to the level of patience and tolerance that men will accept against the onslaughts of the feminazis. The time will come when men will snap. They will take up arms, and they will start killing the feminazis for being the vermin they are. Feminazis are genociders. The feminazi genociders need to be rooted out, and that is what the militarized masculists will do to them. They will kill them.Once women are stripped of the vote, once the prominent feminazis have been eliminated, then men can be given menfaired gender laws, and society can then live a more civilized, gender fair existence, unlike in the current situation, where men are being increasingly disadvantaged by a gynocracy with ever growing power.—Things have to change. If women don’t want the masculists to reach stage three, i.e. a sex war, then women need to speak up and help the masculists put down the feminazis, by helping the masculists discredit the feminazis by openly spitting at them for being genociders.Masculists are today pushing women to become female masculists so that women vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that a sex war is not needed. Society can be content to progress only to phase one, i.e. the benign stage, where feminazis are merely intellectually crushed into silence.But if that doesn’t work, then the masculists will move into phase two, and if that doesn’t work as well, then there will be warfare, feminazis will be murdered, gender politicians will be assassinated, divorce court judges and lawyers will be murdered in their thousands, etc.Of course, no one wants to see a sex war, but if things don’t change, if men are not given menfaired gender laws, then the time will come when there will be sex war, and all the horrors depicted above will come to pass. It is strongly up to women to ensure that this does not happen.If women do nothing to change the gender status quo, then the masculists will be forced to take action, and eventually that action will be deadly to women, because they will be murdered. Women, be warned, there is a limit to male patience and tolerance. Be warned!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays”(Patreon)?(Minds)? How to Destroy Feminism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives two broad approaches on how the masculists, and in time, society as a whole, can destroy feminism, which is now indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to its takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for males that two thirds of young men refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. These two approaches are labeled, a) the Moral Taboo approach, and b) the Intellectual Demolition approach.HOW TO DESTROY FEMINISMThis flyer begins with an explanation of why feminism needs to be destroyed. It is more than important that this happens. It is critical, because feminism is indirectly wiping out whole populations, hence has to be stopped.There is nothing more important to human beings than their own survival. It is this very survival of humanity that the hated feminazis are now seriously threatening. Why do I say this?Because the feminazis, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that in a string of major countries (e.g. the US, Japan, Germany, etc.) two thirds of young men under 35, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves, i.e. they have gone MGTOW (men going their own way) maybe not in terms of their political philosophy, but definitely in practice, and that is what is important.Do the math. If the current paternity rejection continues for the next century, then our population will be effectively wiped out. With each generation reproducing only a third of its number, then over a century, say 4 generations, then the population a century from now will be a third of a third of a third of a third, which is about 1%, so the other 99% of the population has died off, i.e. the population has been effectively wiped out.The feminazis will of course blame men for this catastrophe, because it is men who are rejecting paternity. But the root cause of the problem is the toxicity of the divorce courts, as caused by the hated feminazis, who have taken them over and (ab)use them to get revenge against men, whom these fluffie feminist hypocrites see as their enemy, as cash machines to be abused and exploited in favor of women.Thus it is these hated feminazis who are the true genociders, and hence they have to be stopped, or we wipe ourselves out.The above simple logic has not yet penetrated the broadcast media. Broadcast journalists have not yet become conscious of the fact that two thirds of young men are rejecting paternity, and hence if things do not change, our populations are doomed to die out.So, how to destroy feminism, the root cause of this enormous problem, the most important problem of our historical era, because there is nothing more important to humanity that its very survival.I see two main approaches to destroying feminism, that I label, a) the Moral Taboo approach, and b) the Intellectual Demolition approach.a) The Moral Taboo approach.The main idea here is to give feminism such a bad reputation, that young women don’t dare become feminists, through fear of suffering total social rejection if they do.It is the task of the masculists to create this moral taboo, by teaching society of the wickedness of the feminazis, that the fluffie feminist hypocrites have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males that the majority of young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids, so that everyone can agree, even the less rabid of the feminists, that feminism has to be stopped, the gender laws have to be made menfair, or we wipe ourselves out.Young women need to be taught that if they state publicly in their social circle that they are feminists, then they will suffer the kiss of death in terms of getting a man. Men need to be taught by the masculists that “No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man-dumping feminazi bitch. Such women are the first to be rejected by men. They are repulsive to men, who avoid such women like the plague. Such women are forced by men to rot on the shelf to extinction, so that their feminazi bitch genes are remove from the gene pool.”The masculists need to educate society, that men have a hatred of feminazis, who have caused men so much misery in the divorce courts, where one father in four will be financially massacred and have his life ruined by these fluffie feminist hypocrites.Any woman who is stupid enough to say to her friends that she is a feminist, will pay a horrible price. She will be manless, and hence, loveless, sexless, BABYLESS, poor, and spat at, utterly rejected by men and by society in general, as society wakes up to the genocidal nature of feminism, and agrees with the masculists that feminism needs to be destroyed.To create this level of awareness in the general public, the masculists need to work hard in persuading the journalists and the media people, that humanity’s very survival is at stake, and hence the feminazis have to be destroyed, i.e. the feminist beliefs need to be wiped out, discredited, and made taboo. This is one of the major tasks of the masculists.In a year from the time of writing this flyer (Feb 2018) I will be living in Melbourne, Australia, having left China where I have lived for the past 12 years. My masculist talents in terms of persuading the media are totally untapped, because there are no autonomous organizations in China. They are not allowed by the brutal dictatorial government of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which has killed 80 million of its own citizens under Mao, has some 1000 laogai, i.e. slave labor camps for 3-5 million political prisoners, no freedom of speech, no international TV in Chinese living rooms, censors the internet, etc.I will be leaving this political shithole called China, and will start living in a culture that is infested with feminism, i.e. Australia, one of the most feministed countries on the planet, together with countries such as Sweden, the US, Canada, Britain, etc. I am curious to see what I will be able to do with the Australian media, which is something so critical to getting the masculist message out to the masses.There are dozens of MGTOWs on the internet who post regular blogs on MGTOW themes, but so far there are no “masculist media stars” who are household names on the national media.In the early 80s, I almost single handedly, put the men’s lib issue on the broadcast media map in half a dozen European countries, by taking an angry masculist approach. After a decade of feminism in the 70s, the journalists were hungry to hear the point of view of the other half of the population, i.e. men.I was several hundreds of times on the media, TV, radio, magazines, etc, in half a dozen countries, the UK, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, Australia, etc. in four languages, English, French, Dutch, German, which I could speak well enough to be interviewed in them.I will take the same angry masculist approach in Australia when I return, to take up the generous offer of my sister who will buy a one bedroom apartment and let me live in it rent free, after having been robbed of half my savings by my third (Chinese) wife.Getting the masculist message out to the masses is critical if society is to take up the moral taboo against feminism. Society has to be taught of the toxicity of feminazis, and the horrible cost it is having on society, namely wiping it out, so it has to be stopped.Of course, using the moral taboo approach to destroying feminism, is only one approach. There are several others, e.g. shooting feminazis in the street, bitch slapping them to oblivion, taking way their right to vote, etc. These remedies may eventually be needed if the moral taboo approach fails and the population continues to fall. As the population keeps falling, the situation will be seen to be increasingly dire by the population, and more drastic measures to solve the problem will be called for, e.g. shooting feminazis in the street, the ultimate genociders.But, for the time being, these more drastic means can be left on the back burner while a more benign approach is tried, i.e. creating a moral taboo against feminism.Society needs to be taught how toxic and hypocritical feminism is, how cowardly and illogical. Society needs to be taught by the masculists that feminists are hypocrites who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, i.e. they don’t bother to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) by bothering to have a career competent education at high school and college, expecting, fluffie style, to be able to parasite off the money of a man in their 30s, when their biological clocks are ticking hard and they want some manslave to parasite on, to pay for her to sit on her fat parasitic arse in a middle class house, raising HER kids, in HIS house, that he pays for.Society needs to be taught by the masculists that fluffies are vermin, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out. Manslavery is slavery. Slavery rouses passions. Slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies, aiming to wipe them out, so that all women become FIPs, thus creating a FIP Society, where gender exploitation no longer exists.In a FIP Society, girls are socialized by parents, and educated by teachers to be FIPs, so that they have a career competent education at high school and college, so that they can pull their own financial weight as an adult, and not parasite off the money of a man.Masculists need to educate society that women are to grow up, to be FIPs, to take responsibility for their own lives and not expect to parasite off the money of a man.Unfortunately, in today’s world, this is far from being the case. Three quarters of young women at age 16 choose to become fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man), by choosing to study “fluffie crap” majors, i.e. the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, memory based majors, such as history, languages, English literature, etc., instead of the analytical majors, where you are required to think analytically, e.g. math and the sciences.These 16 year old fluffie crappers are then forced to study more fluffie crap at college, because they are excluded from studying STEM fields and the professions at college, because they did not study math and the sciences at high school.In their 20s, they will sex some 40 different guys before they are 30. They will then look around for some gullible manslave to parasite upon, to pay for her to stay at home to have her kids.A decade later, she will be bored with her “penis number 41” and will take him to the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court and financially massacre him, getting sole custody of the kids, his house, to raise them in, half his possessions, child support, and often alimony, with no moral or legal obligations on her to FIP up and get a job, which means that she can continue to parasite off her manslave after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.Most feminists know nothing about masculism, so by default are still fluffies when it comes to their attitudes and expectations towards men, i.e. they see men as cash machines, to be exploited by women to pay for women to have babies.Fluffie feminists are thus profound hypocrites. They want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men. They want their cake and to eat it too. They want to be treated equally by the law, but to be paid for by men after a divorce instead of standing on their own two feet financially, like responsible adults.Masculists have a particular hatred towards fluffie feminist hypocrites. It is bad enough that such women are fluffies, and hence hated manslavers, but they are also hypocrites in being fluffie feminists, with child-like attitudes towards men when it comes to standing on their own two financial feet. Masculists despise fluffie feminists for this and put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, or be punished by men by not getting one.This is no idle threat, because now two thirds of young men have gone MGTOW, i.e. they refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, due to the utter hypocrisy of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, which wreak such havoc on men’s lives, one father in four, a far worse casualty rate for men than in a major war.b) The Intellectual Demolition approachThird wave feminism is a lot dumber than second wave feminism, which got off the ground in the 60s after Betty Friedan’s book “The Feminine Mystique” came out, that complained about the purposeless lifestyle of upper middle class women in the US, bored out of their minds being house wives in the suburbs with their household gadgets and higher education.These women wanted to work, and have careers like men, so in the 70s, huge numbers of women entered the work force, and became FIPs.However, there was no corresponding masculism in those days, so these women did not have their masculist consciousness raised. So by default they kept their traditional female expectations of men, i.e. seeing men as exploitable, disposable, cash machines.In the 90s, the internet came on the scene. In the 10s, the MGTOW movement got going, so that men were able to exchange negative experiences they had suffered at the hands of the feminazis in the divorce courts, becoming conscious of the hypocrisy of women when it came to giving men equal rights, particularly regarding the Parer (paternity rejection right) the most blatant example of sexual discrimination against men, given that women have a Marer (maternity rejection right) commonly known at the abortion right, so that a woman can reject an unwanted pregnancy, but men have no such right.If men did have such a right, that would force women to grow up and take financial responsibility for themselves, but most women don’t want to do this, so fight the legislating of the Parer with everything they have, thus increasing the hatred level of the masculists for the level of hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists.Masculist scientist sages (i.e. intellectuals) can destroy the core ideas of feminism, using scientifically based, and rationally based arguments, so that feminism as an ideology, is no longer taken seriously by sage women, particularly at universities.Most feminist ideas don’t make much sense and don’t hold up when tested against scientific realities. Probably the greatest feminist myth concerns the infamous pay gap. In the US, women earn about 80 cents to the man’s dollar. To the feminazis, this is “proof” of male discrimination towards women, i.e. elite males are holding women down, not promoting them to positions of power and authority.In reality however, women earn less than men for several other reasons, mostly due to women’s personal choices, and to women’s genetic inferiorities compared to men.For example, women choose to work less hours, preferring to have a better work/life balance. Women drop out of the work force to have kids for nearly a decade, so are less skilled and experienced in the work force than men, so are paid less.Young childless women in their 20s actually earn more than men nowadays.Women are dumber than men by 4 IQ points on average, and have a 10% lower IQ variance, so that the morons and the genii are males, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more driven, more persistent, finishing off difficult tasks more readily than women, so achieve far more than women hence are more valuable to companies and so are paid more.The fact that so many feminazis keep putting the blame on men for women’s lower pay, for the patriarchy (which in fact is a? consequence of male genetic superiority, that women can do nothing about, i.e. there will always be a glass ceiling) merely? ?increases masculist contempt for the isscienacy of the feminazis, i.e. their ignorance of science, their inability to reason scientifically.Most feminazis are isscienate fairies, living in a fairy land, believing what they want to believe, without evidence, just like religionists, and hence are not taken seriously by masculist scientist sages, who sneer at such women.A lot of feminists complain that men don’t take women seriously, and blame men for this phenomenon. What annoys masculist sages in this regard is that men’s attitudes towards women, i.e. male condescension towards women’s inferior performance record is justified.Women simply do perform less well than men across the board, due to the higher male IQ, the higher male IQ variance, the higher male testosterone levels etc. Women should be mature and scientific enough to accept that this male attitude towards women is reasonable given women’s lower performance record.Women have 10% smaller brains than men, which is a lot. It is like taking an ice cream scoop out of the male brain, i.e. 10 billion fewer neurons in the female brain, so it is not surprising than women don’t invent anything, build anything, create anything.Men utterly dominate the invention, building and creation of cultures that women merely parasite on, so the typical male condescending attitude towards women is well justified. Sure, women don’t like being condescended to, but men’s attitudes are justified. They fit the facts of women’s inferior performance record.The masculist scientist sages need to really ram home the lack of factuality, and lack of rationality of feminism to the public, ridiculing its silliness and making female sages look upon feminism as unworthy of their attention, as an ideology that is to be demolished, to be treated as disreputable, to be discarded.Once the masculist scientists have attacked the stupidities of feminism strongly, female sages will abandon their former adherence to feminism, and join forces with the men to discredit feminism as well, especially in view of the fact that feminists have now become indirectly genociders and have to be stopped.Feminism will be seen by millions of women as toxic and dangerous, because of its horrible effects on men, who then refuse to have relationships with women, who go their own way, rejecting paternity, so that young women cannot get sperm from quality males, and hence become babyless and miserable, learning to hate the fluffie feminists for causing their own babylessness.Once feminism has been made intellectually disreputable in the minds of the female sages, thanks to the efforts of masculist scientist sages, then the journalists will pick up on this attitude of the female sages and write their stories about how passé feminism is and that it is no longer to be taken seriously, because it makes so little scientific sense.The masculist scientist sages will paint feminism as largely a form of religion for women, which preaches to women what women desperately want to hear, i.e. that women are as good as men, can perform at male levels, and can do anything that men can do.Of course this is scientific nonsense. In reality, men far outperform women across the board, building everything, inventing everything, creating everything. The genii are males. Men are smarter than women, and vastly outperform women.Women have only been tolerated by men up till now, due to women’s two traditional monopolies, of vagina and womb.But starting soon, the sexbots and artwombs will be with us, so that men will be able to grow their own kids and prefer to sex their bots and hence will ignore women in droves, preferring not having to deal with women’s negative traits, such as their nagging, their irrationality, their emotionality, their hysterics.Women will then go into deep depression and existential shock, clawing at each other in competition for men’s dwindling attention, who desert women in favor of their bots and artwombs.Feminism will disappear overnight in a sexbot artwomb world. Women will be in desperate competition with each other to attract the attentions of a man. Women will be forced to be exceedingly nice to men, i.e. to be the very opposite of a misandrist man-dumping hated feminazi, if she wants to attract a man’s attention. There will be no feminism in a sexbot/artwomb world.This will be a good thing, because feminism has to be destroyed, if humanity is not to wipe itself out. Feminazis are genociders who have to be stopped.This flyer suggests that there are two main benign ways to do this, namely, by creating a moral taboo against feminism, so that people avoid it through fear of being socially rejected, and by demolishing feminazi beliefs by the sharp critiques of masculist scientist sages who destroy feminazi arguments.Once the female sages agree with the masculists, the rest of society will follow. The media people will be influenced by the sages, who then pass on the messages of the sages to the masses, and the masses then adopt the thinking of the sages, as has always been the case.So the masculist scientist sages have a job to do, to demolish feminism, to discredit it, to help destroy it.People no longer believe in witchcraft, voodoo, Negro slavery, etc. Such beliefs are seen as being literally INcredible now. Feminism needs to go the same way, so that whole populations do not get wiped out. There is a lot at stake here. Humanity wants to survive and will have to destroy feminism to stay alive.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”(Patreon)?profhugodegaris(Minds)?profhugodegaris1.3/292 Why are so Many Feminazis Fat Fours? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that a disproportionate number of feminazis are fat fours, because they are using feminism as a form of revenge against men who reject them for being sexually and emotionally repulsive to men. Fat four feminazis are usually not very bright, who tighten the vicious circle they have placed themselves in, by making themselves misandrist, man-dumping, feminazi, bitches, utterly rejected by men. The masculists need to teach society more, that women who aren’t nice to men, WONT GET ONE.WHY ARE SO MANY FEMINAZISFAT FOURS?This Flyer examines the question why so many feminazis are fat fours, i.e. fat, or obese, and four out of ten in looks.Have you noticed that there is a disproportionate number of active feminazis who are fat fours, i.e. sexually repulsive to men because they are fat, or worse, obese, and four out of ten in looks.I suspect strongly that the main reason for this discrepancy is that such women are using feminism as a form of revenge against men, for men rejecting them because they are fat fours.There are very few pretty feminazis (as there are few pretty nuns), because pretty women are treated well by men, showered with male attention, because men want to put their penises in such women. Men are sexually attracted to such women, because evolution created men who sought out good genes in their female sexual partners, because good genes correlate with good looks, which is why men place such importance on good looking women.Fat four feminazis on the other hand are the opposite. They are sexually repulsive to men, because they are fat. In many western countries now, a third of women are overweight, and another third are even obese, so off the bat, two thirds of women are sexually unattractive to men because they are carrying around too much blubber, which turns such women into veritable cock shrinkers, or as the French say – “grosses imbaisables” i.e. fat unfuckables.In the distant past, if a woman could not attract the attention of a man, she often starved to death, because women were unable to hunt for themselves, due to having to mind small children, who were totally dependent on her. So women have built into their DNA, a real fear of not being able to attract a man. Look at the enormity of the cosmetic industry, selling “fake-up” to women, to make them look more attractive to men, than women really are.Women wear lipstick to make their lips look like women’s labia which go red when inflated with blood when she is strongly sexually aroused, with her vagina suffused with blood and the secretions flowing to allow the penis to glide easily inside her.Men respond to this “rougeing” of women’s lips, so women use this trick to increase their odds of attracting a man, in competition with the millions of other women also trying to compete with them for the attention of a man.Women also want a man around so that she can parasite off his money, so that he pays for her to stay at home in a house that he pays for, so that she can raise HER kids in it. Women have two primary biological tasks in their lives – a) to find some manslave to parasite off, so that she has an easier time raising kids, and b) growing and raising the next generation.Women are very conscious nowadays that it is VERY difficult for a woman to be both a careerist and a single mother with very small children. Even if the mother is a strong FIP (financially independent person) who bothered to get a good career competent education at high school and college, so can afford to have a nanny look after the child(ren) while she is at work, life would be much easier for her, less stressed, if she had a man around the house, who could share with her the burden of paying for the costs of the kids.Women know this, so have a great need to attract the attention of a man. Women evolved to be prostitutes to men, in order to be more effective parasites off men, better able to bribe men to give women scarce male hunted meat to women and their babies, in exchange for access to her vagina.Those women in the distant past who were in sexual heat more days per month than other women, had an advantage over those other women, because they were more able to bribe men for men’s scarce hunted meat, so natural selection favored those women who were more prostitutional towards men, so over time, the concept of being in sexual heat, became irrelevant, as women evolved to be in heat every day of the month, so as to be able to bribe men for meat all days of the month, thus increasing the survivability of themselves and their babies.Thus the human female became the sexiest of mammals, being in heat all days of the month, and thus becoming supreme prostitutes to males, i.e. male meat in exchange for female vaginal access.So, given all the above, imagine how ego damaging it is for a fat four to feel rejected by nearly all men. Of course, some men at the bottom of the male attractiveness scale will want to penis them, but women are hypergamous, i.e. they evolved to want to mate with men who have higher socio-economic status than they have, thus giving these women superior DNA for their kids, so that their kids have better DNA than their mothers.Female hypergamy makes good Darwinian evolutionary sense, but it can be a two edged sword for women. If a woman allows herself to get fat and hence becomes sexually repulsive to men, then she may be forced to compromise, by suppressing her hypergamous instinct, when it comes to letting an inferior male (by her hypergamous standards) inside her vagina.If quality men universally reject her, then she is going to feel depressed. Her very being is being rejected, which hurts women’s egos deeply, so forcing these women to accept lower standards in the men they have sex with. Such fat ugly women, are forced to lower their hypergamous standards, to get attention even from rather ugly, fat, poor, males, so that these inferior males can provide her with at least some resources, that she is so desperate to parasite off, for the sake of the survival of herself and her babies.So fat ugly women, i.e. the fat fours, are being rejected across the board by men, most men, especially the superior men, the attractive ones in the eyes of women, i.e. good looking, tall, strong, fierce, brainy men with resources that nearly all women want to parasite off.The MGTOWs (men going their own way) talk about the “80-20 rule” i.e. 80% of women seeking to mate with the top 20% of men, i.e. hypergamy in action. Of course, there are not enough quality men to go round, so the other 60% of women have to compromise by their female standards.But fat fours, are rejected by nearly all men. As the masculists say, as one of their slogans “No man wants a relationship with a fat four feminazi, i.e. a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch. Such women are repulsive to men, who force such women to rot on the shelf to extinction, avoiding them like the plague, removing their feminazi bitch genes from the gene pool by having nothing to do with them, not even pumping and dumping them. Such women are anathema to men, who totally avoid them.”When faced with such utter rejection by men, and in particular by masculists, these fat four females, often turn to feminism as a form of revenge against men who reject them, instead of being more mature, more adult, in facing up to their own female contribution to their problems.Women can’t help being fours, as about a fifth of women are. (Two thirds of women are 4s, 5s or 6s, by definition, using the statistics of the bell curve, the normal (Gaussian) distribution curve.) A woman’s looks are largely genetically determined, as are a man’s. But a woman can certainly do something about her weight and her attitudes towards men.A woman has the ability to control the number of calories she stuffs into her fat face. She can ensure that the total number of calories she eats per day is less than the energy she needs to move through the day, so that if there is a deficit, then that missing energy comes from her stored fat reserves, i.e. she loses weight.It is just a matter of physics. The conservation of energy is one of the basic laws of physics, with no exceptions. If women want to gain weight, they only have to eat more than they burn off in their daily lives. Similarly, if they want to lose weight, they burn off more energy per day than they input as food. Women can control this.Women can also control their attitudes towards men. Those women who choose to become feminazis because they are rejected by men who find such fat four feminazis repulsive, who treat these “triple Fs” (fat four feminazis) as vermin to be avoided like the plague, are merely tightening a vicious circle that they have put themselves into.Most fat fours feminazis are not very bright. They have absorbed feminazi dogma that women’s problems are caused by men. They don’t have the strength of mind, nor the will power, to examine their own contribution towards them being rejected by men. Instead, they worsen their problem, by turning into feminazis, making themselves even more repulsive to men, thus causing men to reject them all the more, i.e. tightening the vicious circle, which these fat four feminazis are too dumb to pull themselves out of.So they rot on the shelf, utterly rejected by men, being manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor (since most fat four feminazis are fluffies, whose salaries are low due to the economy not valuing these women’s fluffie crap diplomas) and increasingly spat at by society, as masculist ideas are increasingly accepted by the general public.These fat four feminazis behave like children, which only increases the contempt level of masculists, who don’t take such women seriously. Fat four feminazis, who dump on men all the time, expressing their hatred of men because men have rejected them, instead of examining why men have rejected them, and then acting on that knowledge, to improve their situation.Fat four feminazis don’t do that, so continue to suffer as low intelligence idiots. For example, these fat four feminazis need to learn the simple idea, that if a woman is not nice to men, then SHE WILL NOT GET ONE. Society needs to be much more conscious of this simple truth.Men are not masochists. They will not stay with a woman who starts nagging and expressing feminazi ideas to him, telling him he is a male chauvinist pig, a toxic male, etc. Such women are quickly dumped, and deservedly so, because they are feminazi bitches, the most hated category of women from the masculist point of view.This masculist hatred against feminazis comes largely from what the feminazis have done to the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men now, under 35, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.This paternity strike is wiping out whole populations, but these MGTOWs (men going their own way) are merely reacting to the toxicity of the feminazi bitch controlled divorce courts. The root cause of the paternity rejection by MGTOWs is the feminazi bitch caused toxicity of the divorce courts, making divorce and hence marriage, toxic for men, so obviously they avoid marriage and paternity.Thus fat four feminazis play a major role in the causation of the paternity strike on the part of the MGTOWs. Thus, fat four feminazis are not just repulsive to men individually, they are now seen by masculists as public enemies, i.e. as the root cause of the population crash, indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to their making divorce so dangerous for men.So masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to be nice to men, to vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, especially in the divorce courts, so that alimony is thrown out, so that custody of the kids is JOINT by default, so that the owner(s) of the house get to keep it, etc., so that the Parer (paternity rejection right) is brought in, so that men have the equal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy as women do.The current flagrant inequality between the sexes in terms of pregnancy rejection rights is outrageous, the greatest example of sexual discrimination that exists, i.e. the Marer that exists for women, but no Parer exists for men.The masculists need to push society and the media a lot harder, to teach women that if they want a man they had better be nice to men. Being fat four feminazis is a dumb strategy, because it only makes men hate such women all the more. It is bad enough for women to be fat fours, but to become fat four feminazis, i.e. “triple Fs” is far worse. Men won’t go near feminazis, especially when they are both fat and fours.Fat four feminazis are behaving like children, not taking responsibility for their own lives, childishly putting the blame for their own situation, i.e. being rejected by men, on men, and not largely on themselves, which is both cowardly and hypocritical.It is women who are largely the cause of fat four feminazis being rejected by men, so women should take responsibility for their situation, and not dump on men, putting most of the responsibility onto men, instead of behaving like responsible adult females as some do.Too many women have child minds, with their 10% smaller brains, their 10 billion fewer neurons. Such women need to be pushed socially, with masculist moral pressure, to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives.Longer term, if men collectively become convinced that women are never going to grow up and behave as responsible adults, then men will take away women’s right to vote, because such rights are not given to children. With women stripped of the right to vote, many of men’s current gender problems would disappear, as the legal injustices, the lack of menfairness in the gender laws would be removed, because only men would be voting.So, women, grow up, behave as adult responsible females, or be spat at for being fat four feminazis. In many respects you triple Fs are your own worst enemy. You lack the common sense to realize that men have good reason to utterly reject fat four feminazi bitches.Such women are repulsive to men. Young women are learning of this hatred shown by men towards feminazis, and are learning to suppress public utterance of their inner feminist feelings, through fear of not getting a man. Young men too, find fat four feminazis repulsive and utterly reject them. So, women, be nice to men, or you won’t get one!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”(Patreon)?profhugodegaris(Minds)?profhugodegaris(BitChute)?channel/profhugodegaris1.3/293 Masculist Lashing of Feminazi Isscienates (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives an example of an angry masculist lashing out at a typical feminazi isscienate, i.e. a woman largely ignorant of science, who believes feminazi garbage that is not based on scientifically verified fact, in fact the opposite. Masculists are out to destroy the feminazis, because feminazis have become genociders, having taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males, that two thirds of young men refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. Since feminism is the root cause of this paternity rejection, feminazis are genociders, and have to be stopped. Utterly discrediting feminazi isscienacy is one effective way for masculists to wipe it out.MASCULIST LASHING OFFEMINAZI ISSCIENATESThis flyer shows how a man who is familiar with masculist ideas can successfully lash out at feminazi isscienates and shut them up.An isscienate is a person who is ignorant of science, who is unable to think scientifically. In a scientifically dominated world, to be accused of being an “isscienate fairy” is a real insult, a real slap in the face, and if it is delivered with real conviction, confidence, and with true masculist venom and intelligence, then it will shut up feminazis because they will be made conscious that they are being opposed by a man, smarter than they are, obviously far better informed intellectually and scientifically than they are, so they had better shut up, or suffer more intellectual wrath at their expense from this angry, articulate, informed, masculist scientist who obviously has no patience nor tolerance for feminazi bitches, whom he sees as inferior ignorami.As an ideologist, a masculist ideologist, I am a strong believer in the power of effective labels. One can hurl good labels at one’s intellectual opponents, silencing them, because if the labels are strongly factually based, then it will be almost impossible for your opponents to negate them. The more they try to, the more exposed they become to the weaknesses of their so called “facts”.When a feminazi sprouts her culturist garbage, i.e. that gender differences are purely social constructs and have nothing to do with genetics nor biology, then as a masculist, who is well informed of masculist ideas, you can then stand up in an audience and cut her fucking head off with an angry, well informed, harangue, to make her feel that she has been humiliated publicly, for being an isscienate fairy (i.e. living in a fairyland, believing what she wants to believe, without evidence, just like religionists, or flat earthers. Hey, flat earther! Haven’t you seen that famous photo of the earth taken from the moon, and what shape was the earth!? Moron!)An isscienate feminazi is a twenty-first century peasant who knows little science, who believes feminazi garbage, that does not stand up to scientific scrutiny, and empirical data.For example, imagine, once I return to Australia, in about a year, to take up my sister’s generous offer to let me live, rent free, in a one bedroom apartment, that she will buy, and I happen to be at ?a public meeting where some feminazi makes some derogatory comment about the patriarchy, or men in general.? I then stand up, switch on my professorial brain, my masculist, mathematical brain, and blast the feminazi out of the room, with the following masculist diatribe, delivered with superior male intelligence and definitely with greater male verbal aggression, because men have that in spades, given men’s much higher testosterone levels than women.If you, as a man, feel inspired by what you are about to read/hear, then I suggest if you want to be able to do the same, that you become well informed of masculist arguments. Arm yourself intellectually with masculist ideas so that you can hurl them at feminazis, expressing your contempt for their indirect genocidal dogmas that are indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to them taking over the divorce courts and making them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves.Feminazis are genociders, who have to be stopped. One effective way to stop them is to destroy feminism as an ideology with a more powerful ideology, i.e. masculism, that is science based, whereas feminism is merely a form of religion for women that preaches to women what women desperately want to hear, i.e. that women are the equal of men, which of course, science shows clearly in NOT the case. But isscienate fairy feminazis don’t care much about such trivialities as scientifically verified facts!So, here’s the kind of masculist harangue I imagine myself giving in about a year, once I arrive in feminazi infested Australia, using all my masculist big guns.“Hey you feminazi bitch, you hated fluffie feminist hypocrite, you indirect genocider, having taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They have gone MGTOW (men going their own way).You feminazi bitches are now so hated by men, that you are forced to rot on the shelf, because no man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man-dumping feminazi bitch. Such women are repulsive to men, the first category of female to be rejected by men, whose fluffie bitch genes are removed from the gene pool, forcing women to FIP up, i.e. becoming FIPs (financially independent persons) who are not fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man.)I’m a masculist, an angry masculist, who is also a PhDed, full research professor scientist, and I don’t take kindly to feminazi bitches pissing on men, with ignorant arguments that flatly contradict what science has to say. The scientist and masculist in me then sees a red flag, and attacks you feminazi bitches, to blow you out of the room.For example, you feminazis pretend that you’re men’s equals. Well, you’re not. You are femaliens, inferior creatures to men. You have 10% smaller brains for a start, the single most damning fact about women. How can a creature that has 10% fewer neurons in her brain, compared to men’s brains, pretend to be men’s equal, when men have 10% more neural processing capacity than women.That’s a lot. That’s like taking an ice cream scoop out of the male brain. Common sense says that with such a smaller female brain, women cannot do things that men can do, e.g. invent anything, build anything, create anything. Women have won a pathetic 1% of science Nobel prizes. You hear that, you fat ugly pathetic feminazi, 1%, a piddly 1%. There’s far more.Women are dumber than men, by 4 IQ points, say Prof. Rushton, and Prof. Lynn independently, google them or YouTube them for details.Women have a 10% smaller IQ variance than men, which means that women’s IQ scores over a whole population, are less spread out over millions of people, so that the morons and the genii are males. So it’s not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. The genii are males. Virtually all the inventions and world class works of art come from males. Women contribute almost nothing to world culture, due to their genetically determined inferiorities, their 10% smaller brains.Women have much less testosterone than men in their blood, so are less aggressive, less ambitious, less dogged, less persistent, so give up more easily at difficult tasks, so men end up vastly outperforming women, which is why the Who’s Who books are dominated by men. Women are more wishy washy and give up more easily, so contribute little to world culture. Everyone has heard of the term “great man” but the term “great woman” is almost an oxymoron, so rarely does the concept arise.You feminazis are cowardly hypocrites. You blame men for your female situation, instead of taking a lot of the responsibility for that situation on yourselves. You are a typical unfuckable fat four feminazi that men reject. You then use feminism as a form of revenge to lash out at men, instead of looking at yourselves and your own inadequacies. Men have good reason to reject creatures like you. You can’t control your inferior looks, being 4 out of 10 in looks, but you can control your weight and your attitudes towards men.Your misandry and constant male-dumping makes you hated by men, so we punish you buy totally ignoring you. We don’t even pump and dump you. We force you to rot on the shelf, by having nothing to do with you, forcing your feminazi bitch genes to be removed from the gene pool.You feminazis are mostly fluffies, and hence are fluffie feminist hypocrites. You want your cake and to eat it too. You are hypocrites because you want, on the one hand, equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, by not bothering to become FIPs (financially independent persons), by not bothering to study career competent majors at high school and college.Three quarters of young women at age 16, choose to become fluffies as adults. They chose to study fluffie crap majors at high school, i.e. the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, soft option, of memory based subjects like history, English literature, languages, etc., instead of the hard option of the analytical subjects like math and the sciences.These fluffie crappers then go to university, where they are forced to study more fluffie crap majors because they are excluded from studying career competent majors that will allow them to be real FIPs as adults, because they don’t have the prerequisites from high school, such as math and the sciences. So these fluffie crappers cannot study STEM (science tech engineering math) majors, nor the professions, because they are fluffie crappers.They will then sex some 40 different men in their 20s, according to statistics, and then, when their biological clock is taking hard with baby rabies in their 30s, they will realize that with their fluffie crap diplomas, that the economy does not value, they are incapable of earning a good wage, so start looking around for some gullible manslave to parasite off, so that she can stay at home on her fat big parasitic arse, raising HER kids, in a house that her manslave pays for. She has become a real manslaving hated fluffie.Ten years later, with her kids and house, she will be bored with her penis number 41, and will take him to the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system and have him financially massacred, ruining his life, by stripping him of his kids, with a 90% probability, taking his house, so she can raise her kids in it, getting child payments from him, half his possessions, and often alimony for life, with no moral or legal obligations on her to FIP up and get a job, so that she can remain a fluffie parasite off him after the divorce the way she was before the divorce.Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists. We masculists aim to free men from manslavery, across the planet, this century, by wiping out the fluffies, by treating them the same as the hated fluffie feminists. Both groups are fluffies, and fluffies are vermin to masculists, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, by forcing them to rot on the shelf, not even being pumped and dumped, by being totally ignored, so that they die slowly, manless loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and as society becomes increasingly sympathetic to masculist ideas, spat at.We masculists have a real hatred of you fluffie feminist hypocrites. We attack you, destroy you. We make young women conscious that you feminazis are the root cause for why they cannot persuade young quality men to give them their sperm. You hated feminazis have made divorce so toxic for men, that men simply avoid the problem by going MGTOW (men going their own way) refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves.So young women now are learning to hate you feminazis as much as men do, because they are being taught by the masculists that it is the feminazis who are stopping young quality men from giving young women their sperm, and refusing to have relationships with them if they are fluffie parasites.Men have given women the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education, so that women can choose to have their 0, 1 or 2 kids, mostly. So women have a career window of some 4 decades, so the masculists point the finger at women saying in fierce and strongly moral terms, “Now that women can work, they must work. Anything else is parasitism off men’s money. Women have to FIP up (become FIPs) or are punished by men by being forced to rot on the shelf, manless and babyless.”Masculism is essentially a rebellion by men against being manslaves to women, against working for women. You feminazi bitches are fluffie feminist hypocrites who are hated by the masculists. We are out to destroy you, both physically, by forcing you to rot on the shelf to extinction, and intellectually, by thoroughly discrediting you with your feminazi bullshit, your isscienate garbage, preaching to women that women are men’s equals, when science says just the opposite.You feminazis are female, with your 10% smaller brains. There is no way you will ever be able to do what men do routinely, i.e. create, build, and invent whole cultures, that you women then parasite off. As femaliens you evolved to be baby factories and child raisers, which is what you are happiest at doing, but within a decade or so, these two traditional monopolies that you have always had (i.e. the womb and vagina) will be superseded by male engineering genius, in the form of sex bots and artificial wombs.The sexbots are coming out now, with their luscious curves, film star faces, creamy, grippy vaginas, that two thirds of women can’t compete with at all, because a third of women are obese, and another third are overweight, so off the bat, two thirds of women are too fat to be fuckable, so are rejected by men.When men can grow their own kids, and prefer to fuck their bots rather than nagging, irrational, emotional, hysterical femaliens, then women will go into deep existential panic and shock, and be clawing at each other in desperate competition for men’s dwindling attention. Feminism will disappear overnight, as women are forced to be extremely nice to men to be able to compete with the artwombs and sexbots. Only the nicest and sexiest of women will be able to attract the attention of a man.In the past, we men have had to tolerate women’s severe inferiorities, but with the sexbots and artwombs soon with us, men will have the option to simply ignore women, whom men see as inferior creatures, not worth bothering with.So feminazi, I suggest you stop dumping on men, or you will be amongst the first to be rejected by men. You’re already treated like the plague by masculists who are about to destroy you, but when the sexbots and artwombs come, all men will see you feminazis as misandrist vermin and totally ignore you. Since 99% of you are heterosexual, you will not get any sex from men, who will see you as ignorable arse holes.So, to close off, the next time you look at yourself in the mirror and you contemplate your manless, sexless, babyless, poor, lonely half-life as a feminazi bitch, and you contemplate suicide, I suggest you go through with it, so that we masculists will have one less feminazi bitch to have to put up with.The world will be a far better place once you feminazi vermin have been removed from it, which is one of the main tasks of the masculists. We are out to destroy you feminazi bitches, you genocidal criminals, who have to be stopped if whole populations are not to be wiped out, so piss off and die!”==Guys, if you would like to be able to harangue a feminazi bitch like that, and blow her out of the room, then teach yourself masculist ideas, so that if you are articulate and intelligent, you will be able to make a strong case against her feminazi bitchery, by being more verbally venomous than she can be, because she is a femalien. She’s not as smart as you on average, and has less testosterone, so blow her out of the room. Harangue her with your masculist firestorm. Crush the feminazi bitch with superior male intellectual and moral force. Crush these feminazi bitches. They are wiping out whole populations. They are GENOCIDERS.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”(Patreon)?profhugodegaris(Minds)?profhugodegaris(BitChute)?channel/profhugodegaris1.3/296 “Wesley College Plans to Discriminate against Boys” (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : Now that I’m starting to settle into my new life in Melbourne Australia, I have the mental energy to reboot my masculist activities. My masculist talents were wasted in the Chinese political shithole, but in Melbourne, I’m in my own linguistic group, and my childhood culture, so have immediate access to the people, and the mentality. I’m now starting a media campaign, to bring masculist thinking to Australia. This flyer is a “letter to the editor” type comment or article on a proposal by the headmistress of my old school, where I spent 11 years of my boyhood, from 2nd grade to 6th form (12th grade). She wants to impose a “girl quota” on her school and went with her lawyer to a tribunal hearing to get an exemption from the anti-discrimination law that exists in the state I live in, Victoria, Australia. I was present at that hearing, presenting the masculist side, telling the presiding judge (female of course) that the headmistress’s girl quota would discriminate against boys, because boys have superior, genetically based, abilities, so that the top scoring boys who would be denied a slot in her expensive elite school, would have superior abilities (be more meritocratic) than the bottom scoring girls who would get a slot. This is discriminatory and should be illegal, but since, I’m getting the impression, Australia is as gynocentric and feminazi infested as the US, the headmistress will probably get her way, at the expense of boys. I will use this letter to approach the newspapers and magazines, i.e. the print and e-zine media in Australia, trying to get a masculist toe hold, to launch a masculist consciousness in this backwater part of the world, that has been so intellectually colonized by America’s overwhelming soft power. (Australia’s population is so tiny, that it doesn’t produce many sages, to have much intellectual impact on the much bigger world.)WESLEY COLLEGE PLANS TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST BOYSDr. Helen Drennen, headmistress of Wesley College (the same school I spent 11 years of my boyhood at), a well-known "public" (actually private, fee paying) school in Melbourne, is not happy with the 4 boys to 3 girls gender ratio of pupils at her school. On Sept 3rd. 2018, she and her lawyer (an incongruous female figure in a man's pants, a man's crewcut and wearing lipstick) requested, in a tribunal hearing at King's St in Melbourne's CBD, at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), to allow her school to favor acceptance of girls applying to her school, to give girls more scholarships than boys, to advertise preferentially for girls, etc. to increase the "gender ratio" to 50:50. In other words, what Dr. Drennen wants is a "girl quota." Dr. Drennen wants her school to be given an exemption from the Victorian anti-discrimination law, that normally forbids such discrimination on the basis of gender. I was the only male in the room. When I was asked, "Whom do you represent?" I answered "Males, the other half of the population!" I assume (I didn’t ask her, perhaps I should have) that Dr. Drennen genuinely believes that girls are equally capable as boys, so that imposing a girl quota on her school would be perfectly just to both sexes, in terms of "equality of opportunity" and meritocratic fairness. I too would agree with Dr. Drennen's aim to create a girl quota for her school, IF, and its a big if, girls had the same average IQ as boys, had the same IQ variance (i.e. a measure of how spread out IQ scores are over a whole population), had the same testosterone levels (hence motivational levels), and had the same average brain size, with the same number of neurons, as boys. Unfortunately for her, none of the above criteria are true, so from my "masculist scientist" point of view (I coined the term "masculist" in the early 70s, and was a PhDed full research professor in artificial intelligence before retirement) Dr. Drennen's girl quota request will be discriminatory against boys, and therefore is illegal. Why do I think girls are intellectually, genetically, inferior to boys on average? Because that is what the scientific evidence shows. For example – 1. Boys have an average IQ superiority over girls by 4 IQ points. (Google or YouTube Prof. Rushton, or Prof. Lynn on this for details.) 2. Women are hypergamous, i.e. a woman will try to mate with as superior a male as she can attract, thus getting superior DNA for her kids, who will then have DNA superior to hers. Women evolved with this hypergamous instinct, which is good for the species, but there are constraints on how superior a man can be, that a woman can aim for. Research shows that if the IQ difference within a couple is more than 5 points, the relationship fails, so the above 4 IQ points superiority of the average male IQ above the average female IQ, is consistent with that 5 IQ points constraint. 3. Males have a 10% larger IQ variance than females (i.e. males IQ scores are more spread out over the whole population (millions of people)) so that the morons AND the genii are males, so given that the genii are males, it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, and women have won a piddly 1%. The genii are males, so it is men who invent and build whole cultures and it is women who parasite off them (i.e. women parasite off both the men and the cultures.) 4. Men's testosterone levels are much higher than women's, so men are much more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, at finishing difficult tasks, so have a greatly superior track record of achievement over women. Women are more wishy washy and give up more easily when the going gets tough. Paraphrasing the expression - "When the going gets tough, the tough get going, but less so for women, due to lower testosterone levels." 5. Probably the most damning fact against women, that a man (who, for example, gets tired of the arrogance of some "feminazi princess") can hurl at her, is that "Women's brains on average are 10% smaller than men's brains. (Google it!). This is consistent with the fact of female hypergamy. Women sexually selected men who were taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer and smarter than them, to provide protection against big, strong, fierce men from enemy tribes who might kill her in intertribal wars. Smarter men made better hunters, and thus provided her and her babies with more scarce male hunted meat in times of starvation. 10% fewer neurons in the female brain is a lot. That’s like taking an ice cream scoop out of the male brain, i.e. 10 billion fewer neurons, 10% less neural processing capacity, so its not surprising that women don’t invent much, don’t build much, don’t create much. Men are smarter than women because women sexually selected men over several million years who had these superiorities. The above is what science says, so what are their consequences for Dr. Drennen's "girl quota?" Let's assume Dr. Drennen gets her way, i.e. she gets her "girl quota" for her school, what impact will that have on boys? I think it's clear that it will discriminate against some boys, that it will be anti-meritocratic, because the bottom scoring girls who will be given a slot in her elite expensive school, will be LESS ABLE (i.e. less meritocratic) than the top scoring boys who WILL NOT be given a slot. Thus those superior boys who are denied a slot, will be discriminated against, and this should be illegal. When it came to my turn to speak at the above tribunal hearing, I mentioned the above, as well as saying, by way of analogy, that the US tried creating a "blacks quota" that badly backfired, and was later quietly dropped. In the US, the average IQ of black Americans is about 85, compared to the white 100. Those bottom scoring blacks who were given a slot at the elite colleges in the US due to the black quota, became the butts of strong resentment against them from whites and yellows who told these blacks "You're too stupid to be here at this elite school. You’re only here because of the black quota. You’re taking the slot of a smarter white or Asian student, who should have your slot, because he/she is smarter than you." The social and moral pressure against these "quota-ed" blacks was so heavy, that these blacks themselves asked their representative organizations to stop the black quota, which is what happened. The elite colleges in the US are now disproportionately filled with Asians and Ashkenazi Jews, because these two groups have higher average IQs than blacks or whites. (The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the US is a whopping 115, and for Asians 105, compared to the average white IQ of 100). If the black quota idea failed in the US, why would Dr. Helen Drennen's "girl quota" proposal fare any better? A girl quota is discriminatory against boys, given boys genetic superiority over girls, and therefore should be thrown out of court as illegal, because it discriminates on the basis of gender, which is what the original legislation of equal opportunities for both genders was originally designed to prevent. At best, Dr. Helen Drennen is poorly informed on the scientific basis for differences in abilities between boys and girls, or, at worst, she is merely another "misandrist gynocrat" giving girls "privileges for princesses." Either way, we masculists are fed up with such discrimination against males and are increasingly putting our male foot down, with a growing anger and bitterness. So feminists, be warned - we men are smarter than women, and a hell of a lot more aggressive! Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ (contains links to 300 YouTube masculist essays/videos)1.3/297 Mono-Conscious Feminazis Become Anger-Biased Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains why so many feminists become angry at men for men’s oppression of women, but have no clue of women’s oppression of men (e.g. through women’s financial parasitism, their manslavery, their rejection of the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) Once these mono-conscious feminists (who have had their feminists consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness raised) do become conscious that gender oppression is a TWO way street, then they tend to lose their anger, their anger-bias, because they learn that women oppress men badly too, especially with their fluffie parasitism. Raising the consciousness level of women regarding women’s oppression of men, has a sobering effect on them, causing them to be less feminazi and more feminist AND female masculist as they become bi-conscious.MONO-CONSCIOUS FEMINAZISMono-Conscious Feminists Become Anger-Biased FeminazisA "mono-conscious" feminist, by definition, has had her feminist consciousness raised, but NOT her masculist consciousness raised, so she has had only ONE form of gender consciousness raising, which makes her "monoconscious." Most feminists have probably never even HEARD of the term "masculist" so are ignorant of the other half of the gender oppression story. A monoconscious feminist has been made aware by feminist media that men oppress women (e.g. rape, job discrimination, male chauvinism, genital mutilation, etc. etc.) but knows nothing about masculism, i.e. about how women oppress men (e.g. female financial parasitism, manslavery, the financial massacring of men in the fluffie feminist 1 dominated divorce courts, the lack of the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. etc.) Thus, mono-conscious feminists are "gender biased." They are under the impression that gender oppression of one gender by the other is a one way street. When mono-conscious feminists reflect on the ways men oppress women, of course, they get angry, and so feel they have the right to punish men for oppressing women, particularly in the divorce courts, which the fluffie feminists have taken over, and routinely financially massacre and ruin the lives of ONE father in FOUR in many western countries nowadays. This feminist anger against men makes many feminists turn into feminazis, who feel they have the right to punish men, which men see as female oppression of men, particularly in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. (A fluffie is a masculist label for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man. Fluffies (based on the word "fluff" has connotations of being light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, not career competent, not FIP (financially independent person). Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, who see them as "immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin" to be wiped out, by being forced to rot on the shelf, by men totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing their fluffie bitch genes to be removed from the gene pool. Masculism is essentially a rebellion by men against being manslaves to women. You can look upon masculism as the 21st century equivalent of 19th century American abolitionism. The abolitionists in the northern US states wanted to abolish negro slavery, which eventually led to the US Civil War, killing 600,000 soldiers. Masculists want to abolish man slavery, worldwide, in the 21st century, by forcing women to FIP up (i.e. become FIPs, bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college that the economy values and pays a good salary for, so that girls can become FIPs as adults and not parasite off the money of a man. Masculists aim for the creation of a "FIP Society" in which boys and girls are socialized and educated to be FIPs so that there are no more fluffies, no more fluffie feminist hypocrites who want equal rights with men in the parliaments, but who behave as fluffies in the divorce courts, rejecting equal obligations with men, refusing to become financially responsible adults, pulling their own financial weight, and not parasiting off the labor of a man, i.e. not being a hated, immoral, parasitic, manslaving fluffie. We men have the financial power to force women to FIP up, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave. But thanks to the rise of the masculist and MGTOW movements (men going their own way, i.e. men who are reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the fluffie feminists, making marriage such a shitty deal for men, that in many countries now 2/3 of young men under 35, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves), the supply of such gullible man slaves is drying up. Young women now are panicking, that they cannot persuade quality young men to give them their sperm, so young women fear being babyless. Men have 10% larger brains than women (Google it!) with 10 billion more neurons, 10% more neural processing capacity, so it is not surprising that men invent almost everything, build almost everything, create almost everything. Men have given women, the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education, life expectancies into the 80s, soon to be the 90s, so women, even those who have their 2 kids, have a career window of some 4 decades. Therefore women CAN work, so the masculists point the finger at women, and say in very strong moral tones, "Now that women CAN work, they MUST work! Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men, and hence is manslavery, a moral abomination, rousing real hatred in masculists towards fluffies, and fluffie feminists." A fluffie feminist is a feminist who knows nothing about masculism, who is mono-conscious, who still has traditional expectations of men, namely seeing men as cash machines who exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. This expectation of women towards men is deeply ingrained, including most feminists, and is an attitude that the masculists and MGTOWs are destroying, by refusing to be manslaves to parasitic fluffies. With the rise of the MGTOW and masculist movements (both are branches of the general Men's Lib movement) fluffies are increasingly being forced to rot on the shelf. Men refuse to be manslaves to fluffies. So from the above, it should be obvious that men have their gender oppression story too, especially in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, where a divorcing father will typically lose custody of his kids with a 90% probability, lose half his stuff to his fluffie ex-wife, lose his house to her, so she can raise HER kids in it, pay child support to kids he will barely see, and if the ex-wife is a real fluffie, he will often be forced to pay her alimony for life, so that she can remain a parasite off him after the divorce, the way she was before the divorce, with no moral or legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up, by getting a job and become a responsible adult, not parasiting off the money of a man, because she was too lazy and parasitic in her expectations of men, to bother to have had a career competent education, resulting in her inability to afford to pay for her own middle class house, expecting some gullible manslave to pay for it for her. What is far more serious, is that the MGTOWs are over 2/3 of young men now, so are wiping out whole populations with their paternity rejection. If the young generation reproduces only a third of its number, then over a century, i.e. 4 generations, i.e. is a third of a third of a third of a third is about 1% and the other 99% die off, thus wiping out the population. But the MGTOWs and masculists are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts taken over by the fluffie feminists who use them as a form of punishment, or revenge against men for the gender crimes committed by men against women in the past. Two wrongs don’t make a right. The anger shown by the feminazi divorce court lawyers and judges will come back to bite them, i.e. shoot them, as responsible males eventually put their foot down against the indirect genocide of whole populations, caused by the toxicity of the divorce courts for men as generated by the fluffie feminists. In the limit, masculist soldiers will go out into the streets and simply shoot feminazis; assassinate the gender politicians who created these profoundly misandrist divorce laws, and murder thousands of feminazi divorce court lawyers and judges, to stop whole populations from being wiped out, i.e. there will be a sex war. Thus one sees clearly, from the above that the masculists have a strong case when they say that women oppress men as well. The problem is that western countries have been so brainwashed by feminist rhetoric over the past half century, that it is virtually taboo in these countries for masculists to criticize women. For example, my own brother, was verbally hostile towards my masculist views, when we discussed them a few days after me migrating to Australia after having lived half a century outside Australia, where I grew up. My brother has been divorce raped. He married a big boobs bimbo, who got a million dollars out of him, for merely fucking him a few times. The fluffie feminist divorce court judge who ordered this gender injustice against men, obviously agreed with the fluffie feminist attitude that men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. I protested to my brother - "You've been divorce raped, for Christ's sake, and you had to pay that big boobed bimbo a million bucks. You have a hatred of fluffie parasites, so why the hell are you attacking masculist attitudes towards fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites? You're being utterly inconsistent." It was like pouring water over a duck's back. He was simply too brainwashed, unable to connect in his own brain, the contradiction he has between his personal hatred for fluffie parasites as a result of his experience in the fluffie feminist controlled divorce court, and his decades long brain washing, that it is taboo to criticize women, that masculists certainly do. My brother is not the only one. Recently I tried to persuade the single male editor (with 3 other female co-editors) of Melbourne University's student magazine that comes out monthly, to publish an essay I wrote spelling out the core ideas of masculism. No reply. I sent the same article to the three female editors, pitching to them that it was in women's self-interest to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, otherwise the masculists and MGTOWs will continue their rejection of marriage and paternity, forcing these women to be babyless, which will drive them crazy. Again, no reply - none of them. So its becoming increasingly clear to me that I have a real fight on my hands in penetrating this mono-conscious attitude of the feminazis, and their strangle hold over the culture, brain washing not only women to believe that gender oppression is a one way street, but men too, such as my brother, and the male editor of the student magazine. So I’m rolling up my sleeves for a long war, a sex war. I will keep aiming to persuade the broadcast media to take up the gender story of the other half, i.e. men's story, talking about how women oppress men, as shown above. Its my experience that when an angry feminazi, who is strongly mono-conscious, and hence anger-biased against men, is confronted by an even angrier masculist, who harangues her to her face with real male venom, with a level of verbal aggression that women usually cannot muster, given men’s higher testosterone levels, making men a lot more aggressive, a lot fiercer than women, so women usually shut up when they learn that women oppress men too. This new masculist knowledge sobers them, causes them to lose their anger and hatred of men, because they learn that women can be just as oppressive towards men as vice versa, and in fact, probably even more, because manslavery lasts decades, even lifelong. Thus men have a new tool now, a new label that they can hurl at the feminists, accusing them of being "monoconscious feminazis, ignorant of the ways women oppress men, and hence do not have the right to be angry at men for the ways men oppress women, when women oppress men just as much, if not more." So when a masculist confronts an anger-biased feminist he can blow her away with the accusation of being a "mono-conscious feminazi." Women will have to get used to being confronted by angry 9 masculists who lash out with verbal violence against the anger bias of feminazis. Masculist leaders, being male, are smarter than these feminazis, and beat them at their own game. So get used to it, you mono-conscious feminists. You will have to share the gender stage with the masculists from now on, and if you come out with your anger bias in the presence of a smart, articulate, well informed masculist, expect to have your head bitten off, and you will deserve it. Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ (contains links to 300 YouTube masculist essays/videos)1.4 Masculist Critiques of Fluffie Feminists1.4/66 MGTOW-Masculist Message to Fluffie Feminists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is directed at fluffie feminists, explaining why MGTOWs-masculists have such a hatred of them, refusing to be their manslaves, and forcing them to become FIPs or be manless.MGTOW-MASCULIST MESSAGE TO FLUFFIE FEMINISTSThis flyer is addressed to fluffie feminists, i.e. feminists who have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness raised (due to ignorance of masculist ideas), so by default, have traditional female attitudes towards men, i.e. they see men as exploitable check books.You (i.e. fluffie feminists) are 99.5% heterosexual, so you depend on men sexually. If you want orgasms that you don’t give to yourself, i.e. if you want men to give you orgasms, you have to be nice to them, or they will do what MGTOWs (men going their own way, refusing to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves) and masculists (men’s libbers) do to fluffie feminists, i.e. have nothing to do with you, not only will they not marry you, not give you babies, but they wont even fuck you. Your misandrist, male dumping bitchiness is so hated by MGTOWs/masculists that they punish you by forcing you to rot on the shelf to extinction. Such men WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.You complain about “Where have all the good men gone?” meaning what happened to robot male manslaves, who were prepared to work for a fluffie, to be her manslave. (A fluffie is a masculist term for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money, having him pay for a middle class house that she raises her kids in.)The essence of masculism is that it is “a rebellion by men against working for women.” Thanks to the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education for women etc, women now choose to have 0, 1, 2 kids which may occupy them fully for a few years, but then they have 40+ years of career time.Masculists put enormous moral pressure on fluffies and fluffie feminists to become FIPs (financially independent persons) so that they pull their financial weight, and do not parasite on a man. NOW THAT WOMEN CAN WORK, THEY MUST WORK, ANYTHING ELSE IS PARASITISM ON MEN’S LABOR.MGTOWs and masculists refuse the traditional male role of being manslaves for women. They have voted with their feet, and will only have relationships with FIP women, and even then, only “twaytwef” relationships (i.e. 2A2F relationships, where the man and the woman are both FIPs, with each having their own apartment. That way the man gets the regular sex he wants. When the relationship fails, as most do, they both just return to their apartments, cost free to the man. There is no divorce, because no marriage, no alimony, because the ex-girlfriend is a FIP, no child payments because no kids.The great advantage of twaytweffing for a man, is that it forces the woman to be nice to him. If the woman starts nagging him or withholds sex, then he just quietly walks away back to his apartment, with no cost to him. His girlfriend knows how easy it is for him to walk out, so she remains constantly motivated to be nice to him or she knows she can lose him so easily.Traditionally a fluffie was nice to her man at the beginning of a relationship, not nagging him, fucking him a lot, until they were married. Ten years later, she will probably be bored by him, and “want out” in half of marriages, so will use the divorce courts that you fluffie feminists have taken over?to financially massacre him.About one married man in four will be financially massacred in the western divorce courts, that are paragons of fluffie feminist psychopathic abuse and massive injustice against men. A divorced man will lose custody of his kids with about 90% probability, he will lose his house so that she can raise HER kids in it. He will be forced by the divorce court to pay child support to kids he might see twice a month in weekends, and if his ex-wife is a fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony for life, so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.This massive injustice against men committed by the divorce courts taken over by fluffie feminists is the principle reason why MGTOWs and masculists so hate you. We know that you don’t love men. It is in your genetic nature to love men’s financial exploitability, and as soon as your man loses that exploitability, you will coldly dump him, falling out of love with him, and move on to a more exploitable male. Men recognize that this makes perfect Darwinian sense.MGTOWs call this idea that women don’t love men, but rather men’s exploitability as the “red pill” (an analogy taken from the movie “The Matrix”. Taking the red pill is the choice to know the negative truth.) It makes men who have taken the red pill, as distinct from blue pill men, who still believe the myth that women are capable of loving them, much more cynical of women, and so they are much more wary of women’s tricks to extract resources (money) from men.As a result of your takeover of the divorce courts, and the more than 10 million US men you have financially massacred since the 70s, MGTOWs and masculists refuse to marry you and refuse to give you babies. Masculists go further and refuse to even fuck you, preferring to fuck only FIP women, thus putting enormous moral and sexual pressure on fluffies to become FIPs.Masculists see clearly, that so many of men’s gender problems would disappear overnight, if we lived in a FIP Society, where all adults are FIPs, i.e. financially responsible, career competent adults, pulling their own financial weight, and not parasiting on the other sex. This is why masculists (who are a lot more politically active than passive MGTOWs, who simply walk away from the marriage market and paternity) place such enormous emphasis on ridding the world of fluffies, by refusing to have relationships with them.The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies, by letting them rot on the shelf to extinction, refusing to marry them, refusing to give them babies and refusing even to fuck them, preferring to fuck only FIPs.Indirectly, you fluffie feminists have become genocidal criminals, because of what you have done to the divorce courts. You have made marriage and paternity so TOXIC?to men, that men refuse to marry and have kids. Only about 30% of young men in the US now are willing to become manslaves to women. The other 70% see them as ignorant fools who will have to learn the hard way by being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. That will wake them up, and convert them from being blue pillers to red pillers.Within a decade, the proportion of young men prepared to be manslaves to women, will probably have fallen to about 10%, so then the gender politicians, will HAVE to menfair the gender laws, so that men are prepared to be fathers again. If the gender politicians don’t do what men want, and listen only to you fluffie feminist lobbyers, then within a mere century, the US population is wiped out, because the young generation (<35) is reproducing only a third of its number. So masculists and MGTOW hate you for indirectly wiping out the whole population. You are genocidal criminals.You are also lazy parasites on men. In high schools in western countries, about two thirds of young women aged 16, choose the “soft option” (i.e. non math, non science) to study in their junior and senior years at high school. This choice is critical, because it inevitably locks them into a path that will make them fluffies in their 30s when their biological clock is ticking, and they realize they are incapable of earning good money to afford for themselves a middle class house to raise kids in, so they look around for some robot male manslave to pay for it.A woman who studies “fluffie crap” at high school (i.e. the soft option) will only be able to study fluffie crap at college, because she will be excluded from the FIP majors (i.e. the professions (medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, etc) or the techs (computer science, engineering, math, physics, chemistry, geology, etc)) because the FIP majors require as prerequisites, math and sciences to have been studied at high school.So a revolution needs to occur in high school education. Masculists threaten “fluffie crapper” women, that if they don’t study FIP majors at high school, they will pay a heavy price. They wont get a man because they will end up being fluffie parasites on men, so they will be manless, loveless, sexless, childless, and poor. As masculist and MGTOW ideas spread throughout society, fluffies will be shunned by most men, and by many FIP women.So, to summarize a bit, if you don’t FIPup, i.e. study FIP majors, and become a FIP, you will be severely punished by men. Men are traditionally socialized to be FIPs, so have the power to wipe out fluffies, as more and more men are choosing to do. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some robot male, but the supply of male manslaves is drying up. So, when nearly all men have woken up to fluffie parasitism and the toxicity of the divorce courts, nearly all fluffies will become manless, and especially the fluffie feminists who are the most hated and despised by men.The only way women will be able to get regular sex and attention from men will be to “twaytwef” but a woman needs to be a FIP to do that. Masculists place enormous moral pressure on fluffies. “Be FIP, or be manless!” “Be FIP or be dry!” (meaning their vaginas will remain dry due to a lack of men willing to fuck them). “Fluffies can rot on the shelf.”It is likely that a decade from now, very few women will dare state publicly that they are feminists. because to do so will be the kiss of death for them in terms of ever getting a penis, let alone a marriage or a baby. Women are being forced by (FIP) men to become FIP women, so that men get gender laws that are “menfair”, so that the divorce laws are reformed, so that alimony is thrown out, so that child custody is automatically joint by default. With a FIP Society, the Parer will be brought in (i.e. paternity rejection right) which no country today has, even Sweden. Women have a legislated Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right) but men don’t have the equivalent Parer, which is one of the most blatant examples of sexual discrimination against men, that masculists have such a hatred for.With a Parer, a father can reject an unwanted pregnancy, legally. If the mother wants to proceed with the pregnancy, then as a FIP she can afford to. She is then legally obliged to pay full costs for the kid until it is an adult.SO, fluffie feminists. GROW UP. Stop blaming men for all your gender problems. Take some of the blame for yourselves, like an adult. Putting all the blame outside yourselves is childish. If you continue to behave like children, men will continue to treat you like children, as you deserve, so GROW UP. Inform yourselves about the ideas of MGTOW and masculism, because if you don’t, you may remain fluffie and then really suffer, being forced to be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and shunned by society, and deservedly so. Fluffie feminists are hated by the masculists and MGTOWs.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Masculist MGTOW Bashing of (Fluffie) Feminists in Public (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that the time is ripe for masculists/MGTOWs to attack fluffie feminists in public, presenting an imaginary attack on the feminazi who attacked President Summers of HarvardTHE MASCULIST-MGTOW BASHING OF (FLUFFIE) FEMINISTS IN PUBLICI think the time is ripe for masculists-MGTOWs to start bashing fluffie feminists in public. We have our ideology now, it has crystalized I think to the point that we are clear on the main points and what needs to be done to change society to liberate men.The main enemy of the masculists are the fluffies, and the worst of them are the fluffie feminists, so masculists and MGTOWs should direct their greatest hatred towards them, given that they make men’s lives a misery.I will give an example of a masculist bashing a fluffie feminist in public that is based on a real event, although it is obviously fictitious.The event that I’m talking about occurred a few years ago when Larry Summers, the then president of Harvard University, made a speech in which he expressed his opinion that the main reason why women are underrepresented in the STEM fields (science, tech, engineering and math) at the elite universities in the US, was because of women’s smaller IQ variance. Some feminazi in the audience stood up and harangued him.Eventually Summers was fired from his post as president, for expressing this opinion, that science now knows is a fact.So, this example of a masculist bashing a fluffie feminist takes the form of imagining that I was in that audience at Harvard and heard the feminazi attack Summers. I also image that I had then the level of men’s lib consciousness (i.e. knowledge of the main ideas of masculism and MGTOW) that I have now.I imagine that I would have stood up and bashed this feminazi right back, shitting on her for pissing on Summers and men in general. I will write here what I might have said.Perhaps you might use it as a model of the type of thing you might say to a misandrist feminazi in the future when you hear one pissing on men in public. You could use these words and ideas to shit on her right back, and tell her in no uncertain terms that there is a men’s movement “out there” with teeth, which bites back ferociously.Here’s my imagined attack on the feminazi’s attack on Summers.“President Summers is correct in suggesting that there are few STEM professors at Harvard and other elite US universities, due to smaller female IQ variance. I’m surprised that the president did not present his case more forcefully, given that his suggestion?is scientifically verified. He might then have been able to squash this misandrist fat four feminazi bitch’s (assuming the feminazi was a fat four) PC bullshit with scientifically based facts.I assume this feminazi is NOT one of the STEM professors, and doesn’t know what a variance is, probably teaching what the masculists call “fluffie crap.” I’ll explain a bit later what that means.Every year in the US, hundreds of thousands of school kids have their IQs measured, so the IQ variance ratio (i.e. the male IQ variance divided by the female IQ variance comes out every year at 1.1? Variance, for the sake of this fat four feminazi, is a measure of the fatness of the Bell curve, how spread out it is, how widely dispersed the IQs are over a whole population. Men’s IQ scores are more spread out than women’s, so the morons and the genii are males. So it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, and no woman has won a Field’s Medal or an Abel Prize (which are the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in mathematics.)Men have much higher levels of testosterone than women, so are much more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent than women, so men dominate the entries in the “Who’s Who” books for achievement. Men just perform better than women. Men are the superior sex, period! Men have superior scores at the top end in virtually any measurable, scientifically based, test, due to this phenomenon of GMV (greater male variance) of which greater male IQ variance is just one example.So the president is correct.Now I turn to you, you fat unfuckable, misandrist, feminazi bitch. You are the category of female that the MGTOWs and masculists hate the most and are the first category of female that the masculists (men’s libbers) and MGTOWs (men going their own way) reject first. We have NOTHING to do with women like you.You feminazi bitches, in all your hypocrisy, have taken over the divorce courts, causing roughly one married father in four to be financially massacred, losing his kids, his house, paying child support, and alimony, thus ruining his life. It is not surprising therefore that there are tens of millions of divorced men who hate fluffies (a masculist word for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money.) Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe them out by refusing to have relationships with them. They can rot on the shelf to extinction.Masculist scientists have a particular venom for PC isscienate fairy feminazis like yourself who spread disinformation, and attack men like President Summers who is merely expressing a negative truth (from the female perspective.) Men outperform women on virtually everything, so if women want to be as respected as men in society, they will have to perform at male levels, but that will be impossible, since the genii are males, and there is nothing you can do about that.Your misandry, your belief that you feel you have the right to dump on men in public makes you hated by the masculists/MGTOWs, so I will now give you a taste of your own medicine you fat four unfuckable. What is it about feminists, that so many of them are fat fours (i.e. 4 out of 10 in attractiveness). Is it because fat fours get rejected by men, so these women turn to feminism as a kind of religion to rationalize their hatred of men who reject them, to get revenge. But these fat four feminazi bitches lock themselves into a vicious circle. The more they dump on men in public, the more men despise them and reject them all the more.This is the decade of men’s lib. You fluffie feminists (feminists who still have traditional female attitudes towards men, i.e. expecting men to be check books who pay for fluffies to have kids in a middle class house that the husbands pay for) have made marriage toxic because of what you have done to the divorce courts. As a result, there is now a massive backlash from men, as 70% of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids. This will wipe out the US population within a mere century, when the young generation only reproduces a third of their number. So indirectly, you fluffie feminist bitches are genocidal criminals, you’re wiping out America!You are hypocrites. You want equal rights for women, but don’t accept equal obligations for women, i.e. you still want to be fluffies when it comes to men, continuing to want to parasite on men, taking their kids and money when you are bored with him and want a divorce.Masculists/MGTOWs will force women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) so that women will pay their own way and not live off men’s money. We masculists push young women to not study fluffie crap but rather STEM majors (aka FIP majors) so that they can be true FIPs as adults.Masculists/MGTOWs will push for a Parer (paternity rejection right) so that a father who rejects an unwanted pregnancy can do so legally, so that if the mother wants to continue the pregnancy, then she is legally obliged to pay full costs of the child. You fluffie feminists fight this tooth and nail. You have a Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right) , but you hotly oppose the Parer – you hated hypocrites.The masculists are pushing for the creation of a FIP Society, where all adults are FIPs, and no one is a parasite on the other sex. Women will be pressured to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives. If they don’t, if they are fluffies, then they will be punished. They will become manless, as more and more men take up masculist/MGTOW ideas. Fluffies will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and shunned by society.And you, you misandrist bitch, maybe next time you feel inclined to dump on men in public, I hope you will be?afraid that there might be somebody like me in the audience who will cut your fucking head off, i.e. an angry, articulate, numerate, masculist scientist, who shits on you for pissing on men. To finish off, next time you look in a mirror contemplating your miserable lonely, manless, loveless, sexless existence, and are contemplating suicide, I suggest you go through with it, so that we men will have one less misandrist feminazi bitch to have to put up with. Now, with the rise of masculism and MGTOW, men are increasingly NOT putting up with it. President Summers might be a bit of a male feminist pussy, but we masculists/MGTOWs wont tolerate your shit. We’ll cut your fucking head off, you pathetical excuse for a human being. So piss off and die.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Hypocrisy of Fluffie Feminists (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer emphasizes the hypocrisy of the fluffie-feminists, who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, i.e. sharing equally the burden of earning the living. Most feminists are still fluffies in their expectations of men, seeing men as cash machines. The divorce courts have been taken over by the fluffie feminists, and are now financially massacring roughly one in four married fathers, which is a massive injustice against men. This flier maps out a political program to FORCE women to be FIPs and to men-fair the gender laws.THE HYPOCRISY OF FLUFFIE-FEMINISTSA fluffie feminist is a woman who is both a feminist and a fluffie, with all the hypocrisy that that implies, as this flyer will show. As a feminist, a woman expects to be given equal rights with men by society and by the law, e.g. equal pay for equal work, equal access to careers and the professions for equal qualifications, the Marer (maternity rejection right, a.k.a. abortion right), etc. As a fluffie, a woman expects men to pay for her to have babies, which was the traditional manslave role of the male.The obvious hypocrisy here is that that fluffie feminists want equal rights with men, but NOT EQUAL obligations with men, i.e. sharing equally the burden of earning the living, and bothering to become career competent by studying majors that will lead to skills that the market place values, and rewards with good salaries, so that women can afford to raise kids on their own if need be.The hypocrisy of fluffie feminists is that they want their cake and to eat it too. They want equal rights, but do not accept equal rights for men, i.e. they expect men to keep paying for women to have babies. This hypocrisy manifests itself most clearly in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, where a divorcing father will be financially massacred by his fluffie or fluffie feminist ex-wife. He will LOSE HIS KIDS with 90% probability, he will lose his house which goes to his fluffie ex-wife to raise HER kids in, he will have to pay child support to kids he will see twice a month on weekends, and often he will have to pay alimony to his fluffie parasitic ex-wife for life, with no moral or legal obligations on her to get off her fat lazy immoral parasitic arse and become a FIP.This financial massacring in western countries is occurring at a frequency of roughly one in four married fathers, a MASSIVE GENDER INJUSTICE against men, so it is no surprise that in the major countries, like the US, Japan, Germany etc, 2/3 (70%) of young men under 35, REFUSE to marry, REFUSE to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They have rejected the traditional manslave role of paying for a woman to sit on her fluffie arse and have a manslave pay for her to stay at home and raise HER kids, and ten years later, when she’s bored with him, she takes him to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court and financially massacres him so that she can parasite off his money.Masculists have a hatred of fluffies and fluffie feminists. They are the enemy of the masculists. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out manslavery, by wiping out the fluffies and fluffie feminists, not by killing them, but simply ignoring them totally, not even pumping and dumping them, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction. You can make a historical analogy between the abolitionists of the 19th?century in northern America, and the masculists today. The abolitionists wanted to stop negro slavery – the masculists want to stop man slavery. Masculists see fluffies as “Simon Legree”s (the brutal slave master in Stowe’s famous novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” When President Lincoln met Stowe, he said to her “So here’s the little woman who started this great war!” (referring to the US civil war, in which 600,000 US soldiers died.) Masculists see fluffies as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out by refusing to have anything to do with them.Men are nearly all FIPs, because they are socialized that way, and do not have much choice, since men do not have babies (at least not for another decade or so, when male genius will invent the artificial womb – Japanese scientists have already grown a GOAT in an artificial womb, so a human baby can’t be far off.) Since a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into a manslave, we men HAVE THE POWER TO WIPE OUT FLUFFIES. Already two thirds of young men refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. In a decade it will probably be over 90%. As the MGTOW (men going their own way) and masculist movements spread across the world, fluffies will be FORCED by men, to become FIPs, otherwise they will remain manless, loveless, childless and poor, which is what they deserve. Fluffies are the Simon Legrees of the 21st?century and equally hated by the masculists.Masculists differ from the MGTOWs who are politically passive, simply walking away from marriage and paternity. In Japan, the Japanese MGTOWs, known as the herbivore men (grass eaters) refuse to even sex young women. They have existed for a decade or so longer that the MGTOWs in the west, and are starting to impact the population size. In the past year or two, the Japanese population has fallen by a million. In two decades, when the baby boomers are dead, the Japanese population will have fallen from about 130 million to 80 million. If the current paternity rejection continues, in a century, there will be no more Japanese. Hence the fluffie feminists, having made the divorce courts toxic to men, and hence have made marriage and paternity toxic to men, are indirectly genociders. The fluffie feminists are wiping out whole populations, and hence are hated by anyone of either sex, who understands the problem.So what to do, on the part of the masculists? (Since the MGTOWs are politically impotent by choice, the masculists tend to ignore them and not take them very seriously.) The obvious first step is to educate the public about the massive gender injustice against men, especially in the divorce courts. Once men are educated on men’s gender issues, men should get angry, and harass and harangue the fluffies and fluffie feminists, putting enormous moral pressure on them to “FIP up or be manless! And stop being such hypocrites.) The Parer (paternity rejection right) needs to be brought in, which would allow a man to reject an unwanted pregnancy. He fills in a form, rejecting paternity, so that if the woman goes ahead with the pregnancy, the full costs of the kid fall onto her, by legal obligation. A FIP woman can do this. One of the reasons masculists push the idea that women MUST BE FIPS is so that women can afford to raise a kid on their own. One of the many masculist slogans is “Hey femalien, if you want to have a kid, you’ll have to pay for it yourself!”There is a lot to be done in the FIPification of young women. About ? of young women in high schools choose to become “fluffie crappers” studying fluffie crap (i.e. non career competent majors, non math and sciences) in the junior and senior years of high school. They are then excluded at university from studying career competent majors (e.g. STEM majors (science, tech, engineering and math)) so that they end up with a fluffie crap diploma that the economy does not value. They will sex about 40 men on average by the time they are in their 30s then wake up to their biological clock ticking hard and realize that they are too poor to afford their own house, so they will look around for some manslave (their 41st?penis) to pay for a house that she and her kids can live in, but the supply of such manslavable men has dried up.Young women need to be socialized by parents, teachers, and peers at school, to aim to be FIPs, otherwise they will be punished by men, who will treat them as fluffie parasites, harangue them, and later in life, ignore them. Masculists are a lot more verbally and ideologically aggressive than the passive MGTOWs. Masculists will HARANGUE fluffie feminists for being hypocrites, and since males are more verbally aggressive than females, due to their higher testosterone levels, they can harangue and morally pressurize fluffies and fluffie feminists more forcefully than feminists ever harangued men.So guys, treat this flyer as a masculist manifesto. Get informed, get angry, then put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, especially fluffie crappers at high school where so much of the problem starts. A gender revolution needs to occur for men, so that the divorce courts are made men-fair (e.g. alimony is scrapped, custody of kids is made JOINT by default), the Parer is legislated, legal discriminations against men are removed across the board, young women at high schools need to be pressured, threatened, to become FIPs or rot on the shelf. Masculist high school students need to spit at young fluffie crapper peers, and lecture them against becoming fluffies, pointing out to them that they will be ostracized by society, and especially by men, who won’t even pump and dump them, so hated are they for wanting to be fluffies as adults. Women need to be educated that it is not enough to be a FIP in practice. They also have to be EMO (equal moral obligations) in their values, i.e. expect to have equal rights with men AND equal obligations, by becoming FIPs.)?Cheers,?Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Masculist Critiques of Fluffie FIPs1.5/112 A Gender Political Clash with My Sister over Child "Abandonment" (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer describes a gender political clash I have with my sister over who should pay? for the kids after a divorce, she with her “fluffie FIP” attitudes, and I with my masculist attitudes.A GENDER POLITICAL CLASH WITH MY SISTER OVER CHILD “ABANDONMENT”There is a sharp gender political divide between me and my sister over our very different attitudes towards who should pay for kids after a divorce.My sister is what I label a “fluffie FIP” i.e. she a “half way house” woman, i.e. she is half way along the path that masculists/MGTOWs want women to take. She’s definitely FIP (financially independent person). Of the three siblings, she is far and away the wealthiest in financial terms. She studied medicine, and later set up a clinic that now employs two dozen doctors. My brother who was a finance/economics guy estimates she is worth about $5M. But she’s still a fluffie in terms of her traditional female attitudes towards men, i.e. her expectations of men.In this flyer I will give my own case and the gender ideological clash I have with my sister as an example of how the two sexes are dividing and becoming increasingly mutually hostile. I have almost written off my sister, I’m so pissed off with her backward traditional attitudes towards men, and I’m pretty sure she feels the same way about me based on her traditional fluffie values.In the early 80s I separated from my first wife, an Australian, after a 11 year relationship, and two kids. After 11 years in Europe she really wanted to return to her Australian roots. I hated Australia and thought I had left it forever, rejecting Australia’s “British working class” attitudes towards the intellectual upper class and intellectualism in general. I wanted to live in a culture that values my (intellectual) values, and left that intellectual backwater behind at the young age of 23, by moving to Britain, and later to Brussels to take advantage of two more superior cultures (France and Germany).She gave me an ultimatum that she was leaving on a given date, and that I could come with her if I wanted. I did go, but after a few days, being a quadrilingual cosmopolitan by that time, I found Australia even more oppressive. Within six months and having worked and saved a bit, I returned alone to Europe. She kept the kids.In the late 70s and early 80s I was a very active masculist, helping organize the European Masculist movement, getting on the media in four languages, teaching masculist ideas to a public tired of a decade of rabid feminism. As a masculist I expected my ex first wife to be a FIP, so if she keeps the kids, she pays. I was not prepared to pay for kids from whom I would not get not ANY benefit. As a FIP, if she were a FIP (like my sister) she should be easily able to afford the kids, because she only had herself and the kids to pay for. The traditional male had himself, the kids, AND a parasitic wife to pay for.By moving to another country, Australia’s divorce laws had no jurisdiction over me, so I was not FORCED by a fluffie feminist dominated Australian government (under threat of physical force with guns, and prison) to pay money to my ex half fluffie wife. She was what I now call a “fluffie crapper” i.e. she chose to study fluffie crap at high school, and not FIP type subjects (i.e. not math and the sciences). Early on in the relationship I rejected her 3 times because of her poor educational level. (She was a nurse, but had the intelligence to be a doctor.)?She went to London University to see what she could do to improve her academic qualifications to be seen as a worthier person in my eyes. (I ended up being a PhDed full research professor in computer science, teaching pure math, math physics, and CS).The London University career adviser told her she could not study any of the topics she was interested in because she was a fluffie crapper. (Of course he didn’t use such words, but the message was the same.) She ended up studying philosophy, which is useless in the modern economy, so when I returned to Europe?all she could do to earn her own money, was to be a nurse on a pitiful salary. Serves her right for being a fluffie crapper.She has not communicated with me in three and a half decades, so I interpret that to mean she was pissed off that I expected her to pull her own financial weight as a FIP. My kids have also not communicated with me for nearly two?decades, so I interpret that to mean she influenced?them with?her point of view.On my last visit to Australia a few years ago, my sister made a comment to a gathering of family members about me “abandoning my kids” which really angered me. Its obvious to me that my sister still has fluffie attitudes towards men. She expects men to help pay for women to have kids. When I tell her about masculist ideas, that women should be FIPs and pull their own financial weight and not parasite on men’s money, its water on a duck’s back.My suspicion is that women are genetically evolved to expect men to pay for them to have babies. Women evolved to trade female sex for male protein. Human females were unable to hunt because they had to stay at home looking after helpless infants and kids, while the males hunted. The females bribed males to give them protein by evolving to become the sexiest of all mammals.So, given these ingrained attitudes of women towards “men paying for women’s kids” how to combat it?Masculists have a hatred of fluffies and gender politicians (who created the divorce laws that now financially massacre one married man in four.) The fluffie feminists have persuaded the gender politicians to give them want they want. Most feminists are still fluffies when it comes to getting money from men to pay for their babies. So masculists talk about “fluffie feminists” and all the hypocrisy that that implies. Fluffie feminists want equal rights in the work place with men, but still expect men to pay for them to have kids, instead of being FIPs, earning their own good money, and pulling their own weight, so that if SHE takes the kids after a divorce, SHE pays for them.I don’t see women changing their attitude on this issue. I’m suspicious it is genetically ingrained in them to expect men to support them when they have kids, so this fluffie attitude will have to be fought, so that men get menfair gender laws.So how to fight them? By punishing them. Nearly all men are FIPs, so men have the power to FORCE women to be FIPs. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some manslave who is stupid enough or ignorant enough of MGTOW/masculist ideas, that he simply accepts that his role in life is to be a manslave, and then run a one in four risk of being financially massacred by a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court, if he actually marries.MGTOW/masculists are so angry at this massive injustice committed against them, that they are now prepared TO WIPE OUT THE WHOLE POPULATION unless the hated (genocidal criminal) gender politicians menfair the gender laws (e.g. particularly regarding divorce, and the Parer (paternity rejection right)).The MGTOW/masculist movements are currently going through their first main development phase, i.e. of consciousness raising, i.e. becoming aware that there is a massive problem that men are now having regarding the menunfair culture we live in. Men are waking up in their millions and changing their attitudes towards women.Millions of MGTOWs/masculists now spit at fluffies, and fluffie crappers in high school who don’t bother to study the FIP majors (preferring fluffie crap, the intellectually easy option, thus making them fluffies as adults, who will then start looking for a manslave to exploit when they want to have babies.)MGTOW/masculists have the power to wipe out these fluffies (not by killing them, but simply ignoring them to extinction.) Masculists/MGTOWs are now telling women in their millions, that “Unless you are a FIP, and not expect to be able to parasite off my money, I will have nothing to do with you. You can rot on the shelf, you fluffie!!!!”The MGTOW/masculist movements have yet to move into the second major phase of their development, i.e. the educational phase, i.e. teaching women and society (especially the journalists and media people) that if a woman is not a FIP, she wont have kids, because no man will even fuck her. In the form of a masculist slogan “Be FIP or be manless” and to fluffie crapping high school women, “No calculus, no baby!”MGTOWs/masculists need to put ENORMOUS MORAL pressure on women (fluffies and fluffie feminists) to become FIPs, otherwise they will be severely punished. They just will not get a man.But FIPping all women is only a necessary condition. The example of my fluffie FIP sister, shows that being FIP for a women in not sufficient for MGTOWs/masculists. Women also need to be taught that men HATE BEING TREATED AS EXPLOITABLE CASH MACHINES, so women need to be forced to suppress their fluffie natures.MGTOWs especially, know that women don’t love men. Women love men’s financial exploitability. If a man she is involved with loses his exploitability, she is genetically evolved to then find him repulsive, and will move on to sexploit some other manslave. She is hardwired to act like that. That is just the way women are.But, women are still human. They have human brains, and hence are capable of learning, of adapting. As phase two of MGTOW/masculist development is well advanced, i.e. both women and society are well educated concerning MGTOW/masculist ideas, then women will be FORCED to adopt non fluffie attitudes towards men, otherwise they will be rejected by men.In the distant past, to be rejected by all men for a woman was death, because she could not even properly feed herself without protein. Women have thus an evolved fear of total male rejection, which makes them feel totally depressed, so MGTOWs/masculists can use that female trait as a weapon against them to force women to be FIP and anti-fluffie in their attitudes towards men.MGTOWs/masculists need to give more time and energy to the general education of women and society concerning MGTOW/masculist ideas. Once most men become conscious of the massive injustice committed against them, they will get collectively angry and put “bloc vote” pressure on the gender politicians, who will fear this collective reaction from men and be motivated to menfair the gender laws.At the moment, most women are still fluffies or fluffie feminists, and most men are still ignorant of MGTOW/masculist ideas, ?so women have the bloc vote with gender politicians, so these gender politicians give fluffie women what they want.But that will change, with MGTOWs/masculists refusing to have anything to do with fluffies. Fluffies will then convert in their billions to becoming FIPs, and will join forces with the men to pressure the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. Millions of women will know that the major reason why men refuse to marry and have kids, is because of the massive injustice of the divorce laws against men. So, when women and men together push for menfairing, it will happen.If the menfairing of the gender laws takes too long, then the population will continue to crash until far more drastic measures are taken, i.e. the gender politicians begin to be assassinated, because drastic situations like the population crash, will demand drastic solutions, i.e. assassination of the gender politicians by both men and women –?by men because they are so angry at the injustice against them, and by women, who want to get a man who will give them a baby.I look at my sister, and am conscious just how much more work the MGTOW/masculist movements have to do. We have to wake up all men, then teach women and society that women have to be FIP and anti-fluffie, or the whole population continues to crash as men continue the paternity strike.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ EMOs : Women Who Accept "Equal Moral Obligations" with Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that women being FIP is not enough to liberate men from fluffie feminism and the financial parasitism of fluffies. Women also need to be EMO, believing that women have the moral duty to be menfair, and not gynocentric tyrants.EMOs : WOMEN WHO ACCEPT “EQUAL MORAL OBLIGATIONS” WITH MENA lot of women are FIPs (financially independent persons) who became FIPs due largely to feminists pushing women to take control of their own financial lives and not be dependent on men for their livelihood. For masculists, who also want all women to be FIPs, this second wave feminist push to get women to become FIPs is a good thing, a necessary but not sufficient step for men to be liberated from the oppression of being manslaves to fluffie parasites.But, a lot of FIP women still have fluffie attitudes towards men, by default, because they know nothing about MGTOW/masculist ideas, so they still see men as cash machines. These “fluffie FIPs” can be quite hypocritical in the sense that they like having the money and the power that being FIP gives them, but still expect men to serve women’s interests when there is a zero sum game situation between men and women. They are still fluffie in that sense.Fluffie feminists are even more hypocritical. They are pushing for equal rights for women, but insist on keeping fluffie attitudes when it comes to the divorce courts, and the lack of a Parer, and many other legal discriminations against men. They want their cake and to eat it too. For example, when it comes to divorce, these fluffie feminists will insist that custody of the kids goes to the mother, that divorcing husbands should give up their house to the divorcing mother, that he should pay her child support and if she if a real fluffie, that he should pay her alimony, so that she can remain a fluffie parasite. Such hypocritical fluffie feminists would be horrified to have to accept EMO attitudes.Such women are very definitely NOT EMOs. An EMO woman would hold the belief that men and women should be treated equally in regard to divorce, the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. An EMO woman accepts the principle that men and women should have “equal moral obligations” regarding gender issues.There aren’t many EMO women today, so MGTOWs masculists have a lot of work to do to convert women into EMOs through education, moral pressure, moral haranguing, and MGTOW/masculist punishment of women if they are not FIPs and they don’t have EMO values.It is not enough for women to be FIPs. Women also need to be EMOs, otherwise they will still see men as cash machines and treat men badly. MGTOWs/masculists need to change the mentality of women, brainwash them, educate them, motivate them, push them, force them to be FIPS and EMOs.There are many things MGTOWs/masculists can do to make women feel that being EMO is something they should be. For example, the MGTOWs/masculists can set up men’s lib groups in every high school and college, putting enormous pressure on women to stop being fluffie crappers (i.e. studying fluffie crap at high school and college, so that they graduate with a fluffie crap diploma that is considered worthless by the economic market place, and hence gets poorly paid, so that fluffie crappers end up rather poor and then look around for some manslave when they are in their 30s who will pay for the middle class house to raise her kids in that she cannot afford with her fluffie crap diploma.MGTOW/masculist high schoolers can exert enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs and EMOs. They can refuse to date women who are not FIP/EMO treating fluffie crappers with contempt, and simply ignoring them, letting them rot on the shelf. At university, in a much more intellectual environment, the level of ideological pressure on women by the MGTOWs/masculists can be ratchetted up a lot compared with high school. University MGTOWs/masculists can use their intellectual arguments, their MGTOWs/masculist ideas to browbeat women into being FIP/EMO or be punished, by being ignored.MGTOWs/masculists need to get the broadcast media involved, by pushing their ideas onto the journalists and TV producers. They can use their nuclear weapon, their strongest argument, i.e. the “population annihilation” argument, that “If society and the gender laws are not made menfair, then the MGTOWs/masculists will wipe out whole populations, by continuing to reject paternity!” Sooner or later, this number one issue of our whole historical era will have to break consciousness in the western countries, the way it has already done in Japan, which is about a decade ahead of the west that way.In ethics classes at high school and college, MGTOWs/masculists can raise MGTOWs/masculist issues in their classes, and raise the awareness/consciousness of their class mates to these issues, especially, the massive gender injustice committed against men in the divorce courts, and the hypocrisy of the lack of a Parer, when women have the Marer, etc.We need to change the moral expectations of women, through a concerted morality campaign. Women need to be taught by their parents, and their teachers, that women have to be “toughened up” so that they can be FIP, and they need to be pushed to behave as responsible adults, and not as spoilt children when it comes to equal moral obligations with men. Fluffie feminists need to be vigorously attacked for their hypocrisy, and treated with contempt. Fluffie FIPs still need work. They are half way there, being FIPs, but still need to be converted into EMOs.There is power in labels. Hopefully this term “EMO” will catch on, so that men can use it on women, pushing them morally to be EMO, or they will be punished by not getting a man. The message needs to be drilled into women, that not to be EMO is to be immoral, hypocritical, parasitic, and worthy of not having a man. In the future only FIP EMO women will get a man.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Masculist Critiques of MGTOWs1.6/28 A Tale of Two Movements : The Price of MGTOW Anonymity (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer reflects on which approach will be more effective in getting the MGTOW/masculist message out, the broadcast media approach of the boomer masculists, or the pseudonymed YouTube video approach of the MGTOWs in their 30s.A TALE OF TWO MOVEMENTS :THE PRICE OF MGTOW ANONYMITYI have the feeling that crunch time is coming re the generation divide on men’s lib issues. On the one hand you have the masculist approach from the 80s which focused heavily on the broadcast media to get its message across, by persuading journalists to write about masculist ideas. Initially a few of them took up the ideas and wrote major, cover story articles, that reached the tens of millions and really got the message out.On the other hand you have the MGTOW approach of the 10s which shuns political action and prefers an anonymous YouTube video approach.? I think anyone?who has been following the debate on which approach is more effective will recognize that both approaches have their pros and cons.I’m now beginning in the 10s what I did in the 80s, i.e. contacting major?journalists of my own age, who think the way I do, since?we are all boomers (i.e. baby boomers, born soon after WW2, in my case 2 years after WW2 ended.) I?have a MGTOW-Masculist Press Release that I am emailing to hundreds of?journalists. Experience tells me that even if only a few percent respond, that is enough to get the ball rolling, and also from experience, I know that once a new topic breaks the ice, journalists are like sheep and follow the herd, because they have to compete with rival?publications.BUT, if you’re a MGTOW and you prefer to remain anonymous, using a pseudonym,?as all the major?MGTOWs do, then you have a problem with the journalists, who prefer to deal with real people, not pseudonymed ghosts. For example, if Sandman wanted, he could have an interview with a broadcast journalist over a public pay phone so as not to give away his cell phone number, but then there would be no photo of him in the article. MGTOWs pay a price for their anonymity. Also, for boomers, MGTOW anonymity smacks of cowardice and leaves a bad taste in their mouths. For example, if ever some?fluffie feminist ever tried to harangue?me, I’d harangue her back with MALE force, and utterly blow her away. I sense that?women sense this which might explain why I’ve had NO critiques from women at all, NONE, even though I’ve been putting up almost daily comments on Sandman’s site for over a year, with my name, email address and website.Now, I might be wrong about the effectiveness of the broadcast journalist approach to getting the MGTOW/masculist message out, compared with the more timid pseudonymed approach of the MGTOWs. It might be the case that the?social cultural environment has changed so much in 3 decades that my 80s boomer approach will no longer work. If that turns out to?be the case, I will have learned something and I will have to adapt and change my tactics, but I’m approaching guys my own age, so why would their mentalities have changed? Have the feminazis become so powerful that these boomer male journalists are afraid?to express masculist/MGTOW ideas, through fear of losing their jobs? Have things become that bad? Personally, I don’t have that problem, because I’m retired and live off my savings, and only have to switch on my professorial male brain to blow virtually any woman away if I choose to.So, re crunch time – who is right? The 80s approach or the 10s approach? We may soon?know. If the 80s approach works, it can work spectacularly, because a major article in a major publication can cause an avalanche of articles in hundreds of other publications. That is what I’m aiming for. It is what I did in Belgium,?France, Holland, Britain, Germany, Australia in the 80s making cover story weekly magazine articles regularly. I have the press release ready, and a stock of MGTOW-Masculist flyers, so?everything is ready to launch in a big way. I’ve already sent out a few to the NYTimes. Fingers crossed.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Why Masculists Look Down on MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains why masculists look down on MGTOWs for their apolitical attitudes, thus greatly decreasing the efficiency with which the MGTOW masculist ideas could be spread, to create a FIP society, with menfaired gender laws.WHY MASCULISTS LOOK DOWN ON MGTOWSIn a word, because MGTOWS are so fucking “apolitical.” They are political wimps,?who don’t care?enough about the plight of men, e.g. manslavery, financial massacring in the divorce courts, etc to fight collectively for the menfairing of the gender laws. All MGTOWs do is walk away from the marriage market and fatherhood.Now, I don’t want to push my disdain as a masculist towards MGTOWs too much, because MGTOWs are my allies. I have mixed feelings about MGTOWs. For example, if millions, billions of men go MGTOW (i.e. refusing to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves) then the populations will crash, forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws (e.g. reforming?the divorce laws, bringing?in the Parer (paternity rejection right), removing?legal discriminations against men, etc) so I encourage MGTOWs to boycott marriage and fatherhood.Their strategy is working, look at Japan, where a third of young Japanese males refuse to even date or sex women (the Herbivore men). These young Japanese males are so fed up with the traditional Japanese salaryman role of working 11 hours a day, plus 2-3 hours commute time, to earn money that is totally handed over to the utterly parasitic fluffy Jap housewife, who plays tennis while he overworks, that they refuse that model. They want to do their own thing, go their own way. As a result, the Japanese government now has a Minister of Population, whose job it is to try to find ways to get young men to reproduce, since the Japanese population is starting to crash as a result.Western countries are about a decade behind Japan in this respect, but the trend is in the same direction, so the western Herbivores (i.e. MGTOWs) will have the same effect. I can see this, but my beef (complaint) is that the western MGTOWs do almost nothing on the political stage to push western societies to menfair the gender laws.Most western MGTOWs are first halvers, i.e. under 40, living the first half of their lives. I’m a second halver (living in the second half of my life), of nearly 70. I notice a distinct difference in attitude towards political activism amongst first halvers than second halvers when it comes to males. (Feminists are a different story.)There are so many things that men’s libbers (MGTOWs, masculists, MRAs, etc) need to do to create a FIP Society (in which all adults are FIPs (financially independent persons) who don’t parasite off the money of another person, the way fluffies do to manslaves). For example, men’s lib groups need to be set up in all college campuses, and all high schools, so that girls are strongly morally pushed to study FIP majors (i.e. math and the science) so that they become FIPs as adults, and capable of buying their own middle class house, so that they don’t try to parasite on some robot male manslave, who buys it for them, and then has a one in four risk of being financially massacred by his fluffie wife when she gets bored with him, when she drags him through the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court.The media needs?to be approached so that they can vastly speed up the spread of men’s lib ideas (MGTOW, masculist, MRA, etc). A major article in a major publication or major TV show reaches millions, instead of the piddly little 10,000s that a YouTube video reaches, as is currently the case with MGTOW YouTube videos.Society in general needs to be taught men’s lib principles, so that schools, teachers, parents educate young women that they have a strong moral duty to become FIPs, or they won’t get a man. Thanks to the toxicity of the fluffie dominated divorce courts in the US, 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids, so young women will not have a kid. If they do NOT become FIPs then they will be poor, because they?wont be able to earn decent money, because they studied “fluffie crap” at high school and college. Society needs to be made conscious of masculist/MGTOW ideas so that powerful moral pressure is exerted from all sides on women to be FIPs.The gender politicians need to be lobbied to get them to change the gender laws, reform the divorce laws, bring in the Parer, etc. Politicians are profoundly corrupt, bought by?the central banksters, so they will only legislate when powerful political or financial forces push them in a given direction.By educating society, political pressure can be exerted on these gender politicians, who create the gender laws that so oppress men, especially in the divorce courts, and the lack of the Parer. When the gender political?tide turns enough, and it is already turning, the gender politicians will start menfairing the gender laws, otherwise they will be voted out of power by a male bloc vote, and even women pushing for a menfairing of the gender laws so that men can be persuaded to have kids with women again.BUT, MGTOWs don’t do much of the above. They do make YouTube videos, which is something, but not much. MGTOWs would be far more effective if they combined their videoing efforts with political actions, e.g. setting up men’s lib groups at high schools and colleges, approaching the media (as I do regularly), talking to young women, that if they don’t FIPup, they will become manless, etc.I get frustrated with MGTOWs, that they are so apolitical, so inefficient in their approach to spreading the MGTOW/masculist word. There are far more efficient ways to do this, but they don’t take that route.Take contacting the media for example. I send out my masculist flyers to the major newspapers in the US and the UK. The columnists at these newspapers are often in their 50s and 60, at the peak of their power, and hence baby boomers, who think the way I do. They are accustomed to political action, because they grew up with it in the 60s and 70s. It only takes a few such powerful journalists to “nibble” on the MGTOW/masculist bait, to produce an article, TV show,?that reaches millions, and then the ideology, the MGTOW/masculist movement,?is launched with the masses. This is something the men’s movement desperately needs, but the MGTOWs do nothing along these lines. Yuck !!It will be interesting to see how the MGTOWs react, once the other branches?of the men’s lib movement gets the media interested. Probably they will take advantage of the greater public exposure to their ideas by agreeing to have interviews themselves, to spread the basic ideas of MGTOW, e.g. “women don’t love men, women love men’s exploitability” “women are hypergamous” etc. The masculists will push their vision of a FIP Society, and put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, or be punished by the men’s lib movement, by not getting a man.How many more years do you think before nearly everyone has heard of the basic principles of MGTOW/masculism? I think less than a handful. Once that happens, society will go through a revolution. Women will be forced to grow up, stop being childlike dependents, stop parasiting on men. Men will no longer be manslaves. They will be free to do what they LOVE doing, and fulfilling their own dreams. Both MGTOWs and masculists share this broad goal. The main difference between these two branches of the men’s lib movement lies along the political axis. The masculists are political activists, the MGTOWs are politically passive (on the whole.)Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW Deckchairs on the Titanic : The Coming American Holocaust (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses?a frustration with MGTOWs for not being conscious of the?impending massacre of millions of Americans that will be unleashed by the Jewish bankster Shabbatean Frankist Satanists when they decide to crash the dollar.MGTOW DECKCHAIRS ON THE TITANIC : THE COMING AMERICAN HOLOCAUSTI’ve noticed lately a growing frustration on my part regarding MGTOWs, who in my view are like the guys rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg and before it sank. The iceberg, to pursue the analogy, are the Jewish central banksters (the Shabbatean Frankist Satanists), and the sinking and the deaths of several thousand people on the Titanic, is the coming holocaust of millions of Americans that is planned by these Jewish bankster Satanists.If this sounds crazy and paranoid to you, if you have not learned anything about the Jewish banksters, their takeover of the US government, the Fed, the Neocons, the paper dollar debt note Ponzi scheme enslavement, etc, then you need to wake up before you are massacred along with many millions of others that the Jewish banksters are currently preparing for when they decide the time has come to crash the dollar.Their biggest problem is that Americans love guns, and have more guns than there are Americans, i.e. well over 300 million of them. If the Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists are to push the US into a world government dictatorship, they will have to overcome this major obstacle to their political vision of ruling the world and having their capitol in Jerusalem. To do so will require a civil war, using considerable resources, that the US shadow government (i.e. the Jewish bankster controlled CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is currently preparing for.If you don’t believe me, then consider the following evidence. The Jewish bankster controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has bought over 3 billion hollow tipped bullets, has bought millions of 4 body plastic coffins (see YouTube), militarized the urban police force, bought 1000s of suburban “tanks”, set up 800 FEMA (concentration) camps, selected and groomed Obama (who is?gay, whose “wife” is a transgendered male to female, with male hands, male shoulders, with a penis bulge in his dresses (see YouTube), whom Obama?is on YouTube in a speech referring to her/him as “Mike” by mistake) who has been signing presidential executive orders to create a police state when the dollar crash comes, etc.The Jewish banksters need the US to be destroyed as a political power if Jerusalem is to be the world capitol, ruled by them, with a Rothschild as the “king of the Jews”. These Jewish banksters are deeply religious. They are Shabbetean Frankists (YouTube this, especially the videos of Christopher Jon Bjerknes, who is a walking encyclopedia on Jewish history and beliefs). As Jewish Frankists, they are members of a Jewish branch that was banned by the traditional Jewish community in the 1600s, who believe that by committing massive evil, they will accelerate the coming of the Jewish messiah, who will rule the world, and then exterminate the goy (a Jewish word for non-Jew).These Jewish bankster Frankists engineered the two world wars –?WW1 was about obtaining Palestine for themselves by destroying the Persian empire, and pitting the European powers against each other, destroying many of them. WW2 was to destroy Germany (a rerun of WW1). They made huge profits from these two major wars, and delighted in the slaughter of tens of millions of goy. In Russia, these Jewish banksters financed Jewish communists to take over the Russian government of the Tsar, and then slaughtered 66 million white Christian Russians (says Solzhenitsyn, the famous author of the Gulag Archipelago).Soon, it will be America’s turn to be slaughtered by the Jewish banksters. I’m predicting millions of Americans will be killed. Look at the preparations being made now by these Jewish banksters, that I listed above. They were behind the French revolution, and every major war since then. They love war, they love its profits, and they believe that by killing millions of goy they are creating such an evil world, that their Jewish god will send the Jewish messiah to fulfill the Talmudic (and Kabbalist) prophecy of him ruling the world and exterminating the goy.This is all too much to swallow for most people, so it takes some real study to get your mind around it. I suggest particularly, study Bjerknes, whom I found to be particularly impressive. Look into the massive crimes of the Fed and how it was set up. Learn that the Rothschilds have been behind all 3 of America’s central banks over the past few centuries. Understand how the paper dollar is a debt note, that enslaves Americans, and most of the world. It is this debt enslavement that makes the Rothschilds worth about 500 trillion dollars, easily the richest family in history.Once you have got over your “goybaby” brainwashing (a goy baby is someone who has been so brainwashed all their lives by a Jewish bankster controlled media, that they actually believe that it is taboo to criticize Jews, even Jewish banksters, the greatest criminals against humanity in history) then you will do a U-turn in your attitude towards these Jewish bankster Satanists. If you are someone who studies, and reads a lot, then there is a ton of material on the internet that you can use to educate yourself about their massive crimes against humanity.Now, to the MGTOW deckchairs. When I listen to MGTOW videos I have the feeling increasingly – “These guys are like children. They are blissfully unaware of what is about to befall them. They are like the Russians pre 1914, before the Jewish communists, financed by the Jewish NY banksters (particularly Schiff) took over the country in 1917 and then went on to murder 66 million of them (says Solzhenitsyn in his book “Die Juden in der Sowjet Union” that the Jewish banksters blocked in the English speaking countries).So millions of young and not so young men are going MGTOW now, due mainly to the toxicity of the divorce courts, due to the callousness of Jewish bankster bribed gender politicians. There is not much point being a MGTOW when the culture the MGTOWs live in is about to come crashing down, drowning in blood, with millions of dead, similar to what happened in Russia in the 1920s and 1930s, and for the same reason, i.e. engineered by the Jewish bankster Satanists, as part of their multi-generational master plan to take over the world and destroy the goy.So, MGTOWs reading this, if I have motivated you, scared you, terrified you, to look into what I have said above, then you can begin your self-education, before these Jewish banksters succeed in censoring the internet, which is something they have to do, because if they don’t, it will eventually result in their deaths, as more and more people like myself learn to hate them, and then force them to the Hague (the International Criminal Court) to be prosecuted for massive crimes against humanity, and then see them executed.So, for those of you who are not utter goy-babies, I hope you will take the first step along the enlightenment path I have suggested. Perhaps begin with learning about the Fed (the Federal Reserve) which is not federal at all. It is not a branch of the US government. It is a private company of Jewish banksters (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, etc) which has the power to issue America’s money, which they use to bribe the politicians to divide and conquer the American population, e.g. by making the divorce laws toxic to males.To get rid of the divorce laws, we have to get rid of the utterly (Jewish bankster) corrupted gender politicians, and to do that we have to get rid of the Jewish banksters, and that will probably mean a civil war, with millions of dead Americans, an American pogrom (not of innocent non-religious Jews, but certainly of Jewish bankster Shabbetean Frankist Satanists, the CFR, the Neocons, the Jewish media, the Fed, who in my view are psychotic. You would have to be to believe that your life’s work is to arrange the deaths of millions of people, to cause as much evil as you can, so some religious delusional fantasy of yours (i.e. Frankism) can become a reality. You would have to be psychotic.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW Avoids the Problem, Masculism Solves It (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer criticizes MGTOWs for their lack of a solution to men’s and society’s gender roles problems. MGTOW is seen as a component to a broader plan to free men and save humanity from wiping itself out due to the paternity strike.MGTOW AVOIDS THE PROBLEM,MASCULISM SOLVES ITPeriodically I get frustrated with the lack of political savvy of the MGTOWs. Too many MGTOWs simply walk away from the problem rather than trying to solve it. As I see it, the essential difference between MGTOW and masculism, is that masculism aims to solve the gender problem for men. Masculism is men’s lib and men have a huge problem thanks to the rise of fluffie feminism that is indirectly wiping out the whole population.MGTOWs argue that women are too much of a pain, too arseholey, too sexploitative, to be bothered with, so simply walk away from them. That’s an understandable reaction to men who are not politically minded, not caring for the bigger picture on what needs to be done for the good of the whole population, for the good of humanity.If MGTOW runs to completion, to its logical limit, i.e. when all men walk away from women, reject paternity totally, so that in a century there is no humanity, because the last human has died out. So obviously to a politically minded person, who cares about the welfare of humanity, the MGTOW solution is not a solution. It may be a good means to obtaining a solution, by it is not the last word. It’s merely a stepping stone in my view, a component, a subset, of a broader seeing masculism.When I listen to Sandman, TFM etc, I enjoy listening to their views on female psychology, but their lack of political consciousness I find frustrating. I have the same problem with Ray Kurzweil, the prominent futurist, who paints such a rosy picture of future tech, with mankind merging with the machines, that I cant take him seriously, due to his total neglect and inability to see the political consequences of these near future developments (regarding transhumanism.)So what is the relationship between MGTOW and masculism? I see MGTOW as a component of masculism, as a strategy that the masculists can use to solve men’s problems, and hence humanity’s problems. Masculists are more ambitious and see further than the MGTOWs, who are mostly young men, who lack the wisdom and life experience of men? twice their age.To spell this out, I’ll give a strong taste of what masculists aim to “do” with the fluffie feminists, with fluffie women, with society, so that men’s gender issues can be solved, and humanity gets to survive and not be wiped out by a total rejection of paternity.I begin? with some basic facts, that can be used as part of masculist strategy. Most men are FIPs (financially independent persons). They are socialized that way. They evolved that way. Since men do not have babies, what else can they do other than interact with the world. Men were the hunters, who brought back the protein to their families. Those men who had a poor understanding of how the world worked, and could not plan and strategize and reason, did not hunt well, and died out. Women did not give then their cunts, so these men?did not have children, and their genes evaporated.So you could say men evolved to manipulate the world, and women evolved to manipulate men, since women were so critically dependent on men for their survival and the survival of their kids. Women evolved to be good at persuading men to fuck them, to give them protein and to stay with them until the kids were off her hands.Men evolved to hunt well, understand the world, stay alive on the hunt, and to give protein to females he thought would give him good children.So men are FIPs. This basic fact is a VERY POWERFUL WEAPON to be used against fluffie parasites, who expect to be able to parasite off men’s money, a behavior and attitude that is genetically built into women?for millions of years. Women see men as protein (money) providers and will not give men their cunts unless women feel they will benefit from the transaction.In very modern times, humanity has undergone the greatest social/biological revolution in 100,000 years, namely the creation of the contraceptive pill, that allows women to choose the number of kids they want, i.e. 0, 1, 2 in most cases. What a revolution! This led to the rise of the feminist movement and the female careerist. There are lots of FIP females now, and that’s fine for men. Female FIPs relieve men of the burden of being the sole breadwinner of the family.The problem is with the non FIP women, i.e. the fluffie women, who still expect men to be sexploitable manslaves to women. Fluffie feminists (most feminists still have fluffie attitudes towards men) have lobbied hard to get the gender politicians to create new divorce laws that are toxic to men. These laws are so bad (e.g. divorcing men lose their kids, their house, pay child support and alimony) that about one married man in four is financially massacred and has his life ruined. As a result, millions of young men choose not to marry, and not to have kids, spending their money on themselves (TWO THIRDS?of them, under 35 in the US and Japan) and hence whole populations will get wiped out if this continues.So this is where the masculists come in. Masculists advise men to refuse to have anything to do with fluffies. This is a MGTOW strategy used by the masculists, that is directed towards fluffies, ignoring them to death, i.e. fluffies get to rot on the shelf to extinction. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom (i.e. masculism can be viewed as the 21st century equivalent of 19th century abolitionism (against negro slavery.))Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists. Fluffies?are seen by masculists as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.Masculists aim to get on the broadcast media and harangue fluffies and fluffie feminists, preaching that fluffie feminists are indirectly wiping out whole populations, by making divorce, and hence marriage, toxic, which must be stopped or humanity evaporates.Masculists teach society, that a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave who is prepared to be sexploited, but the supply of such men is rapidly dwindling to zero. The only women who will have relationships with men are FIP women, and even then only when these FIP women have their own apartment to go back to when the relationship ends. Thus masculists/MGTOWs are able to FORCE women to be FIPs.The masculists and MGTOWs tell society, via the media, that the?PATERNITY STRIKE?will CONTINUE until the gender laws are made menfair, i.e. divorce laws are fair to both sexes, the Parer (paternity rejection right) is brought in, etc. Only then will the catastrophic collapse in the birth rate be stopped.Masculists need to raise the alarm and very loudly. Whole populations will be wiped out unless the gender laws are made menfair. Masculists will put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, ALL women. Teachers at school need to socialize their students that they must study career competent majors so that they can be FIPs as adults, especially young women at 16 who in the majority of cases choose to study the lazy, intellectually undemanding majors (fluffie crap) i.e. not math, not the sciences, so that inevitably they become fluffies in their 30s looking around for some manslave to sexploit.Masculists push hard for the establishment of men’s lib groups in every high school and college to spread masculist/MGTOW ideas so that men can be liberated and society can be saved from extinction.Parents also need to be taught to socialize their daughters to be FIPs or they wont get a man. “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!”Once the collective social pressure in society for all women to be FIPs is really strong, the gender politicians can be FORCED to menfair the gender laws (even if the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists have bribed them not to (so as to wipe out billions of goy)) because they will eventually be assassinated if they don’t.So, by the above means, the masculists aim to liberate men from our current gender problems. These are political strategies, that the MGTOWs don’t even seem to be thinking about, a major inferiority on their part. With their small-picture minds, they just walk away.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Gariusprofhugodegaris@ How Do MGTOW and Masculism Relate? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives my thoughts on how the two men’s lib movements MGTOW and masculism relate to each other, their agreements, their differences, their mutual influence, etc.HOW DO MGTOW AND MASCULISM RELATE?This flyer gives my thoughts on how I think the two men’s lib movements MGTOW and Masculism relate. How are they the same, and how do they differ? How can the one use the ideas and strategies of the other to mutual benefit?MGTOWs tend to be rather apolitical. They feel it is a waste of time and energy to try to influence the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws (e.g. make the divorce laws menfair, bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) because they think the gender politicians will not listen to men’s issues, because they know that there are more women voters who will vote them out if they oppose (fluffie) women’s interests, particularly regarding divorce.In the current fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, fluffie women benefit enormously from the routine financial massacring of men. Fluffies can keep their children, they get their ex-husband’s house to raise them in, she gets child support payments from him, even though he barely gets to see them, and if she is a real fluffie, she may get life-long alimony, so that she can continue to parasite off his money after the divorce, often for life, the way she did before the divorce.Fluffie women love this deal and do not want to change it. If the gender laws were made menfair, then divorced women would have to become FIPs (financially independent persons) and take responsibility for their own lives, a prospect that scares the shit out of fluffies, who have relied on men all their lives to pay for them. They were lazy in high school, choosing to study fluffie crap majors (i.e. not math, not the sciences) so they studied fluffie crap at college and then in their 30s were unable to afford a middle class house on their own salary, so they looked around for a manslave to pay for one for her.In other words, a fluffie has been a lazy parasite all her life, and the current fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system is very nice to her. When she gets bored with her husband, and doesn’t want him around the house any more, she can get the government to force her ex-husband to continue to pay for her so she can quite happily continue in her fluffie parasitic role, via the divorce courts. One married man in four in the US suffers this fate, this massive injustice against men, this outrage.MGTOWs see the government so gynocentrized that they feel that trying to push it to pass menfair gender laws is a complete waste of time, and look down on the MRAs (the US term for men’s rights activists) as unrealistic fools, wasting their time and energy. Many MRAs have changed their minds about the MRA movement and joined the MGTOWs whose strategy is simply the “man strike” i.e. just drop out of the traditional male role of being a manslave to a woman, by refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves.With millions of men becoming MGTOWs (in practice, if not in ideological commitment) alternative life styles for men are being developed. One of the most popular (maybe not by name, but often in practice) is twaytweffing, i.e. 2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs, i.e. a FIP man and a FIP woman each with their own apartment have a relationship. This way, the man gets the regular sex he needs, and some female companionship. When the relationship goes sour, as nearly all do, he quietly walks back to his apartment, cost free. No divorce, because no marriage, no child support, because no kids, no house loss or alimony, because the woman is a FIP. The big plus of twaytweffing for a man is that it forces the woman to remain nice to him, otherwise he can so easily walk out of it, and the woman knows this, so she keeps her true female hypergamous, sexploitative, nagging nature suppressed, through fear of losing her man.Millions of men (70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan) are going MGTOW/Herbivore (as the movement is known in Japan, i.e. grass eaters, in contrast with carnivores, i.e. traditional manslaves who are hungry to get into a woman’s vagina and are willing to pay for women to be able to do just that.)Many MGTOWs focus on themselves and develop their own interests. Many study hard, work hard, live frugally, save and invest hard, then retire early in life, often migrating to a much cheaper country where the cost of living is much less, and do what they love for the second half of their lives. Such men are called ARCers (after retirement careerers).Now most of the MGTOW ideas above, are also held by the masculists (i.e. men’s libbers) whose main aims are to liberate men from manslavery to women (an aim shared with the MGTOWs), to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that men get gender justice, and ultimately, to stop whole populations from being wiped out.So how do MGTOW and masculism differ? In my view, masculism is a superset of MGTOW, i.e. MGTOW is a subset of masculism. As a masculist, I can see that MGTOW strategies can be used very effectively by masculists to FORCE several changes. One is to force women to become FIPs or they don’t get a man. The mass migration of men away from the traditional role of being manslaves for women gives the masculist movement real bite to persuade women, that if they don’t become FIPs, they will rot on the shelf to extinction, which is one of the major political goals of the masculists. “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!”Thus to masculists strategists, masculist theorists, MGTOW is a useful tool towards masculist goals.Masculists can also force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, by threatening to wipe out whole populations if the genocidally criminal gender politicians don’t give men gender justice. The MGTOW strategy of walking away from paternity, is a very powerful lever to push the gender politicians to do what men want.In the limit, if the gender politicians remain deaf to the MGTOW/masculist movements’ demands, then they will risk being assassinated by increasingly desperate people, i.e. by men who want gender justice, and by women who want men to give them babies.Soon, the MGTOW/masculist message will be well known to everyone. (The BBC recently did a radio program on MGTOW for the masses, the millions, the ball has started rolling.) Women will soon learn that the major reason men refuse to give them babies is due to the toxic nature of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and the gynocentric selfishness of the gender politicians, who care only for their short term benefit, and to hell with men and the longer term effects of the population crash.So soon, the gender politicians will come under tremendous moral pressure to menfair the gender laws, just as fluffies will increasingly disappear, and be shunned by both men and women as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.So masculism is a more far sighted strategy than the more narrow minded view of MGTOWs, who simply passively walk about from marriage and paternity. Masculists see the bigger picture and use MGTOW as one of its many tactics, together with the power of labels, shaming fluffies to shift their parasitic arses, scaring fluffie crappers to FIPup by studying math and the sciences at high school to become FIPs as adults and hence pull their financial weight.Of course, MGTOW and masculism have a lot in common. We are both men’s libbers. We care about men and are active in making men in their millions conscious of the toxicity of their traditional manslave role to women, especially in regard to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. We both want to see the gender laws made menfair, but the MGTOWs don’t fight for that explicitly, whereas the masculists do by using the force of their ideas. “Hey! Gender politician! If you don’t menfair the gender laws, we masculists/MGTOWs will wipe out whole populations until you do, by continuing to refuse paternity. As the population seriously starts to crash, you will risk assassination, as desperate people take desperate measures to stop it. So be fair to men, or die!”What impact are masculist ideas having on MGTOW? It’s a bit soon to tell. I don’t know whether I’m being egotistically delusional or not, but I have the impression, since I’ve been putting up MGTOW/masculist comments on a near daily basis on Sandman’s site for a year now (and more recently on TFM’s site) that the tone of the general comments is getting more radicalized, more political, angrier, and I keep hearing my(?) ideas being repeated in later comments. So I hope I’m radicalizing MGTOWs with masculist ideas, giving MGTOWs intellectual tools to fight fluffies, fluffie feminists, fluffie crappers, with.On the other hand, as a masculist, I have been influenced by MGTOW ideas on the psychology of women, especially ideas such as the red pill (i.e. women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability, a trait that evolved in them over millions of years) and the nature of female hypergamy (i.e. women always on the lookout for a more sexploitable man, also evolved, and making perfect Darwinian sense), the reluctance of women to take responsibility for their own lives, etc. These MGTOW ideas have enrichened my masculist politically oriented thinking, so I hope the reverse is also true. We MGTOWs and masculists can mutually benefit from an exchange of ideas.There is power in the sheer force of ideas. There is also tremendous power in labels. “Oh, that woman’s a real fluffie. That’s the kiss of death for her in ever getting a man to say hello to her. She’s doomed.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW's Masculism's Formidable Weapon (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer aims to persuade MGTOWs that it is NOT a waste of time to try to persuade the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, because MGTOWs/masculists have a formidable weapon, namely the power to wipe out whole populations by continuing to refuse paternity. The MGTOWs/masculists should push this threat politically onto society, to women, to men, to journalists, to feminists, to the gender politicians, until men get gender justice.MGTOW’s MASCULISM’s FORMIDABLE WEAPONI think the opinion of many of MGTOW’s leading theorists that it is a waste of time trying to persuade the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, is misguided – in fact, just plain wrong. I say this because the MGTOWs/masculists have a formidable weapon they can use against the gender politicians and that is – “If you gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws, we MGTOWs/masculists will WIPE OUT THE WHOLE POPULATION by continuing our rejection of paternity. We are no small movement. We are already 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan, and our numbers grow exponentially.”This is a terrifyingly powerful weapon, that inevitably will cause the gender politicians, and politicians in general, to quake in their boots. Men have such power. MGTOWs/masculists are so fed up with the treatment of men in modern society that we have decided to GO ON STRIKE.I enjoy watching history videos on YouTube. I’m struck by the future historical enormity of MGTOW/masculist ideas and the impact they will have on society, as their full consequences play out over the coming few decades. I consider the invention of the contraceptive pill to be the greatest social revolution to have occurred in history (i.e. over the past few thousand years, since the invention of writing). Because of it, women were able to choose reliably the number of kids they wanted, namely 0, 1, 2 in most cases, which freed them up to have a career span of some 40+ years, which in turn allows men to be freed up from being manslaves to women. This is all revolutionary.This process is still underway. Most men are still manslaves to women, but young men are waking up in droves and refuse to work for women, expecting women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) and punishing traditional women (whom the masculists label “fluffies” (based on the word fluff, with connotations of being light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, not career competent, not FIP)) by refusing to have anything to do with them, thus forcing fluffies to rot on the shelf to extinction.The primary goal of the masculists (who are a lot more political than the apolitical, passive MGTOWs) is to wipe out fluffies by forcing them to become FIPs. A fluffie cannot be a fluffie unless she manages to get her financial claws into a manslave who is gullible enough (i.e. has not had his men’s consciousness raised) to work for her, but the supply of such men is rapidly drying up. Already, 70% of young men in the US and Japan refuse to be manslaves, and probably within a decade it will be over 90%, so women will be FORCED to be FIPs or they won’t eat. Men are on strike, and refuse to work for women.Those women who do expect men to work for them, are being shamed by MGTOWS and especially by masculists, who label such women “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” to be wiped out, and if the gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws within a few decades, that is precisely what will happen, because not only will women be wiped out, so will men. The whole population will be wiped out, if men continue to refuse to have kids, because fatherhood has been made so toxic to men, by a fluffie feminist dominated society, and by the gender politicians, who don’t give a shit about men’s welfare.So, we are talking about a massive ground swell of men getting angry, getting politically conscious, and becoming more aware of the immense power that men have to change the gender status quo, that is so gynocentric, financially massacring one married man in four in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, not giving men the right to reject paternity, the way women can do to maternity, etc. All this screams of gender injustice, and men are GETTING FED UP WITH IT.The masculists say to the MGTOWs that “men DO HAVE THE POWER to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, and to change the gynocentric attitudes of modern society. We just need to tell the public, the gender politicians, the journalists, women, men, feminists, that men are the superior sex and therefore society cannot survive without men. Men have the power to wipe out the whole population if the gender laws are not made menfair. We men create everything, we invent everything, we build everything.”If suddenly all the females were to die, men would survive quite readily for a century, because men know how to run a modern society, because we men invented it and built it. If suddenly all the males were to die, the female population would crash back to the Stone Age within six months, because women are incapable of running a modern society.We men are nearly all FIPs, so we have the power to force women to be FIPs too, otherwise they go manless, and rot on the shelf to extinction. We have the power to stand up to fluffie feminist PC (isscienate fairy) bullshit, because most scientists are males who can be extremely condescending and dismissive of feminist PC bullshit, smashing their egos with masculist venom and facts. We have the power to make the journalists really sit up and take notice, by telling them the same story that MGTOW/masculists now need to start telling the gender politicians, i.e. “Menfair the gender laws, or we MGTOWs/masculists, i.e. men, will wipe out the whole population!!!!”This “population wipe out argument” is obviously political and extremely powerful, and one that MGTOWs use in practice, but not (yet) in theory. This flyer aims to persuade MGTOWs that they should really start using this argument to persuade society, the media, women, feminists, the gender politicians, BECAUSE IT IS NOT A WASTE OF TIME. It is so scary that all these groups will be forced to listen, until men get the society they need, one that is gender fair, a society that appreciates strongly all that men give and create for society.So I hope to hear less talk from MGTOWs about how hopeless it is to try to change the minds of the gender politicians on gynocentrism and the gender injustice against men “because more women vote than men.” Men have the power to wipe out whole populations, so nothing is more powerful than that, so men have the last say. Since the rejection of paternity is already well underway in the US and Japan (and similar countries) the fuse is already lit for a mass awakening to the man strike. Soon, maybe within a few years (given that the first mass media documentaries on MGTOW/masculism have already started appearing) there will be an explosion of consciousness that men are angry and will force society to be gender just, or pay a horrible, in fact, the most horrible of prices, namely its total annihilation.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW's Biggest Mistake (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that MGTOWs should be a lot more political, by using their strongest argument, i.e. that if society and the gender politicians, do not menfair the gender laws and society in general, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to boycott paternity and wipe out whole populations – the “population annihilation argument.”MGTOW’s BIGGEST MISTAKEThe main difference between the MGTOWs and the masculists is that the MGTOWs are a-political, whereas the masculists are very political. The MGTOWs are politically passive because they reason that our culture is so gynocentric, and so indifferent to men’s gender plight, that there is no persuading it to listen to men’s gender issues, so MGTOWs do the only thing that is available to them (in their view) and that is to just walk away, abandoning the culture and going their own way.MGTOW sages (intellectuals) reinforce this commonly held MGTOW attitude by saying that any political attempt by MGTOWs to persuade the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws (e.g. regarding divorce, the Parer (paternity rejection right), etc) would be a total waste of time and effort, because women have the vote and outnumber men, so the gender politicians, being politicians, and focusing only on the next election cycle, and not the longer term, will not choose to give men what men want, because that would conflict with what most women want (e.g. continuing the massively unjust divorce laws against men that are so strongly biased in women’s favor, keeping a ban against the Parer, etc) so women, the majority of the voters, would vote them out, if they listened to what the MGTOWs/masculists have to say.On the surface, this sounds like a pretty plausible argument, and is widely accepted amongst MGTOWs, but in my view it is badly wrongheaded, because it overlooks the most powerful argument that the MGTOWs/masculists have, namely the “population annihilation argument” i.e. if the genocidally criminal gender politicians do not menfair the gender laws, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to boycott marriage and particularly fatherhood, and thus wipe out the population.This “population annihilation argument” of the MGTOWs/masculists is their trump card. It is incredibly powerful, and should be used against the gender politicians, and pushed on the media, and society in general.Japan has had its “herbivore men problem” for about a decade longer than there have been MGTOWs in any number in the US, so the population crash in Japan, has been going longer, to the point that Japan is now starting to see its population decline. At its peak, it was 128 million. It is now 127 million, i.e. it has lost a million in just a few years. Demographers calculate that in a few decades, once the baby boomers have died off, the Japanese population will have fallen by a third. The current birth rate in Japan is only 1.4 children per woman, compared to the replacement rate of 2.1, so if this trend continues, Japan is doomed.The Japanese government is so concerned about this problem, that they have appointed a minister (i.e. a cabinet level politician) of population, whose job it is (amongst other things) to try to persuade the herbivore men to be fathers. So far this minister has not succeeded, because he has taken a traditional approach, by trying to shame young Japanese men to “man up.”Young Japanese men (< 35) look at the life style of their fathers and are repelled. Japanese husband salary men, work 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times. They hand over their pay checks to their fluffie wives, who give them a small allowance, and then spend it on the house, the kids, and themselves. In Japan, the husbands overwork and the wives play tennis.Young Japanese men are rebelling against this traditional salaryman manslave role to women, and are going MGTOW, or herbivore in Japanese terms. If Japanese herbivores had more imagination, and were more politically savvy, they could go to the minister of population and tell him “Look, if you don’t fundamentally reform the gender roles in Japan, Japan is going to wipe itself out, through lack of births. We herbivores reject the traditional salaryman, manslave role, because we don’t want to be miserable like our fathers. We want to enjoy life, and not be manslaves to fluffie parasites.You need to systematically reform the gender laws (e.g. in divorce, bring in the Parer, etc). There is so much to do. You will need to push for young women to become FIPs (financially independent persons) so that means that they will have to study FIP majors at high school. You’ll need to make calculus compulsory in 12th?grade, so women aren’t excluded from STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) departments at university, so that they end up being poorly paid fluffies in their 30s, who then look around for some manslave to parasite upon, to have him pay for her to live in a middle class apartment and raise her 1.4 kids. You will need to reform the education system, to push young women to be FIPs, or they will be punished, by not getting a man.You will need to change the gender norms, and put moral pressure on women to be FIPs (“Be FIP, or be manless!”) You will need to encourage the journalists to push the ideas of men’s lib, so that parents and teachers absorb these ideas, and then help pressurize young women to get a career competent, career responsible education, and not take the lazy, soft option at high school (i.e. non-math, non-sciences) expecting to be able to parasite on some manslave later in her life.You need to change the mentality in Japan, that to be a fluffie is to be immoral, parasitic, and manslaving. Herbivores punish such women, by having nothing to do with them, not even sexing them. These fluffie women are being punished for expecting to be able to parasite off the money of a man.Now, with a little bit of thought, you know you have no choice but to menfair society, and the gender laws, because you know that if you don’t, then the herbivores are just going to give you more of the same, more headache, as the Japanese population continues to crash. You’ve probably seen the demographic trends. In a mere few decades, the baby boomers will have died off, and the Japanese population will have fallen to about 80 million, i.e. about 2/3 of its current figure. In a further few decades it will be down to 50 million. In a century, Japan will be effectively no more, because there won’t be many Japanese left, so if you want the herbivores to stop annihilating the population by refusing paternity, you have to make being a father an attractive proposition for men.In other words, you will have to fundamentally restructure Japanese society, by making women FIPs, by menfairing the gender laws, and changing society’s expectations of the gender roles. If you don’t, you will be seen as a genocidal criminal who was indirectly responsible for the annihilation of the Japanese population.As the population continues to crash, millions of Japanese will become alarmed, and start taking matters into their own hands. You will then risk being assassinated, because people will argue that desperate times call for desperate measures. You may be seen as a criminal in not doing what needs to be done to persuade men to be fathers again.The above was the Japanese situation. The west is not far behind. Both the US and Japan are seeing their young men (< 35) rejecting fatherhood at a large majority rate (about 70% of young men in both countries refuse to marry and refuse to be fathers, due largely to the toxicity of the divorce courts, and hence marriage.) The major difference between the US and Japan on this score, is that the paternity rejection has been going on about a decade longer in Japan than in the US, so the Japanese politicians have had more time to become conscious of the “population annihilation problem” than US politicians, but the US politicians will catch up and fast.From the above, MGTOWs in the US should be able to see, that they have potentially a very powerful ideological tool that they can use to persuade the gender politicians in the US to menfair the gender laws, and to menfair society in general.Therefore, MGTOWs should become a lot more political, using the “population annihilation argument” as their primary weapon, threatening the gender politicians with it, that if they don’t menfair society and the gender laws, then the MGTOWs/masculists will simply continue to wipe out whole populations.I am currently waiting to see a half hour interview of me on the issue of species dominance (i.e. whether humanity should build artilects (artificial intellects, godlike massively intelligent machines) on RT (Russia Today, on the SophieCo show. She told me that her show will get a billion views (with a b). Once it’s up I will contact her again, suggesting she might be interested in doing another show, but this time with the theme being on MGTOW/masculism and the threat of population annihilation, the biggest issue of our times, because what is more important to humanity than its very survival?!If she likes the idea, then a billion views on the issue of MGTOWs/masculists wiping out whole populations would be a VERY political act, and spread the ideas to (well, a billion.) That would be a wonderful kick start to the politicization of MGTOW, or a boost to masculism.I know from reading comments on the MGTOW YouTube sites that a portion of the MGTOWs want to see the MGTOW movement be more political, more active in trying to persuade the gender politicians, and society to be more menfair. Hopefully, with a greater level of consciousness of the enormous power of the “population annihilation argument” more MGTOWs will get off their a-political arses and start helping fellow men to free themselves from gender role oppression, especially from manslavery by fluffies.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ My Contempt for MGTOW's Apoliticality (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses my contempt for MGTOW’s apolitical passivity in not getting out there to spread the MGTOW/masculist ideas to the general public, especially to women to force them to stop expecting men to be manslaves to them, to pay for them to live in middle class houses so that women can raise their kids in them. The whole gender political zeitgeist needs to be changed and that will take political action on the part of the MGTOWs/masculists.MY CONTEMPT FOR MGTOW’s APOLITICALITYIn the 1950s there was no 2nd?wave feminism in the US, because Betty Friedan, who got the movement started, with her book “The Feminine Mystique” had not written it yet. The second feminist wave had to be invented, and a lot of women had to work hard to get it moving. In the 2010s there is no real MGTOW/masculist movement because there aren’t enough men to get it moving, i.e. really moving, to the point that it changes politics and the daily expectations of most of the population.Personally, I have a contempt for the lack of political commitment of the MGTOWs, who have passive mentalities, who don’t care about the gender stress of their fellow men, and prefer to simply quietly walk away from the marriage market and paternity, as a reaction against the gynocracy of 3rd?wave feminism.I spoke with Betty Friedan in Copenhagen at the Women’s UN Conference in 1981. I was there preaching masculist ideas to women like her, i.e. open minded, seeing that both sexes had major gender role problems. She struck me as a very reasonable, far sighted, smart woman, who could see the big picture and was as interested in men’s gender problems as women’s. She was a very different kettle of fish from the 3rd?wave feminists, who were a lot dumber, because 2nd?wave feminism had spread to the female masses, who were still fluffies with respect to their attitudes towards men, expecting men to be cash machines so that women could have babies in a middle class house that men pay for.What MGTOWs/masculists need to do is to change the basic attitudes and expectations of women, so that they stop seeing men as cash machines, whose role in life is to pay for women. That attitude needs to be stamped out, by having men, especially MGTOWs/masculists, punish women who have such attitudes, by refusing to have anything to do with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.But that attitude on the part of fluffies is not going to happen until MGTOW/masculist ideas become part of the culture, and not as it is today, still confined largely to a fringe group on the internet. To change the latter situation, we need to really get the MGTOW/message out, by being far more political than MGTOWs are today.MGTOWs operate under the false belief that they are powerless to change society, so they argue that they will simply walk away from it, but that very act of walking away, is MGTOW’s strongest political act and can be used very effectively to politicize the culture, that if men’s gender problems are not addressed – specifically, if the divorce laws are not made menfair, and the Parer (paternity rejection right) is not passed, etc, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to annihilate the population by continuing to reject paternity.MGTOWs need to become far more political, and start forcing society to change its attitudes towards men. MGTOW/masculists really need to operate in the schools and universities, setting up a men’s lib group in every high school and every college to preach MGTOW/masculist ideas to their fellow student males, and to put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, and not expect men to be their manslaves, or they will be punished.In other words, the MGTOWs/masculists need to change the “Zeit geist” i.e. the unconscious unquestioned assumptions about men’s gender role. Women need to be taught, by parents and by teachers at school, and professors at university, that they have a powerful moral obligation to be FIPs, to get a FIP major education (i.e. math and the sciences) so that they can be FIPs as adults and not expect to parasite off some manslave’s money.MGTOWs/masculists need to work on the broadcast media, so that the journalists and TV producers become conscious that the population will get wiped out if the MGTOWs/masculists continue to reject paternity, due largely to the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the fluffie feminists, in all their fluffie feminist hypocrisy.MGTOWs are making YouTube videos, which is a good start, but that’s all that it is, a start. Far more needs to be done, as mentioned above. Young men at high school and at college need to absorb MGTOW/masculist ideas and talk amongst themselves. The next step is to set up men’s lib groups, to reach out to other men who are not conscious how toxic the divorce courts are, and be taught that in today’s fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, only foolish, ignorant men marry. Many young men are unaware that they will have roughly a one in four chance of being financially massacred by the divorce court system if he marries. It’s far smarter for men not to marry, not to have kids, and to spend their money on themselves as a political means to force society to menfair itself and the gender laws.Fluffie feminists who dump on men in public need to have their arrogance pricked by being regularly confronted by angry MGTOWs/masculists who harangue them back with MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that these misandrist feminazi bitches learn to be afraid of being confronted very angrily by MGTOW/masculists who have no patience with these misandrist bitches who think they have a monopoly over gender discourse, which they obviously don’t.MGTOW/masculist ideas need to become part of any person’s general knowledge, the way feminist ideas are today. A few decades ago, feminism was a fringe movement, but today is mainstream. Every young women is influenced by it, because it is now firmly entrenched in the cultural norms. MGTOWs/masculists need to do the same for MGTOW/masculist ideas, and for that to happen, MGTOWs/masculists need to educate society on these ideas. MGTOWs/masculists need to be a lot more political and aggressive in getting their message out.MGTOW/masculists have a nuclear weapon in the form of their most powerful political argument, namely that “If society, and especially the gender politicians, don’t menfair society and the gender laws, then we MGTOWs/masculists are prepared to annihilate the population by continuing to reject paternity!” This extremely powerful argument and political weapon needs to be used by the MGTOWs/masculists to force society and the gender politicians to listen and to listen hard, because the rejection of paternity is the most important issue of our times.? What is more important to humanity than the survival of humanity?!So, MGTOWs, learn a lesson from the masculists. Got off your lazy, passive, apolitical arses, and use your nuclear weapon argument (of “population annihilation”) on society, to force it to change. Get out there and help form men’ lib groups in every high school and every college/university. Talk to the broadcast media. Get the MGTOW/masculist message out to the masses, to wake up most men who are asleep on these issues. It is not enough for MGTOWs to make YouTube videos. MGTOWs need to be a lot more political to force a change in the gender expectations zeitgeist.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOWs Lack Solidarity (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses annoyance at the lack of solidarity towards men shown by MGTOWs, who simply quietly walk away from marriage and fatherhood, who do not act politically to organize a men’s movement with political teeth, to menfair the gender laws that are so unjust towards men.MGTOWs LACK SOLIDARITY WITH MENDear Sandman, I watch a lot of your videos because you are quite gifted with female psychology, but I don’t agree with you at all in terms of your politics. I’m old enough to have seen the rise and rise of 2nd wave feminism to the point of it going main stream and being relabeled 3rd wave feminism. This happened because a lot of 2nd wave feminists pushed their ideology onto society and got laws and social attitudes changed. As a masculist I see that men need to do the same. I ideologize by pointing the finger at fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off a man’s money) and put enormous moral pressure on them to become FIPs (financially independent persons) by saying such things as “if you want to have a man, have a career’ “fluffies can rot on the shelf” and say to robot males (traditional males who expect to work for a fluffie wife, e.g. as in Korea or Japan) “rather a FIP than a fluffie” “a fluffie wife will parasite off you before the divorce and after” Fluffie feminists have had their feminist consciousness raised (equal rights for women) but not their masculist consciousness raised (equal obligations for women, i.e. sharing the burden of earning the living). Fluffie feminist divorce court judges and politicians have now financially massacred men in divorce courts to such an extent (e.g. divorce rate = 50%, 20% chance of getting joint custody for men, forced child payments from men = slavery for decades paying money to kids they rarely see) that millions of men have washed their hands of traditional gender roles and women in general and have simply walked away, hence the rapid rise of the MGTOW phenomenon (men going their own way, i.e. refusing to marry, and refusing to have kids). If western men reach the proportion of young Japanese men under 30 who have refused the traditional male role of being slaves for women (Japanese men work 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times, get home so late they orphan their kids, while their fluffie wives play tennis with their fluffie friends) i.e. about 30%, then that alone will cause a political tsunami in the west. The primary aim of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies, and to educate society to socialize girls that they are to become as career competent as boys so that they do not parasite on a man as an adult. Fluffies are to be spat on as immoral slavers of men. The most effective way to wipe out fluffies is by men refusing to have relationships with them thus forcing them to become FIPs if they want to eat. The masculists need to push their ideology onto society in the same way feminism did, so that everyone is familiar with the basic masculist ideas, so that fluffie feminists also die out, so that custody of kids is automatically joint and that the divorcing mother is expected to pull her weight financially just as much as the father when it comes to child payments. When the crazier middle browed 3rd wave feminists lash out at men unjustifiably (e.g. all men are rapists, which is about as stupid as masculists saying all women parasite on men’s money) then they should feel the same rage against them, to make them realize that equal rights and equal obligations go both ways, are applicable to both sexes. If a feminist dumps on men in a mixed audience, she can expect to be dumped on right back by the masculist men in the audience, until she learns to shut up or take a more balanced approach. Masculism is distinctly ideological and political. It sees MGTOWism as a useful tool to achieving masculist goals. If millions of men drop out of the traditional role, then obviously society will change, but in the meantime, half of married men will continue to be financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, because the fluffie feminist judges have not been educated into masculist ideology and values. They still see men traditionally, i.e. as check books. All that has to change. Politicians have to be taught that if they ignore men’s issues masculist men will vote them out. Masculists have to get on the media and sprout masculist ideas so that everyone is familiar with them and absorbs them, the way the feminists did in the 70s. There would be no 3rd wave feminists without the ideological work of the 2nd wave feminist thinkers who pushed for feminist changes in society and the laws. Now is the time for masculists to do the same for men. MGTOW alone will certainly shake up society and get it thinking, but thinking what. Masculism is needed to give society clear goals on what men want and need, which is justice, fairness and respect (men are after all the superior sex, we outperform women on virtually all fronts). Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ MGTOWs are Political Wimps (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains how MGTOWs are such political wimps, not bothering to get off their a-political arses and fight for men’s issues, to menfair (the verb) the gender laws, particularly against the financial massacring of men in the divorce courts.MGTOWs are POLITICAL WIMPSDear Sandman, God, I have mixed feelings about you. I admire your psychological insight and listen regularly to your psychological lessons on women, but I become increasingly angry at your political wimpiness regarding your passive acceptance of the gender status quo, and especially of the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts. I get the impression you are apolitical and just don't seem to see that men need to fight back politically to purge the divorce courts of fluffie feminist judges and lawyers, and to scare the gender politicians shitless that if they are not "men fair" then they will be voted out by millions of very angry men who are fed up with being financially massacred by the divorce courts, parasited upon by fluffies, and harangued by fluffie feminists. Masculists fight. They literally hit back. They harangue the fluffie feminists, they refuse to have relationships with fluffies and push the media to address men's issues. Masculists attack, they fight, they politicize. You MGTOWs are gutless. You simply bow out. I don't deny that that will have a significant effect on society, if multimillions of men become MGTOWs, but its only half the story. For men to stop fighting as masculists, the divorce courts will have to be made men fair, the fluffies will have to be wiped out, by forcing them to rot on the shelf by not being able to have relationships with masculist men who refuse to be parasited by them, society needs to be educated into masculist issues, fluffies need to be strongly morally pressured to become FIPs (financially independent people) otherwise they starve, and fluffie feminists need to have their masculist consciousness raised so they don't concentrate only on women's problems. In short, there is a lot of masculist political work to do, but you MGTOWs just seem to be blind to what needs to be done, which is why masculists have mixed feelings about you. In my own case, I both admire you (for your psychological insight), and despise you (for your political impotence) at the same time. Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ (see masculists essays on this site)1.6/209 MGTOW Castles, Masculist Cops (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer complains about the political passivity of the MGTOW, who build castles to protect themselves from a gynocentric culture, whereas masculists aim to police the culture so that women are forced to be menfair.MGTOW “CASTLES” MASCULIST “POLICE”A MASCULIST GROUP IN EVERY UNIVERSITYI’m constantly struck by the political passivity of MGTOWs, who simply accept the gender status quo as a given, rather than as seeing it as a parvenu (a recent interloper) that needs to be removed as a cancer from men’s bodies. I suppose this is to be expected given that most MGTOWs are young, 20s, 30s, so have grown up with feminist gynocentrism, rather than seeing it as a rather recent (dating from the 70s) social movement. In the 70s I was a young man in my 20s and an avid male feminist, because I was hoping that feminism would make women “interesting” i.e. that I could share my intellectual passions for physics and math with women, but it never happened. Half a century later men still win 99% of the science Nobel prizes and women continue to make a negligible contribution to world intellect, so I’ve come full circle. I’m as condescending of women’s intellects today as I was growing up in the Australian suburban doldrums in the 50s and 60s. I looked at my school friends’ housewife mothers and found them as paralytically boring as my own mother, who nagged my father constantly while watching stupid TV movies every evening. Then in the 70s, after the rise of the contraceptive pill, the greatest social revolution in history, women could reliably control the number of kids they had and swarmed into the work force to become FIPs (financially independent persons), well, a lot of them, not all, and that is part of the problem I will now address. Masculists (men’s libbers) are very conscious that there are still far too many fluffies around (fluffies, based on the word “fluff” , i.e. light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, not career competent - are traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off a man’s money) who still look on men as exploitable check books. Masculists’ primary political aim is to wipe out fluffies, by refusing to have relationships with them, thus forcing them to rot on the shelf and be poor, unless they convert themselves into being FIPs. Masculists are aware that ridding the world of fluffies will solve many of the gender issues that afflict men, e.g. the financial massacring of tens of millions of men in the US divorce courts that have been taken over by fluffie feminists (i.e. feminists who still have fluffie attitudes when it comes to men), the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right) which is a major and blatant sexual discrimination against men, lots of other legal and social discriminations against men, etc. To rid the world of fluffies will require a political, ideological, social, legal organization that will place enormous moral pressure on women to become FIPs, and to make the gender laws “men fair.” This is where the masculists come in. EACH UNIVERSITY SHOULD HAVE A MASCULIST GROUP that educates its male students not to marry and have kids in today’s fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. These masculist groups should teach young men that marriage is toxic, that if they marry they will have a fifty fifty chance of being financially massacred, of losing their kids, their house, and having to pay child support for decades and if their ex-wife is a fluffie, maybe even alimony, with no moral or legal obligation on the fluffie ex-wife to get off her parasitic bum and get a job. These university masculist groups should push for the making of men fair gender legislation, and harangue the female students, half of whom are studying career incompetent majors, who in their 30s, when their biological clocks are ticking, will start looking around for some robot male (a traditional male who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife) to parasite upon, who can pay for her to live in a middle class house and raise HER kids. The universities desperately need masculist groups to restore the balance against the feminist dominated atmosphere. If a feminist harangues a male student about rape or whatever, he can slam back, with an accusation that that women is a future “career incompetent” who will later try to enslave a robot male financially. He can use real moral anger against her and silence her with the force of his conviction, and scare her that maybe she will never get a man, because of her fluffiness and her negative attitude towards men. The above reasoning seems all so obvious to me, yet the MGTOWs simply accept the status quo, and do not try to change it. Instead, they just walk away, refusing to have relationships with fluffies, fluffie feminists, and often with any kind of woman. The disadvantage with this strategy of just walking away, is that those social forces and ideas that are creating these male dumping feminists, and especially the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, will CONTINUE TO EXIST. There will be little to stop them, whereas with large numbers of university masculist groups, one in every university, a collective masculist consciousness will arise, and society, and the laws will change, which is what the masculists want. To make an analogy, and hence the point of the title of this comment, the MGTOW approach of passive resistance, of simply walking out of marriage and not having children (70% of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry) will not solve men’s problems at its source, i.e. feminism and fluffie feminist laws will continue to exist, and hence continue to afflict men, so men will need constant protection against them, i.e. men will need MGTOW “castles” to protect them against the feminist “pillagers” of men’s lives and money. The masculists on the other hand see the bigger picture and argue that building MGTOW “castles” is not necessary if there are no feminist pillagers, no fluffie feminist dominated gender laws, by installing a masculist “police force”, that destroys the feminist pillagers and the fluffie feminist dominated gender laws. (Historically, castle building died out, once nation states arose, with their national police forces which were set up to arrest the pillagers.) In essence, the MGTOWs react to the feminist dominated gender status quo by building “castles, ” whereas the masculists destroy that status quo by installing a masculist “police force.” When nearly all women have a powerfully socially conditioned expectation (created by the masculist “police force”) that they are to be FIPs or they will not get a man, then men’s lives will be a lot better than they are today, where nearly half of men are being financially massacred in the divorce courts. So, to you young men reading this, if you are university students, my strong advice to you is to set up masculist groups at your universities, and build up a powerful national and international men’s movement to create a masculist “police force” rather than building MGTOW “castles.” Destroy the enemy at its source, by wiping out fluffies, and fluffie feminists, masculist style, with a masculist “police force”, rather than just protecting yourself against fluffie feminist pillaging with MGTOW “castles.”Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ Masculist Ambivalence Towards MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer spells out the main differences in approach towards men’s lib taken by the MGTOW and the masculists. MGTOW are largely apolitical and passive. Masculists are warriors, who fight, who are very moralistic and in your face, putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIPup or be punished by men by not having one.MASCULIST AMBIVALENCE TOWARDS MGTOWMasculists have mixed feelings about MGTOW. On the positive side, there is considerable agreement between the two movements, about an 80% overlap in ideas, for example. Both are men’s lib groups, both are trying to liberate men from the oppressions of manslavery, from female parasitism etc, from misandrist laws regarding divorce, no Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.Where the two movements differ is on tactics, strategies, and levels of political vision. Masculists are sharply critical of MGTOWs’ lack of political vision, and a-political attitudes to social reform, to social engineering.There is also a geographical correlation between MGTOW apolitical passivity and masculist angry political strategies. Most American MGTOWs are strongly a-political on strategic grounds. Most European masculists take a political visionary stance and are critical of the American apolitical lack of solidarity with the plight of other men.There is a fundamental disagreement on the desirability of political action and social engineering on the part of the MGTOWs and the masculists.The American MGTOWs argue that political action is a complete waste of time and energy. They argue that women are 51% of the voters and that women vote more than men, so that the gender politicians, whose political horizons extend only to the next election, will give in to women, rather than to men, when some hot gender issue, like divorce reform, is a zero sum game between men and women.The masculists argue that if men get collectively angry and start lashing out verbally, ideologically, on the media, at universities, etc, then god help women. We men are smarter and a lot more verbally aggressive than women, so all masculists need to do is to educate men into masculist ideas, get them angry, so that they really start lashing out, and get what men need, both socially and legally.There are probably personality and generational differences between MGTOW and masculists as well.? Speaking as a 70 year old masculist, I feel alienated by the level of political wimpiness of the MGTOW, who are mostly half my age, e.g. Sandman, TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey, etc). I feel I have more in common with the older MGTOWs, who share more my masculist vision of the world, e.g. John of “MGTOW is Freedom” YouTube channel. He is late 40s, and has a definite combative streak in his personality, being a former marine. My feeling is that if he were exposed to masculist ideas, he would become a masculist. Masculism would be closer to his true nature, because John is a fighter. It’s in his DNA.So, which of the two visions, MGTOW a-political passivity, or masculist angry politics is “correct” and more likely to succeed? I will spend the rest of this essay making out the masculist case of why masculists feel their approach to men’s lib is superior, and you the reader can decide for yourself whether you agree or not.The American MGTOWs look on the American MRM (men’s rights movement) as pissweak, and taking too much of a “poor me, the oppressed man” attitude that turns most men off, given that men are socialized to be self-reliant, tough minded, and to lick their own wounds. I’m inclined to agree. I don’t find the US MRM very effective, so it’s not surprising they have had little impact. So what are they doing wrong?In a word, they are not masculist enough, i.e. they are not taking a European masculist stance to gender politics for men. If they did, if they used European masculist tactics and ideas, masculist ideology, they would do a lot better, in my view.This is not an idle boast. In the early 80s, I almost single handedly, got the European Men’s Lib Movement launched in the European media. I spent 20 years of my life in Europe, speaking fluent English, French, German and Dutch. After a decade of angry feminism in the 70s, the European media (UK, Belgian, Dutch, French, German, Danish, Australian, etc) were eager to hear the views of an angry masculist who lashed out at parasitic women who did not bother to get off their lazy bums and become career competent (i.e. FIPs (financially independent persons) and expected “fluffie style” to be able to parasite off the money of men.I was on the European media in these 4 languages about 200 times. In Melbourne, I made the cover of the nation’s equivalent of “Time” magazine on men’s issues. In a year or so, I will leave the Chinese shithole, where I have been living for the past 11 years and will live in Melbourne for a while, and perhaps later spend a few years living in Cambridge UK. I will be able to use my own language, so I’m really curious to see what I can do for men’s lib (masculist and MGTOW) in Australia. I feel my talents as a masculist are wasted in shithole, no organizations, no movements at all, dictatorial, China.I will start with the universities in Oz, writing large essays for the student magazines, hoping that they will provide me the publicity to be able to give major talks at the universities and invite the media to come. In such talks, I will take a heavy masculist, angry, confrontational, in your face, approach, lashing out at the hated fluffie parasites, and the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites. I will appeal to the men in the audiences, to adopt the MGTOW approach to life, by refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves, doing what they love doing.I will lash out at the gender politicians, who are the most hated by the masculists, because it is they who have created the laws that forced the MGTOWs into being.I will spell out the fact that no culture that financially massacres one married father in four, destroying his life, can survive. Men will eventually rise up, pick up arms and start killing people in a “sex war.” Gender politicians will be assassinated, and 1000s of feminist, or male feminist divorce court judges and lawyers will be murdered. To avoid this massacre, it is imperative that the gender laws be made menfair, or there will be extensive bloodshed, a war, a sex war.I will appeal to the men in the audience that if they are stupid enough to marry, and to have kids, then they will have a one in four chance of being financially massacred by the hated fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, which sees men as subhuman cash machines, an attitude that enrages masculists and makes them want to pick up arms.I will point out the massive hypocrisy and injustice of the fluffie feminist hypocrites who have no qualms in financially massacring men in a divorce. Divorcing fathers will have their kids ripped away from them with a 90% probability. They will lose half their possessions, and their house, which will be given by the court to his fluffie ex-wife so that she can raise HER kids in it. He will be forced to pay child support to her kids that he will barely see, and if his ex-wife is a real fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony, so that she can sit on her fat parasitic arse, and parasite off him after the divorce the same way she did before the divorce, with no moral or legal obligation on her to get off her arse and get a job.As a masculist, when I’m speaking, I get very angry, and use my PhDed, professorial full intelligence to mix being both highly articulate with real angry passion, so that I try to hit the brain and the gut at the same time, a powerful, very persuasive ?combination. In the 90s in Japan, I got nearly as much publicity as the rest of several hundred other researchers in the lab I was working at, combined. I hope I will be able to bring this gift for publicity to men’s lib in Oz when I live there.I will lash out at the lack of the Parer (paternity rejection right) that the fluffie feminists will fight tooth and nail, because if men get a legislated Parer, that will mean that fluffies will no longer be able to exist. Women will be forced to grow up, to take responsibility for their own lives, by getting a career competent education and later career so that they are FIPs and not fluffies, parasiting off a man’s money. The fact that men don’t have a Parer when women have the Marer (aka abortion right) is the most blatant example of sexual discrimination against men.I will tell the audience that the fluffies are the enemy of the masculists and that it is our primary political goal to free men from manslavery this century, worldwide, by wiping out the fluffies and fluffie feminists – not by killing them, but simply ignoring them totally, MGTOW style. Masculists punish women who are not FIPs, by ignoring them to death, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.Young women now are learning to hate the fluffie feminists as much as men do, because these young women are realizing that the prime cause for them not being able to persuade quality young men to give them their sperm is that two thirds of young men in a string of major countries have now gone MGTOW in practice, if not in philosophy, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves.Young women now realize that they don’t dare state publicly that they are feminists, because if they are stupid enough to do that, then that will be the kiss of death for them in terms of getting a man, because no man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi, bitch. Feminazi bitches are the first category of women to be rejected by men. Men won’t go near them, like the plague. Such women rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and spat at, utterly rejected by both sexes now.I will push the masculist vision of creating a “FIP Society” i.e. one in which both sexes, especially young women, are socialized by parents, and taught by teachers to be FIPs, to choose a career competent education. However, in today’s world, ? of such young women at age 16 still choose to study intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, “fluffie crap” majors that will exclude them from studying career competent STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) majors and the professions at college. These future fluffies will then have some 40 different penises in them by the time they are in their 30s, and suffering baby rabies, when they start looking around for some manslave ignoramus to parasite upon. In a decade there won’t be any such men left, due to the influence of MGTOW and masculist ideas, causing young men to hate fluffies and forcing them to FIP up or be punished by men by them not getting one.Masculists are very conscious that the FIPping of society, would solve so many of the gender role problems that men have. The massive gender injustice of the divorce courts would be solved if all women were FIPs. The Parer (paternity rejection right) would be brought in. Men would be freed from manslavery and be happier. Men would not be financially massacred by the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system.Given the critical importance of making all women FIPs, the masculists aim at forcing women to become FIPs or they are punished by men. The masculist vision is to create a FIP Society, through social engineering and moralistic, social, ideological pressure.Masculists place heavy moralistic pressure on women to FIP up or rot on the shelf. Fluffies are spat it, labeled as “immoral, parasitic manslaving vermin,” to be wiped out.Masculists are particularly moralistic and hateful towards the fluffie feminist hypocrites who want equal rights with men but reject equal obligations with men in terms of sharing the burden of earning the living by bothering to get a career competent education, by FIPping up at high school and college.Masculists will harangue a feminazi bitch to her face with twice the venom and brilliance of a woman and blow her away, accusing her of being a fluffie feminist hypocrite, massacring men in the divorce courts and deserving her fate of being manless and hated by both sexes, i.e. hated by men for treating men as subhuman cash machines, and by women for causing men to reject giving women their sperm, forcing women to be babyless and hence driving them crazy.In short, masculism has a vision, of wiping out manslavery, of socially engineering a FIP Society, of wiping out fluffies and fluffie feminists by forcing all women to FIP up or be punished by not having a man. We men have the financial power to force women to FIPup because nearly all men are FIPs. We are socialized to be FIPs, and don’t need to parasite off a women to survive financially. By refusing to be parasited upon by fluffies, men are forcing women to FIP up, or be severely punished, by becoming manless, left rotting on the shelf.This kind of masculist anger and masculist rhetoric is appealing to many male journalists, I found in the 80s. I’m curious to see if the formula will still work in the current decade when I start living in Oz.MGTOWs don’t have a political vision, they simply quietly walk away from marriage and paternity. They differ from the masculists who are political, giving masculist talks at universities, getting on the broadcast media, being angry and in your face with the fluffie feminist hypocrites, spitting at the fluffie vermin, etc.There is a very definite difference in style between the MGTOW and the masculists. The MGTOW are political wimps, the masculists are warriors. Sure, if millions of men go MGTOW, that will have political consequences, but the whole process of bringing down the current gynocracy, where men’s rights and the oppression of men are ignored, will be greatly accelerated if it is given a hefty masculist kick.Masculists aim to make men collectively angry, intolerant of their current oppression by the gynocracy. Once that happens, men will then bloc vote, forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, or they lose office. The Parer will be brought in. The social climate will change, with a strong moral expectation that women are to be FIPs and god help those who aren’t. Fluffies will suffer severely.Masculists socially engineer. They are very political, and very moralistic. They ideologize and use labels that they invent to hurl at masculists’ enemies, the fluffies, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, the hated gender politicians, the male feminist traitors, etc. In the above senses, masculists are a very different kettle of fish to the MGTOWs.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels, “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”) Masculist Critiques of Jewish Banksters 1.7/79 Were Jewish Banksters Behind the Misandrist Divorce Laws of the 70s? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses my suspicion that Jewish banksters were indirectly responsible for the creation of the misandrist divorce laws of the 70s that have ruined the lives of tens of millions of US? divorced fathers.WERE JEWISH BANKSTERS BEHIND THE MISANDRIST DIVORCE LAWS OF THE 70s?I haven’t come across any (fairly) direct evidence that the above is true, but I’m strongly suspicious that that is what may have happened. I say this because the Jewish banksters via the CFR (Council for Foreign Relations, that was set up by the same Jewish bankster (Paul Warburg) who wrote the draft for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913) played a central role in the establishment of second wave?feminism.?(The CFR now has a membership that is 80% Jewish. The Jewish elite has taken over the US the way it did to Germany in the 20s until Hitler threw out the Jewish civil servants in the 30s, as well?as the Rothschild controlled German central bank. After that, without a Jewish bankster debt note paper currency, the German economy THRIVED. Its 6 million unemployed were essentially all back at work within a few years.)I have a hatred of Jewish central banksters. They are the greatest criminals against humanity in history. In the 20th century, they were indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 200 million people. The Jewish bankster families (the Rothschilds (the worst), the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, etc) played a key role in the generation of the two world wars. They switch on and off economic booms and busts like a light switch, because they control the central banks in most countries of the world. They cant print as much money as they want, and hence bribe the politicians, destroying democracies. They have assassinated 6 US presidents, 4 successfully, 2 almost. They groom presidents to follow their will, and assassinate them if they rebel, as JFK did. They inflate the currency, destroying peoples savings. They make debt slaves of the world with their loans of paper dollars (that cost the Jewish banksters nothing) to governments that the people?then pay back PLUS interest, to the Jewish banksters. They have taken over the governments of the major countries. They dictate the foreign policy of the US, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc. They control the minds of most unthinking people, by their monopoly control of Hollywood, the media, publishing, etc. They have set up hate speech laws in many countries (France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, etc) making it illegal to criticize them (which is profoundly sageist and anti-scientific). They abuse us with their Holocaust myth (which really only got going in the 70s, a generation after the war) to extract “guilt money” to prop up a near bankrupt Israel ($3B/yr from the US, and $1B/yr from Germany), etc.The Jewish elite hate us. Their Talmud, their main religious text(s) is full of expressions of vitriolic hatred against the goy (a Jewish word for non-Jew, i.e. 99.8% of the world population). The early Rothschilds were adherents of Jacob Frank, who was a Shabbetean, i.e. an adherent of Shabbetai Tzvi, who thought he was the messiah in the 1600s. He had a million Jewish followers, which posed a political threat to the Persian sultan, who had Tzvi summoned and gave him a choice between death and converting to Islam. He chose the latter. Jacob Frank was a Satanist. He believed that doing evil would cause the messiah to return to earth sooner, so the greater the evil (against the hated goy) his followers committed, the better for the Jews.He got Weisshaupt to found the Illuminati, and got the Rothschilds to fund it. The top Jewish banksters are still (Shabbetean Frankist) Satanists. They are happiest when they generate massive wars in which the goy are slaughtering themselves in the millions (e.g. the two world wars) and the Jewish central banksters are making HUGE profits from war loans to their governments, who are under their control.In light of the above, (which is hard to take in if it’s all new to you, so you need to look at the evidence, i.e. be scientific about it) which you can educate yourself in by studying the works of knowledgeable intelligent people on the internet,?I have deep suspicions that the same Jewish banksters were behind the misandrist divorce laws of the 70s.We know that the Jewish elite, were behind the funding of second wave feminism. See an interview of Aaron Russo, who got friendly with David Rockefeller at —???? —? Russo, said that the Jewish elite wanted feminism because it would bring in more taxes with women working. He also said that Gloria Steinem (founder of “Ms.” magazine) was funded by the Jewish elite.The Jewish elite have used a divide and conquer strategy for many centuries in those countries they parasite upon. The Jewish elite have an ethic, that it is beneath them to work as most people do. They prefer to have others work for them. They have been banksters for centuries, charging excessive interest rates on their loans, that is one of the reasons why they make themselves so hated, e.g. in Russia. By dividing and conquering, they can survive longer in their host countries, before they get kicked out, as has happened in nearly every country in Europe over the past 1000 years, an extraordinary interculturally incompetent track record!!The Jewish elite were the founders, controllers and funders of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) i.e. the “civil rights” organization for the negros in the US. By promoting black discontent against the whites, the US population’s attention is distracted from the ongoing theft of their taxes, by the Jewish banksters.I now come to my main point. I would not be at all surprised, if behind the scenes, a handful of powerful CFR based Jews bribed the gender politicians in the US congress, to pass divorce laws that would destroy men in their millions, and polarize the sexes, so that organizations like MGTOW, MRA, masculists, etc became necessary to defend men’s rights, the way NAACP tries to for blacks.NAACP is a minority organization, defending a colored minority. But feminism, masculism, together are about the whole population. By having men and women fighting each other, what a GLORIOUS distraction for the Jewish banksters, so they can continue controlling the US and the world’s central banks, making themselves literally trillionaires.How many of you, feel that by making the divorce laws in the 70s so misandrist, so evil, against the interests of men, that inevitably it would lead to the current fight between one half of the population and the other half. What a wonderful divide and conquer strategy that would have been for the Jewish banksters, if that is indeed what happened.If any of you have any evidence confirming my deep suspicion, I would be grateful to hear from you, perhaps with a comment to this one.Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Combatting Jewish Bankster Control of the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests how the Jewish banksters who (very probably) bribed the gender politicians to pass massively unjust divorce legislation against men, can be BATTING JEWISH BANKSTER CONTROL OF THE GENDER POLITICIANSThe Jewish elite were behind the creation of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) i.e. the “blacks lib” organization. They created it, funded it and led it behind the scenes. For many centuries the Jewish elite have learned that an effective strategy to stop the dominant ethnic group within a country from oppressing them, was to divide and conquer, i.e. promote division within the culture by promoting dissenting minorities. The Brits did this very successfully in their colonial period in the 1800s, e.g. with the Indians and the Pakistanis (before separation).I don’t have any hard evidence yet, that the Jewish elite?did the same by promoting division between the sexes by bribing the gender politicians to pass divorce laws so massively unjust towards males that inevitably it would create a massive backlash?from men and?hence divide the whole population, because there are only two sexes. This opportunity, with the early rise of second wave feminism, must have seemed too good an opportunity for the Jewish banksters who rule the US behind the scenes, to pass up. What a wonderfully huge distractor it would be to have half the goy (non-Jew) population pitted against the other half and hence distract them from the fact that the Jewish banksters are stealing their taxes and making debt slaves of them. So you can see why I’m so deeply suspicious that the Jewish banksters were behind the creation of the profoundly misandrist divorce laws of the 70s.The Jewish elite promoted second wave feminism, by funding Gloria Steinem of “Ms. Magazine.” The major US second wave feminists, e.g. Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug etc were Jews, whose legislative proposals were readily passed in Congress. Aaron Russo in a YouTube interview claimed that the Jewish elite wanted feminism in order to increase taxes.So, let’s assume that my suspicion is correct, that the Jewish elite bribed the gender politicians to pass misandrist divorce laws, how can this behind the scenes control of the gender politicians be combatted and defeated?Pushing directly at the gender politicians may have some effect. They are after all politicians, and can be thrown out of office if they become unpopular enough, so men need to become more conscious that they are being financially massacred in the divorce courts and learn to bloc vote against the gender politicians.That is definitely one approach. Another, is to stop the bribing of the gender politicians by Jewish banksters, who have tremendous power over the politicians. When US presidents threatened or did remove control to issue the nation’s money out of the hands of the Jewish banksters, these banksters simply assassinated them. The last such president to be assassinated this way was JFK, and after him Reagan, whose assassin’s bullet was only a centimeter from his heart.If JFK had gotten his way, when he signed executive order 11110 which created a treasury note instead of a Federal Reserve (i.e. a private company of Jewish banksters) note (i.e. the dollar bill, issued by the government, interest free, instead of being issued by the Jewish banksters’?Fed,?with interest, thus doubling the debt burden) then it would have cost the Jewish banksters, particularly the Rothschilds, trillions of dollars, literally. SO of course they killed him. The Jewish banksters have killed 6 US presidents (4 successfully, 2 almost), and for similar reasons. These presidents wanted to restore the constitutional? assertion that control of the issuance of money should lie with the people i.e. the congress, and not with Jewish banksters, who merely abuse this power for their own massive greed and power.After the Jewish banksters blackmailed Wilson to sign the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, nearly all those politicians who voted against the act lost their next election, because the Jewish (now central) banksters printed money (costing?them nothing)?to support the election campaigns of the opponents of these politicians, so they lost. The politicians who were elected soon learned that to oppose the Jewish controlled Fed was political suicide, so these Jewish banksters were then able to bribe them, threaten them any way they wanted. It is in this way, that Jewish banksters destroy democracies. The US has not been a democracy for a century. Presidents are selected, groomed and controlled by Jewish banksters. The appearance of elections, is merely a sham. The US presidents are mere puppets of the Jewish banksters. Obama was brought in to docilely sign the police state executive orders needed by the Jewish bankster controlled Illuminati to create a fascist dictatorship of the US, hence the 800 FEMA concentration camps, the 3 billion hollow tipped bullets bought by the Jewish bankster controlled DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security), the militarization of the police force, the millions of 4 body plastic coffins, the suburban tanks, etc. (It looks as though the dreams of the Jewish banksters to fulfill the Talmudic prophecy of ruling the world with their capital in Jerusalem, is nearing completion. The economies of the US, Europe and Japan are about to crash into 3rd world levels. All three powers have been put into massive, unrecoverable,?debt by the Jewish central banksters.)SO, one effective way to get rid of the Jewish banksters is to teach the population that these Jewish banksters hate us, they kill us, they push us into world wars, that they largely engineer, they inflate the currency, thus robbing old people of their savings, they make debt slaves of us all with their debt note paper dollar. The more one studies the massive crimes against humanity of the Jewish banksters, the more one inevitably hates them. They need to be removed, i.e. sent to the Hague (the international criminal court), prosecuted as massive criminals against humanity and then executed. These Jewish central banksters are indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 200 million people in the 20th century (e.g. the two world wars (50-100 million), the Russian purges (60+ million), Mao’s famine and purges (80 million),?etc.)Ordinary Jews need to be educated that they have the rottenest of rotten apples in their midst and learn to hate them too. Jewish banksters use their genius level intelligence in evil ways. They are “evil genii.” Ordinary Jews who are not religious (and so are not taught to hate the goy by being exposed to the hate speech in the Talmud against the goy) are harmless and should be treated as such. Religious Jews are taught to hate the goy, and this explains why Jews over 2000 years have been the most hated people in history. When your very religion teaches you to hate everyone else, not surprisingly, everyone else hates you right back. Jewish antigoyism has generated anti-Semitism wherever Jews have settled in large numbers. Jewish communities have been thrown out of European countries, dukedoms, cities, etc. over 100 times over the past 1000 years, according to Jewish scholars.Another way to combat the Jewish banksters is to discredit their religious beliefs. Many Jewish banksters, even today, are still?Satanists, i.e. Shabbetean Frankists (YouTube it!) i.e. they believe that the more evil they do (especially towards the hated goy) the sooner their Jewish messiah will return to earth and save them. These Satanist beliefs are still religious beliefs, and hence subject to the hugely discrediting power of modern science.So these Jewish banksters are still medievalists. They are still mental slaves to archaic religious beliefs. Gods and antigods, beneficent and evil gods, are still gods, and hence readily dismissible by modern scientific knowledge. So ridicule them, pressurize them to modernize their world views. Undermine their Satanist religious beliefs by sneering at them.In Israel today, 85% of Israelis are secular, i.e. non-religious. They don’t read the Talmud, and hence are not corrupted by it, not taught by it to hate the goy. In the US, 80% of Jews marry non-Jews, so within a century in the US there will be no more Jews due to genetic dilution. So ordinary secular Jews should attack the Jewish banksters and drive them out of their communities.So should the goy majority. The internet is a powerful force to spread ideas and knowledge. The Jewish elite have been trying to control the minds of the goy for over a century, by taking monopoly control of the outlets of information, i.e. Hollywood, the media, publishing etc. You can bet your life they are working hard on finding ways to censure the internet so people like me are unable to criticize their Satanist murderous behaviors against the goy. (The TPP – Trans Pacific Partnership – has provisions to control the internet. Let’s hope it is rejected by the US people, but with the Jewish banksters controlling the media, brainwashing the peakers, this may not happen.So, aim to root out the hated Jewish banksters, send them to the Hague, and then vote out all the corrupted politicians, including the gender politicians, so that the gender laws can be made men fair, so that we can live in an ethically healthier political environment.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Eclipse of MGTOW Masculism with the Collapse of the West (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer argues that MGTOW-masculism will become irrelevant for several decades during which time, the western countries recover from the economic crash and civil war against and removal of the Jewish banksters who ruled their countries.THE ECLIPSE OF MGTOW-MASCULISM WITH THE COLLAPSE OF THE WESTSoon, maybe this year or in a small number of years, the US dollar will collapse, and the US, Europe and Japan will see their economies crash to third world levels, thanks to the Jewish bankster indebting of these economies. The US dollar has been the international reserve currency for decades but with the Jewish controlled Fed printing money at the rate of at least a trillion a year (and even a month, according to Jim Willie, to cover the oil derivative fiasco) the rest of the world who hold dollars in their national reserves are now dumping them heavily, because they anticipate a universal desertion of the dollar, and no one wants to be the last man out the door.The US has sent most of its manufacturing capacity to Asia, mostly China, so when the dollar becomes only a domestic currency, the US will only be able to import in value what it can export in value, which will not be much. The standard of living in the US (Europe, Japan) will then fall to third world levels.This then, I?strongly suspect, will cause a civil war in the US, which has more guns than people. Americans will become EXTREMELY ANGRY at what has happened to them and will seek revenge against the Jewish banksters who created this problem, who planned for this to happen as part of their grand Illuminati based vision, of creating a world state dictatorship with Jewish banksters in charge, ruling over a planet of serfs, controlled by computer money chips inserted into their bodies. This grand Jewish bankster vision is often labeled the “New World Order (NWO).”These Jewish banksters anticipate a massive reaction from ordinary Americans with their many guns, which accounts for the 800 FEMA (concentration) camps in the US, the three billion hollow tipped bullets purchased by the Jewish bankster controlled DHS (Dept of Homeland Security), the millions of 4 body plastic coffins you can see on YouTube, the militarization of the domestic police, the passage by Obama of many police state executive orders, the suburban tanks, etc.The CFR (Council for Foreign Relations) which is the real power in the US, the shadow government, which really runs the country, was set up by Paul Warburg (one of the prominent Jewish banksters) in the early 20s, who wrote the draft Federal Reserve Act in 1913 as an agent of the European Rothschilds (the greatest criminals against humanity in history).Of course, the Jewish banksters will lose. They will be pogromed out of existence. Millions of Americans will die in the civil war, the Fed will be removed. Jewish banksters will be hated universally, once the media is freed up from their monopoly. (The sources of information today in all the major countries, i.e. the media, Hollywood, the news outlets, publishing, are in the control of Jewish banksters. (Once the Rothschilds had acquired control of the Bank of England – a misnomer, since it was a private bank, just as the Fed is today – they soon bought Reuters, the major western news distributor.)Any Jewish bankster with a surname of Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Rockefeller, etc will be targeted for assassination, as the civil war progresses. They will be put on black lists, and prosecuted, and if that doesn’t work quickly enough, vigilante groups will hunt them down all over the world and kill them. There are now too many millions of people, thanks to the internet, who know about their massive crimes against humanity, who have learned to hate them, who realize that all the major wars for the past century or more have been largely Jewish bankster generated, as are the economic depressions, the debt enslavement of whole continents, etc. The world would have been much richer, and a lot happier if these Jewish banksters had never existed.These Jewish banksters in turn are the product of Jewish religious culture (actually an extremist, Satanist branch of Judaism, called Shabbetean Frankism, which preaches that Jews should commit as much evil as possible to hasten the appearance of the Jewish messiah who will liberate the Jewish people.) These Jewish bankster vermin have made the world far more miserable than it would have been had they not existed.Once the Rothschilds took over the Bank of England, taking control of the issuance of the nation’s money, they had the means to achieve their long term goal of fulfilling their Talmudic prophecy of ruling the world with Jerusalem as its capital. The Rothschilds then bribed the British government in 1916, that “If you Brits give us Palestine, we Jews who control the media in the US, will bring the US into WW1, and tip the balance, so that you can win the war (says Benjamin Freedman, YouTube him!) Prior to this dirty deal made between the UK government and the Rothschilds, the Jewish media in the US was pro German, because Germany was fighting Russia in 1916, and the Jews hated Russia for long historical reasons. The Russians hated the Jews for very good reasons, if you read its history.Once the Jewish controlled media learned of the “Balfour Agreement” (YouTube it!) it suddenly turned on Germany, with powerful propaganda to turn the tide of US public opinion, which brought the US into WW1. The Jewish banksters wanted a world war, to kill off millions of the hated goy (for their Satanist reasons) and to make huge profits from war loans to warring governments, on both sides of the war. The Warburg brothers were funding both the US and Germany, with Paul in the US and his brother in Germany.The Jewish banksters then took control of the issuance of the US dollar in 1913 when they created the Fed, one of the greatest crimes in history, given its enormous consequences. These Jewish banksters have now taken over control of the issuance of money in nearly every country of the world (with question marks re Russia and China.)If you control the issuance of money, you can print as much as you want. You are “legal” counterfeiters who can bribe the politicians to do what you want. You thus destroy democracies.BUT, (as far as I can tell) there is a fly in the Jewish banksters ointment, and that is that (according to Jim Willie (YouTube him!) Putin threw out the Jewish banksters a few years ago from Russia, and I’ve read that Jewish banksters are anathema in the Chinese central bank (???? – I still have big question marks about this, given that Mao was surrounded by Jewish banksters early in his career?!)China and Russia now have over 50,000 tons of gold together and are steadily establishing the infrastructure to undermine the US dollar as the global reserve currency. The plan (listen to Jim Willie on this, my favorite commentator on these issues) is to bring back the gold standard, and to replace the US dollar with the RMB (China’s currency) as the new global reserve currency.Increasingly now, country after country is aligning with the Eurasian trade block, dumping US treasury bonds, and US dollars in their reserves and increasingly using the RMB. Soon, the dollar will crash, as no one wants it any more. When that happens, the US (plus Europe, Japan) will crash to third world levels, leaving mostly China and Russia as the surviving superpowers, actually really only China, since the population of Russia is under 200 million, and the population of China is now about 1.4 Billion (with a B).Now, China has intelligent divorce laws. If a couple divorce, and the ex-wife is a fluffie, then custody of the kids almost automatically goes to the ex-husband, because he has the money to support them, and she doesn’t. So a decade from now, when the dust from the crash has settled, more or less, China will reign supreme. The west will have become largely irrelevant, a third world, ignorable?block.Now, I do see a subsequent resurrection of the west, given the genetic superiority of westerners (the high IQs and greatly superior creativities compared to Asian intellectual timidity and lack of individuality) but it may take decades for the west to rise again, freed from Jewish bankster tyranny.In the meantime, China will utterly dominate. It has 17 times the population of Germany (which also has an average IQ of 105, equal to the Chinese), and over 4 times more than the US. Both Germany and the US will be pauper nations for a few decades before we hear of the “economic miracle of the western nations.”During that time, preoccupations of western men, such as MGTOW and masculism will be seen as idle luxuries, when people are starving and fighting to simply find food. The civil war in the US will be particularly bitter as the Jewish bankster controlled militarized police war against US citizens. Highly intelligent patriots will seek out the Jewish banksters and have them assassinated. They will be hunted down, and then all their literally diabolical institutions will be swept away, and replaced by honest institutions, where economies are based on real work, real manufacture, etc, the way the US was in the 1800s when it thrived, before the Jewish banksters took it over and destroyed it, i.e. destroyed the western nations with debt, making debt slaves of their populations with their paper dollar debt note Ponzi scheme.So, the rise of MGTOW and masculism in the western countries is a time limited phenomenon. It will be seen as a pre-crash movement, that will be put on the back burner for several decades, until a Jewish-bankster-free western world can stand on its own feet again, and reassert its dominance due to its superior creative capacity. (Look at Murray’s book “Human Accomplishment” which shows clearly how dominant white western culture has been over the world over the past few thousand years.)Once the Jewish banksters have faded into history, the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts will be reformed, the Jewish bankster bribed politicians will be voted out of power, and a new generation of more honest, patriotic politicians who care about the well-being of both sexes, will menfair the gender laws. But this will come later.In the meantime, the US has to go through the painful, bloody process of the civil war, to remove the hated Jewish banksters, and their massive preparations to try to suppress the rebellion of the US people against them. Only later, when the air clears, will things get back to the way the founding fathers of the US constitution intended the country to be run, not by goy-hating, Jewish, Satanist, banksters, but by honest politicians, with integrity, who do not accept bribes, who care about the country, and look upon Jewish banksters and other Jewish Satanists as criminals against humanity, to be prosecuted out of existence.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW Masculism and the American Pogrom (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that MGTOW-masculism will be seen as a frivolous ignorable luxury during the time of the collapse of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, that will happen soon, resulting in a pogrom by American goy sages (intellectuals) against the hated Jewish banksters and their cronies.MGTOW-MASCULISM AND THE AMERICAN POGROMThanks to the internet, a growing percentage of western sages (intellectuals) are learning a hatred of Jewish central banksters, Jewish neocons, etc. Individual scholars can upload their work and opinions for the world to see, so that the traditional monopoly of sources of information, that are controlled by these Jewish banksters (the news outlets, the media companies, Hollywood, publishing, etc) has been broken. These scholars who show us the Jewish elite’s hatred of the Goy (a Jewish word for non-Jews) have taught us just how strongly the Jewish elite, particularly their religious leaders (the rabbis) hate the goy. The Talmud, the religious Jew’s principle religious document, is full of vitriolic hatred against the goy, which explains why Jews have been the most hated people in history, and in my view the most inter-culturally incompetent people in history.The religious Jews’ messiah, when he comes to earth,?is prophesied to destroy the goy and to rule over the world from Jerusalem. Thus built in to the Jews’ religion is a hatred of the goy (i.e. non Jews, 99.8% of the world population) which readily explains why the Jews have been so hated over several thousand years, and have been thrown out of nearly every country in Europe over the past 1000 years (according to Jewish scholars.)When your very religion teaches you to hate everyone (i.e. 99.8% of the world’s population) it is then not surprising that the world hates you right back. Jewish prayers teach religious Jews to not pay back debts to the goy, to feel blessed that they are NOT goy, that goy are cattle to be manipulated and abused. Jewish anti-Goyism is ancient and runs deep. It is Jewish anti-Goyism that generates anti-Semitism in the goy.So what!?? Well, the Ashkenazi Jews (i.e. from eastern Europe) are the smartest people in the world. In the US, they have an average IQ?of 115. They have won a third of the science Nobel prizes. When they move into a country in large numbers, they take it over, because of this intellectual superiority. They did this to Germany in the 1920s, after the Czar of Russia cracked down on? Russian Jews in 1905 after the previous czar was assassinated by Jews, so they fled to Germany. They have now done the same to the US.Ashkenazi Jewish genius is a two edged sword. It can be used for the good of humanity (e.g. Jewish genii have benefitted humanity greatly with their discoveries in science and mathematics. This kind of Jew I have great admiration and respect for.) But Jewish genius can also be used to harm humanity, and the strongest example of this are the Jewish banksters, who use their superior intelligence to massively abuse and enslave the hated goy.In the 1600s in Poland, the landed gentry (i.e. goy) employed the Jewish community in Poland to serve as tax collectors, extracting money from the Polish peasants. These Jews were utterly alien to these Polish, catholic peasants, and were hated. Things got so bad, that eventually there was one of the worst pogroms in Jewish history, when about 50,000 Jews were butchered. This kind of thing has been happening to Jews wherever they go. They make themselves hated, then the locals pogrom them or the king throws them out, when the Jewish elite in their country become too economically powerful and threaten the power of the king. This has happened again, and again, and again. Jewish communities have been thrown out of European countries, dukedoms, cities over 100 times in the past 1000 years!!!In today’s world, this age old pattern continues. There is a branch of Judaism, that is Satanist. In the 1700s, Jacob Frank (a disciple of Shabbetai Tzvi, who claimed he was the Jewish messiah in the 1600s) preached the opposite of the 10 commandments that are contained in the Jewish Torah. He taught that the Jewish messiah would be more likely to return if Jews committed evil on a large scale. Frank influenced the early Rothschilds, who then used their enormous wealth (extracted from taxes paid by the peoples of nations to the central banks that were controlled by them) to commit crimes against humanity on a jaw dropping scale, e.g. they became the major generators of the two world wars, financing them, bribing the major players (nearly all Jews) Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Hitler (maybe a quarter Jew) to do their bidding, making debt slaves of whole populations, due to their creation of paper currency debt note Ponzi schemes, their assassination of 6 US presidents, when they did not agree with Jewish control of the central banks, and hence the power to issue the currency, the inflations of currencies which wipe out the savings of old people, the bribing of politicians with money they print out of thin air, thus destroying democracies, the switching on and off of economic booms and busts, like a light switch, stimulating booms, then buying up bankrupted businesses at pennies on the pound during the depressions they generate (e.g. the great depression of the 1930s), control of the sources of information, brainwashing the public about the WW2 holocaust (no Jews were gassed in the concentration camps), the constant wars to enrichen the Jewish owners of the military -industrial complex, etc, etc.The crimes against humanity of the Jewish central banksters and their cronies are so massive, that anyone who is informed about them, soon learns to hate them, including ordinary Jews, who have been just as abused and murdered by the Jewish elite, as the goy. This hatred is growing amongst the goy sages (intellectuals) in the US, who increasingly are expressing their hated, and pushing for the hated Jewish bankster elite to be sent to the Hague (the International Criminal Court) to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, and then be executed.This hatred coming from the goy sages is growing and growing. I anticipate an American pogrom occurring when the Jewish banksters succeed in destroying the economies of the US, Europe, Japan in the coming few years (perhaps even months?!).The longer term goal of the Jewish banksters is to take over the world, and to rule it from Jerusalem. That is the Talmudic prophecy, that guided the strategies?of these Jewish banksters. They are quietly, deliberately destroying the major western powers, so that Israel will be surviving major power. It is already the 4th largest nuclear power in the world.Once the dollar crashes as the world’s reserve currency, the US will plunge into 3rd world status. American goy will then become furious and seek revenge against the Jewish banksters, who will be pogromed. I see this as highly likely.Once the dollar crashes, and the US descends into chaos and civil war, with millions being killed, the Jewish banksters will be butchered and their criminal banking system will be dismantled. This will then allow a renaissance of the US, so that its citizens can throw out the politicians who have for a century been bribed by Jewish central banksters. New politicians will be installed who will be fairer to men, and will give men menfair gender laws.But this two step process, i.e. the short term chaos/civil war,? followed by the longer term US revival, will take time, several decades, so during the time of chaos, MGTOW/masculism will be eclipsed by more demanding preoccupations, such as trying to stay alive, finding food, and trying to avoid being robbed at gun point by roving armed bands looking for food.The horrors of the US collapse will only fuel the hatred of the goy against the Jewish central banksters who created the collapse in the first place, BY DESIGN, thus motiving these goy to wipe out, i.e. to pogrom, these Jewish banksters. Thus for the several decades that it will take for the US and Europe to revive, you can say goodbye to MGTOW/masculism, which will be seen as luxuries that are too frivolous to be taken seriously in desperate US pogroming times.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Science's War Against (Satanist) Judaism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests that Satanist Judaism is one of the vilest religions ever invented by humanity, and should be wiped out by being discredited by science, thus ridding the world of the worst criminals against humanity in history, who believe in this satanist garbage.SCIENCE’S WAR AGAINST (SATANIST) JUDAISMI have several interests on the social/political front. My main interest, that takes most of my time, is being a globacator (global educator) making YouTube lecture videos in PhD level Pure Math and Math Physics, for free, to educate the world, as well as building e-libraries with links to (as far as possible) full content books and research papers, so that bright peasants with an IQ in the top 1% can teach themselves at that level for free.For the rest of my time, when I’m not studying for my video lectures, I’m concerned with the rise of the massively intelligent machine, that I’m world known for (father of the artilect, Artilect War, cosmism, terranism, IQ gap, gigadeath, etc); with writing essays expressing my hatred of Jewish central banksters who are now destroying whole continents (the US and Europe) with their paper currency debt note Ponzi schemes; and with MGTOW-masculism.?Those of you who read my regular comments/flyers on MGTOW-masculism on Sandman’s site know that I spend about an hour or two a day on this theme.Lately, I’ve become increasingly aware that my Jewish bankster and masculist-MGTOW interests are merging. I’m becoming increasingly conscious that there is an intimate link between the two, in the sense that I see growing evidence that the Jewish banksters were behind the rift between the sexes by playing a critical role in the rise of modern feminism.? Watch Aaron Russo’s interview with Alex Jones, in which Russo says that David Rockefeller (one of the major Jewish banksters) told him that the Rockefeller Foundation was behind the funding of feminism, e.g. financially supporting Gloria Steinem’s “Ms.” magazine.It has been a tactic of the Jewish religious elite for several thousand years to divide and conquer the host communities that they parasite on. By fostering divisions within a host society, the Jews can deflect attention from the society away from themselves, and make it easier for them to exploit the host society, without too much attention.The Jewish religious elite did this with the blacks in the US. The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), the “Blacks Lib” organization, was started, funded and led behind the scenes by Jews, the aim being to foster division and hatred between blacks and whites.By fostering feminism, and (very probably) some quiet bribery behind the scenes of the gender politicians, to pass new divorce laws that the second wave feminists were pushing for, in turn created a divorce court system that was and remains TOXIC for men. Divorcing fathers, typically lose their kids, their house, pay child?support, and alimony to their ex fluffie wives. Men are being financially massacred. This divorce massacring in turn has led to the MGTOW and masculist movements, which are men who refuse to marry, to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. This in turn is wiping out the population, because 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan are now MGTOWs in practice, if not in philosophy.One of the major prophecies of the religious Jews, featuring prominently in the Talmud (the religious Jews major religious document(s)) is that when the Jewish messiah comes to earth, he will destroy the goy (a Jewish word for non-Jew, with connotations of the word “cattle”) and rule the world from Jerusalem.In the 1700s, Jacob Frank, a disciple of Shabbetai Tzvi (who thought he was the Jewish messiah, and a million Jews believed him) taught that the more evil that religious Jews can commit, the sooner the Jewish messiah will come to earth, kill off the goy, and?save the Jews. Frank was an out and out Jewish Satanist, a branch of traditional Judaism. Frank got financial support from the early Rothschilds who were themselves Shabbetean Frankists. Once that happened, the world was plunged into massive evil, because the Rothschilds enabled Frank’s vision to become a reality.As a result, the world has been plunged, largely due to the machinations, bribery, murder, and behind the scenes treachery of the Jewish central banksters, into two world wars, major depressions, the debt enslavement of whole continents, etc.The Jewish central banksters in the US, once they had taken over the right to issue the currency, originating from a private company run by Jewish banksters, namely the Fed(eral Reserve) they were able to lend governments to pay for two world wars, and generate the great depression of the 30s. In the early 1920s Paul Warburg (one of the worst of the US agents of the Rothschilds) who wrote the draft Federal Reserve Act, founded the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) to take political control of the US, and particularly its foreign policy, so that US money could be sent to Israel and have the US with all its military might defend the existence of Israel. The CFR today, is now comprised of 80% Jews, and they have taken over the foreign policy of the US with their Jewish “Neocons.”So, to come to the main point of this flyer, the Jewish religion lies behind the takeover of the US in both financial and political terms by a Jewish bankster elite. The Jewish religion is one of the vilest of all the religions ever invented by humanity, because it preaches hatred of the goy, i.e. non-Jews, i.e. 99.8% of humanity. Because of this religion, we had Shabbetai Tzvi, and then Jacob Frank, and then the Rothschild banksters, then the creation of the Fed to debt enslave Americans with its paper dollar (interest bearing) debt note, then the CFR and the now constant wars that force the CFR Jewish controlled and bribed US congress to pay fortunes to the Jewish owned military-industrial complex.The major countries, US, Europe and Japan are about to be smashed by these Jewish Satanists, seeing their economies destroyed by the paper currency debt note Ponzi schemes, where the Jewish controlled central banks issue all the currency, that governments pay back with interest. To get the money to pay the interest, the government has to borrow more money from the Jewish central banks, so with compound interest, the debt becomes so large, the economies of whole continents are destroyed by these Ponzi, pyramid schemes.So, how to remove this horrible problem of Jewish bankster control of the finances and politics of major countries? By killing the underlying religious belief that supports this whole Jewish Satanist enterprise of destroying the goy and ruling the world from Jerusalem.80% of Jews in the US marry non-Jews. At this rate, within a mere century, there will be almost no more Jews left in the US. Their Jewish genes will have been diluted in the major goy population. Modern non-religious Jews don’t believe in the Torah, nor the Talmud (the two major documents of the religious Jews.) They are secular (i.e. they don’t believe in gods.) They believe much more in science, and have a scientific view of the world. In Israel, 85% of Israelis are secular, they don’t believe in the Talmud and its ancient prophecies of a Jewish messiah killing off the goy and ruling the world from Jerusalem.There are Israeli moves afoot to transplant Israel to South America, to land bought and not stolen (the way the Jews stole Palestine from the Palestinians.) Since 85% of Israelis don’t believe that it’s important for them to be living in Israel, when they could be living in a much nicer climate and not have to fight Arabs all the time in Israel (stolen Palestine), they may move quite readily.The Jewish banksters are actually a relic of an ancient prescientific religion. Those Jewish banksters who are still Frankist Satanists are living in the past, holding on to beliefs that make no sense in a scientifically dominated age. They believe essentially two thousand year old crap, and most Jews in the US and Israel think the same as I do, because they are not religious.SO, I appeal to secular Jews to put real intellectual and scientific pressure on their Satanist colleagues to motivate these Satanist Jewish banksters to stop believing this ancient garbage and come into the modern world. Judaism preaches hatred of the goy by religious Jews, which in turn generates anti-Semitism due to religious Jewish anti-goyism. Religious Jews generate hatred against them wherever they go. They have been thrown out of nearly every country in Europe over the past 1000 years, according to Jewish scholars.The secular Jews of the US are harmless and integrate into the general US population. The US goy do not hate them, because the US secular Jews DO NOT hate the goy, so they get along.So secular Jews and secular goy should combine forces to preach science to the religious Jews, showing them how silly their beliefs are, how ancient, how backward, how nonscientific, how full of fantasies, that make no sense, that are mutually contradictory, that are simply garbage unworthy of being taken seriously,As religious Jews, as Frankist Jewish bankster Jews wipe themselves out by no longer believing in this Frankist Satanist religious garbage, they will cease their hatred of the goy and stop destroying them financially and politically. The world would have been a very different place over the past few centuries if the religious Jews had never existed –?no world wars, no great depression, no constant wars today, no debt note dollar Ponzi scheme enslavement, etc. So the world has very good reason to declare war on Satanist Judaism.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOWs as Pawns of the Jewish Banksters (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses my growing skepticism that the main idea of MGTOW i.e. to avoid fatherhood to crash the population to force society to be less gynocentric, will not work, if the massively unjust divorce laws against men were engineered behind the scenes by Jewish banksters to help reduce the world population to half a billion as stated on the Georgia guide stones.MGTOWs AS PAWNS OF THE JEWISH BANKSTERSI’m becoming increasingly suspicious and skeptical of the main MGTOW argument, i.e. that MGTOWs are so fed up with our current gynocentric society, that they choose to go their own way, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves, as a form of punishment of today’s society, thinking that by dropping out of the marriage market and fatherhood, that society will eventually turn around and reform itself so that men get a much better deal than what they have now.The source of my skepticism is my growing knowledge (thanks to the internet) of the enormous damage and criminality of the Jewish Satanist banksters and their deeper and longer term intentions, i.e. to destroy the major countries, US, Europe, Japan, and rule the world with their capitol in Jerusalem, thus fulfilling their 3000 year old prophecy in the Torah and Talmud, their main religious documents.Some of you may have heard of the Georgia guide stones (YouTube it), which state that the earth’s human population should be reduced to about half a billion. Putting up such stones would not have been cheap, so one wonders who and why they were erected.Some of my recent flyers have been about Jewish banksters and their 2000 year old strategy of dividing and conquering their host cultures that they parasite upon, by fostering division and hostility between subgroups of their host culture, to distract attention from the host culture’s citizens away from the very negative abuses the Jewish banksters and their cronies are committing against their goy hosts, e.g. in the US the creation, funding and leadership behind the scenes of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) which aimed to promote hostility between blacks and whites. What the Jewish banksters want the US population to be distracted FROM, is the Jewish bankster theft of?Americans’ taxes, being made debt slaves to them, assassinating 6 of their presidents, destroying democracy by bribing all the politicians, inflating the currency to destroy people’s savings, taking over the sources of information (Hollywood, the media, the news outlets, publishing, not yet the internet, but you can bet your life they are working on that), passing laws that make it illegal to criticize them in many western countries, etc.I’ve speculated in earlier flyers that the ultimate division, the ultimate distraction for these Jewish banksters would be for a major rift to be created between the sexes, and a very effective way to do that in the 70s would have been to bribe a few critical gender politicians to pass new divorce laws that the feminists were pushing for.These Jewish banksters are evil genii. When you study, for example,?how they engineered WW2, by bribing and blackmailing? a handful of critical players (Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, all Jews themselves, and Hitler (probably a quarter Jew – his grandmother was a maid in the Rothschild household in Vienna, who suddenly got pregnant), you learn how they use their genius intelligence and money to push events in the direction they want, by carefully selecting ahead of time critical players who have the ability to influence events the way these Jewish banksters want, to cause millions of goy to slaughter themselves (which satisfies their Shabbetean-Frankist Satanist beliefs) and to make enormous profits from governments who borrow heavily from them as Jewish central banksters, to pay for wars that the Jewish banksters have played a major role in generating in the first place.If it is part of their plan to rule the world, and more critically, to reduce the world population to about half a billion, then what better way than to create a MGTOW movement. These evil Jewish genii have patience. Their Jewish religious culture is several thousand years old, so they think long term. By bribing just a few gender politicians as mentioned above, they could reduce the population by crashing the birth rate by making marriage, or rather divorce, so toxic for men by creating diabolic divorce laws (as viewed by men). We now see 70% (and rising) of US young men under 35 refusing to reproduce, thus wiping out the US population within a mere century.So, if this is what happened (and of course the Jewish banksters would never make such an intention public,?otherwise they would be lynched) then the argument above that MGTOWs hope to force the gender politicians to make the gender laws menfair, is probably na?ve. If the above conspiracy hypothesis is correct, then everything is going according to plan, since the young men are refusing to reproduce on?a massive scale in the US and Japan, and other countries.So the main aim of the MGTOWs, to force the gender politicians to do what the MGTOWs want, is probably misguided. The gender politicians are controlled, puppetted by the Jewish banksters, and have been for decades. The gender politicians are not going to budge, until the Jewish banksters are pogromed out of power, but that probably wont happen until the same Jewish banksters succeed in crashing the dollar, the yen and the euro, which is probably soon (months? a few years?). But until the root cause of the gender law injustices is removed, i.e. the dictatorship of the Jewish banksters over the US congress, the strategy of the MGTOWs will not be listened to.The population will continue to crash, until the Jewish banksters decide that the population size is small enough the way they want, and then they will intervene and give men what they want so that men are more willing to reproduce.So I’m becoming more cynical about pushing and lobbying the gender politicians as a masculist strategy, and becoming more cynical that having millions of MGTOWs refusing to reproduce will change the gender laws. If the Jewish banksters are behind the population crash, maybe the gender laws will not change until the population has crashed enough for the Jewish banksters to decide to put back the plug.Of course, if the American people, with more guns than people, rise up and pogrom the Jewish banksters in the next few years, then all bets are off. If that happens, then a new batch of politicians will be elected, who hopefully will care more about society as a whole, who are not bribed by Jewish banksters, because the Jewish banksters?will either have fled, or have been butchered in the American pogrom. These new politicians will then probably pass new menfair gender laws and improve men’s situation in society.