Mock Business & Ghost Project

HArvester Technical CollegeMock Business & Ghost ProjectVCAL – Intermediate Integrated UnitC. Santander10/1/2010This document is a Unit Rationale of a VCAL Intermediate Integrated Unit of work designed for Harvester Technical College as part of Carlos Santander’s Applied Curriculum Project, 2010. This can be used in future or modified to suit school and year level as required. VCAL Mock Business Integrated Unit of WorkBy: Carlos Santander IntroductionIn this VCAL mock business integrated unit of work, students will discuss and evaluate the importance of how to market business to a specific audience or market. They will do this by a discussion and evaluation of business cards, in particular trade businesses. They will then learn how to apply and use Software packages to assist in business problem solving solutions such as invoicing, payroll systems and also 3D modelling of their sketches. They will then collaboratively work in groups as a ‘mock’ business and produce relevant business cards, payroll system for their business, sketch out a desired ‘mock’ project for a client and produce 3D models for their clients coupled with an invoice and all relevant OH&S documentation needed for the project.Students use information and communications technology and web 2.0 technologies, including the Internet, for researching and for publishing their own and collaborative work in various formats. They will individually journal their experience working collaboratively in a group via their blogs and will use technology such as Google Sketch-up to produce basic 3D models of their projects. They will also use the Microsoft Excel software package to assist in business problem solving and create business cards using the Microsoft Publisher software package.This integrated unit provides opportunities for students to demonstrate competency against various Learning Outcomes in the following Intermediate Units: Personal Development Skills, Work Related Skills, Literacy and Numeracy. The focus of group assessment will concentrate on the Personal Development Skills, Numeracy and Work Related Skills.Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)Mock Business Integrated Unit can be used to demonstrate competency against various Learning Outcomes.Below is an example of how this unit might be used to assess some Learning Outcomes across a variety of VCAL Intermediate Units:Unit NameUnitLearning OutcomeAssessment Criteria or Key ElementsPersonal Development SkillsIntermediate Unit 11: Plan and organise a complex activityPlan, organise and carry out a project or activity involving a number of steps and processes and three or more people.Identify and use support systems related to an activity or project goal.Identify values which influence individual behaviour and motivation in group situations.Carry out the activity or project to completion.3: Demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities in the context of an activity or projectIdentify the scope and requirements of the activity.Use observation to implement strategies to improve self-performance.Establish a plan to achieve a learning goal involving a peer or adult mentor.Contribute to the quality of outcomes within the activity or project.Identify transferable knowledge and skills gained for future voluntary or paid work.5: Utilise interpersonal skills to communicate ideas and informationApply communication skills in a range of social contexts.Use interpersonal communication skills to resolve a conflict.Identify causes of communication breakdowns.Participate in a public debate that requires expression of an opinion to others.Apply active listening skills to facilitate understanding.Work Related SkillsIntermediateUnit 13: Develop knowledge and understanding of OH&S in a work related contextResearch employee rights and responsibilities regarding OH&S.Identify correct processes for raising OH&S issues.Establish a personal safety plan to ensure safe operating procedures are followed.Investigate ways to improve work processes to achieve OH&S principles.4: Identify problems or safety hazards that can affect the safety of the work environmentIdentify potential problems or safety municate OH&S information relevant for hazard identification and risk assessment clearly and precisely.Determine possible options to ensure OH&S risks are controlled and procedures are understood and followed.Analyse the consequences on self, working environment and community if OH&S procedures are not followed.5: Contribute to team objectives to achieve safe work proceduresIdentify safe work procedures and tasks required by the team to achieve agreed objectives.Negotiate work tasks and roles to ensure safe work procedures within the team.Work with others to achieve safe work procedures.Undertake a review process.6: Use information and communications technology in relation to work related activityIdentify what information and communications technology is required for a given activity.Use appropriate information and communications technology.Review the use of information and communications technology in the activity.IntermediateUnit 21: Learn to analyse and organise information for a work related goal.Learn what information is required for the work related goal.Access and record information from a variety of work related anise information relevant to the work related goal.Analyse information for relevance, accuracy and currency.2: Communicate information and ideas for work related goal.Research a range of communication methods.Use communication methods to convey a range of work related ideas and information.Adapt ideas and information to a work related goal.Undertake a review process incorporating feedback.3: Plan, organise and manage activities