
Horatio S. Earle Learning Center

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

9:00 a.m.



|Michael Prince (Chair) |Office of Highway Safety Planning |

|Carol Reagan |Michigan Department of State |

|Michael Poulin |Muskegon County Sheriff’s Office |

|Gregg Brunner |Michigan Department of Transportation |

|Linda Scarpetta |Michigan Department of Health and Human Services |

|Ken Micklash |Michigan Department of Education |

|Rachel Telder |Aging and Adult Services Agency |


|Jennifer Shea |Governor’s Office |

|Kenneth Micklash |Department of Education |

|Sheriff Matt Saxton |Local Representative |


|Kara Rueckert |Office of Highway Safety Planning |


|Carissa McQuiston |Michigan Department of Transportation |

|Bobby Gwizdz |Michigan Department of State |

|Mark Bott |Michigan Department of Transportation |

|Emily Shinevar |Office of Highway Safety Planning |

|Lt. Jeff Daniels |Shelby Township Police Department |

|Jon Ross |Office of Highway Safety Planning |

|Chad Teachout |Michigan Department of State |

|Jennifer Shea |Beaumont |

|Alicia Sledge |Office of Highway Safety Planning |

|Larry Hummel | |

|Nicole McGhee |Michigan State Police |

|Matt Saxton |Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office |

|Anne Readett |Office of Highway Safety Planning |

|Steve Shaughnessy |Michigan Department of Transportation |


The GTSAC meeting was called to order by Chair Michael Prince at 9 a.m. A quorum was present for today’s meeting.


Mr. Prince welcomed everyone to today’s meeting.


Mr. Ken Micklash made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2019, GTSAC meeting, Ms. Linda Scarpetta supported, the motion carries.


Introduction of new commission members; Sheriff Michael Poulin and Gregg Brunner.

Presentation of plaques to retiring commission members; Ms. Jennifer Shea, Sheriff Matthew Saxton, and Mr. Larry Hummel.


Distracted driving bills; 3 in the house, 1 in the senate (two hands free)

Two speed limit bills in house and senate

Impaired communication bills; some sort of notification or placard to indicate some sort of communication impairment to law enforcement

Shadow Riders — Ms. Emily Shinevar and Mr. Jon Ross (OHSP)

• Background

o NHTSA Guideline #3 — Rider Education/Training and Communications Program

o The unendorsed motorcyclist continues to be over-represented in motorcycle crashes and fatalities

o In 2013 there were 250,000 register3ed motorcyclists in Michigan; of that total, there were 50,000 unendorsed riders (20% of riding population)

• Connecting with Unendorsed Population

o Working with MDOS and UMTRI, postcards were mailed to registered motorcycle owners who did not have a CY endorsement

o 50,000 postcards mailed out in March of 2013

o Printing and postage paid for with $23,000 in 402 federal funds

o Annual mailing

▪ 2013 — Get out of the shadows

▪ 2014 — more graphic image of crash

▪ 2015 — March and June / Protect your freedom

▪ 2016 — February and June / Don’t get towed

▪ 2017 — March and July / The choice is yours

▪ 2018 — Direct mailing in spring, social media later in the year / Why do you ride?

• Why the increase (2017 to 2018)?

o Mailing date vs. data pull date

o 2017 was the first year with multiple data pulls

o Increase in 2018 due to new data pulling method

• Cost

o Federal 402 funds

o Printing and postage ranged from $23,000 - $41,000 (depending on number of postcards and times mailed)

• Transition to Social Media

o Working with Brogan and Partners

o Began social media campaign in July 2018

o No returned postcards/very cost effective

o Engagement with the public; questions could be answered immediately

• 2019 Plan

o Objective

▪ To encourage motorcycles to sign up for training courses to get their motorcycle endorsement

o Target

▪ Primary: males 45-60 who are in Michigan riders/bike owners who are un-endorsed

▪ Secondary: A25+ who have a motorcycle/motorcycle brand interest

• Results/Evaluation

o As of 10/29/19: 26,000 unendorsed riders in Michigan; a 50% in reductions from 2013

o Possible digital video aspect added for FY20, along with continued social media


Commissioner Reports

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services — Linda Scarpetta

CDC Grant Application: Overdose Data to Action - 3 years/$7M per year

Morbidity and Mortality Data

• Enhance Michigan Syndromic Surveillance System (MSSS) to include more Emergency Departments (EDs), improve the data quality, develop an overdose syndrome definition and develop an overdose cluster alerting mechanism for key staff at the local, regional and state levels.

