Below are links you may find helpful to supplement your studies in lower division and upper division math and sciences. They include practice problems, short instructions, and/or lecture videos. Some sites also include select social sciences and humanities. Multiple Subject Sites (math, sciences, and some SSHA subjects: (lower division) (upper and lower division courses for multiple subjects) (upper and lower division courses) (upper and lower division courses) (upper and lower division courses) (lower division) (lower division)Biology (outline of gen. bio.) (tables) Biochemistry (lecture notes on some topics in genetics)Immunology (advice on how to study and prepare notes for immunology)Chemistry: (how to solve various types of chemistry problems. They include general chem, chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics, nuclear chemistry, and electrochemistry). (flash cards for gen. chem.)Organic Chemistry: (problems & links to more sites) (problems & tutorials) (problems from various universities)Mathematics (various): (old exams for lower division classes) (lower division math) (calculus equations and cheat sheet) (linear algebra)? (numerical methods)Physics (various): (Lectures, practice problems, and general guide on how to approach a physics problem). (1 yr of physics equations & review questions). (physics iii, vibrations & waves) (Classical mechanics) (quantum mechanics) (modern physics) (Introduction to Statistical and Thermal Physics) (video lectures for a variety of physics courses).Scholarship, Internship Info: School Data – Guides and Tips Latin and Greek Roots in Biology VocabularyStudents in introductory biology classes typically have to learn more new vocabulary words than students taking a foreign language! The good news is that many science vocabulary words use the same Greek and Latin roots. This table shows you many roots to help you decipher words you hear in biology class.Greek or Latin RootMeaningExamplesA-, An-Not, absentAbiotic: without lifeAnoxygenic: without oxygenAb-, Abs-Away fromAbscission: separation of leaves from treeAllo-AnotherAllosteric: another binding siteAqua-WaterAqueous: wateryBi-TwoBilayer: double layeredBio-LifeBiology: the study of life-cideKillBacteriocidal: kills bacteriaCytCellCytoplasm: the fluid inside a cellDi-TwoDisaccharide: a carbohydrate made of two simple sugarsDis-ApartDisjoin: separateEndo-InsideEndocytosis: a process that brings things into a cellEpi-Upon, overEpidermis: the uppermost layer of tissue covering an organismEu-TrueEukaryotes have a true nucleusEx-OutExocytosis: a process that puts things out of cellsGeno-Give birth, begetGenetics: the study of heredityHetero-Mixed, unlikeHeterozygous: a cell that has two different versions of a geneHomo-SameHomozygous: a cell that has two identical versions of a geneHyper-AboveHypertonic: has a greater concentration of solutesHypo-BelowHypotonic: has a lower concentration of solutesInter-BetweenInterphase: the cellular phase between cell divisionsIso-SameIsotonic: has same concentration of solutesLocusPlaceA locus on a chromosome is the place where a gene is locatedMacro-BigMacrophage: a large phagocyte-meterMeasureCentimeter: a measurement that's 1/100 of a meterMicro-SmallMicrobiology: the study of living things too small to see with the naked eyeMono-OneMonosaccharide: a single simple sugarOlig-FewOligosaccharide: a short chain of sugarsPed-, PodFootPseudopod: a "false foot" or projection of an amoebaPhago-EatPhagocytosis: a process where a white blood cell engulfs and destroys bacteria and viruses-philLoveHydrophilic: mixes well with water-phobiaFearHydrophobic: doesn't mix with waterPoly-ManyPolypeptide: a chain of many amino acidsPro-BeforeProkaryotes: cells that evolved before nucleated cellsStom-MouthStomates: openings in the surfaces of leavesZoo-AnimalZoology: the study of animalsZygo-JoinZygote: a cell formed from the joining of sperm and egg ................

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