Composition of the INDEX. This Index lists the DCIPS/IPMO Update Articles published in the last several years that have not yet become dated. It includes articles through Update No. 2004-3, dated 12 January 2004. The articles are organized topically within the framework of the Chapter and Paragraph headings found in AR690-13, CIPMS. Also shown are available DCIPS Personnel Management and Information Support System (PERMISS) articles to provide a quick inventory of all available policy and guidance.

Layout of and Guide to the INDEX. Each of the Chapter headings of AR690-13 are listed below in the Table of Contents and become a heading in a green bar for a section of this Index. Scan the Table of Contents below and then go to the page of this Index with the Chapter of the AR that most likely contains information relevant to your inquiry. Click on the Chapter’s title in the green bar found on subsequent pages and you will also be linked to that AR Chapter and can review that policy. Major Paragraph subdivisions of each Chapter are listed in bolded black lettering throughout the Index. Some Paragraphs have been supplemented with either or both PERMISS articles (indicated in Green) and/or UPDATE articles (indicated in Blue). Click on the words +PERMISS Article and you will be linked to the PERMISS website. Then click on DCIPS and you will be linked to the DCIPS PERMISS articles. Scan that listing and click on the article you are interested in. Click on the words UPDATE Article and you will be linked to the DCIPS website. From there, cursor down to the Update Articles and chose the Update edition number that was indicated to the right of the title of the Update article listed below that you are interested in. The most recent guidance will be in the following order: Update articles (most recent), PERMISS articles and then AR690-13.

Table of Contents Page Number

Chapter 1: Introduction (Includes DCIPS/NSPS) 2

Chapter 2: Responsibilities 4

Chapter 3: Position Management and Classification (PM&C) 7

Chapter 4: Employment and Placement 9

Chapter 5: Training and Career Development (Includes Intelligence

Community Officer and Other IC Programs) 14

Chapter 6: Compensation 19

Chapter 7: Performance Management 20

Chapter 8: Performance Recognition and Incentive Awards 21

Chapter 9: Management-Employee Relations 22

Chapter 10: Special Termination Authority 23

Chapter 11: Technical Services 24

Chapter 12: Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action 25

Chapter 13: Career Management (Includes ACTEDS Plan & Interns as

well as Functional Chief Representative Competitive

Development Program) 26

Appendices 30

A. References

B. DoD Directive 1400.34

C. DoD Manual 1400.34-M

MISC. (Includes Senior Programs and Civilian Linguist Demographics) 30



|Chapter 1:   Introduction |

|Purpose (AR690-13 to be used in conjunction with FPM [Now CFR] and other ARs – Other ARs apply unless otherwise specified in AR690-13) |

|References |

|Explanation of abbreviations and terms |

|Authority (Intent and summary of basic legislation) |

|Policy (Congressional intent, Merit Principles, shared responsibility between manager and personnel office, direction to fully utilize compensation to |

|attract and retain) |

|+PERMISS Article – DCIPS |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |


|. - The Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Will Be |

|Converting to a Pay Banded and Pay for Performance System 4-3 |

|- National Security Personnel System (NSPS) Soon to Become Law 4-2 |

|- Draft DCIPS Policy Begins Staffing Process 3-7 |

|- The National Security Personnel System (NSPS) Will Have a Big |

|Impact on DCIPS 3-6 |

|Defense Civilian Intelligence Board (DCIB) |

|- DCS, G-2 and Director, DIA Jointly Sign Memo to ASD (C3I) Requesting |

|Priority to Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Policy |

|Development 2-5 |

|- Defense Civilian Intelligence Board (DCIB) Meets and Sets Ambitious |

|Schedule to Complete Development of Policy Chapters 8 |

|Revision of AR690-13 |

|- Key Changes Planned for the Revision of AR690-13, DCIPS 10 |

| |

|Personnel Management Information Support System (PERMISS) |

|- DCIPS Personnel Management Information Support System |

|(PERMISS) Articles Available to Answer Frequently Asked Questions 13 |

| |

|Human Resource Strategy |

|- Army Intelligence Community’s Civilian Human Resource Strategy 2-5 |

| |

|Merit Principles/Prohibited Personnel Practices |

|- Prohibited Personnel Practices and DCIPS 14 |

|- The Importance of Merit Principles to DCIPS and Army Intelligence 13 |

| |

|Third Wave/Contracting Out |

|- Third Wave Exemption Determinations Protect Intelligence and Security |

|Functions 3-5 |

|Position coverage (criteria for placing in CIPMS/DCIPS) |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Position/Employee Coverage in CIPMS/DCIPS |

|- DCIPS Employees Cannot Participate in Title 5 Demonstration Projects 2-5 |

|- Refresher on Policy on Inclusion (Coverage) of Positions in DCIPS 11 |

|- Distribution of DCIPS Employees By Command, Series and Grade 7 |

|- Acquisition Corps and DCIPS 3 |

|Exclusion from the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program (Exclusion by statute, EO and Army policy) |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Excluded from Labor Relations |

|Linking personnel and budgetary authorities |

|Mobilization (Army’s mobilization/deployment regulations apply equally to CIPMS/DCIPS) |

|Military Intelligence (MI) Corps |

|UPDATE Article Update No. |

|- Military Intelligence Corps 13 |

|Misc (Intentionally Left Blank) |

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|UPDATE Article Update No. |

|- Army has Released Its FY03 Evaluation of Human Resource Management 4-3 |

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|Chapter 2:   Responsibilities |

|Secretary of the Army (SA) |

|The ASA (M&RA) |

|The DCSINT (Now G-2) and Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (DCSPER) (Now G-1) |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Statements by DCSINT/ADCSINT |

