Report: Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online …

Report: Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online


Updated March 2, 2014 Page 1

Table of Contents

Introduction Naming Conventions

Company Backgrounds , Inc. Microsoft Corporation

Product Overviews Salesforce New Releases Editions and Pricing Data Storage Microsoft CRM New Releases Editions and Pricing Data Storage

Data Centers and Status Salesforce Microsoft CRM

Browser Support Salesforce Microsoft CRM

Device Support Salesforce Microsoft CRM

Third Party Ecosystem Salesforce Microsoft CRM

Sales & Delivery Channels Salesforce Microsoft CRM

Login and Password Security Salesforce Microsoft CRM

UI & Navigation Salesforce General Navigation Record Navigation Microsoft CRM

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General Navigation Record Navigation Variable Screen Layouts Salesforce Microsoft CRM User Options Salesforce Microsoft CRM Point & Click Configuration and Customization Salesforce Microsoft CRM Advanced Development & APIs Salesforce Microsoft CRM Search & Views Salesforce Microsoft CRM Duplicate Detection and Merge Salesforce Microsoft CRM Workflow & Processes Salesforce Microsoft CRM Reporting & Dashboards Salesforce Microsoft CRM Email Integration Salesforce Microsoft CRM Email Merge Salesforce Microsoft CRM Microsoft Office Integration Salesforce Microsoft CRM Data Import Tools Salesforce Microsoft CRM Web Lead Capture Salesforce Microsoft CRM Email Marketing and Marketing Automation

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Salesforce Microsoft CRM Customer Service Salesforce Microsoft CRM Enterprise Social Networking Salesforce Microsoft CRM Online Help & Training Salesforce Microsoft CRM User Conferences Salesforce Microsoft CRM Legal Notices

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This report is a factbased comparison of Salesforce? and Microsoft DynamicsTM CRM Online.

For those who work for or who consult to an organization that is moving toward a new CRM solution, this report can be viewed as a starting point. From here, we encourage deeper evaluations, which should include listening to each vendor's representatives present their competitive strengths over the other's application especially as these strengths pertain to your organization's business needs.

We would also recommend signing up for a free trial of each system so that wouldbe users can experience the general flows of the respective applications.

While we have attempted as much as possible to keep this analysis a statement of facts, we expect that advocates for each solution will find areas that appear slanted in the direction of the other solution.

The analysis primarily focuses on outofthebox functionality. However, there are several references to specific, third party applications. We have intentionally limited the number of references to third party products.

Most links in this report are to web pages that are within the domains of the respective vendors, but it's possible that some links will become stale over time.

Not all features and functionality of the respective systems are compared in this report. We will add additional comparison points in future editions.

Naming Conventions

This report will separately reference ? (the company) and Salesforce ('s flagship product). For brevity, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2013 will be referred to throughout as "Microsoft CRM".

What are commonly known as database "tables" are known as "entities" in Microsoft CRM and as "objects" in Salesforce.

consistently refers to a customer's Salesforce account as an "org". Microsoft generally refers to a customer's Microsoft CRM Online account as an "organization".

These respective naming conventions will be used where appropriate.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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