• Create quarterly ED and hospitalization data reports and add data to MiTracking, an on-line public query portal at mitracking.state.mi.us.

• Conduct a needs assessment of forensic toxicology testing protocols used by the state’s Medical Examiners (MEs) and select 3⎼5 high burden ME offices to enhance forensic testing of opioid overdose deaths.

• Increase the number of counties participating in the Swift Toxicology of Opioid-Related Mortalities (STORM) Program that performs toxicology tests for 42 different opioids and can return results in 72 hours (currently in 38 counties) and expand drug profile to include benzodiazepine and stimulants.

• Access overdose-related admit/discharge/transfer (ADT) messages for all of Michigan’s hospitals through a data sharing agreement with the Michigan Health Information Network (MiHIN) to link with other data sources and identify geographies where high volumes of overdose events occur.

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)

• Increase PDMP registration and use and improve prescribers’ understanding of navigability.

• Provide PDMP indicators to inform prescribing behaviors and PDMP usage.

Integration of State and Local Prevention and Response Efforts

• Continue evaluation of the three pilot communities currently funded.

• Issue an RFP for local communities who are interested in implementing prevention activities.

• Continue the PDO Stakeholder Workgroup and add a Lived Experiences Advisory Council.

• Create and pilot county level and community driven overdose fatality review.

• Disseminate the K-12 opioid curriculum in the Michigan Model for Health (MMH).

Establishing Linkages to Care

• Promote the soon to be developed MDHHS new 24-hour peer line.

• Finalize curriculum and pilot test the opioid module for the Community Paramedicine Program. This is an in-person outreach team follows up with individuals recently discharged from the emergency department due to an overdose and provides resources and referrals.

• Expand work with health centers.

• Continue the MDHHS Naloxone Standing Order Evaluation Group (focusing on the utilization in Grand Rapids).

Providers and Health Systems Support

• Continue opioid academic detailing.

• Conduct chronic pain management trainings.

• Continue DATA-waiver trainings (training required to prescribe medication assisted treatment).

• Develop and pilot new post overdose ED module.

Partnerships with Public Safety and First Responders

• Train first responders on Naloxone administration and how adverse childhood experiences can influence risk behaviors.

• Implement evidence-based practices to treat and improve linkages to care in either jail or prison setting for criminal justice involved persons

Empowering Individuals to Make Safer Choices

• Conduct an Anti-Stigma Campaign (addressing opioid use disorder and addiction).

• Improve awareness and data collection within the syringe services program (SSP), including a state harm reduction media campaign.

• Convene a Harm Reduction Summit.

Prevention Innovation Project

• Finalize and launch the University of Michigan School of Music “Painless: The Opioid Musical”, which tells the stories of Families Against Narcotics members. The musical will address stigma and the risks of opioid misuse and abuse. The UM School of Public Health will work with M-OPEN and UM School of Music on the opioid abuse and overdose education and facilitator guide (both to be used that will be used immediately following the musical).

Michigan Department of Education — Ken Micklash

• Michigan participated in the national school bus loading and unloading illegal passing survey that is sponsored by the National Association of State Transportation Directors for Pupil Transportation.  Michigan’s survey date was May 8, 2019.

• The Michigan Department of Education is working with the Training Agency Association of Michigan (TAAM) to modify the Beginning School Bus Driver Safety Training Curriculum in order for it to comply with the new Federal Rules for Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) requirements which go into effect early in 2020.  This will then satisfy the theory portion of the training requirements.

• The Michigan Department of Education is working with representatives of AAA of Michigan and Michigan State Police to update the Adult Crossing Guard Manual which is used to train crossing guards throughout Michigan.  This cooperative review has been ongoing since 2008.