|- Leadership of Civilians During Times of Crises - A Word from |

|the ADCSINT 13 |

|- The DCSINT Continues to Stress the Importance of Civilian Training |

|and Development 12 |

| |

|Revitalization/Reshaping of the Workforce Thrust |

|- New Director of DIA Endorses Workforce Thrust 3-2 |

|- Summary of the Recent Senior Military Intelligence Officer Conference |

|(SMIOC) Deliberations Concerning the Revitalizing and Reshaping the |

|Workforce Thrust 2-4 |

|- Summary of the Recent Senior Steering Group (SSG) Meeting on |

|Revitalizing and Reshaping the Workforce Thrust 2-3 |

|- Summary of the Recent Military Intelligence Board (MIB) Meeting on |

|Revitalizing and Reshaping the Workforce Thrust 2-2 |

| |

|Coordination with G-1 |

|- World-Wide Army Human Resource Conference Points the Way for |

|Change 2-5 |

|- DCIPS Comments on ASA(M&RA) Functional Requirements |

|Documents (FRDs) 9 |

|- DCIPS Comments on ASA(M&RA) Staffing Process and Reengineering |

|Innovations Group (SPRING) Recommendation Focus Area Papers 9 |

|- DCIPS Considered at Army Staffing Conference 3 |

| |

|Program Evaluation/Chief of Staff’s Strategic Readiness System (SRS) |

|- Army has Released Its FY03 Evaluation of Human Resource Management 4-3 |

|- Three Key Measures of DCIPS Effectiveness Included within The Chief of |

|Staff’s Strategic Readiness System 2-6 |

| |

|DCSINT/G-2 500 Day Plan |

|- DCSINT 500 Day Plan – Goal 1 – Create and Sustain the |

|Premier Workforce in DOD 4 |

|The Director of Civilian Personnel (DCP) |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Army has Released Its FY03 Evaluation of Human Resource Management 4-3 |

|- An Even Newer Web Address for Army’s “Civilian Personnel On-Line” 11 |

|- ASA(M&RA) Briefing on Army’s Plan to Improve Personnel 7 |

|The Director of the IPMO (ODCSINT) (Now G-2) |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Misc |

|. - The Intelligence Personnel Management Office Bids Farewell to Joyce |

|Grignon 4-3 |

|- Don’t Miss Out – Send Us Your New AKO Address 4-1 |

|- Threaded Discussion Forum - New Feature Added to our AKO Civilian HR |

|Community 3-5 |

|- IPMO Has Moved Back to the Pentagon and Has New Phone and Fax |

|Numbers! 3-4 |

|- Brief Summary of the Intelligence Personnel Managements Office’s (IPMO) |

|Activity in FY02 3-2 |

| |

|Available Training and Assistance Visits |

|- Basic Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) PowerPoint |

|Presentation Is Now Revised and Soon Available on the Web 4-2 |

|- The Intelligence Personnel Management Office (IPMO) Will Be Making a |

|Presentation on Training Opportunities at the Upcoming Foreign Disclosure |

|Conference in New Orleans 4-1 |

|- IPMO Staff Members Will Be Traveling to Alaska, Hawaii, Japan, and |

|Korea in June 3-5 |

|- Assistance Visit in February by IPMO to Ft Huachuca 3-3 |

|- Advice and Assistance is Available from the IPMO Through VTCs! 2-2 |

|- A Presentation on the Basics of the Defense Civilian Intelligence |

|Personnel System (DCIPS) is Now On the Web 2-2 |

|- Guide to Coding DCIPS Personnel Actions Now on the Web! 2-1 |

|- IPMO is Available to Come On-Site to Train or Provide Advice & |

|Assistance 2-1 |

|- DCIPS Training Course Given at Crystal City 11 |

|- Executive Briefing (Training) on DCIPS Available 7 |

| |

|DCIPS/IPMO Updates |

|- Information from Back Issues of DCIPS/IPMO Updates Now Easier to Find 4-3 |

| |

|IPMO Web Address |

|- IPMO Staff Listing (How to Contact IPMO AOs) 4-3 |

|- You Can Now Subscribe to DCIPS/IPMO Information and References on |

|NIPRnet/Unclass AKO 3-6 |

|- IPMO Has Launched its AKO Website on the NIPRNET! 3-6 |

|Commanders of MACOMs |

|Senior intelligence officers (Sl0s) |

|MACOM CP-35 Career Program Managers (CPMs) |

|+PERMISS Article - Responsibilities of MACOM Career Program Managers (CPMs) |

|MACOM directors of civilian personnel |

|Activity commanders |

|Activity career program managers (ACPMs) |

|+PERMISS Article - Responsibilities of ACPMs |

|Activity training coordinators |

|Supervisors and managers |

|+PERMISS Article - Responsibilities of Supervisors for Career Management |

|Civilian personnel officers |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Central Servicing Initiative from Ft Huachuca |

|- Ninety-Five Percent of DCIPS Positions in CONUS Will Be Centrally |

|Serviced from Ft. Huachuca By February 2004 4-3 |

|- All Volunteering Commands Will Have their CONUS DCIPS Personnel |

|Serviced Centrally by the Beginning of the Calendar Year 4-2 |

|- West CPOC and Ft Huachuca CPAC Offer Training and Assistance 2-5 |

|- Skills Review For GG-132 And 134 Occupations 2-5 |

|- HQDA DCS,G-2 Representatives Attends the West CPOC’s |

|Commander’s Conference 2-4 |

|- West Civilian Personnel Operations Center (WCPOC) Has Published |

|Its December Bulletin – Bookmark Their Website! 14 |

|- Directors of the West CPOC and Ft Huachuca CPAC Issue Memos |

|to New Customers 12 |

|- The West Civilian Personnel Operations Center (CPOC) and the Ft. |

|Huachuca Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) Begin |

|Servicing Organizations That Volunteered for Centralized Servicing 12 |

| |

|Other |

|- Assistance Still Needed from the Human Resource (HR) Community to |

|Update the DCIPS HR Information Network!! 2-1 |

|CIPMS employees |

|+PERMISS Article - Responsibilities of Careerists for Career Management in CP 35 |

|UPDATE Article Update No. |

|- Call for “Success Stories” About DCIPS Employees 3-7 |

|- Importance of Completing and Maintaining Emergency Contact Data 2-4 |

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|Misc  (Intentionally Left Blank) |

