
CSE 5325/4322 – Software Project ManagementSpring 2014 – Project planning and scheduling; Assignment #1Objective: Project Planning & Scheduling using Microsoft Project Professional 2010 or higher versionDue: Thursday Feb. 13, 2013; 2:00 PMGrading: 10% of your Course gradeSubmission: Black Board () – Assignment 01Objective: Practice Formal Project Planning for Software ProjectsUtilize Project Planning tools such as : Microsoft Project Professional 2010Deliverable: (a) Use “Microsoft Project Professional 2010” to list all tasks and schedules. This should include various views/screens such as: task lists, dependencies, resource allocations, Gantt charts, activity diagrams, etc. All screens and final report must be submitted.(b) A short document that explain your choices for production selection, your assumption, and all other details. See “Points to Consider” below for more detailsSubmit the above two (a & b) on Black Board, Assignment 01 as a single file.Points to Consider: You must select one of the two projects on the following projects, use this project for the entire semester:Project 1: Graduate Student Management System (GSMS)Project 2: Sporting Goods System (SGS)Assume you have 5 developers to complete all your tasks, excluding yourself, remember you are the manager and in charge of scheduling and estimationEach developer can be used in any capacity (i.e. develop web screens, database design, do documentation, write test plans, anything that you asked them to do since you are the manager)Each developer receive $5000/month after all taxes have been deductedYou, the manager, will receive $10,000/month after all taxes have been deducedThe duration of the project is 3 months: Feb. 1, 2014 to May 1, 2014. Each developer will receive one week of vacation during this 3 month-period (i.e. you will pay them, however they will not work; i.e. paid vacation)The project manager (i.e. you) will not receive a vacation during these 3 months since the delivery of the project has a tight scheduleYour project plan must assume that you require drawing UML diagrams and generating requirements for your project. You must allocate sufficient time for these activities even though you will not actually performing these tasksYou must register for a 60-day trial version of “Microsoft Project Professional 2010” and use this product to keep track of project tasks. This is a great product and hopefully you will continue using it at your company (all rights reserved for Microsoft) or when you become a manger. You may access this product through other legal means also.All cycles of development (i.e. Requirements, Design, Development, Testing) and documentation (i.e. user manual) must be accounted forYou could use any testing framework such as generating test cases or using JUnit for testing portion of this project. Make sure to include the cost of the testing tool if you decide to use one.All software and hardware costs/purchases must be realistic with sufficient reference provided in the in the Appendix. Make sure to review multiple products from various competitors when purchasing software or hardware. All pricing comparison and reasoning for product selection must be submitted on due date.Assume 25% of overhead cost (i.e. to cover heating, heating & air-conditioning & electric bill, rent, etc.)Assume your require 100% profit on the money spent. That is, if it cost you $100K to develop this project, you should charge client $200K to cover your cost plus profitExtensive risk analysis and mitigation should be includedConfiguration management for source code and other product artifacts (e.g. requirements, documentation, source code) storage is requiredSecurity (i.e. data encryption/decryption) is required to maintain integrity of your data. Make sure to include the cost of security software packagesInclude all required software packages, hardware, databases, Web hosting costs and any other related capital expenditureFeel free to make reasonable assumptions anywhere necessary, just document and submit it10% penalty per each day of being late after the due date/time. Project 1 (web-based application): Graduate Student Management System, GSMSThe Computer Science and Engineering department at UTA is need of a web-based system to manage its current MS and PhD students. The system will be referred to as the ”Graduate Student Management System”, GSMS, and its primary function is to collect vital information about all MS and PhD students and track their progress throughout their studies at UTA. This system will automatically check the necessary progress of each graduate student and raises alert when sufficient progress is not made. The system should be up and running by May 1, 2014. Below is the minimum set of requirements at this point:Minimum Functional Requirements:The GSMS should be a web-based system that includes the following functional components:Student Information: The following data should be collected for each student:Name (Last, Middle, First)Student ID (10-digit MyMav ID)Start date (e.g. 8/24/2009)Start Semester (e.g. Fall 2009)E-mail addressPhone numberSupervisor’s Name (For PhD students only)Committee Formation Date (For PhD students only)Diagnostics Evaluation Date (For PhD students only)Comprehensive Exam Date (For PhD students only)Proposal Presentation Date (For PhD students only)Defense Date (For PhD students only)Overall Status (“Green” bar for on-track; “Yellow” bar for border line, “Red” bar for way behind, “Graduated on mm/dd/yy”; “Resigned on mm/dd/yy”, “Postponed on mm/dd/yy)Admission Type: Make the following available via checkbox (acceptable combinations are: “Unconditional” or “Probationary”, or “Provisional”, or “Probationary” & “Provisional”):UnconditionalProbationary (allow entering up to 64 bytes of text of what the probation is for: e.g. must get B or better in the first 9 hours, must pass GESP English test, must take ESOL English class, must take CSE 3320 and 3315…)Provisional (allow entering up to 64 bytes of text of what the provision is for: e.g. must provide official degree, must provide official GRE …)Degree Type: Three degree types are supported (make degree types and anticipated durations dynamic. i.e. in case a back office person wants to make the duration of MS to 3 years it should easily be done):MS (Anticipated duration: 2 years)PhD (Anticipated duration: 4 years)PhD fast-track (anticipated duration: 5 years. This is BS to PhD fast track bypassing