for a work related goal.Undertake planning for a work related goal.Demonstrate self-management skills in the process of achieving a work related anise and manage priorities for a work related goal.Evaluate own performance related to achieving a work related goal.6: Use information and communications technology in relation to a work related activity.Identify what information and communications technology is required for a given activity.Use appropriate information and communications technology.Review the use of information and communications technology in the activity.Literacy SkillsIntermediateReading and Writing1: Writing for self expressionUse the processes of planning, drafting and editing to produce written texts.Use language and tone appropriate to text purpose and audience.Sequence and structure information, ideas and events to suit purpose.Link several separate pieces of information within a text rather than treating them as separate units.Spell, punctuate and use grammar with reasonable accuracy.3: Writing for knowledgeUse the processes of planning, drafting and editing to produce written texts.Use language and tone appropriate to text purpose and audience.Sequence and structure information and ideas logically to suit purpose.Relate several separate pieces of factual information within a text rather than treating them as separate units and reach a conclusion.Spell, punctuate and use grammar with reasonable accuracy.6: Reading for practical purposesIdentify the purpose of the text including any inferred purpose.Identify the main ideas and key procedures.Identify the means used by the author to achieve the purpose of the pare or contrast with other texts.Express an opinion on the effectiveness of the text.IntermediateOral Communication2: Oracy for knowledgeGive an oral presentation answering questions if appropriate.Identify key points and supporting information in an informative ment on the content and effectiveness of an informative talk.Make systematic notes from a spoken text in a chosen field of knowledge.4: Oracy for exploring issues and problem-solving.Participate in a group discussion on an issue, responding to and contributing alternative ideas.Use spoke language to identify and work towards solving problems with at least one other ment on the range of ideas presented on an issue in a discussion.Demonstrate active listening.Numeracy SkillsIntermediate1: Numeracy for practical purpose – designRecognise and name common two- and three-dimensional shapes.Represent simple two- and three-dimensional shapes and objects in diagrammatic form.Interpret plans and diagrams, and their conventions, for representing familiar real life objects.Assemble or model three-dimensional objects by following construction instructions, plans or diagrams.Use the language of shape such as rectangle, triangle, sphere, cube, cylinder, pyramid and descriptions such as horizontal, diagonal, vertical, parallel, sides, edges, corners and faces, diameter and pare and check whether finished product represents original object and vice versa.2: Numeracy for practical purpose – measuringInterpret, calculate and use the concept of length, mass, volume, area, capacity and temperature.Make an initial estimate of measurements.Choose appropriate measuring instruments and use them correctly to measure.Choose and perform arithmetic operations where appropriate.Read and interpret calibrations on a range of familiar measuring instruments.Use appropriately the names and symbols of the units of measurement for example centimetre (cm), millimetre (mm), kilometre (km), kilogram (kg), ton (t).Convert within the metric system for length, mass and volume, for example 3,500m is 3 ?km or 3.5km.3: Numeracy for personal organisation – money and timeUse number facts and rounding to give rough estimates of numerical calculations.Use place value concepts for whole numbers and decimals to interpret and compare written and spoken numbers involving money.Use and calculate with time, for example converting between digital and analogue time and calculating elapsed time.Interpret and compare commonly used fractions, decimals and percentages relating to money; convert between common fraction, decimal and percentage forms for simplification of calculations, such as .25 or 25% to ?.Obtain accurate results for calculations involving money.Read, write and use orally whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages in numerals, words and symbols.Use common words for ordering and comparing numbers such as smaller, bigger, larger, first, second, between, less than.Identify and use appropriately words, phrases and symbols for arithmetical operations such as add, and, total, subtract, minus, take away, from, times, multiply, share, divide, ten per cent of, a quarter of, double.Explain the meaning of calculation results and check feasibility in terms of the original practical situation.Teaching and Learning ActivitiesMock Business is an integrated unit of work that concentrates on allowing the students to investigate, evaluate and work as individuals as well as collaboratively as a mock business to meet the needs and plan a project for a ghost client.They will create for themselves a mock business and give it a name, logo and trade. Producing business cards for their mock business and create with the assistance of appropriate software packages, an invoice for the project, projected business payroll for the project. They will also measure the site, identify and respond to the needs of the ghost client, sketching their solution and producing with the assistance of Google Sketch-up a 3D model of their project. They will also identify and solve problems relating to OH&S and produce appropriate OH&S procedures and documentation. They