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|Chapter 3:   Position Management and Classification (PM&C) |

|Policy |

|[pic]Section I: CIPMS Classification Structure |

|Overview |

| |

|CIPMS classification standards and authority |

|+PERMISS Article - Applicability of OPM Classification Standards to DCIPS |

|Positions |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Classification Structure |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Career Paths |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Grade Bands |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Dual Track Career Progression |

|+PERMISS Article - Interpolation of Factor Degree Description Points |

|+PERMISS Article - Examples of Interpolation of Points Assigned to Factor Degree |

|Description |

|+PERMISS Article - Sub-Factors for Non-Supervisory Positions |

|+PERMISS Article - Sub-Factors for Supervisory/Managerial Positions |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Titling Practices |

|- Many Improper Security Specialist Titles Require Correction 8 |

| |

|New OPM 2210 Series |

|- Impact of New OPM 2210 Series on DCIPS Positions 7 |

|[pic]Section II: PM&C Forms, Format, and Documentation |

|Job description format |

|+PERMISS Article - When and How to Prepare a DCIPS Evaluation Statement |

|+PERMISS Article - Streamlined Approach to the DCIPS Classification Process for |

|GG Positions |

|+PERMISS Article - Preparing A Position Description For A DCIPS Position |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Positions In The Position Description (PD) Library |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Check Out FASCLASS if You Need to Develop a Job Description 4-1 |

|Standardization and documentation |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Use of Position Descriptions from FASCLASS and Responsibilities of |

|Supervisors, HR Professionals and Employees in Position Classification |

|Complaints and Appeals 4-1 |

|- Check Out FASCLASS if You Need to Develop a Job Description 4-1 |

|Classification Issues for Intern Positions |

|- Grading of CP-35 (Intelligence) Entry/Developmental Positions 10 |

|[pic]Section III: Position Management |

|Overview |

|Position management program indicators |

|Position management studies |

|[pic]Section IV: Classification Complaint and Appeal Procedures |

|Overview |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Use of Position Descriptions from FASCLASS and Responsibilities of |

|Supervisors, HR Professionals and Employees in Position Classification |

|Complaints and Appeals 4-1 |

|Matters excluded |

|Employee representatives |

|Informal complaint procedures |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Informal Position Classification Complaint Procedures |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Formal Position Classification Complaint Procedures |

|Formal appeal procedures |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Position Classification Appeals |

|Misc |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Classification and Position Management Training |

|- Training/Delegation Of Classification Authority (DCA) 2-5 |

|- Have Training Materials Will Travel – DCIPS Classification Training 5 |

|- DCIPS Classification Training Requirements 2 |

|(1) IPMO Approved Training 2 |

|(2) Grandfathering the Training Requirement 2 |

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|Civilian High-Grade Controls |

|- Civilian High-Grade Control Program 3 |

|Intentionally Left Blank |

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|Chapter 4:   Employment and Placement |

|[pic]Section I: Policy and Procedures |

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|Policy |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Deployment |

|- Can Your Boss Deploy You to Iraq? – You Bet!! 4-1 |

| |

|Merit Principles/Prohibited Personnel Practices/Competitive Actions |

|- Discussion About When Promotion Actions of Incumbents Must Be |

|Competitive and When They May Be Non-Competitive 2-3 |

|- Prohibited Personnel Practices and DCIPS 14 |

|- The Importance of Merit Principles to DCIPS and Army Intelligence 13 |

| |

|Interchange Agreement with the Competitive Service |

|- The Current Extension of the Interchange Agreement with OPM is Now |

|Posted on the Web 4-3 |

|- Interchange Agreement with OPM Has Been Extended for Another Year |

|With Retroactivity 4-2 |

|- Interchange Agreement with OPM Temporarily Lapses – Retroactive |

|Extension Again in the Works 4-1 |

|- Original Interchange Agreement 13 |

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|Response to Terrorism |

|- New and Updated Material Available on CPOL Regarding Mobilization |

|Of DCIPS Employees Who Are Reservists or Who Are Being Deployment |

|as Civilians 3-4 |

|- More Information on the Relaxation of Personnel Management Controls |

|in Response to the Terrorist Attacks That Apply Equally to DCIPS 13 |

|- Relaxation of Personnel Management Controls in Response to the |

|Terrorist Attacks Apply Equally to the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel |

|System (DCIPS) 12 |

|Staffing procedures |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Priority Now Being Given for the Security Clearance Investigations and |

|Adjudications of ACTEDS Interns Required to Have Either a Top Secret |

|(TS) or Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence (SCI) Clearance 3-5 |

|- The Initial Phase of Resumix Centralization Has Been Completed 3-4 |

|- All Army Career Programs Moving to RESUMIX for their Referral System 3-2 |

|- DCIPS Nonpermanent Appointments, Tenure and Within Grade |

|Increases (WIGIs) 2-6 |

|- DCIPS Temporary and Not-To-Exceed (NTE) Appointments – A |

|Growing Alternative to Permanent Appointments 14 |

|[pic]Section II: External Recruitment |

|Recruitment policy |

|+PERMISS Article - Retired Military Waiver for DCIPS Positions |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|180 Day Waivers for Hiring Retired Military |

|- (Corrected) Policy on 180 Day Waivers for DCIPS Positions Has Changed |

|– 180 Day Waivers Are NOT Required But MACOMs Are Required to |

|Report Bi-Annually 4-3 |

|- DCIPS Check List for Approving 180-Day Waivers 6 |

|- Approval Authority for 180 Day Waivers Delegated to MACOM Level 5 |

|- Hiring Retiring Military – 180 Day Waivers 2 |

|Recruitment procedures |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Clarification on Applying Veteran’s Preference 3-6 |

|- Job Aids for Supervisors/Managers and Admin Personnel Now Available |

|on the Web (Ghostview movie) 3-2 |

|Administrative disqualification |

|Conditions of employment |

|+PERMISS Article - Conditions of Employment – DCIPS |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Drug Testing |

|- Drug Testing for New Employees Required as Well as Random Testing |

|For all Employees If a TS/SCI Clearance Required 2-5 |

|- Drug Testing – Condition of Employment 2 |

|- Drug Testing – Condition of Employment 1 |

| |

|Security Clearance |

|- Priority Being Considered for the Security Clearance Investigations and |

|Adjudications of ACTEDS Interns Required to Have Either a Top Secret |

|(TS) or Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence (SCI) Clearance 3-4 |

