Colbert Heights High School Business Education Department ...

[Pages:4]Colbert Heights High School Business Education Department 2013-2014 School Year

Course: Multimedia Design Instructor: Ms. Shellie Ballard E-mail:

Phone: 256-383-7875 (Please leave a message including a call back number.)

Philosophy: To recognize, inspire, and promote excellence in business/marketing education so that students are successfully served.

Course Description: Multimedia Design is a one-credit course designed to provide students with hands-on skills involving graphic design, digital photography, Web publishing, and digital video production. Students use various hardware peripherals and software for completing documents.

Prerequisites: Business Technology Applications

Program Goals: The Business/Marketing Program is a foundation for workforce development which recognizes, inspires, and promotes excellence in business/marketing education by coordinating resources and services so that students are successfully served through innovative and rigorous curriculum, meaningful partnerships, quality teachers, progressive programs, and authentic research.

Course Goals: The goal of Multimedia Design is to enable students to be productive and knowledgeable in a variety of different computer programs. Students should leave this class with a thorough understanding of various software programs and be able to enter the workforce as a productive individual.

Available Industry Credentials: Credentialing may include but not limited to: Adobe Certified Associate, Apple Pro Certification Program, Brainbench Desktop Publishing; Software Development; Technical Support; Web Administration; Web Design and Development Certifications, Certified Internet Webmaster Associate, Graphic Communications Technology Assessment, IC3 Certification, Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), Print ED Certification

Software: Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2010, Windows Movie Maker, KompoZer, Adobe PhotoShop

Fee: A $15 supply/computer fee is required by the end of the 2nd six weeks of the semester.

Additional Course Information: For up-to-date information on this class and assignment information, go to the Colbert Heights High School website () and click on School Staff on the left hand column and then on Ballard, Shellie. This will take you directly to my webpage where you will be able to find any information that is essential for this course along with contact information.

Course Objectives:

Students will be able to:

Compare types of multimedia, including presentation,

desktop publishing, Web page design, graphic design,

digital photography, and digital video use in creating


Utilize a variety of input devices for digitizing multimedia

information, including digital camera, video, scanner,

Internet downloads, and graphic software.

Use a variety of software and equipment to create,

modify, and enhance multimedia projects.

Demonstrate appropriate techniques associated with

graphic design.

Utilize precision tools to manipulate images.

Utilize graphic design software to create business and

personal publications.

Apply integration principles for importing scanned,

digitized graphics and text, tables, charts, and pictures

into a publication.

Utilize research results to interpret the impact of media and copyright laws on media publications. Explain differences among Web sites, Web pages, and Web browsers. Develop interactive web pages and sites using a variety of component formats, including HTML, HTML editors, and Web authoring programs. Determine the applicable format for converting digital files. Apply knowledge of project management to ensure a quality product. Demonstrate the manipulation of digital image file sizing. Determine career and entrepreneurial opportunities, responsibilities, and educational and credentialing requirements related to multimedia design.

Essential Questions: What criteria should be considered when determining the correct type of software programs

and equipment to be used for multimedia project development? What criteria should be considered when determining the correct type of software and

equipment to be sued for creating a graphic design? What criteria should be considered when determining the correct type of software and

equipment to be used for Web site development? What are the planning stages when developing, maintaining and evaluating Web sites?

Course Outline: First Semester

Multimedia Hardware and Software Digital Cameras, Video Cameras, Scanners, PowerPoint, Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Paint

Graphic Design Adobe Photoshop, Paint, Publisher, Logos

Second Semester Web Design and Career Opportunities

Web research, FrontPage, HTML, Multimedia Career research

Culminating Products: Students will develop a multimedia project including planning, design, creation, and

evaluation steps. Students will develop a graphic project including planning, design, creation, and evaluation

steps. Students will develop a Web site including planning, design, creation, and evaluation steps.

Assessment Procedures: 1. Daily Work - Daily work will be checked throughout the six weeks. Some assignments will

only be checked for participation and for format; others will be randomly checked word for word for accuracy. Points will be deducted for uncorrected typographical errors and for formatting errors. Assignments missed due to absence from school will fall under the Student Handbook regulations. Failure to make up work will result in a zero for work missed. Making up missed work is your responsibility.