will gather all their information and work into a digital portfolio using OneNote software package to present their work to their ghost client and also journal their collaborative group work experience. Prior LearningThis integrated unit of work does rely on the fact that students will have had prior learning using the software packages of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Publisher; be that through prior experience at Foundation or at previous schooling experience. It does however not expect or rely on any prior learning using the software packages of Google Sketch-up and Microsoft OneNote.As mentioned above mock business integrated unit can be used to assess various learning outcomes across multiple units in VCAL Intermediate level, however it is necessary that students be alerted to this assessment focus at the start of their collaborative group work task. Below is a table depicting recommended teaching and learning activities:Teaching and Learning Activities: Safe-house Unit of WorkWeekTeaching ActivitiesAssessmentResources1Lesson One: Introduction to business marketingStudents are given some business cards from a variety of trades and industries.Students then have a brainstorming session and class discussion on the key features, purpose and audience of business cards; exploring their benefits and weakness.Students then look at five key aspects of business cards:LogoName of CompanyContact detailsBackground pictureWho and position in companyStudents are then asked to create their own business cards using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher software packages.Students are to incorporate the five key aspects discussed as a class and make a business card for their chosen trade or field of work.Students are then asked to provide self-assessment and peer-assessment of their business cards discussing how each business card implements the five key elements and their strengths and weaknesses.Students the reflect on the strengths of business cards and in their own words highlight the importance of business cards in their chosen trades and fields of work.Lesson Two: Invoice using Excel software Students as a class discuss via a ‘Y’ chart what materials to use and needed to make a letter box.Based on the ‘Y’ chart they make an invoice for their letter box using Microsoft Excel software and appropriate formulas: SUM and addition.(Some students will require a walkthrough to understand formulas in Excel. Can do this as a class activity and allow for peer education as some students will be very competent using formulas in Excel.)Student will then calculate their ‘labour’ for work they will firstly calculate arithmetically their pay value per hour and their total pay for the job. This will serve as an intro later in the unit for a payroll system using Excel.They will then check their calculations by using appropriate formulas in Excel and add their ‘labour’ to their invoice.Students will then sketch on paper their letter box and be able to describe the different shapes that are incorporated in the letter box.(Further study about area, volume and two- and three-dimensional shapes can take part if time and class permit.)Lesson Three: Introduction to Google Sketch-upIntroduction to lesson and reflection of previous lessons in particular the five key elements to a business card, formulas and use of Excel and the two- and three-dimensional shapes identified in their sketches.Walkthrough of Google Sketch-up, demonstrating the different planes and tools and a brief overview of each tool in the menu, by creating a simple house. Make sure to describe to students if they can identify any other software packages and or computer games that use similar tools such as ‘Sims’ or ‘Auto-cad’.(Make sure students understand the most important tools are the ‘3D pull’, ‘zoom’ and ‘rotation’ tools.)Students will then begin to familiarise themselves with the Google Sketch-up software. Allowing them to explore the different tools by creating a simple house as per the walkthrough.(Allow for students to be creative and explore the software package as much as possible as it is a very intuitive software package.)Once students are confident with the software have them to produce 3D models of their sketched letter box and make them identify the different two- and three-dimensional objects as they do so.Introduction to the collaborative group assessment and allow for question time so that students may understand clearly what is required from them as a group and individuals.Due at the end of unit.Formative:Observation of student’s participation during class, giving them positive feedback and re-enforcing encouragement.Observation of student’s competency using software packages to create business cards.Observation of students self and peer assessment for accuracy and their warm and cool feedback.Observation of student’s comprehension and understanding of business cards, based on their self and peer assessment.Observation of the process in which students went about their mathematic arithmetic problem solving.Observation of student’s ability to identify and articulate orally or by written language two- and three-dimensional shapes.Observation of student’s competency and confidence using Google Sketch-up providing positive feedback and enforcing encouragement.Observation of the process in which students went about their problem solving.Summative:Business cards produced by students with the five key elements incorporated.Peer and self assessment of the business cards.Students will submit their mathematical calculations of pay and time for work.Students will submit a soft-copy of their invoices to check for use of calculations and formulas as well as their competency of the Excel software.Sketches of their letter box checking for measurements, scale and their identification of two- and three-dimensional shapes.3D model of the letterbox using Google Sketch-up software.Business cards.