Michigan Department of State — Carol Reagan

New Leadership Team - Jocelyn Benson, Secretary of State

Hilarie Chambers, Chief of Staff

Bureau of Elections

Bureau of Programs, Integration & Delivery

Legislative Liaison

Office of Communications

Office of Human Resources

Office of Public Engagement

Winnie Liao, Chief Operating Officer, Customer Services Administration

Branch Offices

Bureau of Traffic Safety

Office of Continuous Improvement & Transformation

Office of Customer Records

Office of Customer Services

Office of Occupancy Services

Mike Brady, Legal Services Administration

Office of Citizen Redistricting

Office of Hearings and Administrative Oversight

Office of Investigative Services

Office of Legal Policy

Secretary of State Appointments - Secretary Benson announced last week that the Department of State is expanding appointment options to every Secretary of State branch office. With the expansion, it’s expected that every Michigan resident will have the option to make an appointment at their local branch office and get in and out in less than 30 minutes. Currently, 43 branches offer appointments. The appointment option will be expanded to the remaining 88 branches in phases beginning mid-June. Customers also will be able to make appointments to complete interstate commercial truck registrations at the International Registration Plan office in Dimondale. Appointments can be scheduled at SOSAppointments.

Motorcyclists are Hard to See.  Look Twice. Save a Life. – Secretary Benson and traffic safety advocates launched a new statewide Motorcyclists are Hard to See. Look Twice. Save a Life. campaign at news events in Grand Rapids and Detroit. Key messages included:  Motorcyclists are hard to see and are often overlooked because of their size and profile.  Knowing where to expect them can help everyone be safer. Many motorcycle-vehicle crashes occur when car drivers are turning left, and 84 percent occur on streets, not highways.  The campaign includes billboards, bus tails, radio, tv interviews, social media, gas station videos, digital ads, and MVN messaging in branches. There will be two major pushes: mid-May to mid-June and August 5th through the 31st. Drivers are urged to explore LookTwice for tips on how to share the road with motorcyclists. Driver tip cards developed for the campaign will soon be available for order via our Inventory Services Section. The campaign is funded by the Motorcycle Safety and Education Fund created by the Michigan Legislature in 2017. The fund includes $2.50 from each original motorcycle endorsement and $2 from each renewal motorcycle endorsement.

MI-REP Rider Coach Shortage - Currently, there are 272 active Michigan RiderCoaches (RCs) working for motorcycle training sponsors approved by the Michigan Rider Education Program (Mi-REP). Program sponsors indicated via survey that there is a need for 86 additional RCs. That is a 32% increase. Four RiderCoach Prep training sessions were scheduled to be completed this year with capacity of 12 candidates per session (48). Of the 2 sessions completed so far, 14 new coaches were certified. The third session was completed this past weekend with 8 candidates. Results are forthcoming. The fourth and final session at Ferris State University is being rescheduled to August because only 3 candidates applied. This issue is being reviewed.

Distracted Driving Awareness Month - April was National Distracted Driving Awareness Month – To raise public awareness, a Motor Vehicle Network (MVN) message ran in branch offices and social media was used to promote distracted driving issues and resources. Via weekly updates, Department of State staff were urged to put down their phones when driving! A list of Technology Resources for Safe Driving, and an updated Kelsey’s Law video for parents/teens in the graduated driver licensing program were featured.

Commercial Motor Vehicles - The department is seeking to add Commercial Driver Licensing (CDL) testing business in the Upper Peninsula, specifically in Ironwood, Marquette, and Sault Ste Marie.  Interested parties should contact Driver Testing Section at thirdpartytesting@. Eleven new CDL examiners were trained in April, bringing the number of CDL examiners to 86 statewide.  Classes are scheduled in June, July, and August to train approximately 36 new auto examiners to add to the current 308 auto examiners statewide. MDOS has set up an email address to communicate with stakeholders about the new rules requiring mandatory training of entry-level CMV operators.  Please make note of and share this address: MDOS-CDLtraining@ (not case sensitive).

Driver Reexaminations (12 or more points in two years) - In 2018, MCL 257.320 was amended to permit the Department of State to ‘upon good cause, or based solely on the licensed operator’s or chauffeur’s driving record, restrict, suspend, revoke, or impose other terms or conditions on the license of a person subject to an investigation or reexamination…’ As of May 31, the Department is no longer providing drivers who accumulate 12 or more points in two years the opportunity to appear for a driver reexamination. Instead, a notification is sent to the driver of the accumulation of 12 or more points and providing the date the reexamination or review of the driving record will occur and the date the licensing controls will take effect. On average, there are 1,050 of these case types annually.

