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| | |Microsoft Office System |

| | |Customer Solution Case Study |

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| | | |Adecco Personalizes Web-Site Experience, Reduces Customer Attrition by Two-Thirds |

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|Overview | | |“By automating core operations of the Web site with Office SharePoint Server 2007… we are empowering |

|Country or Region: United States | | |our business users to take full ownership and control of how, when, and what we produce.” |

|Industry: Human resources | | |Chris Fiorillo, Vice President of Internet Strategy, Adecco USA |

| | | | |

|Customer Profile | | | |

|A leading provider of career-resource | | | |

|services, Adecco connects qualified | | | |

|job-applicants with businesses around the | | | |

|world. A Global Fortune 500 company, Adecco | | | |

|has 33,000 employees in 70 countries. | | | |

| | | | |

|Business Situation | | | |

|To drive business and increase efficiency, | | | |

|Adecco wanted a Web site that job candidates | | | |

|could use for submitting job applications | | | |

|online, and that its marketing-content teams | | | |

|could manage themselves. | | | |

| | | | |

|Solution | | | |

|Adecco built a Web site with Microsoft® | | | |

|Office SharePoint® Server 2007 that allows | | | |

|business users to create, publish, and target| | | |

|dynamic content to job candidates. | | | |

| | | | |

|Benefits | | | |

|Enhanced user experience | | | |

|Better intelligence | | | |

|Improved efficiency | | | |

|Increased business and revenue | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Connecting more than 700,000 qualified job-applicants with businesses around the world every day, |

| | | |Adecco is a global leader in staffing solutions. Adecco wanted to take better advantage of the |

| | | |Internet to provide people with the resources they need to realize their career goals. To drive |

| | | |business and increase efficiency, Adecco wanted a Web site where job candidates could submit job |

| | | |applications online, and that its marketing-content teams could manage without day-to-day IT support.|

| | | |Using Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007, Adecco built a Web site that allows business users |

| | | |to create, publish, and target dynamic content to job candidates. Since launching in |

| | | |2008, Adecco has enhanced the Web experience for site visitors, improved productivity, and driven |

| | | |increases in business activity and revenue through the Internet channel. |

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Adecco is a leading global provider of staffing, recruiting, and career-resource services. Every day, Adecco connects more than 700,000 qualified job-applicants with businesses around the world. Registered in Switzerland, Adecco is a Global Fortune 500 company with 33,000 employees in 6,600 offices in more than 70 countries and territories.

Adecco USA operates specialized business lines in the United States that provide targeted services across many different industries and sectors, such as engineering and technical, finance, medical, manufacturing, administration, and government. Adecco’s primary aim is simply to connect people with the jobs and resources they need to realize their career goals.

Adecco USA wanted to radically transform the way it used technology to provide staffing solutions for businesses and career resources for job seekers. Previously, Adecco had not made significant use of the Internet to recruit job candidates. Applicants submitted applications and resumes in person or by ground mail, fax, and e-mail. Adecco offered some online tools for its customers and its business users, but no centralized marketing, recruiting, or application environments.

The company did not effectively use the Internet as a business tool for communicating with customers and stakeholders, disseminating targeted information, or collecting business intelligence. Processes for managing online environments at Adecco had become labor-intensive and inefficient. The company operated Web sites on multiple systems that required a variety of skill sets and expertise to manage, so even basic content-management required significant IT-staff involvement, often delaying content updates.

“We had six or seven external Web sites that required multiple resources from IT to change anything, manipulate the sites, or build content,” says Chris Fiorillo, Vice President of Internet Strategy for Adecco USA. “It took a long time to get projects completed, and some things simply weren’t getting done. We needed to give ownership of the Web site to our business users so that they could publish and manage marketing content without having to rely on IT for basic operations.”

The company wanted to develop a Web site that applicants could use to quickly and easily find job opportunities and career resources, and then submit applications and resumes online. And it wanted to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and drive business and revenue with a Web site that business and marketing teams could manage largely themselves.


When Adecco initiated an organization-wide Web strategy project, it recognized that a key priority would be to choose a Web content management system. The company evaluated several leading solutions, including Interwoven TeamSite content management software and Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007. Adecco chose Office SharePoint Server 2007 for its robust set of capabilities and because it could be more easily managed day-to-day without assistance from its high-value IT staff.

“Other products we evaluated were built for technology folks to manage,” says Fiorillo. “Office SharePoint Server 2007 resonated with our marketing organization because it was simple to use. They could take advantage of that to do their own content management without needing a lot of technology expertise.”

In 2007, Adecco began working with Infusion Development, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and a 2008 Award Finalist for Partner of the Year in the Microsoft Partner Program. Infusion helped Adecco build a Web site with Office SharePoint Server 2007 that allows business users to create, publish, and target dynamic content to job candidates.

Infusion’s user-experience team worked directly with Adecco marketing and operations groups, helping devise a strategy and approach to enhancing the way job seekers find and apply for jobs on the Adecco Web site. Adecco launched the updated Web site, , in March 2008.

When job seekers visit , they can browse job listings, create an account and profile, and apply for a job or multiple jobs (Figure 1). And they can revisit the site to track their application or update their profile. To optimize the user registration process and make the experience efficient and engaging, Adecco reduced the number of fields users have to input and deployed auto-fill capabilities in the application form. When a user uploads their resume, a parsing engine pulls information from the document to auto-fill fields in the application form. Most users can complete the application process in less than one minute.