2. Tests/Projects - Tests can be in either written form or in production and/or project form. In most scenarios, you will be given a two day notice before a test is to take place. Projects will include a variety of items. You will be given time in class to work on the projects, but some out of class time may be required. Some of the projects will be individualized, while others will be group oriented.

3. Employability Skills - On the job, it is important for you to be organized, follow directions, be at work on time, have good attendance, keep neat work areas, and maintain professional behavior. This class strives to teach employability so that when you leave, you know what will be expected of you on the job. To help build these important characteristics, each student will be graded on employability skills. At least three employability skills grades will be taken during the six weeks. Everyone starts with a 100. Ways to lose points are: Failure to clean up your work area - 2 points per incident Coming to class without proper supplies - 2 points per incident Failure to return books/folders/papers/supplies to the proper place at the end of class 1 point per incident Failure to work on the assigned task (not doing what you're supposed to be doing - for example, on the Internet or doing math homework when you have a computer assignment) - 2 points per incident Not being at work on time (this includes tardies and coming back from lunch and not getting back on task) - 2 points per incident Absent from class (other than a school sponsored event) - 2 points for each excused absence, 5 points for each unexcused absence Other employability infractions as teacher see fit

Grading Scale: Daily work ? 50% Tests/Projects ? 35 %

Employability Skills ? 15%

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) All students enrolled in business classes are eligible for membership in FBLA. Joining FBLA is a wonderful way to supplement your business education. Dues are $25.00 per year (includes state and national dues). Club t-shirt is also included in the fee. There are meetings, field trips, special fundraisers, and many other events throughout the year. Some of our FBLA students will be participating in district and state competitions late in the year.

Classroom Rules: (in addition to those stated in the school handbook)

1. NO FOOD OR DRINKS ALLOWED IN THE ROOM. THEY WILL BE THROWN AWAY. 2. Come to class prepared and ready to work each day. ? This means you need to bring

necessary supplies to class every day and be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. You will not be allowed to return to your locker for materials and will receive a zero for any work missed as a result of your being unprepared. Tardiness will be handled according to the handbook. 3. Turn in work when it is due. Be responsible for your work. 4. Be considerate and respectful of others. ? This means that you don't interrupt others, ask permission to leave your seat, keep your area clean, raise your hand if you have a question, and keep your hands away from others and their property. 5. Cheating on an assignment or test will result in a zero. 6. The bell does not dismiss class. Please remain seated until permission to leave is given. Before you leave, place your chair, keyboard, and mouse in the correct positions. If a student breaks a rule, the following consequences will occur:


verbal warning 15 minute detention with me 30 minute detention with me and a call to parents/guardians and/or conference Sent to the office ** A severely disruptive student will be sent immediately to the office.

Make-Up Work Policy: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get missed assignments upon returning to class and turn in any missed work. Make-up work should be completed within three days of your return including tests. Special circumstances will be evaluated on an individual basis. Work or tests not completed will be recorded as zeroes. Make-up test may not be the exact same, but will cover the same content.

Supplies required for class: 1. Pens and pencils 2. Loose leaf paper a binder

Ms. Ballard's Computer Lab Rules for Multimedia Design Class

These rules will be strictly enforced and monitored. By following these rules, you will help the computer lab stay in a clean, properly working condition.

You will be provided a flash drive to use in this class. It will not be taken out of this room. It is not yours to keep. It is your responsibility to place it in the correct box everyday and to keep it from being damaged while being used. If the flash drive is damaged while under your care, you will be required to pay for the flash drive at a cost of $10.

Students will help keep the lab clean. Throw away any scrap paper and misprinted work.

Do not bring personal disks, flash drives, headphones, or CD's for use in the lab. You must have permission to do so from Ms. Ballard and the only reason you'll have permission is if it is for a Multimedia Design assignment.

Do not print unless you are told to do so. This includes class assignments.

Proofread documents from the screen before printing.

You are not to access the Internet without Ms. Ballard's permission.

When accessing the Internet, you are not to be visiting inappropriate Web sites which include checking your e-mail, and public chat rooms.

Do not download anything unless it is for a Multimedia Design class assignment and you have permission from Ms. Ballard to do so.

Do not modify settings on the computer. This includes the monitor, screensavers, desktop wallpaper, and desktop icons.

If your computer freezes or does anything unusual, notify Ms. Ballard immediately. Don't try to fix it yourself.

Be careful with the computers. If you notice something wrong, report it immediately.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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