|- Security Clearance Requirements on Requests for Personnel Action 1 |

|Trial period |

|Recruiting assistance |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Recruitment Sources/Targeted Recruitment |

|. - Intelligence Community - Collaborative Recruiting; What, When, Where |

|and What is Army MI's Role? 4-3 |

|- Help Us - Help You Market Your Hot Jobs in 2004 4-3 |

|- Pool of Candidates from the New Scholarship for Service Program for |

|Information Management Positions Can Also Be Utilized by DCIPS 4-2 |

|- IPMO Goes Live with NIPRnet Recruitment Website Called “CEAMI” 4-1 |

|- Intelligence Positions from Other Services and Agencies as well as |

|Contractor Opportunities Can Now Be Posted on a Knowledge Collaboration |

|Center (KCC) of the Intelligence Community on AKO 3-6 |

|- Plans Well Underway for Joint Intelligence Community Recruitment in FY04 3-6 |

|- IPMO Testing Employment Website titled - Civilian Employment with Army |

|Military Intelligence (CEAMI) 3-5 |

|- Website Now Seeking Army Employees With Arab Speaking Ability 3-5 |

|- Joint Recruitment Event Takes Place – National Society of Black Engineers 3-4 |

|- Army DCIPS Employee Named Black Engineer of the Year 3-4 |

|- Where to Refer Arab Speakers for DOD or Army Employment 3-4 |

|- The Intelligence Community has Launched a Recruitment Website on the |


|- Joint Recruitment Events Planned By the Intelligence Community for FY03 |

|Have Been Successful – Planning for FY04 Now Beginning 3-3 |

|- Advice for those Seeking their First Job with Army Intelligence 3-3 |

|- New Federal Webpage Launched with Link to OPM’s Employment Site 2-5 |

|- The National Security Education Program (NSEP) – An Excellent |

|Source of Candidates for Positions Requiring Language or Area |

|Studies Expertise 14 |

|- Where to Direct Job Inquiries from Former Federal Employees In |

|Response to the September 11 Attacks 13 |

|- National Security Education Program (NSEP) – An Additional Source |

|of Candidates With Language and Area Study Competencies 10 |

|- Employment Information (Job Information Websites) 4 |

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|[pic] Section III: Promotion and Internal Placement |

|Merit promotion plans |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- HQDA G-1 Requires All Vacancy Announcements To Clearly State |

|Whether the Army will Pay PCS Allowances 4-1 |

|- Payment of PCS Costs is Required by the ACTEDS Plan When |

|Competitively Filling GG-13 and Above Positions with Army-Wide |

|or Wider Areas of Consideration 2-3 |

|- A Functional Chief Memorandum Has Been Signed Requiring Senior |

|Leaders to Review Recruitment Actions for GG-14 and 15 Positions to |

|Promote Diversity in the Workforce 2-3 |

|- New Requirement to Consider Professionalization When Competitively |

|Hiring and Promoting 13 |

|- Referral Requirements for GG-13/14/15 Positions in Career Program – 35 10 |

|- Mandatory Requirements in ACTEDS Plan for Competitive |

|Recruitment and Promotion Actions 3 |

|Internal placement policy |

|+PERMISS Article - +PERMISS Article - Career Referral for Non CP-35 Positions in DCIPS |

|Career Referral for Non CP-35 Positions in DCIPS |

|Competition |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Promotion/Temporary Promotion, Details |

|- DCIPS Flexibility Allows for Temporary Promotions and Details to Higher |

|Graded Positions for Up to 180 Days Without Competition 3-5 |

|- Announcement of DCIPS Positions With Promotion Potential vs Grade |

|Band Promotions 3-4 |

|- Issues to Consider When Establishing or Filling Technician Career Path |

|Positions and When Attempting to Convert Incumbered Technician |

|Career Path to Professional/Administrative Career Path Positions 2-1 |

|- Questions and Answers: Minimum Qualifications for Promotion; |

|Retroactive, Accelerated and Two Grade Promotions; Details and |

|Temporary Promotions Between DCIPS and the Competitive Service; |

|And Emergency Temporary Appointments 13 |

|- Career Ladder Promotion Policy (Provides for Retroactive Promotions |

|for Trainees) 1 |

|Records and review |

|Grievances |

|Corrective actions |

|Details |

|+PERMISS Article - Details and Temporary Promotions In DCIPS |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- The USD(I) Will Take a Personal Role In Approving Details and Exchanges |

|Outside of DOD 4-2 |

|Reduction in force (RIF) |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|DOD Priority Placement Program (PPP)/CARE |

|- Latest on Use of Intelligence Option Codes in the DOD Priority |

|Placement Program (PPP)/CARE 14 |

|- Tips for Coding DCIPS Positions in DOD CARE (Priority Placement |

|Program) 5 |

|Grade and pay retention |

|Reemployment rights |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Overseas Tour Limitations 3-4 |

|[pic]Section IV: Qualification Requirements |

|Qualification standards |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Undocumented Details to Positions With Different Qualification Requirements |

|or at Higher Grades Generally Cannot Be Used Later to Qualify for Positions 4-1 |

|Written and performance tests |

|Misc (Intentionally Left Blank) |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Overseas Tour Limitations 3-4 |

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|Chapter 5:   Training and Career Development |

|Policy |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Policy |

|- Latest Policy on Payment for Academic Degree Training 3-6 |

|- Civilian Academic Degree Training Now Possible 3-5 |

|- Army Training and Leader Development Panel (ATLDP) Study on Civilians |

|Approved – Four Broad Imperatives With Supporting General and Specific |

|Recommendations 3-4 |

|- Strategic Army Workforce (SAW) Concept for a Transformed Civilian |

|Career Development System (Early Version) 3-4 |

|- Authority to Pay the Expenses Required to Obtain Professional Credentials |

|for Army Civilian Employees is Being Delegated Within Army 3-4 |

|- Summary of the Recent Intelligence Community Training and Education |

|Board (TEB) Meeting 2-3 |

|- Summary of the Recent Intelligence Community Training and Education |

|Board (TEB) Meeting 2-2 |

|- Additional Information on Army’s Policy on Paying for College Degrees 14 |

|- Army Publishes New Policy on Paying for Degrees 13 |

|Determining training requirements |

|Survey of training needs |

|Identifying training sources |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Joint Intelligence Virtual University (JIVU) |