(Have a variety of trades and industries)Whiteboard and marker.Laptops with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher software packages.Whiteboard and marker.Laptops with Microsoft Excel software.Student notebooks and pens for mathematical calculations.Butcher’s paper and markers.Laptop connected to projector for Google Sketch-up walkthrough.Laptops with Google Sketch-up software.Group assessment task with rubric.2Lesson Four: Group assessment and OH&S Reflection on Group assessment task and group allocations.(Make sure students know what must be done as a group and individuals.)In groups students will visit the ‘work site’ for the project and take all necessary measurements that they need as a group as well as identify some OH&S hazards of the ‘work site’.Discuss and brainstorm some OH&S issues of the ‘work site’ and also based on the Worksafe white card course how to document these hazards and in their groups negotiate and articulate plans to prevent these OH&S issues.Students are to then in their groups fill out a ‘Safe Work Method Statement’ for their proposed project based on the ‘work site’ and discussed OH&S issues.Worksheet: Safe Work Method StatementLesson Five: Mock Business and Business CardsStudents in their groups need to come up with a name for their mock business as well as roles. They will need to provide the following roles:Business OwnerFull-time partnerPart-time employeeApprenticeStudents in their groups will then use the skills and knowledge from previous classes to produce a business card for their Business.Groups will then begin to sketch their ideas for the project and start to brainstorm and investigate what materials are required depending on their measurements.Lesson Six: 3D modellingGroups will begin to create their 3D models of the ghost project using Google Sketch-up and will need to annotate on their draft sketches adjusting when required.Groups will also begin to identify materials and amounts needed to for the ghost project to be able to identify them in an invoice.Groups will if time permits begin to work on their invoices based on a price list provided by teacher.Individually students will reflect about their group work in their blogs, mentioning activities completed and also roles taken within the group.Formative:Observation of participation during group discussion and relevant input.Observation of group taking relevant measurements and arithmetic problem solving as required.Observation of participation during group discussion of OH&S issues providing feedback and positive encouragement.Observation of students actively listening and providing relevant ideas during group discussion and work.Observation of students understanding and knowledge from previous class about Business cards.Observations of students’ ability to problem solve as a group and identify shapes orally and in written language.Observation of group work and competency using Google Sketch-up software.Observation of student input and knowledge of calculating materials needed and adjustments to draft sketches.Observation of group work and participation providing positive feedback and encouragement.Summative:Worksheet: Safe Work Method Statement.Mock Business CardsDraft sketches and measurements of the group ghost project.3D model of ghost project and adjustments made to draft sketches.Materials list and invoice.Individual blog entries.Tape measures. (3-4)Paper and pens.Worksheet: Safe Work Method Statement.Laptops with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher packages.Butcher’s paper and markers.Laptops with Google Sketch-up software package.Butcher’s paper and markers.Bunning’s price list.Laptops with Microsoft Excel software package.3Lesson Seven: Invoice and PayrollStudent will continue to build their invoice using Excel and begin to create the needed aesthetics to produce a more professional look.As a class walk through how to enhance the invoice in terms of ‘V-lookup’ formula to create basic payroll system on a separate worksheet in the same Excel workbook.Groups will then calculate their payrolls and insert them into their invoices.(Calculations must be made by hand on paper as well as produced on Excel for accuracy.)Groups will continue to work on their 3D models using Google Sketch-up if needed, adjusting their draft sketches accordinglyLesson Eight: Introduction to OneNoteWatch Video: “Microsoft OneNote 2007 – Basic Overview Tutorial”Walkthrough OneNote and describe to students the tools re-enforcing that from the video.Allow students to familiarise themselves with the OneNote software package by creating digital notebooks for their classes and making a cover page for their digital portfolio. Groups are to then create a OneNote digital notebook for their assessment it must include:Brief of ‘ghost project’Business Card for mock businessInvoiceScans from draft sketchesNotes from sketches including adjustments and measurements.Payroll3D Model using Google Sketch-upMembers of the group, their roles and input during assessment in percentages.Students are to then reflect individually in their blogs stating activities and roles within the group work.Formative:Observation of group work and participation offering positive feedback and encouragement.Observation of student’s knowledge and competency using Excel software.Observation of student’s growing knowledge and competency using Google Sketch-up software.Observation of student’s active listening and comprehension of video and walkthrough of OneNote.Observation of students understanding and competency using OneNote