Spring 2008 – Seminar Series

Spring 2008 – Biology Seminar Series

|Date |Speaker |Title/Institution/Web Page |

|Monday |Mary Kinkel |The University of Chicago |

|01/14/08 | |"The zebrafish as a model for pancreas development". |

|Wednesday 01/16/08 |Robert Dudley |“From gliding ants to Andean hummingbirds: the evolution of animal flight performance |

| |The University of California, Berkeley | |

|Tuesday |William Brown |In response to light: arthropod adaptations to life in the pelagos. |

|01/22/08 |KEWALO MARINE LAB, The University of Hawaii | |

|Monday |Florence Marlow |Animal-vegetal axis determination within the zebrafish ovary |

|01/28/08 | |The University of Pennsylvania |

|Wednesday 01/30/08 |Johannes Bauer |Brown University |

| | | |

|Monday 02/04/08 |Bob Muscarella |Too Bizarre for Biology, Too Serious for Circus: Adventures with circus freakz and biologists in SE Asia |

|02/11/08 |Jennifer Rudgers |Small fungi with big impacts: the community-level consequences of mutualisms between fungal endophytes and grasses |

| |jrudgers@rice.edu | |

| |Host: Wilson, A | |

| |Rice University | |

|Wednesday 02/13/08 |Doug Levey |Why are chilies hot |

| |University of Florida | |

|02/18/08 |Jeff Vance |Genetics and Parkinson Disease |

| |JVance@med.miami.edu |Miami Institute for Human Genomics |

| |Host: Chiba | |

|02/25/08 |No seminar DVP | |

|03/03/08 |Aaron Ellison (DVP) |Plants that build environments: a tale of two foundation species |

| |aellison@fas.harvard.edu |Harvard Forest, Harvard University |

| |Host: Tokarz/Horvitz | |

|03/10/08 |SPRING BREAK | |

|03/17/08 |Amy Litt |The evolution of plant diversity: genomic and candidate gene approaches |

| |alitt@ |NY Botanic Garden |

| |Host: Whitlock | |

|03/24/08 |John Maron |Effects of native plant species diversity and resource additions on invasibility and invader impact |

| |john.maron@mso.umt.edu |University of Montana, Missoula |

| |Host: Horvitz | |

|03/31/08 |Kathleen Sealey |Coastal ecology and carrying capacity for small island systems: case studies of development in The Bahamas |

| |ksealey56@ |Department of Biology, University of Miami |

| |Host: Tosney | |

|04/07/08 |Sabrina Russo |Title: Linking functional and species diversity |

| |srusso2@unlnotes.unl.edu |in Bornean rain forest |

| |Host: Potts |University of Nebraska, Lincoln |

| | | |

|04/14/08 |Ted Fleming |The evolution of tropical vertebrate pollination systems in time and space |

| |ted@ |Department of Biology, University of Miami |

| |Host: Tosney | |

|04/21/08 |Nick Tsinoremas |The role of Bioinformatics in Genomics |

| |ntsinoremas@med.miami.edu |UM – Director Center for Computational Sciences |

| |Host: Chiba | |


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