
The following is an approximate schedule of lecture topics, and is subject to change.DateTopicReadingAug 17Introduction and Common MisconceptionsChapter 1Aug 19The Evolution of Evolutionary TheoryChapter 2Aug 24The Origin of LifeChapter 3Aug 26The Odyssey of Life: The Ultimate JourneyvideoAug 31Patterns: Evidence of Evolution in Living ThingsChapter 4Sep 2Patterns: Evidence of Evolution in the EarthChapter 3Sept 7Labor Day Holiday (no class today)Sept 9The Tree of LifeChapter 4Sept 14Charles Darwin and The Tree of LifevideoSept 16Genes: The Raw Material of EvolutionChapter 5Sept 21EXAM I (on material through Sept 9)onlineSept 23Genes: From DNA to OrganismChapter 5Sept 28Genes: Control and DuplicationChapter 5Sept 30The History in Our GenesChapter 7Oct 5Quantifying Evolutionary Change: MicroevolutionChapter 6Oct 7EXAM II (on material through Sept 30)onlineOct 12Evolutionary Forces: MutationChapter 6Oct 14Evolutionary Forces: Genetic DriftChapter 6Oct 19Evolutionary Forces: MigrationChapter 6Oct 21Evolutionary Forces: Non-random matingChapter 6Oct 26Evolutionary Forces: Natural SelectionChapter 6Oct 28What Darwin Never KnewvideoNov 2EXAM III (on material through Oct 21)onlineNov 4Evolutionary Forces: Sexual SelectionChapter 9Nov 9The Species Concept: MacroevolutionChapter 10Nov 11The Rise and Fall of BiodiversityChapter 11Nov 16Coevolution and the Evolutionary Arms RaceChapter 12Nov 18Human EvolutionChapter 14Nov 23Evolution Happening NowChapter 15Fri, Dec 4FINAL EXAM – 5:00 – 7:00pm EST~50% on most recent material/~50% cumulative5:00pm ESTTextbook: The Tangled Bank by Carl ZimmerCourse web site: Most course materials will be available on the web site, not on Blackboard.Blackboard will be used mainly for communication and special items.Class MeetingsAll meetings will take place online via Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:05 – 6:20pm EST.You can find a link to each Zoom class lecture meeting on Blackboard under BIL 107.Attendance should be considered mandatory.No recordings of online class meetings may be made by anyone but the instructor.Recordings of all lectures will be made available to students after the lectures are over.It is illegal to copy or share any of these recorded lectures with anyone outside the university.Transcripts of the lectures can be viewed at and QuizzesExams will take place during our class period on dates specified in the syllabus.All exams will be online via Blackboard under BIL 107.There will be three midterm exams, each worth 100 points.There will be one final exam, given during finals period in December, worth 200 points.Bonus quizzes embedded in the lectures will be worth extra points starting after Exam I.For full explanation of how bonus points work, please go to the course policies link below.Course PoliciesPlease visit to find all policies regardingExamsBonus pointsGrading and final letter gradesMake up examsIncomplete and Withdrawal from BIL 360AttendanceHonor CodeGrading PoliciesA complete explanation of grade calculations (exams and bonus points) for BIL 107 can be downloaded ................

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