offering feedback and positive encouragement.Summative:Group soft copy of Excel workbook including invoice and payroll systemGroup OneNote digital Notebook of assessment work.Individual blog entries.Laptops with Microsoft Excel software package.Butcher’s paper and markersLaptops with Google Sketch-up software package.Projector and screenYouTube Video:“Microsoft OneNote – Basic Overview Tutorial”Laptop with Microsoft OneNote software package connected to screen.Laptops with Microsoft OneNote software package.Laptops with internet connection.Assessment Task: Mock Business and Ghost Project Your group has been nominated by a client to build a pergola at the back of Harvester Technical College with a paved pathway leading towards the rear entrance of the college and the rear car park. (The area in which the containers are now located) Your client, Terry Coombs, wishes to have a pergola to provide shade and a place for students to congregate during lunch periods at the school. Providing significant room allowing for students to stand and sit as well as designated area for a rubbish bin. Any other features that your group wishes to design will be allowed as long as necessary annotation and descriptions of the benefits of the features are made accordingly. The client wishes the project to be completed during the summer holidays and ready for the commencement of the school year in 2011.(You are to decide how long it will take your business to complete the project)Working together as a group you are:Create a business name and business cards.To take measurement of the proposed ‘work site’Create draft sketching including measurements and mathematical calculations such as area and needed materials.Create an invoice using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.Create a payroll system using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, incorporating total ‘labour’ cost for your project in the invoice.Produce a 3D model of your drafted sketches of the project using Google Sketch-up, annotating any corrections and adjustments to your draft plete a Safe Work Method Statement and negotiate an OH&S working plan.Aggregate all associated group work for this assessment task into a Microsoft OneNote digital notebook with necessary annotations about each task and indicate the amount of time for your business to complete the project.Individually journal into your blogs the process and steps taken as a group, as well as how you personally felt the group worked together and the roles taken within the group.(At least 2 entries must be made. Each entry must be at least 3-4 sentences long.)Your ‘Mock Business’ will compromise of an owner, full-time partner, part-time employee and an apprentice.You will be allowed significant class time to complete this task, as well as work together step by step allowing for questioning and walkthroughs when needed.Rubric for Assessment Task: Mock Business and Ghost Project CriteriaLowMediumHighMarkBusiness Name and Card:Some use of the five key elements of business cards.Good use of the five key elements of business cards.Excellent use of the five key elements of business cards./5Measurements and mathematical calculations included in draft sketches:Clarity, consistency and accuracy in measurements, sketches and mathematical calculations such as area and materials needed.Good clarity, consistency and accuracy in measurements, sketches and mathematical calculations such as area and materials needed.Excellent clarity, consistency and accuracy in measurements, sketches and mathematical calculations such as area and materials needed./15OH&S plan and SWMS statement:Evidence of understanding of OH&S hazards and procedure in the SWMS statement.Good evidence of understanding of OH&S hazards and procedure in the SWMS statement.Excellent evidence of understanding of OH&S hazards and procedure in the SWMS statement./20Invoice and payroll using Excel:Some competency and use of Excel formulas to create worksheets and provide significant style.Good competency and use of Excel formulas to create worksheets and provide significant style.Excellent competency and use of Excel formulas to create worksheets and provide significant style./203D model using Google Sketch-up:Competency and accuracy of 3D model from sketches adjusting and annotating if required.Good competency and accuracy of 3D model from sketches adjusting and annotating if required.Excellent competency and accuracy of 3D model from sketches adjusting and annotating if required./20OneNote digital Notebook:Correct use of OneNote software and a collection of all group work with necessary annotations.Good and correct use of OneNote software and a good collection of all group work with necessary annotations.Excellent correct use of OneNote software and an excellent collection of all group work with necessary annotations./10Individual blog entries:Correct use of language for self expression, using punctuation, grammar and editing for spelling.Good and correct use of language for self expression, using punctuation, grammar and editing for spelling.Excellent and correct use of language for self expression, using punctuation, grammar and editing for spelling./10Comments:Total Marks:/100Safe Work Method StatementThis SWMS is a site-specific statement that must be prepared before any high-risk construction work is commenced.Person responsibleDate:for ensuringcompliance withthis SWMS:High-risk job:Location:What are the tasks involved?What are the hazards and risks?How will hazards and risks be controlled?(describe the control measures and how they will be used)Think about the worksite and each stage of the project, including preparation and clean-up. ................

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