
Cisco FinesseInactivity GadgetDocument historyDatePersonVersion no.Description2019-08-20Marek S?omiński1.0First version of the document2019-08-26Marek S?omiński1.1Reason code configuration update2019-08-29Marek S?omiński1.2Timer format addon2020-01-22Marek S?omiński1.3Gadget name changeTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc17967877 \h 1Installation package PAGEREF _Toc17967878 \h 2Gadget Features PAGEREF _Toc17967879 \h 5Deployment PAGEREF _Toc17967880 \h 6Troubleshooting PAGEREF _Toc17967881 \h 8Troubleshooting using built-in gadget console PAGEREF _Toc17967882 \h 8Troubleshooting using browser console PAGEREF _Toc17967883 \h 8Additional information PAGEREF _Toc17967884 \h 10Installation packageAll files needed for installation are available in the file. Extract the folder before you proceed with next steps.Package contentsinactivity.xml – main gadget file. Contains basic gadget configuration, gadget layout and binds JavaScript files into one working packageinactivity.min.js – file containing logic for gadget to work. Contains JavaScript code in minified version.inactivity.js – file containing the same code as inactivity.min.js. inactivity.js file is not minified and should be only used for troubleshooting and development. It is also a base to prepare minified version.inactivity_configuration.js – file containing configuration of the inactivity gadget. Configuration data is stored as a JSON object.css folder – repository of the style css files for the gadgetcss\bootstrap.min.css – file that contains base style description for gadget ()img folder – repository of the image files used by gadgetimg\icon.png – sample icon file used in the notificationswav folder – repository of the sound files used by gadgetwav\alarm.wav – sample audio file used as a alert message for notificationRequirementsInactivity is compliant with Cisco Finesse 11.X requirements. ConfigurationBelow is example of inactivity_configuration.js file.var InactivityConfiguration = InactivityConfiguration || {// Enable/disable debug consoledebug_console_enabled: false,// Timerstimer_inactivity: 20,timer_notification_threshold: 10,timer_format_notification: "seconds",timer_format_ui: "seconds",// Inactivity states [NOT_READY, READY, WORK, WORK_READY] inactivity_state: ["NOT_READY", "READY"],inactivity_not_ready_reasons: [null, "Break"],// Textsnotification_title: "Finesse inactivity",notification_message: "You'll be logged out of Finesse in: {$timer} seconds",// Iconnotification_icon: "/3rdpartygadget/files/Inactivity/img/icon.png",// Audionotification_alarm_enabled: true,notification_alarm_wav: "/3rdpartygadget/files/Inactivity/wav/alarm.wav"};Gadget build in debug console:debug_console_enabled – boolean value, enables (true) / disables (false) additional debug console that will be presented in the gadget body. Debug console displays only log messages that were generated by the gadget code without a need to gather the logs from the browser console. Default value (if not configured): false.Timers:timer_inactivity – integer value (in seconds) that represents the inactivity timeout. When the inactivity timer reaches this value user will be automatically logged out from Finesse. Default value (if not configured): 30.timer_notification_threshold – integer value (in seconds) that indicates the tie when the gadget will start to present notification messages to user. The value has to be lower or equal the timer_inactivity. Notification messages will be showed timer_notification_threshold seconds before user logout.timer_format_notification – string value that defines the timer format displayed on the notification toast. It can be one of the following values:seconds – timer shows the number of seconds till automated logoutminutes – timer displays remaining time in format mm:ss (minutes and seconds) Default value: seconds.timer_format_ui – string value that defines the timer format displayed on the gadget UI. It can be one of the following values:seconds – timer shows the number of seconds till automated logoutminutes – timer displays remaining time in format mm:ss (minutes and seconds) Default value: seconds.Inactivity states:inactivity_state – array of strings that contains a list of states for which the inactivity will be measured. Array can contain the following values: NOT_READY, READY, WORK, WORK_READY. If the NOT_READY value is not defined and the inactivity_not_ready_reasons parameter contains at least one value, NOT_READY will be auto added to inactivity_state list. Default value (if not configured): empty array.inactivity_not_ready_reasons – array of strings or integers that represent NOT_READY reason code labels or codes for which the inactivity will be counted. Array may contain one special value – null. If this value appears on the list system will also count inactivity for system reason codes ex. scenario when agent logs into Finesse – when logged