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Scientizing the Jewish Bankster Satanists to Liberate Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Descr : This flyer suggests that the horrors awaiting American men when the dollar crashes, caused by the Jewish bankster Satanists, may be the price that?men pay, to liberate themselves from menunfair gender laws created by these Jewish banksters. The most effective way to remove the Jewish banksters Satanist beliefs is with science, discrediting them. Without these underlying beliefs, Jewish bankster Satanists will? disappear and men will be liberated.SCIENTIZING THE JEWISH BANKSTER SATANISTS?TO LIBERATE MENI’m holding my breath, waiting for the dollar to crash, as it must in the next few months or few years. The world is deserting the dollar as the international reserve currency. When that happens, given that the US has sent most of its manufacturing capacity to China, the US will only be able to import in value what it can export in value, which will not be much, so standards of living will fall to third world levels.There are more guns in the US than people, so I’m expecting very angry Americans will then rise up to try to remove the Jewish banksters who caused (planned) this crash, who have been preparing for it, with their 3 billion hollow tipped bullets (designed for killing, ripping out any body part the bullet hits), the millions of four body plastic coffins, the militarization of the police force, the 800 FEMA (concentration) camps in the US, the police state executive orders that Obama has been signing that he was selected and groomed to do by the Jewish banksters, the suburban tanks (whose photos on the internet, lines and lines of them, 1000s of them, waiting to be used to massacre Americans in their millions, when the time comes, are the most horrifying and disturbing I have seen on the internet).When the Jewish banksters caused the Russian revolution (which wasn’t Russian at all, it was a Jewish communist putsch), financed by Schiff, the NY Jewish bankster, with $20M of his own money, they went on to massacre 66 million white Christian Russians, says Solzhenitsyn, the famous author of the Gulag Archipelago.These Jewish banksters hate the goy. They are Satanists, i.e. they are Shabbetean Frankists, who taught that good and evil are both the works of the Jewish god, and that the Jewish messiah will come to earth only when people are either wholly good or wholly evil. The Frankists argued that it is easier for humans to be wholly evil than wholly good, so to hasten the coming of the Jewish messiah, Shabbetean Frankists should commit the most evil deeds they could, reversing the 10 commandments of the Torah.Thus they became Satanists, using their superior intelligence to take over the control of the issuance of money in most countries of the world,?which?gave them tremendous power, spearheaded largely by the Rothschilds, with their henchmen, the Rockefellers, the Schiffs, the Warburgs, etc. They are religious. They believe what Jacob Frank said. The Illuminati founder (Weisshaupt), Jacob Frank, and Amschel Rothschild were all living in Frankfurt, Germany at the same time. Frank got Rothschild to fund him and his dream, i.e. to hasten the coming of the Jewish messiah by committing massive evil, so that the Jewish messiah could rule the world from Jerusalem, and then to WIPE OUT ALL THE GOY (i.e. a Jewish word for non Jews, i.e. 99.8% of the world population.) This may sound crazy and insane to most people, so you will need to read the Talmud to see that it is what religious Jews believe.So, these Jewish bankster Satanists are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. They hate the goy. Hating the goy is part of their religion, so they are happiest when they have caused world wars, causing millions of goy to massacre each other, and making huge profits from government loans to pay for the wars.It looks as though these Jewish bankster Satanists have in mind for the US, which is soon to crash, is what they did to Russia, slaughtering tens of millions of them in the 1920s and 1930s under the Jewish Stalin (whose Georgian dialect name means “son of a Jew”), or the Jew Roosevelt who engineered the entry of the US into WW2 by cutting off the oil supply to the Japanese, and placing the US fleet within bombing distance of Japan, in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The Jew Churchill, was bribed by the Rothschilds, via their agent, the CEO of Shell, to go to war with Hitler, after the Rothschilds and their cronies got Russian communists to massacre 50,000 Polish Germans, which forced Hitler (quarter Jewish probably) to invade Poland to stop the massacres.These Jewish bankster Satanists hate us. They hate the goy, so all these preparations they are making for the dollar collapse, look as though they are preparing to do for the US what they did to Russia and Eastern Europe. In 1941, Stalin had amassed a 6 million Russian soldier army to invade Europe. If Hitler hadn’t invaded Russia 2 weeks before the Stalin invasion was planned to start, western Europe may have suffered the same fate at the hands of these Jewish Satanist communists (a Jewish doctrine – Marx came from a long line of rabbi ancestors.) But Hitler was no saint, even though he saved western Europe from Stalin, because Hitler accepted money from Jewish banksters early in his career and again in 1933 when his party was broke after the elections.So, I fear that millions of Americans are about to be massacred by these Jewish bankster Satanists. All the evidence points that way.These Jewish Satanists have been dividing and conquering the goy for many centuries. One of their most effective tactics along these lines, was their recent promotion of feminism, and (I strongly suspect) their behind the scenes bribing of the gender politicians to pass new divorce laws that the feminists were pushing for, that financially massacre men (losing their kids, their house, paying child support, and alimony).So I’m cynical that MGTOWs/masculists will be able to get the gender politicians to create menfair gender laws (reforming the divorce laws, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc) until the Jewish bankster Satanists and their cronies are removed.So my attention lately, has been concentrated on how to remove these Jewish bankster Satanist vermin, these greatest of all criminals against humanity, in all of history, indirectly killing over 200 million people in the 20th century, with their two world wars, their communist purges, their economic depressions, their constant modern wars, etc.I ask myself, what is the most effective tool that the goy have to remove these criminals against humanity, so that men can be liberated? I think the most effective tool we have is SCIENCE.In the US, 80% of Jews marry non-Jews. This is a very important phenomenon, because it means that within a century, there will be almost no more Jews, because Jewish genes will have been diluted to extinction within the much larger general US (goy) population. The rabbis have feared for many centuries that their greatest danger is assimilation of Jews by the host countries they live in. German Jews were happy in Germany, and did not want to move to Palestine, that was hot, where they would be constantly at war with the Arabs, whose land the Rothschilds had stolen from the Palestinians, with their dirty deal with the Brits (give us Palestine after you win WW1, and we will get the Jewish dominated media in the US to whip up an anti hun campaign that brings the US into the war, that tips the balance, allowing the UK to win the war, which is what happened. YouTube the Balfour declaration!)The Zionist Jews made a deal with Hitler (the Havaara or Transfer agreement) to transfer German Jews from Germany to Palestine. The Jewish elite in the US organized a US boycott of German goods in 1933 when Hitler came to power and thus made the German Jews “resident enemy aliens” so Hitler put them into concentration camps the same way the Jew Roosevelt did to the Japs in WW2.Why have American Jews assimilated so readily into American culture? I suspect because of the American life style, its wealth, its freedom of expression, its fairness, its lack of anti-Semitism, etc. I suspect most of all, is America’s scientism, i.e. its belief that the best knowledge generating system that mankind has ever invented is science.As a result of the US being dominated by science (the US is the most scientific nation on the planet, utterly dominating the winning of the Nobel prizes) many Jews have stopped believing in Judaism, that has taught for several millennia, that Jews should hate the goy. The Talmud is full of expressions of vitriolic hatred against the goy (e.g. “even the best of the gentiles should be killed”)Once millions of American Jews stopped believing in Judaism, they were no longer poisoned by the Talmud, by the anti-Goyism of the rabbis, so they got on a lot better with the goy than their ancestors, and hence assimilated better than ever before.So, I see here a strategy to wipe out the Jewish bankster Satanists who are so hated by the goy who are informed of the horrible crimes against humanity of the Jewish bankster Satanists, and who know what these Satanists?are preparing for the goy. That strategy is to destroy the underlying beliefs that support their Satanist behaviors, i.e. to teach these Jewish bankster Satanists that their beliefs are intellectual relics that do not belong to a modern scientific age.Thus the strategy of the goy and non-religious Jews (who are just as much horrified by the massive crimes against humanity (including against nonreligious Jews, e.g. the Jewish bankster funding of Hitler, to drive out Jews from Germany) should be to preach to the Jewish bankster Satanists that their beliefs are ridiculous, primitive, provincial, ancient, contemptible.As Shabbetean Frankist Satanism is wiped out, in the same way that witchcraft, or negro slavery was wiped out, because people simply stopped believing in such things, then the world will be a much happier place. With the Shabbetean Frankists removed, the world will become free of major wars, economic depressions will disappear, the debt enslavement of whole continents will be removed, because the paper currency debt note Ponzi schemes of the Jewish bankster Satanists will be thrown out. The politicians will then no longer be bribed, extorted, and assassinated, so that they can become more honest, and fairer, and hence fairer to men, so that men can get the menfair gender laws they deserve.My fear though, is that men, especially in the US, will have to pay a very heavy price to get those menfair gender laws, namely a US civil war, killing millions of them, to remove the Jewish bankster Satanist vermin, by utterly discrediting their archaic Satanist beliefs, to be replaced by modern scientific beliefs that correspond more closely to the way the world REALLY works.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Post Pogrom MGTOW Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer predicts that after the dollar crashes, and the hated Jewish Bankster Frankist Satanists have been pogromed, MGTOWs/masculists will not return to the traditional male roles. Many will continue to twaytwef and to ARC in midlife, having learned of their advantages pre crash/pogrom.POST POGROM MGTOW/MASCULISMThe US dollar will crash soon. The world desertion of the dollar as the international reserve currency is accelerating, and its only a question of time before the US is plunged into the worst economic/social/political crisis of its history, killing millions of Americans.This collapse has been planned by the Jewish Satanist elite for over a century. By taking control of the country’s central bank, they were able to print as much money as they wanted, bribed all the politicians, and enslaved the American people with the central bank’s (Fed’s) paper dollar debt note Ponzi scheme that steals half of Americans’ federal taxes. The Fed, the IRS, the ADL, the FBI were all set up by these Jewish banksters in the same year.These Jewish Shabbetean Frankist Satanists central banksters and their cronies (e.g. neocons, media bosses, Hollywood producers etc) hate the goy (Jewish word for non-Jew, i.e. us, all 99.8% of the world population). Their religion (Judaism) is one of the vilest that mankind has ever invented, because it preaches to religious Jews to hate the goy, that (with the Shabbetean Frankist version of Judaism, dating from the 1700s) the Jewish messiah is more likely to come to the earth if (Frankist) Jews commit as much evil as possible, and that once the Jewish messiah is here, he will make the Jews rule the earth from Jerusalem, and KILL ALL THE GOY. This sounds utterly insane to most goy, and it is, but it is nevertheless, what Jews believe.It is therefore not surprising, that Jews have been history’s most hated people. In Europe over the past 1000 years, they have been thrown out of cities, dukedoms, countries over 100 times (according to Jewish scholars.) When they get thrown out, they (i.e. those who survive the pogroms) move to some other place that is open to them, often due to ignorance on the part of the host population of the typical pattern of Jewish communities, i.e. taking over the country with their superior Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence, and then destroying the host culture, as has happened many times in history.Large numbers of Jews came to the US about a century ago, from Russia, after the assassination in 1905 of the Tsar by Jews. Another wave occurred in the 1930s, after the Nazi’s started throwing out Jewish civil servants who had taken over Germany, and bringing in Jewish cultural values that the Germans found repulsive. These elite Jews moved to the US which explains why Ashkenazi Jews in the US have an average IQ of 115. They are highly selected. This high average IQ also explains why they have taken over the US is such a short time, only half a century.The typical pattern of Jewish settlement in a host culture, is that they help their coreligionists to immigrate, they then take over the culture, but since they are aliens, their primary loyalty is not to the host culture, but to themselves. Jews are fiercely tribal, and stick together. That is how they survived for 2000 years after the Romans got fed up with them, and murdered a million male Jews, to wipe them out and throw them out of Roman territories.The same pattern in happening now to the US. The US has been taken over by the Jewish Frankist elite. They control the central bank (the Fed), they control US foreign policy (the Neocons, strongly supporting Israel, even though Israel has no oil, but the Arabs do), they control Hollywood, brainwashing/lying/abusing the gullible stupid goy, that Jews were gassed in Nazi concentration camps to extract “guilt money” ($3B/yr from the US, and $1B/yr from Germany, all going to prop up a bankrupting Israel), they control the news outlets (Reuters, AP). They control the 6 main media companies. So they have a monopoly (except for the internet, but the TTP will close that loophole soon) on sources of information for the masses, making it possible to brainwash them into believing that it is taboo to criticize Jews.Thanks to the internet, there are now millions of people like me who have been educated into the massive crimes against humanity committed by these Jewish Frankist Satanists (generating 2 world wars, the great depression, Communist purges, paper currency debt note slavery, etc). So the backlash against them in the US is well under way. It is only a question of time before the US is added to the list of nearly every country in Europe from which Jews have been excluded, thrown out, pogromed, hated.I’m not advocating that ordinary, average Joe, NON RELIGIOUS Jews should be thrown out of the US. 80% of US Jews marry non-Jews, so at that rate US Jews will die out, being absorbed into the US population. But religious Jews I strongly dislike, because they hate the goy, and I have a real hatred against the Jewish Satanist central banksters whose crimes against humanity are simply MASSIVE.Once the dollar crash comes, these banksters will be pogromed. Ideally, they should be sent to the Hague (the International Criminal Court) to be tried and executed, but in the heat of the crash, they will probably be massacred. (Actually, when the crash comes, they will get out of town FAST), but Jewish institutions, such as the Fed, the Neocons, etc. will be thrown out. In effect, Jewish dominance of the US will be rejected and a massive wave of anti-Semitism will sweep across the US, the way it has done in so many other countries in the Jews’ long history.It seems these Jewish Satanists never learn. They never seem to ask themselves “Why are we Jews the most hated people in the world? Why do we not adapt to the host culture and blend in, become accepted and happy?” Instead, their religion creates the very thing Jews fear the most, i.e. pogroms. When Judaism preaches hatred and the extermination of the goy, it is only to be expected that the goy will hate them right back. Jews are history’s most inter-culturally incompetent people.So, lets now talk about a post pogrom US, and how that will impact MGTOW/masculism.After the crash, and the US civil war against the Jewish Satanist financed militarized police (with their 3 billion hollow tipped bullets, their urban tanks, their 800 FEMA (concentration) camps,?their police state executive orders, that the Jewish Satanist controlled puppet (Obama) has been signing for years) has killed millions of Americans, Americans, with their hundreds of millions of guns will go on the biggest pogrom in history. Only sages (intellectuals) make a distinction between ordinary, non-religious Jews and the Jewish Satanist central banksters and their cronies. But Joe 6-pack with his hatred and his guns wont, and ordinary Jews will suffer greatly. Ordinary Jews should anticipate this and remove the Jewish Satanist banksters before its too late, but I don’t see that happening.Fast forward a few decades. How will life be different for MGTOWs/masculists? The Jewish Satanist bribed politicians will all be out of office. Hopefully a new batch of truly democratic politicians will be elected, who will have a conscience, a sense of ethics, who really care about the country, after it has been purged of powerful Satanist Jews.Divorce laws will be reformed. The Parer (paternity rejection right) will be brought in.Those men who want children, will then accept marriage more readily, i.e. they will take the risk of having kids with a woman, knowing that if it ends in divorce, they will not lose their kids, their house, etc.Many men, however, will prefer to continue their twaytweffing lifestyle, and retiring early, to ARC (after retirement careering) in their 40s. These MGTOW/masculist inspired lifestyles will not lose their attraction, so millions of men will not abandon them, post pogrom.The birth rate will remain under replacement rate, and the population will continue to fall, until ironically, the Jewish Satanist plan to reduce the world population to half a billion, will probably become a reality.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Degynocentrification Necessitates Dejudaicentrification (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that men will not be able to degynocentrify our culture without removing the MEjew (massively evil Jewish) dictators who control and bribe the gender politicians, who created viciously menunfair divorce laws, which have caused men’s lib groups (MGTOW, MRAs, Herbivores, masculists) to refuse to marry and have kids, thus wiping out whole (goy) populations, which is what the MEjew bankster Satanists want, in order?to fulfill their Talmudic prophecy of ruling the world from Jerusalem, and then wiping out the goy (non-Jews).DEGYNOCENTRIFICATION NECCESSITATES DEJUDAICENTRIFICATIONI’ve coined two words in the title, which is just a compact form of the idea that men’s libbers will NOT be able to resolve their gender issues by trying to degynocentrify our culture, because our culture is dictated to by Jewish central banksters who are ultimately out to rule the world, and to destroy the goy (Jewish word for non-Jew.) (For those of you who find such an idea indigestible, look at the evidence on YouTube from reputable scholars, e.g. Eustace Mullins, Jeff Rense, Chris?Jon Bjerknes, etc.) These Jewish banksters (whom I label MEjews (massively evil Jews) have taken control of our money supply, Hollywood, the media, publishing, the court system, education, the drug industry, the medical profession, the arms trade,?etc. They are indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 200 million people in the 20th century, with their engineering of two world wars, the great depression, continuous modern wars, the (so called) Russian revolution, communist purges, etc.These MEjew banksters took the right in 1913, when they created the US Fed, to issue the country’s money, so they were able to bribe all the politicians to do what the MEjews wanted. They founded the NAACP to foster strife between blacks and whites. They changed the immigration laws so that the white European majority would eventually be outnumbered, and I’m deeply suspicious they were behind the creation of the viciously unfair divorce laws that massacre men financially on a daily basis, thus sowing total dissension between the sexes.The MEjews do this to distract attention from their massive crimes against humanity. They have control of Hollywood and the media, so they fill peakers’ (people of average ability, lying in the peak of the Bell curve) minds with dumbed down garbage, so that they lose their capacity for critical thinking. These MEjews deliberately complexify the dealings of the Fed so as to make most people give up trying to understand them.But stripped of its obscurantist trappings, the MEjew created Fed is a means to rob the US public of their federal taxes. It works as follows. When the government has a deficit (i.e. it is spending more money that it raises in taxes) it has to borrow extra money. Nowadays, it borrows almost exclusively from the Fed, because foreigners are no longer prepared to lend to the US.The Fed then “prints” dollars out of thin air (i.e. costing the Fed nothing) and “lends” them to the government, which then taxes the people to pay back the Fed. The Fed consists? of Jewish banksters, i.e. Frankist Satanists, who pocket what the government gives it, i.e. the principal PLUS interest. This is pure theft by the Fed, by the MEjews.The alternative, is that the government does not borrow money, or if it does, then it prints its OWN money to pay its debts, and then taxes the people to pay back only the principal, with no interest. Since the total interest on a debt is usually about equal to the principle, the population would be paying a lot less tax. JFK tried to give back to the government the right to issue money, which would have cost the MEjew banksters trillions of dollars, so they assassinated him. (The MEjews have assassinated 6 US presidents, 4 successfully, and 2 almost, and for the same broad reason, i.e. to keep their monopoly control of the issuance of the country’s money, so that they can steal Americans’ taxes. The MEjews set up the Fed, and the IRS (and the ADL, and the FBI) all in the same year 1913-1914.)I consider it a CIVIC DUTY, that every intelligent person (of bachelor degree level of intelligence and above) to make themselves aware of how criminal the MEjews who control the Fed are; that MEjews should be sent to the Hague and be executed for their massive crimes against humanity.I’m assuming that these MEjews who rule the US and most of the world (Europe, Japan, etc) are deliberately fostering dissent between the sexes to distract attention away from their crimes, so if they want the menunfair divorce laws to remain in force, they only have to bribe a handful of gender politicians who make the divorce laws, to keep them unchanged, so that men’s lib organizations like MGTOW, the herbivores (in Japan), masculists, MRAs, etc, refuse to marry and have kids, which ultimately will wipe out the US population (plus Japan, Europe, etc.)Remember, these MEjews are (Frankist) Satanists. They are deeply religious, and want to see their Judaic (Talmudic) prophecy fulfilled, i.e. that (a Rothschild descendent) Jewish messiah will rule the world, with its capitol in Jerusalem, and then wipe out the goy (i.e. the non-Jews, i.e. 99.8% of the world population.) By tweaking the divorce laws a little, they have found a way to wipe out the goy, by having men’s lib organizations do it for them by refusing paternity. Brilliant!I predict that the divorce laws will not be reformed to make them menfair, because the MEjews will continue to bribe the gender politicians, and bribe them increasingly richly, as social and political pressure grows from men, from women (who are not getting a man), from the media (as it becomes alarmed that whole populations are being wiped out, due to the paternity strike by men). Only under extreme pressure from society, will the gender politicians eventually concede and pass menfair gender laws, reforming divorce law, and passing the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. As social/political pressure on the gender politicians increases, so too will the MEjew bribes given to them, toughening their resolve to keep the divorce law status quo, and continuing to reject passage of the Parer.So, a necessary condition to have menfair gender laws, will be to dejudaicentralize our culture, i.e. to send the MEjews to the Hague (the International Criminal Court) and see them executed. The MEjews need to be stripped of their power. The Fed needs to be abolished. The media needs to be deJewed, so too Hollywood, publishing, etc. In other words, the US needs its own Hitler, to rid the US of Satanist, MEjew criminals against humanity. Synagogues need to be censored, so that rabbis are unable to preach hatred of the goy, and if they do, they will be prosecuted as “hate speechers.” (The Talmud, the religious Jews main religious document, is full of vitriolic hatred against the goy. The Jewish religion is deeply anti-goy, which explains why Jews have been the most hated people in history.)Fortunately for the planet, Jews, like everyone, are secularizing, i.e. rejecting religious ideas, that cannot compete with modern science, which ridicules religious ideas as ignorant twaddle. 85% of Israelis today are non-religious. 80% of US Jews marry non-Jews, so the trend is that Judaism, will die out. There is a race between Judaism (and its Satanist variant, i.e. Frankism) dying out faster than the MEjews can control the world, by censoring the internet and then destroying the goy (by destroying economies by destroying the value of their currencies, imposing police state dictatorships, then herding off their opponents to FEMA camps and killing them.)If the MEjews don’t censor the internet soon, there will soon be millions of educated people like myself who have learned to hate them, and want them sent to the Hague. So, if these MEjews do not manage to censor the internet, it will mean their deaths. The educated, intelligent, informed, portion of the population will either prosecute them legally, or pogrom them.Either way, once the MEjews are out of the picture, our democratic process (that has been so MEjewed,?made such?a moral disgrace, enraging those who are informed and not dumbed down by the peakered media) can then be reformed. The current batch of MEjew bribed politicians will be thrown out in a wave of popular rage against them, as will the MEjews who controlled them, so that a new batch of politicians can come in, with much higher moral standards, who will menfair the gender laws, and give men justice.To get rid of the MEjews who indirectly caused the rise of the men’s lib movement (and the women’ lib movement too, in the 60s) will require education. You won’t get anti-MEjew material on the main stream media, because the MEjews control it, and Hollywood, and publishing. You can only get it on the internet and from obscure books, that the MEjew controlled publishing houses refuse to publish. You can bet your life, that the MEjew dictators are working on ways to censor the internet (e.g. contained in the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) proposals) so as to save their own skins. If they fail, they know that there will be a pogrom in the US, and they will be killed. There is now so much anti-MEjew material on the internet, that anyone who does not know even the basics of anti-MEjewry (e.g. that the Fed is not a federal agency, but a private company consisting of MEjew bankster Satanists, such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers, Schiffs, etc, that the media, courts, commercial banking, arms industries, political donations, etc are all dominated by MEjews) should be ashamed. Such people are not responsible citizens. They have been MEjewed, the way MEjews want. They have been MEjew mind controlled.In short, to free men, we have to deMEjew our culture.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Science is the Greatest Enemy of the Hated Jewish Bankster Satanists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how science might be used to undermine the Satanist beliefs of the hated Jewish bankster Frankists, who are mental slaves to these beliefs. By discrediting these beliefs, hopefully these Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists will stop trying to take over the world, with its capitol in Jerusalem, and then wiping out the goy as prophesized in their Talmud, and made worse by Frankist beliefs that Frankists should commit as much evil as possible to hasten the coming of the Jewish messiah to make the Talmudic prophecy a reality.Science is the Greatest Enemy of the Hated Jewish Bankster SatanistsIf you’re a real MGTOW and not very well educated, you may be wondering what the connection is with the above title and MGTOW. Actually, a lot. Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany,, Switzerland, Austria, etc are all ZOGs, Z.O.G.s, i.e. Zionist occupied governments, i.e. they are countries taken over and controlled by Jewish banksters who control the issuance of money in those countries and via that immense power are able to bribe the politicians as much as they want, because these Jewish banksters can create as much money out of thin air, as they want. They thus destroy democracies. The US has not been a democracy since at least 1913, when the Rothschilds, and their US agents, Warburgs, Schiffs, Rockefellers, etc set up the FED, i.e. the Federal Reserve System, i.e. a private company of Jewish banksters, designed to finance world wars. As soon as the FED was set up, it was able to lend the UK $400M to go to war with Germany which was outstripping the UK, militarily, scientifically, economically, etc. Its no surprise that WW1 broke out in 1914.The connection between these Jewish bankster Satanists and MGTOW is that MGTOWs live in a society whose politicians are not society’s representatives, but are utterly, corrupted, bribed, who are dishonest, immoral people, selected by these Jewish banksters for high office. To be selectable, these politicians need some major bribable feature, or they do not get selected.In Obama’s case, he is gay, and his wife is a man, with a man’s hands, shoulders and penis bulge with his dresses. YouTube it. These Jewish banksters use a divide and conquer strategy to undermine the cultures they parasite upon. They have been doing this for several thousand years, so have developed techniques that have been time tested over many centuries. They hate the goy. Its an important part of their Jewish religion, Judaism, to hate the goy. Their main religious document(s) the Talmud is full of expressions of vitriolic hated against the goy. YouTube it!So, to undermine their host country, for example, the US, with its former white Christian majority, these Jewish banksters pushed hard to foster hatred between blacks and white, i.e. they set up the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples), in other words, the Blacks’ Lib organization, led it, financed it, behind the scenes. They were also the dominant pushers of immigration reform to bring in nonwhite, non-Christians, to cause the white Christian majority to become a minority, which the US will soon be.The ultimate divide and conquer strategy for the US would be to get men and women hating each other, and the most cost effective method to cause that would be to bribe a handful of gender politicians to rewrite the divorce laws, to make them highly favorable to fluffie divorcing women and highly unfavorable to their ex-husbands.Thus the real source of the problem in the divorce courts, is the Jewish bankster divide and conquer strategy to undermine the dominant white Christian majority. It also distracts attention away from their massive crimes against humanity, the world wars they have generated manufactured, their theft of half our taxes, their inflation of the currency, destroying peoples savings, their debt enslavement with their paper currency debt note Ponzi schemes, their destruction of democracies, their abusive lies re the holocaust hoax, and worst of all, their longer term plan to fulfill their Talmudic prophecy to rule the world from Jerusalem (the New World Order) and then to wipe out the goy, to have the earth to themselves.Anyone who makes the effort to learn these things, obviously learns to hate the Jewish bankster Satanists, who believe they should commit as much evil as possible to hasten the coming of the Jewish messiah, who will conquer the goy, create Jerusalem as the capitol of the Jews and then wipe out the goy.Once the highly religious Meyer Rothschild realized that by controlling the issuance of the money of a country, one could control it, i.e. the country, he hired Weisshaupt, to found the Illuminati. Meyer Rothschild, in German, rot Schild, i.e. red shield, was an adherent of Jacob Frank, the Jewish Satanist. All three of them, Rothschild, Frank and Weisshaupt were in Frankfurt in Germany in the later 1700s.Rothschild asked, as far as I understand, in my present level of understanding, Weisshaupt to formulate a plan to takeover the world for the Jewish Frankist Satanists which became the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which spells out, step by step, how the Jewish bankster Satanists can create a new world order that would fulfil the Talmudic prophecies.Global political events have followed this step by step plan very closely, too closely to be a coincidence. Henry Ford learned to hate the Jewish banksters in his day, the 1920s, when they tried dirty tricks to take over his car company. He was so pissed he put a free copy of the protocols in every T Ford he sold. When the Jewish banksters tried to sell the idea that the Protocols is a fake, Ford merely commented, that global political events (saying this in the 20s remember) that seemed to have followed the protocol steps pretty closely. A century later, that comment is now blatantly obvious.So, given all the above, what can MGTOW masculists do to help stop these Jewish bankster Satanists from destroying whole countries and continents by destroying their economies and particularly the values of their currencies. The US is about to be destroyed with the US dollar no longer accepted by the world as the world reserve currency in international trade.Jewish banksters have been pushing the idea for decades to send US manufacturing capacity outside the US where labor costs are cheaper. That happened in the 80s and 90s. When the US dollar crashes, the US will not be able to simply print dollars to pay other countries for their goods that other countries need to sell to the US to get dollars to buy oil from the Arabs, which is Saudi Arabia principally, which is usually called the Petrodollar scheme, i.e. a massive US scam by the US Jewish banksters to fleece the rest of the world. The US Jewish banksters told the Saudi royal family “Sell your oil only in dollars, and the US will crush any uprising against you from your people. The Saudi royal family agreed, so for many decades, the rest of the world has been robbed by the US Jewish banksters, to get dollars, printed out of thin air, by Jewish banksters, to be able to buy oil that all countries must have. These Jewish banksters are truly evil genii.When the dollar crashes, the US will have little manufacturing capacity, to sell goods to the world, to buy imports from the rest of the world. The US will soon fall to third world living standards. Millions of American will then become very angry, and with more guns than people in the US, they will start killing the Jewish banksters. There will be a US pogrom, a civil war, because the US Jewish banksters will not give up their dictatorship of the most powerful and richest nation in the world, i.e. the US, easily.They have been preparing for this US civil war/pogrom for many years, hence the 800 FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) concentration camps, the three Billion hollow tipped bullets bought by the Jewish controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the millions of 4 body plastic coffins, the militarization of the police force, the thousands of suburban tanks, the police state executive orders that have been signed by Obama, who was selected by these Jewish banksters to do just that, etc.It should be obvious to any thinking MGTOW/masculist that the problems that MGTOWs/masculists are having with their male gender issues, are chicken feed, small potatoes, when compared with the above problems, with the Jewish banksters about to destroy the economies of the US, Europe and Japan and take them over with a Jewish bankster controlled police state. Yes indeed, so what can MGTOW/masculists do to stop this horrible near term reality from happening? By education. By becoming of what is going on behind the scenes, by educating yourself with YouTube videos on these themes. You wont hear about these developments on the broadcast media because the Jewish banksters and their cronies control the broadcast media, and Hollywood, hence the many holohoax (holocaust hoax) movies, and publishing.The only thing they don’t yet control is the internet, but they’re working hard on that. The most effective way to destroy these Jewish bankster Satanist Frankists is to destroy their belief in Frankist satanism. One could just kill them all, but that is probably not a viable option, because many would escape and continue their satanic beliefs. Much better is to destroy the beliefs themselves in a way similar to what happened in beliefs such as witchcraft, sorcery, negro slavery, i.e. by pushing other beliefs that make Frankist satanism look ridiculous, retarded, stupid, ignorant, not believable.What are these beliefs that have the power to wipe out Frankist satanism that so controls and enslaves the minds of these Jewish bankster Satanists, who are planning to wipe out the goy? SCIENCE!Science is the greatest enemy of these Frankist Satanists.Science is the greatest knowledge generating system that MEN have ever invented. Its based on a simple idea, namely that it is not enough to simply believe some hypothesis. You should go out into the real world and TEST that hypothesis, and if possible, using numerical measurements, to test it.Modern societies and economies are based on this simple scientific method idea. It should be applied to the whole of society. Religionists need to be confronted by scientists with scientifically based ridicule. This needs to be done especially with Frankist Satanists, and especially Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists.Jewish MGTOWs/masculists could have a conversation with a Jewish Frankist Satanist similar to “You believe in that Frankist garbage! What are you? Nuts?! You still believe in that superstitious crap?! I thought you were a modern person, well informed in the scientific method, but in reality I see you are still a mental slave to prescientific drivel. I’ve lost my respect for you. You’re prepared to abuse your enormous financial power to wipe out millions of goy. You would not do such a thing if you did not believe this Frankist Satanist crap. You would see the goy as fellow human beings, and not hate them, then they would not hate you back, then Jews could merge genetically into their host cultures and lead much happier lives. You’re a mental slave. You believe ideas created a few thousand years ago, that the modern world no longer takes seriously. You’re an intellectual fossil, and a very very dangerous fossil. You deserve to be hated. I suggest you have an escape plan, because when the dollar crashes, you’ll be on a black list for assassination. The white Christian majority in the US, doesn’t like Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, and will take you out if you remain locked into your mental slavery. You should be stuffed and put into a museum.1.7/132 The Clashing Agenda of the Jewish Banksters and the MGTOWs Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer says that the agenda of the Jewish banksters to fulfill the Talmudic prophecy of Jews ruling the world, with its capitol in Jerusalem, then wiping out the goy, clashes with the MGTOW/masculist agenda of creating a FIP Society, with menfair gender laws. If the Jewish banksters succeed in creating police states ruled by them in the US, Europe and Japan, then they will continue the massive injustice against men in the divorce courts, so that MGTOWs/masculists continue to reject paternity, thus wiping out the goy, which is what the Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists want.THE CLASHING AGENDAS OF THE JEWISH BANKSTERS AND THE MGTOW/MASCULISTSI’m becoming increasingly conscious that if the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists succeed in their agenda, then the MGTOWs/masculists will fail in theirs.What is the agenda of the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists? Answer, to fulfil the Torah/Talmudic prophecy, that the Jewish messiah will come, sent by the Jewish god, to conquer the goy (Jewish word for non Jews, i.e. 99.8% of the world population), rule the world with its capitol in Jerusalem, and then to wipe out the goy, so that the Jews can have it to themselves.It looks as though when Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild, who had the 5 sons who set up Rothschild banks in the 5 financial centers of Europe) conceived the idea that by controlling the finances of a country’s government, he could control the government, and hence the country, he realized that he had the recipe to actively fulfil the Talmudic prophecy. He lived in Frankfurt, where Jacob Franck, the Shabbetean Satanist, who claimed he was the Jewish messiah, also lived. Suddenly Franck gets very rich, and Bauer (Rothschild) becomes a disciple of his. Bauer recruits Weisshaupt (also in Frankfurt) to found the Illuminati in the later 1700s and funds it. Weisshaupt (probably) wrote the infamous “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” which lays out the blueprint for how the Jewish banksters could take over the world.The political events that have occurred since then, follow the step by step agenda of the protocols so closely, that it looks as though the Jewish banksters are merely pushing their “Protocols” agenda at a steady pace.The crimes against humanity of the hated Jewish central bankster Frankist Satanists are so massive, they should be sent to The Hague and executed. They have indirectly killed over 200 million people in the 20th?century. (They played a major role in the engineering of the two world wars, bribing all the major players. They engineer booms and busts by their manipulation of the supply of credit and the interest rates, thus switching on depressions like a light switch, and buying up bankrupted businesses at pennies on the dollar. They have control of the issuance of money, so can print up as much as they want out of thin air to bribe the politicians, thus destroying democracies. They make debt slaves of us all, with their paper currency, debt note dollar, Ponzi schemes. They have assassinated 6 US presidents (4 successfully, 2 almost) when these presidents resist the Jewish bankster control of the money supply. They control the media, news outlets, Hollywood, publishing, so that they can control the minds of the sheeple (e.g. lying to them about the gassing of the Jews under Hitler, to extract “guilt money” ($4B/yr from the US, and $1B/yr from Germany) to prop up a bankrupting Israel). They set up the FED (a private bank of Jewish banksters, which robs half the federal tax dollars of the American people), the IRS, the ADL, and the FBI all in the same year 1913-1914. They have made it illegal (via so called “hate speech laws”) to criticize Jews (e.g. the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists) in many European countries, Canada, and Australia, by bribing their politicians, making these countries ZOGs (Zionist occupied governments). They are currently destroying Europe, the US and Japan by crushing them with debt, via their paper currency, debt note dollar Ponzi schemes.These Jewish banksters and their cronies are smart. They are Ashkenazi (i.e. from Eastern Europe) Jews, the smartest group in the world. The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the US is 115, which makes them on average smarter than the average US white, than the average white is smarter than the average US black. These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanist evil genii have installed their own people in the critical positions of power in the US, in order to take it down, i.e. to destroy the US (and Europe, and Japan – the three major players, until the recent rise of China.)The Jewish bankster controlled Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for the coming creation of the US as a police state, ruled by the Jewish bankster Satanists. This is what Obama, a puppet of the Jewish banksters, has been preparing for, with his docile signing of police state executive orders to be implemented when the dollar crashes and he declares the US is under martial law.The DHS has converted the urban police into a military organization, equipped with 1000s of suburban tanks, bought 3 billion hollow tipped bullets, made millions of 4 body plastic coffins, built 800 FEMA (concentration camps) for millions of American political prisoners and their execution, etc. It is obvious the DHS is preparing for a civil war, when the dollar collapses, which has to come soon, as the rest of the world rejects the dollar as the world reserve currency, forcing the US to be able to import in value only what it can export, but these same Jewish banksters have sent most of America’s manufacturing to China. The standard of living of Americans will then fall to 3rd?world levels.When the dollar collapses, there will probably be a US civil war, as the population tries to take out these hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, who ultimately are out to wipe out the goy. It will be a blood bath, because the Americans have more guns than people. If Jewish bankster controlled soldier/police try to kill masses of ordinary Americans, they in turn will be killed, so millions will die.So, if the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists succeed, i.e. they crash the US, Europe, Japan and turn them into what China already is, i.e. an intellectually sterile dictatorship, with no freedom of speech, an intellectual’s shithole, then the agenda of the MGTOWs/masculists of creating a FIP (financially independent person) Society, with menfair gender laws, will fail.For all I know (and it’s difficult for me to know, because I don’t bother learning Chinese language or Chinese writing, because the writing system is so clumsy and stupid, requiring the learning of 1000s of characters instead of a dozen letters – China is the only country in the world that does not use an alphabet, it is so ultra conservative. It is a nation of nonreaders. In the bus, train, in the park, no one reads. A nation of nonreaders will be ignorant, and hence poor, and be parasitic on the west for its ideas, because it is incapable of generating them itself. China has no world class intellectuals pushing new ideas on the world stage. It has won a pathetic one science Nobel Prize.Since I can’t read Chinese, given there would be no “payoff” because the culture is so intellectually sterile, I can’t get much information about the likelihood that the Chinese government has been controlled by western Jewish banksters for nearly 70 years. Jewish banksters were the creators of the so called Russian Revolution (actually a Jewish putsch, financed by the US Jewish bankster Schiff, who paid $20M of his own money to transport Lenin and Trotsky (Jewish name Lev Bronstein) to Russia. When Mao was starting up, he was surrounded by Jewish banksters.Sutton wrote well documented books on the US Jewish bankster funding of Hitler and Stalin in WW2. He was asked in an interview why the US would want to fund these regimes. He said that dictatorships are easier to control by NY Jewish banksters, because that way they only have to control a small number of dictators rather than millions of free speeching individuals.So, if the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists have their way, then MGTOW/masculism will be suppressed in the coming US/European dictatorship/police state. The Jewish banksters will continue the massive injustice of the gynocentric divorce court system, thus pushing more and more men away from marriage and paternity, and thus fulfilling their Talmudic prophecy of wiping out the goy.Thus I see MGTOWs/masculists as puppets of the Jewish banksters, behaving the way these evil Jewish bankster genii want us to behave, i.e. refusing fatherhood, and thus crashing the goy population, which is the ultimate goal of the Talmudic prophecy. If the Jewish banksters succeed in their agenda, they will continue the massive injustice in the divorce courts, and continue to block the passage of a Parer (paternity rejection right) so that the population continues to fall.Therefore, to create a FIP Society, with menfair gender laws, MGTOWs/masculists need to help rid the world of the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, by sending them to The Hague, or just assassinating them. When the US civil war comes, these hated Jewish banksters will flee for their lives, otherwise they will be slaughtered by death squads, crossing off a list of names of Jewish banksters’ and their cronies’ as massive criminals against humanity.I hope the above has convinced MGTOWs/masculists that there is a much bigger picture behind the current injustice against men regarding the menunfairness of the gender laws. Without the hated Jewish banksters out of the picture, there will never be any gender justice for men, because the rejection of paternity by the MGTOWs/masculists is just too good a strategy generated by the Jewish banksters for them to give up. For them, it is so cheap (just by bribing a handful of gender politicians) and so devastatingly effective. They will not give it up, until they leave this earth, or are forced to leave it.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Dictatorships, East and West (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is depressing. It shows that the western dictatorships by the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists is worse that the dictatorship of the Communists in China, in terms of the number of people the Jewish banksters have killed. Maybe soon, there will be no freedom of speech anywhere. With the Jewish banksters remaining in power, they will not menfair the gender laws, because the MGTOW/masculist rejection of paternity is a very efficient and cheap method of wiping out the goy, which is what the Jewish banksters want to fulfil their Talmudic prophecy.DICTATORSHIPS, EAST AND WESTI was saddened and embittered to learn recently that Daryl Bradford Smith, who ran a YouTube site interviewing people who were fighting the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, has decided to close down his site, rather than risk getting a 5 year prison sentence, due to the French government tightening up its anti-terrorism laws. Under the new French law, anyone “disagreeing with the government” could be arrested. Smith has been a favorite of mine since I started getting interested in what the Jewish banksters have been doing to humanity over the past two centuries or more.I had thought of the possibility of living in Paris, if I get my father’s inheritance, but now with France as much a ZOG (Zionist occupied government) as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, etc., I have crossed off France as an uncivilized country, and will not live there, for the same reason I will never return to my first country, Australia, where I grew up, because it too has Jewish bankster generated “hate speech laws.”? In Australia, a couple of kids made a YouTube video recently of them criticizing some Israeli tourists for living in stolen territory (i.e. the idea that the Jews (actually the Rothschilds and the British Government, with the Balfour Declaration of 1917) had stolen Palestine from the Palestinians and herded a million of them in to the world’s largest concentration camp (i.e. the Gaza strip on the Mediterranean coast). For this, they were sent to prison for 3 years for “anti-Semitism.”When the Rothschilds and their agents in the US (Rockefellers, Warburgs, Schiffs, etc) set up the FED (a private Jewish bankster owned bank) in 1913, they also set up the IRS (so that about half of Americans’ federal tax money would be sent directly to the pockets of these Jewish banksters), the FBI and the ADL. The aim of the ADL (anti defamation league) was to suppress criticism by the goy against the Jews, but that was mostly a smoke screen. The main reason was to suppress criticism of the Jewish banksters, so that they could continue to rob and control the people in secrecy.The ADL started pushing for the creation of “hate speech laws” on an international scale and using Jewish bankster control of central banks in the western countries, they could print as much money out of thin air as they liked to bribe the politicians, to pass these hate speech laws (which to any thinking person, are not only a slap in the face to the idea of freedom of speech, but just silly, because all cultures produce rotten apples, and in the case of the Jews, their rotten apples are the rottenest. I’m referring to the Jewish banksters, who combine their evil genius with a Jewish Satanist sect belief system (i.e. Shabbetean Frankist Satanism) which preaches that the more evil these Jewish banksters commit, the more likely the Jewish god will send them the Jewish messiah, to conquer the goy (Jewish word for non Jew = 99.8% of the world population), rule the world, with its capitol in Jerusalem, and then proceed to wipe out the goy, so that the Jews can have the earth to themselves.)This Satanist belief sounds demented, and it is, yet it is what Frankist Jews believe, and the Jewish banksters are Frankist Satanists, moving step by step to fulfil the Talmudic prophecy, outlined above. (The Talmud is the Jews’ main religious document(s) that is full of expressions of (vitriolic) hated against the goy. It is generally thought by people who study these things, that the main reason why Jews are history’s most hated people, is because their religion (Judaism) teaches them to hate everyone but themselves, the (self) chosen people. Jewish anti-goyism generates anti-Semitism. When you hate everyone, it’s not surprising, that everyone hates you back. Jewish communities have been thrown out of nearly every country in Europe over 100 times, over the past 1000 years. Over 100 times !!!Now, if these kids got 3 years in prison for what they did, what would I get, an informed university professor who comes out (like Daryl Bradford Smith, and many others) with damning facts and opinions about the massive crimes committed against humanity, by the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists? It is for this reason I will never visit my first country (unless the Jewish bankster control there has been removed, but I don’t see that happening unless there is real bloodshed.)These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, have indirectly killed over 200 million people in the 20th?century (i.e. the two world wars, that they played a major role in engineering, by bribing the key players at key moments; the communist purges – Stalin and Mao; the many continuous recent wars, etc.); they took control of the central banks, and hence the right to issue the money, so could print up as much as they wanted to bribe the politicians, thus destroying democracies (American has not been a democracy for over a century); they have made debt-slaves of us all, with their paper money, debt note Ponzi schemes (lending money to the politicians, that cost the Jewish banksters nothing, that the public have to pay back, PLUS INTEREST, instead of the government issuing money cost free, as Hitler did in the 1930s, which caused an economic boom in Germany, wiping out the 6M unemployment figure in a mere 2 years); inflating the currency, destroying people’s savings; assassinating 6 US presidents (4 successfully, 2 almost) when they threatened or did take control of the issuance of money; the creation of hate speech laws to prosecute critics who expose them; their takeover of the sources of ideas, the news outlets, Reuters, AP, Hollywood, the main media companies, publishing, etc; their lying about the so-called gassing of Jews in the Nazi concentration camps to extract “guilt money” ($4B/yr from the US, $1B/yr from Germany) to prop up a bankrupting Israel in the 1970s; the creation of Israel, by bribing the British government, that the Brits would give the Rothschilds Palestine if the Rothschilds persuaded their Frankist co-religionists in the US who controlled the US media even then, to persuade the Americans to enter WW1, using anti-Hun propaganda; etc. It’s a long list of massive crimes against humanity, so these hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists should be sent to the Hague (Int. Criminal Court) and be executed.That is the current state of affairs in the western dictatorships, ruled from behind the scenes by Jewish banksters, with increasingly Jewish politicians (e.g. France’s Sarkozy, Britain’s Cameron). Obama was groomed for his role to be puppetted by the Jewish banksters to sign executive orders to create a police state, when the Jewish banksters decide to crash the dollar, and then bring in martial law. They have been preparing for this for over a decade.But what about the East? I live in China, where things are not much better. The main difference between these two sets of dictatorships (eastern and western) is that in the west, the Jewish dictatorship is (mostly) hidden, so that the voting sheeple are deluded enough to think that they can vote out their leaders if they want, whereas in reality, both parties in the US are controlled and bought by Jewish bribes.In China, the country is run by the CCP, which still has the face of the greatest single tyrant in history on its money, i.e. Mao, who killed about 80 million of his own citizens (about 45 million in the great famine he caused in 1958-1962, about 25 million in the Laogai (concentration camps for political prisoners, of which there are still over 1000 in today’s China, says Harry Wu, founder of the Laogai Museum in Washington DC), plus about 5 million in the cultural revolution, etc).The current Chinese government censors the internet, keeping its population ignorant, and forcing people like me to use a VPN (virtual private network) to get round the censorship –in fact there are now tens of millions of Chinese doing the same). 90% of people who live outside China live in democracies (or at least the appearance of democracies). China is intellectually sterile as a result, with no freedom of speech, 1 science Nobel prize, no world class intellectuals on the world stage pushing their original ideas, because the culture doesn’t generate them, i.e. neither the ideas nor the intellectuals. China is the only country in the world that does not use an alphabet in its writing, showing its suffocating conservatism, by sticking with an archaic, stupidly conceived, writing system, that uses 1000s of scratches, instead of the hugely simpler and far more intelligent system of two dozen letters.So which of these is worse? The eastern dictatorship or the western? In terms of numbers of people killed, the western is by far the worst. Given the dictatorship of the west by the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, what hope is there for the MGTOWs/masculists to get gender justice? In my view, pretty well zilch. The Jewish banksters have bribed the politicians, getting them to do whatever the Jewish banksters want. (Any politician who opposes them, finds that his opponent in the next election, is heavily funded by these Jewish banksters, so of course, the incumbent politician loses. All US politicians know this, so they don’t oppose their Jewish bankster rulers. When McFadden, a US politician who understood banking, complained bitterly to the US congress about the greatest (Jewish bankster) fraud in history, the Jewish banksters murdered him (along with many others over the years.)Remember that one of the major goals of the Jewish Talmudic prophecy is to wipe out the goy, once the Jewish messiah has conquered them, and made his capitol in Jerusalem. The Jewish banksters have been working towards this goal (as laid out step by step in the “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, an infamous document written (probably) by Weisshaupt, who was funded by Rothschild in the 1700s, to found the Illuminati, and then over the past 200+ years, to take over the world.)Since the Jewish banksters have bribed all the politicians, forcing out any who do not accept their dictatorship, using smear campaigns in the media that the Jewish banksters own, the gender politicians, are just as corrupted as the rest of them.The most effective method to wipe out billions of goy (OMG! let that sink in) is to cause billions of men to refuse to be fathers, to join the MGTOW/masculist movements, by refusing to be financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, that the bribed gender politicians set up. Since this method of wiping out billions of goy is so effective, so cheap, the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists are NOT GOING TO STOP IT. They will not allow the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, because it is such a delightfully effective means to achieve their goals.The Jewish banksters played a major role in the creation of second wave feminism in the US, by having the (crypto) Jewish Rockefeller Foundation fund “Ms. Magazine” and Gloria Steinem. (See one of the most illuminating and persuasive videos on YouTube of an interview of Aaron Russo by Alex Jones, on this.?)With France now more dictated to by the Jewish banksters than ever, it looks as though the Jewish banksters are ever tightening their grip, doing it slowly so as not to “disturb the frog in the water being heated.” Europe, Japan and the US are about to be destroyed by their massive debts, that the Jewish banksters have imposed on them, by design, by plan, by hate, as part of their Talmudic prophecy.I consider history’s greatest criminal to be Mayer Amschel Bauer, who changed his name to Rothschild. It was he who had the idea that by controlling the issuance of the money of a country, one could control the government of that country, and by controlling the government of a country, one controlled the country, and by controlling one country like this, one could implement the same strategy and hence control all countries, and hence rule them, from Jerusalem, and later wipe them all out, so that the earth is populated only by Jews, i.e. Bauer felt that he had hit upon the recipe to push along the fulfilment of the Talmudic prophecy, with one day, a Rothschild being that Jewish messiah, his greatest motivator.There are lots of people who claim that there are now only 3 countries left whose central banks are not controlled by the Rothschilds and their cronies (Cuba, North Korea, and Iran). Those countries that the Jewish bankster controlled US military invaded recently, who did not have a Rothschild controlled central bank, were – Iraq and Libya. Coincidence?! When LBJ (President Johnson) was flying from Dallas to Washington DC to be the next president after JFK was murdered by the Jewish banksters (for creating a Treasury dollar note system that would have destroyed the Jewish bankster FED issued dollar debt note system, and hence would have cost the Rothschilds and their cronies trillions of dollars) the FIRST thing he did after he was sworn in during the flight was to cancel JFK’s Treasury note executive order (no. 11,110) – the first thing he did!!!!!!!So, the Jewish banksters will continue to try to silence their critics, by imposing more and more hate speech laws, and the like. They will continue the current massively menunfair gender laws against men, because it is working so well. Already, 70% of young men in Japan, and the US refuse marriage, refuse paternity, so that in a mere century, there will be no Japan, no America. We will all have died out, except for the Jews and the Jewish banksters, who have planned this all along.Is it a tragedy that billions of goy die? By die, I don’t mean killed, just die of old age. The earth is overcrowded, so if the world population falls to about half a billion, then that may not be such a bad thing. We can’t keep growing exponentially, otherwise life would be horrible for everyone, so maybe these Jewish banksters might be a blessing in disguise in some ways. It’s debatable. Personally, as a sage (i.e. an intellectual) I value freedom of speech, because it’s my life’s blood, so I have a hatred of Jewish banksters and of Communist parties. The fact that I’m not free to say what I think on either side of the Pacific is depressing. It is truly depressing.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Core MGTOW Masculist Problem is not the Fluffie Feminists, but the Jewish Banksters (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer states that the greatest enemy of the MGTOWs/masculists are the Jewish banksters who hate us and are planning to wipe out the goy, once they have taken over the world. These Jewish banksters will not allow their bribed gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, because they want to continue their divide and conquer strategy by keeping men and women in conflict, and especially having MGTOWs wipe out the goy population by rejecting paternity.THE CORE PROBLEM OF MGTOW/MASCULISM IS NOT FLUFFIE FEMINISTS, BUT JEWISH BANKSTERSThe more I study the massive crimes against humanity committed by Jewish banksters, the more I hate them for what they have done, and intend to do, and the more I realize that the greatest enemy of the MGTOWs/masculists is not the fluffies and fluffie feminists, but the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists.These Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists hate us, and plan to wipe us out once they have become the rulers of the world, in what is usually called the “New World Order”.? I will give a bit of background to their history and their beliefs, and then explain why I think they are MGTOWs/masculists greatest enemy.Jews invented one of the vilest of religions, called Judaism, that teaches religious Jews to hate everyone, i.e. the “goy” i.e. non-Jews (with the word “goy” having connotations of “cattle.”) Their major religious set of documents, the Talmud, is full of expressions of (vitriolic) hatred against the goy. You can find many YouTube videos with quotes of this anti-goyism, that readily explains why the Jews have been thrown out (over 100 times) of nearly every country in Europe over the past 1000 years. The Jews are history’s most interculturally incompetent and most hated people. They seem incapable of learning the simple lesson that if your religion teaches you to hate everyone, then everyone will hate you back, i.e. Jewish anti-goyism generates anti-Semitism, wherever they go. Typically, a Jewish community would settle in some new area, some new country, and a half century to a century later, they would be thrown out. This has happened with boring repetition.The religious Jews believe that one day they will be saved by a Jewish messiah, a warrior figure who will conquer the goy, rule over them with his capitol in Jerusalem, and then proceed to wipe out the goy, so that the Jews can have the earth for themselves. This Jewish prophecy appears many times in the Jewish bible, the Torah, the Talmud, and their mystical text, the Kabbalah.In the 1600s, a Turkish Jew, who was bipolar (manic-depressive) thought he was the Jewish messiah, and half of Jewry believed him, i.e. a million Jews. His name was Shabbetai Tzvi. He went to the sultan of the Persian Empire and asked for Palestine to be given to the Jews, so that the Jews could return to their homeland, that they lost to the Romans nearly 2000 years earlier. A million energized Jews were a political threat to the sultan, so he made Tzvi an offer he could not refuse – “Convert to Islam, or lose you head in the next few moments.” Tzvi converted to Islam. Most of his followers abandoned him in disgust, but some still believed he was the Jewish messiah, who merely pretended to be an Islamist, but underneath was Jewish, hence the concept of the “crypto-Jew” e.g. the Rockefellers a century ago.Tzvi, a charismatic rabbi, turned Judaism on its head. He preached that what was traditionally seen as good and evil, were both the creations of the Jewish god, his left hand (evil) and his right hand (good). Traditional Judaism said that the Jewish messiah will come when the world is either wholly good or wholly bad. Tzvi argued that it is easier to create a world that is wholly bad, than wholly good, so he preached for Jews to be bad, very bad. He effectively reversed the 10 commandments, so thou shalt murder, they shalt commit adultery, etc. He encouraged Jews to have wife swapping parties, and huge orgies, etc. He was massively popular.A century later, Jacob Frank, a Shabbetean (i.e. a follower of Tzvi’s ideas) also thought that he was the Jewish messiah, and organized other Shabbetean Jews to infiltrate the religions and organizations of non Jews, to undermine them. He converted Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild), the father of the 5 sons who became the Rothschild financial dynasty. Rothschild later made him rich, and was inspired by Frank. It was Rothschild who conceived the idea how to fulfill the Talmudic prophecy of ruling the earth, with its capitol in Jerusalem, and later to wipe out the goy.His essential idea was to take control of the issuance of the money of a country, and hence control its government. He hired Weisshaupt to write “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” which was a fairly detailed step by step blueprint on how the Talmudic prophecy could be fulfilled. (Rothschild, Weisshaupt, and Franck all lived in the same city, Frankfurt in Germany at the time, i.e. the later 1700s) Weisshaupt was funded by Rothschild to found the Illuminati, a secret organization, whose final aim was to rule the world from Jerusalem, by a Rothschild descendent who would be the Jewish messiah, who would then wipe out the goy, all according to the ancient Judaic teachings.Weisshaupt was an organizational genius, who recruited many other able, devil worshipping (i.e. Shabbetean/Frankist) followers and started plotting the overthrow of the goy, starting with the French revolution. They bribed key people at key times, and helped enflame hatred of the French monarchy. They caused food shortages in Paris, by manipulating food markets, etc. They played a major role in the creation of the French revolution.The Illuminati were discovered by the Bavarian government, so they fled to the UK and took over the Freemasons, adding levels above 32, to be Frankist Satanist, to provide cover for their satanic plans, to rule the earth, with its capitol in Jerusalem, and then to wipe out the goy.The Illuminati have been incredibly successful. They played a major role in the engineering of the two world wars. They obtained Palestine from the Brits as a result of WW1, taken from the Persian Empire, which fell during WW1. In WW2, they wiped out Japan and Germany, two major economic powers, and now are working on the destruction of the US (plus Europe, and Japan again) by killing them with debt.The principal tool used by the Illuminati, i.e. the Rothschilds and their cronies, is to take control of the central bank of a country, and install a paper currency, debt note Ponzi scheme, in which only the Jewish bankster controlled central bank can issue money to its people. Issuing money costs them virtually nothing, but the government has to pay back the central bank this money created out of thin air, PLUS interest. But where does the money come from to pay the interest? From new loans by the government from the central bank, so these Jewish banksters have set up a Ponzi scheme, a pyramid scheme that makes debt slaves of its citizens, and destroys the economy, and the country. This is what is happening today in the US, Europe, and Japan, three of the major powers. (Whether the Jewish banksters have already taken control of the central banks of Russia and China, I’m still unsure about!)The Jews are a tiny minority of the peoples of the earth, i.e. about 0.2% so if they are to rule the world, they have to do it indirectly. They have to use the muscle and money of other peoples. To do this, they take control of the media, of education, of the minds of the people they control, etc. All these steps are spelt out in fair detail in the infamous Protocols mentioned above.Another strategy these Illuminati Jewish banksters use to undermine the power of the people they aim to conquer is to “divide and conquer” by playing off disputes between groups within the people, e.g. in the US, between whites and blacks. (The US NAACP was founded and funded by Jewish banksters and their cronies), and between men and women, with their funding of feminism in the 60s (e.g. the crypto-Jewish Rockefeller Foundation funded Gloria Steinem’s “Ms. Magazine.”)Since the Jewish banksters have control of the issuance of money in the US, they can print as much as they want out of thin air to bribe the politicians to force them to do what the Jewish banksters want. Some of these politicians were gender politicians, who had responsibility for creating the divorce laws of the 1970s that were so massively unjust to men, causing women to readily divorce their husbands, and force him to lose his kids to her, his house to her, to pay child support, and alimony.This massive gender injustice against men has caused the rise of MGTOW (men going their own way). 