|- Completion of Courses on the Joint Intelligence Virtual University (JIVU) |

|by Army Members Topped 800 in FY03 4-3 |

|- Joint Intelligence Virtual University (JIVU) Has a Substantial Presence on |

|SIPRnet – Check It Out! 3-7 |

|- The Joint Intelligence Virtual University (JIVU) Adds New Intel Course for |

|New Employees, Language Training from DLI and Its First Synchronous |

|Course 2-5 |

|- Need to Publicize the Intelligence Training Available on SIPRnet and |

|JWICS Through the Joint Virtual Intelligence University (JIVU) 2-2 |

| |

|Websites and Links to Training (Schools)/Documenting Training |

|- The Joint Security Training Consortium (JSTC) Is An Excellent Source of |

|Information on Training and Development Opportunities for Security |

|Specialists 4-2 |

|- Check Out The Joint Military Intelligence College’s (JMIC’s) Website on the |

|NIPRnet 3-7 |

|- Selected Websites for Schoolhouses 3-7 |

|- Defense Security Service E-News – Information about DSSA Courses, |

|Projects and Security Awareness Initiatives 3-6 |

| - Joint Security Training Consortium (JSTC) Website Contains Valuable |

|Information for Security Professionals 3-6 |

|- Updated Listing of Training Available Through the Regional Civilian |

|Personnel Operations Centers (CPOCs) – Now With Offerings from |

|The West CPOC 3-2 |

|- “Directory” of Training Catalog Websites Are Available from DIA To Assist |

|in Locating Training Opportunities 3-2 |

|- New Site Offers Free Online Courses for Federal Workers 2-5 |

|- Civilian Personnel Management Training Tools Are Available on the Web |

|for Those Serviced by the West Civilian Personnel Operations Center 2-4 |

|- Intelligence Community Proliferation Training Catalog FY2002 is Now |

|On Our Web 2-2 |

|- NIMA College Opens Its Courses to the DOD Intelligence Community – |

|NIMA’s School of Leadership and Professional Studies 2-2 |

|- Attention Training Coordinators and Managers -- Completed Training |

|Can Now Be Recorded in Army’s Automated Personnel Management |

|Database (MDCPDS) Using Oracle Training Administration (OTA) 2-1 |

|- Free Computer Based Training Available to All Army Civilians 2-1 |

|Individual development plans (IDPs) |

|Funding – See this topic in Chapter 13, Career Management for CP-35 positions |

|Intake analysis and special programs |

|Misc |

|Management and Leadership Training |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Defense Leadership and Management Program (DLAMP) |

|- Defense Leadership and Management Program (DLAMP) Offers Three |

|Options to Complete the Program 3-7 |

|- Refocused DLAMP Continues to Offer Significant Development |

|Opportunities for those Interested in Supervisory/Managerial Career Track 3-2 |

| Army Leadership Training. |

|- Applications Will Soon Be Due for the Next Sustaining Base and Leadership |

|Management (SBLM) Class 4-3 |

|- Reminder – Those Applying for Senior Service Colleges Are Required to Be |

|Geographically Mobile – Post Training Assignments Likely 4-3 |

|- Applications are Currently Being Accepted For Senior Service College (SSC) |

|Programs For FY04 3-7 |

|- Army Offers New Strategic Leadership for Executives (SLE) Course in |

|Kansas City in FY04 3-7 |

|- All Five CP-35 Candidates Were Selected for Sustaining Base Leadership |

|and Management (SBLM) Course, Class 03-3 (September 15 to December |

|10, 2003) and Non-resident 04 class 3-5 |

| - CP-35 Careerist Selected for the National War College 3-5 |

|- Sustaining Base Leadership and Management (SBLM) Non-Resident |

|Course Now Opens to GG-11s 3-4 |

|- Training Alert - Human Resource Management Course for New Supervisors |

|of Civilians (Military as Well as Civilian) is Now Available from Army 3-3 |

|- Course Schedule for FY03 Organizational Leadership for Executives |

|(OLE) is Now Available on the Web 2-5 |

|- Army Leadership Training Reinstated – Organizational Leadership for |

|Executives (OLE) Course 2-4 |

|- College Credit Given for SBLM 11 |

| Additional Courses/Programs |

|- Limited Number of 134s and 086s Can Also Receive Funding From the |

|HQDA G-2 for Training and Development 4-3 |

|- A Class on Team Building is Available in Charlottesville, VA in February 4-3 |

|- Applicants Sought for the Harvard University Program For Senior Executive |

|Fellows (SEF) 4-2 |

|- Senior Service College (SSC) Programs for FY 2004 Are Accepting |

|Nominations 4-2 |

|- Center for Counterintelligence and Security Studies Could Be a New Source |

|Of Training 4-2 |

|- Suspense Date for Applications for the New Army Fellowship Program |

|for Training and Experience in Strategic Intelligence is Coming Up – 31 |

|October 2003 4-1 |

|- Army G-2 Announces a Fellowship Program for Those Outside of Wash DC |

|Desiring Training and Experience in Strategic Intelligence 3-7 |

|- How to Apply to Attend MI Military Training 3-4 |

|- Applications Due by COB 28 March for the Harvard University Program for |

|Senior Executive Fellows (SEF) and for the DOD Executive Leadership |

|Development Program (DELDP) 3-4 |

|- Army War College Offers Web Based Defense Strategy Course 2-5 |

|- New Management Development Program Announced 12 |

| Intelligence Community Programs |

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|Intelligence Community Officer (ICO) Designation |

|+ PERMISS Article - Intelligence Community Office (ICO) Designation |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Recent Meeting of the Intelligence Community Officer (ICO)/Intelligence |

|Community Assignment Program (ICAP) Board of Governors Appraises FY02 3-1 |

|- Intelligence Community Officer Board of Governors Meeting Recently Held 2-5 |

|- Summary of Recent ICO/ICAP Board of Governors (BOG) Meeting 2-2 |

|- FY02 Begins Requirement to Consider ICO Designation When |

|Filling Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service (DISES) |

|Positions 11 |

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|Intelligence Community Assignment Program (ICAP) |