agent is in NOT_READY state with system assigned code “Agent Logged”. Default value (if not configured): empty array.NoteThe value of the reason code should be entered in the same way as configuration in Finesse (Reasons > Manage Reason Codes (Not Ready)). Please make sure that you don’t use the phrase “Not Ready – “. Below reference screen for “Break” reason code.Texts:notification_title – string value that will be presented ad toast title. Default value (if not configured): Finesse inactivity.notification_message – string value that will be presented in notification. When creating a text user can use a defined keyword to build dynamic message. Here is a list of keywords that can be used:{$timer} - display number of seconds that is left to logout operation.Default value (if not configured): "You'll be logged out of Finesse in: {$timer} seconds".Icon:notification_icon – string – URL – that points to place where the image icon file is located. File will be used to extend look & feel of the notification. During gadget initialization, provided path is verified by the gadget. If it’s valid – icon will be added to notification if not, icon will not be visible. Icon file can be deployed:on external server – in this case path should be a full URL link to the icon image fileon Finesse server – in this case URL path should be built using the following template: /3rdpartygadget/files/<path_to_resource>, where <path_to_resource> describes folder location of the file. Gadget is delivered with the standard icon file that can be replaced.Default value (if not configured): null (no image)Audio:notification_alarm_enabled – boolean value that enables/disables sound notifications. Default value (if not configured): false (no sound)notification_alarm_wav – string – URL – that points to place where the audio file is located. File will be used to replace default sound of the notification. During gadget initialization, provided path is verified by the gadget. If it’s valid – wave file will replace default notification sound, if not user will hear default notification. Audio file can be deployed:on external server – in this case path should be a full URL link to the audiofileon Finesse server – in this case URL path should be built using the following template: /3rdpartygadget/files/<path_to_resource>, where <path_to_resource> describes folder location of the file.Gadget is delivered with the standard icon file that can be replaced.Default value (if not configured): null (default sound)Gadget FeaturesAgent logout due to inactivityInactivity gadget measures agent inactivity time (time when no action is made on the Finesse desktop UI) and once the configured time is exceeded, performs agent logout. Before logout operation begins, agent is notified with toast message. The logout process can be stopped, if agent makes an action on gadget (moves mouse over Finesse UI or changes state). Configuration of the gadget allows to configure agent states or in case of the NOT_READY state – also reason codes, for which the inactivity will be measured.Every operation performed by gadget is written into database with reason code 32766 (Agent logout initiated). This entry can be used further for reporting – check number of automated inactivity logouts.DeploymentTo deploy gadget using Finesse as a Web Server please use default procedure described in this documentation (documentation for version 10.X but can be used to higher releases): Connect to Cisco Finesse sFTP service using 3rdpartygadget and create Inactivity folder so the final path should look like this (if you prefer other name, please make sure to change it sample paths)://files/Inactivity/Upload following Inactivity Gadget files to //files/Inactivity/ directory (please mind correct letter casing):Inactivity├ css│ └ bootstrap.min.css├ img│ └ icon.png├ wav│ └ alarm.wav├ inactivity.min.js├ inactivity.xml└ inactivity_configuration.jsLog in to the Cisco Finesse Administration Portal (cfadmin). If the gadget is a global one, go to Desktop Layout tab. If the gadget needs to be only available for specific team, navigate to Team Resources, select team name from the list and then click on the Desktop Layout tab (at the lower part of the screen). Don’t forget to check “Override System Default” checkbox.Add the following line to enable gadget:<gadget>/3rdpartygadget/files/Inactivity/ inactivity.xml</gadget>Remember that <gadget> tag needs to be enclosed within <gadgets> XML tag.Remarks:Inactivity gadget can be called as a “gadget without UI”. To hide it o the Finesse UI it is recommended to use the following XML (including tab tags) to place the gadget on UI:<tab> <id>tech</id> <label>.