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan now refuse to marry, and have kids, spending their money on themselves, and thus wiping out the population (i.e. the goy population – playing right into the plans of the Jewish bankster Illuminati).Thus feminism and MGTOW are merely puppets of the Jewish banksters, manipulated to reject having kids, and thus killing off the goy, a very cheap and ingenious? method, you have to admit. These Jewish banksters are evil genii. One thing that the Jews did right over many centuries was to encourage their smartest members, the rabbis, to have lots of kids. At the same time, the Catholic Church imposed celibacy on its smartest members, the priests and cardinals, so as to keep the wealth of the church within the church and not have it frittered away by inheritance to wives. As a result, there are many Jewish genii with IQs over 170. Jews have won 40% of the science Nobel prizes.? Their intellectual superiority can be used to benefit mankind, e.g. the Nobel and Abel prizes, or for evil, e.g. the Jewish banksters, who manipulate their stupid goy to enslave them, and later to wipe them out.So, to come to the punchline of this flyer, the MGTOWs/masculists greatest enemy is not the fluffie feminists. They are stupid goy too, and are manipulated, outsmarted by the Jewish banksters and their cronies, just as much. These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, will not allow men to have menfair gender laws, because that would go against their strategy of divide and conquer. They want internal strife, to distract the sheeple from the Jewish banksters’ hidden agenda, and to weaken the strength and solidarity of the goy majority. The only way for MGTOWs/masculists to get gender justice is to get rid of the Jewish banksters, by generating a massive hatred against them for destroying their country (by wiping out the middle class, by sending America’s manufacturing capacity to China, etc, and making debt slaves of Americans for over a century.)These Jewish banksters and their cronies (e.g. the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) which is today 80% Jewish, and is the real (shadow) government of the US) are only a few hundred, so all we need to do, is spread information to the millions about their massive crimes against humanity (their debt slavery, their engineering of world wars, their creation of economic depressions, their murder of 6 US presidents, their inflation of the currency that destroy people’s savings, their control of the media, Hollywood, publishing, etc. It’s a long list of horrific crimes.There is currently a war going on between the rise of awareness by the masses, of the massive crimes committed against humanity by the Jewish banksters, and the desire of the Jewish banksters to censor the internet before an American holocaust comes, and the Jewish elite, especially the Jewish banksters are sent to the Hague and executed for their massive crimes against humanity. The US, Europe and Japan, are about to be destroyed by these Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists. The goy population (which includes MGTOWs/masculists) needs to raise the alarm, and to educate people about humanity’s greatest evil, i.e. the Frankist Satanist ideas/prophecy/agenda of the Jewish banksters. These Jewish bankster Frankist Satanist vermin need to be taken out, so we goy can be free again before they take us out. Don’t forget, they hate us.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOWs Don’t See the (Jewish Bankster) Big Picture (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses frustration that most MGTOWs are unaware that they are being manipulated by Jewish banksters to increase strife between the sexes, to distract attention away from what the Jewish banksters are planning, i.e. the creation of the NWO, a Jewish bankster ruled world government, and then to wipe out the goy, to fulfill the Talmudic prophecy that the Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists believe in.MGTOWs DON’T SEE THE (JEWISH BANKSTER)BIG PICTUREI get frustrated that so few MGTOWs are aware that the biggest problem facing them and the masculists is not the fluffie feminists, nor the gender politicians who have made the gender laws (divorce laws, no Parer, etc) so toxic to men, but the hated Jewish Bankster Frankist Satanists, who have bribed all the politicians to do what the Jewish banksters want. This means that most MGTOWs are being manipulated the way these Jewish bankster Satanists want. They want to “divide and conquer” the goy. The religious Jews have been using these tried and true techniques for 2000 years, as they have used their superior evil intelligence to manipulate the stupid goy, to keep them divided and fighting each other, which distracts the goy from uniting to overthrow their Jewish bankster rulers.If you want evidence for this, look at the Jewish bankster founding and funding of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) i.e. the “blacks lib” organization, which was designed to promote strife between blacks and white, or the Jewish bankster push to open up immigration to the US of non-white non-Europeans, to dilute the white WASP majority, or the funding of the feminist movement in the late 60s by the Jewish Rockefeller (crypto Jews) Foundation, designed to foster strife between the two sexes.These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists control the central banks, so can issue as much money as they want, out of thin air, so can easily bribe all the politicians, thus destroying democracies. The politicians fear the FED, because they know that anyone opposing it, loses their next election, because the FED just creates money out of thin air to heftily finance the election campaign of the rival of the incumbent politician who opposes him. Nearly all the politicians who opposed the creation of the FED in 1913 (i.e. the passing of the Federal Reserve Act) lost their next election in this way.So, the politicians do not oppose the FED (with the exception of Ron Paul, a lone maverick). These politicians include the gender politicians, who have been bribed to give the hypocritical fluffie feminists what they want, i.e. to have their cake and to eat it too, i.e. to have equal rights with men, but not equal obligations with men, i.e. the moral obligation to be FIPs (financially independent persons) so they want to stay on their fat parasitic arses, and not have to bother becoming career competent, by studying FIP major (math, sciences) at high school and STEM majors at university, so they can earn a good salary and be FIP as adults. They want to remain parasites on men’s money, and continue to see men as cash machines.The gender politicians are definitely a problem for the masculists, but they are not the root problem. The gender politicians are politicians, and the politicians are bought and controlled by the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, who hate the goy, and are working towards the creation of the NWO (New World Order) to establish a world dictatorship, with them in charge, and then to wipe out the goy, to have the world to themselves. This is their Frankist sect Judaist belief (i.e. the Jewish messiah will come when the world is wholly bad, will conquer the goy, will rule the world from Jerusalem, and then wipe out the goy. This is Talmudic and Torah policy. YouTube it!So, pushing against the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, will not work, because the hated Jewish banksters can print up as much money as they want out of thin air to bribe the gender politicians ?as much as is needed to keep them from not menfairing the gender laws. The only thing that will persuade the gender politicians will be the threat of assassination that I think will follow as the population really starts crashing in an undeniable way.So, what to do? How to get the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, to give men gender justice? By removing the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists who control them, who bribe them. These Jewish banksters are only a few hundred grey haired old men, who use their evil genius intelligence to manipulate the stupid goy, to make them do what these Jewish bankster Satanists want.Have you ever wondered why these same hated Jewish banksters Satanists have near monopoly control of the media in the major countries? Look at the US for example. Jews control the news outlets. The Rothschilds control Reuters, and AP. Jews control the 6 major media companies. Jews control Hollywood. Jews control publishing. The Neocons, who control Americas’ foreign policy are Jewish. It’s a similar story in the other major countries – UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, etc. The US sends Israel $4B/yr of US taxpayers money, to prop up a bankrupting Israel, and Germany $1B/yr. Israel has no oil, but the Arabs do, so why isn’t the US an ally of the Arabs and hostile to Israel, for having stolen Palestine from the Palestinians? Because the US congress is controlled by the FED, by the hated Jewish bankster elite.To get gender justice for men, these hated Jewish banksters need to be sent to The Hague, to the Int. Criminal Court, and executed for their massive crimes against humanity (e.g. indirectly killing over 200 million people in the 20th?century, playing a major role in the engineering of the two world wars (bribing and threatening the major players, Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill – all Jews, or partly Jews), are so extremely profitable to them, and kill off so many millions of the hated goy; engineering economic depressions and then buying up bankrupted assets at pennies on the dollar; making debt slaves of us all, with their paper currency debt note Ponzi schemes; their destruction of democracies, due to their bribing and control of the politicians; their inflation of the currency, destroying peoples savings; assassination of 6 US presidents; creating laws to ban criticism of them, etc.Anyone who is informed of their massive crimes against humanity, learns to hate them, including ordinary Jews, who have been abused by these Jewish Frankist banksters just as much as the goy, e.g. they controlled Hitler, funding him in 1923, and 1933, so that he would prosecute the Jews to force them to migrate from Europe to Palestine, the dream of the Rothschilds. The Jewish banksters and Hitler worked closely together to ship Jews to Palestine – i.e. the Havara (Transfer) agreement (YouTube it!)So, MGTOWs/masculists need to organize and help get rid of these Jewish bankster Satanist vermin, before they totally succeed in destroying America (and Europe, and Japan) with their debt slavery.The only thing that the Jewish banksters do not (yet!!) control in terms of idea expression, is the internet, but they are working hard on that. There are provisions in the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) trade agreement to take control of the internet.Once the dollar crashes, and the US standard of living falls to third world levels, people like me living in the US will be put into FEMA (concentration) camps, 800 of them in the US, and executed. The US will undergo the same kind of holocaust that the Jewish communists committed on the white Christian Russians after their Jewish putsch (aka Russian Revolution) of 1917, killing 66 million of them says the famous author Solzhenitsyn in his book (suppressed in the English speaking countries) “Die Juden in der Sowjet Union.”Obama, is a puppet of the Jewish banksters, who signs executive orders to create a US police state. When the dollar crashes and all hell breaks loose, the Jewish bankster controlled US government will then create a police state, and try to confiscate guns from the American people. But there are more guns in the US than Americans, so there will be civil war. Millions will be killed. I’m hoping the Jewish banksters will flee or be pogromed, allowing the US to bounce back with an economic miracle, free from the Jewish bankster paper currency, debt note Ponzi scheme, issuing its own free currency, and creating a new politics, with honest politicians, including gender politicians, who then menfair the gender laws.But we still live in a world where the hated Jewish banksters own the central banks and hence have the enormous power to issue the currency, and hence can bribe anyone the way they want. These vermin need to be removed, so MGTOWs/masculists can play a part in doing this, by spreading knowledge, getting educated and then expressing their hatred at the massive crimes against humanity committed by these hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists. When some Jewish Frankist Satanist comes on the stage he should be booed off, and made to feel the strength of the hatred against him by the audience, who have become informed of the crimes against humanity of these Satanists (literally Satanists, that is their Frankist religion.)So MGTOWs need to educate themselves about these hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, and learn to hate them, then push to drive them out of power, and to the Hague to see them prosecuted and executed, which is what they deserve. They truly hate us, and are planning to wipe out the goy, so we goy need to protect ourselves and get rid of them.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The MGTOW Masculist Impact of the Chinese White Dragon Dejewbanksterfication (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer talks about Jim Willie’s claim that the ancient ultra-rich Chinese “White Dragon” families, with 150,000 tons of gold are pushing the Jewish banksters out of power and crashing the dollar as the world reserve currency. If the Jewish banksters leave the western scene, hopefully a new batch of gender politicians, uncorrupted, will menfair society and the gender laws.THE MGTOW/MASCULIST IMPACT OF THE CHINESE WHITE DRAGON DEJEWBANKSTERFICATIONMy favorite commentator on the crash of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and the consequent eclipse of the US as the world’s dominant country, being replaced by China, is Jim Willie, whom you can listen to easily on YouTube. Jim is no fool. He has a PhD in statistics, and publishes a newsletter on the above issues which keeps him alive, in Costa Rica, where he fled to after several death threats by Jewish banksters for his programs in the early 2000s on the false flag event of 9/11 and Israeli involvement.Jim shares my utter hatred of these Frankist Satanist Jewish banksters who are destroying the economies of the US, Europe and Japan with their paper currency debt note Ponzi schemes. He calls them Satanists, but not Frankists. I guess he has not gone into the history of the beliefs of the Rothschilds, the creation of the Illuminati, Weisshaupt, Jacob Frank, Frankfurt etc. Lately, Jim has been using his many contacts and learning that in his view, the Chinese white dragon ultra-rich ancient families have become fed up with the destruction of the world by these Jewish banksters and have decided enough is enough and have now taken steps to stop it. Jim says these families have some 150,000 tons of gold that they have been accumulating over the 5000 year history of the Chinese civilization, so have the financial weight and expertise to crush the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, by threatening them with “triad” assassinations unless they do what these white dragon families want.Jim claims, as told to him by his sources, that Europe and the US are almost drained of gold, which has been shipped to China. China is about to announce to the world a higher gold price that will undermine the paper gold scams of the Jewish banksters. A growing Eurasian trade zone with China as its dominant member is growing, and the US will not be part of it. Increasingly, the dollar is being rejected by the world as the world’s reserve currency, that the Jewish bankster controlled US government has used to rob the world of its manufactures for decades.When Kissinger (Rockefeller’s henchman) went to Saudi Arabia in 1973, he persuaded the Saudis to establish the “petrodollar scam” which increased the price of oil, so that the Saudis benefitted, and that the US would use its military to defend the power of the Saudi throne against popular revolts of their people, in exchange for the Saudis agreeing that they would only sell their oil to the world with payment in US dollars and no other currency. This forced the world to have to get dollars from the US by selling their goods cheaply to the US which paid for them in dollars that the other countries could then use to buy oil from Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil supplier in recent decades. The US simply printed these dollars out of thin air, as the Jewish banksters have the power to do, since the FED (which has the power to issue the nation’s money) is Jewish bankster controlled. The FED is NOT an agency of the US government, it is a private bank owned by Jewish banksters (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, etc) who abuse the FED’s powers to their own benefit, used largely to finance loans to governments to go to war –?the biggest example was the loan to the UK, to go to war against Germany, to destroy it, to stop Germany taking over from the UK as Europe’s dominant power, hence WW1. (These hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists have now taken over most of the arms industries of the US, so need constant wars to sell their arms, so the US has been at war nonstop since WW1 as a result.)Thus the world was selling its manufactures cheaply to the US to get dollars that only the US could create, which the US did by printing them out of thin air, thus robbing the world of its manufactures, a massive worldwide scam that the world has hated for decades. Now the Chinese white dragon families have drained the west of its gold (says Jim Willie), thus depowering these Jewish banksters. The white dragons have told the US that the US dollar will soon not be the world’s reserve currency any more. It will be replaced by a gold backed currency, and since the US has no gold, it will be poor. The US can rent (lease) gold from China, but at a price, e.g. the US will have to give China the right to write US laws, buy US real estate, ports,?cheaply, etc.Once that happens, and it looks as though crunch time for the dollar will be in the year 2016, the US will be forced to have a “US only” dollar, like the rest of the world, so will have to export US manufactures to be able to import manufactures from other countries. But the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists have been pushing US manufacturing outside the US for decades, so that total US manufacturing capacity is small, so that the US will not be able to import at the rate it has been accustomed to. The standard of living in the US will thus fall to about a third of its current level so that the US will become a third world nation. The US will not be able to afford its many military bases all over the world. The US will become a nonentity.Now, how to interpret all this? What is the master plan behind it all? Is there one? It looks pretty clear that China will be the dominant power of the 21st?century, which is one of the reasons I moved here a decade ago. But today’s China is still an intellectual and political-pigmy shithole, with no freedom of speech, no Nobel prizes, no world class intellectuals, and few readers.Recently I was in my favorite park as usual and observed something rare in China. I saw a man on the walking path reading a paper book. In Chinese buses, trains, parks, no one reads – so different from Japan, where I lived 8 years in the 90s, where half the people will be reading. A nation that doesn’t read, like the Chinese, will be ignorant, hence backward, poor and inferior, as Chinese culture distinctly is. In Chinese buses, the custom of non-reading is so strong, that the bus drivers don’t even turn on the lights in the bus at night, thus tightening a vicious circle.I’m also seeing reports on the internet that the Jewish banksters gave Mao $20M to help him defeat Jiang Kai-shek in the 1940s, and that Mao was surrounded by Jewish banksters at that time as well.I’m now left with many question marks. Who really controls China? On the surface, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) which is modeled on the Russian CP, which was set up by Jewish communists in 1917, financed by the NY Jewish bankster Schiff who spent $20M of his own money to train and transport several hundred Jewish communists to return to Russia to foment the communist revolution. Actually, what Schiff really wanted was the Tsar’s gold, which he eventually got.If the CCP is really in charge, then why do the white dragon families still exist? Mao killed off 2M landlords in the early years of his dictatorship. Were the white dragons too powerful for the CCP? Do the white dragons control the CCP behind the scenes, not caring too much about democracy in China, so long as the white dragons continue to increase their wealth and power? Do the white dragon families have a conscience? Do they care about the world? Maybe they feel the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists are getting too powerful, about to destroy the US, Europe and Japan with their debt note Ponzi schemes, and hence would rival the power of the white dragons? This latter idea I find the most cynical and hence the most plausible.Jim Willie claims that the white dragons are now at war against the Jewish banksters and are out to destroy them. God, I hope that’s true. I have a real hatred against the Jewish banksters, for their MASSIVE crimes against humanity (e.g. their engineering of the two world wars; their creation of economic depressions; their making of debt slaves of everyone with their paper currency debt note ponzi schemes; their control of the issuance of the currencies in nearly all countries; their bribing of politicians, thus destroying democracies; their assassination of 6 US presidents who opposed them; their inflation of the currency, thus robbing people of their savings; their laws against people who criticize them (i.e. the hate speech laws, yet the Talmud is full of hatred against the goy), etcBut are the white dragons any better? I hope so. Once China becomes the world’s dominant nation, the Chinese people will throw off their third world self-image and become a lot richer. They will consume their own manufactures, instead of shipping them to the US to get phony dollars to buy oil. China now pays Russia in Chinese currency for its oil. Experience shows that once a country gets rich enough, it always democratizes. Democratization is simply part of modernization. China will democratize soon, maybe within a decade, once the current president’s term is over. 100M Chinese a year are traveling overseas and experiencing democratic countries first hand. 90% of people who live outside China live in democracies (about 130 of them in the world. The fact that China is not one of them, reflects very negatively against China.)Since I live in China, and am a real political sage (intellectual) I would love to have freedom of speech, which is impossible in today’s China. China has today over 1000 laogai (Chinese equivalent of Stalin’s gulags, i.e. concentration camps for political prisoners) says Harry Wu, founder of the Laogai Museum in Washington DC, who spent 19 years of his life in the laogai for a negative remark he made about Mao decades ago. Wu estimates there are between 0.5M and 2M political prisoners in China today.)If China got freedom of speech I would bother to master the language, both spoken and written (despite the fact that the stupidity of China’s writing system insults my intelligence and reflects very negatively on the level of China’s deep conservatism, that it has not thrown off its ancient and stupidly conceived writing system, and hence is the only country in the world not to use an alphabet.)I would get really fluent, so that I could give speeches in fluent Chinese, pushing the species dominance debate (i.e. “Should humanity build massively intelligent machines?”, pushing masculism, pushing intellectuality, etc.) Right now, I’m afraid to get fluent, because then I might be tempted to let fly to some CCP member with my contempt for the fact that a total of about 80 million Chinese were killed by Mao in the great famine he caused 1958-1962, with the laogai deaths, with the cultural revolution deaths, etc; the 1000 laogai; no freedom of speech; the intellectual sterility of the culture; etc, and end up thrown out of the country. What a waste of my talents that I have no freedom of speech here. If I can get a billion (with a “b”) views on RT (Russia Today) on the species dominance issue, what could I do in China if I had freedom of speech? The fact that China is still not a democracy keeps the Chinese people intellectually sterile, passive, fearful, useless, and is the main reason why westerners look down on Chinese as an inferior people. Today’s China contributes almost nothing to world culture, and is parasitic on the west for its ideas, being incapable of generating their own.But where will China be in 20-30 years, having pushed out the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists from power? I hope China will have democratized in the next 10-15 years, so that I may still have a decade or so of life left to speechify to the Chinese.Now, for the punchline, the title of this flyer. With the hated Jewish banksters out of the picture, in the next few years, and China democratizing, a new America will rise, and we will see “the American economic miracle.” The Americans are genetically the most creative people on the planet, and will remember what life was like before the dollar crash that was created by the Jewish banksters, and pushed by the white dragon families. They will want to get their pride back, and will drive out the last dregs of these hated Jewish banksters, and set up a new government that is ethical, fair, humane and uncorrupt.Once that happens, men’s lives will be transformed. Politicians will not be bribed by a Jewish bankster elite who always divide and conquer, by pitching the interests of fluffies against men, especially when it comes to divorce. With a new batch of uncorrupted politicians, including gender politicians, men will be given menfair gender laws, divorce law will be made menfair, the Parer (paternity rejection right) will be brought in, etc. Men’s lives will be revolutionized. Halleluiah!But at what cost? There is a very real risk that the US will plunge into civil war, as the Jewish banksters fight to keep their power against the uprising of the masses when the dollar crashes, with more guns than people in the US. The Jewish banksters have bought 3B hollow tipped bullets, millions of 4 body plastic coffins, 1000s of suburban tanks, militarized the police force, had Obama, the puppet gay non-American, sign a string of executive orders to create a police state in the US. If the US does plunge into civil war, millions will be killed. The hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists will be assassinated, but probably most of them will have long fled the country when the dollar shit hits the fan.It will be “interesting times” for the US in the years 2016 and soon after. I just hope that when the dust settles that we get to live in a global DEMOCRATIC state, led by a democratic China, a new China, one that I can have some pride in, instead of me being today a fearful tiny democratic mammal in a world of CCP dinosaur dictators, before the dollar crash meteor hits.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Hated Frankist Satanist Jewish Banksters Have Destroyed the West More than Fluffie Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer states that the hated Frankist Satanist Jewish banksters have done more damage to western economies than have the fluffie feminists. It attempts to educate the ignorant on the basics of how the Jewish banksters have destroyed western economies as part of their grand strategy to rule the world from Jerusalem, and later to wipe out the goy, i.e. their NWO (New World Order). This flyer expresses my suspicion that these Jewish banksters have helped engineer the sex war by bribing the gender politicians to pass divorce laws that are toxic for men, causing men to hate women, and thus create a huge distraction, while the Jewish banksters continue to rob the people of half their taxes and push them into paying for endless wars.THE HATED FRANKIST SATANIST?JEWISH BANKSTERS HAVE DESTROYED THE WEST MORE THAN FLUFFIE FEMALESJewish banksters have done far more damage to the western economies than women. Jewish banksters took control of the issuance of money in 1913 when they set up a private Jewish bank called the FED, that created a dollar debt note, Ponzi scheme, that now has Americans paying half their federal taxes directly into the pockets of these hated Jewish banksters.Guys, educate yourselves on all this, by YouTubing key words such as “Jewish banksters” “Jews Fed” etc.When Hitler threw out the Rothschilds from the German Central bank in 1933, within 2 years, the German economy was thriving, and the 6 million German unemployed were working again. The same could happen to the western economies if the US found it’s own Hitler. Educate yourselves about what the Jewish banksters are doing, what their NWO new world order plan is, learn to hate them, and then help drive them out of US political and economic power. They have taken over the US the way they took over Germany in the 20s until Hitler put his foot down.Trump is a Jewish puppet. Look at all the Jews in his administration. He is totally controlled by them, otherwise the Jewish banksters would never have let him be president. These banksters have assassinated 6 US presidents (4 successfully, 2 almost) whenever these presidents threatened or did remove the power of the Jewish banksters to issue the nation’s currency. If the Jewish banksters lost that power, they would lose trillions. JFK took away that power, and he was assassinated by the Jewish banksters. Reagan was almost assassinated for a similar reason.My deep suspicion is that the Jewish banksters have socially engineered the current war between the sexes by bribing the gender politicians to pass divorce laws that are toxic for men, thus creating a massive backlash against women, and causing a sex war. The Jewish banksters were behind the creation of the NAACP (the blacks lib organization), behind the immigration policy changes to bring in Asians, all as part of their “divide and conquer” strategy to distract attention away from their takeover of the country and their theft of the people’s taxes.Dear John, see things in their proper perspective. Give appropriate weight to the various causes of today’s sex war. Who are the primary causes. Don’t be distracted too much by fluffie feminist bitches, although they are certainly part of the problem, but they are not the bigger picture.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Masculist Critiques of Male Feminists1.8/26 Converting Male Feminists to Masculists MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer lists the factors that are driving male feminists to become masculists/MGTOWs, i.e. the impact of masculist/MGTOW ideas, the experience of financial slaughter in the divorce courts, and the repulsiveness of feminazis.CONVERTING MALE FEMINISTS INTO MASCULISTS/MGTOWSFor young men under 35 in the US, there aren’t many male feminists left, since 70% of these men refuse to marry and have kids. They have learned how toxic marriage is, or rather how toxic divorce is in the US, and make a rational decision that they are much better off not marrying and not having kids. There is wide spread knowledge amongst young men in the US, that women are basically parasites, who don’t love men, who don’t care for men, nor have strong loyalty towards men, as confirmed by the fact that one married man in four in the US will be financially massacred by his ex-wife, who may then even hold a divorce party to celebrate the ruin of his life. Such callousness speaks volumes about women’s true selfish nature and cold heartedness towards men who women see as checkbooks and not much else. Women’s true loyalties are to themselves and to their children. They care little about the bigger world, and trade sex for men’s protein, or in today’s world, for men’s money.70% is a lot. It means that for each robot male who is prepared to marry a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to parasite off the money of a man) there will be three women coming after him to insert their financial claws into him to extract his money to pay for the middle class house she wants to live in. So these fluffie women, including most feminists, since the majority of feminists are still fluffies when it comes to their expectations towards men, will have two other female competitors for the same robot male. It is therefore not surprising that these fluffies complain about how difficult it is to find a “good man” (which is fluffiespeak for a gullible exploitable man prepared to be a manslave to a fluffie.)In a decade, it is likely that the percentage of young men who refuse to marry and have kids will be over 90%, and the corresponding percentages will rise for men one, two, and three decades older. More and more men will wake up to the toxicity of marriage and having kids. It is just not in their self interest.Why is there a growing awareness amongst men of all ages that marriage is toxic and should be avoided? There are several factors causing this. One is MGTOW and masculism. These two groups make lots of videos, which are viewed by tens of millions of men, who then pass on the MGTOW/masculist ideas to their friends, who do the same, etc, until near saturation is reached. The broadcast media has not yet really discovered the ideas of these two movements yet, but will come very soon, probably in less than a year.A second factor, is personal experience. One married man in four will be financially massacred by the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, so that is a lot of men (about ten million in the US over the past 40 years). They will express their bitterness and hatred to many of their friends, who will be shocked at the massive injustice committed against their friend or acquaintance and will take note. Don’t marry! Don’t have kids. Its too risky. A one in four chance of being financially slaughtered is way too high, so don’t take the risk.A third factor is the repulsiveness of feminist influenced women, the so-called “feminazis” who repel men with their callousness and lack of nurturing. Men have the universal experience of having been nurtured by their mothers, who had a true genetically based love for their own offspring, so as adults, men would like to be nurtured again by a caring female, but so many women have been infected by the feminazi religious virus (that all of women’s problems are caused by men, a childlike belief held by childlike minds) that they treat men like shits, and become utterly repulsive to males who avoid feminazis like the plague.How can MGTOWs/masculists convert the remaining few men who have not yet seen the light and still play the manslave role for fluffies? By doing more of the same. i.e. continuing to make videos, getting into the broadcast media, setting up Men’s Studies at universities, helping set up Men’s Lib groups at high schools, and campuses.The main thing is to get MGTOW/masculists ideas widely known by the public. Millions of men are primed to such ideas, but simply have never heard of them, but when they do, a light goes on in their heads. “YES! That makes so much sense! Yes, I’m a MGTOW/masculist. I see the world differently now. I look at women’s nature differently now. I will not be exploited by women any more. They must be FIPs (financially independent persons) or I wont give them a second glance. For me now, fluffies are to be punished by me ignoring them, letting them rot on the shelf. YES! This all makes so much sense. I’ll tell my friends so they wake up too.”I had a similar awakening experience in my mid teens when my brain was starting to wire up in the adult pattern, and I started reading heavily in the sciences. I then heard a guy 2 years older than me express his atheistic views. Hearing him caused an epiphany in me. “Yes!” I thought! “Religion is crap. Religion is a myth. Man makes gods, not the other way round. Every primitive little tribe invents its own gods.” Once that initial seed was sown in my brain, the rational thinking part of me took over, and did the rest of the work. Within a few weeks I had become an atheist.A similar story will probably happen to millions of men re the ideas of MGTOW/masculism. They only need to be seeded with these ideas, so I think it is critical to get these ideas onto the broadcast media, which is one of the things I’m trying to do myself, by building up a stock of MGTOW/masculist flyers that I can refer male journalists to. I’m now emailing out the link to these flyers to male journalists, hoping that some of them will bite and write an article about MGTOW/masculism.A year from now, will most people have heard of the ideas of MGTOW and masculism?Its possible. It depends how well we spread our ideas over the coming year, i.e. how successful we are at stimulating the broadcast media which still reaches millions as against a YouTube channel that reaches only 10,000s.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ An Email Exchange between a Masculist and a Male Feminist Campus Magazine Editor (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer consists of an exchange of three emails between me, the masculist, and the sole male editor (with 3 female coeditors) of Melbourne University’s student monthly magazine. I was knocked back as you will see. As my parting shot, I warned him not to have kids, otherwise he will be playing Russian roulette with only 4 chambers in the barrel. Hopefully this exchange will be enlightening to some male feminists who know nothing about masculist ideas.AN EMAIL EXCHANGE BETWEEN A MASCULIST AND A MALE FEMINIST CAMPUS MAGAZINE EDITORThe following three emails were an exchange between me, the masculist, and the only male editor (with 3 female coeditors) of Melbourne University's student magazine, that comes out monthly for the whole student body to read. I was trying to launch masculist thinking in Australia, after having lived 12 years in China, where my masculist talents were utterly wasted in the Chinese political shithole, where no private, non government approved, organizations exist. China doesn’t even have a feminist movement, let alone a masculist movement, but then, Chinese men don’t get financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system. In fact, if the divorcing wife is a fluffie, the custody of the kids will go to the husband, 1 because he has the money. I was hoping that this student magazine would launch masculism in my new (actually my first) country that Ive not lived in for half a century. I was hoping that I could take the printed article I wrote for the magazine to the broadcast media and bring masculist ideas to the masses, the millions. As you will see, I was knocked back. So I will have to try other student magazines at other universities, and other ideas. The first email is my contact email, to the male editor, trying to get him interested in the idea of publishing my article to introduce Melbourne University students to masculism. The second is his reply (delayed by some weeks) and the third is my parting shot to him, warning him not to have kids, otherwise he will be playing Russian roulette with only 4 chambers in the barrel. I hope this exchange, which is blunt and honest, will be useful to other young male feminists, who know nothing about masculism. Maybe this exchange may lift the curtain just a little bit. Contact Email (from Prof. Hugo de Garis to the editor) Dear XXX, I asked YYY to talk with you about the possibility of publishing an article introducing masculism to Australia, an opportunity for you to make a bit of history, by being the first to launch such a consciousness that as far as I can make out, does not exist yet in Oz. She gave me a false email address. I grew up in Oz, spent 5 years at MU, but have lived half a century in 6 other countries, so am obviously a foreigner here, now that I've returned, largely due to Oz's generous pension conditions. I'm starting to get the feeling that there is a strong feminist ethic in your magazine, which thinks that gender oppression of one gender by the other is a one way street. Since I'm a masculist, I know that is not the case. I will try to make a personal appeal to you. Lets assume you want to marry and have kids. If you become a father, you will then subject yourself to a ONE in FOUR chance of being financially massacred and have your life ruined in a fluffie-feminist dominated divorce court system, which will strip you of your kids with a 90% probability (in many western countries), who will go to your ex, you will lose half your stuff to her, you will lose your house to her so she can raise HER kids in it. You will pay child support to kids you will barely see. If your ex is a real fluffie (a traditional 3 woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man, by not bothering to get a career competent education, to become a FIP (financially independent person) as an adult), then you may have to pay her alimony, for life, with no legal nor moral obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up, so she can continue to parasite off your money after the divorce the way she did before the divorce. Does it piss you off that women have a Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right, the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy) but men have no Parer, THE most blatant form of discrimination that exists, and not against women, but against men. I hope the above is enough to pique your curiosity, and that you will be motivated to read the two attachments below, to give you a fuller impression of what masculism is about. If you then become convinced that the paternity rejection by the MGTOW (men going their own way) who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts for men, is pretty much the dominant issue of our historical era, given that if 2/3 of young men continue to reject paternity, as they are currently doing in many countries, then we wipe ourselves out in a mere century. Am I beginning to impinge on your sense of urgency? 4 If you want to listen to YouTube videos on the MGTOW movement, try Sandman, or TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey). If you want to know more about masculist ideas, you can watch my 300+ YouTube videos. See the links below. I appeal to your sense of ambition. You could be the first to launch masculist consciousness in Australia. However, if you choose to take a male feminist stance and reject my appeal, then you might be kicking yourself in 6 months as you (hopefully) see masculist ideas propagating wildly through the broadcast media. I've done this before in western Europe with about 150 appearances in 7 countries in 4 languages. I feel confident it is only a question of time, before the media starts biting, and then once a few such masculist stories have been launched, the flood tide opens, and the journalists stampede into a hot new area, a big one, the story of the other half, i.e. men's story. Here are the links. Masculism (300 YouTube videos/essays on masculism) MGTOW os?app=desktop Have a look at my Masculist MGTOW Flyers (nbrs 295 and 296) If you're interested, I ask you to publish nbr 295. 296 is aimed at the print media in Melbourne, concerned with Wesley College's request to the Vic government to legally discriminate against boys by obtaining a girl quota. Science shows that boys are genetically smarter than girls (4 IQ point average superiority, 10% larger IQ variance, higher testosterone levels, and 10% larger brains, so men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, etc etc. Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ The Male Feminist Campus Magazine Editor's Reply Hi Hugo, I'm sorry about the delay in getting back to you on this. Unfortunately, we are not interested in publishing your work on masculism for reasons given below. We are a student publication, funded by students and published by the University of Melbourne Student Union. As such, we don't publish the work of non-students. Even though I am a man, I believe many of the claims you make in your article are misleading, incorrect and offensive. Furthermore, the form you have chosen (without any perceivable order to this glossary, alphabetical or otherwise) is repetitive and confusing. We are not interested in developing these pieces for publication or receiving further correspondence from you on this matter.Kind regards, XXX My Parting Shot to the Editor Dear XXX, Thank you for replying. You had the courtesy at least to do that. Since I'm guessing you are a male feminist, and not (yet?) a masculist, most such men would not have bothered. I won’t try contacting any of your team again, so this will be my parting shot. I hope for your sake, that you choose never to have kids, because if you do, you will be playing Russian roulette with your life, except that instead of there being 6 chambers in the barrel, there will be 4, i.e. you will subject yourself to a risk of about one in four chances of being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system. You will lose your kids with a 90% probability (in many western countries). You will hand over half your stuff to your fluffie ex-wife. You will be forced to give her your house, so that she can raise HER kids in it. You will pay child support to kids you will barely see, and if your ex-wife is a real fluffie, you may have to pay her alimony for the rest of her life, so that she continues to parasite off you after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce, with no moral nor legal obligation on her to get off her parasitic arse and FIP up (become a financially independent person). Think hard about this, because it’s much better for you to learn the quick smart way (by learning from the mistakes of older men), than the slow dumb way, by becoming a victim of the fluffie feminists yourself. These hated (by the masculists) fluffie feminist hypocrites (who want equal 8 rights with men, and I have no problem with that, but reject accepting equal obligations with men, i.e. bothering to get a career competent education, that will allow them to become FIPs as adults, and not have to parasite off the labor of a man.) It is largely due to the hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists, that the MGTOW movement (men going their own way, who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves) was started. This paternity rejection is wiping out whole populations, but the MGTOWs are merely reacting against the toxicity of the divorce courts for men, so it is the fluffie feminists who are the indirect genociders, wiping out whole populations, due to their callousness of men. Don't become a victim yourself, go MGTOW. Yes, masculists are extremely offensive towards fluffies and fluffie feminists. They are our enemy, whom we plan to wipe out, by killing them slowly, by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing them to die slowly, rotting on the shelf, to extinction. We see such women as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. So you got that right. I will make a video of your reply, and my reply to your reply, so that other men around the world, can learn from this exchange. And, lastly, you have passed up the opportunity to have played a historic role in bringing angry masculism to Australia. Its message is so important, that it is only a question of time, before the broadcast media takes it up, but that flag bearer will not be you. Later in life, when you are sympathetic to masculist ideas, you may bitterly regret this decision you made early in your adulthood. But, despite your rejection, thanks for the reply. That shows you have a civilized mind. Good luck with your literary career. Usually editors of student magazines, do well. Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ (contains links to 300 YouTube masculist essays/videos)1.9 Masculist Critiques of Gender Politicians1.9/4 To the Gender Politicians : Genocidal Criminals (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : A flyer explaining to the gender politicians why they are indirectly wiping out the American population, by having allowed the fluffie feminists to take over the divorce courts.TO THE GENDER POLITICIANS :GENOCIDAL CRIMINALSYou “gender politicians” are seen by the masculist and MGTOW (men going their own way) movements as genocidal criminals, because you allowed the fluffie feminists to take over the divorce courts, and as a consequence, the US population will be wiped out within a century.The masculists and MGTOWs are part of the men’s lib(eration) movement.A “fluffie” is a masculist label for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money.The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies by refusing to have relationships with them, preferring to have relationships with FIPs (a masculist label for a Financially Independent Person) which is the kind of woman, masculists demand that all women become, or they just won’t get a man.A fluffie feminist has had her feminist consciousness raised but not her masculist consciousness, so by default, still has traditional expectations of men, i.e. seeing them as exploitable check books for women to man-enslave.You gender politicians changed the divorce laws so that now, typically, a divorcing father will –lose his kids with 90% probabilitylose his house to his ex wife so she can raise HER kids in itbe forced to pay child support to kids he will barely see (maybe two visits?a month)if his ex-wife is a fluffie, he will be forced to pay her alimony, with no legal obligation on her part to get a decent job and become a FIPAs a result, tens of millions of American divorced fathers have been financially massacred.Young men, under 35 in the US have seen what happened to their fathers and have now chosen (70% of them) not to marry and not to have kids.This “marriage strike” will crash the birth rate and crash the population.If this continues, the US population will be wiped out in a mere century!Indirectly, you gender politicians are responsible for this.You are accused of being genocidal criminals, because indirectly, you are wiping out the US population.You must make the gender laws “men fair” ?by e.g. –making JOINT child custody in a divorce the default optionallowing the owner(s) of the house before the divorce to keep itpushing the idea that a divorced couple buy a cheap nearby apartment that is shared by them both on an alternate basis, swapping weekly, with one parent in the house with the kids, and the other in the apartment. The following week, they swap places.Putting moral pressure on women to be FIPs.Putting moral pressure on female university students to study “career-competent” majors, so they can become FIPs as adults.Legislate?a Parer (paternity rejection right) equivalent to women’s Marer (maternity rejection right a.k.a. abortion right) that allows a man to reject fatherhood. If the woman continues the pregnancy, the child becomes her full financial responsibility. (The lack of a Parer, is a blatant sexual discrimination against men.)Set up a panel of experts to recommend gender fair laws, for both sexes.If you don’t do the above, men will continue the marriage strike, and the population will be wiped out.You will risk assassination at the hands of very angry divorced fathers, and crazy feminists who cannot get a man, as they become conscious that you are the source of their problems.The masculists (who are more political than the MGTOWs) will accuse you in the broadcast media of being genocidal criminals, and advise men to bloc vote against you in the elections. Men are half the population.Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ 1.9/23 Masculist-MGTOW Advice to Japanese Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer offers advice to Japanese gender politicians on how to avoid the catastrophic decrease?in the Japanese population by pushing for the creation of a “FIP Society”, advice that applies not only to Japan but to many western countries as well.MASCULIST-MGTOW ADVICE?TOJAPANESE GENDER POLITICIANSA third of young men in Japan, the “herbivores” (in contrast with the traditional women-chasing “carnivores”) refuse to date women, nor have sex with them. They have opted out of the traditional male role of paying for Japanese women to stay at home and raise kids.With the young generation in Japan reproducing only two thirds or less of its number (actually the Japanese reproduction rate is only 1.3 children per women, so nearly half of the replacement rate of 2.1) the Japanese population is now steadily shrinking year by year and Japanese gender politicians (who make the laws concerning gender roles) are pulling their hair out, wondering what to do, because if the current trend continues, Japan will be wiped out, because the next generation is reproducing only half of the previous?generation.A similar situation is occurring in the US, but worse, in the sense that two thirds (70%) of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. They may sex women, but they do not marry them and certainly do not have kids with them. This is a result of the toxicity of the U.S. divorce courts, which have been taken over by the fluffie feminists, i.e. feminists who still have traditional attitudes towards men, i.e. seeing them as exploitable checkbooks, the way traditional women see men (labeled “fluffies” by the masculists (men’s libbers)). In the US a divorcing father will typically lose custody of his kids with a probability of 90%, he will lose his house, which goes to the ex-wife to raise HER kids in, he will have to pay child support for many years, and if his ex-wife is a fluffie (i.e. not a FIP woman (FIP= financially independent person) then he will pay her alimony so that she can continue to parasite on him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.In the US, half of marriages end in divorce, and 70% of those divorces are started by women, so about a third of married men (0.5*0.7= 0.35) risk being “financially massacred” by fluffie ex-wives. Approximately 10 million US men have been financially destroyed in this way over the 40 year period since no fault divorce came in, in the 70s, and the fluffie feminists took over the divorce courts.This one in three, one in four,?chance of being financially massacred by a fluffie ex-wife is so unacceptable to young men in the US, that they simply refuse to marry, and refuse to have kids. Only about 30% of young men in the US today are willing to marry and have kids. ONLY 30% !! Young men have gone on strike against marriage and fatherhood, until the gender laws are made men fair, i.e. fair to men.So, potentially, the crash in the birth rate is much greater in the US than in Japan, because a higher proportion of young men in the US refuse to marry and have kids than in Japan, in fact, double the proportion, BUT, Japan has been facing this “men’s strike” for longer, so the population has had more time to decrease in Japan than in the US, so Japanese gender politicians are a lot more aware of the problem than US gender politicians.Hence the measures taken by Japanese gender politicians, may serve as a model to the US gender politicians, because Japan will have to deal with the population crash sooner than the US.This flyer offers some advice from a western masculist theorist to Japanese gender politicians on concrete suggestions on how to get the Japanese (and US, and other countries) birthrate back up, before the population crashes catastrophically.Japan is not noted for its creativity. According to Prof. Lynn, a famous psychometrician, the average creativity score of the Japanese is a standard deviation and a half below comparable cultures. So I am not surprised at the quality of the suggestions made by Japanese gender politicians to get men back into the traditional breadwinner role, and be more willing to father babies.Most such efforts so far have been to shame the men for their “failings” to “man up” to their traditional role. These suggestions have met with failure, because the Japanese gender politicians have failed to understand that it is the traditional male gender role ITSELF that is the problem, that the young Japanese men reject and want no part of.I lived 8 years in Japan in the 90s and was shocked at the backwardness of Japanese gender roles. Japan has a bad reputation in this regard, as reflected in the saying that is known around the world – “In Japan, the husbands overwork, and the wives play tennis.”A typical Japanese salaryman, will work 11 hours a day, with a daily commute time of 2-4 hours. He gets home so late, his kids are asleep. He’s so tired, sex is scarce, and over the years, the husband and wife drift apart, since they live in different worlds. I was shocked at the cold indifference between husbands and wives in Japan.But the young Japanese men have been influenced by ideas they have gotten from the internet, and reject the traditional salaryman role. They want to live for themselves and NOT BE A MANSLAVE to a woman, who stays at home with the kids when they are small, and later plays cards and tennis with her female friends, when the kids are older and at school, all at his expense.The traditional gender roles in Japan involve slavery of men to women. Herbivore men in Japan, say “Fuck that!” to these roles and refuse to be trapped by them. They want nothing to do with future house-wifey women, and don’t date. Many don’t even sex young women.So, what to do with this young male rebellion?Answer – change the gender roles. Revolutionize Japanese society, where the key phrase is “FIP Society” i.e. push so that both sexes are strongly expected to be FIPs (financially independent persons). This will have many implications, for parenting, schooling, etc.At high school, girls should be strongly encouraged to become FIPs by studying FIP majors, i.e. math, and the sciences. High school boys can put powerful moral pressure on their female class mates, that if the women do not study math and the sciences, then they will not be able to have babies in their 30s, because men will refuse to date them and have children with them, because these women would not be FIPs, and hence will be a parasitical financial burden on the men.Universities should also pressure women to become FIPs, but in practice, most of the “fluffie damage” has been done at age 16 when women choose to study the easier subjects like literature, history, languages, etc instead of the more intellectually demanding subjects like math and the sciences, which are prerequisites at university to enter a FIP major, such as the professions (medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, etc) or the techs (comp. sci., engineering, math, physics, chemistry, geology, etc) which the economy rewards with high salaries.Journalists need to push women to be FIPs, by scaring them, that there is such a shortage of men who are willing to have babies, that most women will not be able to find a man who is willing to get her pregnant. “No calculus, no baby” “Be FIP or be manless” “Fluffies can rot on the shelf” are examples of slogans that the journalists can use, taken from the masculists.Divorce needs to be made “menfair” i.e. fair to men. Custody of children needs to be made joint, by default. Alimony should be thrown out. The original owner(s) of the house?should keep it. Divorcing couples should be encouraged to buy a modest apartment near the house, that they can alternate living in. One week, the father is with the kids in the house, while the mother is in the apartment. The following week, they swap.A Parer (paternity rejection right) needs to be made law. Women have a legal right to reject maternity (Marer) called the abortion right. This blatant piece of sexual discrimination against men needs to be thrown out, so that men can legally reject an unwanted pregnancy by signing a paternity rejection form early in the pregnancy. If the woman goes ahead and has the kid, then the child’s entire financial cost falls on her shoulders, by law.Society has to learn to stop abusing men financially, in the divorce courts, in the media, in schools, etc. If this doesn’t happen, then men will get their revenge BY WIPING OUT THE WHOLE POPULATION. This holds not only for Japan, but the US and other countries. So this advice is universal. Gender politicians in all countries need to operate with the principle than the rights and needs of men need to be taken with equal weight as with women. That is far from being the case today, for example, look at the massive injustice committed against men in the US divorce courts, and the lack of a Parer in all countries, that ruins millions of men’s lives as women trick their husbands and boyfriends into paying for kids that the women want, but not the men.So, my top advice to gender politicians, in Japan and elsewhere, is BE NICE TO MEN, or you will be justifiably accused of being genocidal criminals, indirectly responsible for wiping out the population. As the population does fall, political pressures to solve this men’s strike WILL BE ENORMOUS. Men will start assassinating gender politicians, divorce court lawyers and judges, etc, because men’s survival is at stake, and people do violent things when their survival is on the line.If these ideas seem foreign and strange to you, I suggest you go to the internet and listen to the MGTOW (men going their own way) videos, or read my flyers at? educate yourselves into the new expectations of the young generation of men, who reject the traditional male breadwinner role. Now that women can work, they must work. Anything else is parasitism on the labor of men.In Japan, the polarization of gender roles is one of the most extreme in the world, where Japanese men are utter man-slaves to women. This must change. Women must become FIPs, or they will rot on the shelf to extinction.? Women need to be socialized at home, at school, at university, at the office, to be FIPs, so that men and women are treated fairly, in society, in the family, and in the law courts.Japanese sex roles are so far behind the west, that Japan may be the first westernized country to wipe itself out, because it did not have the flexibility and the creativity to change its gender roles, to create a “FIP Society.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ How Will the Gender Politicians React Towards the MGTOWs Masculists Wiping Out the Population? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer contrasts the two broad approaches to solving the MGTOW/masculist annihilation of the population problem, i.e. the feminist “manup” approach and the MGTOW/masculist “woman up” approach, i.e. creating a “FIP Society.”HOW WILL THE GENDER POLITICIANS REACT TOWARDS MGTOWs/MASCULISTs WIPING OUT THE POPULATION?One thing is for sure, and that is that they must react, because if they don’t, there won’t be any people left to have power over. They themselves will not be replaced.There are several ways the gender politicians can react. Probably in practice, they will try all of these options and some will fail, and hopefully one will succeed. The various options are of two broad types.1.? The Feminist ApproachThis approach assumes the traditional male role of being manslaves to women, so that the gender politicians base their policies on this basic unquestioned assumption. Their female voters will push for this approach as well. So the gender politicians will do what they can to force men into continuing to pay for women, by legislating such things as a bachelor’s tax, higher tax rates for unmarried men, pressing the media to shame men into being more amenable to being manslaves to women, etc.Of course this approach won’t work, as it is the traditional male manslave role ITSELF that is the problem, that men in their millions are REACTING AGAINST. The shaming, “man up” approach was tried in Japan, where the herbivore men (the Japanese equivalent of the MGTOWs) have had more effect on crashing the population because they have been rebelling against the manslave role for longer than MGTOWs in the western countries.2. The MGTOW/Masculist ApproachThe masculists need to educate the gender politicians that the feminist approach wont work, and will actually accentuate the problem, alienating men even more against the traditional manslave role. Gender politicians need to be taught, and society needs to be taught that there is a definite alternative solution to the population annihilation problem, and that is that society needs to become a “FIP Society” i.e. both sexes are to be socialized and educated to be FIPs (financially independent persons). This option will revolutionize society. Parents will have to apply powerful moral pressure on their daughters to become FIPs, scaring them with masculist slogans such as “no calculus, no baby” “be FIP or be manless” “fluffies can rot on the shelf” etc. Schools will also apply strong moral pressure on girls that they should toughen up and study the “hard option” of math and the sciences in 12th grade high school, so that they are not excluded from the FIP major departments at universities which require math and science as prerequisites for student entry. Society needs to push women to be FIPs by putting moral pressure on women to “woman up” and pull their weight financially. The media , and particularly Hollywood, needs to push the “FIP Society” model so that the unthinking portion of the population (about 90% of the population) is pushed along in the FIP Society direction.The most important change must come from the gender politicians who need to “men-fair” the gender laws, especially in regard to the divorce laws. Today’s divorce laws are a moral outrage towards men, financially massacring them in the divorce courts, where one married man in four will lose custody of his kids with 90% probability, he will lose his house to the fluffie ex-wife, he will have to pay child support to kids he barely sees, and alimony to his fluffie ex-wife so that she can remain a fluffie, parasiting off his money after the divorce as she did before the divorce.New divorce laws need to be passed by the gender politicians that are men fair. The owners of the house before the divorce get to keep it. Alimony is thrown out. Divorcing couples are encouraged to buy a cheap one person apartment near the house that the ex spouses alternate it. One week the father lives in the house with the kids, while the mother lives in the apartment, and the following week they swap places.The gender politicians need to pass a Parer law. (Parer = paternity rejection right). If a man is involved in a pregnancy not desired by him, he should be given the right to reject paternity of the fetus. He should be able to fill in a “paternity rejection? form” at his local JP (justice of the peace) so that if the woman decides to go through with the pregnancy then the entire financial responsibility of the child becomes hers and hers alone. If the gender politicians continue to see women as “poor helpless creatures that need to be paid for by men” then the MGTOWs and masculists will continue to hate them, and just go further “their own way”. There are many other forms of legal and social discrimination against men that will need to be legislated away.The masculists need to educate society, that the only effective way to stop the annihilation of the population is to make the gender laws menfair. Until that is done, the MGTOWs and masculists will continue to reject fluffies and have nothing to do with them. They will refuse to marry and have children, because they are too aware of the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and so avoid marrying and having kids like the plague.Pretty soon, the media will latch on to the biggest story of the century, namely that the MGTOWs and masculists are wiping out the population by refusing to marry and have kids. 70% of young men in the US under 35 do this. This is no fringe movement. Once the media wakes up, due probably to the educational efforts of the masculists (and indirectly by the politically passive MGTOWs) they will push the vision of the “FIP Society” of the masculists onto the population. This in turn will change society’s attitudes towards fluffies and put huge moral pressure on women to be FIPs.How soon will it be before the gender politicians feel the moral and political pressure on them to menfair the gender laws? I would say within 5 years. There are now so many MGTOW videos on YouTube, that the tide is turning. Within a decade, the proportion of men who refuse to marry and have kids will probably be over the 90% range, and women will be screaming that they can’t find a man to have a kid with, who is prepared to help pay for the cost of the kid. There will rise a female masculist movement of women who agree with the arguments of the MGTOWs/masculists and help these men’s lib movements pressure the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.The gender politicians MUST react. The annihilation of the population is a ticking time bomb that cannot be ignored. Each year as the population keeps dropping, the writing on the wall will be written in ever bolder letters so that even male feminist, man-traitor gender politicians will be able to read it. THEY MUST REACT. The only question is when, how soon and how effectively. The masculists (who do the political work) will have to keep up powerful political pressure on them, accusing them of being genocidal criminals, because it is they who have created the current gender laws that are so deeply alienating hundreds of millions of men in the western countries.Creating a “FIP Society” will be revolutionary. It will involve fundamental changes and attitudes towards men’s and women’s gender roles in society. It will take effort and hard work, so men, roll up your sleeves!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The Criminal Ethics of Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer tries to explain why the male-feminist, man-traitor, gender politicians have been so criminal in their ethics towards men.?It claims that it is largely because these gender politicians were utterly bought and selected by the banksters,?which ensured that they?have no conscience about destroying millions of men’s lives.THE CRIMINAL ETHICS OF GENDER POLITICIANSWhat kind of ethical values would you have to have to be a gender politician, given their horrible track record towards men? This comment tries to spell out in reasonable detail, what they have done and why they did what they did, and then to roundly condemn them, to damn them.What did they do? Their first major crime took place in the 70s when they changed the divorce laws, listening to the fluffie feminist lobby and giving these feminists what they wanted. I say fluffie feminists, because these feminists weren’t the least bit interested in obtaining equal rights for both sexes, but only for women, and the largely male-feminist, man-traitor gender politicians gave these women what they wanted.As a result, men have been routinely financially massacred in the US divorce courts (and similar western countries which copied the US) to the tune of several million a year. These men will lose custody of their children with a 90% probability, they will lose their house to their fluffie ex-wife, so that she can live in it with HER kids, he will have to pay her child support for kids they will barely see, and if the ex-wife is a fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony so that she continues to parasite off his money the way she did before the divorce.This abuse of men is so bad, one wonders why male feminist gender politicians allowed it to happen in the first place. Did they not have any conscience towards men when they changed the divorce laws? After all, these male feminists were male. They were betraying their own sex. They were traitors to their own sex, so why did? they not care about the welfare and human rights of men?I think the answer to that question goes back over a century, and is a result of the totally corrupting influence of the central banksters of NY, Basel, Frankfurt and London. These banksters, whom I consider to be the greatest criminals against humanity in history, have been selecting and bribing politicians for over a century. They have already assassinated 4 US presidents and 2 more almost. These banksters control the issuance of the nation’s money, so they can create as much money out of thin air as they want to bribe the politicians as much as they choose.Those politicians who strongly opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 in the US, then had to face political opponents at the next election who were heavily funded by money created out of thin air by these NY?banksters, and lost. So US politicians soon learned to keep quiet about the FED being a private bankster company and NOT a government agency, that charged interest on the dollar bills it loaned to the Treasury, and its creation of the debt-enslaving dollar Ponzi scheme, robbing the people of half their taxes. The federal tax agency IRS, the FED, the FBI and the ADL were all set up in the same year by the same banksters.So for a century, national politicians have been profoundly corrupt, bribable, morally inferior human beings, who are worthy of our contempt. They care only for themselves, and have no conscience. Things have got so bad, that US presidents are actually selected by these banksters, so that they do what the banksters want. They are selected partly due to their “flaws” that make them more bribable and hence more controllable by the banksters. Wilson was bribed to sign the Federal Reserve Act due to his affair with some woman outside his marriage. Today’s US president, Obama is gay and lives with a male wife, whose name is not Michele but Michael, who has a man’s hands, shoulders and has photos of him with a penis bulge in his dresses. Have a look at? it is these types of people who are the gender politicians, who have no care for the longer term consequences for the nation or for men, so long as there is a short term advantage for them in voting in new divorce laws that favor women, who had a large feminist lobby in the 1970s, and no corresponding masculist lobby. So they gave the fluffie feminists what they wanted, and to hell with the men. By the time men could get organized, they would be out of power anyway, so they didn’t care for the longer term. These gender politicians were not honest people, they were bribed and had the mentalities of bribable people.A similar story holds for the Parer. There is no Parer (paternity rejection right) because the fluffie feminists opposed it tooth and nail. If there were a Parer, women would all have to be FIPs (financially independent persons) having studied FIP majors at high school, and university, to become career competent and stand on their own two financial feet and not parasite on a man. To fluffies, such a prospect terrifies them. Fluffies need to parasite on a man, by definition.So, things wont change until one of two things happen. One is that the MGTOWs and masculists opt out of marriage and fatherhood to such an extent that the birthrate and hence the population crashes, forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. This may take another decade or more for the demographics to become alarming enough and for the broadcast media to latch on to the problem and broadcast it to the masses, thus forcing the hand of the gender politicians. For example, in Japan, the government actually has a minister of the population, whose task it is to try to find ways to persuade young Japanese males to marry and have kids.The other possibility, is that men get off their bums and put enormous political pressure on these male-feminist gender politician vermin, threatening them with a bloc male vote that pushes them out of power. The politically impotent MGTOWs will be useless for such a task, because they have no interest in doing such things, so the gender politicians remain free to do what they like, having no fear that the MGTOWs will act politically to drive them out of power (except for the longer term impact of the population crash of course.) So it will be the task of the politically active masculists to put real political pressure on the gender politicians to pass menfair gender laws, to improve men’s lives.For that to happen, the masculists need to educate society into men’s gender role problems, e.g. the divorce court crimes, the injustice and hypocrisy of the existence of a Marer (maternity rejection right a.k.a. abortion right) but no Parer, etc. The masculists need to educate society that men, who make up half the population, are having their human rights smashed. Masculists need to make men angry about this and to direct men’s attention to reforming the gender laws, so that these laws?treat men equally. Masculists also aim to wipe out fluffies by refusing to have relationships with them, pushing for the creation of a FIP Society, where all adults, male or female are FIPs, as a strong moral obligation, so strong that even the gender politicians fear that if they don’t menfair the gender laws, that even women will vote against them for not being menfair.Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ The New Gender Politicians Will FIPpress the Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer claims as the population crash continues, caused by young men refusing to marry and have kids, due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, a new batch of gender politicians will come out of the woodwork, who will FIPpress the fluffies.THE NEW GENDER POLITICIANS WILL FIPpress THE FLUFFIESThe most important phenomenon of our times, that eclipses all other problems (even global warming, the threat of a nuclear war, overpopulation, pandemics, etc) is the fact that in western countries, particularly in the US, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. This “man strike” will wipe out the US population within a mere century. (With the young generation reproducing only a third of its number, over 4 generations, i.e. a third of a third of a third, of a third is about 1%, i.e. the US population is wiped out.)Anything you consider really, really important is less important than the above, because important things can only be important to people who are alive. The MGTOWs and masculists are indirectly, bringing death to the whole population, by refusing to create the next generation.This powerful argument I use as my “pitch” to the US/UK journalists when I email them to get them interested to write about MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that these ideas can reach the masses, the millions, the hundreds of millions. With MGTOW numbers growing exponentially, it is only a question of time before the political powers wake up to the fact that the population is getting wiped out. Governments spend billions a year on military defense with the aim of keeping the population alive, but these same governments are not even conscious of the social phenomenon lying under their noses that is quietly wiping out the population.By getting the journalists interested in the problem, the culture will be taught of the main MGTOW/masculist ideas and that in turn will impact on the politicians, who will eventually turn their attention away from how to create more profitable wars to stopping the population from crashing ever faster.I believe all this is only a question of time. Sooner or later the ball will really get rolling. (My guess is that in less than a year, the journalists will really start biting, and a few? years later the politicians will get into the act.)The current batch of gender politicians are genocidal criminals worthy of assassination, because indirectly, they are wiping out the population. It is they who created the divorce laws that are so toxic to men, that 70% of young US men refuse to marry and have kids, the source of the population crash problem.As the population crash problem enters main stream and then dominates the attention of the media and governments, I predict a NEW BATCH of gender politicians will come out of the woodwork, who will be responsible, and intelligent, asking themselves progressively such serious questions as “What is causing this population crash, that is SO threatening to the survival of the American population?” “Why are young men so antagonistic towards marriage and having kids?” “Why are the divorce courts so antagonistic towards males?” “How can the gynocentralization of society be blocked?” “What social engineering tactics can we politicians employ to get the birth rate back up?”I predict we will see this new batch of gender politicians posing such questions within 3 to 5 years. Here are some of the answers I think they will come up with, with a little help from the MGTOW/masculist movements, and their theorists.The real source of the problem are the fluffie feminists, who took over the divorce courts by persuading the old batch of gender politicians to create divorce laws in the 70s that were highly favorable to fluffies and treated men like exploitable vermin. These new gender male politicians may themselves have been dragged through the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and been financially massacred, so are primed to be open minded about MGTOW/masculist ideas.So the divorce laws need to be made menfair, i.e. fair and just towards males, who are also human beings and should be treated with respect. This the divorce courts do not do, and not surprisingly, men have gone on strike. They refuse to marry and have kids, because when about one married father in four is likely to be financially massacred (losing his kids, his house, paying child support to kids he barely sees, and alimony to his fluffie parasitic ex wife, with no legal obligation on her to become a FIP) young men consider these odds as totally unacceptable, and vote with their feet, i.e. in a direction away from women who want babies and marriage.So, these new gender politicians will push for the menfairing of the divorce courts. Then, all hell will break lose. The fluffies and the fluffie feminists will realize that they will be expected to behave as adults, to be financially responsible, to pay their own way, to get a FIP majored education, so that they can earn good money and be a FIP adult.This will be seen as a major threat to fluffies and they will fight it tooth and nail, the way the ancient romans fought against the slave rebel leader Spartacus, who threatened to remove slavery from the Roman empire’s lifestyle.Normally, these gender politicians would bow to the enormous political pressure coming from the fluffies in the same way they did in the 70s, but this time round, circumstances are different. Two new influences will push the new gender politicians in the opposite direction from what they took in the 70s.One, is the pressing, crushing, need to stop the population crash, so that the US does not get wiped out. In time, this consideration will dominate all other factors. The other influence will come from men. As MGTOW/masculism spreads and spreads, and men become intellectually armed with MGTOW/masculist ideas and rhetoric, they will find their political voice and threaten the gender politicians with a bloc male vote against them if they don’t menfair the gender laws.But the really pressing influence will be the first one, the crashing population. It will override any fluffie feminist pressure, so it is to be expected that some of the new batch of gender politicians will be real orators who will stand up to the fluffie feminists and harangue them with vitriol, claiming that thanks to them, the population is being wiped out, that women have got to become FIPs, or the US population will disappear, so the new batch of gender politicians will be strongly anti-fluffie. They will put enormous pressure on women to be FIPs. These new gender politicians?will “FIPpress the fluffies.”This will take? various forms. They will be influenced and advised by the theorists of the MGTOW and masculists movements, and this advice will be translated into new legislation. Hollywood will be pressured to make movies on the theme that all women should be FIPs, to be a fluffie is to be shunned as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. High school teachers will be strongly encouraged to persuade their students to study FIP majors (i.e. math and the sciences) so that when they go to university, they have the prerequisites to study one of the professions or one of the techs, so that they will be able to become FIPs as adults, and not be fluffies, looking around for some manslave to parasite on in their 30s when their biological clocks are ticking hard.The divorce laws will be reformed. The Parer (paternity rejection right) will be brought in. A systematic across the board review of how men are discriminated against in the courts and by law will be undertaken, and such legal discriminations will be removed, e.g. unequal punishments for identical crimes between the sexes, more research spent on breast cancer than for prostate cancer etc.A major social revolution is about to take place, namely that women will be expected by society, by men, by FIP women, by the schools, by parents, by the media etc to GROW UP, to become responsible adults, who pull their weight financially, and not parasite on a man. Manslaving fluffies will be treated for what they are – vermin, and be wiped out, not by killing them, but by being ostracized to extinction, to the point that no young woman dares express fluffie thoughts, even though deep down, she may love to have a manslave pay for her to have kids in a middle class house that he pays for, whom she can divorce a decade later and live in that house that is given to her by a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, and have her ex husband pay for her with child support and alimony, so that she doesn’t have to shift her fat lazy immoral parasitic arse at all.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Allying with Female FIPs to Pressure the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :?This flyer says that more FIP women are complaining about palimony laws that allow their fluffo (male equivalent of fluffie) ex boy-friends to rob them of their money. Masculists and FIP females thus have a common interest to get rid of unfair gender laws,?so should combine forces to pressure the gender politicians.THE NEW GENDER POLITICIANS WILL FIPpress THE FLUFFIESThe most important phenomenon of our times, that eclipses all other problems (even global warming, the threat of a nuclear war, overpopulation, pandemics, etc) is the fact that in western countries, particularly in the US, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. This “paternity rejection” will wipe out the US population within a mere century. (With the young generation reproducing only a third of its number, over 4 generations, i.e. a third of a third of a third, of a third is about 1%, i.e. the US population is wiped out.)Anything you consider really, really important is less important than the above, because important things can only be important to people who are alive. The MGTOWs and masculists are indirectly, bringing death to the whole population, by refusing to create the next generation.This powerful argument I use as my “pitch” to the US/UK journalists when I email them to get them interested to write about MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that these ideas can reach the masses, the millions, the hundreds of millions. With MGTOW numbers growing exponentially, it is only a question of time before the political powers wake up to the fact that the population is getting wiped out. Governments spend billions a year on military defense with the aim of keeping the population alive, but these same governments are not even conscious of the social phenomenon lying under their noses that is quietly wiping out the population.By getting the journalists interested in the problem, the culture will be taught of the main MGTOW/masculist ideas and that in turn will impact on the politicians, who will eventually turn their attention away from how to create more profitable wars to stopping the population from crashing ever faster.I believe all this is only a question of time. Sooner or later the ball will really get rolling. (My guess is that in less than a year, the journalists will really start biting, and a few? years later the politicians will get into the act.)The current batch of gender politicians are genocidal criminals worthy of assassination, because indirectly, they are wiping out the population. It is they who created the divorce laws that are so toxic to men, that 70% of young US men refuse to marry and have kids, the source of the population crash problem.As the population crash problem enters main stream and then dominates the attention of the media and governments, I predict a NEW BATCH of gender politicians will come out of the woodwork, who will be responsible, and intelligent, asking themselves progressively such serious questions as “What is causing this population crash, that is SO threatening to the survival of the American population?” “Why are young men so antagonistic towards marriage and having kids?” “Why are the divorce courts so antagonistic towards males?” “How can the gynocentralization of society be blocked?” “What social engineering tactics can we politicians employ to get the birth rate back up?”I predict we will see this new batch of gender politicians posing such questions within 3 to 5 years. Here are some of the answers I think they will come up with, with a little help from the MGTOW/masculist movements, and their theorists.The real source of the problem are the fluffie feminists, who took over the divorce courts by persuading the old batch of gender politicians to create divorce laws in the 70s that were highly favorable to fluffies and treated men like exploitable vermin. These new gender male politicians may themselves have been dragged through the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and been financially massacred, so are primed to be open minded about MGTOW/masculist ideas.So the divorce laws need to be made menfair, i.e. fair and just towards males, who are also human beings and should be treated with respect. This the divorce courts do not do, and not surprisingly, men have gone on strike. They refuse to marry and have kids, because when about one married father in four is likely to be financially massacred (losing his kids, his house, paying child support to kids he barely sees, and alimony to his fluffie parasitic ex wife, with no legal obligation on her to become a FIP) young men consider these odds as totally unacceptable, and vote with their feet, i.e. in a direction away from women who want babies and marriage.So, these new gender politicians will push for the menfairing of the divorce courts. Then, all hell will break lose. The fluffies and the fluffie feminists will realize that they will be expected to behave as adults, to be financially responsible, to pay their own way, to get a FIP majored education, so that they can earn good money and be a FIP adult.This will be seen as a major threat to fluffies and they will fight it tooth and nail, the way the ancient romans fought against the slave rebel leader Spartacus, who threatened to remove slavery from the Roman empire’s lifestyle.Normally, these gender politicians would bow to the enormous political pressure coming from the fluffies in the same way they did in the 70s, but this time round, circumstances are different. Two new influences will push the new gender politicians in the opposite direction from what they took in the 70s.One, is the pressing, crushing, need to stop the population crash, so that the US does not get wiped out. In time, this consideration will dominate all other factors. The other influence will come from men. As MGTOW/masculism spreads and spreads, and men become intellectually armed with MGTOW/masculist ideas and rhetoric, they will find their political voice and threaten the gender politicians with a bloc male vote against them if they don’t menfair the gender laws.But the really pressing influence will be the first one, the crashing population. It will override any fluffie feminist pressure, so it is to be expected that some of the new batch of gender politicians will be real orators who will stand up to the fluffie feminists and harangue them with vitriol, claiming that thanks to them, the population is being wiped out, that women have got to become FIPs, or the US population will disappear, so the new batch of gender politicians will be strongly anti-fluffie. They will put enormous pressure on women to be FIPs. These new gender politicians?will “FIPpress the fluffies.”This will take? various forms. They will be influenced and advised by the theorists of the MGTOW and masculists movements, and this advice will be translated into new legislation. Hollywood will be pressured to make movies on the theme that all women should be FIPs, to be a fluffie is to be shunned as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. High school teachers will be strongly encouraged to persuade their students to study FIP majors (i.e. math and the sciences) so that when they go to university, they have the prerequisites to study one of the professions or one of the techs, so that they will be able to become FIPs as adults, and not be fluffies, looking around for some manslave to parasite on in their 30s when their biological clocks are ticking hard.The divorce laws will be reformed. The Parer (paternity rejection right) will be brought in. A systematic across the board review of how men are discriminated against in the courts and by law will be undertaken, and such legal discriminations will be removed, e.g. unequal punishments for identical crimes between the sexes, more research spent on breast cancer than for prostate cancer etc.A major social revolution is about to take place, namely that women will be expected by society, by men, by FIP women, by the schools, by parents, by the media etc to GROW UP, to become responsible adults, who pull their weight financially, and not parasite on a man. Manslaving fluffies will be treated for what they are – vermin, and be wiped out, not by killing them, but by being ostracized to extinction, to the point that no young woman dares express fluffie thoughts, even though deep down, she may love to have a manslave pay for her to have kids in a middle class house that he pays for, whom she can divorce a decade later and live in that house that is given to her by a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, and have her ex husband pay for her with child support and alimony, so that she doesn’t have to shift her fat lazy immoral parasitic arse at all.Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ How Many Years Before the Western Gender Politicians Panic? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that the western gender politicians will be panicking over the MGTOW/masculist generated paternity strike within 5-10 years as their populations drop by up to 10% over that period. The threat of whole populations being wiped out due to the menunfair gender laws, will FORCE gender politicians to menfair them.HOW MANY YEARS BEFORE THE WESTERN GENDER POLITICIANS PANIC?It is only a question of time before the gender politicians in the western countries panic over the MGTOW/masculist paternity strike. With 70% of the young generation of men (under 35) in the US and Japan, refusing to marry and have kids, due largely to the toxicity of the divorce courts (that take his kids, his house, force him to pay child payments, and alimony to his fluffie ex-wife), then in a mere century, the US and Japanese populations are wiped out.With the younger generation reproducing only a third of their number, that means that in a mere century, that’s 4 generations, i.e. a third of a third of a third of a third is about 1%, i.e. the population has died out.So, given the inevitability of this (WHEN, not IF) how long will it take before the gender politicians are FORCED to react, and menfair the gender laws, so that men are more likely to have kids again?Do the math. In one generation, 25 years,? only a third of young people reproduce themselves. Assume an average life span in the west of?75 years. So if the current population is P, then a generation from now it will be (P/9 + P/3 +P/3) = (7/9)P, i.e. a reduction of about 20%. So, roughly a 10% drop in a mere decade.A 10% drop in population a decade from now will certainly attract attention, so I’m thinking that the gender politicians will be panicking well within a decade. They will be forced to panic. Why?Because they will be getting flak from all sides, from women, from men, from the media, from the sages (intellectuals), from think tanks, etc.Women will put ENORMOUS pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, because within a decade they will have been educated by the MGTOW/masculist movements and via them by the media, that the major reason for the marriage and paternity strike is the toxicity of the divorce courts, so to solve the problem of the “paternity strike” the divorce courts need to be made men fair, plus bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. Menfairing the gender laws, needs to be done systematically, across the board, so as to entice men to get back with women again.Women will be screaming to the gender politicians, that if they don’t menfair the gender laws, then they risk being assassinated. The whole survival of populations is at stake, so extreme situations require extreme measures. If the gender politicians don’t shift their arses on this issue, they will be killed.I suspect strongly, that the gender politicians will be highly reluctant to menfair the gender laws at first, because they have probably been heavily bribed by the Frankist Satanist Jewish banksters who rule us, not to. The ultimate goal of the Jewish banksters remember is to rule the world from Jerusalem and to wipe out the goy (Jewish word for non-Jews). That is their religion, and is spelt out in the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” that the planet has been following step by step for over a century. The US, Europe and Japan are all about to be collapsed by a Jewish bankster generated financial and economic crisis.The most effective way to wipe out huge numbers of goys is to persuade men not to desire paternity. A very simple way to do that is to bribe a handful of gender politicians to pass grossly menunfair divorce laws, making divorce, and hence marriage, so toxic, that we have the current situation where 70% of young Japanese and US men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. This is an extremely cost effective, and satanically brilliant move on the part of the Frankist Satanist Jewish banksters.So, the pressure on the gender politicians will have to be severe to get them to move.But it is possible, that the US, Europe and Japan will be destroyed before the gender politicians of those countries react.Obama was selected and groomed (as are all US presidents) by the Jewish banksters to sign a string of presidential executive orders to create a police state after the crash. Martial law will be declared and democratic rights, freedom of speech, internet freedom, all will be removed.Americans, with more guns than people, will then get caught up in a civil war to wipe out (to pogrom) these hated Frankist Satanist Jewish banksters who plan to wipe us out. This will all take time, so there may not be any menfairing of the gender laws for several decades, until the Jewish banksters have been cleared from the US, Europe, Japan, etc, the way Hitler did to Germany in the 30s, firing Jewish civil servants, to take back Germany from the Jewish elite who had effectively taken over Germany.Lets assume then, that the crash is not as severe as pictured above, and that democratic institutions (to the extent that today’s Frankist Satanist Jewish banksters allow them) remain fairly intact. Then pretty soon, the journalists will become conscious that the population is really starting to fall. They will report on it, and use the ideas of the MGTOWs/masculists to explain to the general population why men are refusing paternity. These journalists will then educate people to put moral pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.MGTOWs/masculists will continue to grow in? numbers. By 2018, the main MGTOW/masculist ideas will have reached saturation, i.e. nearly everyone is familiar with them. So MGTOWs/masculists need to beef up their education of the public as to what the main reasons are for men refusing paternity. Our major task for the next few years is to educate the public why we refuse marriage and being fathers.MGTOW/masculism needs to get more political. Men’s lib groups need to be set up in every high school and every campus. “The word” needs to get out. Its only a question of time – less than a decade given the numbers above, before everyone wakes up to the population crash. This awareness has to happen.So I will take a bet with myself. The gender politicians in the west, will be talking about the paternity strike within 5-10 years. In Japan, there are already gender politicians talking about the Japanese paternity strike, and the dwindling Japanese population. There is even a “Minister of Population” to address the problem, who has done a very poor job, by pushing men to be more traditional, like their salaryman fathers, a lifestyle that the young Japanese men utterly reject, i.e. working 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times, handing over their salaries to their utterly fluffie parasitic wives who play tennis while they overwork.The Japs are not a creative people (with an average creativity score that is a standard deviation and a half below comparable cultures, according to Prof. Lynn). So the Japanese gender politicians will need to be taught western MGTOW/masculist ideas?to find solutions to the paternity strike. They will have to menfair the gender laws, push all women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) and to push parents to socialize daughters to be as much career competent as their sons. Young men all over the world increasingly REFUSE to be manslaves to fluffie female parasites?(traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man.)To solve the paternity strike problem one needs to tackle it at its roots, i.e. the traditional gender roles. The solution is given by the masculists, i.e. women need to become FIPs, the gender laws need to be made menfair. If that doesn’t happen, whole populations will be wiped out.5-10 years from now, the whole gender law intellectual climate will be radically different from what it is today, i.e. almost non existent. Most people aren’t even conscious of the problem.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Menfairing Manifesto for Japan (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is indirectly addressed to the Japanese minister for population and gender equality, suggesting measures to persuade men to stop rejecting paternity that has already caused Japan’s population to decline. The two main measures are the push to make Japanese women FIPs and to menfair the gender laws. Then Japanese men will be more inclined to be fathers.MENFAIRING MANIFESTO FOR JAPANWhy Japan? Because Japan has been the most affected by the MGTOW/masculists’ strongest argument to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws or the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipe out whole populations by continuing to reject paternity, thus crashing the birth rate.Japan is about a decade ahead of the US in terms of its young men rejecting the traditional manslave role to pay for women. I lived in Japan for 8 years in the 90s and remember how dispirited the salarymen were coming home late after work, with their 11 hour days, 3 hour average commute times, handing over their paychecks to their tennis playing fluffie housewives, getting no sex from them, being strangers to their kids, because they get home too late. I used to think, what a shitty existence! Why do these Jap males tolerate such a half-life?! I left Japan early in 2000. Since then, the younger Japanese generation of men have rebelled. They reject the traditional manslave salaryman role, and refuse to work for women. They reject the salary man role of being a wage slave, stuck in the same company for life, unable to get out of it. They often refuse to date or sex women, preferring to amuse themselves with their video games, etc.A decade ago, about a third of young Japanese men under 35 were rejecting paternity. Now, it’s more like 70%, similar to the US figure. The US is catching up to the situation in Japan, but started about a decade later. Because Japan has been facing the herbivore men situation (i.e. the Japanese equivalent of MGTOW/masculism) for a lot longer, more Japanese politicians are now aware that these young Japanese men have the power to wipe Japan off the map, due to Japan’s crashing birth rate, which is now only 1.4 children per women, compared to the replacement rate of 2.1Japanese demographers have calculated that in a few decades, once the Japanese baby boomers have died off, the Japanese population will have fallen by a third taking it to about 80 million. Today’s Japan is already falling. At its peak it was 128 million, and has fallen by a million in just a few years, to 127 million. If the current trend continues, then in a mere century (do the math) there will be no more Japan. A similar logic holds for the US and comparable countries.Recently, the Japanese government appointed a “Minister of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate, and Minister of State for Gender Equality”, whose name is Haruko ARIMURA (). He took a traditionalist approach (not surprisingly for a Japanese, a people not known for their creativity, scoring on average a standard deviation and a half below comparably developed countries on creativity tests (says Prof. Lynn, the Irish psychometrician)) by trying to shame young Japanese men to “Man up! Face your paternal responsibilities!” Young Japanese men ignored him, because his message utterly missed the point. He failed to get to the heart of the problem, which is young Japanese men utterly rejecting the manslave salaryman role. To persuade young men to be fathers again, there will have to be some major social restructuring in Japan, which is what this flyer is about.ARIMURA san, the Japanese “Minister of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate, and Minister of State for Gender Equality” will need to push for TWO major reforms in Japan, namely – a) forcing Japanese women to share the burden of earning the living, by becoming FIPs, so that Japanese men can work a lot less hard and enjoy their kids, AND b) menfairing the gender laws, so that men do not feel they are being targeted negatively by society, and hence will be more willing to marry and have kids.These two major reforms can be broken down into less major components. Forcing women to become FIPs (financially independent persons) will imply a revolution is education for women. Most women feel today that they can afford to be mentally lazy, because they think they can always parasite off a manslave when they are in their 30s and wanting to have kids, and live in a middle class apartment that the manslave husband pays for. This is especially true in ultra conservative Japan, where gender roles are about half a century behind the west.But even in the US, more than 80% of young women, 16 years old in high school, as in Japan, choose to be “fluffie crappers” (i.e. studying fluffie crap, i.e. the soft option, i.e. non math, non sciences) so that they will be forced to study fluffie crap at university, and hence not be able to earn a good salary, the way they would have if they had been career competent and studied math and sciences at high school. These fluffie crappers then look for some manslave to parasite upon in their 30s, because they can’t afford to pay for their own middle class apartment. These fluffie crappers choose to be parasites at age 16, where most of the fluffie crapper damage is done.The minister needs to promote a publicity campaign to persuade women to become FIPs, shaming them if they don’t, and threatening them with being babyless if they are not FIPs, because young men refuse to be manslave salarymen any more. He can use masculist slogans such as “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” “Fluffies rot on the shelf!” “Fluffie crappers will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and socially rejected!”Teachers and parents need to be targeted in this government sponsored publicity campaign to encourage, push, threaten, and frighten young women to become FIPs. Strong moral pressure needs to be put on them. Journalists and media people need to be targeted, to help spread the message. It can be done. Look what Stalin did to Russian women in the soviet era. Russia churned out huge numbers of female engineers, and scientists, etc. Women are only a few IQ points dumber than men on average, so are quite capable of studying the hard option, i.e. math and the sciences at high school, so as to become FIPs as adults. Calculus and a science should be made compulsory at 12th?grade high school.Teachers, need to push young women to aim to be FIPs and frighten them that they will be babyless unless they push themselves to become career competent at high school, where the real fluffie crapper problem starts. By the time Japanese women go to university, most of the damage has already been done because the STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) departments at university reject fluffie crappers from entering their majors.Parents should pressure their daughters from an early age, that women have a moral responsibility to become FIPs, or men will reject them, seeing them as immoral parasitic manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.The minister can push for the interviewing of prominent Japanese herbivore men on broadcast national media to explain to Japanese society, why the herbivores are going on strike against marriage and paternity. Japanese society needs to be taught what the problem is, so that millions of Japanese understand what needs to be done. Without understanding the problem, nothing will get fixed.The other major reform that the minister needs to bring in, is the menfairing of the gender laws. ARIMURA san is not just minister of population, but also minister of gender equality. He needs to bring in many equalities for men, especially in the divorce courts. Alimony should be thrown out. Custody of kids should go automatically to both parents. Parents should be encouraged to buy a cheap apartment near the main apartment, and alternate in both, with one parent staying with the kids in one apartment, while the other parent stays in the nearby cheap apartment, and the following week, they swap places.Another major piece of legal reform that is needed is to bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right) so that men have the same right as women to reject an unwanted pregnancy. Women have had the Marer (maternity rejection right) in many countries since the 70s. Japan has had it since 1948, to abort babies born of black American soldier fathers during the US occupation of Japan after WW2. Mulatto babies were shipped off to the Japanese settlements in South America.The lack of a Parer, whereby a man whose girlfriend gets “accidentally” pregnant (on purpose) by “forgetting” to take the pill, can have his life ruined by being forced to pay for a kid that he never wanted in the first place. The existence of a Marer, and the nonexistence of a Parer (anywhere in the world) is a blatant sexually discrimination against men, and makes the masculists extremely angry, angry enough to threaten their countries with extinction, by rejecting paternity, to the point that their populations get wiped out within a century.A Parer in practice would take the form of an “unwanting” father to be, being able to sign a legal form rejecting paternity, so that if the mother goes ahead with the pregnancy, then she is legally obliged to pay the full costs of the kid, until it grows up.There are many other legal discriminations against men, e.g. differences in retirement ages, more money spent on female cancers, than male cancers. The pro-female bias in the media needs to be neutralized. In the army, men do combat, but not women. Men have shorter average life expectancies than women by about 6 years, a lot of which is due to differences in gender roles, not biology. Men get heavier penalties than women for identical crimes, etc. The minister needs to menfair the gender laws across the board, systematically, thoroughly.When men feel they are being treated fairly by the government and society, then they will be more likely to be fathers. They will not risk being financially massacred by the current fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, so will look upon fatherhood with much less risk. Since nearly all women will be FIPs, the Parer becomes much more practical.On the other hand, if the minister and his successors do not turn women into FIPs and do not menfair the gender laws, then the herbivore men in Japan will keep doing what they are doing, i.e. nothing, as far as women are concerned, avoiding them, and not sexing them, so that the birth rate remains very low, thus continuing to wipe out the Japanese population.If the Japanese gender politicians do not FIPify women, and do not menfair the gender laws, then they will risk being assassinated by people taking the law into their own hands, reasoning that desperate times (i.e. with the Japanese population crashing badly) require desperate measures. These future assassins, of both sexes (men who want gender justice, and women who want men to give them babies) will see the gender politicians as genocidal criminals, and remove them violently.Flyers like this one, need to be sent to the gender politicians of all countries, so that their populations do not crash out of existence. There is a lot at stake here. Either the gender politicians give men what they want (i.e. making women become FIPs, and menfairing the gender laws) or the herbivore men will continue to wipe out the population by continuing to reject paternity. The ball is in the gender politicians’ court.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ MGTOW, Masculism, Baby Farms, and Eugenics (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses what governments can do in those modern countries whose populations are dropping due to the influence of MGTOW/masculist ideas on motiving men to reject marriage, paternity, and spending their money on themselves. One idea is the baby farm, where governments give women subsidies to have babies via artificial insemination from quality male donors, thus having a eugenic effect on their populations.MGTOW/Masculism, BABY Farms and EugenicsA revolution is underway, in the form of rejection of paternity in a string of major countries. For example, in the US, Japan, and Germany, two thirds of young men under 35 have chosen the MGTOW life style, i.e. they refuse to marry, they refuse to have kids, and they spend their money on themselves. This is the essence of the MGTOW (men going their own way) philosophy. They do this primarily because they are fed up with being financially massacred in the fluffy feminist dominated divorce courts. Fluffie feminists are fluffies when it comes to their expectations of men, which since they know nothing of masculist (men’s lib) ideas, they have, by default, traditional female values, i.e. they think that men are put on this earth to pay for women to have babies. The MGTOWs and masculists are killing off this expectation, saying to women – “Hey femalien, if you want to have a kid, you will have to pay for it yourself, because we men are so angry at the hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists and their control of the divorce courts, which financially massacre roughly one married father in four, having no guilt feelings at having destroyed tens of millions of men’s lives.”Divorced fathers typically lose their kids (with 90% probability), they lose their house, which goes to the fluffie ex-wife, for her to raise HER kids in it, they will pay child support to kids they are barely allowed legally to see, and often forced to pay alimony to fluffie ex-wives, with no moral or legal obligation on them to get off their fat fluffie arses and become FIPs (financially independent persons), so they continue to parasite off the money and labor of the ex-husband after the divorce, the way they did before the divorce.These fluffie parasites are hated by the masculists. The primary political goal of the masculists (who are a lot more political and in your face with women than the politically passive MGTOWs, who just quietly walk away from marriage and paternity) is to wipe out manslavery, by wiping out the fluffies, by simply ignoring them to death, i.e. by having nothing to do with them (MGTOW style) so that they rot on the shelf to extinction.Fast forward now a few decades, and imagine that governments have become fully conscious that their populations are falling due to the paternity rejection. Women are scared shitless that they will not have a kid, because too few men are prepared to risk being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts (in all their hypocrisy of pushing for equal women’s rights, but rejecting equal women’s obligations, i.e. the moral duty to stop being fluffie crappers, studying fluffie crap at high school, and hence more fluffie crap at college, so that by the time these fluffies feel their biological clocks ticking, they will realize they cannot afford a middle class house, with their crappy fluffie salaries, so they look around for some man slave to parasite upon, who will pay for her to have HER kids in HIS paid for house. All women need to be socialized by parents and teachers to be FIPs, or be punished, by not getting a man to pay any interest in them.Masculists spit at fluffies and fluffie feminists, as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, and that is what is beginning to happen. The populations of the major countries are starting to fall. Men are rejecting the traditional man slave role of being parasited upon by a bloody fluffie, and are taking up new life styles, such as saving and investing hard in their first halver years, and retiring to do what they love, in their second halver years, and not being exploited by a fluffie parasite.Now, what will governments do when nearly all men in the modern countries reject fluffies, reject marriage, reject paternity, and go their own way, spending their money on themselves. What can governments do to stop their populations from dying out?They can create “baby farms” i.e. a system in which women who want kids can “marry the government.” The government gives them money so that they can more afford to have kids, and be given artificial insemination from quality male sperm, hence the eugenic aspect of baby farming. The government can keep increasing the baby subsidy so that women reason, that with the little money they earn themselves plus government money, they can afford to have a kid and pay for a nanny. The government will have to set up extensive crèches and child minder centers, so that single mothers, who will be the majority, until the gender laws (particularly regarding divorce, and the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right)) are made men-fair by the gender politicians.Sperm donors will need to be given the legal right not to face any form of paternity suit from mothers who took their sperm. Otherwise no man will donate.Those eugenicists in the government will now have a wonderful opportunity to practice their philosophy, by choosing sperm donors who have little or no genetic defects, who are quite a bit smarter than people of average IQ. Dumb people, research shows, are much more likely to become alcoholics, commit crimes, have abortions, get pregnant as teenagers, go on welfare, etc, so that many of society’s problems could be lessened by raising the average IQ of a country, by having eugenic “baby farms.”Who will pay for all this? Both sexes. MGTOWs/masculists will continue putting enormous moral pressure on fluffies to “FIP up” or rot on the shelf. The best that women who do not use the baby farm, can do, is to twaytwef, i.e. have a 2A2F (2 apartments, 2 FIPs) relationship with a man, where both have their own apartment and both are FIPs. The man will refuse to have kids, so when the relationship fails, he walks away to his apartment, cost free to him.With most women now FIPs, they will be paying higher taxes, so governments can afford the baby subsidies. Of course, men will continue to pay taxes. If the governments are stupid enough to force men to pay excessive “bachelor taxes” then these MGTOWs/masculists will simply walk, i.e. walk right out of the country, which is not difficult for a single man.Baby farms are just an interim step. What is really needed is to make the gender laws men-fair, e.g. divorce needs to be stripped of its toxicity for males, by throwing out the fluffie feminists from the divorce courts and replacing the current divorce laws with all their heavy bias in favor of fluffie ex-wives, with gender neutral laws, e.g. throwing out alimony, giving joint custody of the kids by default, putting real pressure on fluffie mothers to FIP up, or face the indignant wrath of society against their parasitism, bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right) so that a man has the right not to pay for an unwanted kid, so that if the mother goes ahead with the pregnancy, the financial costs of the kid are entirely hers, by law.)With a eugenic baby farm system, the average IQ of populations could be raised by 50 points, utterly revolutionizing societies. Crime would go right down, people would be happier, better psychologically adjusted, people would be richer, travel more, be much better educated etc. There would be multiple benefits across the board.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@yahoo,com Forcing Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains how masculists can force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. If they don’t, then the masculists, and MGTOWs, will continue to reject paternity, and hence wipe out whole populations.IF THE GENDER POLITICIANS DON’T GIVE THE MASCULISTS WHAT THEY WANT, THE MASCULISTS WILL WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS BY CRASHING THE BIRTH RATEA quiet revolution has been taking place over the past decade or so. In Japan today, a third of young men under 30 refuse to have relationships with women, causing a catastrophic decline in the Japanese birth rate, which is now at 1.3 children per woman. The replacement birth rate is 2.1 which means that if this 1.3 rate continues for a century, Japan’s population will fall to about a sixth of what it currently is, i.e. a decline from roughly 120 million to 20 million (1.3/2.1 = 0.62, i.e. each generation is only reproducing about 60% of itself, so after 4 generations, the population will be about 0.62 to the 4th power = 0.15, i.e. 15%.) After 8 generations, the Japanese population would be 2% of its current figure, i.e. effectively wiped out, so that the Chinese could colonize Japan easily. A similar story is also happening in the US, where 70% of young men under 35 are refusing to marry and have kids. A similar calculation would show that, except for US immigration, the US white population would also be wiped out in a shorter period than in Japan. What is causing this calamity? In a phrase, the “fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.” I need to explain a bit. A fluffie is a masculist term for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money. Most feminists are in fact fluffie feminists, who have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness raised for the simple reason that they know nothing about what the masculists want. Feminism in its modern form has been around for nearly half a century, so has expanded into the general population, which means that the gender politicians and divorce court judges and lawyers are mostly fluffie feminists, who thus have traditional non-masculist attitudes towards men, treating men as exploitable check books to be abused. The injustices committed against men over the past few decades in the divorce courts have been so horrific, and extensive, namely against tens of millions of US men, that the idea has grown up with the younger generation of US men, that traditional marriage is “toxic.” These young men have seen with their own eyes what the divorce courts have done to their older male friends, and especially to their fathers. Typically, a divorcing man will lose his house, his kids (who with 90% probability will be given to his ex-wife, as sole custodian), he will have to pay child support for up to two decades, and if his ex-wife is a career incompetent fluffie, he may also have to pay her alimony, perhaps for the rest of her parasitic life, with no legal or moral obligation on the fluffie ex-wife to get off her bum and become a FIP by getting an education and having a career. Half of today’s women on campus are studying economically useless, career incompetent, topics that will then cause them to look for “robot male” husbands to parasite upon (when they are in their 30s with their biological clock ticking hard) who can give them a middle class house and lifestyle that they, with their career incompetence, are incapable of providing for themselves. The emotional trauma felt by these divorcing men is so great that their suicide rate screams up to about 100 times the usual rate. These men have lost their wives (women initiate 70% of (no fault) divorces) their kids, their homes, and are made paupers by the fluffie feminist attitudes of the divorce courts, so it is not surprising that men in their millions are voting with their feet and refusing to marry. The attitude of these young US males, is “Why play Russian divorce roulette when there are only two chambers in the barrel?” i.e. why enter into an institution (i.e. marriage) when the odds are nearly 50/50 that the man will be financially massacred. Men are not fools, so during the coming years necessary for the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts to be purged, they refuse to marry. The masculists are men’s libbers, who do for men, what feminists do for women, i.e. they aim to liberate men from those institutions and attitudes that oppress men. The divorce court system, is one obvious example, of something that is screaming out to be reformed, but nothing happens, because the gender politicians who make the laws are afraid of the power of the women’s lobby. For example, there have been states in the US, which started to implement automatic (default) joint custody of children after a divorce. The fluffie feminists (with emphasis on the word fluffie) then went on the war path against the politicians who made the proposal of joint custody, to the point that they lost the next election and were eliminated from power. Since then, nearly all gender politicians have not dared to counter the wishes of the feminist lobby, even though the legislation desired by the feminists has such catastrophic effects on men. The gender politicians simply haven’t cared about the interests of men up to now, but that is all about to change. Feminism has changed over the past half century. It used to be about equal rights for women (i.e. 2nd wave feminism - the 1st wave being the push for votes for women early in the 20th century), e.g. equal pay for equal work, the right to an abortion, equal rights to employment, etc. Most liberal males agreed with this and did not oppose it. However, feminism has spread from the sages (intellectuals) to the peakers (the masses) so that most feminists today are non-sages, and hence a lot less intelligent than the sages and a lot more irrational and uncaring about the wellbeing of males. These average women who are feminists are quite happy to see their ex-husbands be forced by law to hand over his house to them, have him pay her alimony and child support, so that she can remain being a career incompetent fluffie. She is very happy with this. But the men are not, and they are not remaining passive, or at least not entirely so. They are angry and recently have formed a variant of the masculist movement called MGTOW (men going their own way) which consists of millions of men who refuse to marry, and certainly refuse to have kids, spending their money on themselves and avoiding fluffie feminists like the plague. The essential difference between the masculists and the MGTOWs is that the latter are apolitical, they do not organize political events nor apply political pressure on gender politicians to get the laws changed that are so egregiously unfair to men. MGTOWs simply drop out of the marriage market. They quietly refuse to marry and have kids. They often decide to work less, since they need to earn less money to cover their own modest life styles, and hence have a lot more free time to pursue their own dreams and interests. Many MGTOWs are so disgusted by the “entitlement” mentality of young women (i.e. they feel they are entitled simply because they are young women at the peak of their sexual attractiveness) that these young MGTOWs refuse even to have sex with such women. They totally ignore them, as do the herbivore men in Japan. Many MGTOWs feel much freer than the average “robot male” (a masculist term for a traditional male who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife) who gets trapped into paying for a fluffie wife who will live off his money both before and after the divorce. To the masculists, a fluffie enslaves a robot male, so it is not surprising that masculists advise men strongly to prefer having relationships with FIPs (a masculist term for the type of woman that masculists want all women to be, i.e. financially independent persons) rather than fluffies. To force fluffies to become FIPs, masculists refuse to have relationships with them, so that if a fluffie wants to eat, she will have to become a FIP. A fluffie can only become a fluffie by getting her financial claws into a robot male, but the supply of robot males (or “good men” as the fluffie feminists label them, i.e. passive, exploitable, gullible men) is drying up, so together with the MGTOWs, millions of young women now are going manless, childless, and hence are becoming utterly miserable, since the number one biological imperative of women, is to raise the next generation. In Japan, the third of young women who are manless are referred to as “dry fish ladies” an allusion to the dryness of their vaginas. There is some heated discussion between the masculists and the MGTOWs over the most desirable strategy the men’s movement should take to alleviate men’s suffering. The MGTOWs are politically passive, political pygmies, yet indirectly, they will have a major political impact on society, if there are many more millions of them. The masculists on the other hand, need to become a LOT more politically aggressive, learning a lesson from what the feminists have done. The masculists need a manifesto to help guide them in their implementation of the following political/social agenda. MASCULIST MANIFESTO 1. Masculist Ideology Masculists need to spread their ideology, especially using the internet, YouTube, and the conventional mass media, so that masculist ideas are widely spread throughout society. 