Infusion used Office SharePoint Server 2007 to build a library of content-based microsites integrated with data tracking and analytic capabilities. Adecco can deliver targeted content that is appropriate to each job candidate’s career needs, based on their profile and site activity. If a user applies for or browses specific listings in engineering, for example, the Web site will display personalized content that the Adecco marketing teams created and targeted for users interested in engineering careers.

“When a user sets up their profile, we use the Web site to display the kind of content they’re likely to be interested in, like pop-up articles and links targeted to their activity on the site,” says Fiorillo. “When they apply for a job, their candidate portal will populate with content that will resonate specifically with them.”

Adecco also used the Business Data Catalog feature of Office SharePoint Server 2007 enterprise search to fine-tune relevancy weights for various properties of job listings, such as title, description, education level, or category. When users search job listings and other career-oriented content on , they can focus on keywords and locations to receive faster, more robust search results without having to rely on advanced search functions.


By developing its new Web site with Office SharePoint Server 2007, Adecco has created significant efficiencies by enabling its marketing teams to produce, publish, and distribute content to its customers while removing IT from day-to-day site management. The company has enhanced the Web site experience for job candidates, while providing useful business intelligence and driving increased business activity and revenue.

Enhanced User Experience

Adecco has created a seamless application process for job seekers. Before Adecco fully deployed Office SharePoint Server 2007, it could take a job candidate many steps and as much as eight minutes to complete an online application. Now an applicant can upload a resume to the Web site and complete an application in several quick steps, often in less than one minute. With Office SharePoint Server 2007, candidates can search for content or job listings in less time and get much more relevant and accurate results.

By producing career content and targeting it to particular job categories, Adecco marketing teams can connect highly relevant content to a user based on their behavior on the Web site, creating a richer, more personalized experience for job candidates who visit .

In surveys conducted by Adecco, job seekers have reported that the quality of their overall experience with Adecco has improved from 2.1 to 3.6 on a scale of 5. The drop-off rate on the Adecco Web site used to be 25 percent; the drop-off rate on is now under 8 percent, a reduction of more than two-thirds.

Better Intelligence

With tracking and reporting tools in Office SharePoint Server 2007, Adecco can monitor and analyze what users do on the Web site, what content they read, where they came from, and generally how they interact with . Business and marketing analysts can use the data to determine what works and what doesn’t, what parts of the site are most popular, what content people prefer, and how site visitors are recruited to .

“It helps us shape our marketing communications effort by having really good business intelligence on our Web users,” says Fiorillo.

Improved Efficiency

Using its previous Web portals, Adecco often needed a week to produce and publish a single piece of new content. By developing workflows that help business users publish new content and automate review and approval processes, Adecco can help improve time-to-market for information on the site, while maintaining control of branding and messaging. Now marketing and business users publish dozens of articles a week and hundreds of articles a month on the Web site, without having to involve IT staff for basic tactical functions. Now skilled IT staff can focus on higher value projects for the team.

“By automating core operations of the Web site with Office SharePoint Server 2007, we’ve gotten key IT personnel out of the minutia of producing content,” says Fiorillo. “Now IT can focus on potentially game-changing tasks like product development and innovation, while we are empowering our business users to take full ownership and control of how, when, and what we produce.”

Increased Business and Revenue

Traffic on has increased steadily, along with the number of job candidates applying at the Web site, which has increased job placement rates and resulted in a 200 percent increase in revenue from online channels. In 2008, Adecco was last among its major competitors in online activity, but by 2009 had become the most widely visited Web site in the staffing industry.

Before 2008, organic search represented less than 2 percent of total traffic at Adecco’s Web site. By 2009, organic search grew to 30 percent of total site traffic. Today, receives the most organic search traffic of all its online competitors. “We are winding up in more search engine results based on how much more content we can put on the site,” says Fiorillo. “By constantly publishing new, relevant information, we get more people to land on the site, driving business and revenue, and we’re getting our brand out there to people who might not otherwise find us."

Microsoft Office System

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|“Office SharePoint Server 2007 resonated with |

|our marketing organization because it was |

|simple to use. They could take advantage of |

|that to do their own content management |

|without needing a lot of technology |

|expertise.” |

|Chris Fiorillo, Vice President of Internet |

|Strategy, Adecco USA |


Figure 1. At , job seekers can post resumes, search listings, apply for jobs, and find content targeted toward their personal career needs, based on their profile and site activity.

| “By constantly publishing new, relevant |

|information, we get more people to land on the|

|site, driving business and revenue, and we’re |

|getting our brand out there to people who |

|might not otherwise find us." |

|Chris Fiorillo, Vice President of Internet |

|Strategy, Adecco USA |

| |

|Software and Services |Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 |

|Microsoft Server Product Portfolio | |

|This case study is for informational purposes | |



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|Document published July 2009 | |

For More Information

For more information about Microsoft products and services, call the Microsoft Sales Information Center at (800) 426-9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft Canada Information Centre at (877) 568-2495. Customers who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can reach Microsoft text telephone (TTY/TDD) services at (800) 892-5234 in the United States or (905) 568-9641 in Canada. Outside the 50 United States and Canada, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary. To access information using the World Wide Web, go to:

For more information about Infusion Development products and services, visit the Web site at:

For more information about Adecco products and services, visit the Web site at:


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