|- Intelligence Community Assignment Program (ICAP) Announcements Are |

|Again Posted 4-3 - New Draft DCIPS Policy |

|Provides for Separate Lodging Allowance for Those |

|on an ICAP Assignment 3-7 |

|- Intelligence Community Assignment Program (ICAP) Vacancies Have |

|Closed – Now is the Time for Managers to Review and Improve Vacancy |

|Announcements Before the Next Open Period 3-7 |

|- Intelligence Community Assignment Program (ICAP) Equivalency Can Be |

|Granted for Previous Assignments 3-5 |

|- Command and IPMO to Work Together to Facilitate ICAP Assignments 3-4 |

|- Review of the Intelligence Community Assignment Program (ICAP) in FY02 2-6 |

|- Intelligence Community Assignment Program (ICAP) Equivalency Can |

|Be Granted for Previous Assignments 2-4 |

|- New Strategies Are Identified to Aid In Increasing the Number of Army |

|Careerists Going Out of Army on Intelligence Community Assignment |

|Program (ICAP) Assignments 2-3 |

|- Relocation Income Tax Allowance and the Intelligence Community |

|Assignment Program (ICAP) 2-2 |

|- Current Statistics on Army’s Participation in ICAP 2-2 |

|- New Legislation Grants Lodging Allowance to Those on ICAP |

|Assignments Requiring Relocation Who Chose Not to Relocate |

|Their Families 2-1 |

|- DCSINT Comments on the Importance of the Intelligence Community |

|Assignment Program (ICAP) 14 |

|- Need for New ICAP Opportunities in Support of the War on Terrorism |

|And Recent Changes to ICAP and ICAP-E Policies 13 |

|- High Potential Grade 12s Now Eligible for an ICAP Assignment 12 |

|- New Electronic ICAP Application Concurrence/Endorsement Process 7 |

|- Participation in ICAP By Non-CP35 Careerists 4 |

| |

|Intelligence Community Officer Training (ICOT) |

|- Intelligence Community Orientation Course Schedule is Now Available |

|for FY04 4-2 |

| |

|- Intelligence Community Officer Training (ICOT) Requirements – More and |

|More Courses Have Been Given Equivalency 4-2 |

|- Schedule Now Available for FY04 for the Two-Week Intelligence Community |

|Officer (ICO) Course 4-1 |

|- Your Could Be Close to Obtaining Full Credit Toward Meeting the |

|Intelligence Community Officer Training (ICOT) Requirement 2-6 |

|- The New Two-Week Intelligence Community Officer Course (ICOC) for |

|GG-14s and 15s Gets Great Reviews 2-5 |

|- Intelligence Community Officer Training (ICOT) Requirements Can Be |

|Met By Previous Military Training 2-4 |

|- Intelligence Officer Orientation Course is Now Open to all GG-13s and |

|Above Regardless of Whether They Are On an ICAP Assignment 2-1 |

|- Those Seeking Intelligence Community Officer Training (ICOT) Credit |

|Should Use the On-Line System 12 |

|- Certain GG-13s Will Be Eligible to Take the New Intelligence Community |

|Officer Course (ICOC) That Will Start This Winter 10 |

|- Intelligence Community Orientation Course Now Opened for Those |

|With ICAP Equivalency Credit 7 |

| |

|Other IC Programs and Courses |

|- Managing Intelligence Community Issues (MICI) Course Schedule is Now |

|Available for FY04 4-2 |

|- Check Out The Joint Military Intelligence College’s (JMIC’s) Website on the |

|NIPRnet 3-7 |

|- DIA Again Offers a DOD Intelligence Community Scholar Program for Newly |

|Hired Careerists 3-7 |

|- Army G-2 Announces a Fellowship Program for Those Outside of Wash DC |

|Desiring Training and Experience in Strategic Intelligence 3-7 |

|- Nomination Sought for the Exceptional Intelligence Officer Program (EIOP) 3-6 |

| |

|- Denial and Deception Advanced Studies Program (DDASP) Announced 2-5 |

|- Program Announcement – DOD Intelligence Community Scholar |

|Program 2-4 |

|- Managers May Consider New Intelligence Community Programs For |

|Both New Hires and Junior Journeymen 2-3 |

|- The Joint Military Intelligence College (JMIC) Now Has A Thesis |

|Database Website on INTELINK 2-2 |

|- A New Opportunity for those In the Entry/Developmental Grade |

|Band – The Intelligence Community Scholar Program 13 |

|- New DOD Intelligence Community Fellowship Program Announced 11 |

|- Mansfield Fellowship Program (Japanese Studies) 1 |

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|Chapter 6:   Compensation |

|Overview |

|+PERMISS Article – Employee Benefits Under DCIPS |

|UPDATE Articles Update No |

|- HQDA G-1 Encourages Wider Use of Available Civilian Pay Incentives to |

|Achieve Recruitment and Retention Goals 3-7 |

|+PERMISS Article – DCIPS Recruitment and Retention Incentives |

|CIPMS special salary rates |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Special Salary Schedules |

|- Special Salary Schedule Ready for Information Technology Positions in DCIPS 4 |

|Premium recruitment bonus payment |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Many Recruitment and Retention Tools Exist for Commands to Use |

|to Attract and Retain a Premiere Workforce 14 |

|Advanced hiring salary |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Advanced Hiring Salary |

|Travel and transportation |

|Step increase on reassignment |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Step Increase On Reassignment |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Correction on Guidance On CIPMS/DCIPS Step Increase on Reassignment 4-1 |

|Advance payment of basic pay |

|Administratively uncontrollable work pay |

|Documentation |

|Allowances in foreign and overseas areas |

|Misc  |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Payment of Expenses Now Possible to Obtain Professional Credentials 3-6 |

|- Update on Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP) for Civilians 3-5 |

|- Pay Setting and Step Increases 3-4 |

|- Refresher on Pay Ceilings That Affect Employee Pay and the Exemplary |

|Performance Award (EPA) 2-6 |

|- Repayment of Student Loans Now Possible – New Policy Also Applies |

|to DCIPS 14 |

|- Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP) for Civilians Still Uncertain 8 |

