1. Windows 98 or higher version.

2. Excel.


1. Pentium –iii / Celeron or higher version.

2. Minimum 64MB RAM.

3. CD Drive.

4. 80 column Dot-matrix / inkjet or laser printer.


This software is developed in Microsoft Excel because almost all teachers are very familiar with Microsoft Excel. This is developed to make the work easier for the incharges of the timetable. In this software the importance has been given to Class time table because ours is child centered education. It avoids clash in the time table. If you prepare the class timetable, the teachers time table will automatically be ready. So it avoids the mistake while posting the class time table to time table of the teachers concerned. This time table is prepared for five-section school of Primary and secondary section separately. Read the instructions and go through the power point presentations as well to prepare the timetable.


1. There are five sheets in this timetable.xls file. They are






2. TEACHER sheet will define Initials of teachers

• Since it is prepared commonly for all the schools, the teachers names were defined as PRI, GR….

• First, change the name of the teacher with their initials on seniority basis.

a) Select one row fully (from A to FF column)

b) Edit(Replace


c) Select replace All to change particular row.

d) Like wise change for all teacher with proper initials.

e) Initials should not be identical.

f) You can delete unnecessary rows after changing the PRI,GR…. With teachers initials.

g) Do not delete the first row (row No 3) and last row (row No.42) because it contains a loop between first and last row.

h) Your last teacher’s initials must be replaced by TR40

i) So first Teacher’s initial with TR1 and last teachers initial with TR40. In between unnecessary rows can be deleted by using Edit(delete option.

j) Do not delete the formulas in the cell.

k) Do not give identical names for teachers.

3. SUBJECT sheet will define the subject names.

• Unnecessary rows can be deleted.

• The subject name can be changed directly in the particular cell

• In case of any addition in the subjects, you can add it by inserting row.

• Do not give identical names for subjects or subjects and teachers (e.g Comp for subject and Comp for Computer instructor in the teachers list)

4. CLASS_Tr_ALLOT sheet is the main sheet where the subject and teachers will be allotted.

• There are two columns for one period. First column is for ‘Teacher’ and the second column is for ‘subject’.

• If you click on the particular cell you will get Drop down list to select the teacher from the given list.

• The teachers those who are free alone will be displayed in the drop down list. So it avoids clash.

• These details will be automatically posted in the Teachers time table. You need not do any entry in the Teachers timetable ( in row37).

• The fixed periods like CCA and MPT can be entered in the teachers timetable in subject column.

• Do not delete the first and last row of class timetable and similarly for Teachers time table.

• Columns (DL to EB) will show the number of subject periods allotted for one section. So it helps us to check the correctness of the allotment.

• If there is any change in name of subject change must be implemented in (DL to EB rows) (e.g =COUNTIF($B3:$DJ3,"COMP"))

• Do not make any changes in Teachers time table in Class_Tr_Allot.

5. CHECKING: Sheet is to check the everyday allotment. It will help us to verify the number of allotment subject wise and teacher wise.

• It avoids allotment of more subjects to one subject or to one teacher.

• The number of free periods also can be tallied at the end of Class_tr_allot sheet.

6. CLASS FOR PRINT sheet is to take the print out of individual class time table.

• Unnecessary Section time table can be deleted by selecting the row.

• Do not make any changes in Class print sheet. Because all fields were linked with others

7. TEACHER FOR PRINT sheet is to take the print out of individual teacher’s time table.

• Do not make any changes in Teachers print sheet, because all fields are linked with others


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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