Aging and Adult Services Agency — Rachel Tedder

• Dr. Alexis Travis has been appointed as the new Director of the agency.

• Older Michiganian Day—250 aging driver guides handed out.

• Working with Safe Drivers, Smart Options group and AAA to give presentation on different resources available and developing.

Michigan Department of Transportation — Gregg Brunner

Road Safety Audits - MDOT continues to conduct Road Safety Audits (RSA)for safety related projects as well as a wide variety of other project types (bridge replacement, 3R/4R, CMAQ, etc.). In 2018, 13 RSAs were completed in 6 of our 7 regions. 5 RSAs have already been conducted in 2019 with 4 more scheduled for the next month. These RSAs provide an independent multi-disciplinary review of an intersection, corridor or area and provides safety recommendations to the project owners that vary from immediate to long term. Some recommendations can be addressed the next day with maintenance forces and some are long term and higher cost that need to be included in a long-term plan.

Local Safety Initiative - MDOT continues its support of local safety through the Local Safety Initiative (LSI). The LSI is a free service to help local agencies identify safety issues and improve local road safety. Analysis is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. MDOT identifies and suggests potential improvements and countermeasures, many of which will be low-cost and eligible for funding through our Local Agency Programs. In the last 18 months, 34 Counties, and Municipalities have signed up for a LSI review.

Pedestrian Safety Research - MDOT also has several pedestrian research projects ongoing in the safety area that will provide insight and guidance as we continue to stay at the fore front of safety.  These include:

• Pedestrian Gateway Research – this project just recently was awarded the ‘2018 Outstanding Traffic Safety Achievement Award’ by this committee and has been presented at various conferences around the country as an focus technology under AASHTO’s Innovative Initiative program in order share the benefits of the treatment with other states and traffic safety peers.

• Pedestrian/Bicycle Risk Model – this tool was developed with UMTRI in order to determine ped/bike risk across the state and to model exposure. MDOT is currently working on bringing this tool onto our servers.

• Synthesis of National Best Practices on Pedestrian and Bicycle Design, Guidance and Technology Innovations – this research will investigate national and international best practices in order to support MDOT’s efforts to be more multi-modal and find best practices supporting active transportation that could accelerate our efforts. This project just kicked off last month and is anticipated to be completed September 30, 2020.

TZD - MDOT has updated its TZD – It Takes Everyone video with the 2018 crash numbers. The video can be found on zerodeaths On this website we have also loaded the latest video from the National Safety Council advocating for what are you going to do to reduce fatal numbers.

Chair’s Report / Office of Highway Safety Planning — Michael Prince

Annual Evaluation Report given to each commissioner; information on OHSP grants, projects, funding, etc.

2019 Traffic Fatalities/Injuries - The Michigan State Police Criminal Justice Information Center reports 303 people died on Michigan roadways as of June 3, 2019.  Compared to last year, there are 10 additional fatalities.  In this same timeframe, there have been 1,821 A/suspected serious injuries, down 41 from a year ago.  


Traffic Enforcement - OHSP launched new ads for the annual Click It or Ticket mobilization that took place in May.  The annual direct observation survey of seat belt use followed this mobilization; OHSP will have results in July.  Seat belt use has been plateaued at 93 percent for nearly ten years after leading the nation for two consecutive years at 98 percent.  This year’s goal is to increase our statewide use rate to 96 percent.


Additional enforcement waves for impaired driving will take place during the Fourth of July holiday and over Labor Day.


New Pedestrian Safety Ads - OHSP has released new pedestrian safety ads that emphasize enforcement and education of pedestrian safety laws.  The ad campaign entitled “Everybody’s Road, Everybody’s Rules” focuses on laws that require crossing at intersections or crosswalks, and following traffic signals.  The campaign will be featured in counties with the highest KA crash rates, including Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, and Kent counties.  The ad can be seen on the OHSP YouTube site at


TACT - The MSP Jackson and Metro South posts hosted news events June 3 to announce the Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) project focused on I-94 in Wayne, Genesee, and Jackson counties.  MSP troopers and motor carrier officers will be focusing on driving offenses that are frequently cited in CMV-passenger vehicle crashes.  The program is funded by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Michigan Truck Safety Commission.