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|Chapter 7:   Performance Management |

|Policy |

|+ PERMISS Article - Performance Management |

|Special requirements for performance plans and ratings |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |


|- Army’s Performance Management System to be Automated 3-2 |

|- Performance Objectives for GG-13s+ are Due – Must Include an Objective |

|on Professional Development 2-5 |

|- Civilian Accountability and TAPES – Mid Year Counseling Due 14 |

|- New Requirement for a Training and Development Objective in Performance |

|Appraisal Support Forms 13 |

|Standardized performance plans |

|Security considerations |

|Individual development plans for DISCAS-eligible employees |

|Termination and removal actions |

|Grievances regarding performance ratings |

|Misc  (Intentionally Left Blank) |

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|Chapter 8:   Performance Recognition and Incentive Awards |

|[pic]Section I: General Provisions |

|+PERMISS Article - Performance Recognition and Incentive Awards |

|Eligibility |

|Policy |

|Forms of recognition and qualifying criteria |

|Nomination procedures and approval of awards |

|Security requirements |

|Documentation of awards |

|+PERMISS Article - Documenting and Approving Awards |

|[pic]Section II: Monetary Awards |

|Establishment of goals and Objectives |

|CIPMS award tables |

|Performance awards |

|EPA |

|+PERMISS Article - Exemplary Performance Award (EPA) |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Refresher on Pay Ceilings That Affect Employee Pay and the Exemplary |

|Performance Award (EPA) 2-6 |

|QSI |


|[pic]Section III: Honorary Awards and Other Recognition |

|Policy |

|Nominations for honorary awards |

|Special intelligence awards |

|+PERMISS Article - Intelligence Community Awards |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|IC Awards |

|- Intelligence Community (IC) Awards 5 |

| |

|DOD Awards |

|- Nominations Requested for Department of Defense |

|Counterintelligence Awards 3 |

|Misc  (Intentionally Left Blank) |

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|Chapter 9:   Management-Employee Relations |

|Overview |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Results of Attitude Survey of Career Program 35 Members Shows |

|Strengths and Weaknesses Stemming From Many Stressful Years 2-2 |

|Policy |

|Role or the CPM and ACPM in the grievance procedure |

|Grievances |

|+PERMISS Article - Grievance and Appeal Rights |

|Appeals |

|+PERMISS Article - Grievance and Appeal Rights |

|Disciplinary and adverse actions |

|Termination and removal actions |

|+PERMISS Article - DCIPS Termination Authority |

|Security considerations |

|Misc  (Intentionally Left Blank) |

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|Chapter 10:   Special Termination Authority |

|Overview |

|Proposing and deciding officials |

|Procedures |

|Misc  (Intentionally Left Blank) |

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|Chapter 11:   Technical Services |

|Processing personnel actions |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Processing Personnel Actions |

|- Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Requirements |

|Being Included within Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) |

|11i Release 3-7 |

|- Guide to Coding DCIPS Personnel Actions Now on the Web! 2-1 |

|- Problems with Processing DCIPS Personnel Actions 2 |

|Personnel records |

|Benefits and entitlements |

|Misc  |

|UPDATE Articles Update No |

|- Need Your Help to Complete Army’s Exit Survey 3-6 |

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|Chapter 12:   Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action |

|Policy |

|Procedures |

|Misc |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|IC-Wide Recruitment |

|- Summary of the Recent Intelligence Community Executive Leadership |

|Forum on “Managing the Generation Mix and Winning the Talent Wars” 2-4 |

| |

|Diversity Initiatives and Demographics |

|- Progress Being Made in Representation of Women, Minority and |

|Handicapped Employees 3-5 |

|- Recent Diversity Statistics 2-6 |

|- Recent Diversity Profile of Civilians in Army Intelligence 9 |

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|Chapter 13:   Career Management |

|Overview |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- The Military Intelligence Civilian Excepted Career Program (MICECP) |

|Provides Lessons Learned to the New Strategic Army Workforce |

|Management Office (SAWMO) 3-7 |

|- Stand Up of the Strategic Army Workforce Management Office (SAWMO) 3-6 |

|- Implementation of the Army Training and Leader Development Panel |

|(ATLDP) Study on Civilians 3-5 |

|- Army’s Aggressive Plans for Career Programs in FY03/04 3-2 |

|- Results of Attitude Survey of Career Program 35 Members Shows |

|Strengths and Weaknesses Stemming From Many Stressful Years 2-2 |

|CP-35 coverage |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- Distribution of Careerists in CP- 35 by Grade 8 |

|- Distribution of Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel |

|System (DCIPS) Security Specialists by Title (Specialty) 8 |

|- Acquisition Corps and DCIPS 3 |

|Policy |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|- The USD(I) Will Take a Personal Role In Approving Details and Exchanges |

|Outside of DOD 4-2 |

| |

|Referral Requirements for GG13/14/15 Positions |

|- Payment of PCS Costs is Required by the ACTEDS Plan When |

|Competitively Filling GG-13 and Above Positions with Army-Wide |

|or Wider Areas of Consideration 2-3 |

|- A Functional Chief Memorandum Has Been Signed Requiring Senior |

|Leaders to Review Recruitment Actions for GG-14 and 15 Positions to |

|Promote Diversity in the Workforce 2-3 |

|- No Requirement to “Enroll” or “Register” in CP-35 2-1 |

|- Referral Requirements for GG-13/14/15 Positions in Career Program – 35 10 |

|- Mandatory Requirements in ACTEDS Plan for Competitive |

|Recruitment and Promotion Actions 3 |

|Funding |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Call for Nominations for FY04 for FCR Competitive Development Program |