MS)Funding Status: Make the following choices available via Checkboxes:GTAGRAFellowship/ScholarshipNoneProgress Status: Allow entering the following text in the “Overall Status” if student is not an active student:“Graduated”“Resigned”“Postponed”Dynamically compute and displaying the following status if student is an active student currently at school (compute by comparing the “Start date”, “current date”, and “anticipated duration” for each degree type):For MS students:“Green” Color: If at school less than or equal the Anticipated duration“Yellow” Color: If no more than 6 months over the Anticipated duration“Red” Color: If more than 6 months over the Anticipated durationFor PhD students:MilestonesGreen YellowRed1. Committee formation=< start date + 1 Yr> start date + 1.5 Yr> start date + 22. Diagnostics Evaluation=< start date + 1.5 Yr> Start date + 2 Yr> start date + 2.5 Yr3. Comprehensive Exam=< start date + 2.5 Yr> Start date + 3 Yr> start date + 3.5 Yr4. Proposal=< start date + 3 Yr> Start date + 3.5 Yr> start date + 4 Yr5. Defense=< start date + 4 Yr> Start date + 4.5 Yr> start date + 5 Yr** Note1: Add an extra year to all dates in the above table for PhD fast-track students.** Note 2: If no date available for any of the milestones that means that milestone is not complete. Milestones must be completed in the sequential order above, i.e. M1 must be completed before M2, M2 before M3, etc.General Comments: Allow entering up to 512 bytes of general comment about the student. No spell checking necessary.Ad-Hoc Search/Repot: Provide functionally to be able search, and possibly save and print the results as a report in an ad-hoc style that includes the following criteria:Search for all students based on:Degree Type (provide via checkbox: MS, PhD, PhD Fast-track, All)Status (Green, Yellow, Red, graduated, resigned, Postponed, All)Select Display fields from the following for Search/Report via checkbox:NameIDE-mailDegree TypeStatusSupervisorStart DateStart SemesterFunding Status (i.e. GTA, GRA, Fellowship/Scholarship, None, All)Minimum System Requirements:The GSMS has the following minimum system requirements:Only authorized users should be able to access this system (i.e. Login to system is required)Graduate information should be maintained in an appropriate database such as MS-Access, SQL, MS-SQL, Oracle, Sybase, etc. The data cannot be maintained in XLS sheets or files.System must be web-based. Authorized users should easily be able to send e-mails to students from this system.General Comments:The primary function of this system is to track the progress of graduate students. Therefore, a quick “Overall Status” preferably graphical, should be readily visible next to the student’s name. For example, “Green”/“Yellow”/“Red” bar to indicate On-track/borderline/behind, or other comments such as “Graduated”, “Resigned”, “Postponed”, etc. should be displayed. Please see Progress status above.The users of this system are graduate advising and administrative staff such as graduate advisors, graduate secretaries, department chair or associate chair.Project 2 (Web-based application): Sporting Goods System (SGS)Objective: Design and implement a web-based application to handle the online sales of a potentially multi-branch sporting goods company.SGS definition: A sporting goods company has employed your team to design and implement a website to help them sell their merchandise online. They are currently selling their merchandise in various branch locations however they have realized that they must utilize the internet in order to increase revenue. They would like to have their website up and operational by the first week in May 2014 in preparation for the summer shopping season. In addition to the minimum set of requirements listed below, they are open to any recommendation in functionality as well as look & feel of the system:Allow retail or business customers to order merchandise from their home or business locationSupport credit card payment as well as COD (Cash on Delivery)Customer’s personal or business information (e.g. name, address, phone, e-mail, preferred method of payment, etc.) must be kept in the system for billing and future purchases.Customers and the system should be password protected.Customers may search through all existing merchandise or search for particular items or items within various categories.Search functionality should be provided within each sport category (e.g. Tennis, Soccer, Football, etc.) as well as merchandise category (e.g. Shoes, Balls, Caps, etc.)When an item is selected (e.g. via double click), various details should be displayed (e.g. price, available quantity, size, color, etc.)History of customer’s previous activities should be readily available.Customer must register before ordering any merchandise.Customer should not be forced to login unless they are planning to purchase merchandise (i.e. customers and potential customers should be able to search and view items without the need to login)The website should have a great entry screen, attractive to the first time surferAdding new notes, pictures, sales item and general updating of the entry screen should not require programming skills.Picture of sporting items is highly desired.A test plan must be created for testing the system.A user manual must be provided with the final product.In addition to the user functionality listed above, the following back-office functionality should also be supported (i.e. only the employees should be able to perform these functionalities. Employees and their capabilities are identified by their user ids):Merchandise management: Order new merchandise, reorder, and stop or cancel merchandise orders from various manufactures. Enter various merchandise information such as sporting product categories (e.g. soccer, Tennis, swimwear, etc.), quantity, price, sales items, quantity available, price per item. Customer order management: Record customer orders, allow for order cancelations and exchange.Report Management: Generate reports on the merchandise and the status of inventory.Sales Management: Money management activities for cash and credit card orders and customers refunds.Advertising and Sales Management: Entry screen information and merchandise pictures, sales and specials.Delivery Management: Order date, delivery date, payment method, cancellations, and other related information. ................

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