CITY OF ST. CLAIRREGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGMONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2013 7:00 P.M.BERNARD E KUHN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 547 N CARNEY DRIVEMayor Cedar convened the Regular Meeting of the City Council to order in the Council Room of the Municipal Building at 7:00 pm.PRESENT:Mayor Cedar, Members Burns, Kindsvater, Krebs, LaPorte, McCartney.ABSENT:Member Foley. ADMINISTRATION:James T Downey, Jr; Kane, Clemons, Joachim & Downey; Michael E. Booth, Interim City Superintendent; Rick Jefferson, Police Chief; Janice Winn, City Clerk.AUDIENCE:There were 15 persons in attendance.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was recited, lead by members of Cub Scout Pack 257, St Clair.McCartney moved, Kindsvater seconded, CARRIED, to record the absence of Member Foley as excused. AGENDA AMENDMENTS – None.CONSENT AGENDALaPorte moved, Kindsvater seconded, CARRIED, to approve Consent Agenda item A., as presented.City Council Minutes of February 4, 2013 Regular Meeting: ApprovePRESENTATIONSPresentation of Certificate of Appreciation – Cub Scout Pack 257Mayor Cedar presented a Certificate of Appreciation to members of Cub Scout Pack 257 for their help with placing and maintaining American flags on veterans’ graves in Hillside Cemetery.ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS – None.REPORTS FROM ADMINISTRATIONInterim City SuperintendentPersonnel Changes – Water Plant Supervisor Keith Eisen assumed the position of lead water plant operator, a union position, replacing operator Tom Galvin, who retired. The non-union supervisor position will not be filled.City Audit – The annual audit of the city’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 began last week, with an audit report of the city’s financial position expected in March or April.City AttorneyMedical Marijuana Act – An update was given on the Supreme Court decision involving recent challenges to the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act governing the legality of the manufacture, use, and delivery of medical marijuana. The Court found that state law allows for possession or use of medical marijuana by qualifying patients and primary caregivers but does not allow for the operation of dispensaries. A legislative response to amend the state law is expected and the city attorney will continue to monitor the activity and update council on its affect on local regulatory ordinance.City DepartmentsCity Clerk – Availability of Petitions for City Election - City Clerk explained the election process and deadlines for submitting candidate petitions for the offices of mayor and councilmember to be filled at the City General Election on November 5, 2013.City Clerk - Election Law Changes – City Clerk advised council of new election-related legislation signed by the Governor and its potential impact on future city elections. PA 523 of 2012, effective March 27, 2013, gives the city the option to move from an odd-year to an even-year November election date for local officials following a public hearing and adoption of a Resolution by council. If approved, changes would be effective after December 31 in the year in which the resolution was approved, and would result in at least a $5,000 per election cost savings. Elected officials’ terms of office would be extended by one year during the first transition cycle. City Clerk will continue to monitor implementation details and actions needed to make the change. Authority, Board, Commission, Committee Chairman or Council Representative – None.UNFINISHED BUSINESSAppointments to Boards and CommissionsMayor Cedar requested confirmation of the following appointments and changes to boards and commissions:Housing Commission – Withdraw the appointment of Margaret Shinske, 937 Thornapple St, as there was no vacancy; and reappoint Gail Webb, 1961 Ash St, for a five year term expiring December 31, 2017.DDA – Withdraw the reappointment of Fred Rollins, 719 N Riverside Ave, at his request; rescind the appointment of James McBride, 955 N Riverside Ave, due to non-residency; and appoint Marcella Costin, 1050 N Riverside Ave, to complete the balance of a four year term expiring December 31, 2013; and appoint Mitch Kuffa III, 627 N Riverside Ave, to complete the balance of a four year term expiring December 31, 2016.Appointments and changes to the Board of Review were postponed due to miscommunication with member Bill Klieman, 1374 S Riverside Ave, over his ability to make scheduled meetings; and the appointment of alternate members.LaPorte moved, Kindsvater seconded, CARRIED, to confirm the Mayoral appointments to boards and commissions as recommended.NEW BUSINESSApprove Issuance of Special Events Permit for National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Michigan WalkPolice Chief Jefferson explained the request from the National MS Society, Michigan Chapter, to conduct a Walk MS 2013 event fundraiser on May 11, 2013 from 6:00 am to 2:00 pmalong various city streets and in the Riverview Plaza, and offered a recommendation that the permit be approved.LaPorte moved, Krebs seconded, CARRIED, to approve the National MS Society, Michigan Chapter special events permit request.Approve Issuance of Special Events Permit for Salmon Stakes Fishing TournamentPolice Chief Jefferson explained the request from the Voyageur to host the annual Salmon Stakes Fishing Tournament on April 26 and 27, 2013, and offered a recommendation that the permit be approved.Kindsvater moved, McCartney seconded, CARRIED, to approve the Voyageur Restaurant Salmon Stakes Tournament special events permit request.Request for Temporary Outdoor Service Permit – Voyageur RestaurantPolice Chief Jefferson explained the request for temporary authorization of a liquor license to be used in a temporary outdoor service area adjacent to the Voyageur in conjunction with the Offshore Boat Races on July 25-28, 2013, and offered a recommendation that the permit be approved.Member Burns suggested council explore the future direction of the boat races to return the event to its original local flavor instead of outsourcing it to a promotional production company. The Blue Water Offshore Racing Association currently operates the races under a year-to-year contract agreement with Funfest Productions. Kindsvater moved, McCartney seconded, CARRIED, to approve the Voyageur Restaurant temporary outdoor service permit request.CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS – February 8 & 15, 2013Check registers listing the bills for the period ending February 8, 2013 (check numbers 34149 -> 34182), and February 15, 2013 (check numbers 34183 -> 34227) were presented for Council review.LaPorte moved, Kindsvater seconded, CARRIED, to approve payment of February 8 & 15, 2013 Claims and Accounts as submitted.PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Chief Jefferson offered information on the Polar Plunge scheduled at the boat harbor on February 24, 2013, and the rescheduled ECSD 5k race along the bike path and Highlands Subdivision on February 23, 2013.MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTSMayor Cedar reminded residents to keep sidewalks free of snow and ice during the winter months. ADJOURNMENT at 7:21 pm.Janice Winn, City ClerkBill Cedar, Jr, Mayor ................

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