|- Careerists Are Now Required To Use RASS When Applying for FCR Funding 4-3 |

|- Keep Submitting Proposals for HQDA Funding for Training and Development 4-3 |

|- New Procedures Have Been Issued for Funding of Both ACTEDS Interns |

|and Training Through the Functional Chief Representative’s (FCR’s) |

|Competitive Development Program (CPD) 4-2 |

|- OPM Management Development Seminars Are Now Available for FY04! 3-7 |

|- Next Deadline for Applications for Funding of Training and Development |

|Opportunities that Start in 2nd Qtr FYO4 or Later Is NLT 10 November 2003 3-7 |

|- Deadline for Applications for Training and Development Opportunities |

|that Start in 1st Qtr FYO4 And Are To Be Funded by the Functional Chief |

|Representative (FCR) Competitive Development Program (CDP) Is |

|NLT 11 August 3-6 |

|- FY04 Functional Chief Representative (FCR) Competitive Development |

|Program (CDP) Being Finalized – Many More Opportunities to be Available 3-5 |

| |

|Call for Nominations for FY03 |

|- HQDA G-2 Centrally Funded Training Was a Big Success in FY03 4-2 |

|- The FY03 Competitive Development Program (CDP) Was a Big Success 4-1 |

|- Defense Security Service Academy (DSSA) Courses Are Appropriate for |

|Funding by the FCR’s Competitive Development Program (CDP) 2-4 |

| |


|- Payment of Expenses Now Possible to Obtain Professional Credentials 3-6 |

|ACTEDS plan for intelligence |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Revision of 3rd Edition of the ACTEDS Plan. |

|- Another Key Issue Resulting From Comments on the Proposed Revision |

|of the ACTEDS Plan – Proposal for an Information Operations Career Area 2-6 |

|- A Key Issue Resulting From Comments on the Proposed Revision of |

|the ACTEDS Plan – Creation of A New Career Area for |

|Counterintelligence/HUMINT 2-5 |

|- Highlights of An Army Career Program Policy Committee (CPPC) |

|Meeting 2-4 |

|- Draft Summary of Major Recommendations and Action Items from the |

|Career Program Planning Board (CPPB) Held at Ft Huachuca 2-4 |

|- Results of Attitude Survey of Career Program 35 Members Shows |

|Strengths and Weaknesses Stemming From Many Stressful Years 2-2 |

|- Third Edition of the ACTEDS Plan for CP-35 Now on Army’s CPOL Website 2-1 |

| Mandatory Requirement for Training on ACTEDS |

|- Completion Date for Training on the New ACTEDS Plan Extended |

|Until 30 November 2001 12 |

|- Training on the New ACTEDS Plan Targeted for Completion |

|Throughout Army by 28 September 2001 11 |

|- IPMO is Available to Train on ACTEDS and DCIPS 11 |

| |

|Overview of ACTEDS Plan and Structure of Competencies |

|- Guidance is Readily Available for Career Development Planning 4-2 |

|- Structure of Competency Requirements in the ACTEDS Plan at a Glance 3 |

|- ACTEDS Plan to be Briefed to ADCSINT 2 |

|(1) Major Thrusts |

|(2) Major Changes |

|(3) Career Program Structure |

| Linkage of Career Management to Staffing and Performance Management Actions |

|- Performance Objectives for GG-13s+ are Due – Must Include an Objective |

|on Professional Development 2-5 |

|- New Requirement to Consider Professionalization When Competitively |

|Hiring and Promoting 13 |

|- New Requirement for a Training and Development Objective in Performance |

|Appraisal Support Forms 13 |

| |

|Competency Determination |

|- Steps for Determining Required Competencies Under the |

|New ACTEDS Plan 4 |

| |

|Questions and Answers on the ACTEDS Plan |

|- “Standards” for Certification of ACTEDS Competencies 3-4 |

|- More Questions and Answers on the New ACTEDS Plan 13 |

|- More Questions and Answers on the New ACTEDS Plan 12 |

|- Questions and Answers on the New ACTEDS Plan 11 |

| |

|ACTEDS Approval Process |

|- ACTEDS Plan Given Formal Approval by ASA(M&RA) 13 |

|- DCSINT Approves New ACTEDS Plan 9 |

|Misc |

|UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Interns |

|- Army Ceases Recruitment for Centrally Funded Interns in FY04 But Plans for |

|Significant Recruitment in FY05 4-3 |

|- Recruitment in Progress for Six Additional Intern Spaces Given to MI 3-5 |

|- Priority Now Being Given for the Security Clearance Investigations and |

|Adjudications of ACTEDS Interns Required to Have Either a Top Secret |

|(TS) or Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence (SCI) Clearance 3-5 |

|- Six Additional Intern Spaces Given to MI for FY03 3-4 |

|- Priority Being Considered for the Security Clearance Investigations and |

|Adjudications of ACTEDS Interns Required to Have Either a Top Secret |

|(TS) or Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence (SCI) Clearance 3-4 |

|- Career Program Given 24 Workyears in FY03 for Interns – Most to be |

|Used for Interns Already on Board or Awaiting Clearance 2-5 |

|- MACOMs Are Now Considering Intern Requirements for FY03 2-1 |

|- A New Opportunity for those In the Entry/Developmental Grade |

|Band – The Intelligence Community Scholar Program 13 |

|- Grading of CP-35 (Intelligence) Entry/Developmental Positions 10 |

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|Appendices |

|References (click on the word “references and it will take you to them) |

|DoD Directive 1400.34 (click on the word “DOD Directive and it will take you to it) |

|DoD Manual 1400.34-M (click on the word “DOD Manual and it will take you to it) |


| UPDATE Articles Update No. |

|Senior Programs |

|- HQDA G-2 Considering Nominations for New Senior Civilian Positions 4-3 |

|- Two Senior Civilian Positions Are Being Filled – Special Assistant to the |

|Commander, NGIC and Special Assistant to the G-2, USAREUR 4-3 |

|- Career Opportunity - Director, Counterintelligence, Human Intelligence, |

|Disclosure and Security, HQDA, Office of the DCS, G-2; Closes 3 December 4-2 |

|- Senior Position Job Opportunity – Technical Advisor, Intelligence, |

|Surveillance and Reconnaissance, HQDA, Office of the DCS,G-2 Closes |

|On 14 October 4-1 |

|- The Assistant DCS, G-2 is Requesting Nominations for New Senior Level |

|Positions 4-1 |

|- Change in Rating Period for Senior Intelligence Executive Service |

|(SIES) and Senior Intelligence Professional (SIP) Members 2-2 |

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|Civilian Linguists (Demographics) |

|- Civilian Linguists 5 |

|- Civilian Linguists 4 |

|- Civilian Linguists 3 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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