2. Enormous Moral Pressure against Fluffies Masculists need to put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs otherwise they will not get a man. This message needs to be taught in the media and in schools, so that girls grow up with the expectation that they are to be as career conscious as boys. Women are to pull their weight financially or they will be punished by being left manless, and hence childless. Masculists need to label fluffies in the media as parasites, immoral, slavers of men, vermin, and to be wiped out by men refusing to have relationships with them. 3. “Men-Fair” Divorce Court Reform The masculists need to reform the anti-male gender laws, of which there are many, e.g. the divorce courts need to be made “men fair” e.g. custody of children needs to be given by default to both parents (joint custody) with the ownership of the house remaining with the original owner(s). The two parents can live in a big city and both have jobs locally, so that for a week or a month, one parent could have the kids, while the other lives in a small nearby apartment or rented room. With both parents being FIPs, this is doable, and the man gets to keep his house, he pays no alimony and gets half the custody of the kids.4. PARER Another major discrimination against men, is the lack of a PARER (paternity rejection right). Women have had a MARER since the 70s thanks to feminist political pressure. The Marer is usually called the abortion right, but men have no such right and are routinely forced to pay paternity money to kids they never wanted in the first place, thus having their lives ruined. The masculists want a man to be given the right to say that he doesn’t want the kid in the case of a pregnancy that he does not agree with. If the woman goes ahead and has the child, it is her sole financial responsibility. 5. Lobbying of Gender Politicians Masculists need to lobby the gender politicians far more aggressively than they have done so far. For example, if the male governor of a US state refuses to pass "men fair” legislation, due to his fear of the feminist reaction, then the masculists could use French “direct action” techniques which the French farmers have developed to a fine art, which are extremely effective, e.g. the masculists could dump a truck load of cow shit at the entrance of the governor’s office, then call the national media to explain why, using the event to abuse the governor on the national media as a “male feminist” “a traitor to his own sex” since he refuses to listen to what the masculists want. The publicity would be so effective that the governor is then tainted as “man unfriendly” in his state and loses the next election. This would send a message to other state governors that they need to listen to the masculists equally with the feminists, and to try to diffuse the sex war.6. Other Legal Discriminations Against Men There are many other legal discriminations against men, that need to go, e.g. differences in retirement ages; conscription for men but not for women; only men involved in military combat, but not for women, giving men the message that men are disposable, and women are precious; penalties and conviction rates for identical crimes for men and women should be made the same; levels of research funding into men’s diseases e.g. prostate cancer, should be made much the same as for breast cancer; parliaments should have both men’s and women’s gender issues committees; universities should have government supported men’s studies programs, etc. There are many such legal discriminations against men. 7. Birth Rate Crash Ace Card The masculists and the MGTOWs combined can play their ace card in giving a dire warning to the gender politicians, and to the media, that unless the grievances of the masculists and the MGTOWs are met, then the following slogan becomes true (i.e. the title of this essay) “If the gender politicians don’t give the masculists what they want (i.e. the above list) then the masculists (and the MGTOWs) will wipe out whole populations by causing a crash in the birth rate.” This reality, that is already causing Japanese politicians to tear their hair out, will only become more apparent as time passes. Gender politicians in Japan are totally missing the point, when in their traditional, conservative, unimaginative culture, are telling young men to “man up, ” “become carnivores” (i.e. traditional robot males) rather than “herbivores” (grass eaters, as they are known in Japan). Japanese young men look at their fathers who work 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times, who get home so late they orphan their kids, who hand over their pay checks to their fluffie wives who play cards and tennis with their fluffie friends. These young men are so appalled at the life styles of their fathers they want nothing to do with them. They also want nothing to do with parasitic traditional fluffie females whom they let rot on the shelf (the “dry fish ladies.”) Masculists recognize that even if they do nothing and simply react as MGTOWs themselves, then eventually they will force the hand of the gender politicians and society in general to give the masculists what they want – either that, or the whole population dies out, so sooner or later, the masculists/MGTOWs will win. Fluffies have no power if men refuse to pay for them. Men have the power to wipe out fluffies by refusing to have relationships with them, and by applying enormous moral pressure against them. Any young woman who gets the label “fluffie” in her social circle will be given the “kiss of death” in terms of getting a man. She will be severely punished, because she will be manless, loveless, sexless, and especially childless and shunned from society – “Oh, that woman deserves to keep rotting on the shelf, she’s a fluffie!” Young women in the west are really starting to take an interest in the MGTOW movement because there are so many MGTOWs, millions of them, across North America. There are more MGTOWs than masculists, since it is much easier to be a MGTOW than a masculist. It takes a masculist more energy to organize political actions and create social pressure on fluffies than it takes to simply walk out passively on marriage MGTOW style. So many men now are going MGTOW that women will soon be turning their attention towards the main source of the MGTOW problem, namely the fluffie feminist divorce courts. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if radical fluffie feminists start assassinating divorce court judges and lawyers, reasoning that it is these judges and lawyers who are the ultimate cause of their manlessness and their childless misery. Feminism itself will become increasingly unpopular with women, as they see that the fluffie feminists are the FIRST category of women to be rejected by the masculists and the MGTOWs. The current “third wave” feminism is more about creating a gynocracy than about equal rights, which was the focus of the 2nd wave. 3rd wave (gynocratic) feminism will have a short life, since it has been very short sighted regarding men’s interests. Fluffie feminists are very unwise to think that men will not react against their gynocratic attitudes. Men are voting with their feet in refusing to have relationships with fluffie feminists, and especially fluffies. Given the growing war between the sexes, with tens of millions of men in the US being financially slaughtered in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and the rejection of fluffies by millions of MGTOWs, it is likely only a question of a few years before gender politicians start being assassinated by the “sex war warriors” (of both sexes) and the public tide against fluffie feminism turns as society wakes up that the birth rate is plummeting. Soon the alarm bells will start ringing in parliaments around the world, and men’s issues will finally start being seriously addressed, and about time.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@yahoo,com Masculist Critiques of Feminist Princesses1.10/37 Countering Feminist Attitudes With Masculist Attitudes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes how young feminist-influenced princesses in the western countries can have their arrogance pricked by confrontation with MGTOWs/masculists.COUNTERING FEMINIST ATTITUDESWITH MASCULIST ATTITUDESMany young western women today are arrogant princesses. They have imbibed feminist attitudes, feeling they have the right to dump on men without repercussions, and expect men to fall at their feet hoping to get a piece of their vagina once in a while.Today’s young women have become so obnoxious that they are not just shooting themselves in the foot, they are shooting off their legs.There has been such a massive male backlash that it is only a question of time before these young princesses wake up to the fact that men are only using them for sex, but refuse to marry them and refuse to have kids with them.The lesson that these princesses need to learn, may take some time penetrating their gynocentric minds because in their 20s they feel they have time to screw around with many men the way men have traditionally done with women. It is only in their 30s when their biological clocks start winding down, that they start feeling alarmed that they had better start looking around for some robot male who is prepared to pay the bills so she can live in a middle class house that he bought, so she can concentrate of having some kids.I wonder what percentage of these 20 something princesses are aware that in the US 70% of young men under 35 REFUSE TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS. That should scare them, that they will NOT FIND A ROBOT MALE TO PAY HER BILLS. She will have to do that herself. Since the majority of these princesses have studied “fluffie crap” at high school and university, they are incapable of earning a good salary, so on their own, they will be poor, and if they want a kid, and have to pay for it herself, she will be even poorer.These feminist influenced princesses need to have their arrogant feminist bubble pricked by masculist/MGTOW ideas, which tell her clearly, that if she is a fluffie and expects men to pay for her, then she is in for?a rude awakening. She will discover the hard way, that there are no robot males left (within a decade probably, given that only 30% of young men today are robot males.)As MGTOW/masculism spreads and spreads, sooner or later, she will be confronted by these ideas. If she is a high school princess, then maybe that initial exposure might take the form of a confrontation with a male peer whom she really likes who rejects a serious relationship with her on the grounds that she is studying fluffie crap (i.e. non math, non sciences) which will make her a fluffie parasite in her 30s, and he doesn’t want to become a manslave to some “bloody fluffie parasite.”If she’s a 20+ princess, then she may become conscious of a sexual pattern in her life that her male sexual partners don’t take her seriously as a potential girlfriend, because “You have the mentality of a fluffie – you expect me to pay, you don’t take responsibility for your own life, you are career incompetent, and will look around for a male robot in your 30s to parasite upon. You are nice to fuck, but that’s all. You are not fit for a MGTOW or masculist to have a serious relationship with, because you are a fluffie, and MGTOWs/masculists piss on fluffies.”If she’s in her 30s or 40s, divorced, with kids, and a fluffie, desperately looking for a robot male to parasite on, then her attitudes should be a real red flag to men. These men should look coldly at such women and tell them “You are now paying the price for being career incompetent fluffies. You expected to be able to parasite off a man, but now the supply of such robot males has dried up. Men have had their MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised, and are wise to women’s sexual bribes for male money. MGTOWs/masculists now expect women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) and if they’re not, then they are punished by being ignored. Such women are now seen my men as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin and are avoided like the plague. You only have yourself to blame, so if you want to get a man, then become a FIP, pull your weight, become a responsible adult and stop trying to parasite off a man, like a dependent child. Grow up!”As more and more men have their MGTOW/consciousness raised, this kind of confrontation between feminist influenced princesses and men will become more common place. These MGTOW/masculist ideas will prick the arrogant princess attitudes of these young women, and force them to be more humble. If they don’t adapt to the new MGTOW/masculist presence, then they will pay a heavy price. They will not get a man, and?they certainly wont get kids, and they will be treated only as pump and dumpable “cunts on legs.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Inferiorizing High School Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer provides arguments and facts to high school boys to prick the insufferable arrogance of high school feminists, to inferiorize them and bring some reality to their feminist minds.INFERIORIZING HIGH SCHOOL FEMALESThis flyer suggests how high school boys can use masculist/MGTOW arguments to prick the irrational arrogance of high school feminists (and the equivalent situation at university level).Young western women today are becoming insufferably arrogant. They watch Hollywood movies, and broadcast TV, and see women pissing on men, playing the dominant role in adventure/action shows, etc. They have absorbed the feminist message that women can do anything they want, and have the best of both worlds, i.e. they can assert themselves in the outside world in a career, as well as having some man-slave pay for them to live in a middle class house to raise her kids in, and a decade later when she gets bored with him, she knows she can financially massacre him in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, taking his kids, his house, his child support money, and if she’s a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) alimony as well.This flyer gives MGTOW/masculist arguments and facts?to men who are fed to the teeth with such young feminist arrogance, that they can hurl back at?young feminazis to prick their arrogance and to inferiorize these women, making them conscious that men are the superior sex, because that is what science shows.Imagine a conversation between a young feminazi and a MGTOW/masculist.F: “You men are such idiots, you just don’t get it!”M: “Go fuck yourself, you feminazi bitch, you’re talking to a MGTOW/masculist. I don’t have much patience with feminazi PC isscienate fairy bullshit. Men are the superior sex if you’re at all interested in facts, and not just some fairified crap that makes you feel good. Feminism is like a religion in that sense. It makes you feel strong and confident, but the reality is different.In reality, you women are outperformed by men across the board. Men have an average IQ that is 3-4 points higher than women. Men have an IQ variance that is 10% higher than women’s. (Variance is a measure of how spread out the IQ Bell curve is). This means that the morons and the genii are males, so its not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes.You hear that you stupid female. Its women who are the idiots compared to the smartest males.Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more persistent in finishing difficult tasks, so its not surprising that men dominate the Who’s Who entries. Men invent almost everything, create everything, occupy 95% of national presidencies, prime ministerships, 98% of the Fortune 500 CEOships, etc.As a female you probably don’t care about such arguments. and that inability to really listen to factual, logical arguments only increases the contempt level of smart knowledgeable males like myself for vapid, ignorant, stupid, feminazis, who don’t give a shit about science or the reality of the world.You feminazis live in a fairyland, believing what you want to believe, without evidence. You’re like religionists that way, and I have no patience with religionists. They’re as bad as you feminazis, for similar reasons. Both live in a PC (feel good) mental world, that pisses me off greatly, because of its PCness.I hate PC (political correctness). The scientist in me loathes its intellectual dishonesty. I’m PR (politically realist). I try to base my opinions on scientific evidence, i.e. reality as shown by science. For example, I make statements like “Blacks are the dumbest people in the world.” “Jews are the most hated people in history.” “The genii are males.” etc. I make such statements because they are true, as shown by the evidence, so when I come across an isscienate fairy feminist, I see red, and don’t take her seriously, looking down on her as an inferior being, with a childlike mind, incapable of bothering or even being interested in what is REALLY the case. I’m a scientist, not a diplomat!That’s my spiel on the intellectual front, now for the political front.I really piss on you for being a “fluffie crapper” and relish the thought that by the time you are in your 30s you will be severely punished by men in being totally ignored.You’re probably not familiar with MGTOW (men going their own way) and masculism (men’s lib).? The masculists (and I’m one) have a hatred of fluffies, whom masculists see as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.”Masculists are very conscious, that so many of men’s gender problems could be solved if all women become FIPs (financially independent persons). You are a fluffie, because you are studying “fluffie crap” i.e. a non FIP major (i.e. the intellectually easier subjects like history, English literature, geography, etc, and not math and the sciences.) That means that you will be forced to study fluffie crap at college, because the FIP major departments (e.g. STEM = science, tech, engineering, math) will reject you because you did not study math and sciences in high school.So when you graduate college, you will have a degree that the economy does not value much, so probably you will earn little compared to a woman who was career responsible and had a FIP mentality. You will then spend most of your little money on fluffie garbage in your 20s and then in your 30s your biological clock will start ticking hard, but you wont be able to afford to buy a middle class house to raise your kids in, so you’ll start looking around for some na?ve manslave to pay for you to be a fluffie in his house so you can concentrate on the kids that YOU want.Well, that’s not going to happen. Your mother’s generation engineered?the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, so roughly one married man in four now is getting financially massacred in the divorce courts. This has resulted in 70% of men under 35 in the US and Japan, refusing to marry and have kids, so you will very probably not be able to find some manslave to solve your fluffie income level problem.So many men are now going MGTOW/masculist, that soon the media will pick up on the fact that the population is starting to crash. In time, society will become as informed about MGTOW/masculist ideas as feminist. Then society will put enormous moral pressure on fluffie crapper feminazis like yourself to become FIPs. You will be shunned.In your 30s you will not be able to find a man. If you can manage to find some sperm (that’s not from some low class bar) then you will have to pay for everything for yourself, and since you’re not a FIP, you will be poor, and so will your kid.Hahahaha! Serve you right, you fluffie crapping feminazi bitch. Have a nice life, fluffie. Masculists like me have nothing to do with fluffies. We won’t even fuck them, as a form of punishment. We prefer to fuck FIP women, and have relationships with FIP women who have their own apartment, so that when the relationship ends, we can walk back to our own apartment, cost free to the man.You fluffie feminists are hypocrites. A decade from now the tables will be turned. I’ll be the masculist/MGTOW and men as a whole will be pissing on women like you, punishing you by letting you rot on the shelf to extinction.End of conversation – these are the last words I’ll ever speak to you.Go fuck yourself fluffie, because no man will.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Levering Young Women's FIPification (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer says that it is a good thing that young women are studying FIP majors (e.g. STEM) equally with men but that only half the battle for men’s lib has been won. This flyer concentrates on what needs to be done to win the other half.LEVERING YOUNG WOMEN’S FIPIFICATIONI recently wrote a flyer on the topic of young women at high school and college who study career competent majors, e.g. STEM (science, tech, engineering, math). I googled stats on the proportions of men and women studying these subjects and found that at US high schools, about the same number of young women were studying math, physics, and chemistry as young men. The stats were from 2009. At US college level, women were studying STEM majors at about three quarters of the rate of males, which is not as good, but still very encouraging.The masculists want women to become FIPs (financially independent persons). The main political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, i.e. by wiping out fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, who expect men to pay for women to have babies living in a middle class house that he pays for.) Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, whom you can consider to be the 21st?century equivalent of the 19th?century northern American abolitionists who fought against negro slavery, which eventually led to the US civil war in the 1860s.The masculists are at war against the fluffies. They see the manslavery of fluffies as slavery, both manslavery and slavery rouse passions, slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies, aiming to wipe them out by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even sexing them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction, as punishment for being manslaving fluffies.A necessary condition for men to be freed from manslavery, is that women become FIPs, and to become FIPs, women need to study FIP majors at high school and college, so the above stats are very encouraging for the masculists. Masculists can say that the battle for men’s lib is already half won. That seems true, but this flyer concentrates on the second half of the battle that still has not been won.The FIPification of young women is only a necessary condition for men’s lib. It is not sufficient. This flyer deals with measures needed to complete the battle for men’s lib, in other words, what do the masculists and the more political minded of the MGTOWs need to do to liberate men from those aspects of society and gender laws that oppress them (e.g. the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, the lack of the Parer (paternity rejection right), the dumping on men in the broadcast media, etc).It is not enough that young women become FIPs in practice, i.e. that they become career competent, having studied majors that the economy values and pays good salaries for (e.g. in STEM fields). Such women will still not be able to have babies, until the gender laws are made menfair, and that may take a decade or more. The “best” that women can hope for in terms of “getting a man” is to twaytwef, i.e. having a relationship as a FIP woman, with a FIP man, where both of them have their own apartment (twaytwef = 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs). When the relationship goes sour, as nearly all do, the two of them walk back to their own apartments, costing the man nothing. He does not pay child support, because there were no kids, no alimony, because the woman was a FIP. There’s no divorce costs, because there was no marriage. He gets to keep his apartment, because she returns to her own apartment.Twaytweffing is a life style that allows a man to get the regular sex he needs from a woman, without the traditional cost to be paid of being a manslave to a fluffie. It has the added advantage of forcing the woman to remain nice to him, otherwise he walks, and she knows that. Twaytweffing is so easy to get out of for a man, if the woman starts nagging, or withholding sex, or tries to mold him the way she wants, etc.The FIPification of young women means that there is a greater supply of young women who are FIPs, and hence the proportion of couples who twaytwef will only increase, and hence the proportion of traditional manslave-fluffie couples will decrease until they disappear, as they should.Even FIP women won’t have babies, because young men refuse to be fathers. In the US and Japan, 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They are on strike against the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts in which roughly one married man in four is financially massacred, losing his kids with 90% probability, losing his house to his fluffie ex-wife to raise HER kids in. He’s forced to pay child payments to kids he barely sees, and if the ex-wife is a fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony for decades, with no moral or legal obligation on her to get off her immoral parasitic fluffie arse and become a FIP, thus the man is permanently manslaved to her. She parasites off him before the divorce and after.So many young men have seen the damage done to their fathers and uncles by the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, that they have washed their hands of marriage and fatherhood. They see such institutions as traps, and dumb for men, so they rebel. They refuse to marry. They refuse to have kids. They spend their money on themselves and develop new lifestyles for men, e.g. twaytweffing. Many such men live modestly, save and invest hard and retire in their 40s, often then moving to a poor third world country where the cost of living is much less and spend the second half of their lives doing what they love.These new priorities for men need to be broadcast to society and particularly to women. It is NOT ENOUGH that women become FIPs. It is also necessary that the gender laws be made menfair. For example in the case of divorce, alimony needs to be thrown out. Custody of children needs to be made JOINT by default. The house is kept by the original owner(s), and divorcing couples be encouraged to buy a cheap nearby apartment that they alternate in, with one week the father is with the kids in the house while the mother is in the apartment, and the next week they swap.The Parer (paternity rejection right) needs to be brought in. Women have the Marer (aka abortion right). A woman has the legal right to reject a maternity she does not want. Men have no such equivalent right, making the lack of a Parer (which would allow a man to fill in a government form to reject paternity, so that if the woman goes ahead with the pregnancy, then she has full financial responsibility for the kid from then on) one of the most blatant examples of sexual discrimination against men that exists.The fluffie feminists will fight the legislation of the Parer with tooth and nail, because if it comes in, if it is legislated by the gender politicians, then it will force all women to be FIPs, and that prospect scares the shit out of most older women, who grew up with fluffie expectations, and so never grew up to become responsible adults. They always had in the back of their minds that some manslave would succumb to her vagina and pay for her.The MGTOWs and masculists will have a verbal war against the fluffie feminists. As the birth rate continues to remain well below the replacement rate (e.g. in Japan it is 1.4 children per woman compared to the replacement rate of 2.1) the population will inevitably fall, as it is already starting to do in Japan. In a mere 2 decades, after the baby boomers have died off, the Japanese population will fall to about two thirds of its current figure, to about 80 million. Japanese politicians are already pulling their hair out, wondering how to persuade young men to have more babies. In Japan the herbivore men are having real political impact.In the western countries, things are about a decade behind, but the trend is the same, so it’s only a question of time before the western gender politicians start asking men “What’s wrong?” The masculists and MGTOWs will tell these gender politicians that it stinks to be a man in our current gynocentric culture, where men’s rights are neglected and abused, particularly in the divorce courts.As the broadcast media gets in on the act, masculist and MGTOW ideas will become widely known, and the fluffie feminists will begin to be fearful that the gender laws will be menfaired, the divorce laws will be made fair to men, and serious talk that the Parer should be legislated will begin. Once that happens, the fluffie feminists will pull out all their stops to fight it, which is when the MGTOWs and masculists need to really “get out there” and harangue the fluffie feminists for their HYPOCRISY. Masculists particularly, need to tell the broadcast media that fluffie feminists are two faced hypocrites, who want their cake and to eat it too. Fluffie feminists want equal rights with men, but not equal obligations, i.e. sharing out the burdens with men, especially in terms of becoming career competent and becoming FIPs.Fluffie feminists are still fluffies. They have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness, so by default, they still have traditional female attitudes and expectations towards men, i.e. they see men as cash machines, which is an attitude that masculists despise. “I’m more than a cash machine, you bitch!” is a catchy masculist slogan.The masculists can get on the broadcast media and pile on the venom against the fluffie feminists, calling them immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out. Masculists can point to the young women who are now becoming FIPs at a much greater rate than a decade or two back, and tell the older women – “Look at young women. They see the writing on the wall. They are FIPifying. They know that they won’t even be able to get a man to twaytwef with them, if they aren’t FIPs. But you fluffie feminists are still fluffies, so are the enemy. In fact you’re worse than fluffies, because you are hypocrites. You are hated by the MGTOWs/masculists for whom you are the first category of females to be rejected by them. You will be forced by men to rot on the shelf to extinction. You are vermin.”To the gender politicians the masculists and MGTOWs will say “If you gender politicians don’t menfair society and the gender laws, then we MGTOWs/masculists will continue our rejection of paternity, and hence WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS!”So, there is a long way to go. The battle for the liberation of men is only half won. We still need to teach society and women that men will no longer tolerate being manslaves to fluffies and being dumped on by the broadcast media. We men are the superior sex, outperforming women at the top end of the performance scores. We invent everything. We win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. If all females died tomorrow, men would live on for a century. If all males died tomorrow, the female population would crash within six months, because women are incapable of running a modern society. They couldn’t even keep the machines running and would starve.The battle is only half won, guys. Keep up the pressure. Keep pushing women to be FIPs. Keep shitting ?on the fluffie feminists and keep threatening the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, or we wipe out whole populations.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ De-Princessing (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : Young feminazis behave like princesses, expecting men to cater to their every whim. These princesses are imbibed with feminist rhetoric and treat young men like shit. This flyer gives men a counter ideology, namely MGTOW/masculism, that men can use to lash out against feminazi princesses, deflating their inflated egos and putting fear into their souls of not getting a man to give them babies.DE-PRINCESSINGDe-princessing is deflating the inflated egos of young feminazi princesses, using MGTOW/masculist arguments. Young women now can be insufferably, and unjustifiably arrogant, acting like real princesses, expecting to get from men whatever these princesses want, especially, being paid for, given attention to their every whim, and put on a pedestal as superior creatures. Until recently, men had no real reply to the feminist arguments of these young princesses, so these princesses treated young men like shit, and walked all over them. Now men do have arguments that they can throw back at these princesses and crush their arrogant egos. These princesses are so accustomed to having their way, feeling that as young women, imbued with feminist rhetoric, they are justified that they can treat men as badly as they want. Young men are fed up with this princess arrogance, so are glad to be able to hit back at such women, using MGTOW/masculist arguments. These princesses rarely come across a real masculist, who lashes back at them, and with a venom greater than women can muster, because men are both smarter and more aggressive on the whole than women, so once these men have been given the appropriate ideas, the right ideology, the right ism, they then have the intellectual tools to strongly hit back at these princesses, and deflate their inflated princess egos. It comes as a shock to these princesses to be strongly confronted by a MGTOW/masculist who cuts them to pieces ideologically, and lashes back at them with real conviction, and contempt. These princesses are so accustomed to having their own way, justified by a collective female feminist ideology, that to be strongly challenged by a masculist/MGTOW feels very threatening to them, and makes them feel decidedly uncomfortable. As an example of such a princess-masculist/MGTOW confrontation, consider the following. W : We women can do anything we want. We are equal to men. We can do anything that men can do. We feel that women are the superior sex - that men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies, and if they don’t pay for us, we punish them by not giving them sex. Only women have a vagina, and it is a very powerful weapon for us, to manipulate men to do things for us, e.g. working for us, and paying for us, to make women’s lives easier. M : With an attitude like that, you feminazi bitch princess, you will be punished by men, by not having one. Men now are waking up in their hundreds of millions, that being a manslave to a fluffie parasite is stupid and unnecessary - (fluffie = traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man). You fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts, in all your hypocrisy, wanting equal rights with men, but rejecting equal obligations with men, i.e. rejecting having to get a career competent education so that you can be a real FIP (financially independent person) and pull your own financial weight, and not parasite off a man. But ? of you at high school choose to study fluffie crap, e.g. languages, English literature, history, i.e. intellectually lazy, memory based, non-analytical, “soft option” subjects, that don’t require you to think, like math and the sciences. You then are forced to study more fluffie crap at university, because you don’t have the high school prerequisites to study career competent majors at university, so you end up with a fluffie crap diploma that the economy does not value, so you earn a low salary. As a feminazi princess, you will have over 40 different penises in you in your 20s, statistics show. In your 30s, your biological clock will start ticking hard, so you’ll start looking around for some manslave to parasite upon, because you were a fluffie crapper at high school and in your early 20s and cannot afford to buy a middle class house to raise your kids in. But your manslave will be merely penis 41 to you, so not particularly attractive to you. A decade later, once you have your kids, and a house that your manslave paid for, you will get bored with him and take him to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court and financially massacre him, not caring that he is a human being. To you, as a feminazi bitch princess, men are merely exploitable tools, to be used by princesses like you to pay for women to have kids. The fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, will give you sole custody of the kids with a 90% probability. You will get the house he paid for. He will be forced to pay child support for kids he will barely see, and often you will get alimony from him, so that you can continue to parasite off him after the divorce, the way you did before the divorce. In short, marriage and fatherhood is SUCH A ROTTEN DEAL for men that 100s of millions of us are now getting very angry and are now putting our foot down, wiping out this massive injustice against men. MGTOWs do this by simply walking away from marriage and fatherhood. 2/3 of young men under 35 in a string of major countries (US, Japan, Germany, etc) now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They see fluffies as parasitic hypocritical feminazi princess bitches, and refuse to even pump and dump them. The only type of women these MGTOWs/masculists will have relationships with are FIP women, and even then only with the twaytweffing lifestyle (= 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPS, where the man and the woman are both FIPs, and have each their own apartment.) When the relationship turns sour, they return to their own apartments, cost free for the man. No divorce, because no marriage, no child support, because no kids, no alimony, because the woman is a FIP. We men have the power to FORCE women to FIPup or be manless. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave, but the supply of such manslaves is rapidly drying up, forcing women to FIPup or be manless, loveless, sexless, childless and poor, because she is a fluffie. As for your stupid belief that women are superior to men, we men outperform you women at the top end of the scale on virtually everything. We have an average IQ 3-4 points higher than women’s. We have a 10% higher IQ variance than women’s, so our IQ scores over the whole population are more spread out than women’s so it’s not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. The genii are males. Even your traditional monopolies of vagina, and womb will soon be superseded by AI based sexbots that will do a better job of sexing men than women can, and Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artificial womb, so human babies can’t be far off. Once men can grow their own kids and fuck their machines, women will become irrelevant for men. Sexbots don’t nag, and don’t parasite off men’s money. The masculists are more politically minded than the MGTOWs. The masculists’ main political goal is to wipe out manslavery in the 21st century, worldwide, by wiping out fluffies, not by killing them, but by ignoring them to death, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction. We men will FORCE women to be FIPs, otherwise they are severely punished. They will not only not get a man, they will be spat at for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. Manslavery is slavery. Slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies and fluffie feminists, aiming to wipe them out. Masculists/MGTOWs have their nuclear weapon, i.e. their strongest argument. “Until society and particularly the gender politicians, menfair (the verb) the gender laws (e.g. divorce reform, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) MGTOWs/masculists will continue to reject paternity, and hence WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS.” So men must win. We men will get what we want, because we have a knife at the throats of the feminazi bitches, with their gynocentric, misandrist institutions, e.g. the divorce courts, and the constant male put down in the media etc. In reality, men are the superior sex, and we have totally lost patience with feminazi princesses, so you women will FIPup, rejecting your princess mentality, or you will be punished, you hated feminazi bitch. Go fuck yourself, because no man will. Women like you will rot on the shelf, ignored to death by men, and regularly spat at. Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ Masculist Critiques of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers1.11/9 Menfairing the Divorce Courts? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer makes concrete proposals on how?the gender politicians can reform the divorce courts to make them men fair,?and how to address other critical masculist-MGTOW issues.MEN FAIRING THE DIVORCE COURTSOne of the major reasons for the rise of the MGTOW movement (men going their own way, refusing to marry and refusing to have kids, spending their money on themselves) is due to the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts. Feminists in the 70s lobbied the male feminist gender politicians hard and got them to change the divorce laws, so that in practice men in the US are now being financially massacred in their tens of millions by losing custody of their kids with 90% probability, losing their house, having to pay child support to kids they may see twice a month on weekends, and having to pay alimony to their fluffie ex wives with no legal obligation on them to get off their lazy bums and become FIPs (financially independent persons) so that they continue to parasite off the man after the divorce as they did before.This reality in the divorce courts is so toxic, that now 70% of young men in the US (according to recent US census statistics) refuse to marry and have kids, because they see traditional marriage as toxic, like playing Russian roulette with only two chambers in the barrel, giving you a fifty fifty chance of blowing your brains out, or analogously, a more or less fifty fifty chance of being financially massacred in a US divorce court, given that half of marriages end in divorce and that women initiate 70% of divorces.This situation obviously cannot continue, because if it does, and at the same rate, then doing the math shows that the US population will be largely wiped out within a mere century, so obviously things have to change. The gender politicians will have to make the divorce court system men fair, or they will be rightly accused of being “genocidal criminals” for having been the root?cause of men’s financial massacring, and hence the marriage and fatherhood strike by men on a massive scale, the dominant reality of our times.So what can be done? Here are some concrete proposals given from a?masculist (men’s lib) perspective.?Push hard for the creation of a “FIP Society” i.e. one in which all adults are FIPs (financially independent persons) so both sexes are strongly encouraged to become career competent so that they can earn good money when they graduate by studying one of the professions (e.g. medicine, dentistry, architecture, law, vet sci etc) or the techs ( engineering, computer science, math, physics, chemistry, geology, etc) and not one of the career incompetent majors so popular with the majority of women today (e.g. English literature, psychology, philosophy, history, anthropology, women’s studies, sociology, etc) that keep women poor.Teaching calculus in 12th grade should be made compulsory to all high school students, so that entering the professions or techs at university is not closed off to them, since these fields demand a knowledge of calculus as a prerequisite.Put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) so that in their impecunious 30s they will not look around for some “robot male” (a traditional male who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife) to pay for the middle class house that these fluffie women want to raise their kids in.In the divorce courts, make joint custody of the kids the default option, with single custody being the exception, under exceptional circumstances.Push for a divorcing couple to buy a cheap apartment near the house, that the ex-spouses alternate living in. While one ex-spouse is living in the apartment, the other ex-spouse is living in the house with the kids. The next week, they swap places.The ownership of the house remains with the original owner(s).Scrap the alimony concept, since both ex spouses are FIPs.Legislate a Parer (paternity rejection right) equivalent to women’s Marer (maternity rejection right a.k.a. abortion right). If a woman continues a pregnancy that the?father rejects, then the child is totally her financial responsibility, otherwise she aborts within a reasonable time limit.Stop the misandry in the broadcast media. Men outperform women on nearly every scientifically measurable criterion, so men should be respected for their superiority, e.g. winning 99% of the science Nobel prizes, and dominating the Who’s Who entries.Set up a panel of experts to advise the gender politicians on how to reform the gender laws and the divorce courts so that men can be encouraged to reproduce again and in safety. If not, then the US population will continue to evaporate.Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis profhugodegaris@ Warning to Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer warns feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers that if they don’t raise their masculist consciousnesses and menfair the divorce courts, then men will murder them. No culture that financially crucifies a quarter of its married fathers can survive. Men will eventually snap, pick up arms, and murder their oppressors.WARNING TO FEMINAZI DIVORCE COURT JUDGES AND LAWYERSA sex war is brewing. No culture, which possesses a gender climate in which one married father in four is financially massacred and has his life destroyed, can survive. The current casualty rate amongst males is far worse than in a major war. Eventually men will snap, pick up arms and start killing the oppressors who are destroying them. Specifically, these oppressors are the hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers whose feminazi attitudes are designed to destroy men, to get their revenge as feminazis, against men, whom they see as oppressors of women.Men are currently going through a revolution, similar to the way women went through their feminist revolution in the late 60s and early 70s, when they became conscious of how traditional men kept women from achieving equal status and employment opportunities with men. Now men are waking up to their traditional role of being manslaves to women, working for women, and are rebelling against it, by putting tremendous moral pressure on women to get off their parasitic lazy bums and FIP up (i.e. become FIPs, financially independent persons) or be punished by men by not having one, hence rotting on the shelf to extinction.But these feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers have not had their masculist consciousness raised, so by default their heads are filled only with the ways they see men oppressing women, and have little clue how the reverse is also true, so they impose their oppressive criminal standards on divorcing men and financially crucify them, ruining their lives, by ripping their children away from them with a 90% probability, stealing their house from them and giving it to their fluffie ex-wives, stealing half of his possessions, to go to the same parasite, forcing him to pay child support to kids he will barely see, and often forced to pay alimony to his fluffie ex-wife so that she can continue to? parasite off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce, with no moral or legal pressure on her to get off her fluffie parasitic arse and FIP up by getting a job.Most of these divorce court judges and lawyers are feminazis, and hence have a female brain, with its 10 billion fewer neurons, as neuroscience shows. They evolved to be amoral when it comes to the sexploitation of males to give females resources, e.g. in the ancient past, that would be scarce male hunted meat, in exchange for access to women’s cunts, and in today’s world, for men’s money.These feminazis see divorcing men as subhuman cash machines, to be abused to give women money. They relish punishing men because their heads are filled with feminazi propaganda. They are amorally unsympathetic to the men they criminally abuse. It is therefore no wonder that feminazi divorce lawyers and judges are so hated and increasingly murderously hated by men.But the tide is turning. The damage and hatred generated by these criminal feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers is so strong that two thirds of young men under 35 now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. This paternity rejection by the MGTOWs (men going their own way) is causing the population to crash. This is already happening in Japan.The rise of the MGTOWs and masculists (men’s libbers) was caused by the toxicity of the divorce courts, so indirectly the hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers are now seen by men as genociders, because it is they who are the root cause of the population crash, so have to be stopped.MGTOW and masculist ideas are now spreading exponentially, and in a year or two, nearly all men in western countries will be familiar with their arguments and that will change the way men look upon the criminality of the fluffie feminist, feminazi dominated divorce courts. Increasingly, men will be telling divorce judges “You will give me joint custody of my kids, I will keep my house, there will be no alimony, and you will put heavy moral pressure on my fluffie parasite ex-wife to FIP up, OR, if not, if you financially crucify me, financially massacre me and destroy my life, I won’t commit suicide, I will turn my masculist rage into a murderous hatred against you and I will kill you. I will murder you. I will come to this courthouse, with a semi-automatic weapon, shoot the security guards, who unfortunately will be men (women being such hypocritical cowards) and then kill as many feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers as I can. I will be at war against the enslavement and oppression of men committed by you hated feminazis.”The feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers need to become conscious of what is now happening to men. Men are liberating themselves in a way closely analogous to the way women did in the late 60s. MGTOWs and masculists no longer tolerate fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off men’s money.) The basic unquestioned, unconscious assumption of the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers is that women are fluffies, and hence need to be paid for by their manslave ex-husbands.Masculists, who are a lot more political than the apolitical, passively wimpy MGTOWs, utterly reject fluffies, punishing them by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing them to FIP up or they don’t eat. Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, who see them as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin to be wiped out.”Feminazis have not had their masculist consciousness raised, so by default still have fluffie feminist attitudes towards men, i.e. seeing them as cash machines. Feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers have political, legislative, and legal power to impose the manslave role on divorcing fathers and destroy their lives.Hence the masculists are at war against the fluffies and especially against the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. Feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers need to wake up to the new gender realities regarding men, or they will pay a heavy price.Now that a billion western men are having their MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised, they no longer tolerate what is happening to them in the divorce courts, and are becoming murderously angry. Soon, the murder rate of feminazi divorce courts judges and lawyers will shoot up, as divorcing fathers take the law into their own hands, because they have no faith in the current gender laws that are so oppressive and destructive towards males.These men will pick up arms and start killing 1000s of divorce court judges and lawyers. Divorce courts will be arsoned in their hundreds as “crime scenes against men” as men express their revolutionary hatred against a gender climate that is abusing half the population, and has to be changed, because if not, the population gets wiped out, due to the paternity rejection of the MGTOWs and masculists.SO, to you feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers (and gender politicians, who are an even more hated enemy of the masculists) you need to menfair the gender laws, menfair the divorce courts, by, in concrete terms, throwing out alimony, giving joint custody by default, allowing the original owner of the house to keep it, and putting enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, so that they do not expect to financially massacre their ex-husbands with their amoral female nature.Men are learning in their millions that women don’t love men, that women love men’s sexploitability and will coldly and disloyally monkey branch to a more sexploitable male if the opportunity realistically arrives, dumping her current man in favor of the “better” one. Women evolved to be like this, i.e. to be hypergamous. Men are learning this and are developing a deep suspicion of women’s true evolved nature.Men are becoming increasingly conscious that roughly one in four wives will callously financially massacre their ex-husbands, expressing their true amoral female nature, not caring about the sufferings of the man they are crucifying. Men increasingly are not tolerating this, and are fighting back against it. One of the major obstacles in this fight, this sex war, is the feminazi divorce court system.This flyer is a warning to the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers. You need to change your attitudes towards men. You need to see them as human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity, especially considering they are the superior sex, building everything, inventing everything, creating everything, with higher average IQs, winning 99% of the science Nobel prizes, etc.The warning is that if you don’t stop financially massacring men in your divorce courts, if you don’t stop treating divorcing men as subhuman cash machines, to be financially abused in favor of fluffie ex-wives, then you will suffer the fate you deserve, you will be murdered, you will become casualties in the sex war, as men rise up, take up arms, and fight for male dignity.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ Masculist Murderous Hatred of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer guesstimates that hundreds of feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers are murdered each year in the US, by the ex-husbands they financially massacre and whose lives they destroy, i.e. tens of millions of men over the decades. This flyer predicts that as masculist ideas spread, divorcing men will develop such a hatred against these feminazi butchers, that the murder rate against them will rise to 1000s per year, in the sex war, until the gender laws, especially the divorce laws, are menfaired.MASCULIST MURDEROUS HATRED OF FEMINAZI DIVORCE COURT JUDGES AND LAWYERSA sex war is brewing. There is growing murderous hatred coming from the masculists against the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers. It is only a question of time before these feminazis and male feminist traitors are murdered in their 1000s by divorced men whose lives have been destroyed by these feminazi butchers.Take the case of two divorcing fathers. One is a typical unenlightened manslave, who has been brain washed all his life that his role is to work for a woman, so that she can sit on her fat little parasitic arse and live off his money, raising her kids in the house that he pays for.The other is a man who is enough of a masculist that he married a FIP woman (FIP = financially independent person) who has her own career that she enjoys. How will the two divorce experiences of these two men differ?In the first case, that of the manslave, his ex-wife is a fluffie, i.e. a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man. Now that she is divorcing, she is feeling very threatened. She is thinking that “If I don’t financially massacre my ex-husband, I might lose my kids, and end up penniless and without a roof over my head. Oh horrors!”So she drags him through the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system and financially massacres him, taking advantage of the anti-male bias of the divorce courts, set up in the 70s, by the fluffie feminist hypocrites. She ends up with his house, and half his possessions. She gets sole custody of the kids, and child support from him, and since she is a real fluffie, she gets paid alimony from him for the rest of her life.He feels as though he has been hit by a truck. He is made poor. He’s now living in his car. He can barely afford to feed himself, let alone have vacations. He has lost his kids, his house, most of his possessions, and his savings. He is devastated, depressed, and more than once contemplates suicide, feeling that his life has been destroyed, which it has.The second divorcing father fares much better. He is a partial masculist, who had enough sense to marry a FIP woman, an upper middle class woman who studied a profession or a STEM field and makes good money. She has her own career.They discuss the divorce and come to an agreement. There will be no lawyers to leech money from them both. The woman agrees to joint custody, because she likes her career, and does not relish being a female careerist and a single mother with full custody of the kids. She does not want to be a stay at home fluffie, living off the money of her ex-husband, getting child support, the house and half his possessions.She likes her career and wants to continue it, so it will be a relief for her to have the kids only half time.So they sell the house that they both paid for equally earlier in the marriage, and split the profit (or loss). There is no alimony, because the FIP ex-wife continues her career. Thus the ex-husband is spared the expense of the first guy, by not having to pay lawyer fees, does not lose his kids (i.e. he gets to keep them half time), keeps his half of the money from the house, doesn’t pay child support to his ex-wife, because he has joint custody, and doesn’t pay alimony because his ex-wife is a FIP.It is obvious that the second guy is hugely better off than the first dumb fuck. Let us now assume that the two of these guys meet at a business conference at the bar and start talking. Soon the topic gets round to their two divorces and they swap war stories. The first guy becomes highly conscious that the second guy is hugely better off than he is, which really gets to him.He becomes very upset and emotional, thinking “My god, there is a much better way of doing things, than the conventional path I took, almost blindly, because it was simply the custom. I did it mostly out of habit, unquestioningly, blindly. My god!”The second guy starts telling the first guy about the core ideas of the masculists, i.e. that women have a moral obligation to be FIPs or be punished by men by being forced to rot on the shelf; that the divorce courts must be menfaired, because one married father in four gets financially massacred in them; that men should punish fluffies for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.The first guy, the former manslave, starts googling and YouTubing like crazy, watching MGTOW and masculist videos, changing the way he sees the world. His former depression and suicidal thoughts about his divorced state of being, turns into rage, into hatred for the traditional system.He decides to do something to change it by taking a can of red paint and painting a slogan on his family court building – “Crime Scene against Men!”Unfortunately, he was seen on the security cameras and reported to the police who came to his car a few days later and arrested him. At his trial, he tried to explain to the judge, who was a woman and a feminazi that he had recently converted to being a MGTOW and a masculist. He explained the hatred he felt towards the feminazis and what they had done to him, financially massacring him and destroying his life. He became very emotional and hateful.The feminazi judge eventually condemned him to a year in prison for contempt of court and threatening a judge.During that year in prison, he was raped several times by big negros, which made him only more bitter and hateful.When he got out, he had made up his mind to kill the divorce judge, a feminazi woman who had destroyed his life. He knew who she was, found her address and spied on her habits. He then stabbed her to death one evening as she returned home from the court. He then sent a press release to the newspapers and television, but no one took up his story. This made him feel all the more bitter; that the world was against him. He was arrested and given a life sentence and lived unhappily ever after.—From the above two accounts, you can see why the masculists place such enormous emphasis on two things, namely, one, that fluffies must convert themselves into FIPs or they are punished by not getting a man, and two, that the gender laws have to be menfaired, so that millions of men do not have to face what the first guy went through that destroyed his life. If he had been socialized to behave as the second guy did, then his life would have been very different.The story of the first guy, although a bit extreme, is not so unusual. In the US, tens of millions of men have been financially massacred by the hated feminazi, fluffie feminist hypocrite, dominated divorce courts. Tens of millions of them. This casualty rate is far worse than in a major war.Until fairly recently, men who had this happen to them saw it as bad luck, that it was just part of life that men paid for women to have babies and stay at home raising them. But the contraceptive pill changed all that. Its reliability meant that women could choose the number of kids they wanted, which was typically zero, one or two, so that women had a career window of some 40 years.Then in the 80s, masculism appeared and started telling men -“Now that women can work, they must work, because anything else, is parasitism off the labor of men.” “Fluffies, i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, must become FIPs or be punished by men, by not getting one.”? “Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.”As the masculist message spreads, now that one married father in four is financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, millions of men will become masculist in their mentality and see the divorce courts as crime scenes, as objects to be hated, to be wiped out.When millions of men become full of hatred against these divorce courts, they will be far more likely to take the law into their own hands, and murder feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers, for the massive crimes the latter are committing in favor of fluffies.These murderously hateful men will convert their former resignation of being victims of their fluffie ex-wives, to becoming politically active masculists, and see the divorce courts as war zones, where the hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers are seen as the enemy in the sex war, who need to be killed, so that tens of millions of more men are not sacrificed at the fluffie feminist altar.This scenario got me wondering. Just how many such divorce court judge and lawyer murders are there in the US each year? I started googling and came up with the following observations, namely 3 of them.The first is that there was no clear statistic, as far as I could discover. The second is that the probable reason for the first observation is that the divorce court judges and lawyers do not want such a statistic to be given to the public, because it would probably inspire more financially massacred ex-husbands to murder more divorce court judges and lawyers. The third was the most interesting, given the second.It was that when divorce court judges and lawyers get together at conferences and big meetings, the topic of “security” often comes up. I have read on the internet that divorce lawyers talk about incidents that have occurred each year in nearly every city in the US. That made my ears prick up. From that remark, I can guesstimate the number of divorce court judge and lawyer murders there are each year in the US. I wondered whether it would it be 100s or 1000s? Here is my calculation.Let’s assume that the above remark “incidents that have occurred each year in nearly every city in the US” is roughly true, then how many murders is that? Let’s assume that there is at least one such murder per city, per year.So how many cities does the US have? Define a city to be a town with a population over 100,000 people, so googling the question “How many cities with populations over 100,000 does the US have?” gave the result, about 300. So that’s hundreds of such murders per year.If that guesstimate is ball park, then no wonder divorce judges and lawyers are worried about it. No wonder they are afraid.From the masculist point of view, these hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers deserve to be scared. What they are doing is committing a massive crime. They have destroyed the lives of TENS OF MILLIONS of males over the past few decades. They have to be stopped. The divorce laws themselves are the problem, because the divorce laws are not on the side of men. They were set up by feminazis in the 70s to strongly benefit women, AT THE EXPENSE OF MEN.With masculist ideas now spreading widely amongst men, divorcing men are no longer prepared to passively accept being financially massacred. There is an alternative now, i.e. the type of divorce that the second guy above had, who suffered hugely less than the first guy.Masculist men who are financially massacred in the feminazi divorce courts do not resign themselves to their fate. They are enraged and powerfully motivated to change the divorce laws to make them menfair. Feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers will therefore more likely be murdered in much greater numbers in the coming years, as divorced men absorb masculist values and expectations. As this happens, the murder rate of these hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers will probably climb from 100s per year in the US to 1000s per year.As this happens, the sex war against the hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers will come to public notice, as it must if 1000s (not 100s) of them are murdered each year. Society will see them more as genociders, since they are destroying the lives of tens of millions of men.This murder rate needs to be brought to public attention, and discussed, so that these massive crimes committed against divorced men are stopped. These masculist oriented murderers of feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers are merely defending themselves and their fellow men.After all, they are only murdering 1000s in the sex war. The feminazis have already “murdered” i.e. financially massacred and destroyed the lives of TENS OF MILLIONS of men in the US. There is no comparison. These divorce court feminazis have to be stopped. If the divorce laws are not menfaired, then the sex war will only escalate, and more feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers will be murdered.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”? “de Garis Essays” ................

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