</label> <gadgets> <gadget>/3rdpartygadget/files/Inactivity/inactivity.xml</gadget> </gadgets></tab>To make debugging easier, please upload inactivity.js file to //files/Inactivity/ directory and change its name to inactivity.min.js. It contains the same logic, but in unminified version.Because of browser caching and caching in the Finesse web server, you may need to clear the browser cache or restart the Cisco Finesse Tomcat service before gadget changes take effect. If you make a change to a gadget and the change is not reflected on the Finesse desktop, clear your browser cache. If you do not see the changes after you clear the browser cache, use the following CLI command to restart the Cisco Finesse Tomcat service:utils service restart Cisco Finesse TomcatCisco Finesse CLI can be accessed via?PuTTY application. Please find more details?here.Some of the browsers do not support notifications. In this case gadget will still continue to work and will logout agent after configured inactivity time. On gadget UI additional message will be presented as seen on the below screenshot:Look and feel of the notification toast strictly relates to OS version where the browser is run. It may happen that the toast will be static or can dynamically pop-up when the timer is updated. TroubleshootingFinesse gadget troubleshooting can be made only on the client side. Below are two methods that can easily allow system administrators to gather the logs.Troubleshooting using built-in gadget consoleThis troubleshooting is only available if the debug_console_enabled configuration parameter is set to true. When enabled gadget UI changes and the debug console is presented. Here is a screenshot taken when the debug console is enabled:Console contains messages generated by gadget code. The same messages will also appear in the browser console. Troubleshooting using browser consoleOne of the approaches is to use the console which is building in every browser. To enable the console hit F12 button when the Finesse desktop is in focus.Troubleshooting procedure:Enable browser consoleClear the console from entries (trash can icon)Perform the task where the issue is visibleDownload the entire console logFilter the log content using “Inactivity Gadget” as a filterAnalise the filtered log lines to see what is happeningHere is a log sample filtered logs collected from the browser console:2019-08-20T13:25:33.792 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.737 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > start concat:13098:172019-08-20T13:25:33.794 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.739 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > start concat:13098:172019-08-20T13:25:33.794 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.739 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > start concat:13098:172019-08-20T13:25:33.794 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.739 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > initial agent state: NOT_READY concat:13098:172019-08-20T13:25:33.794 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.739 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > initial agent state: NOT_READY concat:13098:172019-08-20T13:25:33.796 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.741 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > initial agent reason code: {"category":"NOT_READY","code":"32760","forAll":"true","id":"59","label":"Agent Logon","systemCode":"true","uri":"/finesse/api/ReasonCode/59"} concat:13098:172019-08-20T13:25:33.796 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.741 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > initial agent reason code: {"category":"NOT_READY","code":"32760","forAll":"true","id":"59","label":"Agent Logon","systemCode":"true","uri":"/finesse/api/ReasonCode/59"} concat:13098:172019-08-20T13:25:33.796 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.741 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > end concat:13098:172019-08-20T13:25:33.796 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.741 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > end concat:13098:17Data presented in the log line is structured ad can be divided into following sections2019-08-20T13:25:33.794 +00:00: : uccx1.dcloud.: Aug 20 2019 13:25:45.739 +0000: Inactivity Gadget : Inactivity Gadget > inactivity.js > initial agent state: NOT_READY concat:13098:17Red part – default part generated by FinesseBlue part – name of the gadgetGreen part – function used to trigger the message, build withJavascript file nameName of the function that triggered the message(Optional) name of the subfunction that triggered the messageYellow part – log messageAdditional informationGadget code was tested on the following operating systems and browsers Windows 7 & Google Chrome 76.0.3809.100Windows 10 & Google Chrome 76.0.3809.100Windows 10 & Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.295.18362Windows 7 & Microsoft Edge Version (Official build) dev (64-bit)Windows 10 & Mozilla Firefox 52.8.0 (64-bit) ................

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