Strive 4 a Safer Drive - The 2018/19 peer-to-peer teen safe driving campaign, in partnership with Ford Driving Skills for Life, ended in May with a teen Ride and Drive event for selected high schools at the Ford Proving Grounds in Dearborn.  Out of the record 63 participating high schools, 24 attended the Ride and Drive Program which provides students with hands on instruction on a closed track by professional drivers.


Impaired Driving Assessment - A NHTSA impaired driving assessment took place in May 6.  OHSP is reviewing the draft report and will share comments with the assessment team.  The final report will be available in the summer.  


May Motorcycle Safety Campaign - OHSP worked with MDOS to prepare for the 2019 Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month campaign that included news events to promote the new safety education campaign.  In addition, OHSP and MDOS continue to support the Shadow Rider campaign that encourages motorcycle owners to get their cycle endorsement.  


FY20 Planning - OHSP staff and management are heavily involved in planning for next fiscal year which starts October 1.


Staffing Update - Ron Puruleski has joined OHSP as the Grants Monitoring/Compliance Auditor.  

GHSA National Meeting August 25-29 in Anaheim, California.

Regional Leadership Meeting took place the end of April; looking for ways to get law enforcement more ways to be more engagement.

Second DRE school will be funded this fall in Auburn Hills. This is extremely important with the legalization of marijuana. ARIDE trainings will also expand to get all law enforcement members trained.

Action Team Updates — Carissa McQuiston

Action plans have been updated. Teams were told to include/consider the following in their updated plans.

• Cross communication with other action teams, the Traffic Safety Networks, etc were important to make sure we are sharing and not duplicating efforts.

• Also, technology and emerging technology (as simple as a task to be aware, share information). 

• Also, behavior was a big item. Speeding, drowsy driving and aggressive driving (winter driving too) rose to the top of the pact in terms of what everyone is concerned with.  Adding something in your plan addressing these and how they impact OPAT or how OPAT strategies are aware or responding to these behavioral concerns. 

• Also, we heard that expanding the participants at action team meetings was important – particularly those from the medical field, insurance, judicial branches, representing the law and enforcement. 

Team accomplishments were due June 1, 2019 – these will be posted on the OHSP website soon.

• Most teams have completed this at this time.

• A few accomplishments mentioned:

o Michigan’s Guide for Aging Drivers and Their Families - over 1200 copies were circulated at Older Michiganians Day on May 15

o The Kelsey’s Law “Put your phone in park” publication distributed by OHSP is still very popular and is requested often. A total of 15,230 pamphlets were distributed over the last year.

o Conducted impaired driving enforcement with more than 150 state, local, and county law enforcement agencies in up to 40 counties conducted 60,639 hours of overtime traffic enforcement and 8,019. Enforcement activities resulted in 96,810 Vehicles stopped.

o Continued Mi-TIME training in Michigan and achieved goal to train 20% (6,500) of the first responder community by December 31, 2018. Goal was achieved before end of October 2018. Responders trained as of May 8,2019 is 7,298 with 330 training sessions.

o Scheduled first off-site meeting (at SEMCOG) in May, 2019 and added Connected/Autonomous Vehicles to our area of focus.

o MDOT hosted 10 training wheels classes with 3 each in GR and Detroit in 2018 and 2 classes each in Detroit and Ferndale in 2019.

o The Michigan Traffic Crash Facts Site has had the following stats, as well as multiple query tool updates: Publication Requests: 2,799 and Queries: 100,647

SHSP Update — Anne Readett

Commission comments from the draft of the Strategic Highway Safety Plan are being incorporated into the document.  A final draft should be ready to share with the commission in approximately a week.


FMCA: Pilot program for driver shortages; allow military drivers 18-21 (commercial motor vehicle trained)

Larry Hummel: Thank you again for his time on the commission

25th Annual Michigan Traffic Safety Summit will be March 10-11, 2020, at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center in East Lansing.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:39 a.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2019, at the Horatio S. Earle Learning Center.



















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