Elements of Macroeconomics

[Pages:44]Elements of Macroeconomics


Robert J. Barbera

Lecture 1

August 30, 2019


? Dr. Barbera will give the lectures

? W & F at 9 AM, Room Remsen 1.

? Lectures are the centerpiece of the course

? Purpose of the Lectures:

Teach principles of macroeconomics Discuss current developments and policy


Section Meetings

? Taught by Teaching Assistants (TA's) who are graduate students in the Economics Department

? See the Course Website for Times, Instructors, and Room Assignments

? Purpose of the section meetings:

Review lecture material Go over problem sets Teach new material Answer questions

Academic Help in Three Flavors

? Organized by Office of Academic Support

? Options:

Math Tutoring Learning Den Pilot Program

? Contact information:

Math Tutorial for Elements of Macro and Micro

This website, first off, introduces you to the math skills you will need for JHUs Elements of Economics courses. If you determine that a bit of brushing up is in order, the website becomes your roadmap for sharpening those skills.

Start by looking at the diagnostic test. If you can tell at a glance that everything in the test is easy for you, then your math fluency is fully adequate for JHU's elements classes and you can skip everything else on this website.

If instead you look at the diagnostic test and scratch your head a bit, then we recommend that you attempt the questions in the diagnostic, do your best, and then look at the Answer Key to Diagnostic Questions.

If your performance causes you concern, we recommend that you sign up for our 3-week set of tutorials. The tutors are JHU students who have completed JHU's introductory economics courses. To sign up for the tutorial, go to

The LearningDen sessions run Sunday - Thursday and will begin on September9th! We offerFREE, small group, tailored tutoring with ourtutors focusingon some of the following:

? Review and strengtheningof contentmaterialknowledge ? Help with homework-like problems ? Exam preparation ? Strengtheningstudy skills

The final schedule will be posted nextweek on The LearningDen website. Students can begin making appointments on Monday, September9th!

Student Appointments: Students are able to make appointments through theirMY.JHUPortal underthe Education icon. This will make the process easieron the students when makingtheirappointments.

*Students are still able to walk-in to appointments in The HUT (Gilman Hall) butseats are not guaranteed.

Please feelfree to referstudents to Hope Fisherforquestions orconcerns.

Happy First Day of Class from the PILOT Learning Team!

PI LOT Regist rat ion will open t his ev ening at 9pm. Y ou may access regist rat ion by select ing t he link below or by v isit ing our websit e: ht t ps://academicsupport .jhu.edu/pilot /register/ Please not e, t he link will not be liv e unt il 9pm t onight . Please read t his ent ire email t o ensure a successful regist rat ion.

PILOT Registration: ht t ps://pilot.semest er.ly

Step #1: Creat e A n A ccount : When you v isit t he regist ration page you will be prompt ed t o creat e an account . T he informat ion t hat you will need t o creat e an account is as follows:

? Hopkins St udent I D # ( combinat ion of let t ers and numbers) ? JHU Email A ddress ? JHED ? Major ? Graduat ion Y ear ? Username & Password

Step #2: Choose Course( s) Once you login a list of PI LOT -support ed courses will appear. Choose t he course( s) in which you would like t o regist er for.

Step #3: Choose Session T ime( s) Choose t he meet ing t ime you would like for each course. I f a session is full and you are unable t o make any ot her session t ime, you will hav e t he opt ion t o regist er for a wait list .

Step #4: Regist er Confirm your choices t o regist er for a session.

Step #5: Be Pat ient A placement email will be sent t o you wit h your session informat ion including locat ion and PI LOT Leader by Friday, Sept ember 6, 2019. Sessions st art the following week.

A few tips to ensure a successful registration: ? Check out our list of support ed courses here: ht t ps://academicsupport .jhu.edu/pilot /register/ ? Hav e your calendar open so you can v erify when you are av ailable for a session

Exams and Grading Policy

? First Exam? Oct. 1st


? Second Exam--Nov. 5th


? Final Exam--Dec. 18th


? Problem Sets and

Section Participation



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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